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03x07 - The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother

Posted: 10/31/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
How long before you
move past it?

You lost your kids!

My kids are not dead.
They are just gone.

Then you should go be with them.

You want to drown Kevin

so that he can go to this place
where the dead people are.

None of this is real.

This is more real than
it's ever been.

And while he's there,
he's gonna learn a song

from one of the dead people

and he's gonna bring that song
back to you so you can sing it

and stop the biblical flood
that's gonna happen tomorrow.

And you think that
Ivy's in this place, too?

I want her to
know that she was loved.

I'm so sorry about
your children.

When we found their bodies,
their shoes were missing.

When Kevin talks to them,
he's gonna ask them

where they put their shoes.

- Where's everybody?
- Inside.

I drugged their food.

Are you scared?

Where I went, it was real.

What line of work you in?

I'm an international assassin.

Maybe I was dead,
but I had never felt so alive.

Nope. I'm not scared.

What do you want?

I wanna be cremated.

You got it.
No problem.

- You sure?
- Mm-hmm.

Because Matt's gonna wanna
bury me next to Mom and Dad

in the old Jamison plot
about a mile from here.

- He's gonna put up a fight.
- f*ck Matt.

If you wanna be cremated,
I'll make sure you're cremated.

We'll burn you up good.

What about you?

- I wanna be stuffed.
- Excuse me?

Stuffed. Like, you
know, taxidermy.

You don't have to
display me prominently.

Just stick me in the corner
of the bedroom or something.

- I'll get it.
- No, she'll settle.

Okay, I'll stuff you.

On one condition.


I get to put a beard on you.


Because I'm the one that has to
have sex with that abomination.

I'm gonna dress it up
how I want.

You want me to grow a beard.

Do I?

This is it.

Wake up.
Wake the f*ck up.

Wake up. Wake up, wake
up, wake up, wake up!

God damn it! Shit, this is it.
It's today!

It's today.
Wake up!

- What's going on?
- What happened?

What happened is your wife f*cking
drugged us, talked him out of it.

Now the g*dd*mn flood's coming,

and we're all gonna f*cking die.

- His horse is here.
- Huh?

- His horse is here.
- What?

Oh, Jesus Christ!

Help me!

Come on! Get him off that!

Get him out!

Get him the f*ck out!

Get him off, God damn it!

Get him off!



- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?

I'm doing
what you asked me to do.

I thought we'd do it together.

I know what you want me to say to Evie.
Anything else?


My children.

You saw the photos.
Do you remember their names?

Liam, Abigail, David,
Samantha, Jimmy.

Thank you.

You want me to find
Christopher Sunday,

learn the song, so you can
stop the flood, right?


Then let go.

Kevin Harvey.

No. No! Please, please,
please, please.


Kilo Hotel is secure.

I repeat, Kilo Hotel is secure.

Mr. Harvey.

Is that your place up there?


Well, are you gonna
invite me in?

You got any other
reflective surfaces?

TV screens, glassware,
stainless steel pots?

Uh, no.

The f*ck are these?

Uh, my sunglasses.

No reflective surfaces.

Do not look into them
no matter what.

That's how they found you.

Yeah. Right.

"He stood on the bow
of The Merciful..."

the water endlessly stretching
to the infinite horizon

as he contemplated the impossible
distance between them,

"but he would not stop
until he found her."

What, are you writing a book?

There's no shame in it.

What you do in your time
is your business.


folks in your line of work
don't get to retire.

I'm an assassin.

Yes, sir,
Mr. Harvey.

So, let's get
assassinating, shall we?

Who's the target?


- The president?
- Of the United States.

And based on our intel,
in, well, just under two hours

he's gonna start an
unsanctioned nuclear w*r.

And you are the only man alive who
can get to him before he does.

Mr. Harvey, you gonna have
trouble putting him down?


But I'm gonna need
something in exchange.

Okay. What?

I need to find some people.

Five kids...

Liam, Abigail, Samantha,
David, and Jimmy Playford.

I also need to talk to a woman
named Evangeline Murphy

and a man...
Christopher Sunday.

Christopher Sunday?

The Prime Minister of Australia?


Man, you want that kind
of high-level access,

you're gonna have to talk
to the boss yourself.

Here. Stick that
in your ear.

You'll hear him, he'll hear you.

