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06x02 - Sanctuary City Part 2

Posted: 11/02/21 08:53
by bunniefuu
PROVENZA: Previously on "Major Crimes"...

REPORTER: Yesterday,
three teenagers went missing

during a Catholic school field trip.

MASON: The boy on the far right,
his name's Lucas Garza,

and he's been a Type-A diabetic
since he was .

Teacher found Lucas Garza's
backpack on the bus.

TAO: Are those insulin kits?

Middle boy, Ryan Rojas,

two months ago, his stepfather died,

putting him and his mother
in financial trouble.

Your husband fell off your
balcony after beating your son.

Father Jonas tried to stop me

from looking into the locker
of Ryan Rojas.

Miguel Diaz is a Dreamer.

He would never bring unwanted
attention on to his family,

who are undocumented.

BUZZ: Why don't you want us to look

under the floor of your closet?

It's exactly a million dollars,

and every penny of it is legally ours.

Detective Camila Paige
has become exceptional

- at finding teenagers.
- I'm Detective Paige.

Very happy that you
requested me, Commander,

and hopeful I can contribute.

I'll get these wires up and running.

If someone makes a ransom demand

and the boys call in, we need to know.

Mateo received a very angry phone call

from a Marvin Garret.

Your neighbor's son is missing
with two of his friends.

You call it a crisis.
I call it a good start.

Here's our diabetic.

Now, where are the other two boys?

SYKES: Three teenage boys go missing

from a school field trip,
then one of them...

just one... winds up back
at school, dead.

PROVENZA: In an area searched
by me, patrol, and dogs,

and I can assure you,
Lucas was not here yesterday.

He wasn't dead yesterday either.

Based on lividity and rigor,

he couldn't have passed away
before : this morning.

Dirt and brick underneath
the sleeping bag... dry.

No dew, so he was probably
dumped here before : .

Um...[CLEARS THROAT] I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

I was just... was hoping

for some better news for these families.

Um... so, we don't know who k*lled Lucas

or where the m*rder occurred.

I'm not sure it is a m*rder.

That sweet smell coming from the body

indicates ketoacidosis.

PROVENZA: What... what does that mean?

TAO: Lucas didn't take his insulin,

so acid built up in his blood
until it k*lled him.

It leaves a fruity odor on your breath.

With no other signs of trauma,
we have to assume

he died from complications
related to diabetes.

Diabetes didn't dump him
in this flower bed.

FR. JONAS: Commander Raydor!

I'd like to bless Lucas, please.

SHARON: You may pray over him, Father,

but do not anoint or touch him.


So, why leave the body so exposed?

It's possible...

Maybe Lucas had a seizure or passed out

and the other boys freaked,

were afraid to take him to the hospital,

and after Lucas died, they brought him

back to the church
so he'd be easy to find.

Thank you for your insights,
Detective Paige.

Both Ryan and Miguel knew very well

that Lucas was a diabetic,
so why leave him...

Do they know the symptoms
of diabetic shock?

Either our missing boys are responsible

for what happened here or...

Or they're dead, too.

I can't think of them as dead.

Suspects, yes, but not dead.

And, for official purposes,
Lucas is not dead yet either.

No notifications until we find
out what happened.

Uh, not a word about this
off any of the wires

we have in all the families's devices,

but I did manage to get us
first up at the morgue.

Any fibers or soil on his clothes

might tell us where he's been.

PROVENZA: Mike, grab some guys

and search the eastern edge
of the property

moving up to the schoolyard.

- Copy that.
- Thanks.

Buzz, get some patrol officers
and meet me

right upstairs here at that door
to the sanctuary.

- Sir.
- Sykes, I want the dogs.

Maybe they can, uh, pick something up.

DR. MORALES: I can smell the ketoacidosis

Kendall mentioned,

but there's a sweet odor
on his clothes, too.

The lab will have to do
a tox screen on them also.


Lieutenant! You can't go
in there looking for...

This is a house of God!

Christ would never keep me out. Will you?

This is called a sanctuary for a reason.

Oof. I'm gonna have to check
each and every injection site

to make sure only insulin was used.

Perhaps you can get the
archdiocese's legal department

on the phone and they can explain

exigent circumstances to you.

Or I can just have this door broken down

and ask for forgiveness
once I get inside.

That won't be necessary!

Stan. This is sacrilege.

