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02x04 - Episode #2.4

Posted: 11/01/21 07:26
by bunniefuu
[Monkeys chattering]

[Bird and animal calls]


[Knocking at door]


He wants to talk to you.

Who, my uncle or my father?

I'm just passing on the message,

Thanks. Job done.
By the way, we're leaving.

[Knocks again] Come on.

Talk to your father.


Yes, he lied to you.

And, yes,
of course I don't approve.

But if he's prepared to explain,
then I...

I think you should hear him out.


Thank you.


I knew how angry and betrayed
you must have been,

how that anger must have grown
and festered.

So you tricked me?

I knew at least this way
we would get to meet.

Please forgive me.


You're a coward and a liar.

And that's why you left
when you did.

And nothing's changed, has it?

- Ruby, please...
- You know what?

Thank you.

Thank you, because without
all this... this bullshit...

..I would have always wondered:

"What's he like?

What kind of man is he?"

Well, now I know.

Now I know.

Please don't ever
contact me again.

[Bicycle bell rings]

[Buzz of chatter]

Name, please?


It's me.

My God! Pramila!

- I haven't seen you since...
- My sister let me come...

- To go to see Dhadkan.
- [Both chuckle]

I think I saw that film
at least six times.


- Either you got fat or...
- Hey...twins!

I'm not due for three weeks

but the contractions started
two hours ago.

- I think they're...
- [Liquid trickles]

Oh, they're definitely coming.

Nurse, can you get someone
to clean this up, please?

- Come with me.
- Thanks.

It's great to see you.
How are you?

All right, I guess.

Almost eight centimetres.
Nearly there.

I was kind of dreading this.

But right now, I just want them
out. Is that wrong?

Perfectly normal.

When they get like beach balls,
most women have had enough.

Especially if it's your first.

Especially when
there's two of them.

We should really call
the father.

Actually, I'd rather
you called their mother.

[Street band playing]

It's India, it's Tuesday,
it's another bloody festival.

[Brass section playing]

A blessing to you, sir.

No, thanks.

Kindness to strangers is a part
of the celebration of Utsavam.

Ah. Oh, well.
Thank you very much, love.

Please come.

Each temple has
its own unique traditions.

Here we honour Lord Vishnu
with processions and dancing.

It's very beautiful.

If you like that kind of thing.

You don't?

We have a saying back in
England: "Take it or leave it."

That's kind of how I feel
about Hindu festivals.

I mean, why not just
cut down a bit,

knock a few on the head?

Anyway, it was er...
very nice meeting you.

And er...thanks for these.

The pleasure's all been mine.

[Both laugh]

Just say you're sick.

Come on.
I have responsibilities.

I thought you were
an orderly now?

It's a vital role, Mandeep.

Come on, we're having fun.

No one works on the festival
of...what is this one again?


- For Lord Vishnu.
- Right.

Love Lord Vishnu.

- I have a tiny favour to ask.
- Uh-huh?

Come to dinner tonight with my
parents and bring your father.


My mother won't stop nagging
about meeting you.

You're so cute.

[Cheering and laughter]

Enjoy your sweets!

Thanks. Oi!

Oi, watch where you're going!

Wait, sir. I'll make sure you
get to the other side safely.

I don't need help crossing the
road, thanks, I'm not decrepit.

- Stop! I command you!
- [Horn beeps]

- Get out of the road!
- [Heavy thud]

[Tyres screech]

[Breathes heavily]

LYDIA: Did you manage to get
hold of the parents, Mari?

I left a message to tell them to
come straight from the airport.

I've shocked you.

A little.

My Aunt Sweta was unwell.

Breast cancer.

The chemotherapy she needed
made her infertile.

All she ever wanted
was a family.

So I thought I could help.

I give them a child...

..two children.

In return, my Uncle Naveen,
he's helping me move to London

and take
a Hotel Management course.

It's been a dream
to own my own restaurant.

That way we all get
what we want.

So we better make sure
things go smoothly.


Twins can be tricky. So I'd like
you to stay with her.

