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02x02 - The Connection

Posted: 10/31/21 17:46
by bunniefuu
You k*ll people, don't you?

I go to this border town
for a little R&R.

k*ll or be k*lled.

And I've been using
your place as a safe house.

I hope that's okay.

I thought perhaps
your partner going to prison

may have given you pause.

People kept needing me.

We don't m*rder perfectly
healthy individuals

who happen to be a bit sad.

Buddy, no!

Well, in Switzerland,
a doctor would give a patient

such as yourself a lethal dose
of sodium pentobarbital,

to drink.

Jess, I have some of your dad's
things that he left here.

Would you see that
he gets them, please?


And I don't think we should
only help people

when it's easy for us.

We also have to be able
to sleep at night.

The first death
I do with you ends

with a woman flinging
herself off a balcony,

and then you welcome
Grady's sister into our lives.

I didn't.
She took advantage of me.

I'm gonna need you
to k*ll my husband.

Mary she said it was... it was
either him or me.

I'm the woman who
k*lled your brother.

A cop k*lled my brother.

A cop may have pulled
the trigger,

but I let Grady
bleed out and die.

If you ever mess with me or Des
again, I will k*ll you too.

Just a bad couple of days.

It's growing pains or something.

I just want to help people,

Des, and when
I do it alone, I can.

You'll feel a rush
through your body,

and then a warm feeling
of peacefulness

will take you slowly into sleep.

You can press it again and

[singing in a foreign language]

♪ ♪

[both singing in a foreign

♪ ♪


[indistinct chatter]

[speaking in a foreign language]

What does it mean?

Don't be afraid.
Love does not k*ll.

It's life itself, and it shines
with heavenly joys.

That's beautiful.


It's my first time.

I had no idea
it was so powerful.

We haven't even gotten
to the good stuff.

[chimes ringing]

To the finale.

[chimes ringing]

[light orchestral music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[music intensifies]

♪ ♪

[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪

[light music]

♪ ♪


Sorry I'm late.

Has she contacted you?


Grady's sister, Olivia.

- No.
- Good.

You can't see her again.
If she tries, ignore her.

Oh, is that what I should do,
mumsy? I'll do my very best.

Can we be civil?

Everything your cold, dead
heart desires is right there.

Civil enough for you?

- What's this?
- It's called pentobarbital.

It's a barbiturate.

In smaller doses it slows down
brain activity. In larger...

- Des.
- Yes, Mary?

- I meant where's the rest?
- I've decided to keep half.

For what?

I'm opening up a pharmacy
called "Desmond's dr*gs."

What do you think?
Oh, and I'm keeping all the

'cause you can buy more

with all the money you made
while I was, you know,

rotting away in prison for you.

- Des.
- Why do you keep saying

my bloody name?

If you have something to say,
then please just say it.

Did you ever think maybe
I was doing this for you,

to protect you?

Is that it? Is it?

Because I thought this was all
about you not having anyone

to answer to, but my mistake.

No, if this is about
your sacrificing

for the greater good, for me,

well, then thank you.
Thank you for protecting me.

In the immaculate heart
of Mary I trust.

You know, I had this dream
the other night,

It was just you, me,
the death retreat.

It could have been stunning.

That was always your dream,
not mine.

Good luck, Des.

No, Dr. Harris,
good luck to you.

"Before you came along,
I thought I'd be alone forever,

but then you unleashed in me
a love that could not sever."

Oh, that's beyond tragic.

Yeah, who knew your dad
was such a romantic, huh?

- What else is in here?
- I don't want to know.

Now, why would she give
these back?

Oh, my God, no, no.
I might not recover from this.

Extra large.

No, that's too much information.


[bleep], my mom's home.

I promised her I'd make a salad
before she got here.

You do that.

How's that salad coming along?

- I'm on it.
- I'm just asking.

I'm just answering.

Oh, perfect timing,

Dinner's almost ready.

Kevin, Jess was supposed
to do that.

- Well, what are fathers for?
- Nobody seems to know.

Don't condone her behavior.
Let her make the salad.

- It's okay. I'm happy to help.
- Are you sure?

- Yes.
- What is this?

Oh, yeah, some guys came bay
and delivered it this morning.

I wasn't sure where
you wanted it, so...

