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02x05 - Come to Jesus

Posted: 10/31/21 17:51
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]


[car approaching]

♪ ♪

You put pento in his beer?

I did.

♪ ♪


I can do this.

But the rest of it?

The criminal shit,
the bad shit...

that's my line.

Let's do the death retreat.

[inhales deeply]

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Jess, I need
to tell you something.

You're wasted.

♪ ♪

What is wrong with you?

Why are you acting
like somebody else?

My mom.

I feel like I never know
what's going on with her.

I feel like she's always
lying to me.

Ma'am, I'm Detective Ben Wesley.

I need to talk to you about
your husband, Travis Bloom.

He's only been gone a few days.

He's disappeared for longer.
I'm sure he'll be back.

Well, we believe
he's dealing dr*gs

right out of this warehouse.

We're in.

Olivia's warehouse is
completely wired for sound.


You were right about her.

And you were right
about Mary Harris.

- You put a team on Mary?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

He'll slip away now.
It's peaceful.

♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪


I just watched you k*ll someone.

I'm never gonna stop.

♪ ♪

[soft resonant music]


♪ ♪

Good morning.

Good morning.

I didn't know you smoked.

I don't... much.

I keep quitting.

And then I start again.

I know it's bad for me, but...

It's addictive.

I know.

You know,
yesterday with that kid...



I've never seen
anything like that before.

You've seen people die, though.

Yeah, but not like that.

It was, um...



[cell phone buzzing]

[breathes deeply]

It's... I'm sorry, it's work.

Should I be worried?

Well, Joshua's parents
covered for you.


So did I.

Mary, if anyone finds out
about this...

I can't protect you anymore.

I'd probably lose
my job, you know?

I know.

Come here.

♪ ♪

I should go.

I should go.
Do you have to?


Unless you wanna tell me
what happened to Travis.

[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪

[electric razor humming]

[soulful music playing softly]

♪ ♪


I almost forgot
what a handsome bastard I am.

I don't know why
you hide this face.

It makes no sense.

Ah, it did at the time, Tony.

[chuckling] Okay.

You sound like a man
with a past.

I am.
But I'm ready to let it go.

The tragedy of this life

is not that it ends so soon...

but that we wait so long
to begin it.

You're not dying, are you?

No. No, no, no.
Quite the opposite, my friend.

I feel like my life
is finally beginning.

[footsteps tapping]

[shower running]

[dramatic music]

[shower stops]

I'm in your bedroom.

♪ ♪

- What are you doing here?
- You sneaky little bitch.

You got laid, didn't you?

I don't wanna talk about it.

The best part about bad sex
is actually talking about it.

It wasn't bad.

It was great,
but it's complicated.

Because of your side job?

And his day job.

But you're lovers
in a dangerous time.

I have to go.

Hey, don't you wanna
know why I'm here?

- First thing I asked you.
- Yes, then I was

momentarily distracted

by the evidence
of your illicit affair.

- Nicole.
- I need to talk to you

about Jess.

Do you remember her?

- Your firstborn?
- What about her?

She knows you're lying to her.

She knows
you're hiding something.

She just doesn't know what.

- Did she say that?
- Yes.

Okay, I'll talk to her.

Why not now?

- Because she's at school.
- You could get it over with

and see how it feels
to be honest for a change.

What do you want me to do,
pull her out of school and say,

"Hey, Jess, I k*ll people"?

I don't know.

Nicole, I gotta go.

What, are you going on a death?

Des and I
are doing someone a favor.

Does it still involve
k*lling people?

Listen to me for a second.

Do whatever you want.

You just have to decide
at some point,

how much are you willing
to lose for all this?

Your house?
Your life?

Your kids?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Sustainable development.

I think we should focus
on water.

Water treatment,
quality, access...

Are you even listening?

Since this project is worth
% of our grade,

I really think
we should start focusing.

I'll be right back, okay?

Hey, girl.

I'm not your girl.

Okay, you're still mad.

Are you still mad at Jess?

I'm over it.

Just as I suspected.

You're cyber-stalking Jess.

Translation is,
you're not over it.

Give it back.

