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02x04 - Ride or Die

Posted: 10/31/21 17:49
by bunniefuu
Swear for me, Mary.

Swear for me on your daughters'
lives you k*lled my husband.

- I swear.
- Travis, meet Mary.

She's the woman
your wife hired to k*ll you.

You got to go into the station.

You give a statement,
and then I can go after Olivia.

- Sorry, I had to get gas.
- Get me a pack of tallboys.

You got a pretty
girlfriend there.

Oh, no, she's not
my girlfriend, man.

She's a...


Picture this.
Cabins right here.

There's one for each patient.
We register as a hospice.

That way, when there's
a dead body,

no one will ask any questions.

Joshua Yang, ,
dying from bowel cancer.

- I'm a virgin.
- Virgin?

You're not ready, Josh.
Get laid, all right?

Well, I think doctors feel
it's important for patients

to choose their death.

You'll feel a rush
through your body,

and then a warm feeling
of peacefulness

will take you slowly into sleep.

Jess, I need
to tell you something.

Naomi, what is wrong with you?

- I don't know. I don't know.
- Travis needs to disappear.

We'd always be looking
over our shoulders, Des.

You think k*lling me
is gonna keep you safe?

Olivia won't.

You put pento in his beer?

I did what you were gonna do.

There's no coming
back from that.

[smooth music]

♪ ♪

♪ You can run on
for a long time ♪

♪ ♪

I ordered you pancakes,
the short stack.

I wasn't feeling
too celebratory.

- How are you doing?
- Great.

I'm great.


I feel relieved, I guess.

Our problem is solved.

Yeah, I guess we have
to look at it that way.

Travis is gone.

He won't come back.

Olivia will leave us alone.
It's over.

Is it?

You know, I've been to jail,

but I never actually
felt like a criminal.

But now,

the packaging
matches what's inside.

Don't say that.
That's not true. We did...

both: What we had to do.

That's your favorite expression.

[passing siren]

Remember this?

It's the line
we don't ever cross.

♪ The backbiter ♪

♪ Sooner or later
God's gonna cut 'em down ♪

♪ Sooner or later
God's gonna cut 'em down ♪

♪ Sooner or later
God'll cut you down ♪

No. I can't reach it.

Try harder.

You try. Your arms are,
like, extra long.

The party was your stupid idea.

Get it out.

Is it broken?

Are we broken?

My mom's back.

You look like your head hurts.

No, I'm A-okay.

So we cleaned up the place,
and you love me.

So all is forgiven, right?

I love you, and
you're in a lot of trouble.

That's not fair.

Where were you last night?

If you hadn't been gone, there
wouldn't have been a party.

So where is your
karmic retribution?

Well, you're out of control,
so there's that.

You're being a little harsh.

Naomi, just stop.

Is there something
you'd like to say to me?

I met your boyfriend last night.

I don't have a boyfriend.

Are you sure?

Accent? Hot?

Or maybe he was just tall.
You know what?

I can never actually tell
with older guys.

It's weird.

But yeah, he was collecting

all your lingerie
for your night shift.

My dating life
is none of your concern.

Cleaning my house,
which you trashed, is.

It was just a party.

It's not like we k*lled
anyone or anything.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[percussive rock music]

♪ ♪

Okay, you g*ons.

Time to break out
the orange vests.

Community service
starts right now.

This is the worst.

I mean, your aunt's pretty cool.

It won't be terrible.

It will be,
because you're coming.

Thanks for taking them.

Kevin's still on his trip,

and I don't trust them
alone in the house.

Not a problem.

I'm gonna be their mean warden.

I will make them pull up weeds

until their fingers
are bleeding.

I know your fake smiles.
What's wrong?

Remember Ben?

I saw him.

- When?
- Last night.

I had a...

a bad work situation.

He bailed me out.

What, are you two together now?

No, I messed it up.

You know, maybe your work
situation's bad

- 'cause you k*ll people.
- Nicole...

Maybe if Ben was helping you,
there's still something there.

You don't know what I did.

No, but I have seen you
two together,

so don't push him away.

A woman who kills people
can't be with a guy

who catches criminals
for a living.

If you say so.

[electronic chime]

[knocking at door]

[electronic chime]

- Joshua?
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Is it... is it time?

Oh, no.
I mean, I just...

You're the only person
who doesn't treat me

like I'm dying.

I mean, my parents have
come around to this idea

that I'm peaceing out early,
which is cool,

except every time
they look at me,

they just start bawling,

and I don't know,
it's kind of heavy.

That does sound
rather burdensome.

Yeah, so I thought

maybe you and me could hang.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Can we talk?

You want to talk?

Let's talk.

You're gonna take notes
on what I say?

If you say anything
worthwhile, then yeah.

It doesn't have to be this way.


I think you pushed it there
at the gas station.

I did what I had to do.
It wasn't personal.