Why do we need a fridge
with an app?

Well, because we're living
in the future, kid.

Well, they must have
delivered it

to the wrong house.

Is there a receipt or something?

Yeah, it's right there
on the counter.

Oh, no, no too much.
Not too much lemon.

All right. Put this in.

It's just a mistake, that's all.

I'll call them tomorrow.

Perfect, perfect.

Sex tape?


Do you have any questions?

Yeah, yeah, why a drink
and not injections?

'Cause I researched it, right,
and it's... it's better.

It's a smoother exit.

Mm-hmm, young Joel
brings up a valid point.

Well, I think doctors feel
it's important for patients

to choose their death.

Oh, okay, I get it.

I got to pull the trigger.

This is obviously
a very serious decision.

Yeah, I know that.

[light music]

♪ ♪

Okay, picture this: cabins
right here with that view.

There's one for each patient
but with enough room

for loved ones
who want to stay as well.

Up here there's an old
fishing lodge.

We can use it as a communal
kitchen with an onsite chef.

We'll put picnic tables
all along the water.

So how do you expect
to get away with all of this?

We register as a hospice.

That way when there's
a dead body,

no one will ask any questions.

It will all seem legit.

Ex-con running a hospice,
sounds legit to me.

It'll be a little piece
of heaven to transition you

to the real thing,

you know, if that's what
you believe awaits you.

We'll encourage a culture
where death

doesn't have to be so scary,

that we're all in this together.

Okay, I get it.
How much do you want from me?

I need K for a deposit.

I know, I know,
it seems like a lot of money,

but not really
when you think about

what you'll be making in return.

I should be able to pay you
back plus interest

within a month
of being up and running.

- What about Mary?
- Mary who?

You guys are serious
about this breakup?

Dead serious.

Well, without her,

where are you gonna get
the rest of the money?

You're gonna start
feeding me patients.

Am I?

What's Mary paying you,
grand a pop?

I'll give you three.
More money, more money.

Mary didn't say I have to be
exclusive with her.

'Tis called the free market.


Joshua Yang, nice kid, he was
in the ICU a little while ago,

stage four bowel cancer.

He's only .

A shame. I'll take him.

I think this could be the start
of something beautiful.

- Shall we christen the land?
- Really?


The way I see it,
you have a choice.

You can believe in nothing, or
you can believe in something,

and I choose something.
What about you?

I was raised by atheists.
I'm a godless child.

You know, you don't have to
believe what they believe.

What are you guys talking about?

- God.
- Seriously?

What, you're just walking
around talking about God?

It's thrilling, really.

Do you believe
in anything, Naomi?

Well, I believe in Prada,

marrying rich, diamond
divorcee, but who cares?

We all end up
as dust anyway, so...

- That's bleak.
- I'm a realist.

Can you not make
any plans tonight?

I have to tell you something.

Um, Heather and I
already made plans.

Well, cancel them.

This isn't a joke, Jess.

There's something that
I really need to show you,

and it's kind of
confidential, so...

- I...
- What?

Naomi, me and Jess,

we're hanging out
tonight without you.

We'll hang out later, 'Kay?

Oh, sure, whatever.

- Curls suit you.
- When I was five.

Keep it straight.
You know,

you'd think since you were
the one asking for my help

that you would be
extra nice to me right now.

Nicole, seriously, no curls.

Okay, so it's simple.
You're a cash business.

All you have to do
is add in a few clients

here and there,
and no one will question it.

And what is a few to you?

Oh, my God.

Have you lost your mind?
How much is in here?

grand, give or take.

I've never made
this kind of money.

You're expanding your business.

You can offer more services.

Oh, yeah?
Like what, legal advice?

I'm not talking literally,
just on paper,

and you don't have
to do it all at once.

- Baby steps.
- Baby steps?

What's in it for me?

- I'll give you a cut.
- Obviously. What else?

What else, what else?

I want to come
with you on a death.

I just told you
I broke up with Des,

that I'm better off
doing this on my own.

I know, I know,
you're a lone wolf.

I heard you.
I just... I'm just curious.

You know what curiosity
did to the cat.

That cat was so stupid.

I'm being serious.

I think it would be
too much for you.

I can handle it, Mary.
I've seen a dead person before.

