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03x05 - Episode 3.5

Posted: 10/31/21 07:14
by bunniefuu
[Speaking French]

Kayla has been
a stupid girl.

Why else would she
send naked pictures to boys?

Saban died in 1994.

Karl: Think we'll
be able to dig out

the death certificate?

I'm sure Philippe can.

I would never interfere
with your life.

What's that supposed
to mean?

Ask Maya.

What? Elise?


Please come
here. Look.


We're gonna soon
do the slide.

Hee hee!

I love you.

I know.
"I know."

Ah. Boo.

Hee hee!


Hee hee!

Can you find mummy?

Boo! Hee hee!

♪ Here she comes ♪

M... m... mama.


Ha ha.
Lynn, come on.

Come on.

Mama. Mama. Mm... mom... mom.

Mama. Mama. Mama.


[Baby talk]

Charlotte gainsborough:
♪ venez dans mes bras ♪

♪ closer to me, dear ♪

♪ donnez-vouz moi ♪

♪ set aside all fear ♪

♪ restons enlaces ♪

♪ pour l'eternite ♪

♪ yes, you shall be mine ♪

♪ till the end of time ♪

Maya. Wakey-wakey.


I got to go to France.


I may not
be back tonight,

so you need to stay
with your mum, ok?

I'm gonna call her,
let her know.

It's fine. I'll do it.

And then we need to have
a chat when I get back.

About what?

About you, what's
going on with you.

Nothing's going on with me.


Well, Elise seems to
think there is,

and you weren't very nice to
your nan yesterday, were you?

She's decided to
move back home.

I said sorry to Nana c.


Maybe Elise should keep
her nose out

of other people's business.

I have to get ready.


I'm meeting someone
before school.



She's quite a lot older
than you, isn't she?

She's gonna be into stuff
that you're

not really ready for.

Maybe you're not ready
for me to grow up.

Phone your mother.



Are you ok?

Shall I call the nurse?


Do you want some
painkillers or something?

I've never felt better.

There's no point in us
both being here.

I'm sure chaput needs you
more than I do.

[Machine beeps]

Elise, it's me again.

Uh, I really screwed up.

I'm sorry you're suspended.

I'm sorry I called

I didn't think for
a second that he'd be

such a... twat as to tell
f*cking chaput,

but there we are.

We both get f*ck-up
of the year.

I, uh, ha ha... I feel like
Ronnie corbett must've felt

after Ronnie barker left.

Um, don't know who that is,
do you?

What I'm trying to say is
that I... I...

I need you, uh, with...

[Machine beeps]


Is that it?
Is that all I get?

[Woman speaking indistinctly]

Boy: Nah. No one else.

She was going home.
She was fine...

Police woman: Through here?

Boy: No she was
over there...

Different boy:
Is she all right...



Bonjour. How are
we getting on?

[Olivier speaking French]

You're too fast
for me.

No. Oh, my god.
This is so grotty.

Oh, my gosh. You're
so good at this.

I know.

Ok. Ok. 1...


I'm really good at
this. Not this.

So what do you see?

You have more than
I have. Please!


I'm gonna push you
off, then.



[Indistinct chatter]

Saban doesn't
have a grave.

We checked.

Death records, burials,

He's not dead, is he?

I've told you all
I know.

Must've been very

Working with those children,

dealing with
all that damage.

Huh. You have no idea
what it was like

with children
like saban.

Watching their own
family slaughtered

in the streets.

No one cared.

No one did a thing
to help

until we came along.

We reunited families.

We gave those who had
been orphaned a future.

But you didn't reunite
saban with his family,

did you?

They died in Bosnia.

The thing is...

Saban's mother
is still alive.

And she's been searching
for her son all these years.

Can you tell me where he is?

I've told you.

That boy is dead.

Edith's visitors.

To get to her age

and still have
so many friends.

Jean-Marc sargent.

He's her most
regular visitor.

She must be very
good liar.


Whatever you think,
I've got Elise's back.

I may have done
the wrong thing,

but I did it for the right
f*cking reasons.

[Cell phone chimes]

Bring the book.

Ok. I bring the book.

[Operatic music playing]

[Chimes clinking]



Ah. Um, oui. Um...


Jean-Marc sargent.

Yes. He's my father.

Can I help you?

Uh, um...

Yeah. Should I call him?

Bonjour. I'm
Jean-Marc sargent.

Francois: Ok.


Calais every month.


What's the...
What's the connection?

Should we sit down?

He doesn't know.


It's, um...

Um, your son,
we need his help.


It's important that you
tell him the truth now,

the, uh... the verite.

My wife died,

I promised to her to... nev...

N... never tell him.

Please. Please.

I promise to her

to not say to francois.

I can't.

It's my son.

You understand?

I know you love him,
right? It's very clear.

This is very difficult.




[Bell tolling]

[Recording of instructions
for answering machine in French]


Elise, I found him.
I found saban.

He's alive.


I don't know what
to do. Uh...

I need your help.

Oh, god. Is this crazy?
Call me, will you?


[Seagulls calling]

[Electronic doorbell ringing]



[Recording of
instructions in French]

[Rings doorbell]


[Cell phone ringing]

Karl on answering machine:
Elise, it's me again...

Karl: Oh.
Ok. Continue.

Karl on answering machine:
I'm sorry I called Olivier.

I didn't think for
a second that he'd be

such a... twat as to tell
f*cking chaput,

but... we both get f*ck-up
of the year.

I, uh, ha ha... I feel like
Ronnie corbett must've felt

after Ronnie barker left.

Do we have to
listen to this?

Yes, we do.

Karl on answering machine: Um,
don't know who that is, do you?

What I'm trying to say is
that I... I...

I need you, uh, with...

[Machine beeps]

It sounds like it was
quite an argument you had.