Maybe I should like something.

- You're such a brat.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I know.

But the thing is, Jess isn't,

and this whole thing is totally
and completely my fault.

I was a drunk idiot.

Jess and I are not a thing.

Well, neither are Jess and me,

so it doesn't really matter.

I thought you were supposed
to be all, like, religious.

You know, like, forgive others
for their trespasses

and they will forgive us
for ours?

I thought you didn't
believe in God.

I don't.
But you... do.

Jess really likes you.

Stop being a dummy
and go get her.

The shipment's in
at, what, : ?

I'll be back by then.

Test the product yourself.

Make sure we have
the good stuff.

- Not like last time.
- Okay.

[ominous music]

Any luck with Olivia Bloom?

Well, there's been
references to shipments

and coded drug language,

- but she's discreet.
- Ah, well.

You know the deal.

Sometimes it takes months
to get a solid lead.

I'll stick with it.

Got an update for you
on the Mary Harris case.

The Yangs gave us
Joshua's laptop.

The history shows
numerous searches

on how to buy pentobarbital.

She's smart.
She covered her tracks.

I see.
So where does that leave us?

Well, I had to take
the spin team off her.

The Yangs are sticking
to their story...

That they were alone.



How did she know we'd be there?

Like you said, she's smart.

Or someone tipped her off.

- You wanna ask me something?
- No.

I wanna tell you something.

Mary Harris is a criminal.
You know it, and I know it.

And we both know
she k*lled Joshua Yang.

You sleeping with her?




What about Travis Bloom?

Not sleeping with him either.


Mary Harris was hired
to k*ll the guy,

and no one's seen him since.

You honestly think she had
nothing to do with this?

♪ ♪

You know, I never understood

how you could eat
like a construction worker

and yet still look...
enormously pregnant.

I know, right?

You can't even tell from behind.

My grandma says that means
I'm having a boy,

because a girl steals
all your beauty.

Well, then
it's definitely a boy.

Congratulations, Larissa.
You look wonderful.

So you're...

what, eh, five, six months
along now, yeah?

Actually, nine months.


You're at nine months.

Hang on.
I mean, well...

Well, that would mean...
Des, there's something

you need to know.

[breathes nervously]

I'm kidding. [Laughs]
I'm only six months.

Don't worry.
It's not yours.

I tried to wait for you.
Really, I-I did.

And then I met
this basketball player,

and next thing you know,
I'm pregnant, and...

we're engaged.

Oh, wow.
That's a...


[sighs happily] Yeah.


- Is that your grandma's file?
- Yeah.

- So how's she doing?
- Not good.

She's in agony.

All the time.
Every day.

She's , so they don't want
to do a kidney transplant,

and I guess she's just...

She just wants it to stop.

"When she closed her eyes,
she felt like he had many hands,

"which touched her everywhere,

"and many mouths, which passed
so swiftly over her,

"and with a wolflike sharpness,

his teeth sank
into her fleshiest parts."

Ooh, that's my favorite part.
I love that.

I hear this is your favorite
place to visit, Beth.

I may be blind, but I know
the rhododendrons are in bloom.

And outside, the maple trees
are turning orange.

And I can smell the last
of the summer geraniums.

Being in here is like
being part of the world again.

And I miss the world.

If it wasn't for this one here,

I would've said good-bye
a long time ago.

[sobs softly]
I can't believe this little guy

isn't gonna get to meet you.

You'll keep me alive
in your stories.

I don't want you to go.

Remember to always love
as deeply as you can.

[gentle music]

Oh, be strong.
Be strong, like I taught you.


It... it's time.


Shh, shh.
It's time.


♪ ♪

Be brave.

Be brave.
Be brave.

♪ ♪

I love you, Larissa.

♪ ♪

[crying softly]


Are you gonna be okay?


I just wanna sit here
for a little while with her

before I make the call.


♪ ♪

What was that about?

I don't know.

All of a sudden,
it just felt... too much.

Too much what?

We just helped a dying woman

say good-bye
to her granddaughter

in her favorite place
in the world.

- It was perfect.
- Des, I'm scared.

Of what, getting caught?

