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04x07 - Reunion

Posted: 10/31/21 04:18
by bunniefuu
- Earth.




Only the avatar can
master all four elements

And bring balance to the world.

- Kuvira has defeated the avatar

And now controls the
entire earth empire.

Luckily, the airbender kids
and opal rescued korra

And escaped zaofu.

For the first time
in three years,

Korra will finally be
back in republic city.

Meanwhile, varrick and bolin
escaped from baatar jr.

And are on the run.

But will they make it
back to the city in time

To warn everyone about kuvira's
new spirit energy super w*apon?

- Naga!

I missed you so much, girl.

- Mom! Dad! We're back!

And we got korra!

- Well, aren't you a
sight for sore eyes.

Bum-ju and I sure missed you.

- It's so great to
see you again, bumi.

And you too, bum-j...

- Well done, kids.

I'm proud of you all
for finding korra.

- Proud enough to
get me my tats?

- No.

Welcome home.

- I missed you, tenzin.

- Now, I hate to get
right down to business,

But I want to hear what
happened in zaofu.

- Way to ruin the moment.

- Kuvira's whole army was there.

She captured mom,
dad, and my brothers.

- I thought I was strong
enough to stop her.

I feel like such a failure.

- No one expected you to
handle kuvira on your own.

It's up to all of us to find
a way to deal with her.

We're just glad
to have you back.

- Where's bolin?

He's not still on
kuvira's side, is he?

- I can't believe he
would stay with her

After what she did to my family.

But we don't know where he is.

How about you use your
own legs for a while?

- You know, when I fled
republic city with zhu li,

She carried me twenty
miles in one day.

And that was after she
sprained her ankle.

- Well, zhu li's not here, okay?

- That's fine.

Leave me here. Let the
worms gobble me up.

- I deserve it.
- No way, mister.

You're not getting
off that easily.

You're responsible for that
w*apon kuvira's trying to make.

Which, may I remind you,
could hurt a lot of people.

- No, don't remind me!

I know, I'm a horrible,
horrible person.

- Okay, look,

Kuvira fooled us both
into doing her dirty work

And I'm not happy
about it either.

But you know how we're gonna
make it up to the world?

By getting back to republic city

And warning everyone
what she's up to.

So I want you to take my hand,

And March with me
out of this forest!

- You really have a
way with words, kid.

No wonder I made
you a mover star.

All right, I'll take the
driver's seat for a while.

Hop on.


My feet could use a break.

Okay. Oh, boy.

Here we go.

- Ah!
- Oh!

- Are you kidding me?

- I hope you haven't
been waiting long.

- Only three years.

It's so good to see you again.

- You too.

- And I'm loving the hair.

- Thanks. You're looking
snazzy as always.

- Come on, mako got us a
table at the restaurant.

- Korra!

- Hi, mako.

- Hello there, prince wu,

Rightful heir to the throne,
and this guy's boss.

I bet he's told you
a lot about me.

- Nope. Not a thing.

- Then we have so
much to talk about.

You are going to
love the food here.

I know the chef personally.

Let's start with a round of
your spicy octopus fritters.

And keep the cucumber-aloe
water flowing.

Got to keep this
princely skin hydrated.

- I thought it was just going
to be the three of us.

- Sorry, I couldn't ditch him.

But he promised to be
on his best behavior.

- Hey, pop into the
avatar state for me.

I want to see your eyes glow.

- What? No.

- So can you go into the
avatar state again?

I was worried when you
told me you couldn't.

- Wait.

When did she tell
you she couldn't?

What's going on with you two?

- I wrote to asami
while I was away.

I asked her not to tell you.
I'm sorry.

- Well, why didn't you
ever write to me?

Or bolin?

- I don't know.

I guess I didn't
know what to say.

- A "hello" would
have been nice.

- Mako, if it makes
you feel any better,

She didn't write me either.

- Why would she...

never mind.

- I'm sorry I didn't stay
in touch, but I'm back now.

And I want to know everything

About what's been going
on with you two.

- Well, I kind of
have some big news.

I went to visit my father
for the first time.

He'd been writing me letters

And I guess I finally felt
ready to try and forgive him.

- You sure you can trust him?

He might just be
manipulating you again.

- You think I don't know what
my own father is capable of?

- No. No, I didn't mean...

