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06x03 - Sanctuary City Part 3

Posted: 11/02/21 08:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Major Crimes"...

REPORTER: Yesterday,
three teenagers went missing

during a Catholic school field trip.

MASON: The boy on the far right,
his name's Lucas Garza,

and he's been a Type-A diabetic
since he was .

Where are the other two boys?

Middle boy, Ryan Rojas,

two months ago, his stepfather died,

putting him and his mother
in financial trouble.

Your husband fell off your
balcony after beating your son.

Miguel Diaz is a Dreamer.

He would never bring unwanted
attention on to his family,

who are undocumented.

BUZZ: ‭Why don't you want us to look
under the floor of your closet?

It's exactly a million dollars,

and every penny of it is legally ours.

The Diazes were obviously
putting together a ransom.

You've actually made me suspect
Ryan's biological father.

I said ‭you don't have to do this!

Oh, what the hell?

Oh, I forgot, there's the Diaz's neighbor

and his daughter,
who has a driver's license.

We found Lucas Garza's body
at a Catholic church.

You know who hangs out
at Catholic churches?


Father Jonas tried to stop me

from looking into the locker
of Ryan Rojas.

Look, all I'm saying

is Father Jonas is a lot more involved

in that kid's life
‭than the average teacher.

He's been transferred
to six different dioceses

over the past five years.

That's why I'm thankful we have
someone here who is capable

of dealing with the priests
of St. Joseph's

in an extremely personal way.

Where'd he go?

Father Jonas has left the country.

This search is unnecessary.

It would have been,
had the church cooperated. Instead...

‭We cooperated when you demanded
to search a house of God.

Because there was a dead -year-old boy

found in your flower beds.

Father Jonas is gone.

And I have to say, Sharon,

this is not the way
I expected to be treated.

Obstruction of justice
is a very serious charge.

Attempting to break the sacred bond

between a penitent and a priest
is not merely sacrilegious,

but grounds for excommunication.

No one was asking him to reveal
what he'd heard in confession.

And consider how excommunicating
the investigator

responsible for finding the boys
would sound to the media.

Excuse me, Commander. I'll be right back.

All right, everybody, listen up.

This is what I need you to find...

Condoms. Needles. Insulin.

We're looking for anything scandalous

or even somewhat incriminating.

How about dust?

That's all that Jonas
seems to have left behind.

BUZZ: And DNA. Maybe the techs
can find something.

I'll take a run at that laptop
in the common area.

See if Father Jonas left us any crumbs.

Well, the bathroom's scrubbed clean.

Not even a pubic hair.


Yes. Thanks for the finer details, Wes.

Where, oh, where
did our little priest go?

- SHARON: He's in Mexico?
- Since late this afternoon.

And are you sure he didn't take
the other two boys with him?

That's your theory?

He dumped Lucas

and fled south of the border
with Ryan and Miguel?

Why not take all the boys?

Couldn't fit all three bodies
in the trunk.

That is morbid, Sharon.

Yes, it is.
‭Where in Mexico is Father Jonas?

I can't say.

Who can?

Any further questions
should be directed to me.

No more interviews
with our orders, regulars,

or interns without my consent.

Your primary focus
should be on finding these boys,

not hounding a respected
and much-loved priest.

How much loved?

I won't tolerate remarks
implying misbehavior

on the part of Father Jonas.

These boys have most likely
run away from home.

And if you would look for them
more aggressively...

I can assure you, Bishop Calhoun,

the search for Ryan and Miguel
is being conducted on an epic scale.

Which is why it's important
that we interview every suspect.

Suspects, yes. Priests? No.

Well, on the Venn diagram,

suspects and priests sometimes overlap.

Your bias against the Church

is leading you in the wrong direction.

Your Excellency, I'm a lifelong Catholic.

I hold no bias against the Church.

And I am in charge of this investigation.

Then stop these baseless accusations

and the reckless media coverage
they've created.

If there's no reason
to suspect Father Jonas,

why send him away?

Was the trip planned,

or did you find a great airfare
for m*rder suspects online?

The Church was worried
about Father Jonas's welfare.

Obviously, for cause.

- We can extradite him.
- Can you?

Did you know Father Jonas
holds dual citizenship?

