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04x05 - Enemy at the Gates

Posted: 10/31/21 04:16
by bunniefuu



Only the avatar can
master all four elements

And bring balance to the world.

- After three years,
kuvira has united

The former earth kingdom states

Under her new earth
empire banner.

But one holdout remains: Zaofu.

During that same time,

Asami rebuilt the company
her father created

And helped redesign the
city's infrastructure.

And most recently, the airbender
kids found the avatar.

Korra rid herself of the
residual poison in her body

And is ready to
return to action.

- We have an emergency.

- I'll contact president raiko.

He'll send the united forces.

- Call whomever you want, but
they'll never make it in time.

Kuvira's already here, and
she brought her entire army.

- By this time tomorrow,

My mother will have
signed our treaty,

And the earth empire
will finally be united.

- Don't get ahead of yourself.

Securing your hometown won't
be like every other city.

- Zaofu stopped being
my home long ago.

I'm ready to take it by force.

- No.

The eyes of the world
are on us now.

We must do this right.

That's why we need bolin.

- Do you really think
we can rely on him?

- Su trusts him.

She'll listen to him.

- Are you sure we should
be going to zaofu?

Dad wanted us to bring you
back to republic city.

- If kuvira's heading
to zaofu, so am I.

She needs to know that
the avatar is back.

The world needs to know.

- Whoo-hoo!

Avatar fight!

This is going to be awesome!

- Meelo, there's not
gonna be a fight.

Kuvira saved my dad.

She was a captain in su's guard.

I think she can
be reasoned with.

- What? No fight?

Why did we go through all
that trouble to save you

If you're not going
to beat someone up?

- Zhu li, is this thing on?

- We're rolling, sir.

- Okay, I'm varrick of varrick
industries international,

And this is spirit
vine experiment 3-02

Hand me the thing.

In this stasis capsule is a
preserved spirit vine sample

Weighing approximately
two zhu lis.

I have postulated that
these spirit vines

Are a form of pure
energy that's unstable

In what we call "typical
earth conditions."

This machine should transfer
the energy from the vine

Into a battery using
electrical currents,

Reverse magnetic polarity,

And a little-known phenomenon
I call the varri-effect.

It's working.

It's registering five
varricks of power...

Now seven varricks.

Whoa. What is this?

What's going on?

- Oh!

- Ahh!

Zhu li, shut it down.

There are too many varricks.


- Ahh!


You're too heavy.

You know, you could stand
to lose a few zhu lis.

- I think you're just weak, sir.

Pull harder.

Both: Ahh!

- Varrick, you saved me.

- Of course I saved you.

I can't clean this
place up by myself.

Grab a broom.

- What happened?
Were we att*cked?

- No, we were spirit-vined,
but don't worry.

I'm putting the kibosh
on this project.

- No, you're not.

Do you realize what we can
do with this kind of power?

- Yes, I do.

And that's why we've got
to put an end to it.

What if it fell into
the wrong hands?

- Since when does
that matter to you?

- I know. It's not
like me, right?

Usually, I look at a
project like this,

And all I think is, "wow, I can
make a ton of money off this."

But recently, I've been having
these strange feelings inside.

It's like I'm...
Concerned with others.

And there's this nagging
voice in my head

Constantly telling me
what's right from wrong.

- I believe that voice
is your conscience, sir.

- Well, I'm the other
voice in your head,

And I'm telling you, you
will continue this project.

- Sorry, no.

I just really got to stand
my ground on this one.


- Now there's a voice
in my head telling me

To drop you on the tracks.

Should I listen?

- No, no.

Head voices are liars.
What do head voices know?

I'll work on the project.

Please don't drop me.


- Asami, you came.

I'm here to return these.

- You never opened them.

- Stop writing me.

I never want to see or
hear from you again.

- Please, just let
me say one thing,

Then I'll never
contact you again.

I can't forgive myself for all
the horrible things I've done,

And I never expect
you to forgive me.

I tore our family apart and
destroyed our good name.

But in a life of regret,

You're the one thing I look
back on that makes me smile.

I just want you to know I'm
so proud of you, asami.

You are the greatest
thing I ever created.

- Am I in trouble?

- No. In fact, I have good news.

We want you to be part
of our inner circle.

- Inner circle! No way! Yes!

Ahem, that is a great honor.

What does it mean, exactly?

- It means you've
proven your worth.

We're so close to
uniting the empire,

But su has some resentment
towards me and baatar

That might cloud her judgment

And stop her from
making a wise decision.

We believe you can
help her see clearly.

- I can do that.

By the time I'm
finished telling her

All the great things we've done,
she'll be begging to join.