Do you remember?

[doorbell rings]

Hi, Mary Harris?

No, I don't want it.
I don't want it.

You take it back, and you take
the fridge while you're at it.

I was told not to leave
unless delivery was accepted.

I'm not accepting.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, everything's great.

Okay, what's the verdict?
Am I coming or not?


- What's that?
- Nothing.

Come on, Mary.
It's a simple quid pro quo.

I do something for you,
you do something for me.

I don't think
that's too much to ask.

Which one of us
do you think is older?


You're not only beautiful,
but you're smart too.

I'm not so sure about
the beautiful part,

but I'll take the smart.

You're stunning, Estelle,
and she knew

because I introduced you
as my younger sister.

You two remind me of me
and my sister.

She died a few years ago,

but back in the day
we were inseparable.

- I'm sorry.
- Uh.

Are you okay?
Do you want to sit?


- Is this where you want to be?
- Yeah, it's perfect.

It's perfect.

Ready to sing my swan song?

We played in a band together,
my sister and I.

- Do you still sing?
- Mm, it's not so much fun

without an audience.

We loved it, different city
every night.

Same man though.

Mm, that sounds like a story.

I don't kiss and tell.

Hell, yeah, I do.


I was a cliché, falling in love
with the guy who plays guitar.

He wanted to settle down, but I
kept going.

He didn't follow.

- Well, he was nuts.
- Yeah, he was.

I was cute.

You should have seen me
before I let myself go.

Are you kidding me?

I would k*ll to have
your bone structure.

Mm, cancer gave me
the cheekbones

I always wanted.

You know, Nicole
does hair and makeup.

She's really an artist
in her own right.

- Is that so?
- Yeah, come on.

Let me do you up.
I would be honored.

Guess a little blush
wouldn't hurt.



I hate to do this
to you, Joshua,

but do you happen by chance
to have a drinking glass?

Uh, how about this one?


Yeah, my parents never really
throw anything out.

Well, I'm okay
with it if you are.

What do I care?

When did you move back in?

I was diagnosed
about a week ago.

I moved back home the same day.

You were only
diagnosed a week ago?

That's rather fast to
have arrived at this decision.

Yeah, well, when you're given
three weeks to live,

things kind of speed up.

Your records say bowel cancer.

Yeah, Joshua Yang, ,

died from bowel cancer;
that's pretty pathetic.

Ah, well, technically
you're gonna be dying

from a lethal drug overdose.

Ah, I guess so.


Josh, come on.

You know, a lot of people
choose to do this outside,

fresh air, nature, the whole
returning to the earth.

What do you say
we change locales?


You want to take a look?

Oh, you are an artist.

You look beautiful.

I do, don't I?

Well, is that time already?

Only if you want it to be.

We're on your schedule.

I'm ready.

- You ladies join me for a drink?
- Oh, of course.

I can't drink on the job.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Cheers, honey.

Oh, here I go.

You two are so lucky
to have one another.

We're here with you.

♪ You made me love you ♪

♪ I didn't want to do it ♪

♪ I didn't want to do it ♪

♪ You made me want you ♪

♪ And all the time
you knew it ♪

♪ Yes, you always knew it ♪

♪ Give me, give me, give me,
give me, give me ♪

♪ Give me what I cry for ♪

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Is she?


Okay, we have to go now.

What? We're just gonna
leave her here?


We can't just leave her.

Nicole, we have to go. Now.

So you're sure you don't want
your parents here with you?

They're with
their therapist right now.

Apparently this whole thing's
been very hard on them.

So they don't know
that you're doing this?

Oh, they know.
They just don't agree.

It could be good for you
to have people you know here

with you when
you take this journey.

Well, you're here.

But I don't know you.

Already told you,
Joshua Yang, ,

dying from bowel cancer, a BA
in Fine Arts. I'm a virgin.

Virgin? What, a good-looking
lad like you?

How is that possible?

Just never really
happened for me.

I mean, I had my chance
with Kailey Christinziano,

but I messed it up,
because I'm a total idiot,

so now the joke's on me.

- No.
- What?

What are you doing?

- You're not ready, Josh.
- Wh... yes, yes, I am.

I don't want your money,
at least not for now.

Tell your parents.

