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03x01 - Mum

Posted: 11/01/21 07:13
by bunniefuu
PHIL: Everything that lives
must die.

And I exist to enforce that.

WOMAN: Are you OK?
PHIL: Yeah, I'm fine.

G'day, Beau.



JAMES: What's wrong?

We need to get her to surgery.
We lost her there for a minute.

And you know what you need to do?

(g*nsh*t ECHOES)



We never got sick here before.

The effects of the original
experiment are fading.

Which is why
the boundary's shrinking.

I'm Owen, by the way.


I like your style.

It's quite a story,

if you're ready to hear it.

You think you can't help me
but your body can.

No! Aaaagh!

HEYSEN: Your fingers!

WILLIAM: They came back,
like you said.

If you can do this,
then you can bring Elishia back,

using her work.






You survived. That's excellent.

You're in my debt now.

Last time I came to this fence,
I got sick.

The experiment worked.

Didn't bring Elishia back, though.

SARAH: There's a land of the living
and a land of the dead.

And the bridge is love,

the only survivor, the only meaning.










Sorry, I don't understand.


Thank you.

I sleepwalk sometimes,
but usually with my nightie on.

Is this China?

No, this is definitely Yoorana.



My name's Belle.

Belle, um...

Belle Donohue.







I've never come this far before.

I really have to go home.

What are you gonna do?

Why don't you come with me?




Thank you.

I really like Chinese food.

Chicken chow mein,
and sweet-and-sour pork.

But my absolute favourite's
honey prawns.

Have you ever tried honey prawns?

Look, I'm feeding her
very small amounts,

but she's...she's still getting
a lot of...a lot of reflux.

Well, do you sit her upright
when you feed her?

No, I'm hanging her upside down!
Of course I sit her upright.

Well, um, mixing formula
and breastfeeding can be tricky...

No, no, there's no breastfeeding.

She's never gonna be
breastfed again, OK?

Look, I just need you to tell me

which of these is best
for treating reflux, OK?

Is it the Gold Natural Plus,
is it the lactose-free,

is it the Infant Organic
or f*ckin' goat's milk?

Just tell me.

Should we go in and rescue Jackie?

Nuh. With those prices,
let her have a dose of him.

Have you tried Sarah again?

I've already left three messages.

She doesn't want to
speak to me, Mike.

Yeah, it's postnatal depression.

Right. So you're
a psychiatrist now, are you?

She should be breastfeeding.

Something's up.


Going with goat's milk.

Oh, yeah, excellent choice, mate.

Right, so, let's get
this little poppet home for her nap.



You know, once I woke up in a park,

with ants all over my face.

Ants, like, in my mouth.

It was horrible.


Can you speak any English at all?



You know, you shouldn't smoke.
It's a disgusting habit.

(SING) # Dang-dang-dang-dang

# Dang-dang-dang-dang, dang!

# Dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang,
dang, dang, dang, dang... #



# Ding-ng-ng-ng, ding, dang! #



Sorry, you can't come to my house
if you're a drug addict.



You know, that's just rude.


Look, it's the old water wheel.

We used to come here
with our fellowship.

Oi, you, come here.

New batch of celestials.

Alright, we'll get 'em settled.

Now, no stealing, no whoring

and no working
any of the white man's claim.

Yes, boss.

Well, tell 'em.

That's it?

Right, if any of you
want to find this...


..then you're gonna need...
to buy this.

It's a gold licence

and it costs 30 shillings per month.

Right, you, you, come with me.



No. Don't.

Luke, don't! Luke, don't!

Don't, I'll fall!

"All you who labour
and are heavy..."

You pushed me.

No, I didn't!
Mum! Mum, Luke's gonna fall!

Belle Donohue, get down here right
now, before you break your neck.

No, but it was Luke who pushed ME!

You're the oldest.
Have some common sense.

Belle, why aren't you
with the youth circle?

