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02x04 - The People Aren't Ready

Posted: 11/01/21 06:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Equalizer...

I'm the one you call
when you can't call .

What this house needs is trust.

So I'm gonna give her mine.

Maybe she'll do the same.

Guy I punched wasn't just
a lawyer. He was the A.D.A.

Just as we go to trial,
he drops the case.

He doesn't want to hurt
his conviction record

because he may run for office one day.

D.A.'s put me on this vigilante case.

I know you had a few run-ins with her.

I wanted to ask you some questions.

She's clever,

uses sophisticated tactics.

- It won't be easy.
- Easy's no fun.

I like the cat and mouse.

Long as you're the cat.

Oh, I'm not you. She's in my crosshairs,

I won't hesitate to sh**t.

What the...

Be careful what you ask for.

Last night proved me right.

The way to find her is
by looking into her associates.

My mistake... I've been looking
at the wrong one.


We coming for you.

Get some rest, pretty boy.

We back at it tomorrow.

I got next.
And it ain't gonna be pretty.

I smell bacon.

Shut it, Gibson.

Damn it. Man down.

Man down! Bring the cutter!

$ , ? Have you lost your mind?

What? That's just what they cost.

Girl, that's too much to be
spending on a cell phone.

- Especially for someone without a job.
- Come on.

There were literally stacks
of cash in that storage unit.

- I can't pinch off a taste?
- Who are you,

Delilah Soprano?

- That's not what that money is for.
- Okay, well, what about

all of those sick electronics?

I mean, who pays
for all that crazy stuff?

I mean, you're connected, right?

You got to have a hookup who
could slip me the latest phone.

You know, someone at NSA.
Or apple, maybe.

I mean...

Do we get free stuff?

Are we secretly rich?

Got to be some perks, right?

Yeah. What are the perks?

Saved by the cell.


I got to bounce.

And the perks are you get
a roof over your head

and food to eat.

That's my money.

You want a $ , phone, go earn it.

Are we still on for game night?

You know it.

We're not done talking about this.

I am. Good luck with the job hunt.

Thank you so much for coming.

This is Luis, my grandson.

He-he's not built for prison.

The men inside, they put him

through so much physical
and mental abuse.

He couldn't take it.

He hung himself.

Now he's clinging to life in a coma.

We don't know if he's going to make it.

So what led to all of this?

Almost two years ago,

Luis was arrested for stealing a car.

They say that they have witnesses.

But he didn't do it. He was with
me at the time of the robbery,

and I have video evidence to prove it.

I turned it over to the police,
but... I don't even know

if the prosecutors have looked at it.

They tried to get him to plea,

but he refused to admit to
something that he didn't do.

We wanted to raise bail,
but they set it so high.

And we're struggling
just to make ends meet.

Two years? And still awaiting trial?

It keeps getting pushed.
Evidence analysis,

attorney schedules... All these excuses.

"The people aren't ready."

Yeah, that's the phrase
the prosecutors use.

Meantime, Luis is left to rot.

I'm sorry about your grandson,

but I don't know how I can help,

other than to secure you
a better lawyer.

This isn't about Luis.

This is about his father,

Hector, my son.

He didn't show up to work yesterday

and he's not answering his phone.

He's never missed a day in years.

Hector blames the D.A.
For what's happened to Luis.

He's so angry.

I'm worried that he's going
to do something bad.

What makes you say that?

I am not concerned about the allegations

leveled against my department.

Our probe will be thorough,

and we'll deal with
the problem accordingly.

You're the problem!

Locking up innocent people

like my son! It's your fault
that he did this to himself!

I hope you burn in hell!

Well, I can see why
the family's worried.

Well, I can't say I blame him.

I mean, the bs charges,

constant court delays, his son tries

- to take his own life...
- We have to find him.

- What do you got so far?
- Nothing you're gonna like.

Hector's phone has been turned off

since the day he went missing.

Phone records indicate a
barrage of calls to the D.A.'s office.

But most concerning

are these photos I found on his icloud.

Taken in the last two days.

Looks like he was surveilling her.

