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03x03 - Episode #3.3

Posted: 10/31/21 07:12
by bunniefuu
"Find saban khasanovic

or I will pipe
another tune."

That's like
the pied Piper.

Marco khasanovic
was k*lled

in a sn*per attack
in August 1994.

Whoever wants us to find
saban, it's not his father.

Well, we haven't found his
mother amongst the dead yet.

Man: I love you.

Karl: If you want
to Rob someone,

you just blow a bit of
scopolamine around in the air,

and the tourists run to the atm
and hand over their money.

It's an urban myth.


Charlotte gainsborough:
♪ venez dans mes bras ♪

♪ closer to me, dear ♪

♪ donnez-vouz moi ♪

♪ set aside all fear ♪

♪ restons enlaces ♪

♪ pour l'eternite ♪

♪ yes, you shall be mine ♪

♪ till the end of time ♪

They've taken everything,

my clothes, my shoes,
my wallet.

I don't know.

Listen, I need you to come
and pick me up right away.

You can, and you will.



I got up at 3:30
to use the bathroom

and you still weren't home.

What time did you get in?

Just after 4:00, I think.

You want me to make breakfast
so you can get a lie-in?

No, no, I've done it.

I don't know how
you function.

It's incredible.

I know.

Me and Maggie Thatcher, eh?

Two peas in a pod.

Karl: Maya!



Hello. Maya's dad.

Dad, this is
my friend Kayla.

Hello, Kayla.
It's, um, breakfast time.

Are you two not gonna see each
other in about half an hour?


Hey, Mr. R.,
me and Maya were

thinking about going
to the cinema tonight.

You're cool with that,

She'll be home by 9:00.

Um, yeah. Ok. Yeah.



Good morning. Can I see
your hanger, please?

Thank you very much.


So what have we got?

Karl: We've got people
trawling through birth records,

looking for any khasanovic
link to saban and Marco.

The mother seems like
the best bet,

but if she's illegal,
she's gonna be hard to find.

Elise: We're looking at
how the rat monger man

or the guy who nearly
k*lled us with a boat

can be connected
to her.

Winnie: Well, bet you
a bag of bonbons

they're in it together.


Get it out.

Jesus! Winnie: Get out!

It's saban khasanovic.

It's the photo that was
used for the calais-gram.

Bb: What's going on?

Winnie: Right.

I want a team here
to deal with it right now.

I want to know how the f*ck
it got through security.

Whoever we're dealing with
is a certified f*cking lunatic.

What does it say?

"This will escalate.
No trifling."

And there's coordinates.

Why would she help us?

Man: Where do I go
to report a crime?

You can't park
there, sir?

I didn't ask
where I could park.

I asked where I could
report a crime.

Just through
those doors.

Ask for the concierge.

Is this staying?


Yes. Stop.

It's an anti-theft device.

Generates compassion.

Well, if you find
a new partner,

she won't be aroused
by this.

Not everyone's

are quite as binary
as yours, Elise.

You know, it's actually
quite complicated.

Just, you know, taking
a bit of space.

This is it.

This should be
the exact spot.

Well, there's
nothing here.

Maybe they weren't


Karl: What is
this place?

Elise: What is it?

Karl: King of something,
judging by the crown.

Recognize him?


What's that?
Sword, longbow. Soldier?

Elise: What is that
supposed to be, a bishop?

Karl: It's a pope.

And look, skeletons.

I think I know
what this is.

It's danse macabre.

Danse macabre?

It's a medieval thing.

They represent
all walks of life.

The king's authority.
The pope's religion.

A child.


They're dancing
to their graves.

It's a reminder of
the fragility of life

and the inevitability
of a gruesome death.

Some versions of
the pied Piper see him

as a figure of death.

The laborer.

I know him.

Who is that?

It's the guy you were
rude to in the car park.

This one is missing
a mug shot.

"Gary green.
Dance to my tune."


Karl: Shit.

He wasn't k*lled here.

"The deadliest poison
is one without sickness."

"Find saban."

Jesus Christ.

So where's
the rest of him?

