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06x04 - Sanctuary City: Part 4

Posted: 11/02/21 08:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Major Crimes"...

SYKES: Three teenage boys go missing

from a school field trip,
then one of them

winds up back at school, dead.

We found Lucas Garza's body
at a Catholic church.

You know who hangs out
at Catholic churches?


Father Jonas tried to stop me

from looking into the locker
of Ryan Rojas.

Where in Mexico is Father Jonas?

I can't say.

Maybe Dr. Garza found out

his wife was having an affair

with Father Casanova and blamed his son.

Mateo received a very angry phone call

from a Marvin Garret.

Marvin Garret, you're under arrest.

What'd you do, you bastard?
What did you do to my son?!

None of these questions matter

while Miguel and Ryan are still missing.

And if they're alive,

they're my number-one suspects.

Earlier today, Miguel Diaz and Ryan Rojas

have been found in Mexico.

Questions remain.

Were they victims or perpetrators?

I want a court order removing
Ryan and Miguel

from FBI custody.


- Sharon?

- My God.
- Sharon!

Oh, my...

FLYNN: Sharon!



FLYNN: [ ECHOING ] Sharon?

Sharon, can you hear me?

Sharon, you fainted.

Are you okay?


SYKES: Um, she's over here.

Uh, over here on the floor.

Hurry! Hurry, damn it! Hurry!

WOMAN: What's her name?

Commander. Sharon.

Her name is Sharon.

Sharon, ‭can you tell me what hurts?

It's gonna be okay, Sharon.

Does she have any conditions
we should know about?

Well, uh... uh, she had the flu
a couple of weeks ago,

but she's been getting better.

, , .

FLYNN: Get in your cars
and lead this ambulance.

Three sets of sirens are better than one.

I'm leaving with her.

PROVENZA: [ ECHOING ] All right.

Let us know how she is
as soon as you can.

[ ECHOING ] You got it.

Is she...

She's none of your damn business
is what she is,

unless you're going
to answer her question.

Where are those boys?

Sir, ‭we're not authorized to...

Then get the hell out of our m*rder Room.

Oh, do you need a hand?

Here. Let me help.

Are you serious, Lieutenant?
This is not helping...

Are you going to suggest to me
how we should do things here

after you went behind our back,

after you endangered the lives
of this division?

- Come on. We...
- Chief Mason, I want

these bastards out
of our m*rder Room right now.

Lieutenant, come on.

Let's go.

You don't know me, but believe this...

if the lieutenant wants

you lying sons of b*tches out of here,

that's what will happen.

MASON: Special Agents Vega, Fey,

before you leave, in my office, please.

Lieutenant Provenza,
you're in charge here.

Excuse me.

Okay. So, now what do we do?

We hope that Sharon
‭is just dehydrated or exhausted.

And we... we get briefed
in the only way possible.

WOMAN: From the moment the St.
Joseph's Three went missing

until just a few hours ago,

authorities have been able
to produce only one thing...


MAN: Anxious parents are eager

to see their children.

The Diaz family is evidently
leaving for the FBI...

a chance to reunite with their son.

Our source in the FBI has informed us

that Ryan and Miguel were found in Mexico

in what increasingly looks
like a hoax gone wrong.

What we know for certain
is that neither boy

was considered physically harmed.

Or admitted to a hospital.

WOMAN: We need
‭an E.R. doctor immediately!

She lost consciousness and hit her head.

Happened minutes ago.

E.R. NURSE: You can take her
to critical bay number .

- I'm okay.
- Sir, ‭I know that this is hard.

- Please wait out here while we help her.
- I'm her husband.

Okay, sorry,
‭but we don't allow family to...

Also, I have one of these.

WOMAN: We've contacted Rosarito police,

who had been holding Ryan and Miguel

in custody for several days

on suspicion of trafficking dr*gs.

But the Mexican authorities
did not explain

why they delivered the boys to the FBI,

and the death of Lucas Garza
has not been mentioned.

Ms. Rojas, have you been in contact

with the FBI about your son?

DANIELLA: Please move!
I don't want to hit you!

Was your son involved
with the death of Lucas Garza?

Were your son and his friends
with anyone else?

Was anyone else involved?!

Yes, Father Jonas is in Mexico,

doing unrelated missionary work
very far away from Rosarito,

where these two boys were found

in the custody of the local authorities

and, as I understand it, in possession

of a large amount of opioids.

It is very irresponsible
under the circumstances

to suggest Father Jonas or the Church

had anything to do with
the disappearance of these boys,

whom we can only assume

are lucky to be alive

and in the safe hands
of the American government.