Let me know the minute
she's fully dilated.

- Yes, Doctor.
- You can talk about old times.

[Ringing tone]

LYDIA: Hi, Greg.
- So, dinner.

Dinner already? It's 10am.

I'm considering
an enormous fish.

Looks pretty good, actually.

Make that very good. Just need
someone to share it with.

When you put it like that,
how can I refuse?

It's a date.

See you later.

How can one lose
an engagement ring?

Dr Ram, you are an idiot!

Well, at last you can admit it.

- It's always the first step.
- AJ.

Never sneak up on me again.

One day these hands
are going to find your throat.

I was in the military, remember?

Anyway, you're late.


She was run over by a tuk-tuk.

- Dad, quick.
- I don't know her name.

OK. That's everything.


I'll drive. The roads require
full attention.

[Truck doors slam,
engine starts]


Hit by a moving vehicle,
and no sign of injury.

You are lucky, my dear.
Thank you, Nurse.

I'd call that a miracle.

Children bounce, divine or not.

But these tuk-tuks
can be a menace.

I'm not disagreeing with you,

But, in this case,
they're not to blame.

The driver didn't stand
a chance.

She just stood herself
in the middle of the road.

This is gonna sound daft
but it looked like something

out of one of them X-Team films,
the way she raised her hand.

- You mean X-Men?
- Er...yeah, right.

I think she genuinely believed

she could stop that tuk-tuk
with magic powers.

You know,
her manner is certainly unusual.

We'll X-ray her, then get
in touch with her parents.

Maybe they can shed some light.

- I have no parents.
- Oh.

I'm sorry.

Who is your legal guardian?

- Any other family members?
- You misunderstand.

I have no family because...

I am the goddess Lakshmi
in human form.

A goddess has no need
of parents.

You're doing well.

- There you go.
- Oh.

Oh, this feels better.

Yeah, that's good.

- Do you have kids?
- No.

Not yet.

You always had it planned.

What do they say?

"Life laughs at those
that make plans"?


I was married.

We tried, but the kids
never happened.

And then...

Well, we agreed not to be
together any more.

- I'm sorry.
- I'm lucky.

I have friends, family,
a job that I love.

One should be grateful
for what one has.

Uh-oh. Here we go again.

- OK.
- [Winces]

- That's good. Breathe into it.
- [Moans]

[Bicycle bell rings]

So...what did he say?

It doesn't matter.

The fact that you've barely said
a word suggests it does.

I really appreciate
what you're trying to do

but I really just don't want
to talk about it.

What the...?

We're doctors.

- Open tib-fib fracture.
- Oh, you think?

Check his breathing.

Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

Look at this.

Look at my finger.

OK, his chest sounds clear.

We need to get him out of here

It will take time to clear this.

We have to go back
to your father's.

OK. I'll get the splint.

LYDIA: It won't be long now.

Have you heard of oxytocin?

No. Should I?

They call it the love hormone.

When these children are born,
your system will flood with it.

It's nature's way of bonding you
with your babies.

What I'm trying to say is that

no matter what arrangements
have been made,

there are some things that are
way beyond our control.

So after they're born,

it might be easier for you
if you don't hold them.

I understand.


- Which year is this?
- 2018.

And where are we?

The Good Karma Hospital
in Barco.

Haven't you any
trickier questions?

In what year did Aston Villa
win the European Cup?


It's written on your shirt.


Where do you live?

Vaikuntha, with my consort
Lord Vishnu.

Can I go home now?
I really want to.


You'll soon be home. I promise.

What are you doing?

This belongs to you.


Use it wisely.

- [Groans]
LYDIA: That's it, sweetheart.

Push. Good girl!

One more push. You're nearly
there. One more push.

- Nearly there.
- [Baby cries]

Well done. Good girl.

Good girl. Oh.

[Baby cries]

There you go.


There you go, my darling.


One down, one to go.

I managed to contact
the nearest trauma centre

and they're sending
a private ambulance soon.

- Good.
- Pain?

