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01x10 - No Consequence Day

Posted: 10/31/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
This is so exciting.

I can't believe we get to see

Superman and The Flash
race around the world.

[EXCITED GRUNT] I know. I've been
here since 4:00 in the morning.

This is gonna be one of the
greatest rematches of all time.

We're talking Ali/Frazier,

or that time David Blaine
outlasted Aquaman in a bathtub.

Do you really think The Flash
is going to stop to hydrate?

He might.

Oh, my shoelace.


That was awesome!


"Thanks for the H2O, The Flash"!

[GASPS] You da man, The Flash!

- Whoo!


Jackie, did you confirm
my reservation for brunch?

Ooh, does my nose deceive me?

Or is that an en [SNIFFS]...
chanting new scent I smell?

- Who's the lucky lady?
- Bruce Wayne.

My cousin has finally found
some time in his schedule.

No more cancellations.

Uh, Jackie, tell the
restaurant to make sure that

the Mariachi band brings
an extra guitar for me.

And if it is not tuned,
so help me, God...

Don't worry. I'm sure that Bruce
Wayne is just as nervous as you are.

I'm not nervous. [SPITS]

Bad news, Teddy. Corporate called,

and they want you to redo those sketches

on the home security line.

[GROANS] Ah, those
sketches were perfect.

You know what, if I had your job,

I would tell Corporate to kiss my ass,

and if Van were here, I'd
tell him to kiss my ass too.

I am here.

Looking forward to getting to
work on those sketches, sir.

- Oh!
- Just so you know,

I'm taking a two-hour lunch break.

I would love to say yes,
but that's against the rules.

But it's an emergency!

There are some kids in
the park doing 'shrooms,

and I wanna dress in old-timey clothes

and pretend I'm a time
traveler to freak 'em out.

Yeah, that's not an emergency.

[LAUGHS] Um, obviously, you
have never seen a guy on 'shrooms

attack a convenience store
because Joan of Arc told him to.

Fine, take an extra half hour.

[GASPS] Oh, I am eternally
indebted to you, my lady.

As long as I work here,
I will never get her.

Do you want to?

Tighter, Dorothy!


Come on! [GRUNTS]

Oh, no, no, it's, uh, it's okay.

No, no, you know what? I didn't even

remember that we had plans, you know?

Bruce... yeah... okay, he hung up.

Um, you know, cancel the reservation.

Oh, honey, I never made it.

- Uh, you guys?

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

and girlfriend of Superman Lois Lane

- has been k*lled.
- Awesome!

We'll have more as details come in.

Let me show you something.


Crackpot scientists
and conspiracy theorists

both agree that Lois
Lane has died before,

but Superman flew
around the world so fast

that he turned back time to save her.

Pretty sure the science
doesn't check out on that.

Oh, I'm gonna thank you
in advance for saying that.

Oh, yes, the science totally checks out.

If a man could fly fast
enough around the Earth,

he would reverse its rotation,

and time would rewind,
like an old videotape.

And you know what this means?

Anything we do from now

until Superman turns
back time doesn't matter!

There's no consequences!



Ooh... [CHUCKLES]... okay.

Sorry, Steve, just
trying to prove a point.

Of course. Just happy to be included.


This is nuts. Why should
we believe that guy?

This just in.

Noble Prize-winning astrophysicist

Stephen Hawking has used
his motorized wheelchair

to push Neil deGrasse
Tyson into traffic.

Witnesses claim that just
before the senseless m*rder,

Hawking said,

"Die... you... hack."

- It's No Consequence day!
- Mm-hmm.




All right, get it over with.


Hi, Charm City Zoo?
How much to buy a lion?

Oh, I'm not a zoo myself. [CHUCKLES]

You don't need to know
what I'm gonna do with it!

Ron, I'm Postmating some foie graviar.

It's where they
force-feed a goose caviar.

You want me to get a second tub for ya?

Oh, sorry, buddy, but I'm on my way out.

You know I've always
wanted to own a pug,

but I never been able
to pull the trigger.

But today, caution to the wind.

- I'm getting a pug.
- [CHUCKLES] Suit yourself.

All right, Van, I'm drinking
the $900 Scotch in your office.

It does pair well with the foie graviar.

You know, the point of
this day is lost on me.

I already act on every impulse,

no matter how childish
or wanton it might be.

Oh, that reminds me.