He'll talk you through
this whole shit show.

Now, the evac chopper
is two minutes out.

You're gonna wanna
get yourself dressed.

Testing, one, two, three.

Testing, one, two, three.

Are you receiving me?

- Who is this?
- Mission control.

Do I know you?

You made me sing.

I met you on the bridge.

And do you remember,
Mr. Harvey,

what I said to you
that night on the bridge

when I whispered in your ear?

You said I was the most
powerful man in the world.

g*dd*mn right, you are.

Now, go pick up that piece of
mirror and look at yourself.

I thought I wasn't supposed
to look in reflective...

Shut up. You wanna get
what you came here for?

Pick up that mirror
and look at yourself.

Yeah! Yeah!

Here we go! Whoo!


G'day, Melbourne.


Thank you for the warm welcome.

This isn't my first time visiting
the other side of the world.

Every time I'm here,

it gets harder and harder
to leave.

Yeah! Yeah!


I've come to talk to you today
about marriage.

For millennia,
we have believed marriage

as a cornerstone
of our civilization.

Our party, however,
does not share this opinion.

We believe that marriage is the
single most destructive idea

ever conceived of by humankind.

That's why in my first
hundred days in office,

I introduced legislation...

I'm the president.

Um, and as... as president,
my friends,

tradition is powerful.

In the early days
of our movement,

it was mandatory that all
members smoke cigarettes

and refrain from speaking,

but we realized
those traditions were stupid.

Now, it's an understandable

If there is no marriage,
what happens to the family?

What happens to the children?

And so we decided to have
a worldwide essay contest

to answer that question
in their own words.

We have one of the finalists
from that contest here

with us today.

He is joined by his brothers
and sisters for his essay

titled "Why I Don't Need
a Mommy and a Daddy Anymore."

Please welcome
Australia's own...


Liam Playford.


why aren't you wearing
any shoes?

That's weird. Yeah.

Your shoes.
You're not wearing any shoes.

Where are they?

Why does it matter?

Well, somebody wants...

Somebody in your family
wants to know.

But you said there is no family.

Sir, we have a situation.

We need to move you now.

No, wait.
I, uh...

I have to... I have to
talk to that girl.

No, we haven't
got time for that, sir.

We need to get you
to a secure location.

I'm not going f*cking anywhere
until I talk to that girl.

Okay, I'll get her.

Get him to the car.

This way, please, sir.

Mr. President, Chief
of Staff on the phone.

- Hello?
- Mr. President,

it appears Ukrainian separatists

have taken control
of an armed nuclear submarine,

and they'll have launch
capability within two hours.

You're being brought
to a bunker,

which you will access with your
unique biometrics once inside.

- Sorry, my unique biometrics?
- Yes, sir.

The door can only be unlocked
by you and you alone

unless you have
an identical twin brother,

which would be ridiculous.

Yeah, that would be ridiculous.

Sir, do I have your permission
to move us to DEFCON 2?

Um, what DEFCON
are we at right now?

- We're at DEFCON 3, sir.
- Uh, DEFCON 2 is worse?

Yes, sir, it's worse.

Let's jut stay
where we're at right now

until we have more, um, intel.

With all due respect, sir,

I don't think
the Secretary of Defense

is going to be happy about that.

Yeah, well,
f*ck the Secretary of Defense.

Mr. President,

the girl you asked for.

- She's coming with me.
- Sir, she's a civilian.

She can't travel
in the presidential limo.

She's coming with me alone.

That's an order.

Looks like rain.

Do you know who I am?


Do you know that I'm not the
President of the United States?

I sure do.

I have a message for you
from your father.

My father?


He wants me to tell you...

he wants you to know...

that you're loved.

Is there anything
you want me to tell him?

Are you f*cking serious?

My father was m*rder*d...

My mother, my brother...

All of them gone in an instant

because of a drone strike
ordered by your administration.

No. N-no, that's not
what happened.

You were k*lled.


I'm not dead.

I'm right f*cking here, assh*le.

You said you knew
that I wasn't the president.

You're not!
You're just a puppet.

That speech you just gave?
Were those even your words?

Because it didn't sound like you
believed a single thing you were saying.

You just do
what they tell you to do.

- That's not true.
- Yeah, it is.

What do you want?

Are you okay?


Stop the car!