Do you think he'd
really try to hurt the D.A.?

Doesn't matter, because
we're gonna find him first.

And if we don't?

I mean, Rob, if this guy's after blood,

we got to pull the cops in.

But what if he's not?

We don't know what Hector's doing.

If we go to the cops...

Angry brown man,
public feud with the D.A...

We all know how that movie ends.

What are we supposed to do,
um, let him k*ll the D.A.?

No, we tell someone we can trust.

In the meantime,

see if you can locate Hector

before he does something
that'll get himself k*lled.

Hang on. You're telling
me you're aware of a credible threat

against the D.A.
But you won't tell me by who?

I don't know if it's credible.

I'm just trying to prevent a tragedy.

Then give me a name.

I can't do that. It'll force your hand.

You'll be obligated to
turn it over to NYPD.

The threat's your client.

And I won't put them at risk

with your overly ambitious colleagues.

But you do need to bolster up
security for D.A. Grafton.

I can't. Not without a name
or any concrete...

Arrest me. What?

Cuff me. Now. Do it.


Stop right there!

let me see those hands.

The hell's going on, Dante?

What does it look like?

I've apprehended the vigilante.

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

babe, will you stop?

We're not gonna find Hector by
looking at random street cams.

You know what the odds are?

Eight and a half million in the city.

Spot people an hour.

What is that, one in , ?

It's better than the lottery.

It's why we don't play the lottery.

Look, I tagged his financials.
I tagged his phone.

He's bound to come up
for air eventually.

Yeah, I don't like waiting.

You were a sn*per.

I mean, that was
literally % of your job.

It's just so unfair

how the bail system
is rigged against the poor.

Two people could commit the same crime.

But if you're rich, you pay bail,

you go home to your bed and family.
But if you're poor,

you get thrown into
a cement room till prosecut...

- Oh, my god.
- What?

You saw Hector? I knew it! Where?

No. McCall.


She's been arrested.

You think I don't know what's happening?

You only arrested her

to save your ass.

Madam D.A.

Congratulations, detective Dante.

Unexpected, after you excused
yourself from this case.

Just in the right place
at the right time.


So, who is she, really?

Refused to give a name.
No I.D. No prints.

And this threat against me.
You believe her?

I do. But she won't
reveal the person's identity.

All right.

Have a seat.

I'd prefer to stand.

So you're the vigilante
everybody's been talking about.

What is it? "Got a problem?
Odds against you?"

That's a cute slogan.

It's more of a mission than a slogan.

Yeah. Well, I think your mission
just came to a close.

But, honestly,
I'm a little disappointed.

Thought it'd be more of a challenge.

Well, what can I say?
You have a crack team.

I understand you have
some information for me.

More of a warning.

Right, but you're not gonna
tell me the source of this threat.

Isn't it enough
knowing your life is in danger?

And if I release you, you're gonna...

Make sure nothing happens to me?

And I'll be so grateful,

I'll call off the dogs?

The threat is real.

So why not take precautions?

Beef up security,

just in case?

Because I don't tend to follow
the advice of criminals.

And even if you're right,

people coming after me
isn't breaking news.

People being mad at the D.A.,

it's part of the job description.

Too bad.

I thought you were smarter than this.

I thought you were, too.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have more criminals to catch.

By the way...

...Don't be too disappointed.

I'm just passing through.

Proceed with the charges.

- What about the threat?
- I don't think there is one.

I think she's fronting.
Trying to strike a deal.

I don't think that's her style.

We need to take this seriously.

All right. I'll tighten up my security.

But I need you two to follow this up,

see what she's hiding.

It might be better
if I work on this alone.

You said that about catching her, too.

I think detective Dante here understands

this vigilante in a way
that neither of us ever will.


you two play nice

and get it done.

Hear that?

Play nice.

Playtime's over.

Something funny?

You're pretty upbeat for someone
who's up to their neck in it.

I'm just a glass-half-full kind of girl.

I don't know why.

You are in for a world of hurt.

Really, Buford?

Is that what we're doing?