Karl: "It had been
a long day,

"so I had a few pints

at the horse and groom
pub on the high street."

But you didn't,
did you, Wesley?

Look, like I said,
my drink was spiked,

so I don't
remember anything.

You know, the problem with
living in a surveillance state

is it's a real bugger
to try and tell a good lie.

Do you mind leaving us
alone for a moment?

I need you to find out
who did this to me.

In 1284, the German
town of hamelin

suffered a massive
rat infestation.

I'm sorry, what?

Does the name khasanovic
mean anything to you?

Do you have any idea
how many illegal immigrants

walk through that door?

Who are these men?

Never seen any of them
before in my life.

Your photo was found
in a rogues' gallery

within spitting distance

of where a man
was hacked to pieces.

I've told you all
that I can.

I don't know if
it's a good thing

or a bad thing
we met each other.

Winnie: Wesley pollinger.

Why is he the laborer?

Sarcasm, I'm guessing.

Let's get him tested
for scopolamine.

Bb: There are 562
Gary Greens in britain.


Yeah, I'm working on it.

That's an address
for our victim.

Lawrence Taylor,
the doughnut nut.

He was a viral sensation
for a day or two

before being vilified
as a troll.

Oh, stand by your beds.
Here comes trouble.

Bonjour, tout le monde.

Karl: For f*ck's sake.
Let's get out of here.

Astor. Heh.

I heard about
the rat.

I didn't tell him.

Oh, they heard
the scream in calais.

As they say in the movies,
shit just got real.

Half this stuff
he never even used.

Total waste of money, just
like I said it would be.

Golf clubs.
Give me f*cking strength.

This trolling you're
talking about

is not the man I knew.

He would never abuse
someone like that.

Elise: Mrs. Taylor...

Leave it. Leave it.

Shall we just
have a cup of tea?


I'm gonna
need your phone.

My kids are the same.

The millennial's panacea.

It'll help your
social development.



Elise: Millennials are
those who reached adulthood

at the turn of
the century.

That kid
was post-millennial,

generation "z."

Karl: How would I cope
without you?

Um, ahem.

Thanks for coming.

So I double checked,

and they definitely
didn't take anything.

You're here about
the break-in, yeah?

You're Gary green.

What break-in?

Sorry. Some fucker
chopped through the chain

on the front gate.

Does the name khasanovic
mean anything to you?

Um, there was
a Lana khasanovic

here for a few months
last year.

Karl: How old is she?

Um, late thirties,
early forties.

What did she look like?

Height, build.

Hair color, eye color.

Dark hair, dark eyes,
I think.

I'm sorry. It was
a long time ago.

We need contact details.
Address, number,

the name of the agency
that supplied her.

Well, some of the workers,
they're, um,

they're cash in hand.
It's just the way.


But I'll go
and check in my office.

What were you doing
last night, Gary?

I was at home. Why?

We found this near a man
who had been butchered alive.

Any ideas?
You sure you were at home?

I swear.

You should have a look
at this, though.


This arrived a couple
of days ago.

Can we see
your backside?

What the f*ck are you
talking about?

If you didn't go through

you won't have
any branding marks.

You need to stop
production immediately.

The deadliest poison
is one without sickness.

Karl: We think they're
trying to tighten the screws

on us finding saban by putting
human meat into the food chain.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.


Call the lab.

Get the pies tested
for human DNA.

This takes priority
over everything.

I need Gary green's
factory shut down.

I need to be sure there are
no links to the media.

And I need a full list
of his customers.

Does he supply
to France?




It's not harmful.

Cannibalism is
an irrational taboo.

Are you actually insane?

Can you spare some
of your team?

Bb: Yes, brilliant.
Thank you.

You were right about
Wesley pollinger.

The scopolamine tests
came back positive.

Karl: Is this the stuff from
Lawrence Taylor's hard drive?

Yeah. We're talking hundreds
of trolling victims.

Lana khasanovic?

No, there's no trace
of her anywhere.

It doesn't mean
she's not there.

But if she is, she's
concealed her identity.

