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02x05 - Episode #2.5

Posted: 11/01/21 07:29
by bunniefuu

- Can I look yet?
- No, no.

We are almost there.

Ram, if I fall, the wedding is off. Ouch!

OK, open your eyes.

For my wife-to-be, breakfast alfresco.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

I'm still on my best behaviour.

I just don't want you to
be changing your mind.

Well, I like a man with
a healthy dose of fear.

It's healthy for the marriage.

It's Lydia.

Not today, please.

- I'll switch it off.
- Thank you.

So, shall I play mother?

Yes, just not mine.


Lydia. She's certainly persistent.


- Hello? - Ram, you need
to get into work right away.

'Where are you?'

At the building behind Caravel Market.

What's left of it.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Move, please.

Thank you. Thank you, please move.

The casualties need to be colour-coded --

- red, yellow, green.
- Immediate, intermediate, delayed?

Exactly. Take the triage cards to Dr Varma

and help with the assessments.

I'll try and find someone in charge.

Hey. When did it collapse?

About minutes ago.

Excuse me. We need to
commandeer two vehicles,

preferably trucks.

- Please...
- OK?

I think so. Sorry, it's my first week.

You don't have to feel in
control. Just sound like it.

Please move back!

Like that.

- Are you all right?
- You can come through.

Please move back.

OK, let's have a look. Hold this.

And press down firmly. OK?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Here, hold onto me.


- I hurt... I hurt my arm.
- OK.

Is anywhere else hurt?

- Hm?
- Is anywhere else hurt?

Hey. Are you OK?

Can you tell me where it hurts?

Hand up on the rail. You can hold onto me.


This truck will take you to the hospital.

Oh, thank you.

Just some minor cuts and abrasions.

He's going to take care of
you. OK? You'll be all right.



Call out again if you can hear me.


Did you hear that?

Your whistle, blow your whistle.


Right, need some help over here, please.

I think he's trapped under here.


Don't worry. We are getting you out.

OK, get a line into his free arm.

I'll see if I can get this beam moved.

- Hi.
- Hi. I can't move my arm.

Try not to move it, just
try and keep really still.

- What's your name?
- Mohanan

OK, Mohanan, we're going to get
you out of here, all right?

So, I'm going to need to put this in.

To give you some pain relief and fluids.

I'm going to make you
as comfortable as I can.

Stay back!

- Doctor?
- Yes?

- Multiple casualties on the way.
- How long?

Five minutes.

Theatre is ready, and
I've told Nurse Patel

- to deal with the nonemergency cases.
- Thank you.

- Just let me know when they come.
- Yes. Nurse, come with me.

- Dad?
- Yes?

I heard what happened. I thought I'd help.

That's a good boy. It's appreciated.

Take care of the breakfast
at the main ward.

I mean the casualties.

No, we are medically covered.
Don't worry about that.

Just look after the patients, do what you
always do. That will be a great help.

- Dr Nair! Come!
- Yes.

OK, you take him.


Anyone that can walk, walk out.

Clavicle, x-ray.

Injury, recus.

My husband's at work.

- I need to call him.
- OK.

- He'll be worried.
- Don't worry. We'll sort it out.

Will it be much longer, do you think?

Hopefully not.

But in the meantime, you're stuck with me.

So, erm...

are you from Balko?

I... I was born in Balko.

but I've lived all over.

What else should I tell you?

Anything you like.

Age, hobbies... star sign?

- I don't believe in star signs.
- Eh, neither do I.

But that's probably because I'm
a Scorpio and we're very cynical.

I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.

Er, my name's Dr Walker.

You can call me Ruby.

Listen erm...

I'm just going to leave you
for a moment, all right?

I'm just going to be over there,
and I'll be back any minute.

Stay as still as you can. I'll be back.

The fire brigade can't do it.

They are saying they need
a crane to lift the beam.

- The closest one is three hours away.
- We can't wait that long.

He's losing a critical amount of blood.

- Can you get to the wound?
- No.

- The forearm is pinned?
- Below the elbow.

Well, if the arm's crushed,
it's impossible to save it.

Are you saying we amputate?

I don't think we've got a choice.

If we do it here, we have
a chance to save him.

- What's his name?
- Mohanan.

Get the operating kit.



I'm here, I'm here.


I'm Dr Fonseca.

Now, there's no easy way to tell you
this so I'm just going to say it.

I'm afraid we have to amputate your arm.

Your arm is damaged beyond
repair. We need to get you out.