Sacrilege is a child found dead
outside our church.

Besides, we have nothing to hide.

Let's go.

DR. MORALES: I don't see
anything out of the way

except a little mild
inflammation of the throat.

Is that inconsistent with natural causes?

Ketoacidosis normally ends in a coma,

but he could've had seizures
and vomiting first.

This kind of inflammation often appears

as result of acid reflux.

FR. JONAS: Lieutenant, Ryan and Miguel

are not involved with this.

You have an awful lot of faith
in these boys, Father.

Because they wouldn't
dump Lucas somewhere

in a sleeping bag. They're friends.

They love each other. Loved.

They loved each other.

DR. MORALES: No obvious signs
of sexual as*ault,

although it's hard to say for sure.

What about dr*gs?

We'll run a tox screen, but
since you need answers fast,

I can check his stomach contents.

Since you're so close to these kids,

let's have you
and Father Stan come downtown.

Eventually we'll have
to notify the Garzas

and the other parents that Lucas is dead.

Your presence might be
a comfort to the family.

What do you intend to tell them?

Depends on what we find.

Nothing but bile,
which is what you'd expect.

A boy who'd had diabetes
for so long would know

that his best shot at staying
alive was eating.

- But he didn't eat.
- Or he wasn't allowed to.

- Hold on. Oh.

Yes, Chief?

Yeah, we're still with the body.

Why? On my way.

The FBI is here.

TAO: Lieutenant, we didn't
locate anything outside.

If the dogs are done inside here,

I can give them a run
outside on the grounds.

- Hey, guys, with me.
- Nothing in the school either.

ROBBY: And now the press has arrived.

Oh, God.

Thanks for nothing.

REPORTER: The fact that the police

are searching here a second time

raises questions about
the Church's involvement

in the disappearance
of the St. Joseph's Three.

Other than mentioning Marvin Garret

as a person of interest,
the L.A.P.D. offered no signs

of progress in the disappearance
of the St. Joseph's Three...

Lucas Garza, Ryan Rojas,
and Miguel Diaz...

though, as we know from long experience,

it's difficult to get community
assistance in g*ng-related...

...seem to be splitting their attention

between the next-door neighbor
of a family of illegals

and St. Joseph of Nazareth's,
a church famous for schooling

and supporting so-called
"undocumented immigrants."

By refusing to classify the
kidnapping of three Latino boys

as a hate crime, the L.A.P.D.
has sent a very clear messa...

It's all true, and it's all wrong.

Well, as the Commander has said,

as long as they keep showing
the boys' pictures...

And clearly, the news captured
the attention of the FBI.

Uh, no, we're here because
of the court order

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz filed to get
their million dollars back.

VEGA: Of course we would've
preferred to hear

about the kidnapping from you guys,

as that's the procedure
in abductions like this.

I'm sorry, Special Agent Vega,
Special Agent Fey.

Do you guys know something we don't?

Because we have no evidence
of kidnapping.

The Diaz were obviously
putting together a ransom.

FLYNN: Why not check out
the Garzas, then?

They're multi-millionaires.

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz could
have cartel connections

that make them a target.

Kidnappings aren't exactly
uncommon in that community.

You're assuming, because
they're of Mexican descent,

they're mixed up in cartels?

I'm of Mexican descent.

So, no, I don't assume cartel connections

because of Señor and
Señora Diaz's heritage.

I assume it because
they're here illegally.

And when you come
to this country the wrong way,

you can get caught up
with the wrong people.

FLYNN: Isn't it more likely
that the three boys

- just went off together...
- Okay, look.

I know L.A. is a sanctuary city,

and you want to give these
people a pass...

A pass? The Diaz's son is missing,

one of the boys he disappeared
with is dead.

What sort of a pass is that?

You could use the threat of deportation

to make them more cooperative.

And break the trust the L.A.P.D. has

with the undocumented community?

Do you want them to stop
stepping forward as witnesses,

to quit reporting r*pes,
missing children,

and murders out of fear
of being deported?

And don't start this sanctuary
city bullshit with me.

The L.A.P.D. may not have
a budget or an obligation

to enforce U.S. immigration laws,

but we never keep you guys from doing it.

You want to head downstairs, Vega?

Make some random stops, ask some
people for their papers?

The streets are all yours.

Or you can hang here for a moment

and get caught up with this case.