Kenneth Buford Mallory of Ohio.

Bullied as a kid.

Stuttered till age nine.

Yeah, I know all about you, Buford.

Reinvented yourself at Fresno state.

Average GPA.

Graduated the middle
of your detective class.

Known as the big game hunter.

You've never hunted game like me.

Here's the deal.

You're gonna tell me who you are

and who wants to hurt the D.A.

And I'm gonna make things
go easy for you.

What we talking, reduced sentence?

Uh, putting in a good word
with the D.A.?

That sort of thing?

You know,

my dad used to say,
"god wants you to walk,

and the devil sends a limo."

I'll tell you what you can do for me.

You can give me my first phone call.

I believe I get three.

That's how you want to play it?

I can make it my mission
to make this hard on you.

You do you.

Phone call.

Are you sure

- we can talk freely?
- Yeah, I'm on a pay phone.

They're not allowed to listen in.

I encrypted the line, just in case.

Okay, so tell me,

how the hell did you let
yourself get arrested?

No choice. I could've escaped,
but I would've left Dante

in a bad spot.

- Where are we with finding our friend?
- We just got a hit

on Hector's credit card, like,
two minutes before you called.

Looks like he rented a room
at a residency hotel

on the east side.

He could be hiding out there.

Mel, you're gonna have to check it out.

But you got to get there fast.

The D.A. And the police are mobilizing.

Won't take them long before
they're onto the same path

- as us.
- Okay.

But what about you? How are we

gonna get you out?

Don't know yet,

but I'm working on it.

Should we call Bishop?

No. He's radio silent on a mission.

What about your family?

I would rather not if I don't have to.

Look, I'm good.

Priority is finding Hector.


Text me the address, babe.

Uh, hold on a sec.
You're not going on your own.

- Of course I am.
- Babe, look at this.

No cams, which means
I can't watch your back.

I'm gonna go with you.

No. Babe, I know you really want

to get back out in the world,
but I can handle myself.

It's not about that. Yes,
of course I want to get back

out there, but it's about me
knowing that you're safe.

I'm gonna be fine.
Look, you can go on your own,

but I'm just gonna follow you anyway.

And we can play the...

Whole hide-and-seek thing, you know,

but you're gonna spot me,
because you're awesome.

And we're gonna argue,

and you'll secretly think it's adorable

that I'm so protective and
you're gonna forgive me anyway.

So why don't we just skip all that?

You are adorable. Let's go.

That's my space.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

Little girl, it's been a long morning.

- It's about to get longer.
- Yeah.

But not for me.

Now, if you don't mind,

my feet hurt.

And I'm not trying
to sweat out my edges.

So I'm gonna sit down.

I suggest...

That you do the same.

Shut up.

back off of her.

Unless you want some, too.

Yo. Mallory.

What can I say? A whole lot of
people have motive to hurt the D.A.


Hold on to those.

What do you got there?

She said play nice.

Best guesses.

A mob-connected hitter.

Female fraud case facing
serious federal time.

And Hector ramos,
a guy who confronted the D.A.

Let me take a look.

Wait. Hold on.

This is the guy who
started screaming at the D.A.

- During a presser.
- Mm-hmm.

Son was arrested under
questionable circumstances.

Now he's in the hospital?

In critical condition
after a su1c1de attempt.

Doesn't look good.

This sob story is
exactly the vigilante's type.

This Hector is our guy.

What I thought. I got
into his cell records.

Ramos made a string of calls
to the D.A.'s office

in the last week.

Return call from
A.D.A. Walter Ellis's office.

Spoke to Hector for over ten minutes.

Hold on. Ellis.

This is the same A.D.A.
You got suspended

for punching in the face?

I like to think of him
as the A.D.A. Who prioritized

his conviction record
over the life of a witness.

Oh, man.

This just keeps getting
better and better.

You know we got
to go talk to him, right?

Yeah. I know.

Do me a favor.

Keep your hands to yourself, eh, champ?

Keep talking and you're next.


After the press conference,

I talked to Mr. Ramos
at the behest of the D.A.

