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03x02 - Episode #3.2

Posted: 10/31/21 07:11
by bunniefuu
Elise: I found a record
of a farid and yara maleh

registering at
a camp in calais.

It's a Syrian name.

[Girl screams]Take that off.

Breakfast on the table. Come on,
I've got to be at work in 5 minutes.


Karl: Those children
have been missing

for 3 days now.

No one could have
cared less.

The carver kids have
been gone, what, two hours

and it's a circus.


Elise: His name is
Charlie Moreau.

8 years ago Olivier
and I arrested

his father Jacques
for his m*rder.

Took the jury 40 minutes
to convict him.


Elise: So missing children
and a plague of rats.

That didn't end
very well, did it?

[Woman singing indistinctly]

♪ I'm Mr. Lover, lover ♪

♪ lover, lover, girl ♪

♪ Mr. Lover, lover ♪

[Turns volume up]

♪ I'm Mr. Lover, lover ♪

♪ she call me
Mr. Bombastic ♪

♪ say me fantastic ♪

♪ touch me in me back,
she says I'm Mr. Ro... mantic ♪

♪ call me fantastic ♪

♪ touch me in me back,
she says I'm Mr. Ro ♪

Charlotte gainsborough:
♪ venez dans mes bras ♪

♪ closer to me, dear ♪

♪ donnez-vouz moi ♪

♪ set aside all fear ♪

♪ restons enlaces ♪

♪ pour l'eternite ♪

♪ yes, you shall be mine ♪

♪ till the end of time ♪

[Woman speaking
indistinctly over P.A.]

[Woman singing indistinctly]

Um, she speak english?

Yes. Yes, she does.

What's her name?

Uh, manu ilonga.

Actually, I'm not sure
that's how you pronounce it.

She's pregnant.
Due to be deported.

[Woman shouts in French]

Karl: Mrs. Ilonga.

My name is
Karl roebuck.

I'm an english
police officer.

I don't know anything
about your situation

'cause I've only
just arrived,

but I'm quite certain

that you don't want to
hurt that little girl.

Manu: I will not
go back home.

They will hurt
my baby.

Who will?

Manu: The men who
k*lled my daughter.

She was only 3 years old.


I will not lose another
child, do you understand me?

Yes, I do.

But you hurting
that little girl

will not avenge the
death of your daughter.

If that child falls,

it just starts again
for another parent.

And what that means is
there's another mother

or father in the world
who wakes up every day

experiencing two seconds
of normality

before remembering again
that their child is dead.

And I don't know
about you,

but I wouldn't wish
that on my worst enemy.

So... put the child down.

I'm going to ask
my colleague to come up

and take
the children away.

Go now.

You want to come to me?

Can you get the door? Ok.

Just straight down.

[Door closes, locks]

Karl: Now we'll
get you safe,

and then we'll
talk some more

about what I can do to
help you and that baby.

Maybe I can stay
at your house.

No, don't!


[Door buzzes]

I want Lilly.

It's her toy elephant.

Do you know where he is?

Yes, we do.

But it's in the lab.

So it'll be a time
before we get that back.

What about you, Theo?

What can you tell us?

How long do you think you were
in that laundry bin for?

Is the black lady dead?

Her color is
irrelevant, darling.

She's in the hospital.

What have you got
in your hand?

Please give it
to me.

She's terribly stubborn.

Well, if you give
it to me,

dci roebuck will give
you back your elephant.

Thank you.


f*cking Lilly.



It'll be months
before we get that toy

back from the evidence store
to give it back to her.

I don't believe I
specified a timeframe.

[Indistinct chatter]

Hi, Freda. I'm Lawrence
from tfplc solutions.

Yeah, having a nice day?

Another delivery from
your secret admirer.

She must be into tubsters.

So, Freda,
our records show

that you recently
had an accident

that wasn't your fault

and may be entitled
to compensation.


Well, might have slipped
your mind.

Have a little think,

Oh, by the way,
you're officially a ledge.

That video you put up
has gone viral.

["Mr. Boombastic"
by shaggy playing]

[Toilet flushes]

Woman: Breathing in gently
through your nose

and out through
your mouth.

In trying to relax,

and release as much
of the tension as possible.

So breathing in gently
through your nose

and out through your mouth.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Woman: Commander

I had to pry it out of
forensics' sweaty little hands.

It's the toy the kids
were holding.

Elise: Any prints?

No DNA, either.

Got the retro fit.

You know,
I've been thinking.

If you need someone
to be working out of calais,

I don't mind going over.

That's very gallant
of you, bb.

Not everyone is as keen to get
into bed with the French.

Let's watch this.

[Woman singing indistinctly]

Pause it there.

[Singing stops]

Elise: Zoom in.

"Find saban khasanovic

or I will pipe
another tune."

That's like
the pied Piper.

He piped one tune
to charm the rats

and another tune
to charm the children.

So we need to find
saban khasanovic.

[Sea gulls squawking]

[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

Karl: And we know that
the children were smuggled

into the removal center
through the laundry

by this man,
Terry heaney.

[Telephone rings]

We're still trying
to trace him.