Mexico might not feel obligated
to hand over one of their own,

relations between our two
countries being what they are.

These boys went missing

during a Catholic
‭school-sponsored field trip.

One of them was found dead
on Church property.

That's not just a crime.

That's a civil lawsuit.

Every second
‭that you refuse to cooperate,

the damages in this lawsuit
become more expensive.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles

has paid out over $ million
in abuse scandals.

Closed churches. Shut down monasteries.

How much more can you afford to lose?

It's kind of you to care.

Perhaps that's a reaction to
the great favor I'm doing you.

And that would be...?

Removing a line of inquiry
that leads nowhere.

I'm sorry for these boys,
one here illegally,

the other suffering
from a troubled family life.

We will pray for their recovery

and the quick end to your investigation.



There is precedent for hiding
problem priests in Mexico.

You know, this could be
a great opportunity

for our friends at the FBI

if they will tell us where
in Mexico Father Jonas is from.

I'll discuss it with Special Agent Fey.

Meanwhile, I have avenues
of my own I need to pursue.

Excuse me.


I've been standing here
for almost an hour.

Nancy, so sorry.

But I'm about to make it
worth your while.

There's a new person of interest
in the St. Joseph's Three,

but this is not for attribution,

If you're not gonna go on the record,

don't give me
‭the person-of-interest crap.

It looks like the missing boys
k*lled their friend and ran off.

If that's not really the answer,

I want some good background
on which I can follow up.

How about a young priest

who had a special fascination
with these boys?

And who was repeatedly transferred

across the American southwest?

And whom the Church sent out
of town yesterday afternoon...

to Mexico?

And the evidence
‭against this priest is...?

BUZZ: Hold on. I think this is the one.

They can't cross the border
if it's a wall.

And if the "Mexi-cants"

try to launch themselves over the wall...

Sorry, sorry. ...we'll build a moat!

Sorry. There's so many of these videos

of Marvin just talking and sh**ting g*ns.

Talking where, though?
That's not his backyard.

This is what I was looking for.

[LOUD, RAPID g*nf*re]

- Ah, Buzz! The volume!
- Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Hey, so, while your tech
tries to find the right video,

you should know we have every
station south of the border

eyes-open for Jonas.

If he's even there.

We have no way of knowing
who exits into Mexico.

All our cameras are looking
to see who comes in.

- This is w*r. We have to fight.
- ‭No, no.

The Government failed us, but...

And this Marvin guy... he's an extremist.

He doesn't stand for

what the Department of Justice
is trying to accomplish.

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

I tell myself that, regardless
of my personal feelings,

I have an obligation to uphold the law.

- What do you tell yourself?
- ‭Hey.

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry I'm late.

- Oh!

- Man!
- Ah.

- Buzz, Tao.
- Oh.

- Sykes.
- Julio!

- Julio.
- Captain.

Oh, my goodness.

You still have five more days
of bereavement leave left.

SANCHEZ: It really bothered me,
sitting home,

watching all of this on the news

and having Mark ask me

if any more boys were getting
kidnapped from St. Joseph's.

He's, uh... He's afraid
to go back to school.

- Hey. FBI, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Detective Sanchez, meet
Special Agents Vega and Fey.

TAO: They are part of
an ad hoc task force

assembled by Chief Mason
to locate our missing boys.

So, who did it?

A handsy priest, the guy next door,

the kid's best friends... Who?

PAIGE: We're not there yet.

Detective Camila Paige, Missing Persons.

So sorry for your loss.

Julio, Detective Paige was
gifted to us by Chief Mason.

Mason. You a spy?

No, she's not a spy.

She's a damn good detective
is what she is,

and she also raised five younger
siblings all on her own.

Now, you could get some hints from Cami

on single parenting
if you treat her properly.

Yes, sir.

You okay?

Here it is. This. See?

Those "Mexi-cants"
aren't coming here for jobs.

They're coming to take over

a civilization they couldn't
build themselves.

Wow. ‭Welcome back to you, too.

- Sorry, Julio. I'll mute it.

- Watch... here.

You see? Marvin has ‭a
Federal Firearms License,

just like Special Agent Vega said,

but that is a flash suppressor,

and he doesn't have any of those
registered to his name.