He means the FBI,

who have had those boys now

for over hours without sharing jack.

Don't expect them to be
overflowing with human kindness

after the way you threw them out.

With Major Crimes temporarily
under your command...

And as my first official act,

I'd like to say what a terrible idea

this joint task force
with the FBI turned out to be.

They did nothing but lie,

withhold information, act superior.

It was outrageous and unprofessional

and probably contributed

to the collapse of Sharon Raydor,

who, by the way,
‭is still undergoing tests

while we stand here.

Are you done complaining?

Don't ask the impossible.

At least the FBI found these boys.

I don't see a report on my desk
with your names on it

saying you even
‭looked for them in Mexico.

Rosarito dropped them in their laps.

It had nothing to do
with the FBI's investigation.

Plus, the FBI let us
antagonize the Church

by not sharing crucial information

while we were serving exhumation orders.

We raided Marvin Garret's
white-pride clubhouse

and could've ended up in a sh**t

with his crazy, unhyphenated friends.

I've addressed the FBI
about their behavior,

and they've addressed us about ours.

From now on,
‭let's aim for civility, huh?

PAIGE: Goes both ways, Chief.

We should've known
the boys were found immediately

and been included in
notifications and interviews.

Memories get fuzzy,

becoming memories of memories
even after a day.

And the first interviews
with missing kids

are hugely important.

Or the first interviews with suspects.

TAO: They knew Lucas was a diabetic.

Keeping him from his insulin

during a drug-trafficking scheme,

that's felony m*rder.

Which means Miguel and Ryan
are our business,

not the FBI's.

Which is why, if you'd give me
a moment to explain,

the FBI agreed to pass them
directly to us

instead of releasing them
to their parents,

along with all copies of notes
pertaining to their interviews.

Contact the bureau about the transfer.

Probably best to let someone
else make that call, Lieutenant.

Thank you.

- Wha... Uh...

Lieutenant, I'll talk to Vega.

No, actually, I'll talk to Fey,

uh, make sure we set up
the transfer of those boys

back to us properly.

Wish the FBI did video interviews.

Well, maybe the notes will help us.

Cami, everyone needs to study
the notes that the FBI took

- in the interviews with Ryan and Miguel.

Each word those boys uttered

could be an opportunity
to catch them in a lie.

I'll keep going through the laptop
we found at Marvin's place.

Now, if he forcibly tried to
deport those boys to Mexico...

But does Marvin have anything
to do with the opioids?

The news said that Mexican
authorities found o...

Wait, wait, look, I will come up
with the questions.

Your job is to assemble some answers.

I'll be back after I see the commander.


Okay. Uh, they already did,
like, an EKG or an EEG...

or maybe both... and an MRI.

All of that for the flu?

Doctor said it was standard.


Oh, well, I-I'm sure
that they saw her insurance

and realized that she could afford

every expensive exam in the book.

But don't you worry about it

'cause I've had all those tests myself.

And look at me.



[ GASPS ] Lieutenant!

You didn't need to come
all the way down here.

Aw, Commander, you certainly seem

to be better ‭than when I last saw you.

So, uh, have you gotten a diagnosis yet?

No. We're waiting for the doctor.

To tell us what we already know,
which is she had the flu,

she works too much,
and she needed some rest.

What's going on with the case?

Sharon, you're off the clock.

But I'm curious.

Well, the FBI is turning
over the boys to us,

and, uh, we want to transport them to PAB

without the parents knowing.

Well, maybe I can get back
before you talk to them.

- Oh, my God. Mom.
- What?

Sharon, you'll need
a physician to sign off

on whether you can go back to work or not

because them's the rules.

The rules, Mom. The rules.

PROVENZA: Look, the boys are alive,

and they've already told
their story once to the FBI.

We're just going to confirm the details.

Do any of the details include

why the boys left
‭the field trip to begin with

or where they were going?

Uh, not that I know of.

But Nolan and Paige

have been checking every special event

advertised in that area on that day.

So far, there's no event

that a kid would describe
as "the coolest thing."

Uh, mind if I talk to my patient?

- Sharon Raydor?
- Yes, that would be me.

Hi. I'm Dr. Carson Jacobs.

- Hello.
- ‭Hello.

Your internist, Dr. Evans, asked
me to look at the results

- of all your tests.
- ‭Right.

Uh, if I could just
talk to you alone for a minute?

I'm her son.

I'm her husband. Well, almost.

And I am her esteemed colleague.

Colleagues are definitely leaving.

Children, leaving,

and unmarried partners are also leaving.