He's not been apprehended?

He's gone awol.

Much like your chap

who dumped all those rats
into the channel tunnel.

And the one who absconded
in the speed boat.

Yes. So we have trafficking,

we have the carver children,
and the USB stick.

Sergeant, commander
chaput needs to catch up

on some reading.

Can you show him
to my office, please?

And you can watch the
animation in there as well.

We'll reconvene
when you're up to speed.

[Door closes]

[Sighs] Khasanovic.
Where's it from?

Eastern Europe somewhere.

It's hard to pin down
exactly where.

There's no official record
of a saban khasanovic

coming to the uk.

Maybe that's something for
the French to look into.

We could send one of our
people over to help them.

[Clears throat]

Or we could send
one of theirs back.

Is she actually
doing anything?

Yeah, she's trying
to identify the origin

of the song on
the pied Piper film.

She thinks it might
be south slavic.

Phonology, apparently.

Ok. Well, I'll leave
the logistics to you.

Get your aftershave.
You're off to France.

[Mouths words]

Woman: You know the most
important sexual organ

in the human body...
The mind.

If that is broken,
so is everything else.

[Sea gulls squawking outside]

We have time.

I love you.

Karl: Looks like we could have
found our enigmatic laundry man.

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Elise: Yeah,
it's Terry heaney.

See the sweets? Mm-hmm.

Same as bea carver's.


Yeah, it's him.

Karl: All right.

Bloody hell.





[Knock on door]

[Door closes]

[Cheers and applause]

Wow, I didn't think
you'd be back after lunch

now that you're
a superstar.

Well, I've got phone calls
to make, haven't I?

Starting with one
to Simon Cowell.

Yeah, well,
before we do that,

boss wants to see you.

Elise: Terry heaney had
15 meters of film

in his mouth
and esophagus.

Apparently he ingested it
while he was still alive.

I can't imagine that
went down too easily.

It was covered
in olive oil.

He used an implement to
shove it down the throat,

probably the coat hanger that they
found in the back of the Van.

The question is why.

Yeah. Look at this.

Britain's got nothing now.
Britain's got f*ck all.

Immigrant kids want to come
over here and earn money.

Earn money sucking
my f*cking cock.

I got an idea for you,

an idea for free.

Why don't we get
the muslims out?

Why don't they just
blow each other up?

Then we get our jobs back,
our country back.

f*ck it.

I'm actually thinking
of nominating him

for a pride
of britain award.

He was made to eat
his own words.

Hey, if I went
into work tomorrow,

I'll ask to pump his wife
over his desk.

He'd ask me which hole
I fancied. Ha ha ha!

Eh, I would, mate, but
his wife's a munta.

500,000 hits in
the last 10 minutes.

I never posted it.

I never posted
any of it.

But you said it.

Hello, mate.

Bb, looking good.

Fighting a good fight.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You remember Louise.

Yeah, hey.
How's it going?

So, any closer to finding
this saban khasanovic character?

No. But we have a lead on
the rats in the tunnel.

Louise: Yeah, the rats were
bred in very bad conditions.

We have a photo.

The team is checking for a
list of animal breeders

who have been prosecuted
for bad practice.

It's possible that one
of them is trading again.

Maybe breeding feeder rats
to sell on the Internet.

Feeder rats?

What do they feed on?

They do not feed on.
They are food.

For pet reptiles.

Ok, sit down here.


[Telephone ringing]

Elise: The song on the
animation, it's a lullaby

about a sleepless child.

Could also be a dead one.

So what language is it
in the original?


So maybe the saban pitch
is older than we think.

Maybe it's from the
yugoslavian w*r in the 1990s.

How about that?

So he'd be in his
mid-twenties now.

Hmm. All grown up.

You know, it's traditional
when you're in the company

of somebody that you know
to say, "hello."

Hello, Maya.

Not you.

Hello, Elise.

We've got an early
start tomorrow,

so Elise is gonna
stay with us tonight.

That's nice, isn't it?

Maya: Mm-hmm.

Who... who are you messaging?
Who's messaging you?

No one.

Come on, let me see.

It's just a girl
from school.

It's not a boy.


Let me see that again.

Is she vaping?

[Knocks on door]


I think we're in
the right place.

I'll check the rest
of the house.


[Indistinct chatter]


So the carver children
tested positive

for the same sedative
used on the kids on the boat.

What about
Terry heaney?

He's clean
on the sedative.

I've asked them to run
extra tests at the lab.


I've been watching
that cctv footage

of him pushing that laundry
bin round the removal center.

I'm just wondering if he was given
something to make him compliant.

Like what?

In Bogota now, apparently,

if you want
to Rob someone,

you just blow a bit
of scopolamine around them,

the tourists run
to the atm,

and hand over their money
quite happily.

You don't need g*ns.
It's brilliant.

That's an urban myth.

It would explain
the gas mask.

It's a very fine dust.

You'd need something
to protect yourself.

It's good that she
has friends.


Is that normal
at that age?

It's better for you
than smoking.

Is it?

Sucking colored liquid
out of a vial?