Karl: Someone
Lawrence Taylor trolled

hated him enough
to k*ll him.

It's not
Lana khasanovic.

It's the rat man.

Keep looking.

Bb: Hang on.
In better news,

we think we found
the pope.


Oh, Christ.

Madame. Monsieur.

This is where you went,
isn't it?

I don't remember
where I went.

It certainly
wasn't there.

We just need
your help.

Our other lead
just hanged himself.

Karl: Tell us what
you do remember.

Whoever did this is
capable of much worse.

I have a vague

of leaving the office,

and then I woke up
on the beach.

Whatever happened
to me,

it literally wiped
my memory.

Do you have any idea

how f*cking terrifying
that is?


Pollinger: Please.
I'm telling the truth.

I swear.

I might be gone for
a couple of nights.

Why are you being
so cagey?

Come on.

You know nothing gets
past my twin-tuition.

Has Blake told you
where he was last night?

Oh, he was out
with his mates.

Why are you asking me?

Can't trust him, kiki.

What's going on?

I'm going out.

Bye, sis. Love you.

Kiki: Love you, too.

You don't think
he's acting weird?


Hey. It's ok.

It's not what he said.

Something's happened
to him,

and I don't know what.

Woman on TV: The old pairs of
shoes they found in... shop

and you could only have
one, what would you pick?


Yeah, I like...

I thought you were
going to the movies.

She went with Leo instead.

It's fine.

You're hating this,
aren't you?

No, no, it's...


watch a film instead.

Your choice.



This is gonna be long,
slow, and subtitled.

You better get me
a top up.

There's always
a consolation.

Hmm. Whoa.
This fridge is spotless.

Did you see Joanna today?
Is she on speed?

Celeste: I fired her.You did what?

It's a waste of money
when I can do a better job.

And I don't trust them.

Who's "them"?

They're all on
the take, Karl.

It's Elise.


Bonjour. Bonsoir.

What, now?

What's up?

Scopolamine's easy to find.

Wesley's our only lead.

And I've read
everything I can find.

There's no consensus.

Some people say
it creates complete amnesia.

Some say partial.
I think he's lying to us.

So this is the only
way to find out.


You do that,
you're on your own.

Well, it's too late.
I've already taken some.

I knew you'd try
and stop me.

I took some the minute
you buzzed up.

You dragged me away
from my daughter

so you can experiment
with scopolamine.

You're the only person
I trust.


f*ck you.

That should do it.

Oh, I'm not scared
of spiders.

Yeah, that doesn't
matter, does it?

Just matters whether you
remember it in the morning. No?

Ok. Uh.

Can you please sing
"happy birthday"?

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday, dear Karl.

Happy birthday to you.

It's not today, is it?

No. I just thought
I'd take advantage of it

while I could.

Don't think that's
gonna happen again.

Why are you doing so
much on this Moreau case

when you're not
supposed to go near it?

Elise? Hello?

I'm not like everyone
else. I know that.

I know that.
I f*ck up relationships.

I hurt people.
But I don't f*ck up at work.


There's a flaw
in that case,

and I have to find it.

Elise, you've got
to understand.

The work we have, Karl,

it's all I've got.

If I can't fix it...

What's left for me?

Everybody makes
mistakes, Elise.

He's living in squalor,
Jacques Moreau.

He's got shit
all over his wall.

So I asked him to come
stay with me,

and he said no.

Of course he said no because
what am I doing for him?

Elise, you don't
have to atone...

No, I can rationalize
every failure.

Not what I did
to that family.

All I'm saying is it's
not your responsibility

to take care of him.

Why shouldn't I?

You look after me
all the time.


I'm gonna get you
some water.

It's all right.
You all right?


Do you think this is all?

Infinity can't be...

Destroyed, only transferred.

Then where does it go?

'Cause Lawrence Taylor,
he was alive,

and then he was dead.

Here. Have some water.

I didn't know that
affected you so much.

You should have said.

You know me better
than that.


Do you want
the music on?

Do you want
the lights on?

You cold?




'Cause it'll make you
feel better.

