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03x12 - Abbey's Road

Posted: 11/02/21 10:12
by bunniefuu
Sure. Whatever you have to keep
telling yourself, bud.

Okay, Shoemaker,
am I gonna have to do

- the Binaca challenge again for you?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

sh*ts under the tongue
to prove it right now?

- You wouldn't dare.
- Two sh*ts is the recommended dose.

- You wouldn't dare.
- is like a million times...


- Ohh!


You barely got through that.

- But he did do it.
- Exactly.

So he's still our alpha.

Attention, mind molders!

I have, uh,
some rather unfortunate news. God!

Since the late Abbey Logan...

And I don't mean "late" as in dead.

I mean "late" as in dead to me...

Was the last of the last librarians,

Smoot Library will be shut down.

What?! Well, what bathroom

- are we supposed to shit in now?
- Exactly.

Look, I had no choice, okay?

Unless you know someone
with an English degree

willing to accept a salary of...

Bookmarks and paper cuts?

$ , !


♪ Quit wasting my time ♪

♪ I ain't here for you ♪

♪ I'm just putting in work ♪

♪ Till my day is through ♪

I'm sorry, Quinn.
How much does a librarian make, again?

I said $ , !

Okay, you think that second drink
was a tad excessive?

Quinn, I have an English degree.

I could totally be the librarian.

Oh, no, no, no. No, that's not fair.

I-I could just go and get
an English degree.

[SCOFFS] Yeah, right.

You probably don't even know
who William Carlos Williams is.

Who the hell is that?

He's, like, a word guy
they teach you about

when you get an English degree,
like I have.

Quinn, I could really use
a fresh start, man.

Well, I'll tell you what.

You can fresh start immediately.

- Oh, come...
- Yes!

Wait a minute. You really think
that's a good idea?

Well, who better than a bona fide author

to be our librarian?

Exactly. So it's settled.

I just can't believe that Abbey
was making K a year more than us.

Why would she walk away
from that kind of cash?

We'll never know now

because she left without saying goodbye.

Classic Abbey.

Man, I can see it now.
Loren Payton... Flybrarian.


Your spit juice is burning my eyes.

ABBEY: Okay.

Okay, ma'am,
I'm gonna need you to breathe

and tell me what's going on.

- I think I'm going into labor.
- Really?!

Well, you better start walkin'

'cause this car is getting booted.

Nice try, pregs.


Damn it, Red Zone,
you're the first cadet

to ace the pregnancy simulator test
in the first try.

You are one sick, sick peach. I love it!

Thank you, sir! Sir, thank you!

Normally, you'd be looking

at about another five days in training,

but we need someone like you
out on the street.

So, Red Zone, here's your firearm.

And here's your printer.



You know, I took this library job

because it was so lucrative,

but I've been reading
a lot of these shits

and they're pretty good.

A lot of dangerous ideas in there.

- Super fascinating.
- Abbey's problem was that she did not

make the library hip enough.

So I've divided the classics

into sections designed
to entice the kids.

I got "William S&M Burroughs"
and "Suck My Dickens,"

after Charles Dickens,
the very famous author.

Hey, why don't you go Faulkner yourself?

[LAUGHS] That one, I got.

Okay, Shoemaker,
I realize you're jealous

of my recent cash windfall,

but you're coming at me very hard.

So why don't you examine that
and then dial it back?

To your butt.


Now you're doing it?

It just came out of my mouth.

Something feels very off
about this entire thing.

Yeah. You know, I noticed it, too,

but I didn't want to say anything.

We were having so much fun
at your expense,

but it's like ever since
you became librarian,

you just... matter less.

Like, way more less.

Okay, I think I see
what's going on here.

With Abbey gone,
our entire dynamic is off.

- Hmm.
- But I think I have an idea.

Although, first things first,

"Go Faulkner Yourself"... That's...

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

Are you gonna write down his joke
like it's your joke?

