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01x05 - Episode 05

Posted: 11/01/21 07:22
by bunniefuu
Thank you.

- Bacon roti.
- Thank you.


You've haven't lived,

Brown sauce? You got some!

I could kiss you.

- You've tried this?
- Yes. Quite foul.

Just, erm...

Marcus? Hi.


So all I have to do is sign it?

If you're still OK
to sell the place?

I mean, we can talk about it
if you like.

But it's an offer
at the asking price

and they want to move
as soon as possible.

No. No, no.

Sure. I mean, it's fine.
It's what we agreed on.

What time is it over there?

It's t'middle of
the bloody night.

Another false alarm.
Couldn't sleep. are you?


Really good.

Listen, if this goes wrong,
the hospital is over there.


You are joking?

She didn't?

I told you, your mum is
clinically insane.

You remember
that time we went over

and she answered the door
stark naked?

Right. Yeah, that's her story.

- Shit. I've gotta go.
- Dr Walker, we're needed.

- A nun has collapsed.
- I've got to go.

- Dr Walker?
- Yeah, just send it.

Did you just say
a nun has collapsed?


You look terrible.

I feel terrible.

No, no, no. No time for that.
Come on. Get up!

- OK.
- Come on!

Leave that!

OK, Dad, what are you doing?

Time to smarten you up.

- You look like a damn tramp.
- Look...

Is this him?


Handsome enough, I suppose.

With work.

What's with these rags?
Clothes maketh the man, Dr Nair.

I... I know.
I've tried, Miss Pradeep,

- but the boy just won't listen.
- OK. Can I just say...

Ssh! They never do.

If only you'd taken after
your father.

Clearly a man
who knows how to dress.

You are too kind,
Miss Pradeep.

- Will you to take him on?
- Ordinarily, no, I would not.

My client list is exclusive.

They expect the very best.

I understand.

But, erm, then,
I do like a challenge.

Marrying off this boy
will be my...

- ultimate achievement.
- Really?

Yes. Your son is, er...
my Everest.

I'm sorry.

- A call from Chennai.
- Sure.

- Excuse me. Hello?
- Are you crazy?

I don't need a marriage broker.

- Are you married?
- No, but...

My point precisely. My son is
in need of female company.

This way, we can get
somebody who's appropriate.

You mean "brown", right?

I mean a girl who's...
who's a serious proposition.

That's all I ask.
Only, if your mother were here,

- she'd have wanted this too.
- I'm not listening to this.


Crab racing?

Imagine the Grand National,
only sideways.

And you bet on this nonsense?


Not at all.

Gambling's strictly illegal
in India.

Which is why Greg McConnell's
Annual Crab National

is incredibly popular.

Places strictly limited.

So, are you in?

Go on, then. When in Rome...

A thousand rupees.

- Do you want to see the form?
- Bloody crabs have form?

I get the impression you're not
taking this entirely seriously.

Just put it on the favourite.

- Each way.
- Very wise.


- Hiya.
- Hi.

You're unnaturally quiet,
Dr Walker.

Usually, I can't shut you up.

Something bothering you?

It's fine. Not important.

Why don't you let me be
the judge of that?


We're selling my house.

Our house.

Which I suppose means
it really is over.

Me and Marcus.

God put those eyes
in the front of your head

for a reason, Dr Walker.
Look forward in life.

Turn the next corner
and meet the future head on.

I know, I know.

We met when I was 16.

He was the first boy
I ever kissed.

And you stayed with him?

How lacking in imagination
you must have been.

- I think I was in love.
- Impossible.

You were only children.

The whole thing sounds like
a dreadful mistake.

Take my advice.

A man you don't love is like a
sticking plaster you don't need.

Just rip it off. It only ever
hurts for a second.

- You're probably right.
- No "probably" about it.

Haven't you realised by now
I'm always right?

It's a cross I have to bear.

You love trains.

I prefer sitting down
with a light ale.

You're not well
and I hate bloody temples.

Tough. We're going.

It'll be a cultural experience.

I refer you to
my previous answer.

And you'll have to change.

You can't meet God
in a Villa shirt.

So the nuns make
wedding dresses?

It's a tradition that stretches
back donkey's years.

Young brides travel for days
to collect their trousseaus.