I know this is difficult to take in,
but we really do need to do this.

Is... is there...

Is there any other way?

No. I'm sorry.

I'm right here. OK?

- Can we try it again, please?
- I tried it four times already.

You must be dialling the wrong number.

It's Deepa Chemical, I
looked it up myself.

- Yes, but try it again, please. - Hi.

What's going on?

Sushma wanted to speak to her husband,

so I dialled the number.

They said he's not there, but he is there.

Rajan hasn't missed a
day's work in his life.

Are you absolutely sure he went for work?

He leaves at : am every morning.

Did you see him leave
the house this morning?

I'm not sure, I was in bed.

Ah, don't worry.

We will find him for you. Hm?

What time did the building collapse?

I received the call a little before : .

I'm looking for someone.
His name is Rajan Variar.

Aged about .

He might have been in the building
when the building collapsed.

Er, I'm sorry, I haven't
come across a casualty

that matches that description.

I think we got everyone out.

Well, all right, thank you.

When we get to the hospital,

is there anyone you'd like us to call?


Anyone who might be worried about you?


Are you going to put me to sleep?

We can't give you a general anaesthetic,

but I'm going to give you a sedative,

so you will be conscious but very drowsy.

And you will feel some movement.


Going in now.

- You're doing brilliantly.
- Thank you.

You're very kind.

And a wonderful doctor.

That's just the dr*gs talking.

Maybe a little.

I have a brother. He's a tailor.

On Cortaro Road.

If anything goes wrong...

Nothing is going to go wrong.

His name is Ratheesh.

If anything goes wrong,
would you please...

.. please let him know that I'm sorry?

Yeah, of course.

Relax. OK?

I'm just going to put this tourniquet on.

Just coming round now.

You should be feeling a
little bit drowsy now.

It's really normal.

Just try and keep breathing.

He's had K of ketamine.

OK, Mohanan, we're gonna
take good care of you.

I'm just going to put an
oxygen mask on you, OK?

Just let me know if it's uncomfortable.

I'm right here.

Just keep your eyes on me. Keep breathing.

You're doing great. I'm right here.

OK? I'm right here.

Hold my hand.



- Ready?
- Yeah.

I'm through.

Standing by with the gauze.

- How much longer?
- Almost done.

- Ruby?
- No, no, no, no.

Hey, keep your eyes on me.

- Are you OK?
- Is it happening?

Just keep your eyes on me.

Don't think about anything else.

Look at me.

Right here.

Done. Right, let's get him out of here.

Stretcher, please!

- Ruby.
- What?

Thank you.

- Get your gob round that.
- No, ta.

- Go on, you might like it.
- I've reached the stage in life

where you don't have to try anything new.

- It's tremendously comforting.
- Suit yourself.

- Gorgeous.
- Fancy a game of poker?

Shut your face. I'm meeting
up with a couple of mates.

Air stewardesses. They're
in town on an overnight.

- You should come along.
- Nah, you're all right.

What else you got planned?

No, it's not that. It's just...

I feel a bit, you know, two
blokes, two women out together.

Don't be daft. They're
just a couple of mates.

- Even so...
- Paul, it's the st-century.

Not in here, it isn't.

Do something different, instead
of sitting round here every night.

I'm not here every night.

Bev and Jackie are real top laugh.

- You should come along.
- If I say yes, will you shut up?


I'll think about it.

I'll take that as a yes.

No sign of pelvic injury,
and the chest looks OK.

How's the ultrasound?

A small amount of fluid in his abdomen.

His BP and pulse are improving,
so let's just keep an eye on it.

He was so brave.

People never cease to amaze me.

Both for good and for bad.

Why don't you go for a cup of tea?

- I'm OK.
- Anyone would need a break.

- It's been a hell of a morning.
- You don't.

Surely you've realised by
now that I am invincible.

Thank you.

Pardon me.

Who builds these places?

It could be dodgy builders.

Or it could just be bad luck.

It's best to not think about
how these things happen.

I just try to focus on
what's in front of me and...

do the best job I can.

The man this morning with the amputation,

will he live?

I don't know.


How we doing?

We'll take a look at that arm in a minute,

set things up for a skin
graft in a couple of weeks.

- What's happening to his pressure?
- It's down, / .

Mohanan? Try to stay calm.
We're doing everything we can.

It's a reaction to the blood transfusion.

- Do we need his type as yet?
- I'll chase it.

Mohanan? It's OK.

- I'm here.
- I definitely gave him O-neg.