That painting that you commissioned

with your head on Jason Momoa's body?

- It's here.
- Oh, goodie!


See? I want for nothing.

You still can't get Bruce
Wayne to have lunch with you.

- You're right,

and that is all that I want.

I'm gonna make Bruce Wayne pay for this.

Ah! And not in the way

that Waynes usually pay for
things, with money and jewels.

No, in a more threatening
kind of revenge way.

Jackie, ideas?

- Go [BLEEP] yourself.
- What?

I'm doing nothing today.

I'm going to sit and relax and
not lift a finger for my kid

or any of you other monsters.

Fine, I'll do this myself.

Ooh, and what's Ms. Moral
Compass gonna do today?

Return a library book a day late?

[GASPS] Buy a full-priced
item at Anthropologie.

Well, I'd really like
to get front-row seats

to that European alt-circus,
but it's $1,000, and...

Oh, my God, you're k*lling me.

You know what I am going
to do while I figure it out?

Eat a whole chocolate muffin by myself.


Do I wanna watch her die?

No. She'd be so squeaky.


- Excuse me?
- Uh-huh?

Are you in charge here?

I don't know. Do I look like an idiot?




Uh, subtle note of graphite.

I'm sorry, I was looking for Van.

Oh, Van's gone.

Wait, you're from Corporate, right?

I am.

I'm glad you're here,
because you can kiss my ass.

Excuse me? Who are you talking...

- Shut up.
- Okay.

Why would people want
a separate mobile device

to check their home security cameras

when they already have a phone, dummy?

That's why we sent you
a design for an app.

You're absolutely right.

I wanted to tell my boss the same thing,

but, I'm afraid of candor.

Hey, how'd you like to come
to this meeting we're having

and, um, tell him for me?

Uh, why not?

I like you. [CHUCKLES]

You're gonna do great. Come on.

Mmm... [GAGS]

All graphite.

I'll have a chocolate
muffin with all the gluten,

and, uh, you know, what the hell.

I will have a small... no,
grande latte with whole milk.

- Okay.
- Yeah, you heard me.

Ugh, you are bumming me out.

Here. Here's $1,000.

Go see your creepy Euro circus.

Oh, my God.

Wendy, where did you get all this money?

[WHISPERS] Did you steal it?

Yeah, I stole it from my drug dealer...

- But not before I bought this.

Wendy, we are in public.

[CHUCKLES] It doesn't
matter today, remember?

Or are you such a square,
you've never passed a dutchie?

Oh... [SCOFFS]... no,

I have gotten so high on marijuana.

It would just k*ll the buzz, you know,

to do it with all these nerds watching.



You know what, fine,

I will take a little hit of this...

Are you seriously smoking
marijuana in broad daylight?


And you just threw
it at a bunch of kids.

You're definitely under arrest.

Well, I went to the pet store,
but I just couldn't choose,

and countless Disney
films have taught me

it is wrong to break up a family.


I got all the pugs! [GIGGLES]

Ooh! Come here, guys.

Come to me.


Okay, let me introduce you to the squad.

We got Elvis Pugsley, Frederick Puglass,

Bone Pugs-N-Harmony, and of course,

Ron Jr.


[GASPS] Ooh! Jackie,
will you get Ron Jr.?

[SIGHS] This is my day, Ron.

I've decided not to
toilet-paper Bruce Wayne's house.

It's beneath me.

You couldn't figure out
where to buy toilet paper.

And they laughed at me when I asked!

I just need to find another
way to humiliate Bruce.

- Ron...

I'm going to need those puppies.

You're not gonna make a
coat out of them, are you?

Please, those aren't
coat-quality puppies.

How dare you!


Which brings me to the biggest
problem with this company,

you dildos.

- Mmm, what's your division?
- Investor Relations.

- Useless. You?
- Community Outreach.

Garbage words.

See, this is what I'm talking about.

Every time I make a product,

it has to be approved by
14 different divisions.

By the time it finally
comes out, it's obsolete.

Why are we letting some low-level...

- I have a question.
- Yes?

Where has Van been hiding you?

Uh, excuse me, Officer?

Hi, I am so sorry.

We... I have never
been in trouble before.

But Lois Lane died,

and Superman's going to rewind time.


So are we free to leave? [LAUGHS]

- Don't worry, I got this.

Hey, Officer, I think
we can clear this all up

if we just step into
that closet over there.

- Huh?