[Answering machine beeps]

What's he saying?

He's threatening her.

Come on!

Olivier: Wait.

Woman on recording:
Nouveau message.

Karl: Come on.
Let's bring him in.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Ok. Let's go.
Let's go.


Here you are.

[Water running]

Oh, thank you.
That's it.

There you are.
See you later, eh?

Thank you very much.
See you.

Take care.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey. What time will
you be home?

About 6:00-ish.
You ok?

Yeah, I'm good.
Talk to you later, yeah?

[Laughter, indistinct chatter]

[Piano music]

[Rings doorbell]

[Clicks tongue,



[Door opens]

How are you?

All right.

Health and f*cking
safety might bore

the tits off you...

It certainly
bores the tits off me...

But you keel over in
this office,

and I'm responsible.

I'm fine.


Well, you look like shit.

You should clearly
still be in hospital,

but I can see you won't
be persuaded to go back.

I'm responsible for
why Lana got away,

and now Elise is missing,
so Karl needs my help.

Keep your ass in that
chair until I've had

occupational health liaise
with the hospital.

They say you're fit to work,
you do it from this desk.




What about the fish
factory where he worked?

Where's that?


Yeah. Sorry. Uh, it's
on the dock.


[Cell phone rings]

Take the first on
the right.

[Men shouting in French]


Karl, don't!


Where is she?!

What have you done to her?

Karl, come on.
Get off.

Where is she?

Excuse me.

Oh, yes, sir.

Would you mind if I
used your telephone?

[Telephone ringing]

[Jacques recorded
on answering machine]


What have you done to her?!

I'd like to report

a missing person,

My wife, Lilian.

Ok, we'll just take some
information from you,

and then I'll pass it
on to my boss.

And I'll just...

I can't be without
her, you see?

I can't.

[Sobbing softly]


Men: ♪ stood beneath
the lamp like ♪

♪ a stranger ♪


[Recording of woman
singing indistinctly]


Delivery. Hello?


Jade, can you hear me?

Jade: Hello?



Hi. This is Jade.

Please leave a message
after the tone.




I really thought he
loved me.


He didn't.

But you still
got me.




[Both laughing]

Here we go.

[Boys speaking indistinctly]


It's not
worth addressing.

Who do you think you are

posting all of
this shit online?

Don't know what you're
on about.

I've got pictures, too,
you know?

What is wrong with you?

Maya: There's nothing
wrong with her.

You're the one
that should be ashamed.

Back off,
little girl.

I ain't done this.

And the only other

with those pictures
is you.

If you wanted my

there are
other ways.

Let's go.

[Boy laughing]

Now I need to get
really f*cked.

f*ck off home, borowski.

You're making the place
look untidy.

Yeah, I would do, boss,

but I think you should
have a look at this.

Well, they're
missing person reports.


Three people have gone

in a 5-mile radius since
this morning.






Kay... Kayla?

Kayla... oh, my gosh.
Kayla? Kayla?

Kayla? Kayla?
Oh, my god.

Kayla, please!

Kayla, please!

Someone please help!


Don't you think it
might be them,

Anton and Lana?

[Cell phone ringing]



Which hospital?

Thank you. I have to go.

My daughter.

Hello, darling.

Hello, hello, hello.

Where's Maya?

She's in with Kayla.

[Child coughing]

Um... Kayla's had
a seizure.

she nearly died.

What?! What happened?

It could've been
Maya in there.

Why did you leave
her overnight?

I didn't. She was with you.

She was gonna call you.

No, she didn't.
She didn't call me.

She told me she had.

So she lied to us,

Wow. Kids lie.
That's what they do.

Laura: Maya doesn't.

I mean, what the f*ck
is going on

in that head of hers?

You look knackered.

Elise has gone missing.



Well, at least she
took care of her friend.

Do you think we should
get her

some professional help?

Hello, darling.

Here you are.

Hello, love.

I need to tell
you something.

All right.

She left her phone on
my bed.

Are you saying you
stole those photos?

Boys look at Kayla.

But me, I'm invisible.

Oh, for crying out loud. Maya.

I just wanted someone
to need me.

Oh, Jesus.
We need you.


It doesn't feel like you do.

So you get
your hair dyed

or you get a piercing or you
lash out at us or something.

You don't steal your
best friend's photos

and put them out for

People saw those photos
who should never see...

Kayla's father saw
those pictures.

I'm sorry.

We can't just wave
a magic wand

to make this all right
for you.

I just... I just want
you not to hate me.

Mom, Billy wants

some crisps.
Yeah, ok.

Um, why
don't you

read them a story

and I'll be in
in a minute, all right?

Karl: Where'd
that come from?

Where did this
come from?

From the school. It's
all right. It's all right.

It's all right, darling.

Just take that and
start reading to them.

And why don't you
go back to work

and look for Elise?

I'll deal with this,

and then we can talk
tomorrow, all right?


[Heavy sigh]

Come on.

[Cell phone rings]



Something weird's
going on.


I got 11 missing person
reports in the last 24 hours

all from folkestone.

People just vanishing.

Any link between them?

Well, they... they're
totally random.

Some male, female,
young, old...

All vanished off the street.

The last one is
a delivery driver.

He didn't turn up for his
last deliveries,

and the tracker on his
truck's been disabled,

but here's the thing that's
got me really worried.

He was driving a meat truck.

Laura: "Once more he
stepped into the street;

"and to his lips again laid

"his long pipe of smooth,
straight cane.

"When, lo, as they
reached the mountain-side,

a wondrous portal
opened wide..."

"As if a cavern
were suddenly hollowed;

"and the Piper advanced
and the children followed,

"and when all were in
to the very last,

the door in
the mountain-side shut fast."

[People snoring]

[Respirator hissing]