- Could it be wrongly labelled?
- It's possible but unlikely.

Nurse? Run through some saline,

and draw up adrenaline
and hydrocortisone stat.

- How's his pressure now?
- Still low.

The blood results are back. He's HH.

That explains it. Bombay blood
group, as rare as they come.

- How long till we get some?
- Way too long.

It'll have to come from Mumbai.

He did mention a brother.

- Get onto it, will you?
- OK.

Sham, I told you to leave ten minutes ago.

Huh? You don't know where
the Princes Street is?

OK, I'll go.

Mr Kalita? Ratheesh Kalita?

I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.

It's about your brother.

- Who are you? - I'm Dr Walker, I
work at the Good Karma Hospital.

Mohanan is one of my patients.
He needs a blood match urgently.

Did he tell you to come here?

Yes, he's been in a very serious accident.

I'm sorry, I have to go.

Mr Kalita, he is very ill.

My brother and I haven't been
part of each other's lives

these last ten years. I
don't intend to change that.

So, you're prepared to let him die?

So much better, Sushma. Come. Sit down.

Are you hungry?

He's at work.

I'm sure of it.

I'm sure we'll find him soon.

They promoted him, you know?

She has people working under him.

He's doing very well for himself.

Rajan once tried to tell
me what it was that he does.

Something to do with...

mixing rubber and plastic.

He's a chemist, you see?

I don't understand these things.

That makes two of us.

Careful, careful, careful.

Female, late s, head and chest injuries,

possible rib fractures, in
and out of consciousness.

- Take her to the x-ray.
- My mother...

- My mother, is she here?
- Who is your mother?

- Sushma.
- Sushma Variar?

- Is she here?
- Yes.

The mild concussion, bumps and bruises.

She's been asking about your father.

Do you know where he is?

He died four years ago.

Dad? We got a problem.

We have found Sushma's daughter.

That's the problem. I can't
find Sushma. She's gone.

That's the brother. He was
pretty reluctant to come in.

I think there's been some
kind of big family argument.

The best thing I ever did was put
, miles between me and my family.

We've got on brilliantly ever
since. Christmas is a dream.

- I'm going to stay here to make sure he doesn't
change his mind. - Let's hope he's a match.

- Surprise.
- Hey.

- What are you up to?
- Working, obviously.

You're still pissed off with me.

About the other night with my parents.

Come on, I did say sorry.

Yeah, in a text.

And I genuinely am.

I shouldn't have put
you in that situation.

- No, you shouldn't.
- And you're an amazing person.

- And you're kind and probably great
with animals -- - Enough. Come on.

So, we good, then?

Yeah. I suppose.

Brilliant! Cos you're taking
me to a party tonight.

Sorry, let me rephrase that.

Are you free tonight?

My shift ends at : .

So, it's a date?

Don't be late.


Get out of here.

How much longer?

It'll take a little while,
and then you need to rest.

Some people feel lightheaded.

No, I'm just going to go.

- Look, I don't want to interfere --
- Then don't.

I'm sorry. Being here isn't easy.

When he was trapped in that rubble...

he said that if anything
happened I should find you.

Why are you telling me this?

He asked me to tell you he's sorry.

You have brothers or sisters?

I grew up alone, just me and my mum.

I was so proud of him when we were boys.

He could do no wrong.

I would always look out for him.

And then he started drinking.

And he changed.

He lost his job, lost his friends.

He lost everything.

He said he'd stop drinking,
and when you love someone,

you want to believe them, don't you?

Alcoholism is a disease.

Mohanan k*lled his wife.

He strangled her in front of their son.

Sham lives with me now.

Since that day, he hasn't spoken.

My brother spent ten years in jail.

I'll give him my blood, but I
won't make any excuses for him.

Not any more.

Excuse me.

The fluid in his abdomen has increased.

He must be bleeding internally.

- The blood's a match.
- Excellent.

Let's get him into theatre.
Good call on the brother.


I still don't see why we had to come here.

In't it a bit... I don't know.

- A bit what?
- Romantic.

- People might think --
- For the last time!

It's just a drink with some friends.

Who happen to be women.

- Please relax.
- I am relaxed.

I'm just not that great with meeting
new people -- male or female.

You, my friend, worry too
much. You are great company.

You're interesting, you're funny...

in your own way.

Just do what you'd normally do
when you meet people on holiday.

- Talk about football.
- There you go.

- Tell a couple of jokes.
- If you like.

- Maybe do a card trick.
- Just be yourself.