You want me to hold that for you
while you wait outside?

SHARON: Andy, it's okay.

I-I promise I'll brief
you all when I'm done.

‭Okay. Fine.

But if you tell me that the doctor said

you can go back to work,
then I'm gonna...

Flynn. Flynn, we've been asked to leave.

So, uh, good luck,

and I will talk to you later today.

It's gonna be fine.

Got some willing advocates there.

Yes, well, ‭I think that they would take

the hospital's side over mine.

So, doctor, have you been able

to figure out ‭what's going on with me?

Yeah, I have. [ CLEARS THROAT ]

And, uh, it's more

than just difficulty
recovering from the flu

or a bump on the head.

What I'm about to tell you

is gonna initially sound upsetting,

but we have ways
‭of dealing with this problem,

and we've caught it so soon

that I think, no matter what,
you'll end up in a good place.


Why can't I go home?

Ryan, we know you and Miguel
have been through a lot.

We just have a few questions.

We've been working really hard
to find you guys,

but before we can release you
to your parents,

there's important stuff we're
required to ask you by law.

It's just telling us what happened to you

and especially to Lucas.

The FBI said Lucas was found

in St. Joseph's in a flower bed.

- [ GROANS ] The FBI.
- SYKES: The FBI told you that?

They couldn't just say he was found dead.

- I can't believe it.
- No, no.

They had to give the circumstances.


It was, you know, upsetting.

And crazy.

Like, he couldn't see how
things could ever go wrong.

Turn Miguel up.

The whole thing was his idea.

What whole thing?

Where was Lucas taking you?

We already told the FBI
we don't know, okay?

We don't know where Lucas was taking us.

He just told us he had
the greatest surprise ever,

and we trusted him.

SYKES: Surprise? What kind of surprise?

He said we'd find out Thursday morning

if we'd slip off with him
on the field trip.

So we agreed to go when Lucas told us to.

And in the museum,
about an hour before lunch,

Lucas says our ride is waiting
and to hurry.

And we'll be back before anyone
knows we're gone.

Back from where?

I don't know back from where.
I've already...

Well, so far,
‭their stories are matching up

to all the notes the FBI made.

Well, they've had eight days to practice.

Who was your ride?

If I knew, I'd tell you.

Well, we started running
to this, like, green curb

between the museum and science center.

And Lucas was just laughing
and saying, "Check this out."

And it's a black limo,

and Lucas just had this look on his face

like, "How dope is this?"

And he says it's gonna take us
someplace awesome,

so we get in.

"Someplace awesome." Where?

Still no idea.

Because then we're inside
the limo, and...

You know that thing between
where we sit and the driver,

- the partition?
- ‭Mm-hmm.

Well, suddenly, that thing comes down,

and a dude's arm comes in
from the driver's seat,

and he has some kind of mask on his face.

And he's spraying stuff at us
from a hose.

It stung and tasted chemically.

SANCHEZ: What kind of chemical?

I don't know,
but we... we tried to get out,

- but the doors were locked.

And the next thing I know,
Ryan went down.

- How the hell could they still...
- And then I went down...

- ...not know where they were going?
- ...and I guess Lucas went down.

And I was thinking...

The last thing I was thinking,
"We're dead."

- SYKES: And then what?
- And then I woke up.

Could've been days later.

It was pitch black. I was on the floor.

But then, after a second,

I realized I wasn't actually
on the floor.

I was on the ground.

I was outside,
and Miguel was just shaking me

because he woke up first.

We waited till sunrise,
and then we realized

we were in the middle
of the desert somewhere.

We looked for the limo,
but we couldn't find it,

so we started walking, like,
looking for a road or something.

It was brutal. So hot.

Our throats were just burning

'cause of the desert
or the chemical stuff.

I don't know. It was just brutal.

And where'd you walk?

Just picked a way. Found some house.

They gave us water,
but that barely helped.

And after they found out
we were Americans,

we figured out we were in Mexico.

And after they called
the policía, it only got worse.

They went through our backpacks,

and they said they found dr*gs,

but I never touched oxy in my life.

And I tried to explain, but I don't know

if they wouldn't listen
or they couldn't understand.

You don't speak Spanish?

I understand it pretty well,

but, no, I-I don't speak it.

Look, where are my parents? Are they...

Are we in trouble?

Because you're undocumented?

Does the whole world know about this?


My dad must be pissed.

Well, ‭it's not word for word...

...but it's in the same vicinity.

The biggest bullshit story
I've ever heard.

You tell Sanchez to shift gears.