Tell Kailey Christin-whatever-
her-name-is that you like her.

No, it's too late.

Josh, I know this
terrible diagnosis

feels like it's the lowest
of the low.

I get it, but there's still
time for you to learn and grow.

Just go and live a little more.

Get laid, all right?

Okay, what happens
if I can't function anymore?

Well, call me.

I'll happily k*ll you then.

Besides, when you tell Kailey
that you're dying,

oh, she'll be all over you.

You think?

I know.

She's gone, that beautiful lady.

She was in a lot of pain.

Yeah, I know. It's just...
Just happened so quickly.

Like, one minute she's alive,
she's talking,

and then nothing forever.
It's just...

- It's life.
- You're acting like we didn't

just k*ll another human being.

Look at you,
not a care in the world.

Of course I care,
but Nicole, I'm a doctor.

You learn how to
compartmentalize. You have to.

This is not about you
being a doctor.

Then what are we talking about?


- I knew you'd bring her up.
- This is obviously about her.

What I do is about
helping people.

It's about them.

Did you compartmentalize
your self-awareness?

Mom has everything
to do with this.

It's like you're justifying
the way she died,

just over and over again.

Hey, Sigmund,
stop psychoanalyzing me.

All right, whatever you want
to tell yourself,

but I don't want to be
your launderer or whatever.

I don't want anything
to do with it.

- But Nicole, you were the...
- Aunt Nicole!

- Mm.
- Hi.

Hey, little warrior.
How goes the battle?

You know, it goes.

Mom, can Heather stay
for dinner?

Yeah, of course.

Oh, any allergies
I should know about?

Just gluten, dairy,
avocados, and carrots.

I'm kidding. I eat everything.


[doorbell rings]
I'll get it.

You know I love you, right?

And I love you.

And I get that you want
to help people,

but at the end of the day,
like, who is helping you?

- Is your mom home?
- Mom, it's for you.

You got to be kidding me.

Get it out of here.
Just sign here.

I'm not signing anything.
I don't want it!

I'll sign it.

Why does it say,
"Tick-tock, Mary?"

- What?
- Ow.

I'm sorry, baby.

Who's Olivia?

Just someone playing
a little joke on me. Just go.

It's not that funny.

You know what, Cambie?
You're right.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[machinery whirring]


You must be Mary.

Randall, it's nice to meet you.

I want to see Olivia.

Follow me.

I promise you we're ahead
of schedule.

There's nothing to worry about.

My next appointment
just arrived.

I'll be in touch.

Mary, hi.

Found her wandering
around downstairs.

I came to tell you to stop
sending me appliances.

I'm happy with mine.

Randall, will you tell
the boys downstairs

to stop with all the noise?
I can't hear myself think.

Pat, Justin, stop...

Randall, do I not have a voice?

I can stand here
and yell at people.


Thank you so much for coming.

I'm not going
to k*ll your husband.

All right, guys, take a break.

- Do you believe in karma?
- Karma?

You know, what goes around
comes around?

How our actions
manifest themselves

into reciprocal actions
in the future?


- No, I don't believe in karma.
- I didn't think you would.

You're gonna k*ll
my husband, Mary,

and you're gonna do it tonight.

I already told you
I'm not going to do that.

I'm not a k*ller.

But that's not what you told me.

In fact, you told me

that you let my brother
bleed out and die,

so whether you believe it
or not,

you brought yourself
to this moment.

Hey, why can't you
just do it yourself?

You're smarter than that, Mary.

Everyone knows the first person

the police suspect
is the spouse.

You'll be a suspect regardless.

Not when you make it
look natural

just like you do
with all your patients.

I can make it look natural
because my patients

are already dying.

You really are a saint, Mary,

helping people die with dignity.

[machinery whirring]

It's like I'm talking to myself.

Randall? Randall?

Did I not ask you
to make them stop?

Yeah, I did.
I'll tell them again.

No, you know what?

Don't bother.

I actually like
the sound of banging.


You were saying?

You already have the g*n.

It would be so easy for you
to just k*ll him yourself.

But I want you
to be my g*n, Mary.

Where do I go?

It's the alarm code
to my house, .

It's the year my daughter
was born.

It goes by so fast.

How old's your youngest?
She's around ?

Yeah. We should have
a playdate sometime.