That's enough for the feds
to book him, isn't it?

And get us some alone time
with his daughter, Kelly.

Is there something we can do
to hurry this up?

Mm-hmm. Marvin Garret
has an FFL to sell weapons.

Would the FBI care to join us
to do a compliance check?


LAPD! Open up!


Hey, keep your distance, please!

Now, stand back. Stand back!


You better have a damn good
explanation for this.

Federal Firearms License
Compliance Check!

Sir, if you could please step
out onto your por...

Fascist pigs!

LAPD doesn't do
‭federal compliance checks.

But we do. FBI, sir.

I need you to step outside right now.

Or I could cuff you
‭and put you in a patrol car.

Test me. Please.

- Kelly, Kelly, over here.
- What's going on?

They just need to look around
for a moment.

Why don't we go into the backyard,

get out of their way?



What's going on, Detective?

Does this have to do with Miguel?

We are conducting
‭a search of the premises.

That's all I can say.

What'd you do, you bastard?
What did you do to my son?!


- No weapons so far.
- No.

I don't know where he was
sh**ting or filming his vlog,

- but it wasn't here.
- Check out this bookcase.

Looks fake to me.

What? You don't think Marvin
has a library?

Of dictionaries?


- There's our AR- .

BUZZ: And that's the flash suppressor.



Marvin Garret, you're under arrest.

What the hell! You're arresting
me and not the illegals?

[CRYING] Miguel! Miguel! Miguel!

Oh, my God!


- No!
- ‭What'd you do?!

- No! Emilio! Emilio!
- Hey, hey, hey! Back!

Back now! ‭Emilio, no!

- Hey, hey, move back.
- Back! Back now!

FBI. No interference in this arrest.


SANCHEZ: It's a real circus outside.

Kelly? Why don't we leave
through the back gate?

Um, okay, but, um, where's my dad?

He'll be meeting you downtown.




Detective Sanchez, Major Crimes.

I'd like to speak to someone
with a cadaver dog, please.

No more word on the death of Lucas Garza,

but police have arrested Marvin Garret.

REPORTER: ...understandably distraught

that their neighbor
may have harmed their son.

As the St. Joseph's Three
morphs into a story

including the possible m*rder
of a diabetic -year-old...

...right next door to Marvin Garret,

who has no visible means of employment.

And police refuse to rule out

potential connections to drug cartels...

More like the connections
to the Mexican cartels

can't be found.

Well, they're speculating.

You remember how
‭journalists are, don't you?


Look, um, have you heard that...

that Phillip Stroh
‭might be back in the country?

Oh. Um...

Mom told me.

Well, it isn't confirmed.

All of these people

were connected to Phillip
Stroh's past in some way.

And they've ‭all been dropping dead...

"accidentally" or by "su1c1de."

But Andrea says that
they all knew Stroh...

- and that he m*rder*d them.
- Uh-huh.

And you want me to do what
with these names?

I'd like copies from local authorities

of their death investigations.

And you can get those for me, Buzz.

All right, I'll see what I can.

- Hey! It's us!

I've got to text my sister
and tell her to go online

and look for me on the news.

I think that was a national.

Hey, superstar.

We're about to start the interviews.

I'll be right there, Lieutenant.

And don't worry.

I'll file for these death reports today.


Where my dad?

You know, my talking to you
is gonna really upset him.

- Why, though?
- Because it will.

After you yelled out your name

and told me to call the LAPD,
he took away my cell.

And we don't have a landline.

Where is he? My dad?

TAO: He's with federal authorities.

He had an unregistered
suppressor in his arsenal.

An unregistered suppressor? Is that bad?

- He has a license to s...
- He was out of compliance with his FFL,

and he's under arrest.

Which is a bit of a problem
because, as a minor,

we need to make sure
that you're supervised.

- I'll try and make that

- as easy as possible on you.
- Anything?

Uh, no, ma'am. Well, not bodies.

We dug up some parts
of a new sprinkler system

not very well installed.

Well, no dead bodies. That's a positive.

TAO: We're trying to establish a timeline

around when Miguel, Lucas,
and Ryan went missing.

Do you know where your father
was last Thursday at : a.m.?