Seriously, young lady,

do you want to be placed
under discipline again?



What's wrong?

I think I had one of my turns here the wheel, and I fell.

You on two feet now.

I know.

Hey, you can speak English.

I remember.

My name...Chi.

Chi Wai.

Tam Chi Wai.

Tam Chi...


Chi...need money.


Get gold.

Well, I can give you some money.

You have money?
Yeah, a little bit.

Come on, it's this way to my place.

You know, I'm a really good saver.

I've still got
all my Christmas money.

Where is money?

It's in my piggy bank.

Money in pig?


Can you hear that?


OWEN: You alright?


There's nothing happening here

Alright, go easy.
No, I mean, I...I feel fine.

I don't feel sick or anything.

The whole boundary
must have disappeared.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I mean, well,
this is the last exit.

Well, do you...
still want to go to Adelaide?


How long's it gonna take to drive?

About eight hours straight through.

I'll let Charlie and Kirstie know.

Right. You can sleep and I'll drive.

Do you think I should call Mum?

You know, prepare her?

How would you do that?


Don't have a heart attack,
but I'm not dead anymore.


What could possibly go wrong
with that?



Alright, you drive.
I'll come up with a better plan.

I just need the right soundtrack.

Alright, I drive, you deejay.

Goodbye, bridge!

Goodbye, Yoorana!


I need to get my chops out...

Just wait, please.
Just wait please, Mum.

They'll freeze
if you put 'em up there.

No, they're fine. Leave them there.
They should be going in the door.

You don't need to do that many.

Just relax.
I'm relaxed!


So, how long do you think
you might be staying with us, then?

Really? I didn't know
there was a time limit.

I've rung Sarah
and I've left a few messages.

Oh, Mum, I specifically told you
to give her some space.

Well, I'm worried.
Nia's my granddaughter...

No! f*ck that. I'm her father, OK?

I make the decisions.
MIKE: Hey!

This is still our house.

OK, well, if you wanna chuck me out,
just chuck me out.

Don't be stupid.


Why don't you and I
go out and have a beer?

She's gonna wake up soon.

I have looked after babies before,
you know?

Of all temperaments.

Yeah, alright.

Over here.

Must be one of the new families.

You wait here...

..while I sneak in
and get you money.

LUKE: Hey! Stop!

Oh, my God.

Who are you?
What are you doing in my room?



In here!

Who is that?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

"Fear thou not, for I am with thee.

"Be not dismayed,
for I am thy God..."

I'm sorry, what is it?
Why do you...look so weird?

Is this real?

Are...are you seeing this?

Yes, Luke, we are.

Why did you call him Luke?

Anne, be careful.

It's alright.



Mum, I'm sorry.

Everything's alright.

JUDITH: What's going on?

Get out.

Who is that?



(WHISPERS) Let's go downstairs.

That's Judith

and her daughter, Grace.

And this is Luke.

Your brother.

How could it...?

I don't understand.

Everything's alright.

We're gonna take care of everything.

I promise.

(SOFTLY) Lock the gate.

JAMES: We're going to Lightbridge,
aren't we?

MIKE: Yeah. Why?

For some reason, your GPS is showing
a map of Sao Paulo.


I just bought that.

Some kind of glitch.

Now, uh, I might be getting
a bit long in the tooth,

but I don't miss much.

There's, um...

Well, there's obviously
something going on with Sarah.

Look, she's...

She's gone. She's gone.

I'm sorry, mate.

Why'd she leave?

It doesn't matter why.

Yes, it does.
It doesn't.

I can look after Nia.

Yeah, but that's not the point.

Is there someone else involved?

A third party?
For Sarah? God, no.

Well, for you, then?
No, of course not.

You know, we always thought
you rushed into things too fast.

No, Sarah and I...

..we knew what we wanted.

Listen, why don't you leave Nia
with us for a little while?

You go back home, you sort
things out with your wife.