Your choice.

We're listening.

Okay, the boys left the field trip

out of their own volition

and it appears
were not coerced into a car.

Yes. We found Lucas Garza's body
at a Catholic church.

You know who hangs out
at Catholic churches?


These boys would've let
Father Jonas drive them away

without a second thought.

And then the priest m*rder*d Lucas Garza?

It's not a m*rder yet.

He died from complications
related to diabetes.

MASON: Okay, how about this?

We make the Diaz's million
dollars available to you,

and if it turns out it was
for a ransom, the case is yours.

And you keep the money, no problem.


We also need to tell the Diazes
that Lucas is dead.

They know how high the stakes are,

they're much more likely
to admit the ransom demand.

We can't notify the Diazes
about the death of Lucas Garza

before telling the Garzas themselves.

It's unethical. I won't do it.

I'd hate to have to tell
my friends at ICE

about the Diaz's illegal entry
into the U.S.

FLYNN: You tell anybody you want, Vega.

Right now, these missing boys
are either suspects

or material witnesses,

and the Diaz family is not going
anywhere until we sort that out.

MASON: However, notifying
the Garzas about Lucas' death,

that, Commander... that is
something we have to do.

Well, then we have to inform
the other families as well.

We should join your discussion
with the Diaz family.

Certainly. Lieutenant Flynn will show

Special Agents Fey and Vega
to our conference room.


Are you sure you want
the FBI in on this, boss,

and with the families?

One of the parents could be involved.

But in the absence of compelling
evidence to that effect...

All right, Chief, but be aware

I'm not giving up
my jurisdictional authority

over this case without cause.

Better to have the FBI standing
inside the tent

and pissing out than
outside the tent, pissing in.

But either way, I'm not cleaning it up.


I never say this to anyone
except my wife, but here goes.

I was wrong, you were right.


This case is beginning to feel like

a seriously major crime.



You know Father Stan, of course.

Uh, Doctor, this is Lieutenant Provenza.

Father Stan? What are you doing here?

FR. JONAS: Thought
I might be able to help,

or at least provide some support.

S-Support? What's going on?

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz,
has anyone contacted you...

by phone, e-mail, text... about your son?

Is this more about a ransom?

W-we've been all over this.

That money is operating cash
for our business.

We've told you that.

And you've told us nothing.

You must know something about my son.

You must know something by now.

ROBBY: We do have some bad news

we need to share with you.

Thankfully, it's not
about your son, but...

We found Lucas's body.


No... no... no...

No... no...

W-where? Where did you find him? When?

This morning, outside of St. Joseph's.

He was wrapped up in a sleeping bag

and left on top of a flower bed.

y-you looked there.

Y-You... you said
you looked at the church.

You told us that!
You... They told us that!

TAO: We believe his body

was deliberately placed there overnight.

How can... how can you be sure?

I can't believe this. I can't...

H-How did he die?

He missed his insulin injections.

Ketoacidosis took over.


Natural causes.

We're very sorry.

So Ryan didn't do it?


Oh, thank God.

Wait, what's going on in there?

What have they told her?

What does she know that we don't know?!

One of the reasons we need you
to take the ransom questions

more seriously is that...
Lucas Garza is dead.

PROVENZA: We know that these

are incredibly tough circumstances,

but we still have
two other boys missing...

Those boys?!

Those boys are the reason
that my son is gone!

Sara, please, they would never
do anything to harm...

Don't touch me!

You have never been here for this family!

FR. STAN: Sara, Mateo.

It might be best to pray for the faith,

the strength to overcome...

We trusted your church with
my son, and look what happened!

You let those two other boys

talk Lucas into leaving with them!


Ms. Garza!

Can I see Lucas?

His body?

I'd like to see my son, please.

What did they do?!

What did Ryan do to my boy?!
What did he do?!

Your son is a k*ller! You're a k*ller!

You married a k*ller,
and look what happened!

[VOICE BREAKING] My boy is dead,

and you're just standing around
doing nothing!

How could you not be doing something!



- Amy.
- They k*lled him!

They k*lled him! They k*lled him!

- You k*lled my boy!
- Wh-what?

They k*lled him!
Ryan and Miguel k*lled my son!

They k*lled my boy! They k*lled my boy!

They k*lled my son.

[SOBBING] They k*lled my baby.