It's like something out
of a dystopian Sci-Fi.


Maybe that's
what's happened.

The dystopian future
isn't the future anymore.

It's now.
We didn't even notice.

What's a jumbo saveloy?

Thank you.


8 days ago,
madame sellier sold

a thousand rats
to a cash buyer.

Her eyesight isn't
really good,

but she says he spoke english
with a strange accent.

Are you sick?

The smell got me.

It's not that
you're afraid of rats?


'Course not.

Funny. I don't usually
like weak men.


Come on.

Reporter: They gathered
for a second time

to lay their children to rest
in Sarajevo.

This couple died in
one another's arms

after being gunned down
by a sn*per

while trying to escape
the besieged city.


What are you watching?

About 25 years ago,
there was a w*r

in what's now
called Bosnia.

And there was a young
Muslim woman

and a Christian man, and they
were on different sides,

but they were in love and they
decided to try and leave the city.

And they got as far
as this bridge,

where a sn*per
shot them.

They were called the Romeo
and Juliet of Sarajevo.

Have you seen the video of the
guy dancing with the doughnut?

No, I haven't.

[Doorbell buzzes]

Don't get up.

Celeste. Bloody hell.

Am I not allowed to visit
my favorite granddaughter?

Did Laura send you?


But I heard that you were
busy on a big case,

so I packed my big case
and got on the train.

There's no need, you know.
We're all right.

What else have I got
to worry about these days?

Nana c.


How is my big girl?


[Door closes]

[Printer beeps]

Oh, do you have
another ink cartridge?

Karl: Uh, yeah.

I took out a mortgage
a while ago,

got a pack of 3.

Is if making you
feel better,

doing all this
Jacques Moreau stuff?


But my feelings
are irrelevant.

You know what your trouble is,
you haven't learned to fail.

You should take
a lesson from me.

I've got a ph.D
in f*cking up.

Not at work, though.

Only in your
personal life.

Is that what
they say?

I'm the same.

Well, until now, when I
f*cked up at work as well.

I'm a double f*ck-up.

Eryka wasn't your fault.

Yeah, she was.

Charlie Moreau
wasn't your fault.

Can you find the ink
cartridge or not?

Mm-hmm. Ok.


Celeste: You want it?

Oh, no.

Comes a time when
every woman

has to choose between
her face and her ass.

I'll cook tonight.
You can help.

I can't cook.

Yes, you can.

And if you can't,
it's time you learned.

You're 13.

I made a tarte tartin
when I was 13.

For my boyfriend.
His name was Cedric Henri.

Hmm. What was he like?

I'm not sure. I didn't
stay with him very long.

He, um...

I kind of just used him
to lose my virginity.

You... you lost your virginity
when you were 13?

To a boy, yeah.

To a girl
when I was 15.

Oh, my goodness.


Great. Bye.


I'm going to work.

Stay off
the f*cking Internet.

[Door opens, closes]

[Dishes clattering]

[Cell phone chimes]


[Doorbell rings]

Quit with
the f*cking doughnuts!

[Kicks box]

[Cell phone chimes]

[Cell phone chimes]



This is Carrie.
Leave a message.

Carrie, call me back
when you get this.

I think I'm being hunted.


[Cell phone chimes]


Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.

No! f*ck!

[Cell phone chimes]

Shut up!

Shut up!

[Cell phone chimes,
powers down]

Who the f*ck are you?


I'm not scared of you.

You can't get me.


What can you see now, huh?
f*ck all!

No, you don't
see nothing.

How do you see me?

You need to get rid
of Adam's possessions.

You think I'm morbid.

I think the boxes
pose a fire risk

or will attract them.


Can't have it
both ways.

Thank you for coming.

[Door closes]

[Sea gulls squawking]



[Dog barks]

[Dog barking]


[Dog yelps]

Hi. Hi.

I was just passing,
wondered how the kids are.

all things considered.



The toy elephant
that bea lost, Lilly...

We've already replaced it.

Oh, have you?

Ah, good.

Good. Ok.

I was just...
I, uh...

This belonged
to my son.

And, um, I just
thought, but...

So we're eating.

Sure, ok.

Um, Adam.

My son's name.



[Sea gulls squawking]




[Horn honks, distant alarms]

Mr. Moreau.

[Door closes]

Bb: So there was
a census in 1991,

but there's no mention
of any saban khasanovic.

We think that
he wasn't born yet.

All right, maybe.
Show the map, please.

There you are.

Excuse my French.

What have you
got there?

It's a database
of all the people who died

during the w*r in Bosnia.

It is called the Bosnian
book of the dead.

If saban khasanovic or his
parents died in the conflict,

it might be in there.


[Women singing

What are you doing here?

You know how I love
an all-nighter.

Go on.


Take a break.

I'm all right.

Terry heaney tested
positive for scopolamine.

No wonder he was

[Women singing

Marco khasanovic
was k*lled in

a sn*per attack
in August 1994.

[Karl sighs]

So... whoever wants us to find
saban, it's not his father.

Well, we haven't found his
mother amongst the dead yet.

[Song continues]