- You don't get to
disappear for three years

And then act like you
know what's best for me.

- It's not like I planned
to be gone that long.

I wanted to come back, but I
never felt ready until now.

- As much as I'm enjoying
this little catch-up,

My royal bladder is
about to explode.


Come on, I need you
to stand guard.

- I'm not gonna hold your hand

Every time you have to
empty your royal bladder.

Go to the bathroom on
your own for once.

- Fine.

- Do you always go to
the bathroom with him?

- I don't go "with
him" with him.

I just stand there in the
general vicinity while he...

I don't want to talk about it.

- Good afternoon, sir.

Perhaps a spritz of
cologne to freshen up?

- Make it a double, buddy.

Mako, help!

Wu down.

Wu... Down.

I wish pabu were here.

He could just chew
us out of this.

- You know who else has
incisors sharp as a knife?

Zhu li.

- Well, look what we caught.

Wonder if they were tracking
us after we escaped.

- Hello, fellow travelers!

I don't suppose you could
help us out of this net?

- Why would we free a couple of
lowly earth empire soldiers?

- Lowly?

We were part of
kuvira's inner circle!

- Were! Not anymore.

We jumped ship. Please
just let us out.

- I think I know just what to do

With a couple of
kuvira's top men.


- Ahh!

- I wonder what's
taking wu so long.

He's not one to
miss out on lunch.

I'll go check on him.

Wu, you in here?

Come on, your octopus
fritters are getting cold.

- I'll be right back.

Excuse me, did you happen to see
if prince wu came out this way?

- Sorry, miss. Haven't seen him.

- Hmm. I'm in laundry.

- Ah!

They've got wu!

Get the car, I'm
going after them.

- Get in.

- Ah!
- Ah!

We're losing them.

- Hang a right at
the next block.

We can cut them off on seventh.

You missed the turn!
Where are you going?

- I know these streets
better than you.

I built some of them.

- What are you doing? Sit down.

- Where is he?

- Whoa!

- Wu's not here.

This guy was the only
one in the truck.

- Where's the prince?

- Halfway to kuvira by now.

All hail the great uniter.

- They must have moved wu
to a different vehicle

When we lost sight of them.

- Take this guy in for booking.

Charge him with kidnapping.

And tell chief beifong
that prince wu is missing.

Put out an all points bulletin.

We'll keep looking.

- Where do we start?

There are thousands
of cars in the city

And he could be in
any one of them.

- Or they might try smuggling
him out on an airship.

- Or maybe a boat.

- He could be anywhere!

The one time I don't watch him
pee and this is what happens.

- They're taking wu
to the train station!

- Are you sure? How do you know?

- I'll explain on the
way, just drive!

We're running out of time!

- So how did a bunch of
water and fire benders

End up in one of kuvira's
reeducation camps?

- Call it what it is...
A prison.

- Kuvira's been purging
states of anyone

Who's not of earth kingdom
origin and locking them up.

- Purging?

- What are you acting
so surprised for?

You must have known
what she was up to,

Being part of her
"inner circle" and all.

- No, I swear.

And the inner circle thing
lasted, like, less than a day.

- Will you at least tell
us where you're taking us?

- The border checkpoint.

You're gonna help us
talk our way past

Some earth empire soldiers.

- And once we're through,

We'll see about letting you go.

- Ha ha!

Lava time! Bet you
didn't expect that!

- Look, I'm sorry for what
happened to all of you,

But as I've been
trying to explain,

We don't work for
kuvira anymore.

- Yeah, if our handsome
mugs get recognized

Trying to go through
that checkpoint,

We're goners!

- If you really are fugitives,
you better listen up.

We've been scouting
this region for days.

There's a wall stretching
along the entire border

And patrols guarding
every part of it.

That checkpoint is
our only way out.

- It's not worth
the risk, baraz.

How do we know they
won't turn us in?

- If he wanted us gone,

We'd be at the bottom of a
pool of lava right now.

If any of us want to get out
of the earth empire alive,

We'll have to trust each other.

- All right, where's
this checkpoint?

- So how do you know where wu is

Just by touching
some spirit vines?

- I learned how to connect to
people's energy through them.

- Who taught you that?

- Lin's mom.

I found her in the swamp.

That place is like one
giant spirit wild.

- You met toph?

What was she like?

A cranky, more miserable
version of lin.