HOBBS: There's no absolute proof

about who's behind these deaths,

but somehow or other, they all
have Phillip Stroh in common,

and you are still the most
important witness against him.

What about Brenda?

[SIGHS] Former Chief Johnson
is an ex-police officer

whose interest in Stroh

strayed into extrajudicial territory.

Well, she shot him, several times.

Look, when we first met,
I didn't like you,

not only because you were difficult,

but because I mostly
dislike all teenagers.

Now, though...

now, you're an adult,
and you've grown on me.

And in addition
to being the best assistant

I have ever had, you are also

the material witness
in an unresolved m*rder trial,

and while Phillip Stroh lives,
the State must protect you.

But I'd rather be able
to help defend myself,

and I want access to some those...

I am confident that we can take
care of you, Rusty.

We're professionals.
We do this all the time.

FLYNN: The person responsible
for Lucas Garza's death

had to know him.

Lucas and the other kids...
three -year-old boys...

now, you couldn't force them
into a vehicle all at once

without some kind of a struggle.

Father Jonas just can't stop
telling us enough

how close he was to these boys.

I think he may have been very
close to Ryan's mother as well.

TAO: And Lucas's body was at the church.

HOBBS: If that makes
Father Jonas a suspect,

so is every teacher, student,
and parishioner at St. Joseph's.

Yeah, but they weren't there

obstructing justice this morning.

Father Jonas was, and
that's enough to arrest him.

- I wouldn't recommend that.
- I agree with Andrea.

I've dealt with the Church
in an official capacity before,

and they can go from righteous
to hostile very quickly.

That's why I'm thankful we have
someone here who is capable

of dealing with the priests
of St. Joseph's

in an extremely personal way.

I suppose you're beginning
to believe that these boys

were responsible for
their own disappearance.

Do you have any idea
where they were going?

No, but they did walk away
from the museum together,

unforced, and they drove off
with someone they knew.

Is that certain?

If they had a friend
or a relative pick them up,

Father Jonas would be able to...

Father Jonas won't help you
paint these boys

into troubled teens.

Lucas's father struggles with addiction,

Ryan was physically abused,

and Miguel lives in fear of deportation.

That sounds like trouble to me, Father.

Well, you can't expect Jonas
to tell you anything

he heard from Ryan or Miguel
in confession

or do anything that would break

his sacred relationship with them.

His sacred relationship with these boys

will be over if they die.

How many more -year-olds
are you prepared to find

in the flower beds of St. Joseph's?

But how do you expect us
to stop that from happening?

I have put so much faith
in the Catholic Church.

I would ask if the Church
put just a little faith in me.

Was there any conflict
between the three boys,

as far as you know?

I don't think so.

No bullying, no fighting over a girl?

We know that Kelly Garret
liked Lucas a lot,

and Miguel liked her.

Ryan spent a lot of time
with her, too, didn't he?

Ryan is not interested in Kelly Garret,

that I promise you.

As for Miguel and Lucas,

there was tension at first,
but it went away.

Now, y-you were closer to Ryan
than the other two boys.

Is that right?

I have a very specific
relationship with each of them,

but my bond with Ryan is... yes,
it's more intense.

How intense? I don't like that word.

"Intense." ...neglected.

Neglected kids make better
targets for exploitation.

Well, he definitely knows

all the intimate details of Ryan's life.

PROVENZA: So, you said Ryan's
biological father, Ian,

was a real piece of work.

- So you met him?
- I have.

Yeah, he came to the school
about two weeks ago,

and when I wouldn't release Ryan
to him, he threatened me.

He even pushed me a little.

Oh, what did you do?
Turn the other cheek?

I asked for security,

but I let him speak to Ryan for a moment

because of what the boy and
his mother are going through.

God seems to be challenging Ryan.

First his biological father rejects him,

then his cartel-affiliated stepdad

sort of falls off a balcony,
and now he's disappeared.

Sometimes challenges like
these are given to us

so that we might seek harder for Christ.

The physical abuse that Ryan
suffered from his stepfather...

Okay, let's take it back a second.

If you knew that Ryan was
getting knocked around,

why didn't you report it?

Apart from the Church's little
habit of covering up abuse...

You're getting close to
privileged information,

but I can tell you this...

Ryan came to school a couple of days

with bruises on his face,

which he tried to explain away.