Better. I gave him
another ten of mor...


I heard you were back.

- How is he?
- Everything's under control.

An ambulance is coming for him.


When will we hear
about the road?

Well, I've told them to let me
know as soon as it's open.


Will you eat something
while you wait?

No, I'll stay with my patient.

I understand.

Dr Varma? You, perhaps?

Erm...saving lives will always
make me hungry.

Yes. Thank you.


[Baby cries]

There we go. One of each.

Come on, noisy one. I know.

It's time to meet your brother.


How are you feeling?
You all right?

Like I've gone ten rounds with
a world champion heavyweight.

Pram! Are you OK?

Uncle Naveen.


- Thank you, Dr...
- This is Dr Fonseca.

I couldn't have done this
without her.

Thank you.

You know what for.

My pleasure.

Now would you mind waiting
outside for a couple of minutes?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

I'll see you.

See? It didn't hurt, did it?

I was very gentle.


My little angel.

I'll get these bloods tested.
How's Pramila?

I think your friend is
a very self-possessed,

not to mention brave young lady.

The parents are here.
We should let them in.

Of course. We are almost
done here, aren't we, huh?

Come on, you.


It would be a mistake for us
to think this is easy for her.

Yes, Dr Fonseca.

- [Laughter]
- Follow me.

AJ: Maybe she's an orphan?

Quite possibly, yes.

But she seems too educated
to be a street kid.

GIRL: What shall we do?

Paul. You have done everything
you possibly could.

Now we'll take it from here.

I'm sure the nurses will look
after her till we sort this out.

No, I'll stick with her till
her folks turn up, if that's OK?

Well, then, I'm sure the goddess
will enjoy your company.

- Doctor?
- Yeah?

Thank you.


These hats are ridiculous.

NAVEEN: Oh, no, they're not.

Come on.

- Come on.
- Thank you.

I would say, "my pleasure,"
but I'd be lying.

I'm never giving birth again
as long as I live!

I'm just sorry we missed it.

You must be exhausted.

You did all the hard work.

Actually, she's right, I have.

[All chuckle]

- [Baby grizzles]
- That reminds me.


Amama's necklace?

I saw how much you loved it
when you were staying with us.

I want you to have it.

But, no. I can't.

What you have given us
is worth a million necklaces.

LYDIA: Excuse me.

Please could I have a word
with both of you in my office?

Thank you.


I mean...
but that's treatable, right?

Yes. Yes, of course.

But the severity of the variant
your daughter has

is likely to be life-limiting.

You're saying
she's going to die?

Not immediately, no.

But the consequences
will be serious.

There's the possibility
of delayed puberty...

..bone deformities, diabetes...

And the amount of regular
blood transfusions she'll need

will eventually lead to iron
overload and heart failure.

By what age?

Perhaps we don't need
to get into that.

SWETA: I want to know.

We both do.

Well, with the current state of
medical care here...

..perhaps mid-20s.

With access to chelation
therapy, maybe longer.

Surely there must be
a cure out there?

Maybe in the future.

And the other child, our son?

Is perfectly healthy,
as is often the case.

I am so sorry to have to be
the one to tell you this.


It's funny, er...

What you think is so beautiful,
I just see it as home.

Well, I guess you can get used
to anything, in time.

Ruby, I'm so sorry.


And for what it's worth...

..I think he is too.

- Did he tell you to say that?
- No.


You're stubborn.

- What?
- You got that from Dad.

No, I didn't.

But you know what I got?

Ability to roll my tongue.


Before you go.

You offered to do an ultrasound
to show me my baby.


Do you have time now?


Is it your first ultrasound?

I've never done it before.

We've coped before
when Sweta was sick.

My wife was very ill.


The last few years
have been tough.

For both of us.

Can I ask, when was the last
time either of you slept?

For about five minutes
on the flight.

Well, why don't you go to
the hotel and see if you can...


I want to stay with my babies.

Yeah, of course. Stay with them
as long as you like.

- Excuse me.
- Thank you.

[Sweta sobs]

There, see?