It's a form of devotion.

Exalting God through labour.
Some people pray.

Here they sew and stitch
wedding gowns for Jesus.

- Sounds amazing.
- Or ridiculous.

Remind me to lend you my copy of
The Female Eunuch, Dr Walker.

- Hello.
- Still, she looks happy.

Didn't we all?

Thank you for coming so quickly.

Had she complained of
feeling unwell?

Sister Inez has taken
a vow of silence, Dr Fonseca.

I wouldn't expect her to.

In this order, we take
discipline very seriously.

And here?

Sickness, fever?

How about when you pee?

You may speak to the doctor.

It hurts.

Well, I think you'll live, but
you should've called me earlier.

It's probably a urinary tract
infection coupled with a faint.

We're going to need a sample.

So this will tell us
if you have an infection.

We can check for blood,
protein, white blood cells.

Of which you have a full house.

So what happens now?

We need to start you on
a course of antibiotics.

We need to make sure
you drink plenty of...

Is everything all right?

The tests we've taken indicate
that you do indeed have

a urinary tract infection...

..but also that you're pregnant.

Did you really need me
to wear this shirt?

Traps the heat
like nobody's business.

Now I know why
Gandhi wore a bed sheet.

You look good in black.
Everyone does.


Why are all the blokes wearing
flowers round their necks?

It's traditional.

It says so in the guidebook.

You should be wearing one, too.
Excuse me. Here.

Stop fussing. Come on.
It's this way.

You do understand
what this means?

Of course. This baby is a gift.

A true miracle.

So, do you have any idea
who gave you this gift?

Isn't it obvious?

It's Him.

You believe her?

That she has
an immaculate conception?

I may be
an extremely lapsed Catholic,

but I'm not totally stupid.

No, some miracles are more
easily explained than others.

OK. Lift your right arm, please.

And now your left.

- Believe me, I'm trying.
- You see?

I'm afraid it looks like
you've suffered a stroke.

That's why
you can't move your left side.

Now, when did this all start?

Less than an hour ago.

This place was the nearest.
So what happens now?

I'll prescribe some treatment
to thin the blood

and then you'll need a scan,
which I can arrange.

In the meantime, we'll do
everything that we can.


- Thank you.
- OK.

My husband, he'll get better?


I'm afraid that, at this stage,
that is impossible to say.

We want the best treatment.

We have funds.

And Dr Nair is a personal friend
of my husband.

Yes, er, all our patients get
the very best we can offer.

I'll make sure that Dr Nair is
aware your husband is here

and he can arrange any transfer
if that's what you'd prefer.

Thank you.

"We have funds"?

The girl had nothing
before she married him.

You don't approve, Sister?

In sickness and in health,

Perhaps now
we'll see how true that is.?

I am pleased
her condition is not serious,

but I'm very much against
my novices leaving the convent

unless there's
a genuine emergency.

Now, is this ultrasound scan
really necessary?

Absolutely essential.

I've arranged for an appointment
first thing tomorrow

and, given the circumstances,

I wish to take care of this case

In that case,
I will make an exception.

What's going to happen
to her once Mother Carmen

- finds out she's pregnant?
- God knows,

but she's gonna need help
to deal with this.

So how long were you married?

What brought that on?

Sorry. If you don't wanna
talk about it...

One confession
deserves another, I suppose.

Jules Fonseca was...
an entertaining man.

Impossible, but entertaining,
right up to the day he left.

- But you still kept his name?
- If you had my maiden name...

- What was it?
- I have never told anyone

- and never will.
- So what happened?

I woke up one morning
and he'd gone.

Haven't heard from him since.


- That must've been hard.
- Yeah, well, life goes on.

Just rip it off
and it only hurts for a second.

And the sex was fantastic.

So, Josie,
what first attracted you to

this exciting, public facing
retail employment opportunity?


- Why do you wanna work here?
- Truthfully?

- Always.
- I really don't,

but it's my fastest route to
a plane ticket out of here so...

I see.

In that case, you're hired.



You were the only applicant.

So when can you start?

- As soon as you need me.
- Good answer.

Can you tell me what this is?

- A dishcloth.
- You're a natural.

Come on.

You gave her a job?

She was by far
the best candidate.