What about?

I mostly tried to listen. He was upset.

That sort of thing
can be difficult on a family.

In your estimation,
is he capable of v*olence?

I suppose everyone is capable
of v*olence... Detective.

True. But then sometimes
people have it coming.

So, in your opinion,

Hector ramos is capable
of hurting the D.A.?

The man's son is in a coma

after sitting in a prison for two years.

And as a father, I can't imagine
what that must be like.

You know? Who knows
what he's capable of.

If your office cared so much,
why didn't you just expedite the case?

oh, right.

'Cause you know better than anyone

how justice should be served.

Everyone gets a fair trial, detective.

Sometimes it takes time.

We need to be thorough.

So if the gears of justice
move a little too slow for you,

maybe you should've chosen
a different profession.

Thanks for the time.

Hector's our guy for sure.

I'll put in for a search warrant.

Yeah. Do that.

I got to say,

you really know how to make friends.

Shut up.


This is why I should've come solo.

Uh-oh. Come here.

Looks like he's planning
to merc the D.A.

At her next city hall presser.

Hey, look, I know I don't get out much.

There's just something about
all this that feels a little...

I don't know, weird.

You mean the...

Perfect abundance
of evidence implicating Hector?

Yeah. It's almost like it's staged.


Oh, my god!
That was so hot. Are you okay?

That definitely wasn't Hector.

So who the hell was that?

I can't make a fist. So stupid.

Which is why you should've
stayed home in the first place.

Well, it's a good thing I didn't.

Why the hell did that guy
have Hector's room key?

Check this out.


That's Hector's family's food truck.

Our guy was wearing gloves.
He didn't want to leave prints

because he was leaving Hector's.

bucks says Hector's prints
are all over these.

They're trying to set Hector up.

Whoever that was

is planning on taking out the
D.A. And then pinning it on him.

And this was supposed to be
found after the assassination.

Luis's su1c1de attempt

and Hector's anger
made him the ideal patsy.

We got to let Rob know.

well, maybe this slug

will give us some answers
to who's behind this.

Mel, cops. We got to go.

- Yeah, one second. Wait.
- No, no, no. Now.

The moment they step foot
in here, it'll only confirm

that Hector's a threat to the D.A.

We should clean this up.

We don't have time.

Yes! Got it.

Good. Let's go.

my lawyer.


We found a room rented to Hector ramos.

There was a lot of
incriminating evidence

that he's targeting the D.A.

- But?
- I don't know.

The way it was all laid
out didn't sit right.

Little things, like
why use a credit card

that can be easily traced?
Why not use cash?

Because they're setting Hector
up to be the patsy.

Gift from your lawyer?

Can you run ballistics?

How's it related?

Where did this come from?

Not important right now.

But the D.A. Needs to go underground.

These people could k*ll her
at any moment.

Info from Hector's room points to it

going down at the D.A.'s
city hall presser.

We'll be ready.

It's not gonna happen where you think.

Whoever's behind this knows
you found the SRO.

Their plan will change.

The D.A.'s still in danger.

One more thing.

I need my second phone call.


I have it under control.

I'm booked as a Jane Doe.

They don't know who I am.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

How long till they figure it out?

What then?

I'm gonna make sure
it doesn't come to that.

You know what?

I'm gonna trust
that you know what you're doing.

What do you need?

Game night.

I'm not gonna make it.

In fact, I'm not coming home
at all tonight.

What do I tell Dee?

The truth.

I promised her honesty.

Okay. I'll handle it.

In the meantime, just, please,

take care of yourself.

Get out of there.

Come home.

I always do.

Hey. Was that mom?

What? She ready for a beatdown?

About that...

Your mom's not coming home tonight.

'Kay. Why not?

Do you really want to know?

Yeah. Yes.

I mean, of course I do.

She was arrested. She's in jail.

Arrested? For what?

- I don't know.
- How bad is it?

I don't know.

Oh, my god.


Your mom is the most
competent person I know.

She said not to worry.


That's exactly what we're going
to help each other do.


Rob's got the b*llet.

