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03x05 - The Enemy

Posted: 11/01/21 07:17
by bunniefuu
Whatever I've become,
I'm still the person you knew.

I'm still Sarah.

Any change?

Anything's possible.


Kirstie, no-one can force you
to stay. It is your choice.

Don't worry, we'll get her back.

I don't fail.

Excuse me, but why are we all best
friends with the psycho k*ller now?

Look, Phil is on our side now, OK?
He wants to help us.

We need to discuss this all together.

We should go somewhere safe
and quiet.

You've got to be kidding me.

Everything's going to be alright.

I remember the fire.

The smell of burnt flesh.



Then I remember the helicopter...

..being airlifted off the rig...

..and I felt different.

I didn't know who I was,
what my life was.

And then it started coming back.

Kath, and the kids.


But there was something else I felt.

Drive. Purpose.

And that's what led me
to Doctor Mackeller.

And then you k*lled her.
I'm not a m*rder*r.

I had to return her
to her natural state.

And now you want to return us.
Not anymore.

No, I've changed.
Oh, yeah, no worries.

Yeah, well, let's be friends
and you can k*ll us in our sleep.

I'm telling you the truth.

We need each other.
I can protect you.

Who from?

Others will be coming.

People like me.

People close to you, who you trust.

They'll die and they'll come back,
just like I did.

How will we know who they are?

With my help.

What, are you psychic or something?

But there are signs.

When I came back, I had all
my memories and I knew everything.

It's just... things felt.


They were a surprise to me, all new.

Well, you've told us now. f*ck off.

If you want to stay alive,
you need my help.

No f*ckin' way.

We should think about this.

I mean, he's strong...

He tried to k*ll all of you
and he m*rder*d my wife.

I want him gone.

Why don't you get in the car.
I'll drive you...

James, please...
In the car.

Just think about it.

What about us?

I'm not staying in the same house
as Pete f*ckin' Rennox.

Get back to the Lake House,
all of you.

No. We stay.

Little policeman is friend.

OK, you two stay here
but don't leave the house.

I'll meet you later.



I'll deal with the girl
and the Chinaman.

No, I need you to go
with the others.

I know how we're going to finish

And what about Phil?

I'm going to see if I can turn him

He's the enemy.
He will s*ab us in the back.

OK, then we'll get him out
of the way but don't worry,

I've got a plan. I just need you
to go with the others.

You can stop the car. Here's fine.

Whose car's that?

A few days ago you were talking
about wiping them out.

You kept talking about your purpose.
What happened to that?

I found a greater one.

And what's that?

That feeling you get when you hold
a child in your arms.

That love and fear,
all mixed together.

You know how potent that is.

So you're saying you lost
your purpose.

What's to stop you finding it again?
You think I'd turn on them?

I'm just asking the question.

I'm just like you now, James.

I'm a family man.

Why have you got the heater on?

Ah, must have left it on by mistake.

But you're wearing a jacket.


Who the f*ck is that?

He's come for me.

He could be anybody.



Who are you?

Jesus, Phil!
Answer me!

I'm just doing my job!
What job?

Phil, stop.
Let him go right now.

What are you doing in my house?

He's a real estate agent. I asked him
to come here to value the house.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, no, I know it's late,
but this was my only chance

to sort of stop by.

Um, I'll be in touch...
about the...

Have you lost your mind?

Where have you been?
Shopping, like you asked.

Yeah, and where is it?
And what is he doing here?

There was a complaint.

The manager said he was acting
suspiciously, so I brought him home.

Yeah, that'd be right.

That woman is such a r*cist.

You know what, the sooner we get out
of this town, the better.

I meant what I said.

I wanna help.
You've flipped once.

What's it gonna take
to make you flip again?

That's not gonna happen.
You're no good to us.

Stay away from the others.

Home sweet home.

We'd be a lot safer in Sweden
than stuck in this dump.

You can't go home, Belle.

Yeah, but my sister's expecting you.