You don't have to do a card
trick or tell a joke or...

juggle on a ruddy unicycle.

It's just a drink with some friends.

- Whoo!
- Right, Jackie...

- tell me when to stop.
- OK.


And this is your card.

- The seven of clubs.
- Oh!

Oh, bugger. In that case...

this is the seven of clubs.

Oh... This is going well (!)

Where the bloody hell
was the seven of clubs?


- Ta-da.
- Oh!

Let's try to find these bleeds.

Ah. There they are.

Against the liver. Suction.

/ .

We need to suture these vessels
right away or we'll lose him.

Dr Walker?



No, he's losing too much blood.

You have to manually compress
while I find the laceration sites.

Grab hold of the liver and
press down on the spleen...

Dr Walker?

Dr Walker?

Dr Walker? Ruby?

Please help me.

Hold the bottom of the right lobe.

That's right, just above the gallbladder.

What was all that about?

I'm sorry, I just... lost concentration.

I'm aware of that. I want to know why.

It won't happen again.

Thank you.

Hello, Sushma. We've been looking for you.

This isn't his station.

A first, I thought it was.

But then I remembered.

I remembered everything.

Let us get you back to the hospital.

I'll explain anything to you.

He's not coming back, is he?

I'm sorry.

I keep telling myself that I am...

getting better.

But I'm not, am I?

I used to come and...

meet his train.

He used to look so handsome in his suit.

I thought he'd be here.

My wife died years ago.

Sometimes I'll be just going
through my day and suddenly...

.. a song...

.. or a whiff or her perfume
will remind me of her.

Let's go. Shall we?

Can we just sit here for a
little while longer, please?



What happened?

I was in the accident, the
same as you, you remember?

Where's Rajan?

He's fine. Daddy's gone fishing.

He'll be home tomorrow.

I've spoken to him, and
he knows we're all right.


Can you please take care of
Sushma? I need to talk to Anupa.

So... what type of dementia does she have?

Alzheimer's, early onset.

She's had it for a couple of years.

She has good days and bad days.

Sometimes, she's clear as a bell.

But other days...

That's very common.


very frustrating for you, I'm sure.

I've tried telling her but she forgets.

And then I have to tell her again.

Each morning, she finds out
as if for the first time.

So, now I just tell a kind lie.

He's gone fishing, he's at
work, he's at the cricket.

Don't worry, we'll arrange for
somebody to take care of her.

Until such time that you
are back on your feet.

I found out what he did.

Why the brothers don't talk.

Mohanan k*lled his wife.

It took me out of it for a second.

I'm sorry.

When I was a junior doctor in A-and-E,

the first life I ever saved
was a young man, early s.

He'd had a full-on cardiac
arrest, down for ten minutes.


we brought him back and
he made a full recovery.

Turns out, he was an armed
robber who shot a policeman.

We treat what's in front
of us and we move on.

This job is hard enough without making
moral judgements on our patients.

You asked me this morning if I was OK.

I'm not.

I came out here because my
old life wasn't working,

and I wanted a new beginning.

And now everything's more
complicated than ever.

In what way?

If I can't trust my judgement,

and if I keep feeling let down by people,

I'm never going to belong anywhere.

I wish I could make you feel better,

but I don't have an answer to that one.

But what I can do is take you
for a drink with some friends.

What do you say?


OK, is he an actor?

- Yep.
- Yes.

- I've never heard of him!
- What do you mean?

He was... He was...(Batman).

Ah, ah, is it that guy?

Er... Christian...

- Bale? - No, no. - You're
never gonna get it, Bev.

- Oh, God.
- No cheating.

- Bev!
- Adam West, who is that?

He was the original
Batman in the TV series.

Makes me feel old now.

That's cos you are old.

Right... same again?

I'll have a beer this time.
This isn't doing it for me.

Ooh, says the cocktail connoisseur.
You ever had one of his cocktails?

- They are a crime
against humanity. - Oi!


Jacks, help me carry!

You see? I told you they were a laugh.

Yeah, they're all right.

Apart from when they're calling me old.

Are my cocktails really that bad?

- Bloody awful.
- Yeah.

OK, so the bad news is, I'm
still banned from driving.

But the good news is,
I've got an amazing plan B

to get us to the party.

Your chariot awaits.

Oh, my God, this is brilliant!

We're gonna have so much fun.

- There are so many people
I want you to meet. - Ah.

Thank you, sir.

- Comfortable?
- Very.

