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03x04 - Switzerland Has Trees

Posted: 10/31/21 17:58
by bunniefuu
- You're sure it was Frances?
- Annie, she told me she did it.

She's k*lling people
who aren't ready to die.

She thinks she's some
kind of angel of mercy.

I struggle with my
obligation to report to.

Like if I suspect a nurse is feeding
terminal patients to a k*ller.

Should I say something?

Oh, my God. What happened?

You want to be a doctor, right?

You want to be a doctor?
Stitch up my arm.

This will be good practice.

- What are you doing here, Mary?
- I didn't tell you

about the pregnancy because
I was protecting myself.

If you want to be a part of
this baby's life, you can.

It's entirely your decision.

This was my dream.

A safe place where we can do what we do.

What I didn't anticipate
were the people.

The messy, lovely people

that I'd be forced to get to know.


A year-old girl is
dead because of us!

You better tell me what's going on.




(GROANING) I thought we
agreed on the speed limit.

You could use the thrill.

No, I'm thrilled that we
didn't hit a bloody tree.

- Oh!
- Hey, easy.

No, I'm fine. I'm good. I'm fine.

Just a little stiff from the cold.

- Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

Me doing anything has
never been the best idea.

I'm not sure what listening to that
little voice has ever gotten me.

You mean the voice of reason?

Fear, reason. What's the difference?

What is it with North Americans
and extreme sports? It's barbaric.

Would you please just shut
up and appreciate this?

I mean, look!





You need to k*ll me.



I don't care who's next on the
schedule. Is Lucy's day today.

No, it's actually Phil's day.
He's already been told.

Lucy's been here longer.
So, that's what's fair.

I'm sorry, but that's
the way it has to be.

Look, I promised, all right?

Fine. We'll push Phil

if Mary signs off on it, but
he is in pretty rough shape.

They're all in rough shape!
They're dying!

Do you want to talk about
what's really going on here?

No. No, I really don't. We
need to have a little chat.


Yeah, maybe you should talk first.

Desmond. Nicole.

Ben. You look shaggier.

- What, are you two back together?
- This isn't about that.

Oh, dear God! This is
about the nurse, isn't it?

What nurse?

- Mary, what the hell is going on?

Did you put one in for me?

Are we seriously not
gonna talk about this?

- Is that a no on the bagel?
- Read this.

Cambie, we're going to be late. Come on.

Okay. "Had to work early.
Lunch is in the fridge.

Have good days, girls.
Love you, Mom." What?

Why is everyone acting
like nothing's changed?

We met Mom's baby daddy last night.

- Hello, weirdness?
- Can you just please stop calling him that?

Fine. What do you think about this?

(HEAVY SIGH) I think it's nice.

You know, the stuff that
Mom has to deal with,

it's... it's a lot,

and I think maybe it'd be good
if she had someone to help her.

- I guess so.

Thank you.

Now, come on. We gotta go.

We'll compare notes
about Ben on the way. Okay?

Does he really live in a trailer?

So, this nurse, Frances,

k*lled an innocent non-terminal
patient at the hospital.

And framed Annie for it.
Which means if the police

are looking into her, then
they'll come back here,

given she is your main
source of patients.

Does he know everything?

- He does.

So, you've been helping
people on the side?

Well, that explains the missing Pento.

So you've just been lying
to us this whole time?

I mean, did you know?


Amazing. You guys are seriously amazing.

Let me just get something straight here.

I am currently the sole
registered owner of a hospice

that may be being targeted by the police

or a psychopath or maybe both,

and what's worse is I can't even trust

the two people that convinced
me to do this in the first place.

Look Nicole, I know this is tough
but we will deal with it, okay?

Right now, and just-just for now,

we need to stop helping your patients.

Okay? Keep the business open,

a completely legitimate
hospice, above board.

But no assisted deaths, none,

until we are sure no one
is looking into the place.

Is this him helping?