You can just talk to my parents

the cellular regeneration thing.

They'll listen to a policeman.

Well, then, you listen to me, OK?

Your parents are not good people.

How can you say that?
You don't even know them.

I'm gonna show you something, OK?



Magic window.

I guess.

OK, 19th of April, 1993.

Allegations of domestic abuse
and kidnapping

at Southern Pentecostal
Family Ministries.

Going to do the plants.

Oh, OK, mate.

27th of August, two charges
of as*ault and resisting arrest.

1st of December,
two charges of child abuse.

Three children removed
from the community.

Yeah, but how is that
my parents' fault?

Well, it was their community,
their church. They were running it.

No, Mum wouldn't have known
about any of that stuff.


This is the police statement
about your death.

"We tried to warn her
but she was a very naughty girl,

"always running away.

"We couldn't find her.

"When we did find her in the barn,

"we called the doctor right away
but it was too late.

"She was already dead
from the seizure.

"It was such a tragedy."

That's not true.

That's your mother's signature.
Those are her words.

Yeah, but that's a lie.
I didn't run away.

They took me to that barn.

Anne Donohue lied to the police
and covered up your death.

God knows what other things
she's hidden over the years.

Oh! Oh! Oh!


Oh, my God! Pete!

Pete, are you OK? Pete!

Oh, f*ck!

Oh! Oh, God.

He's dead.

Oh, my God.

Are you...are you OK?


OK. Oh, God.

Stay there, don't try to move.
I'll call an ambulance.

Keep an eye on him.

Ambulance, please.

Yeah. My brother's just fallen down

It's a miracle.

You can cancel the ambo.

It's a gas stove.
You need to light it.



What's wrong?

I saw the world consumed by fire.

It's coming.

We are running out of time.

OK, shhh. Shh.

I have what we need.

These are hardcore pain meds.

Medicines. They were Kate's,
from years ago.

I need you to crush these up,
put them in the food.

If it doesn't k*ll them, it's going
to knock them unconscious, OK?

Then we can do it. It'll be
painless. It'll be merciful.

And what about Belle and Chi?

When the time comes, bring them
round. We'll eat together.

Look, I know what we have to do,
but I can't hurt them.

It has to be like this.

You OK?

Oh. Yeah.

Here we are again,
waiting for the next threat.

I stopped by the shops.
I got some food for us.

So what happened with Phil?

I thought you might k*ll each other.

No, I...I just took him home
and, um, I told him to stay away.

You know he did help us.

I mean, I know...

I know it doesn't change what he did
to Elishia and Sarah.

How's Nia?

She's OK. She's with my folks.

I didn't think you'd
let her out of your sight.

Well, everything I'm doing
is for her...

..for her future.

Where are the others?

Charlie's around.

Kirstie's lying down.
She's not feeling well.


Phil said there'd be others coming.

Ones close to us.

That's why I'm here.

Yeah, no, we...

We can't rely on you, all the time.

I need to be able to defend myself
and the others.

I want you to teach me to use a g*n.

I was pleased to hear from you.

Will madam be having wine
with lunch?

I don't think...
Yeah, she will.

Perhaps the Bouchales?
Sounds ace.

Anthony will be along to take
your order.

Tell him to move it. I'm starving.

That was a dramatic exit.
I didn't think I'd see you again.

It wasn't my choice.
I realise that.

Some people think I can't
make my own decisions.

I'm too young, not smart enough
or whatever.

But I am.

And I'm sick of people
telling me what to do.

Quite right.

They think Sweden's a bad idea.
They don't trust you, or Noregard.

And I'm here to let you convince me
that they're wrong.

And while you're at it,

I'm just ordering the most
expensive thing off the menu.

I'll be right back.

When did she write that?

The day she died.

The real Sarah was still in there.

Whatever else she was,
she still loved you.

And whatever she was here to do...

..her love for you stopped her.

We have to go somewhere private.


Oh, wow.

What do you think that is?

A heatwave, or some kind of disease?

You alright?