Where my dad was?

Uh, well, : a.m. last Thursday,

uh, Dad was with me all day.

- Homeschooling.
- Really? What were you studying?

Um... uh, calculus...

and, uh, physics.

American history.

Discussing Andrew Jackson

and his first loss to John Quincy Adams.

- Why homeschooling?
- L.A. Unified is a joke.

Even you liberals know that.

I'm not sending her to
a place where she has to learn

surrounded by scary thugs
who don't speak English.

There's private school. Parochial.

They protect illegals. Criminals.

Besides, I'm not paying for school

when it's supposed to be free.

So, was it calculus or history?

Either way, ‭they're each other's alibis.

It's gonna take hard evidence
to break that.

Unless Kelly is involved somehow.

It's not always the girlfriend.

But when multiple boys are in the mix...

I'm trying to keep her
from the wrong ideas

and the wrong kind of people.

Whatever Dad says, Miguel
and Ryan are totally chill.

- Like me, you know?
- When did you all become friends?

Miguel moved in next door when I was .

I met Lucas and Ryan year before last.

And when did you and Lucas start dating?

Look. Your father isn't here,

and he'll never know what we said.

Did you feel like
your relationship with Lucas

wasn't real because your father

- didn't want you to...
- No, no, no,

it was very real, twice as real
as what my mom and dad had.

We would've been together,
uh, six months next week.

And we did go out together.


Why didn't your father like Lucas?

Did he ever thr*aten him?


He threatened me.

He told me to, like,
stay away from Lucas.


I loved him...

We're very sorry for your loss, Kelly.

Did you know your father
called Lucas' parents once?

Damn right I called them.

I ordered them to keep their son
away from my daughter

or I'd report him to the police.

Oh, well, you totally
should have done that.

See, one of the LAPD's main missions

is to stop teenagers
from dating each other.

How did you explain your dislike
of Lucas to his father?

I told them we were different.
We weren't Catholic.

We weren't brown.
We were born in America.

Lucas Garza was born in America.

Where were his parents born?
Or his grandparents?

Where were you born, by the way?

You the token Latino?

I heard on the news

the Garzas are third-generation
Americans like me

and Daniella Rojas's family
is from San Antonio...


Why is the news even talking about

how long people have been here?

Let's turn off the politics.

Switch back to Kelly for a moment, Buzz.

MAN: more American
than you'll ever be.

PAIGE: Did Lucas have problems
with his parents, too?

Not like me.

Well, I mean, Lucas worried

about his father having to go to rehab.

How did that make Lucas feel?

Lucas didn't understand

why his father chose dr*gs
over his family.

And I think... [SNIFFLES]

I think Lucas blamed himself a little.

I wish I could talk to him again.

[SIGHS] Just for a minute.

And what about Miguel
and his mom and dad?

- Did they have issues, as well?
- ‭No.

Well, except being terrified
they'd get deported.

They were all afraid of that
except for his big sister.

Her husband's an American
citizen, so she's safe.

That's why that little bastard
tried to date my daughter...

so he could marry her someday
and get his green card.

But Kelly's too smart for that.

She knows what Mexicans are like.

And yet she dated a Mexican American boy.

She dated the American part.

FLYNN: What about Ryan Rojas
and your daughter?

- What was the nature...
- Ryan interested in my daughter?

[LAUGHS] That never happened.

- Obviously. ‭
- Why? Why is that obvious?

That boy whistled when he walked.

What does that mean?

Ryan had a crush on Miguel.

I mean, he never said it. But...

I could tell.

Was Ryan out to everyone?

Not to his mom.
‭Or the rest of his family.

But we knew.

And he said he'd talked about it
to Father Jonas.

I don't... I don't know how that
worked out for him, but...

Father Jonas.
Ah, ‭the secrets you didn't share.

His relationship with Ryan seems
like a very, very big deal.

And maybe his relationship
with the other boys, too.

You wanna know what I think
happened to those boys?

'Cause I'm pretty sure I
could tell you. Really?

Neighbor boy got jealous of
diabetic boy dating my daughter,

so he and his compadre k*lled him.

You know that Latin temper, right?

They would never get physical
with each other.

Especially not over me. Miguel...