Head, two hands...

..two legs.

Is... Is everything all right?

Yeah. Everything's fine.


Do you wanna know?

I thought I wasn't allowed.

I'll make an exception.

It's up to you.

It's a boy.

You have a son.

Your nephew.


I never thought I'd be an aunt.

You know, he...
he never meant to hurt you.

And you owe
our father nothing but...

..that doesn't stop you
from giving him something.

[Cradle creaking]

Doctor. Dr Fonseca.

- Have you seen the Kaimals?
- No. Why, what's going on?

The baby boy. He's gone.
I found this in his cot.

- Donation?
- No.

They've taken him.

- What about his sister?
- They left her behind.

[Keypad clicks]

Have you heard from them?
Perhaps they lost their phone?

Nothing. I'm sorry.

Tell me, honestly.

You think I brought this
on myself?

No, of course not.

I saw your eyes when I told you.

How can a woman
sell her children?

It's not for me to judge you
or anyone else.


But the world
will still condemn me.

"She got what she deserved."

You tried to help someone.

That was my mistake, clearly.

[Baby cries]

I'm sorry.
I'll do this later, OK?

[Crying continues]

It's OK.

It's OK. Hi, little one.

Aw, you're OK.

There you go.

[Mari makes soothing noises]

[Hums softly]

[Whispers soothingly]


- [Baby grizzles]
- You've just woken up.

[Whispers] OK.
Let's go this way.

[Low conversation]

I really loved your mother.
I really did.

But when you came along, I...
It was just too much for me.

Feeding you, holding you.

It terrified me.

I just ran away.

- Because of me.
- No. Don't say that.

Because of me.

Because I was weak.

Your mother deserved a real man.

You deserved a real father and
I was neither of those things.

It was a mistake to contact you
the way I did.

But I'm really grateful
you gave me this chance

to witness what you've become.

I'm really proud of you, Ruby.

But the credit's all yours.

The roads are open now.

Drive carefully, OK?

- You spoke to him?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

You are always welcome here.

Well, you're in India now.

Here family comes first, always.

I know.

Drive safe, Sister.

[Engine starts]

My darling. OK.

Everything'll be fine.

You made a deal with your aunt,
why not with me?

You'd adopt her?

If she's sick,
she needs taking care of.

What better person than a nurse?

I can take care of her.

You have your dreams...
but so have I.

You said it yourself.

I've always wanted a child.

Now you have all the money you
need to do what you wanted.

You mean it?

She needs someone to love her.

I need someone to love.

I wasn't sure what to buy
a goddess, in all honesty.

Goddesses like sweets.

Are you sure you can't remember
where your mum and dad live?

We can get them to come
and pick you up, no trouble.

As I told you, I'm a goddess
and I have no earthly parents.

However, you're a good man.

And you've treated me
with great kindness.

For that I will repay you.

♪ Catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket

♪ Never let it fade away
- How do you know that song?

- That was her favourite song.
♪ Catch a falling star

♪ And put it in your pocket

♪ Save it for a rainy day

BOTH: ♪ For love may come
and tap you on the shoulder

♪ Some starless night

♪ Just in case you feel
you want to hold her

♪ You'll have a pocketful
of starlight

She loves you very much.

I'm sorry, I've got to go.

[Breathes erratically]

[Stifles sob]

Just think of the implications.
You're a professional woman.

With respect, that is neither
your decision or your business.

With respect,
this child is my patient.

And you're a member of staff
in my hospital.

Have you any idea how
patronising that sounds?

Mari, please, listen to me
before you do this.

You'd be alone.

A single mother with
a desperately sick baby.

I am prepared
to make that sacrifice.

This child will take over
your entire life.

Forgive me.

Isn't that how
it's supposed to work?

- Or have I got that wrong too?
- I'm not saying you're wrong.

I am adopting her!

And I won't let you
ruin it for me.

Do you understand that?

[Children laughing and playing]

[Musical horn toots]

[Paul wheezes]

[He gasps and groans]


Paul, can you hear me?