- What are you, a comic?
- "His joke."

I mean, I had a similar idea.

No, you never had that idea.
I just said it.

I was workshopping
something Faulknerian.

You never workshopped...

ABBEY: Been thinking about you.

This new job has everything

that's been missing from my life...

Respect, a sense of purpose,
Vitamin "D."

I never would have taken this leap

without your support.


PEN PAL: I've never felt
such a connection

to a person whose gender,
ethnicity, economic status,

hair color, eye color,

favorite music, favorite food,

and fondness or dislike
of dogs is unknown.

Red heart.

Well, I do like dogs.


You are naughty.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk...

Mm, yeah, that was pretty good,

but let's try it again,

but with more fire and more sass!

Start grounded, then escalate.

Broader. Broader!

Don't be afraid to use the space.

Okay, good, good.

That's the type of stuff we'll say

when somebody actually comes in
for an audition.

By the way, what's going on
with your hair?

Oh, I'm trying out a new product.

- It's Tom's of Maine.
- Really?

'Cause you look like Douche of Vermont.


That's good, because
Vermont's also in New England,

- so it's like a lateral diss.

You guys got time for one more?

No, we're at dingbat capacity.
Go somewhere else.

Come on. We just need
a punching bag, Shoemaker.

- No, we don't.
- Come back in, Quinnsby!


- "Quinnsby"?
- Yeah.

- What are you...?


I hope you guys don't mind

if I perhaps... ad-lib!

- You're not an actor.
- Go for it.

I'd prefer if you'd just read the lines.

QUINN: As your new best friend,

what I can offer you is accompaniment

to the "Epileptic Light Ray"
Wednesdays at the roller rink,

or even tickle fights.

Who doesn't love
a really good tickle fight?

Also, I'm willing to attend

any sporting event of your choosing,

and I'll also do chest bumps.

But I want to be very clear...
I bruise like a peach.

- You're jumping into me.
- Okay, thank you so much.

Can I go again from the top?

- No! No, no, no.
- No, thank you.

That was... That was great.

Just give us a second,
if you could, so we can talk.

Please step back. Thank you so much.

Okay, yeah, I'm out,

'cause I already want to choke
the shit out of him.

Yeah, since the paper rip.

I'd like to see it again,
but louder and broader.

Just a bigger performance.

Look, we don't have to like him.

I just need somebody that...

We need somebody that we can
constantly ridicule, like Abbey.

What am I? Chopped liver?

No, I mean somebody that gets
the jokes and is hurt by them.

- Oh!
- Right?

[CHUCKLES] Like, picture it.

We're at lunch, Quinn starts
talking about principal BS,

and then all of a sudden,
it's just Riff City, USA...

Population .

Elevation... - . [LAUGHS]

So you're saying that there's
a city in the Continental US

- called Riff City...
- Riff City, USA.

That is situated at ,
feet above sea level?

And only three people live there?

Yeah, well, there's not
a lot of oxygen to go around.

If I go along with this ridiculous idea

of letting Quinn into our g*ng,

can you promise me that
you will never speak of

Riff City, USA, like, ever again?

No, I won't need to speak about it.

We'll be living in it, brah.

No, no, no, I'm asking...

Welcome to the g*ng, Quinn!

[LAUGHS] Thank you so much!

Now that we're a quartet again,
I've got a surprise...

A sneak peek of the new library...

AKA Book City, USA!

It's a totally different city
from Riff City.


And, unlike Abbey,
I understand that drawing dicks

is an important part
of student-library culture.

That's why I gave the students

a safe space to do exactly that.

It's like a graffiti wall
in the inner city.

Nothing condescending
about that, huh, guys?


Ooh, favorite part... Loren's Picks...

For your more discerning reader.

FAIRBELL: Oh, wow!

So Joseph Heller didn't
stay on for "Catch "?

Nope, couldn't get him.
Oscar Something did this one.

Pretty cool, right?