Because I preferred when he
just stood there brooding.

Des, can you please listen?

- Nicole!


So, we're gonna just sit
and watch our patients die?

(SIGHS) What happened to helping people?

- We'll figure this out.
- We?

You and Ben?

I'm just supposed to trust him now?

Yes. Unless you want to go to prison.



It is going to be okay.

I'm not sure about anything
anymore. I feel like I've...

done everything wrong, and
I don't know how to fix it.

We will fix it.

Okay? We'll figure it out.

Des and Nicole must think I'm crazy

for putting my faith
in you after everything.

Well, things are...

different now.

- I guess they are.
- I'm gonna put Hull onto Frances, okay?

- And I will see you later.



Is it okay if I come in?

Is it time?

Phil, I'm sorry but we
can't help you today.

We're working on it.

But you're going to have
to wait a little bit longer.

Maybe a couple days.

Do you understand?

Yeah, I get it.

I guess I'm getting what I deserve.

I'm not sure what you mean.

Phil, you know I believe

people should get to
choose their own death.

I believe every person in here

deserves that, including you.

Forget it.

Is there anything I can...

do in the meantime to...

make you more comfortable?

No. I'm good.

- What are you doing?
- Well,

William here is a lawyer.

It's very convenient. You
should have one on staff.

- I'd stay on if I could.
- Thank you, William.

My pleasure.


Well, I have been thinking
about my last meal.

I did some light death row research.

Did you know John Wayne Gacy
had a dozen fried shrimp,

a bucket of fried chicken
and a pound of strawberries?

- No, I did not know that.
- Well, anyway,

I want a TV dinner.

A Salisbury steak one, you
know, with the puffy potatoes

and that cranberry thing that
gets way too hot in the microwave.

- Ever had one?
- No.

- My parents loved me.
- And I want it on a TV tray

and I want to be watching
The Price is Right.

I have to tell you something.

(SIGHS) Okay. I know I said

that we could do this today...

We can't.

And why not?

- It's confidential.
- Try again.

Okay. Because we have
rules and regulations

- to keep us out of jail.
- Des...

- You promised.
- I know.

And I'm so sorry.

And that's... that's
all I can say right now.

Except it wasn't my
decision, believe me.

Let me tell you what
this actually feels like.

One second, I'm all Zen.

The next, I am terrified.

It's like a...

"You're about to die" style
teeter-totter and I just want

to get the hell off.

I... need it

to be today.

Well, I'm sorry. I can't.



Then what good are you?



(SIGHS) I know where I'm going.

Sorry. Protocol.

- Come in.

What are you doing here?

You're not expecting him?

Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot
you were stopping by.

- Thanks.
- Here, have a seat.

So, what's up, man?

Something's been bugging
me about this report.

So, Mary Harris,

the hospice, Joys, it all seems legit.

- So you said, yeah.
- Yeah, thing is,

I keep going back over it,

and Gail Rahimi, the insulin overdose?

Yeah, what do you know about this
nurse that was there, Frances Thorp?

Not much. ICU nurse at Eden

and she was there to give meds to her.

Except ICU nurses do not do house calls.

- What are you saying?
- I'm saying maybe,

maybe she was there to
deliver specific medication,

like a lethal dose of insulin.

That's a bit of a stretch.

But maybe not, and it's worth a look.

Come on, man. It's easy.

Personal history, work
history, see if there's been

any suspicious activity since
she started at the hospital.

Then, then it's up to you.

It's your call if there is
anything to be concerned about.

- Okay, I'll look into it.
- Good.

You ever miss it?

Because we make a good team.

Like if this case works out,
maybe you could come back.


- Naomi? Hey, wake up.
- Mm?

- I don't want to.
- Too bad. Come on, get up.

What are you doing here, Jess?

Well, you weren't in school
again, so I got worried.

Yeah, my shoulder still hurts.

Okay, let me take a look at
your stitches. Come here.