I mean, they had to have known
where Lucas was taking them.

Or thought they knew.

Lieutenant Provenza wants you
to start the pushback.

Miguel, I'm gonna let you in
on a little secret.

That's a camera.

People in another room are watching us,

and they're also watching detectives

interview your friend Ryan.

And you see this in my ear?

That's so they can let me know

whether or not yours
and Ryan's stories match up.

And guess what I just heard.


Ryan said the dr*gs belong to you.


No. I don't believe it.

Think of it as a game of "Pin
the Tail on the Dreamer Kid"

who's about to get deported back
to Mexico for drug trafficking.

No, Ryan wouldn't say that.

Somebody did this to us, and I know who.

That r*cist jerk who lives
next to Miguel... Marvin.

Miguel thinks he did this.
Marvin hates us.

Can't trip 'em up.

- Look, you guys, look.
- They might even be telling the truth.

PROVENZA: What about ol' Marv?

How you coming
‭with his immigrant directory?

Well, we're still working through it.

Marvin finally made bail,

and the FBI didn't charge him
with anything else,

so they really don't think he's involved

with any kidnapping, either.

Ye gods. Tao, it's the parents.

Where's Ryan?

Uh, we were just about to call you.

Uh, Ryan and Miguel are undergoing

routine questioning with the police.

If I don't see Miguel in one
minute, I'm calling a lawyer.

TAO: Look, we're just trying to help.

If you want to call lawyers,

then we'll arrest your kids,

and you can see them in court tomorrow.


Or you could just sit and relax

while we finish our initial review,

and then we will arrange for each of you

to have a very short visit with your kid.

Mom, Dad, I'm so sorry.

WOMAN: No. No. Don't worry about sorry.

Well, now maybe we'll get someplace.

We don't care.

[ VOICE BREAKING ]We were just
so afraid that maybe...

Oh, thank God.

Thank God, baby. Thank God.

Hey, hey, no, look.
We're just happy you're okay.

No, I-I'm not okay. I'm not.


The police want
to send us back to Mexico.

Y-You don't have to worry
about that, either.

We have rights.

- This is our home.
- ‭No.

No, not "us" as in you and me.

Uh, "us" as in me and Ryan,

because Mexican police found dr*gs on us,

but they weren't our dr*gs.

DANIELLA: You expect me to believe that?

You don't know
‭where Lucas was taking you,

and you wake up days later

in Mexico with dr*gs in your...

I swear, Mom. They planted
all that stuff on us.

Oh, great.

Lawyer. Ryan, lawyer, okay?

- Don't say anything more
- Ian, you wait outside.

Absolutely not. He's my son, too.

Yeah? Well, a lawyer
will only make him look guilty.

- Are you insane? That's not...
- No, you're insane

for thinking you should even be here.

Daniella, there is no logic in
what you're saying at all, okay?

Ryan, my man, listen to me.
You have a right to an attorney.

Okay? ‭Would you guys stop?!

And quit blaming me for this!

I didn't kidnap myself.

Aha. Now, this could get interesting.

No? Then who did? Who?

[LAUGHS]Who... Who would kidnap you?

No one would've kidnapped you

if you'd kept with the field trip.

Why didn't you stay at the museum, huh?

No, a kidnapping involves a ransom,

and this may be hard to hear,

but you ain't got nobody
to pay anything to get you back,

unless, uh, Hector's friends,

they had it out for you or something.

- Is that it?
- I don't want to talk to you guys.

I want to talk to Father Jonas.

Neither of you guys know
what happened to me.

Neither of you guys care.

You. You!

Whoa. Me. Me!

Who would you blame if I wasn't around?!

Bitch. Ugh!

Boy, did I ever choose the wrong day

to pick up a girl on the beach.

We followed up with Mr. Nuñez
about his, uh, date.

Uh, Julio called the young lady
and confirmed

that he was with her

the afternoon the boys went missing.

And that's about it.

So, Ryan wanted to talk to Father Jonas,

but Miguel didn't mention Father Jonas

- at all, did he?
- ‭No, ma'am.

Sharon, the doctor wanted you to rest.

I'm... I'm home. I'm sitting.

[ CHUCKLING ] Okay, I'm done.

Um, Buzz, will you tell
Lieutenant Provenza

that I recommend arresting these boys?

Mm. For what?

The m*rder of Lucas Garza.

Oh. Uh, o-okay. Sure.

And, Rusty, if you'd call Andrea

and ask her to hold off
arraigning Miguel and Ryan

until tomorrow, please.

- So they're guilty.
- We'll see.

Feel better, Commander.