- No.
- It's really exciting.

I'll... I'll be sure to pop back in

next time I want to take
a snooze cruise.


- Right, guys?

- Yeah, that was kind of a diss.
- [IMITATES g*nshots FIRING]

Yeah. No, I thought so. Yeah.

Well, anyways,
I'll catch you guys later.

I, uh... I got to go deal
with some principal BS.

Been there.

Yeah, well, I've got to go.

I don't have to go. I want to go.

Well, guys, wait up for me.

Snooze cruise.

[CHUCKLES] That's a scorcher.


Wait up, sillies.

Fairbell, you weren't at the flag pole,
waiting for me, like usual.

Oh. I didn't even think about it.

Hey, I've been thinking
that this Quinn thing's

not really working out, you know?

He doesn't seem to be fitting in.

Actually, I think he's
fitting in quite swimmingly.


Ohh, check it out!

I just won $ for parking
in a residential zone.

Read it and weep.

- It's a parking ticket, turkey d*ck!

I got one, too.

There he goes, right there.

It's that stupid, little tricycle thing!

- Hey! Hey, you! Stop!
- Wait up!

You're not gonna outrun us!

Stop that car! Hey!

- Whoa.
- Stop!


- Hey, Abbey!
- Abbey!

- What?
- You're a meter maid?

Uh, it's Parking Enforcement Officer,

thank you very much.

I see you boys got my card.

- Yeah.
- You're responsible for this?

Look, I was just doing my job.

If you're gonna park illegally,
you're gonna get a ticket.

Well, how come we're the only
ones that got tickets, then?

Well, that's an officer's discretion.

But if it does happen to be

a carefully crafted,
perfectly timed revenge,

then so be it.

- [SCOFFS] Come on.

Have fun at shitty, old Smoot, boys.

I'm off to my new life.

So long, Sucktown!

Hey, I'll have you know we're doing
pretty good without you, fake cop!


SHOEMAKER: Yeah, that's right!

'Cause you've already been replaced...

- Uh-huh! By Quinn!
- Loren!

- "By Loren"?
- Stupid.



I heard you ticketed Mongol Harleys

outside the Piper Inn.

What, do you have a death wish?

They were more than one foot
away from the curb, sir.

You know, normally, I don't pry

into the dark roads
that led people here,

but it seems like you were
forged from the fires of hell.

Thank you, sir.

Well, to be honest,

I was the librarian
at Smoot High School.

Jesus H. Christ.

I actually liked a lot of the job,

but my friends...

turned out to be...

big... dicks.

I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm usually cut off by now.

Let me tell you something.

Out here in the streets,
we listen to one another.

So, good talk.
Now get home to your family.

Well, I don't have a family, sir.

I was hoping that I could
pick up a few extra shifts.

Let me tell you something, Red Zone,

you need to pump the brakes.

Don't make the same mistake I made

and give your life to this stupid job.

Yes, sir.

There's got to be somebody.

There is someone I'm interested in,

but it's against the site rules
for us to meet in person.

God damn it, Red Zone! [MUG SHATTERS]

Let me tell you something.

Scars... On the outside,
that's one thing!

But scars on the inside...

Those are scars that never heal!

Sarge, I'm not sure your outside
scar healed that well, either.

Ah shit, is that bleeding again?

Ah, what the shit.

Oh, God.


How 'bout we break those rules

and take this to the next level?


Here goes. I'm male.


Let's meet in person!




Of course, I only paid for a water,

but that's not what I got.

I went with some soda. [LAUGHS]

I was there. I saw it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Sorry, but we have
a little policy over here...

- Bros before...
- You better think about it

before you finish that sentence.

Well, you didn't let me finish.

I was gonna say bros before Tammys.

Why don't you go sit somewhere else?

- Bye-bye!
- Bye!


- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Ahh!

Funny stuff. [CHUCKLES]

Speaking of funny,

I was watching Jimmy Fallon last night.