Miguel would never hurt Lucas.

Now, this is important, Kelly.

And I know it might be a secret,
a really big secret.

But did the boys tell you

why they might be skipping out
on the field trip

or where they might be going?

If there's anything
that you can tell us about

where Ryan, Miguel, and Lucas
went last Thursday morning,

anything at all...


I don't want my father to know.

TAO: We won't tell him. We promise.

Don't be afraid, Kelly.
You won't be punished.

Okay, uh, look, uh...

I wasn't supposed to say anything,

but, uh, Lucas told me
that he and Miguel and Ryan

were doing something every guy
in L.A. wanted to do

and that he was gonna get
the best selfies ever.

Selfies? Of what?

Him, Miguel, and Ryan doing
the coolest thing on earth.

And they didn't mention
where they were gonna do it?

No. I wanted to know where.

But Lucas was like, "How can it
be a surprise if I tell you?"

And I asked, "What if you
get caught skipping?"

And he said they'd be back
before the field trip was over

and... and no one would ever
know they'd been gone.

I'll tell you where I think they are.

I think they're at your cabin.

Cabin? What cabin?

NOLAN: Maybe it's a trailer,

near where you sh**t off
your mouth and your g*ns

- for an Unhyphenated America.
- VEGA: Listen, my friend.

You're facing time in a federal prison.

If I were you, I'd start helping here.

If you were me,
you'd ask for your lawyer,

which is what I'm doing.


PAIGE: Any idea where your father
took those videos of himself?


I just thought he was driving
off to visit some girlfriend

he didn't want to tell me about.

Oh, my God.

You know, before my mom died,

he'd never have done anything like this.

And now he's just...

[SIGHS] He's so angry.

Angry where, though?

Yeah, where? I spent three hours

trying to match up
Marvin's private sh**ting range

to a satellite map... and nothing.

- Ain't police work fun?

Okay, turn down those
interviews for a second

and listen to this. a person of interest

in the case of the St. Joseph Three.

This priest has been relocated
several times,

most recently when he was
alleged to have had affairs

with several mothers of
students in his last school.

A source inside the LAPD
has confirmed to me...

- Chief! You tipped her off?

You said that this investigation
was not a press opportunity.

I changed my mind.

Oh. So it's okay for you
to decide that, but not me?

Uh-huh. See, I'm the boss.

And sometimes the press
can go where we can't.

This story's going to make
the Church very, very angry.

What'll they do? Un-christen us?

- I'm not Catholic.
- I am.

Well, the important thing here

is that Father Jonas was doing
the moms of his students.

He did seem close
to Ryan's mom and to Ryan.

Maybe he got close to Ryan
to get closer to his mom.

As an observant detective
who looks closely at details,

I noticed that the mothers
of our missing boys were all,

in their own way, extremely attractive.

I agree.

It would be wrong to rule out
the married mothers.

You know, I may end up
liking you after all,

Special Agent Fey.

All right, three missing boys,
three attractive women,

one handsome priest.

But how does that all add up to m*rder?

BUZZ: The death reports you
requested came in last night.

One su1c1de and lots of accidents.

RUSTY: How many clumsy people
did Stroh know?

A drowning. An electrocution.

A single car accident.
A fall off a hillside.

There doesn't seem to be a pattern.

Stroh is the pattern.

Buzz, he links
‭all of these people together.

But why would he come back
after getting completely away?

This just... It doesn't make no sense.

Stroh's psychotic.

Maybe looking for sense
is a waste of time.

Maybe I need to find out more
about all these people.

Where are we on Father Jonas?
Have you found him yet?

Well, the FBI is running point on Jonas

with the Mexican authorities.

SHARON: In the meantime, we're confirming

the alibis of all our parents.

Especially the women, since one of them

might have been straying
from her marriage.

But I doubt Father Jonas was
sneaking them into the rectory.

I think double-checking Dr. Garza's alibi

is a very good idea.

Dr. Dad k*lled his only son?

- He was taking a lot of dr*gs.
- With the addict,

it's the disease calling the sh*ts,

not the person.

Or in light of what we know
about our missing priest,

maybe Dr. Garza found out
his wife was having an affair

with Father Casanova and blamed his son.