It felt personal.


I have kids.

I have to protect them.

I have a dog.

Where is the suspect?
Mexico? Arizona?

Did you drive him to the border

or did you let him catch a bus?

I'm just... I'm curious.

Where is Travis, Mary?

Where is he?

I don't know.

Did you k*ll him?

No, I... no.

You know, in my line
of work, Mary,

just to survive this shit,
I got to put people in boxes...

Good people, bad people.

Everywhere I turn in this thing,

there you are with Grady,

with Olivia,
with Travis, but you...

It all comes back to you,
because you know why?

You're one of the bad ones.

I'm not that.
That's not who I am.

You know that, Ben.

You can go.


[somber music]

♪ ♪


[voices swirling]

Dr. Harris, you've been
standing there for ten minutes.

Do you need something?

Yes, the patient in
bed five needs an MRI,

and you can take
the girl in bed three

for an X-ray on her arm.

- Which arm?
- The broken one.

Sure, if you want to go
with the obvious choice.

Nice giraffe.

It symbolizes the future

and an ability to
achieve things out of reach.

A little positive
symbolism never hurts.

I guess.

We need all the help we can get.

How's Brendan doing?

My twin flame's burning
a little low today.

Chemo's exhausting him.
It's not just his body.

It's like the cancer's
taking his spirit.

Must be very hard
for you as well.

I just miss him.

He's not himself.

Stop by and visit
if you get the time.

- Of course.
- See you.

[both chuckle]


It's probably not helping
you as much as you think.

Yeah, well, it's for the pain.

Knight to C .

You know I'm a drug addict, man.

It's not really polite
to smoke weed in my house.

Oh, well, I'm dying, man.

So whatever.

You to die and I to live.

Which of these two is better?

Only God knows.

That's a weak move
and a weak quote.

Oh, is it?

Yeah, my queen
takes your knight,

and the tragedy of life
is not that it ends so soon,

but that we wait
so long to begin it.

That's the shit right there.

No, no, no, no, no.
You know what, Josh?

I've met a lot of dying
people in my time,

and they're largely
inspirational and spiritual.

They face the end
with fortitude.

They cherish the time
that remains.

- I tried.
- Oh, did you?


How'd it go with Hailey?

- Kailey.
- Whatever.

Did you get laid yet?

Hmm? 'Cause you
aren't acting like a guy

that's been having it off
with Hailey with a K.

I am too sick.

I wouldn't know
how to make a move on her,

and besides, I tried.

She just doesn't think
of me that way.

She's known me
since she was a kid.

You should see her.
She's everything.

She is all...


Oh, man, you can't just
die without trying.

You don't know what it's like.

No. No, I don't.

But I do know about regret.

Give me your phone.
Do the password first.



Kailey, Kailey, Kailey.

Des, no. Des... Come on,
Des, give me the phone back.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah.
- Don't call... do not...

- Oh, it's ringing. Oh!
- Don't call her.



- Josh, is that you?
- Go on, go on.


Hello, Kailey.

This is Des,
Joshua Yang's nurse.

He is dying.
Yes. Yes.

But he's also full
of vim and excitement,

and he would like
to ask you out on a date.


All right, this is what
the bad boys look like,

so just get rid of them.

Can we have machetes?


You want a machete so you
can decapitate me?

The thought might have
crossed my mind, yeah.

Hey, Nicole, do you have
a computer by chance?

I want to show Jess something.

She's being a bitch, so
I feel like ruining her life.

What is it?

Is it like a sex tape
of you and Heather?

Or a humiliating moment of me
you secretly recorded?

I don't know. Maybe.

Okay, then just stop
stalling and show me.

Burn my life to the ground.
That's what you seem to want.

- Stop!
- Stop!

- Just give it to me.
- Stop!

- Give it to me!
- Ow!


All right, you little shits.

Grab a life jacket.

A life jacket?
Where are we going?

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Feels right, doesn't it?

Do you know what's
going on with Dr. Dunn

in the conference room?

He's leading an investigation
into Betty Lisko's death.

You didn't tell me?

You didn't consult me
about offing Betty.

I should have told you,
but it just kind of happened.

It just sort of happened.


You didn't think of me once
when you were k*lling Betty.

And you know what?

I kind of admire you for it.

You're like one of those people
that blazes a trail.

You're a single-minded

But I got to live
in the wake of your chaos.

If they figure it out,
I'll deal with it.

I would never
tell anyone about you.

You know that.

Why did you have to k*ll
someone at the hospital?

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

[machinery beeping]

Can I help you?

- Olivia Bloom?
- Yes.

Ma'am, I'm Detective Ben Wesley.

I'm sorry for the intrusion,

but I need to talk to you about
your husband, Travis Bloom.

What is this about?

Mrs. Bloom, when was the
last time you saw your husband?