- Is that even possible?

- You'd be surprised.

- Which train is wu on?

- I don't know!

- Split up and start looking.

Follow my lead.

- Good afternoon, sir.
Can we help you?

- You sure can.

We captured these
escaped prisoners.

We need to get them
to a secure facility.

- Where'd they escape from?
- Camp 14.

- Then why are you brining
them through here?

Camp 14's back the other way.

- You think we don't
know where camp 14 is?

Kuvira wants them transferred.

- Then I'll need to see
the transfer order.

- Listen, pal, I had to
fight off 2 badger-moles,

6 wolf-bats, and 18 hog-monkeys
to get these guys.

So sorry if I don't
have the paperwork.

I was too busy cramming it
in a hog-monkey's mouth

While it was trying to eat me.

I am in sore need of a shower

And I have blisters that are
the size of cantaloupes

And twice as juicy!

So you can let us through,

Or you can give me
your name and rank

And I'll pass it on to kuvira.

You know what
happens to soldiers

Who question her
orders, don't you?

Bad stuff!

- Let them through!

- Wait! Stop them!

They're traitors to the empire!

- There's no way I'm
going back to prison!

- Ah. Ah! Ah!


- Ah!

- Boy, I sure hope this works.

I still got that varrick touch.

We're clear. Come on!

- Ah!

- Varrick, wait! We
can't leave them.

- Ah!

- Retreat!

- Thanks. You didn't
have to come back.

- Yeah, I kind of did.

Let's go.

The 4:15 bound for omashu

Is now leaving on
track number six.

All aboard!

- If we don't find wu soon,
we might never find him.

- He's on that train!

- How do you know
for sure he's here?

- I don't. But I had
a feeling, okay?

- And I'm just supposed to
trust "avatar feelings"?

- You wouldn't have to if
you had guarded the prince

Like you were supposed to.

- Oh, so it's my fault
wu disappeared.

- It's certainly not mine!

- Guys, shh.


- Wu! Wu, it's me.

- Mako? Where am I?

Am I dead?
- No, you're on a train.

We're gonna get you out of here.

- Gah!
- Ah!

- Everyone out.

- I'm not going up there.



- Ah!

- Jump!

- Ah!
- Ah!

- You all right?
- Yes!

Thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You are definitely
getting a raise, buddy.

- You should be thanking korra.

We never would have
found you without her.

- I owe you my life, avatar.

If only there was some
way to repay you.

Ooh, I know.

How about I take you out
for a night on the town?

- Really? You're asking
me out right now?

- So... I'll put you
down for a "maybe"?

- How about a never?

Not exactly what I imagined for
our first day back together.

- But it was kind
of like old times.

Except for the getting on
each other's nerves part.

- Actually, that is like old
times for me and korra.

- I'm sorry things got
so tense earlier.

- It's all right.

I guess after being
apart for three years,

There's bound to be a bit
of an adjustment period.

- Yeah, but it's great
to have you back.

- There's no place
else I'd rather be.

- Mm.

You guys are the greatest
friends a guy could have.

- So what are we
gonna do with him?

It's too dangerous to take
him back to the hotel.

- Whoo. You're telling me!

I need a cushy safe
house somewhere.

- I think I know just the place.

- Nice digs, mako.

You didn't tell me
you came from money.

- I don't. This
is asami's place.

She was nice enough to
let my family stay here

After they fled ba sing se.

- Mako!

It's so wonderful to...

Are you...

- Grandma, this is prince wu.

He needs to stay with you and
the family for a little while.

- It's an honor, grandma mako.

- She loves royalty.

- I think I'll fit
right in here.

Thanks for looking
out for me, mako.

Now where's the
nearest bathroom?

I have been holding it all day!

- I know it might not mean much

Coming from a guy
wearing this uniform,

But I'd like to apologize for
what kuvira's put you through.

- I appreciate that.

- Guess this is
where we part ways.

- It's been a blast!

- We're heading north too.

Why don't you come with us?

It's the least we can do
after you saved our necks.

- On that hunk of junk?
No thanks.

I'm allergic to drowning.


I mean, uh, we'd love a lift!

Ew. Uh.

- This area is overrun
with spirit vines

And they appear to be
even more powerful

Than the samples we took
from republic city.

- Perfect.

Harvest these vines until
there's nothing left.