Father Jonas is a known mother-lover.

And Ms. Garza is a lot younger
than her husband

and, well, more than
just a little attractive.

- Excuse me.
- ‭Are... Are you rating her?

- SANCHEZ: Ma'am?
- ‭No.

- Yes, Julio?
- ‭I'm just saying...

If the dad did it,
why take the other two boys,

unless it was to make it look
like a plot by the Church?

None of these questions matter

while Miguel and Ryan are still missing.

If they're dead,
and we don't find their bodies,

the defense will use them
as a credible alternative

to whomever we arrest.

And if they're alive... Guys,
if Miguel and Ryan are alive,

they're my number-one suspects.

These boys didn't just vanish, okay?

They didn't have the resources.

And they weren't planning to disappear.

They were coming back
before the field trip was over.

Uh, these kids are either dead

or they're being held against their will.

But if you trust the wires
we're running, not for a ransom.

Hmm. Well, too bad
we don't have a suspect

who's taken a vow of poverty.

Oh, wait.

But there's also
Ryan's biological father,

who might only want out of his
back child support payments.

Or gangsters, who might believe

the death of Ryan's stepfather
was not so accidental.

Or Marvin Garret,
who didn't want his daughter

anywhere near these boys.

Or maybe the Diazes
were lying from the start

and their son was kidnapped

by the people
they were fleeing in Mexico.

Too bad we don't have a suspect
that just went to Mexico.

- Oh, wait.

But can we put Father Jonas
at the museum last Thursday?

Wait. Are you really pushing this idea

that the priest had
an affair with Lucas's mom?

She's not a single mother.
It's outside his pattern.

Okay, okay. Let's start by
checking Dr. Garza's alibi.

BUZZ: The day her son went missing,

Sara Garza texted her husband at work.

Yes, but do we know that Dr. Garza

was actually at the office?

If we'd known Mateo was keeping

the unused painkillers
returned by patients,

we would have intervened.

And the moment
‭he admitted to it, we did.

But you continued working
with Dr. Garza afterward.

He never exhibited
‭any signs of deterioration.

Look, I admire Dr. Garza,

but I'm not risking
my master's in nursing

so he can pop pills before surgery.

As I said before, though he struggled,

Mateo only took the oxy at night,

never while he was at work.

A doctor who gets high a lot...
isn't that rather dangerous?

He wasn't "high a lot."

Enough to go to rehab.

Mateo suffered from a disease.

And wisely he sought
professional help for it.

And how did Mrs. Garza spend her time

while her husband
sought professional help?

Sara? She managed the
financial side of the practice.


Well, dealing with
‭her family's health issues

must have been stressful for her.

Did Mrs. Garza ever seek support
outside her family?


TAO: ‭Or sympathy from someone

who understood
‭what she was going through.

For example, did she develop
a closer relationship

with one of her son's
teachers at St. Joseph's?

A priest who might have been
interested in consoling her

through difficult times.

I'm not sure... Are you suggesting...

Sara Garza wasn't having an affair.

While the doctor was away,

Mrs. Garza was either at work
or taking care of her son.

Maybe you don't understand

how labor-intensive
managing Lucas's diabetes was.

Is there anyone who didn't know
about Lucas's health issues?

Andrea, what do you think?

You mean Lucas Garza was kidnapped

specifically to deprive him of insulin?

If someone knew he'd die
without his medication...

That would be m*rder.

If... ‭lf we could prove intent.

I'm not sure how these
questions relate to this...

this tragedy.

I mean, you people understand
that that's what this is, right?

This is a tragedy.

All right, we came in here to help,

- but if you're gonna make it
- ...Uh, we're not done yet,

so why don't you hold off on
the self-righteousness a minute?

You may not be done, but I'm
pretty sure that we are.

Are you? Would you rather talk to us?

Or should we pick up the phone
and call the medical board?

I'm not sure the California
State Licensing Board

is going to be okay with the whole

"Oh, he only takes dr*gs at night" thing.

Look. Suddenly they're all ears.

Why are you being so hostile?

There are two other boys missing.

This is a tragedy for their parents, too.

You understand that, right, Doctor,

that this is all a tragedy?