My husband likes to drink.

Sometimes he disappears
for days... goes on a bender.

So three days ago?

That was the last time
you saw him?

I've been calling him,
leaving messages.

He hasn't gotten back to me.

Is that normal?

Your husband doesn't
return your calls?

We don't have the best marriage.

Can you think of any reason

why he may have wanted
to leave town?


Can you think of anyone who
may want to harm your husband?


Mrs. Bloom,
the reason I'm here

is because your husband
is known to police.

What does that mean?

Well, we believe
he's dealing dr*gs,

right out of this warehouse,
in fact.

You can't be serious.

You haven't seen
anything suspicious?

I'm very involved
in the business.

I would know if something
like that was happening.

Well, I'd say it's a big place.

You sure?

Well, a person can
never know everything,

but yes, I'm pretty sure.


Look, ma'am,
I'm sorry to be the one

to have to lay this all on you.

Well, you're just
doing your job.

Maybe I could drive you
down to the station,

help you fill out
a missing persons report.

He's only been gone a few days.

He's disappeared for longer.
I'm sure he'll be back.

Okay, well, if there's
anything, just call.

I will.

You don't seem
to worried, ma'am.

About your husband?

I process my emotions
in a very private way.


How are you, Brendan?

I'm gonna die here,
pretty doctor Mary Harris.

Chemo's working.

It's making me sicker.

It's buying you time.

I've never given up
on anything in my life,

but I feel like giving up.

Maybe giving up is okay.

Then why does it feel so bad?

Like I'm not being
true to myself?

You can stop the chemo, go home,

be with Germaine, with family.

Just lie there and wait to die?

I didn't think
I'd go out like this.

In Mexico, they have
a festival called

the Day of the Dead.

There are parades,

and people bring food
to the cemeteries

to encourage the souls
of the dead to visit.

It's a celebration.

- A fiesta.
- Yes.

- Hmm.
- Death isn't bad.

It doesn't have to be.

It's part of life.

And you can say good-bye
the way you want,

live your death
as you would your life.

I would want it to be a party.

It can be.

Like a performance.

All right, come on.

- You got this.
- Yeah.

Excuse me.

If I were to flirt with you,
what would be my best approach?

Nothing too creepy.

Just as a teachable moment
for my young friend here.

Okay. You could ask me
if my eyes are hazel or brown.

Are your eyes hazel or brown?

They're brown.

Thank you.

See? It's easy.

Yeah, maybe for you
with your James Bond accent.

It's not my accent.
It's my charm.

Oh, is that your lady friend?

Oh, my God, oh, my God.
What do I do?

- What do I do? What do I do?
- Calm down.

You can't have
sex until you've had

a conversation, so talk to her.

This was such a stupid idea.

You got this. Come on.

- Hi, Joshua.
- Hey, Kailey.

Is this your nurse?

More of a spiritual advisor.

You've got this.

I'll be over there
loitering nonchalantly.

Wave if you need me
to Ollie on over.

That's not what Ollie means.

Good to know.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

So are your eyes hazel or brown?

They're blue.

[both chuckle]



Whoa. Wait.
What are you doing?

Well, this is what my mom
used to do with me and Mary.

Solve whatever's going
on between you.

You're literally
marooning us on an island!

Your aunt's actually pretty
gangster leaving us out here.

Why are you so mad at me?

I don't want to talk to you.

Oh, what, Jess?
Is it because I kissed you?

What do you think?

That wasn't...

That was just for fun.

Do you want to be with me?

I don't know.

Do you want to be
in a relationship with me?

We are in a relationship, Jess.

No, do you want to be
my girlfriend?

No, of course you don't.
You're not even gay.

I am, and you just can't
let anyone be happy.

That's not true.

I could ruin
your life right now,

and by not doing that,
I am making you happy.

I'm done. I'm done.
I am so done.

I'm done playing
all your stupid games.

What are you doing?


What, you can't just
leave me here alone!

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

What's it like being sick?

Like, knowing that you're...

That I'm dying?


Do you remember this
birthday party I had?

I think we were, like, ten,

and my parents got me this
piñata shaped like a turtle.

- Vaguely.
- Right.

Well, they blindfolded us,
spun us around,

and kind of let us loose.

You couldn't see shit,

and you were swinging
around a bat like crazy

just trying to get
all this candy.

I don't know.
It's kind of like that.

Young love.
Hey. I did that.

Sorry, Kailey. I got...

Josh? Nurse?
Or whoever you are.

Can you help him?
Josh? Josh?

Hang on.

Joshua, mate, you okay?

Now we need to get you
to a hospital.

No, Des. I'm good.
You were right about today.

I'm ready for what
you promised me.

I got rid of the medicine, Josh.



Okay. Okay. Please.

Pick up, Mary. Pick up.

[line ringing]


I need you to bring me
some medicine... the medicine.