Hm! That actually looks okay.

- Maybe I should be a doctor.
- Ha!

See, without me, you wouldn't
have found your calling.

And more importantly,
you can go to school tomorrow.


Okay, fine. Um...

Okay, how about I make you a deal?

And you can either go to school tomorrow

- or you can call your mom.
- Hard pass.

Hey, look...

I don't know what's
going on with you here,

but you can't stay at
home by yourself anymore.

Okay. Um... I'm gonna, I'm
gonna clean this place up,

make us some food
that isn't pizza and...

And then you can call your mom. Okay?

(WHISPERING): Whatever.



Here we go.

Oh, no. I'm not gonna lecture you.

I miss it. I had to quit.

It'll wait for you to come back.

Phil, I really am sorry about all this.

I know you were expecting
today to be the day.

That can't be easy to turn off.

Things don't always go the way you want.

Only thing you can control
is... your reaction.

Is that the military mindset?

It prepares you for anything
that may be thrown your way.

Where did you serve?

We don't have to talk about it.

Oh, Phil!

Come on, Phil. It's okay. I need help!



- What's that?
- It's called modeling.

It occurs when the body

starts to conserve
blood around the heart.

It's a strong indication that the body

has started the dying process.

It's just a matter of time now.


That's that, then.

Is there someone I can call?

We're not doing an assisted death,

so there's no reason why you
can't have someone here with you.

(SIGHS) There's no one.



If this is the way it has to be for me,

then so be it.

I've seen worse.

I've done worse. (LABOURED BREATHING)

The first Gulf w*r.

A lot of people died over
there, too many people.

You serve for the good of your country.

Justified m*rder, that's
what they called it.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.

I guess I feel like...

the doubt, the questioning, it's...

It's what makes us human,

what makes us worthy of mercy.

Will you stay?

Of course. Of course.

Can I come in?

Can you believe that some people

put solving a , piece
puzzle on their bucket list?

Maybe not the most interesting people.

But who am I to judge?

Oh, come on, Lucy. Please.




You're joking. Really?

- I canceled my credit cards.
- Just get in.

No, thanks. I'll wait for the next one.

It doesn't seem like you
have much of a plan here.

What are you doing, exactly?

Well, I've been thinking
of hanging myself from a tree.

I promise I will not take you back.

Well, promises aren't your strong suit.

Lucy, please.

- Now, where to?
- I'll direct you.





- ♪ Misty moon ♪

I'm right here.

I'm not going anywhere.

♪ Spills through old windows ♪

Is it happening?

The truth is you'll know better than me.

♪ Of our earthly room ♪

It's okay.

Do you feel any pain?



♪ Spill to you on the right side ♪

I'm afraid.

Most people will feel fear...

and then calm.

♪ Of our bed ♪

This will end soon, I promise.

What, are you gonna rob this place?

I didn't see it on the bucket list.

I left my balaclava at the retreat.

This is my house.



- This is your house?
- It was my grandparents' house,

then my parents', and now mine.

Well, I for one love what
you've done with the place.

It's... very minimalist.

I let the staff have whatever
they wanted after I left.

How rich are you, exactly?

I am the secret heiress to the
Swanson's TV dinner fortune.

- Seriously?

No! I wish. It's much
more boring than that.

So, why did you come to
Joys if you have all of this?


The heiress who pops pills
and dies alone in her mansion?

That is such a cliché.

And yet, here we are.

Okay. Honestly?

I was scared to do it alone.

Afraid I was gonna screw it up.

And what Annie described with
the doctors and the retreat

and a definitive end date, it
just sounded pretty damn good.

But you clearly could have flown
first class to Switzerland.

There's no messy human
connections there.

I didn't come to you to make friends.

I came so I could have
a safe, peaceful end.

And I like trees.

Can we just leave it at that?


Switzerland has trees.

- Just saying.

This is the only room
in the house that I like.