It's too late, Dad.
No, it's never too late, mate.

You just need to spend
some quality time together.

You don't understand, Dad.

Sarah's... Sarah's gone
and she's never coming back.

James, what's happened?

Everything's f*cked, Dad.

Oh, no, no, no. No, hey, it's OK.

Every crisis has its fix.

You've got a beautiful little girl.


I'll just...I'll just be back
in a sec.









You OK?

Yeah, I think you're right.
I need to go back to Yoorana.

Right, well,
can we have lunch first?


Let's make it quick, though,
'cause I need to book a flight.

Cheers, son.


Ah, that's good stuff.


What are you doing here?

Where Belle go?

I can't understand you, mate.

Belle Donohue.

Belle Donohue's dead.

She bring money.

I told you, she's dead.

Now, piss off!

Go on! Get outta here!

I can't believe it.

She looks exactly the same.

It breaks my heart.

But how's it possible?

You know how.

Do you think we can save her?

Belle, there's a lot that's happened
and a lot that's changed.

And I know that this is
very frightening for you.

It is for all of us.

But as your mother, I can
and I will explain everything.

Drink this.

Many of the families
in our fellowship have gone.

They were weak. They lost faith.

But our family has never wavered
in our holy promise, Belle.

Not once.

I...I promised a friend of mine
that I would help.

He's gone.

But he helped me
when I woke up from sleepwalking.

You weren't sleepwalking, Belle.

I wasn't?

No, the truth is
you've been in a coma.

A coma?

You've been in a coma
for a long time, Belle,

and you've just come out.

I don't feel so good.

You're gonna be fine.

What's going on?

HEYSEN: Can you understand me?


Are you comfortable?

There is no pain receptors
in the brain

so you shouldn't feel any pain.

Just focus on
what I'm saying to you.

And Dr Goldman is going to stimulate
various parts of your brain

and...and you tell me
what you recall.

And what will that do?

We need to understand how
your brain differs from the others.

Kate, Kirstie and Charlie
regenerated from remnant DNA,

but you returned from
clinical death, like Dr McKellar.

So, tell me anything that happens to
you while we conduct this process.

Any memories, any thoughts,
any strong emotion.

Can you do that for me?



..what happened after the accident
on the oil rig, when you came back?

It took me a while to remember...
who I was.

My whole life.

And I knew I had to
get back to Yoorana.

That I had a purpose.

To return Dr McKellar.


And that was your only purpose?

I thought it was.

What is happening?

The brain activity's unusual.

It suggests two systems
running simultaneously.


And where did this idea,
this...this purpose come from?

I don't know exactly.

So, you were driven for no reason?

No, no. It's...

It's like breathing.

You don't need a reason to breathe.

And the others like you -

that policeman,
Vic Eastley, and...and Sarah.

We're all part of it.

And Dr McKellar?

She's part of it too?

No, McKellar triggered us,
our response.

By bringing back the dead?

Can we stop now, please?

Uh...yes. Of course.

I think we've got enough for now.

So, are...are you alright?

I'm fine.

Thank you.

That was excellent.

Perhaps you still have
a purpose to fulfil.


Hello, Mum, let me out!

Please sit down.

Why'd you lock the door...
I told you to sit down!

Now, we put you in the bed

because you had another one
of your turns.

Like at the water wheel?

Yes, which is how
you fell into a coma.

So, we need to pray.

We need to pray for
your immortal soul, don't we?

Well, get down on your knees.

Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be your name...

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day
our daily bread and...

Forgive us our debts, as we have
also forgiven our debtors,

and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

We will.

We will deliver you from evil.


I'm a bad person, aren't I?

You have sinned, Belle.

But with this miracle,
you've been returned to us,

which means that we have
a chance to save you.

Do you want us
to save your soul, Belle?

Yes, of course I do.

That's my good girl!

I love you, Mum.

Oh, I love you too, my darling.

Do you remember this place, Belle?