Is this far enough?

Give it to me.

Kate. No, no, stop.

You were a nurse. You saved lives.

You've never taken a life.

Once you cross that line,
there's no going back.

You're changed forever.

I've already changed, James.

I just want this chance to live,

and I want my friends to live

and if I have to fight for them,
if I have to k*ll for them, I will.

You don't know who
you'll be fighting.

You heard what Phil said.

It'd be the ones close to us
that we trust,

and I'm OK with that.

You sure?

You think you could sh**t
somebody that you care for?

If I had to, now.

Do you think you could sh**t me?

I didn't think so.

Keep your stance strong.

Put your weight forward
because the g*n is going to kick.

Line the sights...

..and gently squeeze the trigger.

I told you.

I'll never be vulnerable again.

How do you feel?

Legs are sore.

Bit out of practice.

You're not in pain, though?

Do you want to see a doctor?

What good have they ever done?

Listen, mate, can you explain how
this is even possible? I mean...

I dunno.

But I like it.

I spent so many years looking up
at people from that chair,

I'd forgotten how good it is
to look down.


Where's Kirstie?

Why do you wanna know
where Kirstie is?

I guess I owe her an apology.

I don't know where she is.


Who'd you say those people
were again?


What, a kid and a chink?

That the best you can do?

Listen, um, why don't I call Kirstie
and get her to meet us somewhere?


Let's do that.

You could eat like this
every day if you wanted.

So where's your head at?

This has been nice and all,

but you can't buy me off
with a fancy steak.

I mean, I'll eat it,
but it's not what I really want.

And what do you really want,

To live my life.

To stop looking over my shoulder,

waiting for someone to bundle me
into a van, or s*ab me.

I want to be normal again.

You'll never be normal, Kirstie.

Others might lie to you but I won't.
That's the brutal truth.

But I can offer you a version
of a normal life.

I will explain the benefits
of my offer.

Yeah, no, you did, you have.

You explained.

I'll be safe, but to be safe
I'll basically be locked up.

So I'm left with a choice.

You have the power here.
You're in charge.

That plane leaves for Sweden

I'd really like you to be on it.

I'll have to talk to the others.
If I go, I'm not doing it on my own.

I understand.

You know there are two new ones?

I'll tell them what you told me.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Could I talk to them?

No-one trusts you. I need to do it.

Well, whatever you need.
You know where I am.

(AUDIO RECORDING) You know there are
two new ones?

I'll tell them what you told me.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Could I talk to them?

There's more of 'em.

Hopefully she'll talk them around.

If not, you know what to do.

It's so dry.

Looks like there's a dust storm

Great, now I'll have to clean again
before the next inspection.

I'll do it.

You really are sorry, aren't you?

Have a look at this.

What do you think?

It's big.

You showed Beau?
He's gonna love it.

It's in a nice new neighbourhood,
close to the city.

New schools, parks.


It's nice...seeing you excited.

Here, Mum! Kylie's spewed on herself
and I ain't changing her.


See where we are?

This is where the Yabbies play.

This is where you played.


We're wasting time.

Where's Kirstie?

I told her we'd meet her
at the creek.

This is on the way. Come on.

It was your life.

Don't you wanna have a go?

It's been a long time.

I remember that, ah, that goal.

The siren going, sound of the crowd.

The players carrying you off
on their shoulders.

1984 grand final.

Best day of my life.

You're my hero.


Here we go.

Oh, yes!

Not as good as I was.

Just need practice.

Come on. Have a kick.

I'll look stupid.

No, what, there's no-one else here.

Just you and me, come on.

Come on, give us a kick.

Those days are over.

Let's go to the creek. Meet Kirstie.

There's a storm coming.

You can smell the dust.

We should get home before it hits.

I can wait on my own.

You don't have to be a carer
for a ret*rd anymore.

I never thought of you like that.

You shouldn't use that word...
That's what I was.

You're a free man now.
Go and live your life.

You were my life.

I spent 20 years caring for you
'cause you're my brother.