OK, what about them?

- She's gonna be so jealous...
- They run out of money,

Daddy FedEx's
a new credit card.

Her desperation is
my profit margin.

That's it.
I'm gonna k*ll myself.

Fine. Just not here.
su1c1de's bad for business.

No. It's worse than that. My
father hired a marriage broker.

Is that so bad?

Means a lot less effort
on your part.

So you would have
an arranged marriage?

I met a girl once.

Clever, pretty, sweet.

For some reason, she liked me.

Wanted to get hitched,
kids, the whole deal.

OK. So what did you do?

I bought
a one-way ticket to India.

I just think you should consider
the alternatives

before it's too late.

Hari Menon.
I went to school with him.

He was in my class.
What's wrong with him?

Stroke. Left hemi.

I've started
anti-platelet therapy.

So is he
a close friend of yours?

I haven't seen him in years.

I heard he remarried,
a younger woman.

Yes, very attractive.

- Mari doesn't approve.
- Ha!

Hari never cared about what
other people thought of him.

Probably that's how
he got so rich.

Mr Menon, how are you?

Is this it?


How much further is it?

About eight to 12 kilometres
depending on...

12 kilometres?

That's nearly...
That's bloody miles.

If you can't handle
a small hike,

you're welcome to stay here.

Us ladies will pick you up
when we're done.

What is it, child?

I have good news, Mother...


And she just threw you out?

I was...
I was so happy, so proud.

Couldn't keep it in any more.

I thought Mother Carmen, a woman
of God, would understand.

She called me things.
Dreadful things.

Said I'd brought shame
on the order.

Well, did you?

A handsome young man
can make the best of us lapse.


Of course not.

I swear by Almighty God,
Dr Fonseca, I have done nothing.


In that case,
I think we'd better find out

what's going on here,
don't you?


Push a little harder.

That's good. Now rotate it.

Like this.


You see it?

Not really.

Sorry, I just can't visualise
a foetus.

I'd hope so too.
The uterus is there. Empty.

This is what
you should be looking at.

- What is it, Doctor?
- You have a cyst on your ovary.

A dermoid, if I'm not mistaken,
which explains everything.

You're not pregnant.

You have a benign growth
on your ovary.

Inside is tissue
that has developed

like a foetus
would have done,

which is why your pregnancy test
was positive.

So, it was all a mistake?

There's no baby?

No, and there never was.

You will have to have
the cyst removed,

but it's a relatively simple

You'll make a full recovery.

Thank you.

- I'm sorry.
- You do understand.

We can treat this.

It's not that.

When I thought I'd been chosen,

when I thought it was
a miracle, it made me so happy.

I hadn't been sure, you see.

I'd had doubts, bad thoughts.

Then this.

It was as if
God was speaking to me.

Telling me He was real
and that I was His servant.

But this?

This is an abomination.

It's not real.

None of it is.

It's all been a lie.

I want the operation, please.

I need it out of me
as soon as possible.

And I'd like to borrow
some clothes.

Put her in a bed and call
the gynaecologists in Kochi.

Arrange for an appointment
as soon as possible.

- Where are you going?
- To commit a mortal sin.

Dr Fonseca!

You will not use language
like that in a house of God.

God? And what do you think
He would say

about the way
you've treated this girl?

Mercy and forgiveness?

Rules must be obeyed.

If a genuine mistake
has been made,

the girl can return to the
convent any time she likes.

God is nothing if not merciful.

And what ever happened to trust?

Trust comes with discipline.

Yes, discipline.

I spent ten years
being taught by women like you.

Believe me, those scars
don't heal so easily.

Look where it got you,
Dr Fonseca. A glittering career.

Sometimes a little discipline

can work wonders
for the rebellious.

Yes, yes. All right.

Right, that's it. I'm done.


- Sorry.
- It's not much further.

I'm knackered.
My feet are blistered.

The bloody mosquitoes think
my ankles are

their personal
World Darts Championship.

I swear,
it's like Lakeside down there.

But this temple, Paul,
you'll really love it, I swear.

Seen one temple,
you've seen 'em all. I'm done.

No. We're not going back.

We can't. I need to...

You need to what?

You need to what, Maggie?

Tonight, a star appears
in the woods above the temple.