It's where we pray to our Lord
and he hears our pleas.


Child of God...



Are you, Belle Donohue...

..ready to receive
the light of the Lord?

I am.


I'm...I'm ready to receive
the light of the Lord.

Wait. What...what are you doing?

You told us yourself,
you wandered off.

We can't have that happening again.

Wait, where are you going?
We need to prepare, sweetheart.

Prepare for what?

You said you wanted us
to save your soul.


And you took the cross,
you prayed with me.

I won't run away.
We should just k*ll her now.



Mum... Mum!


Mum! Come back!





I'm not gonna miss
the freaks of Yoorana,

I can tell you that much for free.

You gonna miss anything?

Not the f*ckin' boundary, or having
to hide from some crazy dickhead.


I'll miss Kate.

Just you wait
till I take you to Blade.

Sounds painful.

Everyone says
it's the most amazing disco.

What's a disco?


It is where you're finally
gonna get laid, Charlie Thompson.

I promise, it is gonna be
raining men in Melbourne.

We're not lookin' back.




So, this is the great artist
you keep telling me about.

Ha. Chi very fast.

Run like wind.

Sing and dance.

Sing and dance?

That'll be about as useful here
as teats on a bull.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is
Patrick Michael Fitzgerald

and I believe I have
a real f*ckin' job for you.

Honoured to meet you.

Stop your bowing and scraping.

You and I are gonna make each other
as rich as two bastards.

You right, mate?

I'm sorry, mate,
I don't speak Cantonese.

You speak English?


Are you hungry?


Come on in.

Best Chinese in town.

Actually, the only Chinese.

So, where are you from?

I am Tam Chi Wai.

From Canton.

Trevor Yang, Yoorana.

Where is Chinese camp?

I don't know what you were
expecting, mate, but this is it.

Did you lose your tour group?

I have no group.

No home. Nothing.

Belle promise money,
but then there is bad man.


Look, why don't I make a phone call?

And while you're waiting,
anything you like, mate.

What do you like?
Beef and black bean?

Crispy fried skin chicken?
Honey prawns?

Yes. Honey prawn.

Alright, prawns it is.

Oh, look, it's Trevor
from the Golden Dragon.

Look, this Chinese bloke's
just walked in

and he seems like
he's got a bit of a screw loose.

Yeah. I don't know.




So, this whole palaver's done
to appease their hungry ghosts

so the buggers can stop
causing trouble in the here and now

and can move on
to the heavenly realm.

Oh, yes.



Still, can you believe
how f*cking shite it sounds?



Hey, Chief.

Prawns are hot.


Hungry Ghost Festival.

It is not pipe.

I am not mad.

We are hungry ghost!

Ghost must be set free!

Um, hey!

Belle is ghost too.

Professor Heysen?

David Goldman briefed you?

Everything you need is in here.

Is there a priority?

Well, it's impossible
to state how valuable

each of these individuals are.

Start with this one.

He'll be the most difficult.

Your recovery is incredible.

Thank you, David.

Start collating the data.
I'll be up there soon.

Can I go now?

You got all the answers
you need, didn't you?

We know some about
what Dr McKellar did,

but not how she discovered it.

Or even the chemicals
she used at the cemetery.

We ran tests,

and the soil shows similarity
to a crystalline limestone

known as the Stone of Kings.


It's also called
the Jerusalem Stone,

because that's the only place
in the world where it exists.

I don't care about that.
I've helped you enough.

I saved your life.

What more do you want from me?
Real results.

Concrete, repeatable results.

You want to bring someone back.


This is Agnes and Isabelle.

My daughters.

They were 11 and 8 when they died.

It doesn't matter how. don't need to know.

I was there and I...

..I saw it happen.

So, when I...when I came here
and I...

..I saw the possibility
to see them again...

The work that we are doing,
you and I,

could help make that happen
for others as well.

Where are you going?

