18x02 - The Leisure Hive - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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18x02 - The Leisure Hive - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Episode 2

Original Air Date: 6th September, 1980
6:20pm - 6:45pm

ROMANA: Doctor!

BROCK: There's one of them!

ROMANA: Help me! The Doctor's in there.

PANGOL: How did he activate it from inside?

ROMANA: Get him out of there.

PANGOL: It's jammed!

ROMANA: Switch off the power.

PANGOL: I can't!

ROMANA: There must be something we can do.

DOCTOR: Well, you could try shorting the servo lock on the door.

PANGOL: Of course.

DOCTOR: Well, it's just a thought. Something wrong?

TANNOY: Attention. Earth shuttle arriving. Earth shuttle arriving.

TANNOY: Earth Scientist Hardin to the boardroom. Earth Scientist Hardin to the boardroom.

DOCTOR: Handsome fellow, isn't he? One of your tachyon images. It'll disappear soon, look.


PANGOL: How did you get out?

DOCTOR: Through a hole in the back.

PANGOL: But there isn't one.

DOCTOR: There is now.

DOCTOR: You see, a common fault with tachyon particles is that they can induce a certain temporal instability in surrounding matter.

DOCTOR: What can I do for you?

DOCTOR (hologram): Come on, Romana, quick.

MINA: Have you ever seen him before, Hardin?

HARDIN: No, Madam Chairman.

MINA: Such formality.

HARDIN: I must respect your new position. Not that I, er, that there was ever

MINA: Not that there was ever any disrespect. For all your genius, Hardin, you're young. But you're right. My new responsibilities will put a distance between us. This scientist seems to understand tachyonics to a very advanced level. He's mentioned temporal instability. How much does he know?

HARDIN: I'll have to question him. Of course, he may be useful.

MINA: Useful?

HARDIN: If he has a genuine understanding of the instability.

MINA: But the work's done, the problem's solved, thanks to you.

HARDIN: Well, there may be certain adjustments on the full-scale run with the Generator.

MINA: But you said at our very first meeting that the problems were solved.

HARDIN: Yes, Madam Chairman. I merely suggest

MINA: Ah. Where do you come from?

DOCTOR: Gallifrey?

MINA: I've never heard of it.

DOCTOR: Well, it's just an obscure little planet in the constellation of Kasterborous and we're overdue. I think we should be on our way.

MINA: Wait. Have you ever experimented with time?

DOCTOR: Well, yes, but in a purely academic way of no interest to anyone.

MINA: Earth Visitor Hardin thinks that you might be able to help with his experiments.

DOCTOR: Well, I'd like to

ROMANA: Gallifrey abandoned tachyonics when we developed warp matrix engineering.

DOCTOR: Yes, there you are, so sorry.

HARDIN: You saw the time experiment?

DOCTOR: Well, just a glimpse.

ROMANA: I assumed it was based on negative tachyon displacement, didn't you?

MINA: I'd like you both to take another look at those experiments.

ROMANA: Then can we go?

MINA: We are a peaceful people, but you are unidentified visitors. Our decision will depend on your conduct.

DOCTOR: All right, but we'd better rerun the experiment, don't you think, Mister Hardin?

ROMANA: It's beautiful.

DOCTOR: Yes. Radon 222 decays rapidly.

MINA: But not the heavy metal dust. It won't be habitable for three centuries.

DOCTOR: Really? Why, how long did the w*r last?

MINA: Twenty minutes.

DOCTOR: As long as that.

MINA: Now you understand the purpose of the Hive.

ROMANA: To keep out the atmosphere.

MINA: The physical reason, yes, but the purpose is to promote understanding between life forms of all culture and genetic type. There must be no more such wars.

DOCTOR: So it's not just a recreation centre.

MINA: Even the games in our Experiential Grid explore alien environments. Each race learns to understand what it is like to be the foreigner.

ROMANA: Like learning a language.

MINA: Language and thought. Let me show you the grid.

MINA: This simulation is a high gravity planet with a life form

MINA: Oh, no, not again. This is intolerable.