- Why?
- I chucked all mine.

I'm with a kid
named Joshua Yang.

- A kid?
- He's terminally ill.

He's a pain in the ass,

but he's mostly...

He's why we do this.

Where should I meet you?

Go to his house.
I'll text you his address.


Okay, boss.
We're in.

Olivia's warehouse is
completely wired for sound.


You know, it was like she
thought she was above it all.

She barely tried
to fake any feeling.

Oh, she's definitely a player.

You were right about her,

and you were right
about Mary Harris.

- You put a team on Mary?
- Yeah.

She just left
the hospital, early.

Something's definitely up.

Good. Let's hope
she leads us to Travis.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Yeah, Mary.

Des, we need a new plan.

What? Why?

I'm being followed.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

You know your mom would k*ll me

if you drowned, right?

She doesn't even
have time to punish me.

She probably wouldn't notice.

What? Your mom loves you,
you heinous little brat.

What are...
What is wrong with you?

I was on the swim team.
I knew I could make it.

What is wrong with you?

Why are you acting
like somebody else?

I don't know.

Is it your bad influence bestie?

No. She's the least
of my problems.

Then what?

My mom.

I feel like I never know
what's going on with her.

I can't talk to her about
what's going on with me.

I feel like she's
always lying to me.

Like this morning,
she went out early,

and she said it was
for work, but I...

I know it wasn't, and...

I don't know, it just makes me
feel like I'm a crazy person.

Do you know why my mom
would put us on that island?

To punish you.

No, I made that shit up.

She would get really
depressed sometimes,

and she couldn't look
after me and Mary.

- Really?
- Yeah.

So she would put us
on the island

to kind of protect us from her,

which is kind of
what I think your mom does

with you sometimes.

She neglects us
because she cares?

She protects you
from parts of herself

that she feels are dangerous.

Like what?

You just need to work
that out with her.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Keep walking.
You can do it.

We're almost there.

His house is just through here.

That kiss you gave
Kailey was epic.

You charmed her, my friend.

Couple more weeks and I
would have gone all the way.

The student becomes the teacher.

I'm proud of you, man.

Okay, Casanova.
Just a few more steps.

Anybody home?


Who are these people?

These are the doctors
I was telling you about, Mom.

I'm technically not a doctor.
She is, though.

Doctor Mary. I'm Desmond.

We're death counselors.

We're here to honor your son's
wish to die with dignity.

We discussed it.

We support our son's wish.

Does it have to be today?
Just one more day.

That's all we want.

Joshua, one more day?

It's possible.
Do you want to wait?


I'm ready to go.

We would come back.

You know we wouldn't
let you down.

No, I know, but...

today was a good day.

My only good day
since my diagnosis.

I hear you've been
collecting quotes on death.

Want to know my favorite?

"Dying is a wild night
and a new road."

I'm not afraid.

You should talk to
your parents now.

Des and I will be ready
when you are.

We'll give you some privacy.

Mom, Dad, will you let me go?

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct radio chatter]

Let's do this.

[intense music]

♪ ♪


- What?
- What's going on?

The police are here.

Where are you going?

Do you know where Mary is?

Des, I've been thinking.

If the cops come,
if they find us,

I'll say it was all me.

We're in this together.

I believe you're what
they call my ride or die.

But Mary, I love this part.

I love it.

It gives me purpose.

It makes me feel like
I'm doing good in the world.

Me too.

But the other part...
the part that you like...

- This is the part I like.
- Is it?

Not the skulking around
away from the law?

The threatening drug lords?

What we do isn't legal.
Things creep in.

Yeah, I'm aware, but Mary,
let's do the death retreat.

Your idea where we pretend
to open a hospice

and k*ll people en masse?


Because I can do this,

but the rest of it,
the criminal shit,

the bad shit,

that's my line.

- Okay.
- Ready?


But I won't let you
go to jail again.

That's my line.

Hey. Josh.

This is for old time's sake.

Thank you.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

I love you, Joshua.

I love you too.

♪ ♪

He'll slip away now.
It's peaceful.

♪ ♪


[Kyson's "You" plays]

♪ ♪

♪ No man's an island ♪

♪ When he's had
this conversation ♪

♪ ♪

♪ No man's a forest ♪

♪ Even if he tries
to be one ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I've seen your insights ♪

♪ They're colorful ♪

♪ ♪

♪ But you're not an island ♪

♪ Even if you try
to be one with me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ If I had a problem
then so did you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't choose an ocean
of solitude ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪


I just watched you k*ll someone.

♪ ♪

It was done
before you got there.

♪ ♪

So that's what you do?

♪ ♪

I'm never gonna stop.

♪ ♪

♪ We had a problem
so miniscule ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't choose an ocean
of solitude ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪

♪ Oh I swear ♪

♪ Did you care for me ♪

♪ ♪