Thank you, Buzz.

Oh. I'm...

I'm just going to write
an e-mail to Lieutenant Provenza

about this little idea I have,

and then I am done.

And then can you tell me

what the doctor said about everything?

Yes. Everything.



FLYNN: Are you done?


'Cause I'm getting more stressed
by the second.

Hi. [ SIGHS ]

So, uh... what did the doctor say,

I mean besides, come home
and get some rest?

Rest from what?

I'm sorry, Andy.

I just needed a little time in there

to sort... sort out my feelings.

So, the good news is we have a diagnosis.

The bad news is
‭I have a heart condition.

Like mine?

No, no, I have something
called cardiomyopathy.

Oh, well, that's...

I mean, ‭that's kind of a broad term.

I mean, ‭it could be nothing, right?

Well, it's not nothing

because it's a virus
attacking the pericardium,

which is the outer lining of my heart.

Now, the infection could
remain in its current state,

clear up, or develop.

And if things worsen,
there are other steps.

There's surgery, um, transplant.

- Transplant?!
- ‭Oh, no, ‭we're not even there yet.

We're not even close. Andy.

In fact, I feel better already.

But until I know more,

I think we should postpone the wedding.

[ VOICE BREAKING ] It's not fair to you.

Absolutely not.

You think I'd let anything get in the way

of becoming your husband?

I want you to just think
about this just for a second.

I don't need a second.


All right, Sharon.

I never told you this.

But when I was sick
‭and you helped me through it...

Mm. one's ever treated me that well.

And I don't know if I deserve it,

and I don't know
‭why you care about me so much,

but it's all I can do right now
to wait until the ceremony...

to call you my wife
and to be your husband.

And if we're not gonna let

myheart get in the way of that,

then, uh, we're not gonna
let yours stop us, either.

- But what if I...
- All right, all right.

The only change we're gonna make
is no honeymoon.

We don't go to Ireland
until we understand

exactly what it is you're up against.

Unless y-you changed your mind about us.

Have you changed your mind?

No. Andy [SNIFFLES] no.

I love you so, s-so much.

I just... [ SNIFFLES ]

As long as you understand
what I am dealing with here.

Whatwe'redealing with, okay?

- Okay.
- ‭All right.

So, let's start from where the doctor

asked me to leave the room.


And, uh, you try to remember,
word for word,

what he said to you, okay?

Word for word.

DR. JOE: Everything I hear
will be completely confidential.

To you, Ryan Rojas might be a suspect,

but, to me, he's a patient who survived

a very traumatic experience.

And as a psychologist, my first
order of business is...

These boys want us to believe
that they ran off with Lucas

with absolutely no idea
about where they were going.

Now, I don't know
‭if you know this, doctor,

but teenagers tend to lie
when they screw up.

So unlike adults.

HOBBS: It's a lie
‭he's sticking to, Lieutenant,

and I'm out on a limb
charging these boys with m*rder.

Do you have any evidence?

Oh, details, details.

Without details,
‭the defense's star witness

is going to be Dr. Morales, who will say

Lucas Garza died
‭of complications from diabetes.

- But...
- I know. I know.

The k*ller or K*llers
may have starved Lucas

to make his m*rder seem
like natural causes.

The boys were found with opioids.

But you don't have alibis
for Dr. Garza or Father Jonas,

who's proving as difficult
to find as the boys were.

And, frankly,

I am worried that,
‭with the commander out sick,

there isn't a real plan here.

I find that offensive, Hobbs.

I have been a detective for years.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Besides all that,
‭this is the commander's plan,

including having Dr. Joe
talk to Ryan about his issues.

What issues?

His stepfather fell off the balcony
of their condo and died.

Or maybe he was pushed.

BUZZ: And Ryan's natural father
has an alibi,

but he's still a sociopath.

And Kelly Garret said
Ryan's only just starting

to talk about being gay

and that he has a crush on Miguel.

Wait. Let's assume
‭what Ryan told us is true.

He's sprayed with a chemical agent,

loses consciousness,

wakes up ‭in the middle of a desert,

is thrown in a Mexican jail

because dr*gs were planted on him,

is rescued only to find one
of his best friends is dead.

All that spells a week of severe trauma.

So what's another day?

And now we should assume
that it didn't go down

like Miguel and Ryan said

because they conveniently don't remember

anything that happened

between the time
‭they disappeared and woke up.

BUZZ: And they can't even explain

why they were leaving the field trip,

beyond everything being Lucas' idea.

Ah, Lucas.

Lucas, who is conveniently dead.