The Arundhati star.

It always appears, always,
and it's...

Well, they say it's got
these healing powers.

And it's...

I thought I should
at least try to see it.



A bloody healing star!

Jesus, Maggie.

Our daughter has been
calling us every day

and I've been lying to her,
telling her everything is fine.

- Stop shouting, Paul.
- You think this is shouting?

This is nothing. I hate it here!

I hate the heat, the flies!

The money doesn't make
any sense at all.

I've stuck it out because...

- God knows why we're doing it.
- Paul...

Now you are literally leading me
up the bloody garden path

because you think
some poxy speck of light

billions of miles away
is gonna fix everything,

when we could be back home

surrounded by people
who love you.

Why this? Why...? Why here?

We've got a life,
family, friends,

back home in
bloody Stourbridge

where it's cold and miserable
and you can get proper Nando's.

I miss those things, Maggie.

And you should miss them too,

if you weren't so bloody
self-obsessed and selfish.



Somebody help me!

Come on.

Excuse me. Move it!

I don't think
we can get up here.

Come on. Come on.

Come on. AJ, come on.

Come on. Excuse me.

Excuse me, guys.

Easy, love. Easy.
You have to sip it.

Not too much at a time.

Thank God. Over here!

She's severely dehydrated.

What are you doing hauling her
out to the middle of nowhere?

No. No. She was fine. She was
the one who wanted to do it.

It's the Aru...doodah star,
or something.

Yes, I know what it is. We need
to get her to the hospital now.

- Where's the bloody ambulance?
- Next corner.

Thank God for that.
Nearly there, love.

Sorry, memsahib.


Are you OK?

Yesterday I would have
prayed with them.

I'm sure they'd be grateful
if you joined them.

To ask God for a miracle?

Well, if it gives people hope...

Yesterday I trusted Him

and then I find all He wants
to do is make a fool of me.

No-one thinks that.

I do.

Come on.

Good afternoon.

Here you go.


- Has it been a year already?
- Yeah.

- You know I always win?
- Yes.

Your recurrent good fortune
astounds me.

No-one picks a crab
like Lydia Fonseca.

I had considered banning you,
but that didn't seem sporting.

OK. That one.

5,000 rupees.

Crazy Claude at fifty to one.

Bold choice.

What would you do if you saw
a young girl ruining her life?

I usually tell 'em not to stop
and promise 'em a lift home.

If it was me,
absolutely nothing.

If it's you we're talking about,
I'd bet 50,000 rupees

that you're gonna
stick your nose in.

Talking of which...

Help yourself.

Tell me you are not serious.

I warned her of the risks, that
we could only offer the basics,

- but she insisted on staying.
- You listened to her, Dr Varma?

Yes. She's my patient. She has a
right to make her own decisions.

What about this nonsense about
some healing star in the East?

That part of your prescription
too, was it?

If she had told me,
I would've stopped it.

I knew nothing about this.

It seems ignorance is
your default setting.

- Continue fluid resuscitation.
- I will.

If she doesn't recover quickly,

we'll need a transfer to Kochi
for a CT scan.

Check her intracerebral
pressure's OK.

- Do the family know?
- That's her husband over there.

Well, you should put him
in the picture.

And it's not a pretty one.

Yes, Dr Walker?

Dr Walker
is concerned about you.

She thinks we need to talk.

Or maybe
you just need to listen.

You thought that God
had given you a virgin birth.

A gift.

But, in reality,
biology gave you a better one.

The truth.

I've seen what this life can do.

Death coming to those
who least deserve it.

Illness and misery striking
down the purest of heart.

If He exists at all,
then He's a cruel tyrant.

Why shut yourself away
from humanity?

See it with your own eyes.

There's a whole world out there
waiting for you.

Now I have nowhere to go.

Is that so bad?

If we explained the diagnosis,
the convent would have her back?

- They'll have her back.
- I don't understand.

I went to see her
so-called Mother Superior.

She's welcome to return.

You don't think
we should tell her?

She's young, Dr Walker.
She has a chance to start again.

- She's lost. Vulnerable.
- Aren't we all?

The sooner she learns
to deal with it, the better.

Lydia's Lydia.

She manipulates people
and refuses to apologise.

I thought you would have
figured that out by now.

