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04x09 - Beyond the Wilds

Posted: 10/31/21 04:20
by bunniefuu
- Earth.




Only the avatar can
master all four elements

And bring balance to the world.

- Korra is safely back
in republic city,

But bolin and varrick
are still on the lam.

Weeks ago, korra removed

The remaining poison
from her body,

But the memory of zaheer's
attack still torments her.

And after being
defeated by kuvira,

She questions if she
will ever fully recover.

Meanwhile, kuvira has been

Secretly harvesting spirit
vines from the swamp.

But how close is she

To completing her
spirit energy w*apon?

- Everyone, mom, can we
stay together, please?

The tour's about to begin.

- That's my boy... Ryu.

He used to live in the basement,

But then he got airbending,
and he's been doing

Important air nation stuff
all over the world.

His father and I are
here visiting him,

And we're just having the
best time in the big city.

We're so proud, right, honey?

- At least he has a job now.

- Mom, dad, I'm trying to work.

Fun fact, everyone:

All these vines were
created by unavaatu

When he battled
giant spirit korra

For the fate of the world.

- Excuse me.

Are we in the spirit
world right now?


- Is the spirit world
in the ground below us?

- No, can I just get
through my cards?

- Oh, honey, don't
get flustered.

- I'm not!

- Uh, why is that vine
coming toward us?

- Uh, I don't see anything
about that on the cards.

- I'm gonna poke
it with a stick.

- No! Why would you do that?


Oh! Oh!

- Everyone back!

- This tour is exciting!

Isn't he the best
airbender ever...


- Everything okay?

- No, kuvira has my family,

And no one seems to care but me.

- We all care.

Don't worry. We'll get
them back safely.

- Guys, there you are!

I just felt a weird surge
of spiritual energy

Coming from the spirit wilds.

Something's wrong.

- Are you sure you
felt a disturbance?

Maybe you just had some
bad food for breakfast.

- I'm telling you. I felt it.

Maybe something happened
to ryu's tour group.

We should've run
into them by now.

- Yeah, but it's ryu.

They might be at the
mall for all we know.

- Korra, can't you feel how
strange the energy is?

- No, but...

Maybe I can get a reading.

♪ ♪

- Korra, what is it?
Are you okay?

- It was kuvira.

I saw her taking vines
from the swamp.

It must be affecting
our spirit wilds.

I bet that's what you
were sensing, jinora.

- Why is she taking vines?

- Whatever the reason,
I'm sure it's not good.

- We have to tell raiko.

This might help him
convince the other leaders

To finally take her down.

- I'll keep looking for
ryu and the others.

- I say we deal with this
kuvira situation immediately.

- Yes! Agreed!

And I know just how
to get rid of her:

We tell her she won an
all-expense-paid vacation

To a tropical island.

Then when she gets there,

We reveal it was a trap...

The island's a prison!

Boom! Got her!

Or, okay, uh, I'm just
spitballing here.

We March in with an army of
highly trained badgermoles!

Do we know if kuvira
has any allergies?

- Look, I think we all
know what must be done.

We take the fight to her.

- I don't believe attacking
is the right move,

Since she hasn't done
anything aggressive

Toward the united republic.

- Not yet.

But kuvira can't be trusted.

She told us that

She was going to
turn over power,

And she didn't.

I'm with raiko.

I say we go on the offensive

And start by retaking zaofu.

- President raiko, I'm
sorry to interrupt, but...

What's going on here?

- Oh, hey, avatar korra.

Just kickin' it
world leader style,

Trying to figure out
what to do about kuvira.

For the record, I told raiko
he should've invited you.

- You invited him but not me?

- Please, korra,
it's not personal.

We just thought perhaps

We called you back into
action a little too soon.

- Again... Him, not me?

- Korra, we're in the
middle of a meeting,

And we can't have
people just barge in

Whenever they want!

- Guys!

Oh, perfect! You're all here!


- What are you doing here?

Guards, remove these traitors!

- No!

We escaped kuvira's army!

We're back on your side now!

We have top secret
information for you!

- Okay, I guess we should
have opened with that line.

- Listen to me.

Kuvira is making this
thing that goes...

I don't know how it
works, but it has this...

- It's a super w*apon!

Like a regular
w*apon, only super!

- And let me guess.

It has something to
do with spirit vines.

- Yes! How did you know?

- I saw a vision of her

Taking spirit vines
from the swamp.

- If she figures out how
to harness their power,

We are all doomed.

- She might use the w*apon
to attack republic city.