Doctor, that's why we need you

to catch Ryan ‭in just one, little lie.

That will give us...

Lieutenant, my job is to talk
to this boy privately,

no listening in,
‭and assess his mental fitness.

It's your job to catch him in lies.

Sorry. Sorry.
‭I was pushing the envelope.

So, uh, why don't you set up
in the commander's office,

and we will send send Ryan in?


Daniella Rojas
‭is in Interview Room Number

like you wanted, Lieutenant.

I printed up some information

on witness and victim's rights
for her to read.

Patrol's outside the door,
so she's not going anywhere.

Good. Good, Julio.
Just be ready to grab her.

Sykes, why don't you bring Ryan in?

And now we'll see
if the commander's plan works.

RYAN: What the hell is this about?

Are you another cop or what?

- FBI again?
- ‭No.

My name's Dr. Joe Bowman.

You can call me Dr. Joe if you want.

I've already been looked at by doctors.

He's a different kind of doctor, Ryan.

A psychologist.

Let us know when you're done.

PROVENZA: Okay, Buzz. Far as we can go.

Are we really allowed
to be watching this?

The law says no listening.

It doesn't say anything about watching.

Keep it muted, and we're fine.

But won't Dr. Joe be angry?

Buzz, we're doing this
for Dr. Joe's safety.

He's in there with a m*rder
suspect, and he's unarmed.

RYAN: So, you're really not a cop?

You have to say if I ask, don't you?

That's only on TV,

but have you ever seen a cop
in a sweater vest?

Everything you tell me is privileged.

Do you know that term?

Yeah. ‭Like what I say in confession.

But I've already answered every
question people could think of.

Did they ask how you feel?

Ryan, let's start with Lucas.

One of your very best friends is dead.

How are you holding up?



It's hard to believe.

I mean...

sometimes, I think it's true.

Sometimes, I think it just
couldn't have happened.

[ VOICE BREAKING ] I can't...

Lucas not being here anymore...


Dr. Joe might be making headway.

- PROVENZA: Might be.

Yeah, well, whatever.

I'm losing interest in this silent movie.

Have you guys finished

with Marvin's
illegal-immigrant directory?

Uh, yeah, cross-referenced
all the crime reports

with all of the addresses
that Marvin kept tabs on.

At half the locations,

there have been acts of vandalism...

uh, rocks through windows, slashed tires.

Well, someone could argue that's random.

Anything suggesting hate crimes?

Well, that depends on how you interpret

"get out of my country"

spray-painted on your front door,

which appeared at different addresses.

- Sykes.
- ‭Hmm?

What are you thinking?

The whole drug-trafficking issue.

Um, I just checked.

Lucas had no opioids hidden
in his backpack anywhere.

I just thought we were going
for a surprise, you know,

like we've done a billion times before,

just the three of us.

We just trusted Lucas knew
what was going on.

Where is everyone?

I'm sure ‭they're not listening in.

That would be so against the rules.

[ CHUCKLING ] Lieutenant.


Oh, everything's off. All by the book.

- Just watching.

Not illegal.

So, have you learned anything?

[ CLEARS THROAT ] No. No. Not yet.

But, Commander, uh, welcome back.

Sometimes a crime...
which is what happened to you...

is unrelated ‭to our daily lives, random.

And sometimes crimes happen
inside families,

like with your stepdad,
for instance... Hector.

He hit you, right?

He hurt you?

Yeah. He hit me.

And that's a crime,

though he may have said
it was your fault,

that he was beating you for a reason.

Is that what happened?

Why did Hector say he was hurting you?

He said it was because of
the way I am, things I did.

You think Hector...

You think Hector had
something to do with this?

I mean, what happened to Hector?

Is that why Lucas died?

I don't know. Is it?


You guys need to put
a sign out here or something.

Looks like ‭you're taking the day off.

And I have news.


Do you ever talk about Hector
and what he was doing to you

to anyone, somebody at school maybe?

I told Father Jonas
‭Hector punched me a few times.

But I also said reporting it
would only make things worse.

Because of Hector's g*ng connections?

He said... Hector said if I told on him,

him and his friends would
take care of me for good...

and my mom.

That had to be scary stuff
to handle on your own.

How did you manage it?



The substance found on Lucas
Garza's shirt was chloroform?

MORALES: That's right.

Once you told me the boys
were sprayed with something, I made...

‭No, no, no, theyclaimed
that they were sprayed.

- We have no proof of that.
- Whatever.

I made a list of fast-acting anesthetics

that could be delivered via aerosol

and found a match from that list
on Lucas' shirt... chloroform.