- Let's get him inside.
- The stretcher is on the way.

Paul, can you hear me?

After three, we're gonna
roll you on your back, OK?

One, two, three.

Hello, this is Lydia Fonseca.
Please leave a message.

- [Voicemail beeps]
- So, this fish.

I say we freeze him

and do something
a little bit more special.

How about that new place
you wanted to try?

I'm gonna book it right now
for eight o'clock.

Call me back. OK?

OK, bye. Bye.


- Yes, love?
- Hi.

Formal adoption
will take time to organise.

This disclaimer simply confirms
that you've agreed temporarily

to give the baby up to our care.

And then to Mari?

And then to Mari.

Right, well, you're medically
fit for discharge.

Sign this and when you're ready,
you can go.

I only did this
so I could have the life I want.

You understand that?

Yes. Yes, I do.

No one's blaming you.
This is your choice.

[Printer whirs]

[Monitor beeps]

Do you believe in ghosts?


At least, not actual ones.

Neither do I.

At least, I didn't...

Am I dying?


In fact your heart is doing very
nicely for a man of your age.

Then why can't
I breathe properly?

Because you experienced
a panic attack.

Panic att*cks can happen
for all different reasons.

Sometimes they're our bodies'
way of telling us

we need to
face up to something.

I'm all right?

I can go?

Unless there's something
you want to talk about?

You know, Maggie and I
would talk all the time.

I think she fancied you.

I can't see it myself.

Whether you find me attractive
or not, the offer is there, OK?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

If I'm fine, there's somebody
I've got to see.

RAM: Her name is
Anushka Channar.

Her parents tell me
she went missing

from a children's
hospital in Kochi.

The child has a brain tumour - a
tiny growth on her pineal gland.

This can lead to profound
changes of personality -

even delusions.

Does that mean
she's going to die?

The tumour is benign.

So with luck, she should be
cured completely.

Well, thank Christ for that.

There you go.

All's well that ends well.

- I'd better say goodbye.
- You know, it's funny.

Since millennia,
people have believed

the pineal gland is where
the immortal soul resides.

Everybody from Hindus
to Descartes.

That's where God lives
amongst all of us.

But she is mad, right?

Of course. Ignore me.

Just a passing fancy.

Well, like I said.

I'm just glad
she's gonna be all right.

What time are we meeting
Mandeep's parents?

- Eight.
- We're a bit early, aren't we?

Yes, we are. But I thought we
would just have a nice drink.

Without all the hassle,
just you and me.

Why not?

Are you all right?

There's something
that I've been putting off,

so much so that
I nearly lost the opportunity.

Today I met a goddess...

..and now I want to marry one.

Mala Pradeep...marry me.

Be my wife.

And let me drive you crazy
for the rest of our lives.

How could I possibly refuse
such an offer?

I have one more question
for you.


Will you please help me up?

Of course. [Chuckles]

Thank you.

Look who's coming.

[Baby grizzles]

You haven't signed it.


She was right.


Some things are more powerful
than we ever imagined.

- Mari, I'm sorry.
- No.

[Mari sobs]

Can I hold her?

I'm begging you...

..don't do this.

I have to.

I'm sorry.

[Mari stifles sobs]

[Mari sobbing]

[Mari sobbing]

I should never have
talked to you that way.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, it's fine.

It's these damned hormones.

They make idiot men
fight each other.

Whereas we just fall in love

with the tiniest scrap
of humanity.

Hey, Mandeep,
are you on the way?

AJ, I'm not coming.

What do you mean,
you're not coming?

I'm sick. Listen.


What is that music?
Come on, Mandeep, where are you?

Don't be silly,
it's just the TV.

OK, so, then, just call me?

OK, definitely. Bye.

Ah, here's AJ. Come.

Oh, nice to see you, AJ.

[Indian pop music playing]

Excuse me, sir?
The kitchen closes soon.

Would you like to order
something to eat?

No, I'll leave it, thanks.

He'll have the fish.

[Greg chuckles]