She knows the clock's
ticking to find Hector.

How's she holding up?

Well, I mean, she says
she's got it under control.

But you don't believe her.

What if she doesn't?

What if she's just... Telling us that?

Then we have to think
of something quick.

'Cause as soon as she gets
transferred to the tombs tomorrow,

it's gonna be a lot harder to save her.

Okay, that's a little tight.






Don't stop, abuelo.

That's my favorite part.


Where's dad?


Just think about it.

Why the hell would I go
to some dumb-ass counseling

for a whole year when I can do
two months in county and be out?

Well, it's your choice...

And I've made my decision.

You don't have to be so tough, you know.


I mean, he's right.

Counseling beats jail every time.

My bad.

The way you came at me earlier,
I thought you had heart.

Come on.

Let's go again and find out.

Instead of trying to fight me,

why don't you fight for yourself?

You don't know me.

I know exactly who you are.
Because I've been you.

You talking all this mess,

but you sitting right here next to me.

Well, everything you see
is not always what it seems.

You come off all hard,

but what I see is a scared young girl

trying to do the best she can.

I'm not scared of nothing.

Prove it. Because part of being brave

is also making hard choices
to change your life.

I've been where you are.

It just took someone to believe
in me for me to understand.

Yeah, well, look around.

Ain't a whole lot of people
lining up to believe in me.

All it takes is one.

But you still got to do the hard work.

You mean that talk bs?

Ain't nothing but a waste of time.

You think it makes you soft.

But it takes strength to look inside.

Especially if you've been hurt.

But if you don't deal with it now,

that little two-month vacay

will turn into a life sentence.

Being in fear of your life / .

The sound of a dead body
hitting a concrete floor.

The pain you feel when the world outside

is moving on without you.

That's what you're looking at.

I ain't got time for this.

Make time.

Because I don't think
I'm wrong about you.

Unless this is who you think you are.

Good news.

Luis ramos is out of his coma

and in stable condition.

- That is good news.
- Again,

where'd this b*llet come from
and how is it connected to this?

Why? What'd you find?

Ballistics traced it back to a g*n

connected to the Bridgetown Clique.

You heard of them.

So you know they have their hands

in pretty much everything.

Auto theft, bookmaking,
credit card fraud,

you name it.

Crew's run by a guy named Johnny O

out of an old-school
cigar lounge in queens.

D.A. Have a case on him?

Nothing pending. NYPD's
been trying to take 'em down

for years, but they keep
slipping through our fingers.

Well, there must be a reason
they're moving on her.

Just because the g*n traced back to them

doesn't mean they're behind the threat.

g*ns change hands in
the streets all the time.

I can find out.

But I'm gonna need my third phone call.

Do you have that file open yet?

Well, uh, hang on, Rob.

The, uh, computer

is moving a little slow today.

No good deed. I feel like

Tony stark without his suit.

Aw. Or his money.

Want me to type for you?

- Back off.
- All right.

This is my thing.


Known members of the Bridgetown Clique.

That's him! That's our sh**t!
Rob, we got him.

The sh**t's name is Mitch Soraci.

He's a Bridgetown enforcer.

I don't understand.
Why is Johnny O's crew

targeting the D.A.?

I don't know.

But when Hector
went after the D.A. Publicly,

he became the perfect guy to frame.

They set up that SRO
to make it look like

he's been planning this for days.

When the D.A.'s k*lled,

they won't leave Hector as a loose end.

They'll k*ll him after they k*ll her.

Which means Hector's still alive.

We have to save him.

We got to get to Johnny O,

find out what his plan is.

We've been trying for years.

NYPD's never been about to get close.

I can.

But I can't do it from in here.


They're transferring me
to the tombs in an hour.

Once I'm in there,

I can't help you.

Do you know what you're asking me?

I'm asking you to save the D.A.

If you don't get me out of here,

we'll have two deaths on our hands.

what I don't want is a scene.

It's a public event with a lot of press.

Understood. We'll take him
before he even makes it

through the door. Lou.

How's our Jane Doe in holding?