Uh, I've got a call
with the board in Sweden.

No-one else can know about this.

My team already knows
and when they get the latest data...

No, no, you can't do that.

I can and I will...
Listen, this is wrong.

Who are you to tell me
what I can or can't do?

This has to be contained.




Ah, f*ck!


Hey, Belle, wake up!

Wake up!

There you go.

What are you doing?
What do you want?

Listen, Mum lied to you.

You weren't in a coma at all.

Why...why would she lie to me?

You've got to get away.


Anywhere...away from here.




What are you doing?

Get back inside now.

Where's Grace?

She's asleep.

Stay away from her.
She's dangerous.

But it's Belle.

Look at her, Luke.

It's her.

Belle's gone long ago.

And now her earthly body's
been possessed by a demon.

I'm not a demon.
Should I sh**t it now?

No. Her soul must be released,
or she'll be in torment forever.

What if she's not possessed?

What if this is the miracle
I prayed for?

What are you talking about?

What if she's the prophet?

That is blasphemy.

What is wrong with you?!

What is wrong with YOU?


Get in the house
and take care of your daughter!



Repeat after me.

My body is a temple
for the Holy Spirit.

ALL: My body is a temple
for the Holy Spirit.


My body is a temple
for the Holy Spirit.

ALL: My body is a temple
for the Holy Spirit.

His blood protects me
against all evil.

ALL: His blood
protects me against all evil.


Mum, I'm not a demon!
Please, I'm not!

Then how did you come back?

How has my daughter,
after 15 years, come back?!

I don't know!

I renounce all evil spirits
and declare them to be my enemies!

ALL: I renounce all evil spirits
and declare them to be my enemies!

We must release the demons from her.




The blood of Jesus
redeems me from the Devil's hands

and all my sins are forgiven!

ALL: The blood of Jesus redeems me
from the Devil's hands

and all my sins are forgiven!

The blood of Jesus redeems me
from the Devil's hands

and all my sins are forgiven!

The blood of Jesus redeems me
from the Devil's hands

and all my sins are forgiven!


Keep going. Don't stop.

It's alright.

She'll come back.

Have faith.

Trust me.


..what did you do to me?

It's proof. See?

Mum, get out of here. Let her burn!

We need to finish this.
Wait, don't leave me!


I'm not afraid of you, demon.



Come back!




I am coming!


We go out window. Come on!

Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses...




BELLE: did you do that?


Magic candle.

It's just a lighter, Chi.

That was family.

I don't think that I was
sleepwalking when you found me.

I think I died.

I die too.

Maybe Dad's right.

Maybe me and you,
maybe we are demons.

No. We not demons.

We hungry ghost.

Gates of hell open
and our spirits free.

We need release
before gates close again.

OK. So, we're hungry ghosts.


You help me, I help you.

We both get to heaven.



Hi there.

I'm Chris Rennox
of the Yoorana Police.

Listen, um, you wouldn't happen
to be Belle Donohue, would you?

How did you know that?

I got a call
about a Chinese man lost in town.

From the Golden Dragon.

I spoke to Trevor and I thought

I might just have a look
up at the cemetery.

Look, there's some people
around here might want to hurt you.

But I promise, if you come with me,
you'll be safe.


Why we trust you?

I know you came from the cemetery.

I know you're scared...and confused.

We are.

And we're...we're really hungry.


Come on.

It's OK.

You go win her back, champ.

Goodbye, old man.

So, you gonna say sorry
before you go?

I'm sorry.

And don't worry, Nia will be fine.

You're an amazing mother.

You always have been.

Goodbye, my girl.

It's only for a few days.




See ya, Daddy.


We'll give you a lift.

We're not running a taxi
for crazy people.

I can't believe
you've never been to karaoke.


You have got a spare tyre, right?

Uh, sorry to bother you,
but, um, we've got a flat tyre.

Are you guys an item?



Hello? Police and ambulance?