Of everything.

I know. I...

No, you don't.

It's not the same for you.
I have kids.

My sister came by this morning.

She asked me how much
I was willing to lose for this.

She doesn't understand.

You can't let your sister
get in your head.

[suspenseful music]

I need time to think...

figure it all out.

Of course.

You do what you need to do.

Thank you.

♪ ♪



I've got something to tell you.

I got the condo.

Well, Kevin, that's great.

Mary, I'm taking the girls.

Not permanently, of course.

But home base is gonna be
with me from now on.

- Like hell it is.
- Come on, Mary.

Since I've been here,

you've been home
how many nights?

[exhales sharply]

And you know what?
It wasn't my idea.

Jess wants to move out.

[stirring music]


And Cambie wants to be with her.

Oh, so you've all
talked about this.


We have.


♪ ♪

She's just mad at me
because of the party.

"Because of the party."

There's more to it than that.

Okay, I wanna talk to her.
I have to fix this.

Where is she?
In the backyard,

with Heather.


You still cool with me
taking the fridge?

Just take it.

You sure it was Naomi
and not a clone?

[chuckling] I'm pretty sure.

Although she was quoting
the Lord's Prayer, so...

you know,
I wouldn't swear to it.

You know I am sorry, right?

I know.

[both chuckle softly]


- Hi, Dr. Harris.
- Heather, hi.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Clearly I have company.

I know.

So just say whatever
you wanna say,

'cause I'm obviously
gonna tell Heather anyways.

Your dad just told me

you were thinking about
moving in with him.


I was hoping to take you out
to dinner tonight.

- Just you and me.
- Why?

So you can try and convince me
to stay or something?

Look, I know I haven't
been around much lately,

and that's my fault.

I wanna change it.

Come on.

I'll make a reservation
at Il Ponte's.

I love that place.

I always get a double order
of the lobster ravioli.

And then I feel sick, but...

it's totally worth it.

I mean...
it'll probably be better

than Cambie's stupid
lentil surprise.

So you'll come?

Yes, okay.


- The things I do for you.
- [chuckles]

I'm totally worth it.

[machinery beeping]
Hey, Paulie,

you wanna bring that over here?

[tools whirring]

Hey, you got a minute?

- No.
- Shipment's here.

I don't need to be alerted

every time
a scheduled shipment arrives.

Driver's asking for you.

Did he say why?

Said he needs you
to sign off or something.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[high heels clicking]

♪ ♪

[metal clanking]

[g*nsh*t, grunting]

[gripping music]

This is Wesley!

g*nsh*t heard over the wire!
Tac team, secure location!

[tense music]

Get your hands in the air.

Get down! Get down!
[men shouting]

- Don't move, don't move!
- [grunts]

- Don't move.
- Get down!

[dog barking]
Don't move!


♪ ♪

Detective Ben Wesley.

One of you wanna tell me
where your boss is?

She's not here.

What time did she leave?

No idea.

She doesn't stick around
after hours.

Look, we're responding
to a call we got

about g*nf*re on the premises.

What? Who called?

- I don't know, a neighbor?
- We don't have any neighbors.

We got a call about g*nf*re.

We have to search
the property, okay?

You know, sometimes a box falls,

oven tips over,
makes a loud sound.

Maybe that's what they heard.

Seems like something
you'd remember.

♪ ♪

All right, well,
since we're here,

we're gonna search
the property, okay?

♪ ♪

I almost forgot
what it was like here.

We haven't been back
since your dad and I...

Split up?


It was kind of like
our family place, wasn't it?

Do you remember
the first time we came here?

[sighs] No.

It was after your first
big ballet recital.

You were turning seven.
I was eight.

Eight. And Cambie...

She was so jealous you got
to wear your tutu to dinner.


Is this gonna be
one of those dinners

where you reminisce
about the good old days,

make me feel guilty?

Why would that
make you feel guilty?

That's what you do.

I'm sorry.

If I do that,
it's not on purpose.

[sighs, inhales sharply]

Mom, nothing you say
is gonna change my mind.

About moving in with Dad?

I've decided.