I didn't believe him,

and at the proper moment,
we discussed it.

Okay, so, if it was clear to you

that Ryan had been knocked around,

could it have been obvious to others?


Could some of them have been motivated

to act on that knowledge?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Could Lucas or Miguel have noticed

that his gangster stepfather
was beating him

and taken matters into their own hands?

Are you suggesting these boys
pushed Ryan's stepdad

off that balcony together?

I've stood on Ms. Rojas' balcony.

- No one just fell over it.
- Hector could've jumped!

Or a Mexican cartel employee
was pushed to his death.

And then the cartel decided to push back,

and the boys made a run for it.

ROBBY: Or maybe Lucas felt guilty

about helping m*rder his friend's stepdad

and then wanted to go to the police,

and maybe Ryan and Miguel felt
like Lucas was losing his nerve.

You just won't stop, will you,

until you turn these boys into monsters!

Excuse me.

I have to help some
traumatized students at school

deal with the death
of someone they loved.

And I'm sad to say

that right now,
our prayers are doing more

to find Ryan and Miguel than you people.

This is exactly the ending
I wanted to avoid,

and we still have no idea
where those boys were going.

Ah, well... next time,
we use a gentler touch.

At least we have a pretty good
idea he's hiding something.

Well, he's a priest.
Of course he's hiding something.


- Hey, off the subject,

but why is everyone putting money

in that jar on the lieutenant's desk?

For the use of his printer.
We pay him cents a page.

What are you talking about?

Look, you just have to do it.

Also, don't sit at the lieutenant's desk.


Anything else I need to know?

Uh... oh, it's great that you understand

the way Commander Raydor thinks,

but it might better for, well, everyone,

if you let her talk first.

I mean, since she's in charge.

Father Jonas may be waiting
for you by the elevator.

- He was upset.
- Over?

Some alternative theories
about the disappearance

we were simply trying to eliminate.

If you could convince him to come back.

He's very knowledgeable about these boys.

You understand, Sharon,
my primary mission

is to serve the Church?

And mine is to find Ryan
and Miguel alive.

Are you suggesting our missions conflict?


You've actually made me suspect
Father Jonas a little.

And the problem with that is?

The problem is that interview
also made me suspect

Ryan's biological father and convinced me

that we need to follow up

on the accidental death of his stepdad,

because the theory that these
boys k*lled Lucas

in a cover-up is suddenly very credible.

Oh, I forgot,
there's the Diaz's neighbor,

who the lieutenant helpfully nominated

as a person of interest
to the press and his daughter,

who has a driver's license.

The defense will have
a field day with those two,

not to mention the addicted Dr. Garza

and the undocumented couple
with their million in cash.

I'll come back

when you've drained
the suspect pool a little

and maybe settled on a motive.

Thank you, Andrea.
We'll keep you informed.

Good luck finding the kids alive.

I'll meet you downstairs
in a few minutes.


I want a g*n.


I don't want to depend on
someone else being there

at the right time and place,
and I want my own...

No, no, I get it.

But, look, if you would just accept

an undercover detail like
any ordinary person...

I don't have to ask.

I'm . The nd Amendment is on my side.

Okay, look, I'm not gonna stand here

and argue about
the Constitution with you.

Why ask me about a g*n instead of Sharon?

Because I also want a permit
to carry a concealed w*apon,

and I know that those have to be approved

by someone higher...
the Chief or Sheriff...

so I'm gonna need Mom's help with that.

Plus, I think it would be wrong
to bring a w*apon

into the house without her permission.

Oh, good, you're not completely crazy.

And you want my help convincing Sharon

that you should have
a conceal-and-carry permit.

- Please.
- Oh, my God.

I am willing to learn
everything I need to know

about how to use a g*n and keep it safe.

Andy, please?

I promise you will not be sorry.

Okay, kid.

I will talk to Sharon,

and I will try to give her
your point of view.

Let me get back to work.

So, the FBI got a report back
on the Diaz's million dollars,

and since we have information
to share, too,

I'd like to propose we form
an ad hoc task force.

And who would be in charge
of this task force?

The L.A.P.D. has absolute jurisdiction,

especially as the kidnapping
has yet to be proven.

But our position...

Commander Raydor leads
or we go our separate ways.

The end.

So, what did you learn about the money?

The Diazes have an older daughter, Anna.