I wasn't gonna do you or anything.

I was just gonna bribe
you with this $1,000!

- Just stop.

This is what I get for
hanging out with you.

[SIGHS] I am so sick of
you judging me all the time.

"Wendy's weird. Wendy's a freak.

Wendy wears sweaters

that I could only dream of pulling off."

I'm not judging you.

What you do is objectively weird.

I've seen you comb your
hair with a handful of forks.


I mean, you just tried to
bribe a cop with stolen money.

You don't know me.

And I did not steal
that money. I'm rich.

My family owns Puanteur Cosmetics.

They operate the largest facility

for testing cosmetics on
chimpanzees in the world.

Wasn't that just named "Forbes'

Most Cartoonishly Evil Company of 2016"?

Mm-hmm, and that was before

they got into fracking and ivory.


I haven't spoken to them in eight years.

I wish I could say it
was because they're evil,

but really, it's because
they always thought

they were better than me, just like you.

[SIGHS] I do not...

Okay, maybe I do.

Look, I'm really sorry.

And you're right.

I could never pull off that sweater.

And I never realized
that about your family.

I'm even distantly related to Van.

I think that's why I
find him so attractive.

[WHISPERS] Our secret.



Just put it by the
window, boys. [LAUGHS]

I don't understand why Emily's
so stressed all the time.

Being the boss is easy.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Teddy.

- I'm his new secretary.
- That is I.

- Hello.

Oh, I was just thinking
the same thing, Ron Jr.

Since when does Teddy have a secretary?

Jackie, I need you to mail

this box of doggy
doo-doo to Bruce Wayne.

Go [BLEEP] yourself.

Fine, just tell me where
the square stickers are.

[SIGHS] They're called stamps, Van.

Yeah, um...

Siri, where are stamps?

Van, even if you send Bruce dog poo,

his butler is gonna open
it before he even sees it.

The only way that you're
gonna get satisfaction

is by calling him and telling him off.

You're right.

Well, I finally figured out
how to tell you guys apart.

Wait a minute.

Ron Jr., why are you wearing
Elvis Pugsley's shirt?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, you're a prankster.

Wait, you went to camp
at Lake Winniehaha?

I was at the rich camp, Camp Oso de Oro.

And we would sh**t crossbows at you.

- Oh, my God, that was you?
- [LAUGHS] Yeah.

You guys were cool.

I remember being so jealous,

because it seemed like you
did whatever you wanted.

Well, you could have too.

Yeah, but it always
seemed like there'd be c...


That's it.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

That we k*ll ourselves to see
what the afterlife is all about

before time goes back?

I was thinking we break out of here.

Oh, well, let's start with that,

and play it by ear.

Oh, boo-hoo. "My parents were m*rder*d,

and now I can't make
meaningful connections

with my family members."
You know something?

You are arrogant, and you're a D-bag!

- No.
- No, you...

Tell him what he means to you.

Yeah, you freakin' rule, man!

You do. I mean, you crush models,

and you drive really cool cars.

I've always looked up to
you ever since I was little.

You know, I don't even
think of you like a cousin.

I think of you as a cuz-bro.

You my cuz-bro.

I worship you,

and you treat me like
I don't even exist!

So go [BLEEP] yourself, you...

I did it!

Hurry, my friend is gonna
throw up from all the dr*gs.

- Please don't.

Ladies' room is down
the hall to the left.

We're breaking out of this joint!

- We know where you live.

Not after today, you won't!


Ooh! I'm stealing your donuts!

It's not a stereotype if it's true!

A shocking development.

We now go live to Lois Lane's funeral.

Wait, why is Superman at the funeral?

No, no, no, no, no,

he's supposed to be turning back time.

Superman appears to have brought a date.

The Man of Steel's eyes
are suspiciously dry,

as they lower Lois Lane's
casket into the ground.

You guys are in big trouble.

He's not turning back time?
Why did I listen to you people?

Of course he's not going back to save

his career woman girlfriend.

She's probably become too harsh,

because of having
ideas and her own money.

Do you understand what this means?

- I chewed out Bruce Wayne!
- [DING]

- This is too many pugs!
- [DING]

- I'm driving carpool.
- [DING]

I'm the boss! [LAUGHS]


- I am so ashamed.
- And you should be, young lady.

All I wanted was one day to myself,

but instead, I had to
bail you two out of jail.