And we just accept it?

Well, I don't think any of us
have a choice.

We could leave.

That's true.

So, why don't you?

No, really. I'm interested.

Why are you here?

Why not Chennai or...or Delhi?

I mean,
you're a brilliant doctor.

Maybe it's all I deserve.

Now, Maggie Smart
nearly died today.

All because
I let her do what she wanted.

No. No, you listened.

You tried to help.

And it nearly k*lled her.

You know, maybe Lydia's right.

People need to be told
what's good for them.

I mean, that's why
I always tell you what to do,

because obviously
I know what's good for you.

Marcus is selling up.

That's what
the phone call was about.

We were supposed to spend
the rest of our lives together.

Now that's a failure.

I'm... I'm sorry to hear that.

I should... I should get back.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yes. I'll...

Sister! Sister!

Come quick! Quick!

You see.

See? It's a miracle.
He's cured.

Isn't it wonderful?

- Praise the Lord!
- Praise Him indeed.

I'll tell the doctor.

They should tattoo it
on our arms at medical school.

Never give up on a stroke
on the first day.

One man's transient ischaemic
attack is another man's miracle.

Perhaps we should go
and explain.

No. We all need a little magic
now and again.

Some more than others.


Go on, do it today.

You never know
what tomorrow might bring.

Excuse me.

Give me five.

My sincerest apologies,
Miss Pradeep.

The boy flatly refuses
to cooperate.

Our children are a gift,
Dr Nair,

but a gift that has
been sent to try us.

Of course,

eligible men come in all shapes
and sizes...and ages.

Are you married?

- Widowed.
- Even better.

I have many lovely ladies
who'd like nothing better

than a charming doctor with a
little sadness behind his eyes.

Unless the whole idea is
completely out of the question?

There's no harm
in discussing it.

I'll be in touch.

On your marks...

..get set, scuttle!

They're off at Greg McConnell's
Annual Crab National.

Not much going on at
the beginning. They'll warm up.

A bit of liveliness
happening over here now.

- Go! Go!
- Who's this? Great form.

Someone's making a break
for the border here.

It's the Hooded Claw making
a break for the border. No.

No, it's actually... It's No.3.
No.3 making...



Miss Pradeep,
I was not expecting you.

No, I mean...
You look wonderful.

Thank you.

If your son was
half the gentleman you are,

every woman in India
would be offering her hand.

And, please, call me Mala.


Look at her! He's making
a total fool out of himself.

Is he?
Are you sure it isn't you?

My God.

That's it! Go!

We have a winner.
We have a winner.

And it's Legs & Co,
ladies and gentlemen.

Legs & Co, our favourite.

Who had Legs & Co?

Who had the favourite?
It was Paul.

Where's Paul?

You were right.

I shouldn't have
taken us up there.

Hey. It doesn't matter now.

That's exactly why it matters.

Stupid waste of a precious day.

No day's wasted
if I'm with you, love.

Here. Home.

Hot trains.


Sorry I shouted.

It's OK.

We need to call Debbie, love.

Let me call her.

We have to tell her
exactly what's going on.

You're sick, love,
and she's our daughter.

She deserves the truth.

You can't sleep here.

God! Shit!

Help! Help, Gabriel!
I need help here!

We need to get her up now!

- OK. I'm in.
- What's going on?

Female, 20s, attempted su1c1de.

Deep lacerations to both wrists.
Severe hypovolemic shock.

- Sinus rhythm?
- Fine, 88.

- Blood pressure?
- Better, 80 systolic.

Chase up the cross match.
Two more units of red cells.

I'll call Kochi and arrange
an urgent transfer.

Wait! She tried to k*ll herself.

- A heartbeat from succeeding.
- I'm fully aware of that.

She was down for five,
ten minutes. Maybe more.

We both know what that means.

This should never have happened.
She needed help.

- Our help.
- Which I gave her.

No. No, you just told her
how to live her life.

I simply did what
I thought was right.

I know. You always do.

This time you were wrong.

Is that all?

You won. The whole pot.

How much?

I think, technically,
you're a millionaire.

I'm sorry you couldn't make it.

How is she?



In the circumstances,
the bar decided to come to you.

I won't make a habit of it.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Thank you.