- Hold on tight.
- OK.


Very nice. It's a perfect fit.

There's Mala for you.

She got this made to
measure and sent it to me.

I haven't had to do a thing.
The woman's a machine!

We should get her to work here.

It's a far cry from the
first time I got married.

I never thought that...

I'd do this again.

You're not having any doubts, are you?


I love Mala.

I'm certain of that.

It's just that...

.. with Deepa, I...

.. I still loved her.

I still do.

I'm sure she would understand.

She would.

Now, I thought I'd take
us all for a drink.

That sounds like a good idea.

Mr Kalita?

Sham knows his father has been away.

But he doesn't know why.

He's getting to an age now...

he'll have to make his
own decision about him.

For what it's worth, I think the
longer you leave these things,

the harder it gets.

I used to think it would be
easier if he hated his father.

Certainly easier for me.

You love Sham, right?

Like he was my own.

Then it... it's probably not
a case of IF you tell him,

but WHEN.

So, when the time is right...

.. just tell him the truth.

Would you want to know?


I would.

- Busy day, now?
- You could say that.

Lydia is treating
everyone to a drink later.

Is it that time of year already?

I think I'm going to abuse her hospitality

and get incredibly drunk.

It would be very rude of
me to let you drink alone.

- This is true.
- Mm.

- See you there?
- I think so.

Hi, Mandeep.

That's Miti and Jasu.

You'd really love Jasu. She's got
a really dark sense of humour.


- Hey.
- Hey, gorgeous.

- AJ, Ben. Ben, this is AJ.
- Hey.


Hey, Ben. Arjun's here. Come and say hi.

- Hey, hey, who's Ben?
- Er, he's my friend.

Come on, Mandeep, I thought we were...

.. on a date.

AJ, I like you but...

Oh, you're teasing me.


- Yeah, yeah, totally.
- Oh, my God, don't do that.

I thought I broke your heart or something.

Go get yourself a drink and I'll
introduce you to everyone, OK?

You're a filthy one, you are.

It's true!

God, I always forget how hot it is here.

- That's why I often favour a sarong.
- I'd rather sweat and look like a man.

Oh, that's a lovely image (!)

Thanks for that (!)

Hey, you know what we should do?

We should go for a swim.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, I don't know.

- Oh, come on.
- Sod it!

Come on, let's get in! Come on!

- Come on, Paul.
- Come on!

So, where is Greg?

He's out with friends but he won't
mind us making ourselves at home.

And the Lord said, "Let there be light"...

- and there was light.
- Right, who wants what?

Beer. All of it.

Oh, God! There's a lock on the cabinet.

The thing about Greg is,
he never changes anything.

- Take that... Watch you!
- Watch you!

Do we keep a tab or do we
have to keep it in our heads?

Just pay him in kind.

- What do you want to drink?
- Tequila!

- OK, Tequila.
- Wine?

Yeah. Mari, wine?

- Hi.
- Hi.

So, how have you been?

Generally, I mean.




.. good.


Actually, I've probably been better.


I thought you had plans, eh?

Yeah, so did I.

You want a drink?

Yeah, please.

- It's really good.
- Is it good? - Yeah.

Just in time.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

Did I interrupt something?

Er, no.

Well, maybe.

- It's a long story.
- Then don't bother.

Do you ever feel like you
can't do anything right?

Like you're making a series
of terrible decisions.

Of course. All the time.


I need to figure out what
I'm doing with my life.

I want to be better than...

.. mopping floors and
washing sheets all the time.

You've got plenty of time, eh?

You know what? Come on.

Let's go get our drinks.

- Cheers, ladies.
- Cheers!


Ah, Gabriel, this is for you.

Come on, Mari, how about a dance?

Oh, no, not your dancing?

Why, what's wrong with my dancing?

How long have you got?

Ah, is that so?

OK, I'll prove you wrong.

- Mari?
- Oh, yes?

- Here we are.
- Oh, God! Somebody stop him!

Are you all right?

Lead me.

Oh, my God!

Here comes Baywatch (!)

I used to be a lifeguard at
Stourbridge Leisure Centre.

Was that in the s?

Don't knock it. Ladies love a lifeguard.

♪ Oh all the ladies Love a lifeguard

♪ All the ladies love... ♪

Oh, my God! I've got crabs!

I've got crabs!

It's only seaweed.

It's just seaweed.

Agh, get off!

Jack, come help me get him!

Come on, it was just a joke!

Paul! Paul, where are
you when I need you?!


