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03x01 - Episode #3.1

Posted: 10/31/21 07:10
by bunniefuu
[Bell ringing in distance]

[Men speaking indistinctly]

[Man groaning]

[Breathing heavily]

Charlotte gainsborough:
♪ venez dans mes bras ♪

♪ closer to me, dear ♪

♪ donnez-vouz moi ♪

♪ set aside all fear ♪

♪ restons enlaces ♪

♪ pour l'eternite ♪

♪ yes, you shall be mine ♪

♪ till the end of time ♪

[Seagulls calling]

[Ship horn blows]

You all right?

The boat's registered
to a French fisherman.


It's a mess,
isn't it?

[Pronounces dez-Prez]
Eric despres.

[Pronounces deh-pray]
I expect monsieur despres

had enough of the quotas

and fancied
the insurance, no?

I'm sure that
what's-his-face is

safely tucked up in bed.

The boat was stolen


If it hadn't been for
an anonymous three 9s call,

there'd be nothing left
of the boat.

So why would someone
do that?

Nick a boat and then...

[Snaps fingers]

Torch it in the middle
of the english channel

and then phone it in.

A toy car.

Why aren't
forensics here?

Bb: You'll have to ask
the guv'nor.

The boat's going back
to France later today.


Boy, it's heavy.

Karl: It's all right.

[Man groaning]

Bring him up.
There we go.

And let's get this off.

[Duct tape ripping]

Christ alive.

Someone's cut out
his tongue.

[Woman and children laughing]

Woman: I'm gonna get you.

[Girl squeals]

First one to find a perfect
shell for daddy! Go!

[Girls chuckle]

Go on.

Is Theo playing?

Theo's trying to read.

Go on.

Off you go.

I can see one!
I can see one!

I can find one.
I can find one.

There's one!


I'm going to get you!

I'm going to get you!
Ha ha!

Mother: What are you two...
Where did you get that?

Take that off.
Take that off.


Where did you find that?

Over there.

You can't keep
that, darling. Come on.

What's your name?

You understand?

You're not in trouble
for getting on the boat.

I just want to find

whoever it is
that hurt you.

What happened
to the children?


All right.

You heard of knocking?
Just wait.

I don't think we're getting
anything out of him.

He's terrified.


Karl: Yeah.

Well, he should be.

Interpol found a match
on his fingerprints.

He's wanted in France.

He's not a migrant.
He's a trafficker.

Karl: Yeah, but there
were children on board.

You've got
no proof of that.

There's a toy, and
there's a child's shoe.

I don't think a known
trafficker would make

that trip without
some sort of cargo.

He's calais' problem,
not ours.

Either they swam
for their lives

or someone
took them.

French boat,
French trafficker.

They're both going back
to France.

Let's hope they're
washed up

on a French beach,

I am sick of dealing with
the shower of shit we get

to Wade through because
those idiots

can't police their borders.

He's on a shuttle the second
he's well enough.

Out of sight,
out of mind.


[Siren in distance]

[Telephones ringing,
indistinct chatter]

Hey, stranger,
mon vieil ami.

Long time, no see.
How are you?

Dci roebuck.

Back again.

Commander astor chaput.

I heard you were coming.



Catch you


Can I get you something
to drink, coffee?

No, no.

Thank you.

This is about dibra, no?


Chaput: You want
the organ grinder, surely,

not the monkey. Heh!

I am commander now,
so how can I help?

Yeah, whoever dibra
was trafficking,

they've not
yet been found.

I wasn't aware
there was proof

he was trafficking any...

Not proof, but plenty
of suspicion.

I'd like
to interview him.

Well, once we've charged him
with the theft of the boat,

he's being sent to Paris.

Can I have a couple
of hours with him

before he goes?

It's for offenses

on British waters.

No problem.
Thank you.

Though, I warn you, getting
him to tell the truth

when he had a tongue
was hard enough.


Can I borrow Elise?

Oh, yeah, of course.
Sure. Yeah. Ok.

Thank you.

Karl: Seriously?

You're not even
gonna say bonjour?

What have I done?

I voted "in."

What are you doing here?

I brought you
a croissant,

and I need your help.

Well, I've got work to do.

We have a boatload of
missing people

and a mutilated
child trafficker.

How about a pound
of chocolat?

Till I've had my tooth
fixed, it's best

to avoid eating
anything sweet.

Well, what happened
to your tooth?

Did you bite someone?

Your boss said you
could work with me.

He doesn't seem to be
that concerned

about human trafficking.

He's very concerned,

He got rid of the dedicated
trafficking team,

so there's
less trafficking arrests,

and the statistics show that
the problem has decreased.

The traffickers
are still there,

there's less police officers
to arrest them,

but on paper, it looks
like he's twice as efficient

as I ever would.