ROMANA: What happened?

MINA: Interfibral malfunction. A line's gone down. So many faults, accidents, the death this morning.

DOCTOR: Do you think the Hive's being interfered with?

MINA: The fibreoptic transmission system has a mean time between failure of two thousand years.

DOCTOR: We could do with that in the TARDIS.

MINA: It's far in excess of our own needs.

ROMANA: Future generations will appreciate it.

MINA: The few of us who survived the w*r have our own price to pay. There will be no future generations.

VARGOS (OOV.): The transmission fault has been identified, Madam Chairman.

MINA: Show me.

ROMANA: Does she mean they're sterile?

DOCTOR: Yes. This Leisure Hive is the Argolin farewell gesture.

DOCTOR: What is it?

MINA: Please don't worry. This is quite normal.

DOCTOR: Normal? But you're ill.

MINA: I'll recover in a moment.

ROMANA: But you look older.

DOCTOR: Shush.

MINA: Yes. The w*r has done this to us, too. A slow, steady metabolism for most of our lives and then. This has come to me sooner than I thought.

BROCK: But don't you see, Hardin? This idea of yours could be the saving of the Hive.

HARDIN: It'll give the Argolins a few more years to live. Perhaps

BROCK: Secondly, think of the impact on the visitors. At the moment this Experiential Grid leaves them older and wiser, but with this they could go home younger and wiser.

HARDIN: Look, I cannot demonstrate it now!

BROCK: Is something wrong?

HARDIN: No. No, it takes time.

BROCK: Oh, it's a time experiment. We'll be back.

STIMSON: Don't lose your nerve, Hardin. We can work it.

HARDIN: Why did I ever let you talk me into faking this in the first place?

STIMSON: Fake? It's a breakthrough in tachyon technology. Your dreams come true.

HARDIN: Success was so close.

STIMSON: It still is, if you don't panic.

HARDIN: But this isn't science.

STIMSON: While you're operating on my funds you'll do it my way. Proceed as planned.

HARDIN: I can't. Mena wants to bring in the Doctor.

STIMSON: What? You blind idiot.

HARDIN: Well, don't you see? These people could have the answer.

STIMSON: But if they find this is a fake, we're ruined.

HARDIN: All right, all right, I'll find a way. I'll persuade Mena not to let them in here.

STIMSON: Get them to stay out there and watch on the viewer.

HARDIN: All right.

MENA: Are the preparations complete?

HARDIN: Soon, Madam Chairman.

DOCTOR: Is that a Schrödinger oscillator?

HARDIN: Stay back.


HARDIN: There's a question of radiation hazard.

DOCTOR: Oh, really.

HARDIN: (quietly to Stimson) We've got to make this work. Can't you see what's happening?

STIMSON: Surely that's not the woman we saw on Earth?


MENA: When will it be ready, Mister Hardin?

HARDIN: Soon, Madam Chairman. The er, the adjustments have to be exact.

STIMSON: You'll all get a better view, you know, from up top.

ROMANA: Can I help you, Mister Hardin? Thank you.

ROMANA: Now, this is a wafer wave inducer, is it?

HARDIN: Yes, it feeds direct from the tachyon drive.

ROMANA: And what do you do for inversion?

HARDIN: It doesn't invert. The divider circuit automatically dephases. Mena's dying, and nothing can stop that cellular degeneration once it starts.

ROMANA: This could. Come on, Hardin. How do you lock the phase?

HARDIN: I can't. It doesn't. It doesn't really work, you know.

VARGOS: Can I help you, Mister Stimson?

STIMSON: It's imperative that I leave for Earth immediately.

VARGOS: Ah. All the shuttles are fully booked, unless you can obtain a special clearance from one of the directors.

STIMSON: Thank you.

STIMSON: Mister Brock? Mister Brock.

STIMSON: Anyone there?


ROMANA: Switch on.

HARDIN: Right.

ROMANA: Hold it there.

HARDIN: Stasis.

ROMANA: Looks like it.

HARDIN: We've brought time to a stop.