You need to stop the car!

All right, stand back.

Give him some air.

I was just with Evie.

You... you saw her?

I delivered your message.

Your children were there, too.

All of them?

Yeah, all of them.

They were all okay?

They didn't know
what happened to their shoes.

Did you get the song?

I was working on it.

Why'd you pull me
out of the pond?

There is no pond.

The whole f*cking ranch
is flooded.

Take me to the bathroom.

- Whoa, hold on.
- You can't keep doing this.

- Yes, he can.
- No, look at him!

You got what you wanted.
Now you're worried about him?

Out there is the g*dd*mn flood.

That's why we're
f*cking doing this.

It's not why he's doing this.

Why else would I be doing this?

I don't know.
Why would you?

- Out!
- No. No!

Come on! Kevin!

- Dad, stop.
- Don't do this!

- Kevin!
- Everyone's got a f*cking opinion.

- Kevin! Dad, stop. Let's go.

You okay?

I'm cold.

If I could do this
instead of you,

I would.

I know.

But the secure location

can only be accessed
by my exact biometrics.

Is... is that supposed
to make sense to me?

It doesn't make sense to me.

I love you, son.

I love you, too.

You're gonna have to
hold me down.

You all right, sir?

Yeah. I need to talk to the
Australian prime minister.

- Sorry?
- The Australian prime minister.

Christopher Sunday. I need
to talk to him right now.

Well, sir, there's a secure
comms room inside the bunker.

We just need to confirm your ID,

and you can talk
to whoever you want.

Just wanna try the scanner
again, please, sir.


Identity confirmed.


Now your penis, please, sir.

- My what?
- Your penis.

Place it on the other
scanner, please, sir.


Mr. President, due to
advancements in plastic surgery,

anyone with enough resources
can copy a person's face.

But your, uh...
Your penis, sir,

well, they're not gonna
go to that length.

Identity confirmed.


- Can we go in now?
- Just the three authentication questions, sir.

What was the name of your
favorite childhood pet?

We didn't have one.
My mom was allergic.


Your favorite movie?


Part two.


Name of your
Secretary of Defense?


Sir, I need a name.

Patti Levin.


Good to see you,
Mr. President.

I wish the circumstances
were different,

but it appears the shit
has hit the fan, sir.

Let's get to the situation room.

Mr. President,
for reasons I cannot fathom,

we remain at DEFCON 3.

This is the case
containing the nuclear football,

which will give you
remote launch capability.

What's in that one?

Never mind about that.

Just pray we don't
have to open it.

Sir, in order to arm the device,

you need to verbally
take us down to DEFCON 1.

You are aware
of the situation, yes?

- Yeah, of course...
- So, you know, sir,

that Ukrainian separatists
have seized control

of a nuclear submarine.

They will be weapons hot
in less than an hour.

Our only option
is to strike first,

which is why you need
to take us down to DEFCON 1.

Uh, I have to make
a phone call first.

To who?

The Prime Minister of Australia.

Gentlemen, can the president
and I have the room, please?

Yes, if you can...

What the f*ck
is wrong with you?!

All this time,
years of planning,

we are minutes away
from making this happen,

and you are dicking around
about DEFCON 1!

- I don't have...
- You don't have any what?

You don't have any balls?


Sorry to interrupt,
Mr. President,

but the vice president is here

and she's demanding
to speak to you.


f*ck her.

Tell her to go away.

She doesn't know about this.

Let her in.

Yes, sir, of course.

Madam Vice President.

You're being played, sir.

- Wha... what?
- You're being played.

I just got off the phone
with the Kremlin

who confirms that
there is no submarine,

no separatists.

This is a smoke screen.

You have been fed bogus intel.

I don't get fed, I feed.

And you clearly have no g*dd*mn
idea what's happening around here.

Then enlighten me.

I couldn't enlighten you with
a f*cking thousand-watt bulb.

- Tell her about the plan.
- I'm not telling her jack shit.

If you want me to bring us
down to DEFCON 1, tell her.


We are going to vaporize

every man, woman,
and child on the planet.

It's the seventh anniversary
of the departure,

and there is reasonable
expectation out there

that the world's gonna end.

So, we're gonna fire
our nukes at the Russians

and they're gonna retaliate,
and then that's it.

We're all torched.