Yes, but the issue is that...

But, doctor, all that confirms
is that Lucas

was sprayed with chloroform.

We can't test Ryan and Miguel's clothes

because they were left somewhere

in the Rosarito Police Department.

Detective Paige,

thank you for your boundless enthusiasm.

Doctor, also, the boys complained

about burning throats.

Chloroform would not do that at all.

Now, supposing that
their ridiculous story was true

and we could find this fantasy limo,

would chloroform still be present?

If you ran across the limo
within the next days, yes.

And, personally, I think
the limo is real.

Holy crap!

It says here oxycodone
was in Lucas' blood?

Ohh. Spoiler alert.

But, yes, based on the fact

that the other boys
were found with opioids,

I screened Lucas' blood for oxy,
and there it was.

Lethal amount?

No, Lucas still died from ketoacidosis,

but there was more than enough oxy

to keep him unconscious
after the chloroform wore off.

Which could make the dr*gs
a contributory cause of death.

Maybe Dr. Garza had another stash
of pills somewhere Lucas found.

Uh, Lieutenant, you wanted to know

if Ryan got really emotional.

Oh. Wonderful, Buzz. Thank you.

And I will text Julio that he's on.


I'm sorry to interrupt you,
but your son needs you, ma'am.

Oh. Commander.

I hope you didn't rush back
for my assessment.

I'm nowhere near done.

Well, your conversation with Ryan

is not the one
‭we're interested in, doctor.

You were eavesdropping?

We just watched.

Well, but now, we're going to listen.


SANCHEZ: I'll be standing
outside the door.

Knock if you need me.


They won't stop asking
all these questions.

They want to know everything.

Well, w-what do you mean, everything?

PROVENZA: Okay, boyo.
You're all worked up.

Now just let it out.

You used me ‭to get Ryan emotional enough

to break down like this?

I'm not here to loosen
the jar for you, Lieutenant.

You can get back to your
assessment in a moment, doctor.

Tell me what, Ryan? Tell me what?

Oh, God.

I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell.

- I want to talk to Father Jonas.
- ‭Okay, okay.

- I want to talk to Father Jonas.
- ‭Okay, okay.

We all want to talk to Father Jonas, kid.

Okay. Listen.

He's coming back to L.A. tomorrow.

He's worried about you, Ryan.

Whoa. That's news.

I-I'll find a way for you two to talk.

Our priest was in touch
with Daniella Rojas?

We need to find Jonas before she does.

Cover airports, bus stations,
and train stations.

And given the confirmed use of opioids,

I think it's time to release
Lucas' body to his parents

with the autopsy report.

If you're all through,

I'd like to finish helping out the boy.

Of course, doctor.

That's why you're here.


Opioids in Lucas Garza's blood.

But not in his backpack.

So it's cardio... cardio what?


- ...myopathy.

The disease varies from person to person,

so not everything you read
online is going to...

"The disease can have no symptoms

and require no treatment

or develop quickly
‭with serious complications."

How do we know which version you have?

We don't. Not yet. But we will.

Dr. Jacobs is a very experienced

and he told me that most people
die with this disease,

not from this disease.

Well, what can I do to help?

Accept the full
undercover security detail

that the L.A.P.D. is recommending.

It would take a lot of stress
off my heart, I am sure.


I mean, I-I know it's your job

to make people feel guilty
enough to take a deal,

but wow.

All right. I will accept
the security detail,

but I still want
‭the concealed-w*apon permit.

The g*n is your last resort.

Your first option
is your security detail.

Thank you for agreeing to this.

Means a lot to me.

Um, do you remember, Rusty,

that we invited Gus to the wedding?

Oh, God, he's... He won't come.

Well, he R.S.V.P.'d yes.

That was two months ago. He's not coming.

We... We're not even talking
to each other.

You don't think that Gus is
coming to the wedding, do you?

He ordered the salmon.

Uh, Ryan Rojas and Miguel Diaz
are about to be arraigned.

- Do you want to be there?
- Yes.

Uh, Mom.

My phone.

Oh, my goodness. Sorry.

We will, um, talk about this later, okay?

I don't want you to worry about me.

Things will work out
the way they're meant to be.


MATEO: Why do we have to sign
Miranda rights

to pick up our son's body?

Short answer? Because lawyers.

FLYNN: You're no stranger
to bureaucracy, doctor.

Insurance companies probably force you

to jump through more hoops than we do.

- Really?
- ‭Yes. I'm sorry.

In addition, we need you to sign a form

acknowledging that you've read
the autopsy report,

which is here.