The only way to
protect ourselves

Is with a preemptive strike.

- My airbenders won't be part
of an unprovoked attack.

- Neither will the fire nation.

- But, fire lord izumi,

Kuvira is a threat to the world.

She has to be stopped!

- The fire nation has spent
too much of its history

Fighting nonsense wars,

And I refuse to drag my
nation into another one

Unless there's no other choice.

If you attack kuvira, you'll
do it without my army.

- Fine.

I'll hold off any
plans of attack.

We'll go on the defensive

And fortify security
on the borders.

- In that, you'll have my help.

- Opal, wait! Please.

I just want to say that
I'm sorry for everything.

- I'm glad you're okay,

But it's a little
late for sorry.

- I know. I know.

I didn't listen to you,

And I sided with kuvira,

And I helped her take
over the earth kingdom

And topple your home and
get your mom captured

And your brothers
and your dad...

Wow, that does sound really bad

When I say it out
loud like that.

But I'm gonna make it up to you.

- Pardon me, lovebirds,

But I need a word with opal.


I'm sorry, kid, but
raiko couldn't convince

The other leaders
to attack kuvira.

- So our family...

- Looks like we're going to
have to save them ourselves.

- Don't you think
some other people

Would agree to go with us?

- This is an unsanctioned

And dangerous mission

Into enemy territory.

We can't ask other people

To risk their necks
for our family.

If we want to break them out,

We'll have to do it alone.

- Bolin, I'm so
glad you're back.

I was worried about you.

- We all were.

- Thanks, guys.

Mako, I'm so sorry about
the way we left things.

I'm such an idiot.

You tried to warn
me about kuvira,

And I ran off anyway,
like an idiot.

You were right, and
I'm just an idiot.

I hope that I'll be able
to earn your trust again.

- If anyone has lost
people's trust, it's me.

Ever since kuvira
kicked my butt,

No one even wants me around.

- We want you around.

And, bolin, you're not an idiot.

You were just doing what
you thought was right.

- Aw, I love you guys.

And I really want to hug again.

♪ ♪




Korra! The vines!

They're taking me!


- Get everyone out of here!

Put up a perimeter.

Cancel all tours.

Somebody get a hold of tenzin.

- We got to get in
there and find jinora.

- I don't think anyone should
be going in there right now.

- I know I'm not the old
avatar I used to be,

But I can do this.

Be careful.

- Jinora!

- Hello? Anyone?

Wait. Do you hear that?

Oh! Oh!

- Come on!

- Korra, look.

What are those?

- It's jinora and
the rest of them.

Their spirits are trapped
in the spirit world.

- Let's get them out.

- Don't!

You'll provoke the vines.

Let me try.

They won't open.

Maybe if I meditate
into the spirit world,

I can free them.


This isn't the spirit world.



- You can't fight
me and the poison.

- No, I got it out.

- You'll never get it out!

- Korra, what's wrong?

- It's zaheer.

- What are you talking about?

- He's been haunting me
ever since I fought him.

I can't get any peace.

It's like he's blocking me

From meditating into
the spirit world.

- I'm here for you.

What do you need?

- I want to face zaheer.

- Korra, he's too dangerous.

Even when he's locked up,
he can't be trusted.

- I need to if I
want to save jinora

And the others;
There's no other way.

- There is another way.

I'm calling your father.

He can lead an expedition
into the spirit world

From the southern portal.

- You've lost faith in
me too, haven't you?

No one thinks I'm capable
of anything anymore.

- It's not that at all.

- I know I can do this.

- I'm just so
worried for jinora.

I can't imagine if something
happened to you too.

- Tenzin, please...

I'll be okay.

- Zaheer's imprisoned
deep in the mountains

Outside the city.

I'll call raiko and
get the clearance.

- Thank you.

- Pab-pabs, where are you?

- Pabu!

Oh, I missed you so much!

So I don't know if you've heard,

But opal's kind of mad at me.

I was hoping you could
help me win her back.

- Awesome! Yes, I have an idea.

- Hello, pabu.

Well, it's good to see you too.

What do you got there?

- Opal, you made it.

- What's this?

- A picnic, just
for the two of us.

Well, three of us. Sorry, pabs.

- So this note pabu brought me

Saying you broke
both of your legs

Was just a ruse?

- Maybe...

But now that you're here,

Don't you want to
just sit back, relax,

Try some of my
homemade steam buns...

Pema's recipe...

And watch pabu do some of his

World famous backflips
for entertainment?


- Oh, steam buns... My favorite.