The million dollars was
withdrawn from her bank account

just last week.

Anna is an American citizen...
well, married to one.

We should make sure
they're living together

as husband and wife.

Mm-hmm. You do that, Victor.

And following up, we found the
money was a transfer payment

to Anna for a house sold by her parents.

But there's a kicker... the Diaz
family only bought that house

six months ago, also with cash,

for grand less than
they ended up selling it for.

Uh, ever hear of money laundering?

Uh, ever hear of house flipping?

- That's their business, Vega...

buying homes more cheaply
than they sell them.

TAO: Should we pause here to explain

the rudimentary basics of capitalism?

- Uh, no, it's not...
- Congratulations, Vega.

You used the Diaz's money to prove

that they're good at their jobs.

Since the information we got
from the FBI was worthless,

can we pretend this task force
thing never happened?

Detective Sykes,
let's try and move forward.

Let's start by going back.

Two weeks ago, Ryan Rojas'
biological father, Ian Nuñez,

tried to bribe him into leaving school.

Maybe Mr. Nuñez did that same thing

last Thursday at the museum.

TAO: Which would, admittedly,

almost fit with a kidnapping scenario.

PROVENZA: We tried to get Mr. Nuñez

to consent to a search of his house.

He denied it.

Then now sounds like the perfect time

to tap all the families' phones.

VEGA: There's a chance

these parents aren't
telling us everything,

and you guys can get wires up and running

much faster than we can.

Look, if you have something
you need us to do for you,

you should do this for us.

Chief? Your thoughts?

Okay, then.

Uh, let's start writing
a warrant allowing us

to listen to the families
on all their different devices.

- Amy?
- Yes, Commander.

Oh, but even though we can do
this faster than you,

it still takes hours.

And while we manage that part
of our brand-new task force,

uh, Detective Paige?

Yes, thank you, Commander.

Maybe you guys could do
a really thorough check

on Marvin Garret, the Diaz's neighbor.

It's important that we speak
with his daughter, Kelly,

but we have no legal means
of forcing Marvin to cooperate.

Hey, it's even possible
you could find something

on Mr. Garret more incriminating
than house flipping.

Commander, something
just popped up on our wire

and I... I, uh... I...

You've already got a phone tap
up and running?

O-oh, no, no.

You thought... this is not
for the St. Joseph's Three.

It's from our ongoing
investigation into the...

Commander, would it be okay
if I mentioned the,

uh... the Hollywood Strangler?

- Okay, Buzz.
- Hollywood Strangler.

Well, that's what we're
calling it internally.

Fine. Where should we set up?

Oh, uh, Lieutenant Flynn
will help you settle in

somewhere over there.

Um, excuse us while we continue

to investigate the other case.

Right over here, guys.
Desk one, desk two.

Be right there!

You're upping the price per page?

Wait, Lieutenant, did you
deliberately keep us

from getting a new printer

so you could do some price gouging?

Shh! Now, you and the squad

will pay your regular nickel a copy.

This is a new federal tax.

Ad hoc task force, my ass.

An hour ago, Daniella Rojas
made a call to a landline

- belonging to her ex-husband.
- Ian Nuñez.

This might make it clearer as to
why they didn't stay in touch.

IAN: I told you not to call me here.

DANIELLA: Until you pay
your child support,

I'll call you wherever I want.

You should've thought
about your bank account

before letting your new husband
fall off a balcony.

- I never touched him.
- Yeah, right.

Well, good thing the police
don't know you like I do.

What, what is this about anyway, huh?

I want Ryan. Where is he?

Why are you asking me?

I told you, I haven't seen him!

Father Jonas said

you tried to take him out
of school two weeks ago.

Oh, come on. What, that day at school?

All I did was try to give
the little man some money,

and that freaky priest got all...

Just give me my Ryan back.
This isn't funny anymore.

I know you have him. I know it.

- Ian? Ian!

Damn it!


TAO: Wow. What do we do with that?

Forget about asking for consent.

We use this conversation to get a warrant

to search lan's residence,
his cars, and his devices.

I'll have patrol watch his house
while we drive there.


BUZZ: You think he's hiding
two teenagers in there

with his whole in-the-dark family

sitting around the dining room table?

Probably not.

Ah, could find something in his vehicle.

- Here we go.
- Michael.

Ian Nuñez, we're here to serve
a search warrant

- on your residence.
- You're what?