Are there... photographs in there

- because I-I don't think that...
- FLYNN: No pictures.

The D.A. spared us that.
Just stuff you have to read.

Happy to be thrown under the bus
if it helps.

MATEO: Why do Miguel and Ryan
say they're not guilty?

I mean, you arrested them.

You must have proof they did this.

It may surprise you, but most
murderers plead not guilty.

I don't even like seeing
Lucas' name in this.

We're sorry, ma'am.
You're almost finished.

All you have left

is the lab report and the tox screen.

Is that... ‭Is that really necessary?

Unfortunately, we need to see
each of you complete a review.

And then we need to fill out a form

saying we witnessed the review,

and if we don't do that,
well, it's just one big thing.

W-Well, this... this can't be right.

Why does it say that there was
oxycodone in Lucas' blood?

FLYNN: Uh, Miguel and Ryan were found

in possession of oxy in Mexico.

Medical examiner screened
Lucas' blood for...

They had oxy?

I thought pot maybe, but they had oxy?

Where did that get oxy from?

- Where would they get it, huh?
- Hang on, Sara.

Where would they get it?

They... They didn't get it from me.

Where would they get it?

Sara, this is not the time
to have this conversation.

- Oh, really?
- ‭Yes, really!

Look. ‭I am percent positive...

- You can't be sure!
- Yes, I can because...

Dr. Garza, is there something
we should know?

They couldn't.

They couldn't have taken the oxy
from me because...

I know exactly how much I have.

You have?

You're using again?

Yeah, I screwed up. I'm sorry.

But, look, I-I'll tell you
exactly how much oxy I've...

Don't look at me that way, Sara!
Let me finish! Okay?

I'll check out how much oxy
I have put away

and see if Lucas and his friends
have taken any of it.

They haven't, but...

I think we'd like to check out
that oxy with you, doctor.

Go talk to my lawyer.


‭that's the way it happened.

Miguel and Ryan use
‭Dr. Garza's oxy with Lucas.

Lucas passes out,
‭can't give himself insulin,

ends up dead.

Now Miguel and Ryan try to cover it up.

They panic, run off to Mexico,

and make up this bullshit story.

Or Lucas learned his dad was using again

and threatened to tell his mother.

Garza could lose his practice,
his marriage, all his money.

He could lose his practice, yes.

Well, does anyone think that's
enough to k*ll your own kid?

- SYKES: Uh, I don't know

how he got back into the country,

but the SIS team surveilling
St. Joseph's reported

Father Jonas just showed up.

You want them to grab him?

Father Jonas. Welcome home.

You have a nice trip, assh*le?

Why would you speak to me
like that, Lieutenant?

How about you ran
‭from a m*rder investigation?

I left to protect my vows.

Yeah, that's what all the single mothers

you slept with said, too.

You were very concerned about your vows.

How did you get back
into the U.S. from Mexico?

That's between me and the Church.

You two share a lot of very
personal secrets, don't you?

Lieutenant Flynn, would you
please escort Father Jonas

to our Visitors Conference Center?


Right this way, your somewhat holiness.

Father Jonas' obsession
with Ryan continues.

Or is it his obsession
with Ryan's mother?

You said that she and Jonas looked close.


Chief, are you here to listen
to our interview

with Father Jonas?


I'm coming to tell you that
you've got another crime scene.


When he came back to work,
the doctor seemed upset,

locked himself in his office.

[ VOICE BREAKING ] A few hours later,

I went to give him his call sheet, and...


PROVENZA: After finding the body,

did either of you touch anything?

Yes, I did. ‭I came in after Cora yelled.

Uh, she was dialing
from the desk phone.

I tried the naloxone.

I started carrying it
after his first trip to rehab.

Did chest compressions,
but I was too late.

We haven't called his family.

We'll take care of that.

Uh, if you would please go
with Detective Paige,

she'll escort you into the hallway.

Thank you. Thank you, doctor.


Yeah, he's got a big bruise
across his forehead.

Open bottle of oxy.

Overdose maybe?

He could've passed out,
hit his head on the desk.

Garza felt ‭the walls closing in on him.

The guilt probably caught up with him.

This guy did not k*ll himself
because he m*rder*d his son.

Well, you don't know that, Julio.

k*lling your son is not
a Mexican Catholic crime, sir.

Well, not everyone conforms
to stereotypes.

The truth is... The truth is...

All right, give him a second, Lieutenant.

- He's just frustrated.
- Yeah.

Well, I agree with him about one thing.

As a solution to a m*rder...

it doesn't get any worse than this.