This will totally make me forget
that you worked for kuvira,

The person who
captured my family

And is probably torturing
them right now.

So, yeah, let's just sit down

And have a great picnic
because we're so in love!

I'm sorry you had
to see that, pabu.

- Thank you both for coming.

- It's nice to be welcomed
back with open arms.

- Actually, I brought you
here out of necessity.

It's no secret I
never liked you,

Especially after you tried
to have me kidnapped.

- Allegedly.


Everything you do
is "allegedly,"

Like when you took
over my company

And bombed the southern water
tribe cultural center.

- I own that building!

A man has the right to
blow up his own property!

- Right now, I need you to
put aside your differences.

If kuvira really is
creating a super w*apon,

We're going to need the
two brightest minds

In the city working
together to stop it.

- What do you say, asami?

Partners again?

- Fine. I'll help.

But don't even think about
double-crossing me again.

- Ow... Uh-huh.

- Are you sure you're
ready for this?

- Yes.

I think if I see
zaheer chained up,

I'll finally realize that
he's not a threat anymore.

- Approach the wall.

- No.

I need to do this alone.

- I figured you would
show up sooner or later.

- So...

You must really be in trouble

If you came all the way
down here to see me.

- I came here to
look you in the eye

And tell you that you
have no power over me.

I will no longer
be scared of you.

I guess it didn't work.

You still seem scared.

- This was a mistake.

- I know why you're here.

- You don't know
anything about me!

- You can't go into
the spirit world.

I spend most of my time
in the spirit world,

And it's well-known that
the avatar's spirit

Hasn't been there
for a few years.

- You can meditate into the
spirit world from here?

Doesn't feel very
spiritually charged.

- This is your problem.

Republic city is flowing
with spiritual energy,

And you can't even tap into it.

- No, my problem is you.

You poisoned me!

You ruined me!

People used to think
I was unstoppable,

But now they don't think
I'm capable of anything!

- Blaming me is a crutch
to make you feel better,

But it's not helping
you recover.

- I thought seeing
you face-to-face

Would put an end to all of this,

But maybe it's time I realize
I'll never be the same.

- Neither of us are
the same as before.

I learned to fly, but now
I'm bound in chains.

You have all the
power in the world

And the freedom to use it,

But you choose to
hold yourself down.

- I'm not holding myself down,

But my powers have limits.

- You're wrong.

That poison should've
k*lled you,

But you were able
to fight it off.

You think your power has limits;

I say it's limitless.

- Whatever.

Before, you were always talking
about chaos and freedom.

Then you took out
the earth queen

And created the worst dictator

The earth kingdom has ever seen.

Thanks for that.

- I've heard rumors about her,

But I didn't know she
achieved so much power.

She needs to be stopped.

- Well, I can't stop her
unless I get over this block.

- I think I can help.

Let me lead you into
the spirit world.

- No way.

I can't trust you.

- Maybe not.

But if you had any
other options,

You wouldn't be here
now, would you?

We may have been enemies once,

But for now, our
interests align.

- I've come this far.

What have I got to lose?

- Focus on the
sound of my voice,

And clear your mind.

- Let it play out.

- I can't!

- You can.

Accept what happened to you.

Don't fear what might have been.

- I have no control!

- Don't be afraid.

Hold on.

I made it...

And you led me here.

Do you know where jinora
and the others are?

- No, but you do.

- Raava, I missed you.

Where have you been?

- I have always
been inside of you.

- Can you help me find jinora?

How do I release their spirits?

- You must bend the
energy within.

- But I'm powerless
in the spirit world.

- No. You're most powerful here.

In the spirit world,

You're connected to all
the spiritual energy.

♪ ♪

- Uh...

I feel all spirity.


- I'm so glad you're safe.

What happened?

How did you get out?

- Korra saved us.

- So...

How are you doing?

- I feel whole again.

I feel good.

- Do you think
you're finally able

To forget about what
zaheer did to you?

- No.

But I am finally able to
accept what happened,

And I think that's gonna
make me stronger.

- Where are you going?

- We've got some family
business to take care of.

- All right, listen,
before you go,

I just want to tell you that
I understand how you feel.

I know there's
nothing I could do

Or no big gesture that can
make up for all my mistakes,

But that doesn't mean

I'm gonna stop trying
to win you back,


I love you.

- Thanks for saying all of that.

You know, there is one thing
you could do to win me back.

- What is it? Yes,
I'll do anything!

- Come on a secret
mission with us.

- Where to?
- Zaofu.

We're going to rescue my family.