We don't want you to go while
we are still feeling curious.

Curious about...?

What procedure was Dr. Garza
performing last Thursday morning

around : a.m.,
‭when his son first went missing?

- And who was with him?
- Thursday morning.

Dr. Garza wasn't...

Look, by prior arrangement,

he was going to a meeting
of Narcotics Anonymous

on Thursday morning.

It's part of his recovery.

We were told Dr. Garza
was in surgery all day.

And that's why his wife
didn't want to disturb him

when their son went missing.

Sara probably didn't want to discuss...

she probably didn't want to
discuss the addiction issue.

Because it's not relevant.

Dr. Garza walked back after lunch

into three consecutive knee surgeries.

Okay, while we're in the alibi business,

let's get one more.

Wait, wait, Sharon,
wh-where are you going?

To get some spiritual advice.


In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit.





Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

It's been about four weeks
since my last confession,

and in that time, I've lied several times

to criminal suspects

and suffered doubts
about my relationship with God,

with this Church, and with you.

Are your doubts really spiritual?

Is it God who's let you down
or the justice system?

The justice system hasn't abandoned

Miguel Diaz and Ryan Rojas.

Neither has this church.

We've held three vigils
and two prayer services

and been a sanctuary for the Diaz family.

And helped put a person of
interest beyond questioning

when he might have told us

what his favorite young students
were up to.

A priest we now hear
has been transferred for...

For sexual improprieties
with adult women.

Please don't confuse sin and crime.

The Church forgives
and offers absolution.

Father Jonas was interested

in providing these boys
with a bedrock of faith

for their troubled lives.

If he cares so much about the boys,

why wasn't Father Jonas
on the field trip?

Because he was conducting
funerals for the poor

at another church... he does every Thursday
and Friday morning.

Last week, Father Jonas buried
six undocumented people

with no family in L.A.,

spending money
‭he gets from his relatives

on their coffins and headstones.

Father Jonas conducts funerals
at other churches?

We need priests all over this diocese.

We are low on personnel these days.


it could be your search for these boys

has led you to the wrong place.


Good evening. Sorry to be so late.

Pop quiz.

Take it apart.

Now put it back together.

- Good.
- ‭I'm getting better.

Andy took me back to the firing
range earlier this evening.

Keep practicing.

And remember,
‭this is just as a last resort.

Enough about g*ns.

Did you and Gus ever talk?


I'm going to write him a letter
by hand and put it in the mail,

like they did in the s,

just to say, "No hard feelings."

Mom. Mom?

Have you thought about staying
home tomorrow just to sleep in?

I bet you that the LAPD can get
by for a day on their own.

I am sure that they could.

But I keep thinking about
those two missing boys,

and I'm not sure that
staying home would be restful.

You know what?

That is quite an impressive m*rder board

that you've assembled.

Except without the murders.

I don't even know
‭why I'm doing it, really.

It feels a bit
‭like "monkey see, monkey do."

If I could just prove that
Stroh k*lled these people...


Oh, boy.



Are you sure tomorrow
wouldn't work without you?

Well, I'm sure it would work without me,

but I'm doing something outrageous,

and the Chief will want me to explain.

I begin by saying how shocked
and alarmed we are by the LAPD,

as though these families
haven't grieved enough

without the city attempting
to exhume the bodies

of their deceased loved ones.

I'm appalled that,
even in these problematic times,

the authorities would target
undocumented people

who make this city work

and for whom the Catholic Church
has offered a haven.

What about Father Jonas Alcaraz?

Have you offered him a haven, too?

Father Jonas is being persecuted

- for his service to Christ.
- Oh, boy, here we go.

The self-righteousness
starts all over again.

Your focus on a man of God

instead of the loss suffered
by the Diaz family confuses me.

Alexa? Emilio?

ALEXA: Please, please
don't ignore our son.

Our son is still out there.

And Ryan is still out there, too.

Commander, am I to understand
that you ordered exhumations

in a Catholic cemetery?

And we're trying to dig up bodies

with no discernible connection
to this case?

- Buzz, turn that off.
- SHARON: Yes and no.

The people on the headstones
aren't linked,

but the funerals were conducted
by Father Jonas,

who also supplied the coffins

the day ‭after the boys went missing.