- You coming in?
- Uh, no,

I am not much of a soaker.

Oh, you should try it. It's saltwater.

It's like a pool full of my tears.





Phil died.

Did you hear me?

What are you doing?

I can't believe you took the Pento.

Everything is on the line right now
and you couldn't even last one day.

- I didn't do anything.
- Stop lying to me.

I'm not lying.

I wish I was, but I'm not.

I swear, Nicole, I didn't do anything

but hold that man's hand
and watch him struggle

as he died naturally... and in pain.

We're supposed to help them.
That's why they came here.

Yeah, well, you took that away
from them one lie at a time.

Although, you have managed

to tell your ex-cop
boyfriend the whole truth.

I told Ben because I
need someone in my life

who can actually do something
to help for a change,

not just someone who
makes me feel like shit.

You know what? Maybe
you need to grow up.

Take some agency in your life

- and stop blaming me.
- Then let me.

Stop hiding things from me.

Stop treating me like
I'm some little kid

that you have to protect,
and stop making me feel

like I don't have a say
in what happens here.

That may have worked for
us before, it's just...

it's not working for me right now.


You're right.

I'm sorry.

We've gone through way
harder stuff than this.

And we did it together.

So don't go, all right?

The patients need you.

I need you.


please stay.

No more secrets.

No more secrets.


If you didn't take the
Pento, then who did?


- Why the saltwater?
- My dad had it installed

for my mom's lupus.

Two-for-one investment, as it turns out.

- She has lupus as well, then?
- Had.

She's dead.

Got it from my mom, as they say.

Hers att*cked her brain,
though, in the end,

whereas mine went for the kidneys.

Disease of a thousand faces, right?


I kind of hate my mother.

I mean, she knew it could be
inherited, but she...

went ahead and had a kid anyway.

I guess she wanted a family.

- What about your dad?
- Oh, he was gone a year later.

Died of a broken heart, they said.

(CHUCKLE) Can you believe that shit?

Yeah. I think I can.

No. Don't do that.

- I know what pity looks like.
- It's not pity.


I know I'm terrible at promises.

You still want to do this today...

We can.

Safe, peaceful.



- ♪ To our home ♪
- You hate it.

No, it's good. I just...
I'm just not very hungry.

It's disgusting, I get it.

♪ I came here all alone ♪

Okay... It's time to call your mom.

- Jesus, Jess, can you get off my back?
- Naomi, just...

- ♪ Who I'm with ♪
- Fine.

♪ Will I remember it ♪

♪ Trying to get you in ♪


Savard, Johnson and Pelletier.

Hi, may I please speak to Louise Malik?

I believe she's with a client.
Can I take a message?


Okay, could you just ask her if
she could talk for a second?

- It's her daughter.
- Oh, sure. One moment.

♪ I don't know ♪

Hi, Naomi? I'm sorry,

Louise says she'll
call you later tonight.

Okay, that's fine. Whatever. (SNIFFLE)

Naomi, you okay?



♪ Burn up with the water ♪

♪ The floods are on the plains ♪

♪ The planets in a rose ♪

♪ Who knows what they contain? ♪

♪ And my brain is ♪

♪ Like an orchestra ♪

♪ Playing on insane ♪

♪ Will you love me ♪

- ♪ Like you loved me ♪

♪ In the January rain? ♪



Hey! Naomi!

- (GASP) Naomi!



♪ The clothespins on the floor ♪

- ♪ In my head ♪
- Naomi!

Stop! Stop!

♪ Wait and count to four ♪

- What the hell are you doing?!
- ♪ Will you love me ♪

- ♪ Like you loved me ♪
- Naomi!



♪ Like you loved me ♪

♪ And I'll never ask ♪

♪ For more ♪

You have anything in here
that is an extra small?


I need something to sleep in.
I'm not leaving you here alone.

- You don't have to do that.
- Yeah, obviously I do.

You were standing out there
in the middle of the road.