[LAUGHING] He brings the guest out.

It's somebody famous,

and he was singing his famous
song from the movie,

but they were spoofing it.

Anyway, for my money,

that guy is giving the system
the business.


When did you start wearing
self-tucking shirts?

[SNICKERING] Yeah, dad!


Why don't you go find
a golf game to golf at?


You know, I'm the keeper
of the books now.

So it's important
that I look professional!


Next thing we know, he's gonna
start freezing his eggs.

QUINN: Ha! Ha! Ha!

FAIRBELL: [LAUGHS] Old eggs for dinner.

That was an Abbey joke, Fairbell. Oh.



[COUGHING] Seven! Come on, Loren!

[CRYING] You're not dope anymore!

You got three more minutes,
then you got to move this thing.

I'll just move right along,
officer. I'm sorry.


Oh. Hi, Abbey.


Oh, my God, are you doing that
breath-spray thing in here?

Alone? That is so sad!

Yeah, right. You're just jealous

'cause you could never get past six.

And you're crying in your car
just like I used to.

Hey, it's not so easy being
a librarian loser, is it?

Like your life is so much better.

Actually, it is.

I have a date tomorrow,

and he's gonna be waiting for me
with a red rose.

- Oh, my God!
- I know!

Like "You've Got Mail"?
That is so sweet.

Mm-hmm. I know!

Oh, look at that. Just over.

Are you seriously giving me
a ticket right now, Abbey?!

What the shit?!

By the way, you know,
you're a librarian now.

You can afford a nicer car.




♪ Boys are comin' together ♪


You aren't leaving, are you?

Uh, I am, warden.

Gonna go meet the boys for happy hour,

probably sh**t some BB g*ns
at some stuff.

Yeah, but we had a meeting at : .

We were gonna discuss the upcoming CSTs.

I don't even know what a CKLT is.

Colorado Standardized Testing?


Quinn, these scores
determine our funding.

Well, if they're so important,

why don't you guys get together

and write a little think piece about it.

I'm gonna go ahead and get off
this snooze cruise.

I'm outta here.

QUINN: And Steven was all like,

[WHINING] "But I made an appointment!

What an assh*le!

- Yeah.
- You sound just like him.

- Oh, man.
- Hi, Steven.

I do impressions. [LAUGHS]

[HORN HONKS] Oh... my God.

Hey, dudes.

Huh? Pretty dang tight, right?

Yeah, I found this thing

on the gambling-debt section
of Craigslist.

I figure, with all
the extra cash I'm making,

it's probably time for an upgrade.

Yeah, you were about
two cups of chamomile

and one blazer away

from going full Sweens.


That's good. That's a good one.

Looks like you're driving a
go-kart, but dumb and stupid.


Let's go, guys. [LAUGHS]

Where are you going?

Can... Can I come?

Hey, how about we text you
when we get there?

Wow, it feels so good to be
on this end of one of those.

- Gee whiz.

Wow, a gently-used '
in school-bus yellow.

Yes! Exactly!

God, I don't know what
those guys' problem is.

This is a cool car for a cool dude.

Vroom, vroom. Am I right?

It's "Zoom, zoom."

Miata poser.

It's "Zoom." God...

QUINN: Later, dillweed!

- See you tomorrow, Loren.
- Whoo-hoo!

FAIRBELL: Oh, trash can!


I'm hurt.

Oh, my God.

I am becoming Abbey.


Oh, so your refrigerator is running.

Well, then, why don't you go
catch it, then, gravel nuts?


And he'll never know it's us!

STEVEN: [MUFFLED] I do know it's you.

I'm writing down everything
you say, Quinn.

- Shh!
- Quiet, wall.

We're trying to prank-call Steven.

Listen, Quinn, I've been
doing some thinking,

and I want my old job back.

Well, I'd love to help you,
but... I don't want to.

And I'd ask him to help you,
but I don't care.

God, look at you two.