Elise, what's he
doing with your job?

I knew you'd do this.

Everyone else has managed
to respect my decision.

[a*t*matic door lock clicks]

Karl: We both know
you were trafficking people

on that boat.

Who were they?

[Speaking French]

What were their names?

[Elise translating
into French]

Karl: Did you even know
their names,

or were they just financial
f*cking transactions to you?

Karl: What happened
to the people on the boat?

Were there children
on board?

Feel free to chip in
at any time.

"No comment."

[Slides tablet
across table]

What's going on, Elise?

If I'd wanted a translator,
I'd have asked for one.

Well, even if those
kids are dead,

they belong to someone,

and that someone deserves to
know what's happened to them.

[Car door shuts]

[Engine starts]

Lights out right there,
Theo Wyatt.


Good night.

[Turns off lamp]

[Door opens]

Maya, I'm home.


Now? Ok.

[Door opens and closes]

Laura: She wants
to stay with you?

Don't know.

And every part of me
wants to hold on to her

as tight as I can, but I'm
scared if I do that,

I'll frighten her off
forever, you know?

What makes you think
I'll do any better?

Well, you can't do
any worse.

[Both chuckle]

I think she
needs you, really.

You moved out, and then
her grandpa got sick,

and it was just
too much loss, really.

How are you doing?


You know.

And you?

Yeah. You know.

Little mix: ♪ one taste,
and you'll be mine ♪

♪ it's a spell
that can't be broken ♪

♪ it'll keep you up all night ♪

♪ boy, you belong to me ♪

♪ I got the recipe ♪

♪ and it's called black magic ♪

♪ and it's called
black magic ♪

[Song continues, indistinct]


♪ For a spell ♪

♪ for a spell that can't
be broken ♪


[Humming "black magic"]

♪ Boy, you belong to me ♪

♪ I got the recipe ♪

♪ and it's called black magic ♪

[Hazard light
indicator clicking]

[Chuckles softly]

♪ And it's called black magic ♪

♪ and it's called
black magic ♪



[Rats squealing]



[Labored breathing]

[Soft thudding]

[Louder thudding]

[Louder thudding, clanking]

[Door opens]


Isla, how many times?

That leaves marks
on the glass

marinka only cleaned

Why aren't you asleep?

Is daddy home?
Not yet.

Back to bed. Off.

[Knock on door]

So what's the emergency?

Finish all your paperwork?

Commander chaput

probably has some
filing for you

if you feel you're up to it.

I think I know

who one of
the trafficked kids is.

Farid maleh.

It's a Syrian name.

It's scratched
into this toy car.

I found a record of
a farid and yara maleh

registering at
a camp in calais

18 months ago.

Their parents were
k*lled in airstrikes

in aleppo.

When the camp
they were staying in

was torn down,
they disappeared.

Farid's toy car
was on dibra's boat.

Maybe he
was there, too.

a refugee hostel

near where the fishing
boat was stolen.

Dibra's targeted it

I think we should
check it out.

Karl: A plague of rats.

It sounds like
a James Herbert novel.

James Herbert?

James Herbert was
a British horror writer

from the 1970s, a heady
mixture of soft porn

and giant rats.

[Dogs barking]

Why didn't chaput
just send pest control?

You'll get to know him
soon enough.

[Door unlocks,
buzzer sounds]

Ask her if
she keeps records

of where the children
go when they leave.

If we know.
Many just disappear.

Drug dealers, traffickers.

[Speaking French]


Pimps. There is very little
we can do to stop them.

The children
are easy targets,

and there are
always more children

than places.

Do you know
a trafficker...

Behar dibra?

I don't ask for names.

I'm here to look after
the children.

But you report them
if they go missing.

Of course.

Most of the time, the police
don't even bother

to take a statement.

[TV program running]

Right. Come on, now.
Breakfast's ready!

lazy bones.

Breakfast on the table.
Come on.

I've got to be at work
in 5 minutes.



[Cell phone ringing]


Hello. Bonjour.

You were right. Dibra
was trafficking kids.

We've got them.

Hang on. They've found
the kids from the boat.

Yeah, a boy called farid

and two younger ones.

Are they alive?

They are.

But it's a bit more
complicated than that.

We now have another
search on our hands.

Get your ass
back to Kent.


Those children have been
missing for 3 days now,

and no one could
have cared less.

The carver kids have been
gone, what, 2 hours,

and it's a f*cking circus.

Superintendent: At least
we're not fishing dead bodies

out of the sea.

Karl: When can
we speak to them?

Full medical checks first.

Looks like
they've been drugged.

God knows where they've been
or what's happened to them.

Do we know who
they belong to?

Not a clue. Right now,
finding the carver kids

is the priority.