ROBBY: We have reason to believe

Ryan Rojas and Miguel Diaz
may be in your house.

Ryan Rojas, Miguel Diaz...

Ian, those are the boys
they're showing on television.

What does that have to do with us?

Ryan Rojas is your
-year-old stepson, ma'am.

Congratulations. It's a boy.

- Hey, come on, man.
- Wait, what?

I need you both to step back.

- No, you're not going...
- Now.

Listen, we can talk
about this, all right?

Listen, you don't have to do this.

I said you don't have to do this!

Oh, what the hell?

Well, I thought we'd just be searching

for the missing boys.

But now, Ian Nuñez,

you're under arrest for
assaulting a police officer.

The fact that you haven't paid
child support in over a decade

is not gonna look good
when you're arraigned.

- Child support?
- Mm-hmm.


Hey. I thought you had
already left with Andy.

No, he went to help Dr. and
Mrs. Garza at the morgue,

but not before telling me you want a g*n.

Already? Okay, um...

Well, before you say "no,"

I think it's important to remember

that I don't drink,
I don't do dr*gs, and...

And technically you don't
need my permission.

Right, but I also want
a conceal-and-carry permit,

which I couldn't get on my own.

And besides, I would never bring a w*apon

into this house without your approval.

And without knowing how to use one,

which is why I've scheduled us

a session at the L.A.P.D.
firing range after work

if I can make it.

Oh, so... so you're okay with me

having a conceal-and-carry permit?

No. I'd rather you accept
an undercover detail,

but as much as I hate to think
about this entire situation,

you may have a point.

DR. MORALES: Before your son
died, he lapsed into a coma,

and I doubt he felt anything
or even knew it was coming.

You'll excuse me, Doctor, if I
find very little solace in that.

I spent all night with the press
outside my house

shouting questions
about the death of my son.

Please, I need you to release
his body to a mortuary.

I'm afraid we're going
to have to keep him

a little while longer.

We'd like to have him cremated.

He's not a criminal.

He deserves a funeral.

FLYNN: We understand that, sir,

but the doctor here has some
more tests he needs to run.

What for?

The cause of death is obvious.

What else do you need to know?

To determine what, if anything,

happened to your son before he died.

What does that matter...
if he died from natural causes?

Dr. Garza, it's not fair,
but your son's death

is part of an open investigation

and the cause is subject to change.

Please! Please don't take him apart.

Please don't cut him to pieces, please.

[SOBBING] Oh, Lucas...

- Sara. Sara!
- Oh, Lucas!



they've already done that.

They cut him open, removed his organs,

and put him back together.

Step outside.

Go on.

Finish your tests quickly,
Doctor, or I'll have my lawyer

get a court order forcing you
to release Lucas' body.

My wife can't handle this much longer.


Before we give up the body,
I need to know what substance

was on his clothes and then check and see

if it was also in his bloodstream,

and those tests are going to take time.

I know, Doctor.

Um, did you notice Dr. Garza seemed...

Probably on oxy, but no way to check

without a warrant for his blood.

Perhaps grief drove him back
to bad habits.

Or guilt.

Addicts don't need a reason
to use, only an excuse.

Let's just hope he doesn't act
on his threat to call a lawyer.

So far, his son is the only
true evidence we have.

IAN: You didn't find
any dead -year-old boys

in my house, right?

Big surprise.

And that other lady cop,
she broke my nose,

and she put me in jail for nothing.

That other lady cop did you a big favor.

If there was ever a night
you want to spend in jail,

it's the night that your wife
finds out that she has a stepson

you never told her about.

Oh, speaking of Ryan...

I have no idea where he is.
If I did, I'd tell you.

- Commander.

- What, you think I...

We got something back on Marv Garret

if you want to hear about it.

Uh, Detective Paige,
if you would help the FBI

prepare a briefing while we
finish this interview, please?

You bet, Commander.

- What, you think I wanted

to have my wife dragged into this?

My children?

You people may have
just ruined my whole life,

and for what? For nothing.

What did I ever do to Ryan?

What, except try to give him some money?

I would've also taken him out to lunch

if that assh*le priest hadn't stopped me.

He does way too much.

Oh, he's, uh, he's helping Ryan out

with his homework after school.

He's... he's taking him to the movies.

He is... he's teaching him how to drive.