Following Quinn around?
This is pathetic.

Our whole dynamic is off.
We need Abbey back.

- Nice try, but that ship has sailed.
- Yeah.

It was a snooze cruise,
and you were the captain.

- Toot-toot.

I can't believe how much mileage

I'm getting off "snooze cruise."


You see, Quinnsby is the new
leader of this gaggle,

and he's not going anywhere.

We don't even need Abbey.

Tell you what... If fancy pants here

wants to run back to Spanish class,

he's welcome to it.

We will just go into the library

and turn it into something else.

- Adios, amigo.
- Oh, a man cave?

We'll be man-cave men.

- Don't touch me.
- No!

You can't turn it into a man cave.

Abbey and I have done
a lot of work on that library.

Oh, yeah? Well, we're probably
gonna put a lot of work

into taking it all down.

- Yeah, we are.
- Come on, boys.

- Move your leg.

Move your leg.

- Sorry.
- Hey, I want to be clear.

SHOEMAKER: If you keep
calling yourself Quinnsby,

I don't want to be
a part of this anymore.



Oh, man.

Oh, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Are you Red Zone, the... the
hot-shot new meter maid?

Parking Enforcement Officer.

It is amazing to meet you.

I mean [LAUGHING] you're my money maker.

And you're...

You're Mayor Gil Nash.

Thanks to you, all my unfunded projects

are back on the table.

I mean, suck my spurs, city council.

I'll tell you what...

How about I name the new
all-k*ll animal shelter

after you?

Don't name it that... or build that.

You know what, I-I-I-I've got to go.

I've got a job to... quit.

But, hey, hang on. Wait, wait.

Um, do I have any, like,
stem stuff in my teeth?

I-I'm meeting my soul mate.





Sir, this is the hardest thing
that I've ever had to do, but...

I'm quitting.

I-I-I can't walk the streets
making money for Gil Nash.

- I don't accept your resignation.

Mayors... They come and go in this city,

but parking enforcement... We endure.

You think I agree with every mayor

I've worked under in this city?

Hell no.

But I tough it out, Red Zone.

That's why you're the best, sir.

But I can't bring myself to raise money

for boob taxes and k*ll shelters.

I'm afraid this is goodbye.


This is like watching an eagle
turn in her wings.

- Where will you go from here?

Some place where I can make a
positive difference in society.

I don't know where that is yet,

but I'm gonna find it.


I'd probably cry

if I didn't have my g*dd*mn
tear ducts ripped out.



Yeah, I thought
that'd get your attention.

I don't care, Loren.
I quit parking enforcement.

Really?! That's great!

You can come back to Smoot now.

Why would I come back to Smoot?

'Cause it's a-a great job

and it's got good benefits

and that... that weird foreign
exchange student's still there.

- He's funny.
- [LAUGHING] Oh...

Because we need you, Abbey.

Because I need you.

- I didn't realize how much

being a librarian
ruins your social status.

I thought leaving the library
would fix things,

but our dynamic's just jacked up.

Loren, I-I've got a résumé to fabricate.

I can't get involved
in your juvenile bullshit.

[SCOFFS] Yeah? Well,
Quinn's turning the library

into a man cave.

[SPUTTERS] Excuse me?!

Yeah, he's already ordered
the Fatheads and everything.

- Ohh!
- Okay.

I feel like that second one
was a little bit excessive.

Well, we've got to stop Quinn!

That's what I'm saying!
Let's go. Come on.


- Miss.
- Sweet.


You know what I've always hated
about books? They're so heavy.

QUINN: Once we get
all the books cleared out,

we can maybe get a pool table in here.

That's gonna go so good
with our Fatheads!

- I love those things.

- Geoffrey?
- No, I want lemonlime.

- Lemon-lime.
- Oh, oh. Sorry, sorry.

And, uh, you know what?
From here on out, it's Jeff.

And I know we're just saying it
so you can't tell,

but I'm saying it with a "J."