She was moved to the tombs
about minutes go.

- No issues?
- No.

Dante escorted her there personally.

Damn it.

Five calls to your voice mail?

Your boy is awful needy.

He's needy all right.

Needs to make me suffer.
You think he's coming for you?

He's got his hands full
running security for the D.A.

Besides, I haven't done anything wrong.


Just hope you're right about all this

and you can get to Johnny O.

I got you.

This is what I do.

I'll tell you what.

When this is all over,

if you need to take me back...

...I'll go.



...Guess you're taking
me to school today?

Guess I am.

And we're still not...


Yeah. We're absolutely not worrying.

Okay. yeah.


All right, no, there's got
to be something we can do.

I mean, what,
she didn't leave instructions?

Someone to call in case of an emergency?

Honey, I don't think your mom

was planning on getting arrested.

Well... can't we call
a bail bondsman or-or a lawyer?

There's got to be someone
who can get her out.

I've thought of all that. I am
ready to move heaven and earth

to help your mom. But anything we do

risks exposing her. No.

As hard as this is,
we just have to trust her.

One thing about your mom...

She knows how to take care of herself.

Johnny O.

You wondering about your men?

They were tired.

You're working 'em too hard.

Who the hell are you?

Doesn't matter.

I heard a rumor

that you've arranged a hit on the D.A.

And you're using Hector ramos
as a patsy.

Which is kind of a problem.

Because Hector...

Is a friend of mine.

Sounds more like a conspiracy
than a rumor.

This would go a whole lot easier

if you just told me where he was.

I don't know anything about it.

Imagine my surprise.

Don't let the money fool you,

I live for this.

I don't know how you got in here
or how you got past my men,

but now I'm here.

Which means that you are lucky
to still be alive.

So unless you got something
to say to me,

I suggest you find your way out,

while you still can.

My cigar club,

it's for members only.

It's a nice club.

Lacking a little diversity,
if I'm being honest.

But enjoy it.

While you still can.

how'd that go?

He tell you what we need to know?

No. But he's about to.

Johnny O's phone.

Please don't tell me
you illegally cloned it.

Don't ask questions
you don't want the answer to.

Trying to save lives,
not appear in court.

Now, if I'm right,

he's calling one of his hitters.

Hello. We got a problem.

I told you not to call me.
And never on this line.

I know that voice.

That's Walter Ellis.

The assistant district attorney.

Sounds like there's history.

Relax. I have things under control.

- Oh. That history.
- Do you really?

First the apartment gets got.

Now I've got a woman coming
to my place, asking questions.

She knows. If the D.A.'s probe

gets to you, it'll get to me.

And I can't have that.

Your job is to keep me out of prison.

I've paid you a fortune over the
years to handle things your way.

Don't make me handle things my way.

Don't worry. Whoever this woman
is, she's too late.

We're moving on to our backup plan.

It'll all be over in an hour.

Better hurry or we're gonna be
late for the press conference.

Let's go, Jimmy.

Change of plans, Jimmy.

What the hell?

I should've knocked his teeth
out when I had the chance.

What do you got?

We're tracking Ellis's phone.

Looks like he's heading south
near the warehouse district.

Tracking Ellis's phone.

- Head south.
- That's the opposite direction

- from city hall.
- I told you.

They aren't going
to the press conference.

They're flipping the script.

- I'm calling for backup.
- Don't.

We need a scalpel, not a hammer.

Nobody knows she's missing yet.

A show of force will
only escalate the situation

and put 'em both in more danger.

I always knew there was
something rotten in the office.

But I have to admit,
I didn't think it was you.

Though I always knew you were an ass.

Feeling's mutual.

From the day you showed up,
you walked around

like you were better than everyone.

Not everyone, Ellis. Just you.

Why is she here?

So you can sh**t her.

Mitch Soraci?

Johnny O's lapdog.

That's how Johnny O's evaded
prosecution for so long.

How much is he paying you
to steer cases?

A lot more than you.

You really think
you're gonna get away with this?

Yeah. And after I do, I'm gonna
point this corruption scandal

right back at you.