I'd do anything for you.
Are you kidding?

I would have run for
the f*cking hills.

Did you k*ll Kirstie Darrow?

I need to know for sure.

I need to hear you say it.

Kevin Brunner went down for that.

Because we framed him.

You put the shirt in his house.
I was a kid!

But I can never undo
what we did to that man!

What you did.

That slut was gonna blab.

I tried to talk to her, she started
punching me, the stupid bitch.

She brought it on herself.

I had to shut her up.

And now I have to do it again.



Where's Belle and Chi?


We need to have a proper
conversation about Phil.

About what to do next.

What's going on?

Nothing. Just what I told you.


And since when did you cook?

We need to eat.

Fine, whatever.

Hey, is Kirstie feeling any better?

She's still asleep.

Right, I'll go check on her.


William's acting strange.

What sort of strange?
Stranger than usual.

Which, you know, is pretty strange.

But I was just thinking about
what Phil said.

Others coming.

You don't think he's...

The window's open
and Kirstie's gone.


Hey, kiddo.
I need to talk to you and your mate.

OK, sure.

Is Chris not here?

OK, good.

It's better if I talk to you
in private.

OK, thing is, I have met someone
who says that he can help us.

He wants to give us a new life,
away from Yoorana.

Life where? China?

No. Sweden.

You know, in Europe?

Lots of snow. Abba.

He wants to give us proper homes.

New identities.

He's got trained security people
that can take care of us.

We're gonna be safer
than we are here.

Er, what about my sister and
my niece? I can't just leave them.

Hey, I know that this is tough,
but we can't stay here.

It's too dangerous.

This is a second chance at life.

For both of us.


You alright?

What's wrong with him?

Should be happy.

His brother is miracle man.

He's walking again.


He fell down the stairs and hit
his head and then he just stood up.


Where's Pete?


Gone where?

He's dead.

Are you sure?

He told me what he did to you.

He was gonna do it again.

I had to protect you.


This is so f*cked up.

I wish he'd been a better person.

I...I'm so sorry.


Yeah, that broke, sorry.

When James was here.

James came here?


What did he want?

Just asking questions about you.

A lot of questions.

When you came home,
what you were like.

What happened here?

I made him a tea and, you know,
he just grabbed the mug

and dropped it, and it smashed.
Why did he drop it?

I don't know. I guess it was hot.

He just grabbed it in the wrong way.
Didn't grab the handle.

Why do you want to know all this?
What else did he say?


I gotta go.

I'll...I'll come with you.

I need you to close all the windows.
Put wet towels down along the doors.

Why do you need that for?


See, I knew this was too good
to be true.

I thought everything was starting
to get back to normal

and now you're gonna act like
a nut job again.

I was such an idiot for trusting you.

Beau, I need you to look after
your mum and Kylie, OK?

I'm putting my trust in you.

You're a grown-up now.

Why are you saying it like that for?
'Cause it's true.

You're coming back, right?

Yeah, 'course I am.

It's disgusting out there.

Where have you been?
Calm down. I'm back, aren't I?

You can't just leave.
I'm fine. Get off my f*cking back.

You should have told me.
You would have talked me out of it.

Talked you out of what?

I met with the guy from Noregard.

Why would you do that?

Because he's offering a good deal.

You cannot trust these people...
This is about us.

You're not one of us, James.
You don't get a say.

Charlie, when we left Yoorana,
it felt like a new start

and I know you felt that too.

You're sure as hell not gonna meet
someone like Raf stuck in this dump.

We need to stay here.

If you wanna stay here,
knock yourself out

'cause you're kind of
a downer anyway.

Kirstie, how can you trust Noregard?

If we go to Sweden,
we call the sh*ts.

Kirstie, you're kidding yourself.
You saw what they did with William.

They're only going to use you
for experiments...

No-one leaves.
You're not the f*cking boss of us.

OK, alright. Let's just relax.
William's made some food.

Let's just sit down, we'll eat,
we'll talk this through.