The suggestion being that
our missing priest

could have interred the other boys

with the people
he was already burying. I see.

Well, Miguel and Ryan
have to be somewhere.

Why aren't one of you
at the cemetery then?

The Church won't cooperate.

Filed an injunction against us
to prevent the exhumation.

Uh, we just got a tip from Mexico.

- About Jonas?
- Don't get your hopes up.

Let us work it, and if it pans
out, we'll get back to you.

As usual, a pleasure sharing information.

Even when we don't really expect
anything from them,

they still manage to disappoint.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

I might have Marvin's vlog
location, I think.

- Uh, look at this.

See that? Those trees? Watch this.

Based on his receipts for gas

and the dates the videos were posted,

I finally figured out
which way Marvin headed

when he was vloging...
right off Highway .

- Near Piru.
- Yes!

Here's a satellite map
that I think matches up with...

See? There! The rocks? The trees?

Doesn't that look like
Marvin's firing range?


SANCHEZ: What about "Ameri-cans"?

SYKES: That's not even
grammatically correct.

- I'm feeling left out.
- Enough of this shit.

Let's just get it over with.

- Clear!
- ‭Clear!

Look at all this weirdo stuff.

Kind of brings me back a little.

The guy's a regular Hemingway.

This one is "How to Spot
an Illegal Immigrant

in Easy Steps."

This little opus
is "An American Manifesto."

Hey, Lieutenant. pages.

I'll wait for the movie. In here, Sir.





- No news is good news, right?
- No news is nothing.

Have the cadaver dogs check
these coolers just in case.

Please tell me we didn't

drive all the way out here for nothing.

I'm sorry. Oh, it's not you, boyo.

You did a fantastic job
locating this place.

- Anything, Tao?
- We're not totally empty-handed.

The genius Marvin
didn't log off on his computer.

He's got a file here
called the "Hit List,"

full of Hispanic surnames and addresses,

cross-referenced to a map.

Oh, there are hundreds of names.

And look... some have been checked off

with a little skull and crossbones

- placed right next to them.
- Oh, how cute.

What else is on there?

And look. Here's a list
of other people who come here.

It's a vigilante squad.

"Dedicated to the forced deportations

of lawbreakers destroying
American civilization."

They're targeting people.

And they have a follow-up plan.

But did they carry out that plan
on our missing kids?

Careful with that computer.
I want it back at headquarters.

SHARON: Why does he keep
pictures of people

they supposedly chased away?

To use for target practice?
Track their victories?

Here's another undocumented
worker they didn't coerce

out of the country... Rogelio Perez.

August , ,

Perez reports
he was assaulted by three men

while leaving for work.

And that's nowhere near it.
Here's another beautiful story.

A man named Dale Lewis
was arrested for as*ault

of a Maria Solis a couple months ago.

Said Marvin's videos
were his inspiration.

He's building an army online.

Oh, my God. Commander?


Earlier today, Miguel Diaz and Ryan Rojas

have been found in Mexico.

This was the scene just moments ago

as FBI officials led the boys off a plane

and into federal custody.

Questions remain.

Were they victims or perpetrators?

- Although two of them have been found...
- What the hell?

- ...the story of the St. Joseph Three...
- The FBI was working a tip all right.

- far from over.
- FEY: ‭I understand you're upset.

Upset? No, we're not upset.
We're enraged.

You knew Miguel and Ryan were
found and you said nothing?

I had my detectives and patrol
officers out conducting a raid,

looking for these boys.

What if we had shot someone

and you already had him in your custody?

You put us in harm's way
for no good reason.

This is not just unprofessional.

This is inexcusable.

The boys were in Mexico,
making it an FBI problem.

- And your tone is...
- Oh, my tone?

You're concerned about my tone?

Commander, we talked to the boys.

They were found with opiates
on their person.

We're drug-testing them. If you'd like...

No. What I'd like is for you
to collect your things

and go now.

They go now!

And I want a court order
removing Ryan and Miguel

from FBI custody.

This case is our jurisdiction!

Any... Any... [GASPS]

- Any... [GASPING]
- Sharon?

- My God.
- Sharon!

- Oh, my...
- Sharon?!