Bruce didn't hear any of that, right?

I'll tell him that I was on a prank show

called "Go [BLEEP] Yourself."

That's it. Jackie, make that show.

All right, you gotta do it now.

Everything is real!

Everything is real.

And where do we think we're going?

My office.

What the hell?

I'm sorry, but that's
Teddy Ramanujan's office.

Oh, my God, it's already starting.

That's his last name?

Well, I've got Bone-N-Pugs,

but Harmony's nowhere to be found.

[SHUSHES] How does Emily do this?

This is the third conference
call I've been on today.

[LAUGHS] I'd like to start the call off

by not thanking you
for these BS reports.

Hey, Teddy, super excited
to have you dig in.

Holy crap.

That's all for Corporate restructuring?

Oh, no, that's Emily
Locke's normal workload.

- The new work's coming later.

Wait, why am I doing Emily's work?

You told us that your department sucked,

and that she could kiss your ass?

Since you're so candid, you'll
take care of firing her, right?

Oh, there you are, Harmony!

Oh, no, I've lost Bone-N-Pugs.



It's been two hours. I've heard nothing.

Maybe he wasn't even listening to me.

I don't listen to me beneath
me when they say stuff.

You know what, I'm just never
gonna answer my phone again.

That way he can't get to me!



Van Wayne, Bruce Wayne would
like to see you in Gotham.

- Oh...
- Face time with the big guy.


This is what you've always wanted.


I'm, uh, coming!


I can't vote, I can't serve on a jury.

[SIGHS] I'll never be
elected PTA President

when I have a child, if
a man will even have me.

What the hell are you doing?

Getting blasted at
work, because who cares?

Okay, that's ginger
beer. It's non-alcoholic.

There's still a lot
of sugar in it, though.

First of all, you are a petite

Caucasian-enough woman with no priors.

You'd be fine, but I fixed it.

You don't have a
criminal record anymore.

- Happy now?
- Wait, how?

I called my fancy family.

They pulled some strings and
made the charges disappear.

You called your family
that you hate for me?

Well, you were so upset,

and it seemed like we
were almost friends,

which I didn't totally hate,

and I guess I'm sorry.

No, I'm the one who should be sorry.

The truth is...

I'm really glad we got to
have an adventure together.


- What was that?
- Amazing news.

The Superman who came
to Lois Lane's funeral

was a shape-shifter.

The real Man of Steel just escaped

from a secret prison in
Bialya made of kryptonite.

You know, for a rare mineral

that comes from a long-destroyed planet,

people sure do find a lot of that stuff.

- Hmm.
- Emily.

I was gonna fire you, but I can't.

I never realized how hard your job was.

I am never ever going to complain again.


- Was that Superman?
- Oh, no, my babies!

Remember my face, Ron Jr.

Hey! Hey, everybody!

[CHUCKLES] Bruce Wayne
was not upset with me.

In fact, he was impressed
that I stood up to him.

He said he didn't know I had a backbone.

- But you don't.
- Hmm.

Yeah, but he doesn't know that.

And from now on, I will,
because Bruce likes it.

But that isn't even the
most impressive part.

I was wandering around,
lost in Wayne Manor.

I was looking for a bathroom.
I found myself in this library.

You know how much books make me angry.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

So I knocked over this bust,

and you will never believe what I found.

The Batcave.

I found The Batcave.

Bruce Wayne is Batman!

ALL: What?






[GROANS] Ah, those
sketches were perfect.

If I had your job,

I would tell Corporate to kiss my ass,

and if Van were here, I'd
tell him to kiss my ass too.

I am here.

Looking forward to getting to
work on those sketches, sir.

Just so you know, I'm taking
a two-hour lunch break.

I would love to say yes, but...


- Yes?
- Why don't I come with you?

We never get a chance
to hang out together.

Um, okay,

but I'm gonna go scare
drugged-up teens in the park.

That sounds fun.

Who are you?

I'm not sure, but let's go.

Jackie, tell Van we're
taking a long lunch.

Oh, yeah, because I live to serve.

You know what, I didn't even remember

that we had plans, Bruce. Yeah?

Oh, okay, he hung up.

Jackie, cancel the reservation.

Oh, honey, I never made it.

Did Emily just go somewhere
with Wendy willingly?

Weird, right?


Where'd you come from, little buddy?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, you're so cute.


Ron Jr.?



Ha, that's funny.