I already ate.
Well, you can eat again.


I'm going to fetch the other two.
They should all be here.

'Cause we need to be together.

Well, I can go get them.
No-one leaves the house.

Hey, if he wants to leave,
he can leave.

Don't you touch her.
Do as you're told!

Hey! William, stop it.

Get off!

Stop it! f*cking stop it!

The storm is here.

We need to seal the doors
and windows.

You OK?


Belle! What are you doing?

Come and get some towels.
You too, Chi. Quick!





We need you to put these
by the doors and windows

so the dust doesn't get in.

It's for the dust. Dust bad, OK?

Bad things happen.

Well, yeah, asthma.

I survive.

How I survive?

With towels.

No, I see slaughter.

If I not die then... do I die?

Chi, we haven't got time for this.
Come on.

I'll light some candles.

It'll pass.
We just need to sit tight.

I'm going to have a shower.

We're just about to eat.
Yeah I told you, I'm not hungry.

We'll wait till after the storm.

You OK?

Kirstie's so set on leaving,
but I don't know what to do.

I don't think you should leave.

I met someone.

In the city.

And I really liked him.

And I didn't get a chance
to say goodbye.

Have you got his number?

Call him.

Maybe later.
No, no, Charlie, don't put it off.


None of us know what's round
the corner. Call him while you can.

Yeah, you're right.

Soon as this storm's passed
I'll fetch Belle and Chi.

We will end this tonight.

And it will be peaceful.

It has to be.

And when that's done...

..I guess we're finished too.

What will happen to your daughter?

My parents will look after her.

How can I be a father
after what I'm about to do?

What's going on with you and William?

Come on, we don't keep secrets.

I just wish there was
another way out of this.

Maybe...maybe there is.

Maybe we could go to Sweden together
and you could bring Nia.

I know...I know this is...

It's crazy.

But everything that stopped us
from being together is in the past.

Kate. Kate.

It's OK.

Once this storm passes,
we're outta here.

I'm famished.

You want some stew?

Why not?
Airplane food's probably shit.

Can we have some?


Stay there.

Who is it?

It's Phil.

William, I need to talk to you.


It's important.

Don't let him in.

Just you.

We'll need to question him.

Away from the others.

If I'm right, James is the enemy.
He's going to k*ll you all.

Are you alright?

I fell and hit my head.

But I'm OK now.

Are you sure?
Yeah. Yeah.

What are you doing?

Get dressed.

What are you doing here?

Phil wants to talk.

Go on then.
In private, away from the house.

I think we should go.

Someone wanna fill us in?

When I get back. Just wait here.

Don't eat the stew.

Where are we going?
Just keep walking.

For how long?
I'll tell you when we stop.

What if I stop now?

Then I'll cut your throat.

You knew about this.

Phil, I am not your enemy.
There are things you need to know.

On your knees.

On your knees.

Listen to me.

Get on your knees,
hands behind your head.

Tell him.

Tell him. Argh!


Now watch.

There. You see?

I know you said you've changed...

..but that purpose you had when you
came back, those impulses you felt,

they were right.

They were right.

The rules matter.

You break one rule, it brings chaos.

You know that's true.

I don't care about any of that stuff

Well, you have to care.

We all do.


Stop it! Stop! Stop it.


I'm not gonna hurt you.

I need to make you understand.

The universe...
It's getting worse but...

The rules matter...
..everyone who came back has to die.

It's the rules...

Break one rule, it brings chaos.

Oh, my God.

Now I understand.



For Elishia.

Kate! Kate!

(SOFTLY) Don't let me die alone.



That's just f*cking insane.

We've got to get to Chris's.


There is a catastrophe approaching.

What catastrophe?

It's one that is going
to end everything.

Charlie Thompson.

Thanks for coming.

Thanks for inviting me.

You sure know how to spoil a girl.

You'd better get used to it.

You need a lift somewhere?

Thank you.
Jump on in.

Don't you f*cking leave me here!