Right, let's get
this over with,

and then you can tell me the
French for "I told you so."

How did you feel

when we discovered
Lawrence Taylor's body?

I don't know.
It's part of the job.


Do you remember talking
about him last night?


Did I shout at you?

I did.

What about the song? Do
you remember singing a song?


Uh, yeah, I sang a song.

Don't remember
what song.

What about the video?


Spider. A spider.

And then it's
all distorted,

like in a dream.

I do remember bits,

before and after
I took it.

So it's not
a retro amnesia.


That's French for
"I told you so."


And you think
one of these 5 men

might be the other half
of the pied Piper?

They're all
within our zone.

They've all got good reason to
want to k*ll the doughnut nut.

Reading some of
his trolling,

I might have
done it meself.

Better be nice
to you, then.

And don't you
forget it.

All right.
Shall we do this?


Sorry if I said things
I shouldn't have.

How much further
down here?

I don't know.

Come on.

A mile or so.

I know I was a d*ck
to you yesterday.


I was just scared.

I thought maybe if I could
get a crime number...

What's this,

Soon as I logged on,
a chat window opened up.

And she knew stuff
about me.

Karl: Mm-hmm.

Intimate stuff.

And then you got here?

Yes. There was fire...

And music.

I don't remember
any more.

Why did she
choose me?

Karl: We think you may have
refused her legal advice

at some point.

What did she
look like?

Elise: Karl.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Karl: What happened
here, Wesley?

We need a description.

She was white.

Average height.

Dark hair, I think.

She was wearing
a gas mask.

Can you tell us everything
that happened here

from the beginning?

There was
some kind of dust

that came down
from the ceiling.

Then she told us to
take our clothes off.

And for some reason,
we did.


And she made us watch.

Oh, Jesus.

Did she cut him up?

Did Lana khasanovic
butcher a man alive?

She didn't do
the cutting herself.

A man did it.

Man: ♪ what ever happened
to the heroes ♪

Louise: Thank god
for that.

Bb: You don't like
my taste in music?

Well, that's a shame.

You might have several
more hours of it yet.

Are there any songs

that you don't know
the words to?

Tell you what,

I'll buy a copy of
"Joe le taxi"

at the next
service station.

Or the best
of Edith piaf, maybe.

Oh, you're really up to date
with your French music, huh?

So which one is this?

The doughnut nut
tricked him

into thinking his long
lost mum was still alive.

Stand him up
like a kipper.


You Anton Stokes?

No. He's not here.

What's your name?


Your name.

And could you tell
me where you were

last night?

They must really hate you
if they made you the king.

I bet you've got a big red
branded on your ass and all.

Nothing out
the back.

Where's Wesley?

He went outside
to vomit.

Don't look too good

So she dr*gs the punters
with scopolamine,

then, whoosh, drops
the curtain

to reveal sweeney Todd.

I'm guess that's used
to hold them still

while she brands
their asses.

What's that?

Don't know. But there's
another one here.

Some sort of
restraining thing?

Did they restrain
Lawrence Taylor with it?

Yeah, but what is it
usually for?

Good question.

Do you know someone
called Lana khasanovic?

Know where she lives?


This was at the flesh show.

Do you know what it is?


Bb: That looks like
a caravan tether.

Yeah, my uncle's
got one.

Specific to caravans?

Yeah. You use it to anchor
your caravan to the ground.

It stops it
blowing over.

Karl: Bb.

Right. Um...

So there's
4, 5 sites.

But between
the cattle barn

and the caves,
there's only two.

Right. We'll take
the one below the railway.

You take the other one.


Good afternoon.

You got a license
for that lot? Soldier.

Man: Shall I fish
the paperwork for you?

We're looking for someone
called Lana khasanovic.

I think you might know her.

Of course.

Follow me.

It's that one there.

All right.
You wait there.

We'll take it
from here.

Boss, get yourself
down here quick.

We found her.

I'll go to the back.


You go around, see
if you can cut her off.

Did you find him?

Did you find
my boy?

Put the g*n down.

You didn't, did you?

Just put the g*n down.
And we...


Please, please.