No one wakes up tomorrow disappointed
that nothing f*cking happened.

We give the people what they're
too chickenshit to do themselves,

what they elected us for.

We give them what they want.

And they want to die.

Well, that's not gonna work.

You can't launch without going
through the Fisher Protocol.

You know about
the Fisher Protocol?

Of course I do.

Prove it.

It's an ethical deterrent.

The nuclear launch key was surgically
embedded into the heart of a volunteer.

In order for the president

to be able to blow up millions of
people with the push of a button,

he has to extract that key

by murdering
the volunteer himself.

But since I don't see
that volunteer here,

you can't launch shit.


The volunteer is coming through the
east entrance of this facility

in 15 minutes.

And how is he gonna make it
through the security door?

He's my identical twin brother.

Well, it sounds like you two have
really thought this through.

I guess I should go
handle my affairs.

I guess you should.

Mr. President.


All righty, sir.

May we go down to DEFCON 1 now?

I just need to make my call.

You can make your call after
you take us to DEFCON 1.

Just say it into the device.

We're at DEFCON 1.

What the f*ck!

What the f*ck?

You can't leave, sir.

Your order initiated
a full lockdown.

I told you I had to make
a f*cking call!


Do you have eyes
on the entrance?

- Yeah, I see it.
- Good.

Take out the Secret Service
agents and get in there.

There are no
Secret Service agents.

It's a trap.
They want me to go in.

They wanna cut me open.

Do you think I don't know that?

Well, if you knew that, why the
f*ck wouldn't you tell me?

Because I'm covering my asset.

- What asset?
- I have someone on the inside.

Leave your w*apon,
enter the door,

and they'll take care of you
once you're inside.

You want me to go in there
without a g*n?

"Hence it comes about that all unarmed
prophets have been victorious,

and all armed prophets
have been destroyed."

That's from Machiavelli.

Put your faith in me,
Mr. Harvey.

Identity confirmed.

Stop right there!

Stop! Down!

Down on the stairs.
Get down!

Show us your hands!

- Show us your f*cking hands!
- Here!

- Don't move.
- Did you f*cking sell me out?

Don't you f*cking move.

Hey, are you there?

I said don't f*cking move!


You look just f*cking like him.

The president is
in the situation room.

It's in lockdown,
but the code is 6969.

And please make sure you f*cking
k*ll the Secretary of Defense.

- Where's the comms room?
- What?

The comms room.
I need to make a call.

Do you know
what's inside of you?


Then you know that the
president will not hesitate

to cut you open and pull it out.

I mean, I know this man.

He is cold and he is merciless.

You think he gives
a shit about you

if he's willing
to end the world?

I thought that's
what you people wanted.

They're all liars.

They say they don't
believe in love

and they don't feel pain.

I feel pain.

And I'm in love.

I'm in love with the most
wonderful man I have ever known.


And who's that?

His name is God.

Tell her I love her, too.

Where's the comms room?

What is it with you
and the f*cking comms room?

I thought you were an assassin.

I mean, who do you need
to communicate with?

Well, maybe I'm in love, too.

Oh, please.

Where is the comms room?

It's f*cking up the hall,
to the right!

- What's happening?
- What was that noise?

I don't know. You tell me.
You're God.

That was
just a pick-up line.

Did you f*cking k*ll her?

Hey. Hey, Harvey!

Hey! Harvey!

Mr. President.

You shaved.

I need to talk to the Prime
Minister of Australia.

Christopher Sunday.

Is there a problem, Officer?

No, sir.

He'll come out here,
Mr. President.

- Give us the room.
- Sir, this is my post.

Give us the f*cking room.



Are you Christopher Sunday?


My name is Kevin,

and I know this
is gonna sound crazy...

but you're not the Prime
Minister of Australia.

My father,

he came to you for a song.

A song to stop the rain.

There's no song
to stop the rain.


I told your father,
but he didn't listen.

No. No, no, no. Look, you
have to give me something.

I have to bring him something.

He... he needs this.

- There's a flood...
- Do you believe that?

Believe what?

Do you believe your father

can sing a song
and stop the flood?


Then why are you here?

Don't move.

Mr. President,

can I have
my glasses back, please?

Sounds like they got him.

I don't wanna do this anymore.

Do what,
Mr. President?

Stop f*cking calling me that!

I'm not the president!