ROMANA: But can we wind time back, return the sand to where it was before it fell?

HARDIN: I just don't get this. In theory it should be functioning perfectly.

ROMANA: We'll just have to check it all again. That's one thing I've learnt from the Doctor. Where is he, by the way?

COMPUTER: Override failsafe. Override failsafe. Eliminate intruder. Eliminate intruder.

DOCTOR: Ah, so that's how it's done.

BROCK: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh, thank you, thank you.

BROCK: This is your scarf, isn't it, Doctor?


PANGOL: The m*rder*r.

BROCK: His scarf k*lled Stimson.

DOCTOR: Arrest the scarf, then.

MENA: The court is sitting, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry.

MENA: The court, Doctor.

MENA: We Argolins have a sacred reminder of the evil that dwells in v*olence. The Helmet of Theron, who led Argolis into the w*r that wiped it out. Can you swear your innocence before the Helmet of Theron?


MENA: Let me hear the facts of the case.

ROMANA: Ready?

HARDIN: Ready.

ROMANA: Start the recording now.

HARDIN: Recorder running.

ROMANA: Increase the power slowly. We don't want a sudden surge to blow everything to bits.

HARDIN: Four hundred and twenty five. Increasing. Four hundred and twenty nine. Four hundred and thirty one. Stable at four hundred and thirty five.

ROMANA: Nothing. Increase the power.

HARDIN: It's not going to work, I know it.

ROMANA: That's an unnecessary assumption. We must keep trying.

HARDIN: Yes, you're right. We must keep trying. Four hundred and forty eight. Stable at four hundred and forty eight.

ROMANA: Try four hundred and fifty.

HARDIN: Stable at four hundred and fifty.

ROMANA: Nothing. Wait a minute.

ROMANA: Yes! Yes!

HARDIN: We've done it!

ROMANA: Come on.

BROCK: And those are the facts, Madam Chairman.

MENA: Does that conclude the evidence?

DOCTOR: Evidence? Evidence? You couldn't hang a hat on that.

MENA: I'm the judge here, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry.

BROCK: A m*rder has been committed and the m*rder*r must be found.

MENA: Justice is what matters.

PANGOL: When Theron was in doubt he threw a man into fire or water. Let the elements try him.

MENA: These superstitions are not for us, Pangol.

DOCTOR: I've got an idea. There's a sort of blue box down the hall. You could imprison us both in that.

HARDIN: Mena, er, Madam Chairman. It works.

MENA: What?

HARDIN: Romana has solved the wave equations in all four dimensions.

MENA: You mean you really can rejuvenate?

ROMANA: Probably.

MENA: Then I'm prepared.

HARDIN: No. No, there must be one more test.

PANGOL: A test.

DOCTOR: Are you sure about this, Romana?

ROMANA: According to our calculations, the most it'll do is knock off ten or twelve years.

DOCTOR: Right. Then I'll take my chance.

ROMANA: We should be recording this.

HARDIN: Yes, of course. I forgot to switch it through from the lab.

ROMANA: You'll be needed here.

MENA: Think what this will mean to the Argolin.

PANGOL: A few years gain for an individual, perhaps.

BROCK: We're ready, then?

HARDIN: I'll start the warm-up now.

ROMANA: Doctor?

ROMANA: Stop! Stop. We forgot about something.

HARDIN: What? It's too late.

ROMANA: Get the Doctor out of there!

HARDIN: I can't.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Adrienne Corri

Laurence Payne

John Collin

David Haig

Nigel Lambert

Martin Fisk

Roy Montague

Ian Talbot

Voice of Tannoy
Harriet Reynolds

David Allister

Voice of Generator
Clifford Norgate

Andrew Lane

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

June Hudson

Tom Yardley-Jones

Executive Producer
Barry Letts

Film Cameraman
Keith Barton

Film Editor
Chris Wimble

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Dorka Nieradzik

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Romey Allison

Production Unit Manager
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Christopher H. Bidmead

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Duncan Brown

Studio Sound
John Howell

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Andrew Lazell
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