Jess, you're my daughter.


So it means
I'm gonna fight for you.

Any questions about the menu?

Do you still have
the lobster ravioli?

We do.
We're famous for it.


We will start
with a double order.

[laid-back rock music]

♪ ♪

[exhaling] Ooh!
I needed that.

Mm, evidently.

Wait, are you trying
to get me drunk?

'Cause this is...
this is not gonna happen,

and your phony British accent
doesn't do it for me.

Oh, really?

'Cause Mary said when you went
to visit her at med school,

you had a...
a massive crush on me.

I believe you wanted
to play with my ponytail?

You know, if you and Mary think

that some childhood crush
is gonna convince me

that your k*lling business
is a good idea,

you are so delusional.

She doesn't even know I'm here.

- And what is this about?
- Read it.

What, are you opening up a spa?

[chuckles] A hospice.

Except not just for people
who are too sick

to take care of themselves.

This is for those who've...

come to terms
with their illness.

Mary and I are gonna stay still.

Plant roots.
Try to do this right.

Did Mary tell you that
I went on a death with her?

- [chuckles]
- Estelle.

Yeah, she lived life
to the fullest.

But she was ready to go.

'Cause I could see it
in her... strength,

her peace.

So you get it.


of course you do.
I mean, your mother...


Estelle knew exactly
what she wanted.

But my... mother...

Joy used to say
pain was inevitable

and suffering was optional.


I'm sorry.
Her name was Joy?


[chuckling] Joy.

Suicidal mother of two.

The thing is that
she actually had

some pretty good days, you know,

days where she loved life.

You know, days where
she loved us, even.

What if that day
was just a really bad day?

How do you know when it's
the right thing to do?


We don't decide.

Our patients do.

Can I tell you a secret?

Sometimes when I come home
late at night,

I look into your room
and watch you sleep.

That's creepy.

It is, a little.

When I get to watch you
just lying there, unguarded...

this beautiful,
amazing young woman...

my kid...

I don't know, I feel...

I feel okay.

I know I've taken you
for granted recently,

and I'm sorry for that.

But, Jess, you and Cambie
are everything to me.

Honestly, I can't live
without you.

You've made your case.

And I hear you.

Can we talk about
something else, please?

I like her, you know.

I think we're
in a good place now.

It... it's been a little...

Complicated can be good.
Sexy, even.

[chuckling nervously]
Oh... okay, Mom.

Was it like that
with you and anyone?

Yes. [Chuckles]

With who?

Um... a patient.
Last year.

He was, uh...
dying of cancer.

And I couldn't get him
out of my head.

Wow, that...
That is complicated.

Did he die?

Nope, he didn't.

So are you gonna see him again?

[soft music]

I want to.

Problem is, what I do is...

very important to me.

But it can be hard...

for other people to understand.

Because you work so much?

♪ ♪

[cell phone ringing]


It's okay.
You can get it.

It's fine, really.

[cell phone buzzing]

Is this Mary?
I need to talk to Mary.


Um, I'll be right back.

[suspenseful music]

What's wrong?

My mom's hurt,
and she told me to call you.

Where is she, honey?
Where's your mom?

Please hurry.

Maya, listen to me.
You need to call .

No, no, she wants you
to come over.

Okay... Maya?
Maya, it's okay.

It's okay.

I'll be right over.

I-I need to hang up now,
but I'll be...

I'll be there soon, okay?


[breathing raggedly]

There's been an emergency
at the hospital.

I'm gonna give you my card.
You know the PIN, right?

Wait, what happened?

You're gonna have
to take an Uber.

Are you okay with that?
You're leaving?

I'm sorry, baby.
I really...

I have to go.

♪ ♪

[water running]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Hi, Maya.


♪ ♪

Where's your mom?

She's in the back.

♪ ♪

You were very brave
on the phone.

Is my mom gonna be okay?

- I don't know yet.
- You need to help her.

♪ ♪

She's here, Mommy.

Thank you, Puffin.

Inside, all right?
Go get ready for bed.

But I wanna stay out here.

Go inside into the playroom.
Watch something on the big TV.

- I'll be right there.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]

What happened?