Fact you'll be dead
just makes it easier.

what are you...

- What are you d... what are you doing?
- Take it.

look at her.

That's the woman who allowed your son

to be brutalized to the point
he tried to take his own life.

She told you it was all
in the name of justice.

Well, you taking her life...

That's justice.

That's vengeance,

not justice.

My son doesn't deserve to die.

But neither does she.

Just make him.

Got her driver in the trunk.

We got to do him next.

Relax. Just need some powder
residue for the coroner.

g*n down! Now!

Toss the weapons or she dies!

It's not gonna happen!

It's over, Ellis! Let her go!


You're right.

the gears of justice

are too slow for me.

or how'd you put it?


I got a feeling they're gonna be
a little extra...


...For you.

Thank you.

My son Luis?

He's awake and he's stable.

thanks for trusting me.

Deal's a deal.

Nice elbow.

Sometimes you got
to handle things yourself.

Kind of my motto.

We have laws for a reason.

Without them, we devolve into chaos.

Well, clearly the law
isn't always enough.

What happens then?

Dante. Keys?

I'm not saying I approve
of your methods.

But I'm gonna look past it.

For now.

Thank you.

Happy to help.

you must be pretty pleased
with yourself.

The vigilante's gone.

And, miraculously, there's
no trace of her arrest record.

I can't believe she got the drop on me.


Whatever, Dante.

I just got word.

I'm being transferred with a promotion.

Good for you. You earned it.

You and I both know
it's a bribe to go away.

I know the D.A.'s behind this.

She's the one
who pulled me off the case.

I'll miss you, Mallory.

Thanks again for all the hunting tips.

That's funny.

Here's another one.

You keep working with that woman,

and, I assure you, it's gonna end badly.

Maybe in a cell,

right next to your father.

no, I can't do this.

Excuse me.

Are you Kisha Griffin?

- How did you know...
- Someone left this for you.

You said you never had
someone who believed in you.

Well, now you do.

If you ever need help, call me.

I'm ready.



So happy you're okay. Oh.

I-I'm sorry. I don't want to interrupt.

- I can come back.
- No, no.

No, please. It's okay.

I wanted to tell you personally that...

The charges against Luis are in
the process of being dismissed.

I looked into the case.

I saw the video.

And you were right.

We are part of the problem.

You never should have been
arrested in the first place.

Sometimes the system can be faulty.

And the wrong people get hurt.

It's never what we intend.

In light of this case,
I'm, uh, asking my department

to do a full review of similar cases

to prevent this from happening again.

Hold on a sec. Let me get this straight.

There's a truce
between you and the D.A.?

More or less. She
won't actively pursue me

as long as I don't go too far.

have you met yourself?

"Too far" is kind of your brand.

well, I don't know.

She's holding up her end of the deal.

You are completely wiped
from the NYPD system.


But what I want to know is
what happened to your hand.

Oh, this?

Well, mm, let's just say

that when you're, uh, kicking ass,

you got to break a few eggs.

Or bones, as the case may be.

I'm not surprised.
You always did have the hands.


He was kind of a badass.

got to do what I got to do

to protect my lady.

Oh, is that right?


Well, I'm glad you guys are great.

I... Got to get home.

well, well, well,

if it isn't the jailbird.

You want some of this wine

or do you prefer to have
yours made in a toilet?

Aunt Vi.

Mom! You're home!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I've been
in a filthy cell all day.

Might want to let me
take a shower first.

That is fair.

Hold up. Where's your ankle bracelet?

Aren't you on house arrest?

Okay, you two,

y'all got jokes tonight.

You can kid all you want.

But I know you were worried.

And I'm sorry.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

I'm fine now.


You'll tell us when you're
in real trouble, right?

And if you are,

you got to tell us how we can help.

I'll work on that.

We can still do game night.

Okay, how 'bout a movie instead?

Love that idea.

all right.

- I'll get the snacks.
- Okay.

Oh, yeah. For sure.

Girl, let me get you a glass.



And don't you even think
about touching my glass.