That's funny.
You're funny.

I like that.

Travis will be home
by : , drunk.

He'll pour himself one more rum
and Coke and then pass out

in front of the TV by : .

Make it look like
a heart attack,

whatever it is you normally do,

and I'll expect you
back here around : .

- What's your cat's name?
- This is Casper the Second.

- The Second?
- Yes.

- How does that work?
- Uh, long story short,

my mom's a liar.

Okay, long story long this time?

Um, last year my mom
told me and Cambie

that she had to put our cat

Casper down
because he had cancer.

I am so sorry.
That's the worst.

No, don't be,

because then this cat
comes along

who happens to look exactly
like Casper the original.

- I don't get it.
- Yeah, neither did Cambie.

She thought that he was
a totally different cat

sent to us from the gods.

We named him Casper the Second,
and, uh, yeah,

but you never died,
did you, Casper?

Why would your mom
lie about that?

I don't know.

It's pathological, I think.

You really let people
affect you, don't you?

Well, yeah.

She's my mom, so she affects me.

- Same with Naomi.
- What do you mean?

Is there something
between you two?

Yeah, there used to be,
but it's... it's over.

I've... I've moved on.

To who?

I like you, Jess.

Are you lying? I can't tell.

No, no.

[alarm beeps]

[alarm beeps]

[keypads beeping]

[alarm beeps]


[alarm beeps]

Honey, I'm home.

You want a drink, man?

Yeah, you know it, buddy.

[light music]

♪ ♪

Where it all began.

I'm far less original
than I like to think I am.

No, no, you are
definitely an original.

Look, I'm only here

'cause I'm hoping to talk
some sense into you.

I didn't call you for sense.
I'll have a vodka martini,

dirty, no olives,
and the Aussie will have?

Brit, I'm British.

I'll have a Shirley Temple,

Don't go through with this.

Don't k*ll your husband.

Do you ever feel like
you're a bad person?

I do bad things sometimes,

but am I a bad person?

I... I don't know.
I'd like to think not.

What about you?

Your brother Grady, there's
someone I bet was born bad.

If my parents were here,
they would disagree with you.

He was their pride and joy.

[phone rings]

Don't say a word.

- Hi, Puffin.
- Hi, Mommy.

I wanted to say good night.

Guess what.
Gran made breakfast for dinner.

- Lucky girl.
- But I miss you.

Will I see you tomorrow?

- You sure will.
- Promise?

I promise.

Okay, sweetie, Mommy's got
to go now, but I love you,

I love you,
I love you, love you, love you.

- Mwah!
- Bye.

- What?
- You love your daughter,

so maybe don't k*ll her father.

He's not her father,

And he could already
be dead for all I know.


I'm having my husband
k*lled right now.

- Who?
- Dr. Mary Harris.

Don't you dare touch me!

- What the... I didn't...
- I am a married woman.

- What the hell?
- Thanks for the alibi, Des.

It was good to have
someone to talk to.

Wow, this is a nice place
you got here, Travis.

Thank you.

Keep this party going.

Rum and Coke, yeah?

I'm more... more of a bourbon
man, myself, if you've got it.

Great, more rum for me.

A bourbon man, eh?


- Now, that is a cute kid.
- Yeah, stepdaughter.

- Well, is she here?
- Nah, her mother sent her

to her grandma's for the
weekend, thank bloody Christ.

The kid's a little shit.

Your wife's pretty hot though,

if you don't mind me saying.

Eh, looks fade,

I'm telling you, Matt.

Is shit that bad
between you guys or what?

Ah, the wife, it's work,
but I got it under control.

Nice. Cheers.

Where's the music, man?

[upbeat music]

- So what's the work?
- Appliances, wholesale.


Yeah, washing machines, stoves.

You need a new dishwasher?

- Oh, no, no, no.
- I'll hook you up.

No, man, I'm... I am good.
I am good.

Hey, would you mind if I, uh?

Do I mind?

Shit, you should have
said something earlier.

Why, you got something harder?

Yeah, man.
Put that hippie shit away.

All right, all right.
What you got?

Oh, I got it all, the purest
of pure straight from Colombia.

Colombia, huh?
You got connections?

No, I am the connection,

Wait here. I'll be right back.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