- I can tell. I can tell.
- Quinn?!

Quinn, what the shit?!

What are you doing to my library?!

No, no, no!

You can't come back!
You won't come back!

- Oh. [SCOFFS]
- Yes. Yeah.

Isn't there a melanoma missing its
redhead right about now? [SNICKERING]

Hey, it is not her fault
that her skin is translucent.

Two losers are teaming up.

- Losers!

Okay, there is no drinking
on school property!

- Hey!
- What are you doing?!

- Abbey, no!
- What?

I have finally climbed to the top

of this very confusing social
structure at this school, okay?!

- I'm the new Loren.
- No.

Loren's the new you.

Shoemaker and Fairbell
are essentially the same,

but what I'm saying is there's
no one else for you to be, okay?

I'm sorry.

I'm pretty sure I've got
this cool-guy thing dialed in.

Then you probably would have
zero problem taking,

I don't know,
sh*ts of cinnamon Binaca...

Directly underneath
your tongue right now.

You don't owe anything to this guy, J.

Yeah, let's go outside.
Let's go TP a house.

- Let's get out of here.
- Let's go TP a house.

I'm sorry, Geoffrey. Are you
gonna let your girlfriends

do all the talking for you,

or are you gonna step right up
and prove how cool you are?

- Let's go TP a house.
- My name is Jeff with a "J"!

I could do pumps in my sleep.

Yeah, he can.

Obviously, someone else would
have to do the pumping...

I'll be sleeping.

Just prove it.



- Geez!
- Ohh! Aah!

- The pain!
- Yeah.

It's in my lungs!

Fairbell, count.

No way.


- Come on.
- Shoemaker, count.

I'm on three.

- I was on the spot.
- , , ...

- ... , , ...

No way. One more.

- ! He did it!


- He's back!
- I am a cinnamon god!

- Whoo!
- Wow.

Yeah, that's right, Jeff with a "J."

Looks like King Shit

just got re-elected
President of Riff City.


Okay, so, in this scenario now...


A monarch, during a general election,

was elected president of a city.

On top of the biggest g*dd*mn
mountain you ever climbed, bro!

Elevation... - !

I have definitely missed a few days.

And as for you, Geoffrey,

I think it's time for you to
turn in your little flannel.

Ohh! Aah!

How long was I gone?

And where are my glasses?

Oh, yeah, your glasses.

Yeah, you smashed them when
you took us to that rock quarry

to just, well, smash stuff.

Okay, maybe we all got

a little too far away from
ourselves there, all right?

LOREN: Yeah.

And, Abbey, maybe we do need you.

So, what do you say?

Will you come back?

Yeah. Okay.

But there's one last thing I need to do.

Well, I hope it's not
tear down this man cave.

- 'Cause this rules.
- [BOTH LAUGH] Right?

You two have outdone yourselves.
Man, how awesome is this?

Look at how hot this chick is.

You're gonna be so disappointed.

- Boner alert.
- Let's take this all down.

TOGETHER: , , , , , , !

- Jesus!
- Ohh!

- Oh, my God!
- New record!


- Wow, Abbey!
- Yeah!

Red Zone just got elected

the new Duchess
of Riff Raff County, boys!


So, in this scenario, a duchess was...

- Shut up, Shoemaker.
- Fair enough.

Welcome back, Queen Bee.

Thank you.

Pretty cool. Pretty cool.



Mistakes were made,

and I guess we all did
some things we probably regret.


I didn't.

STEVEN: Yeah, just you.

You acted like
an immature child, Geoffrey.


And can I assume that was your feces
I found on my doorstep?

Okay, well, you cannot prove that.

It's at the lab right now.

I'm at my wits' end.

I may have to speak with...

district management.

Okay, well, now, that
vaguely sounds like a threat.

It's not vague at all.
It's a direct threat.

And it... it is directed at me?



I've been to prison twice.