There was someone in
the house.

They were already inside,
weren't they?

I thought I saw something,
but it was Isla.

She couldn't sleep.

You didn't
hear anything?

No, nothing.

Then Richard came home, and
we went to bed like normal.

Karl: Are they...
The children... good sleepers?

The older two,

while bea always wakes up
and gets in our bed and...

Ms. Carver: Last night's
the first time

I've slept a whole night
since she was born.

Karl: Does anyone else
have a key?

Richard: Our nanny.

Uh, cleaning agency.

The builders had
a key.

What's that?

Isla found it on the beach.

I wouldn't let her bring it
in the house.

We should've changed the
locks after the builders.

Richard: They gave
the key back.

Ms. Carver: They could have
made a different copy.

This is our fault, isn't it?

Well, you should be a bit
more careful with your keys

in the future.


Karl: What do you gain by
taking 3 refugee kids

and swapping them for
3 wealthy ones?

Elise: Depends what you
do with the wealthy ones.

Why don't you
come back with me?

I'll feed you.

I was gonna get some skate
wings over at the front.

I don't eat skate.

English fishermen.
You know.

What? I don't know. What?

Well, it's that saying,
isn't it?

It's like your
plumbers and sheep.

A skate's vag*na is
anatomically similar

to a woman's, so...

That's probably why we
just eat the wings.


Bon appetit.

[Conversations in French]

[Woman singing in French
on recording]

[Cell phone vibrating]



I paid dibra £3,000.

He was supposed to bring
farid to me.

Karl: What we need
to know now, yara,

is where farid was
from the time he

came off the French
fishing boat

to when he was found
in the carver house

in Kent.

What happened
in between?

Can you ask
him that?

Is ok. English now.
Like my coat.

Nice coat.

Farid: We are on a white
and blue boat.



Farid: A man came
on our boat.

[Continues in native language]

They heard dibra screaming.


After that, he only
remembers little things.

What sort of little
things does he remember?

Small room made of wood.

in native language]

Seagulls and bells.


Yes, bells, like the song.

♪ ding-dong, ding-dong ♪

Elise: Did you see
the man's face?

Farid: No.

in native language]


Gas mask.

Farid: Yes, like in w*r.

The best lead we have is
farid's description

of where they were held.

Seagulls and a small
room made of wood.

Beach hut, fishing hut.

So the boat's
burnt out here.

The carver house is there.

The, uh...

on your head.

Thank you.

The gas mask was found
by Isla carver

on this beach here.

Karl: What's that?

Missing children
and a plague of rats.

That didn't end very well,
did it, for the children.

You think the carver
kids are dead?

If he's k*lled 3 blonde
British children,

the whole world's gonna
be watching.

c*ptive audience.

Karl: There's only
2 or 3 places along here

where they could hear
a church bell.

Why don't we start at
the top of the estuary

and work down?

Are the British people
who live by the sea

less religious?

Yeah, there's more oxygen,
so their brains work better.

[Seagulls calling]

[Bell ringing]

You hear that?

[Elise coughs]



[Stifled cough]

[Both coughing]

[Motor starts]

Karl: Hey!



I've got it.



You all right?


Bea carver's elephant.

What else is in there?

I've seen this before.

A crest. It's from
betti baudin's hostel.

Karl: She lied about farid.

What else has
she been lying about?

[Indistinct P.A. announcements]

[Door unlocks
as buzzer sounds]

[Man breathing heavily]

[Indistinct chatter]

Hello? Hi.

I think there's some cash
in the drawer by my bed.

So get yourself a pizza,

and there's some salad
in the fridge.

Eat some Greens, will you?

Never you mind. Later.

All right. Bye.

What are you doing
with your teeth?

Um, it's bruxism.

My dentist says
I've got


She thinks I should
see a therapist.


I've left Laura.

Yeah, I was wondering
when you'd tell me.

Ah, is it obvious?

[Chuckles softly]


I went back to
my old job to prove

I could be trusted
not to f*ck up again.

I trust myself,
of course,

but it's important that my colleagues
see me work my way back up.

Even if that means putting up
with an assh*le like chaput.


Elise, everybody
fucks up all the time...

Professionally, personally.

The main thing
about being a boss is

owning your mistakes.

Isn't that part

of making
a marriage work, too?

Karl: What'd she say?

We heard kids.
In here.

[Knock on door]

[Knock on door]


Whoa. Hello.


All right. Stand. Um...

[Speaking French]



[Dog barking]

Heads up!

His name
is Charlie Moreau.

Eight years ago, Olivier
and I arrested

his father Jacques for
his m*rder.

It took a jury 14 minutes
to convict him.

We all went out afterwards
to celebrate.


[Woman singing indistinctly,
hushed vocals]

Theo, wake up.