It's okay. My mom's coming home.

- You did talk to her then?
- Of course, yeah.

Yeah, she's gonna fly home tonight.


That's good. That's... that's great.

No, it'll be good. It'll be really good.

We're going to sit around,
paint our toenails

and we're gonna talk about
how I'm failing school,

I don't have any friends,

I quit dance and...

and I'm an ungrateful bitch.

You have friends.

You have me, right?

Please don't hate me, Jess.

- You really scared me.
- I know.

Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry.


(DES CHUCKLES) Don't you look rich?


don't think I have champagne.

I haven't really been
celebrating lately.

Well, it doesn't matter.
Pick your poison.

- Really?
- No, I, I didn't mean...

I know what you meant.

Don't lose your sense
of humour on me, Bennett.


Maybe we should do a shot first.

Yeah, maybe if there
was ever a time for me

to get back in the game,
this would be it.

Nice try.

You're not throwing your life
away on this, you hear me?

Got it.



Are you okay?


I am so g*dd*mn happy

- I didn't go to Switzerland.

Me too.

(LUCY SNIFFLES) Maybe, uh...

Maybe a quick shot first would be good.

To another day.


God, I've always wanted to do that.

Well, okay, what is happening right now?

I don't know.

I mean, I...

thought I was ready, and then...

I started thinking about
you leaving me here

and that it's gonna be a
week until the maid comes

and I'm going to be covered in flies

and she's gonna have a heart attack

and I would hate that because she's...

she's really nice. (LUCY SNIFFLES)

♪ You've been so sick ♪

Or maybe...

Maybe I just want to
spend another day...

with you.

- ♪ You said to me ♪
- Okay.

♪ Said to me ♪

♪ Let me in for you ♪

Another day, then.

♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Waiting for you ♪


now that I know you're filthy rich,

- I do hope to be written into the will.

Should I leave some sticky notes

on a few choice items?
Any taxidermy up for grabs?


So, what we do now?

Anything we want.

♪ Sadness and sorrow ♪



Evening, Dr. Harris.

I'm Detective Hull. We
met at Gail Rahimi's house.

That's right. You took my statement.

Yeah. And your friend's, Frances Thorp.

- No, she's not my friend.
- Oh, really?

Well, I mean, I never
met her before that day.

Well, that may actually be true...

I'm, uh...

just a little bit more
concerned with your relationship

after that day.

I'm not sure what you
mean, and I'm sorry,

but I really need to get inside
to my daughters and off my feet.

- Okay?
- Just one last thing.

If there's no relationship
with Frances Thorp,

what were you guys
doing together yesterday?

At that diner?

Peppermint for the stomach?
Or chamomile for sleep?

Peppermint is fine.


what did this Detective
Hull have to say?

That he saw us at the diner, which means

he knows we've seen
each other since Gail's.

(SIGHS) Not our most shining moment.

No, it wasn't. And I'm sorry.

I appreciate that, Mary.

The truth is, we need to stick together.

If one of us goes down,
so does the other.

What did you say... to this detective?

That we met that day at Gail's,

and then afterwards, and
then decided to work together.

So you're now referring terminal
patients from the hospital

to Joys like Annie did.

That's smart.

Very smart.

Well, you... you
covered for me at Gail's.

So, I'm doing the same
with you, with Dorothy.

But we still need to make sure

that he believes me.

For both our sakes.

How do we do that?

I think you should bring me a patient,

someone we could admit to Joys.

Just in case he's still watching.



She's gonna do it.

She's bringing someone
to Joys this week.

She'll let me know when.

This is gonna work.

Trust me.

Hull obviously thinks
you're working together.

At least now it'll look legit.

I did what you said
today at the hospice,

and it was...

it was awful.

I sat there with a man as he died

slowly and painfully.

It wasn't how it's supposed to be.

What I do is right. It's good.

I'm not gonna let anyone stop me.

Especially not Frances.