[clears throat]

Help me, Mary.

I'm sure you don't wanna
go to the hospital,

- but the...
- No, no hospitals.

Too many questions.

♪ ♪


- Okay, you need surgery.
- [grunts] You.

You do it.

- No, that's not what I do.
- Yes, it is.

Tonight it is.

Anything you want, Mary.

All right?
Anything you want, it's yours.

Just help me.

I don't wanna die, okay?

I can't die, Mary.

[voice breaking]
Who will take care of Maya?


I'm gonna need supplies.

♪ ♪

Whatever you're looking for,
it ain't here, man.

What exactly am I looking for?

We've searched the whole place.

Offices, trucks, boxes.
There's nothing here.

No dr*gs, no dead bodies,
no sign of the missing husband.

- Boss, I know what I heard.
- I know.

You made a judgment call.
It didn't pan out.

I'm pulling the plug.


♪ ♪

[grunts angrily]

What the hell happened?

You called him?

I need his help.

She's lost a lot of blood.

And the b*llet is still...

I think it's lodged in a muscle.

And we're gonna take it out?

Her daughter's inside.
She's eight.

And as you know,
she doesn't have another parent

to take care of her right now.

♪ ♪


Okay, what are you doing?

She can't be awake.

♪ ♪

Can I trust you?

Do you have a choice?

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

I believe they call it
"drowning my sorrows."

You wanna get messed up with me?

[sighs] Not really.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

[glass shatters]

[inhales deeply] Okay.

I take it dinner
didn't go so well.

She just left me there.

At the restaurant?

Yeah, she said there was
an emergency at the hospital,

like I'm stupid
or something, like...

She... obviously a hospital
wouldn't video call a doctor,

and it was, like,
this little kid calling.

I feel like this battered wife.

Like, I keep going back

and I think
she's gonna be different,

but then she just...
keeps punching me in the heart.

I'm sorry I told you to go.

[sobs softly]

I just wanna move out of here
and never come back.

I know.
I know.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


It must've nicked
a blood vessel.

Help me.

Come on.

[exhales shakily]

I've been here before.

We could let go right now.

I did it with Grady.

You did it with Travis.

It would solve a lot
of our problems.

Is that what we do now?

I don't know.

♪ ♪

Are we K*llers?

I don't wanna be.

Let's close it up.
Come on.

You wanna wipe it up?

♪ ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Do you have anyone
who can come over?

Maya has a nanny.
She'll be here in the morning.

I'll let you rest.

And I checked on your daughter.
She's sleeping.

Thank you.

I want the b*llet.

I know you didn't throw it away.

Who did this to you?


there are two possibilities.

The first...


That's not a possibility.


I was hoping it was him.

Travis I can handle,
but the people I work for...

[inhales deeply]

Hey, unless you're God,

you're always
answering to someone.

And who are you answering to?

You know, a cop came
to my warehouse the other day.

[ominous music]

My suppliers found out.

They don't like cops.

♪ ♪

I should go.

What would I do
without you, Mary?

My guardian angel.

♪ ♪

I don't think so.

But you are, Mary.

And I stand by my word.

Anything you want...
it's yours.

I want you to leave
me and Des alone.

[chuckles weakly]

You're so funny, Mary.


I've always liked that
about you.

♪ ♪

You know...

I've never saved a life before.

- How does it feel?
- Like death.

But... messier.

I can't do this anymore.

Can't you see?

This is the problem.

Not what we do.

[mysterious vocalization]

I know.

[melancholy rock music]

♪ If I lie well enough ♪

♪ Will it bring me up? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ What do you say? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Gonna let the truth ♪

♪ Sit on the shelf ♪

♪ ♪

♪ What do you say? ♪


♪ Caught between ♪

♪ A rock and a hard place ♪

♪ ♪

- What was that for?
- [sighs]

I had a really bad day.

Tell me about it.

♪ ♪

Is that blood?


Then maybe you should go first.

Did you ever have
a come-to-Jesus moment?

Yeah, once or twice.

I think I had one tonight.

What do you mean?

I know how to get Olivia.

♪ ♪