Doing all the stuff that you
would rather be doing with Ryan.

Look, all I'm saying

is Father Jonas is a lot more involved

in that kid's life
than the average teacher.

Look, I-I got to go.

I've got to talk to my present wife,

if she hasn't already packed up
her stuff and left.

No, no, you're staying here with us.

What? Why? You didn't find
nothing at the house.

I told you everything I know.
You got to let me leave.

Mm, there's just this little issue

of you assaulting a police officer.

A-Assau... Assaulting? As...

I gave her a little push,
and look what she did to me!

Bitch. Okay, fine,

you want to have me arraigned,
I want a lawyer.

How 'bout that?

It's not gonna help you, but okay.

Father Jonas again.


Can't believe I'm saying this,
but the FBI

stumbled on something
that actually might help.

Turns out Marvin Garret does
more than just make calls to ICE

about his neighbors.

We found an IP address linked
to a computer he uses at home.

Not sure who owns the website,

but it's called,

and Marvin is its administrator.

"Unhyphenated Nation" is dedicated

to the end of multiculturalism
and the removal

of all extensions to the word "American."

For example, the hyphens
between African-Americans,

Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans...

Hmm. What about Irish-Americans
and Italian-Americans?

That doesn't seem to come up.

FEY: Unhyphenated's main issue

appears to be crimes by illegal aliens.

The site is operated by Marvin?

VEGA: Under the pseudonym "Buddy E. Lee,"

so he didn't pay for it,

and it's not listed under his real name,

which is why it slipped by you guys.

You see? The Patriot Act
comes in handy now and then.

FLYNN: A disgusting website isn't enough

to arrest this Marvin dirtbag.

Or even get us a warrant
to search his property.

But he also posts a podcast
and lots of YouTube videos.

There's about hours

of Marvin Garret sh**ting off
his mouth here.


He might slip up,
admit to something illegal.

Yeah, but who has time to listen
to all that bullshit?

[SIGHS] Just give me the files.

And one other thing...

Marvin Garret has a federal
license to sell firearms.

How on earth did Marv... okay.

What I don't understand
is why would these boys

have gotten into a car with Marvin?

TAO: Maybe they didn't.

Maybe they got into a car

with his unhyphenated daughter.

ROBBY: And before we direct
all our resources

at Marvin Garret, I have news.

- From where?
- The Office of the Archdiocese.

Since Father Jonas was blocking
us, I found an intern there

who volunteered a little info
before she realized

it would be frowned upon by her
holier-than-thou superiors.

Beguiling an intern. For shame.

Well, you can't beguile someone
who doesn't want to be beguiled.

I've tried.

Anyway, before she realized
I was L.A.P.D.,

our lovely intern gave up what
might be damning information

on Father Jonas.

What sort of damning information?

He's been transferred
to six different dioceses

over the past five years.

Monterey, Tucson, Denver,
Reno, Phoenix, and L.A.

TAO: And two of these transfers

happened in the middle
of the school year.

FLYNN: Sounds like another
one of the Church's

tried-and-true tactics
to cover up sexual abuse.

Well, our priest has told us
over and over

how close he is to these boys.

Intensely close.

And Father Jonas
gave Ryan driving lessons.

Yeah, well, front seat or back?

Could've been the trunk.

All right, Lieutenant.

Since Father Jonas won't come
to us, let's go to him.

Your w*apon is your last resort, always.

I understand.

Try again.

I want you to remember

that this training is about the g*n.

It is not about the soul.

Taking a human life
up-close is very hard.

You need to put some serious
thought into how...


Well, right now, all I need

is for Phillip Stroh
to stand completely still.

Hmm, that's not bad for your third try.


Hold on.

Yes, Lieutenant?

Have you picked up our
well-travelled priest yet?

Oh? What sort of problem?

FR. STAN: Sharon, your detectives

can't look through our private quarters.

You were fine with us

searching the whole property
yesterday morning.

We're just here for Father Jonas.

SHARON: You can't keep us
from his room, Father.

I stopped by a judge's house
on the way here.

I have a search warrant
for the entire rectory.

- There's no need, Sharon.
- I disagree.

Father, forgive us our
trespasses and step aside.

ROBBY: L.A.P.D.! Open up!

Well, our person of interest
is definitely not at home.

I see.

Where'd he go?

Father Jonas has left the country.