You're not the f*cking
Secretary of Defense.

Oh, yes, yes, I am.

You named me
Secretary of Defense.

You were asked who did you
want in this position,

and you named me.

You summoned me
out of retirement

and I came back

because I owed you.

You helped me, Kevin.

And now I'm here to help you.

Help me how?

Well, what do you want?

I wanna go home.

Do you?


It's just that

you've been known
to say that before,

and yet you keep leaving
home and coming here.

I'm sensing a lot
of internal contradictions

from you, Kevin.

It sounds like something you
need to work out with yourself.

I'm gonna take these off

because I know you're here

of your own free will,

and the last thing you wanna do

is hurt yourself.

All right, gentlemen.

Let's get to
the hard part, shall we?

I, Patricia Levin,

in my capacity
as Secretary of Defense

hereby invoke
the Fisher Protocol,

overriding the Heart Deterrent

pursuant to the nuclear
command authority

granted by Article Two, Section
Two of the US Constitution.

The president
shall make an incision

two inches below the sternum
of the volunteer... that's you...

Whereupon the president,

gaining access
from beneath the ribcage,

shall manually extract
the launch key

from behind the left atrium.

In recognition of his service,

the volunteer shall receive a
posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor

applicable if Congress exists,

which it will not.

May God have mercy on your soul
if there is a God,

which there is not.

I'm not f*cking k*lling him.

Good, because I'm not
f*cking letting him.

Gentlemen, language.

f*ck you!

I'm not understanding
the problem.

The problem is that
this is stupid!

I don't care about
any of this bullshit.

- It doesn't make any sense!
- It doesn't?

No! Why the f*ck would I
volunteer to be cut open?

I don't know.
Why would you?

- I wouldn't!
- And yet here you are.

Knowing full well
what is inside of you,

you kept moving forward
towards this very room

and the one person powerful
enough to take it out.

I think you should tell him
about the book you wrote.

What book?

The romance novel.

That's him. He... he wrote it.
That's him.

- What? No. N-no, I didn't.
- Yeah, you did.

It's the one that was
in the typewriter

- in the f*cking beach house.
- I know.

- I was there, but it's not f*cking mine.
- Boys, boys.

I think we can all agree
you both wrote the same book.

No, we didn't!

Well, I'm sorry
it's come to this,

but I have no choice.

I received a call from the CIA

that the president
was keeping a secret journal

hidden behind the portrait of
Millard Fillmore in the Oval.

As this was clearly
a national security issue,

I had no choice
but to procure it.

I'd like you
to read this for us.


What about you?


Fine, I'll do it myself.

Sorry, I just need my glasses.

For f*ck's sake.

"Untitled Romance Novel."

- "Chapter One."
- Just read the last page.

Ending's better.

"The port was alive
with strange faces."

It was dawn by the time
he found an old salt

willing to part with a vessel

for what bullion he had left...

A cutter with a Bermuda rig
called 'The Merciful, '

its sails ragged and ripped,

its compass cracked,

its rotten hull just barely
able to cut the breakers.

But it would be enough
to make his escape.

It wasn't for another hour when
he was a mile from the docks

that his thoughts
turned back to her.

He imagined her alone.

By now, she would've searched
the house and found it empty.

She had suspected it all along,

and now she knew
he was a coward.

A coward dressed in the
uniform of a brave man.

Brave enough to cross two oceans
and a continent to find her,

to fight countless enemies, and
yet in the end, he was terrified.

He was terrified of her...

To lie beside her,

to be comforted by her
as he wept,

to show her he was small,

for her to know that
and touch his cheek

and whisper words softly
into his ear.

All of that was a nightmare.

All he knew to do was run.

He took a deep breath
of the air,

tasting the salt on his tongue,

and closed his eyes,

leaning into the spray as The
Merciful picked up speed

and sailed for the horizon.

He was alone,

"and all was well."

Take this thing out of me.


So we can't ever
come back here again.

We f*cked up with Nora.

Let's go watch.

I thought you were gone.

It was raining so hard
and I got scared.

So I came up here.


I don't think
I'm ready to come down.

Now what?

My name
is Nora Elizabeth Jamison-Durst.

I hereby indemnify
all individuals

for the procedure
that's about to occur.

Today is the day I'm leaving
to be with him.

I'm ready to go now.