- Good, because we're here.

- Aren't all these troops
gonna send the wrong message?

- The army is here
to project strength.

You're here to present peace.

- Opal, you're here too.

- No, you've chosen your side.

- Sides? There
shouldn't be sides.

I know, why don't we all
stand in a circle, huh,

Maybe hold hands?

- I'm not giving up zaofu.

I don't care if you
brought your entire army.

- Su, I didn't bring my
army to thr*aten you.

I wanted to show you all
that your son and I

Have accomplished.

- You must realize
what you're doing

Goes against everything your
father and I tried to teach you.

- Son, you belong here.

- Why?

So that I can go on
living in your shadow?

- Don't say that.

Can't you see she's
brainwashed you.

- Ha, I didn't brainwash him.

I set him free.

And now he's accomplished
more with me

Than he ever could
have with you.

- Okay, guys, obviously,
there's a lot of personal,

Painful history here.

So what do say we just all
forget about that stuff, huh?

I mean, that's the past.

Right, wing? Right, wei?

You guys know what
I'm talking about.

High five.

All right. No, it's cool.

You know what I think
we need to do?

Focus on the future.

And the future is bright.
Let me tell you.

I've seen it. Yeah,
saw it last month.

We went to this town
that had nothing.

Most of the people there
had never even seen

A satomobile before.

But now they have
two satomobiles,

Running water, and
a magnet train

That goes right
through their town.

I mean, how awesome is that?

- They might have been happy
when you first arrived,

But I've seen what
happens after you leave.

Citizens are forced to
work as sl*ve labor.

Dissenters are sent off
to who knows where.

- You're wrong, opal.

Now, I don't know what
you think you've seen,

But I'm giving you the
100% bolin guarantee

That we're making
the earth empire

A better place to live.

- I can't believe you
brought bolin here

To try to sway us.


Zaofu will never accept
you as their leader.

- Then you leave me no choice.

You have 24 hours to agree
to join the empire,

Or we take the city by force.

- I see it. Zaofu.

We made it.

And a bunch of other
people are here too.

- Oh, no.

I hope we're not too late.

- Korra?

I can't believe it.
Where have you been?

You disappeared.
Everyone was so worried.

, I'll tell you the
whole story later.

Right now, I want to
help you stop kuvira.

What can I do?

- You were just bluffing, right?

I mean, you're not really going
to attack zaofu... Are you?

- When people don't cooperate,
we must find other ways

Of convincing them to join.

- Other ways?

How many times have we
used these other ways

In the past?

- It's not for you
to worry about.

- So... What does happen

To all of those towns and
villages after we leave?

I just realized I've
never really gone back

And checked on them.

- Those people are
my loyal subjects,

And they contribute to the
empire however I see fit.

Now that you're in
the inner circle,

You're going to have to
accept some hard truths.

- Maybe I'm not really an
inner-circle kind of guy.

Or... or maybe we don't
take over zaofu.

We could just let
them be on their own,

Then yay, the empire's united.

Congratulations to us.

- I didn't know your
personal feelings for opal

Were stronger than
your loyalty to me.

Zaofu will join us.

The only thing I'm

Is the decision to
bring you along.

Maybe you need to spend some
time in a reeducation camp.

- I thought that's
where we send people

To learn new trade skills.

- Hard truths, bolin.

- Your loyalty seems
to be wavering.

- No, no, I'm totally
on your side,

Completely 100% loyal.

- How did things get so bad
between you and kuvira?

I thought she was your protege?

- She was more than that.

She was like a daughter to me.

I took her in when she
was eight years old

And nourished her talents.

Kuvira was smart,
a natural leader,

And quickly rose
through the ranks.

I saw myself in her.

- What happened?

- Three years ago, after the
fall of the earth queen,

Raiko and tenzin came to see me.

- The earth kingdom is in chaos.

There's a vacuum of power,
and I'm concerned about

What will happen if someone
doesn't take control

Of the situation.

- And do you think I
should be the one?

- You're the perfect
person to take charge.

The world leaders trust
you, and as a beifong,

You have credibility
in the earth kingdom.

- I'm honored that
you thought of me,

But I'm not interested
in imposing my ideals

On an entire nation.

I'm afraid I can't help you.

- Suyin, I know this
isn't my place,

But I think you should do this.

Zaofu has always been a
beacon of modern progress,

And now you can share
that with everyone.

- What would you have me do,

March into ba sing
se with an army?

We'd be seen as conquerors

And greeted with
nothing but w*r.

- There are already wars.

The earth queen nearly
destroyed our nation.

This is our opportunity
to change things.

- It's not going to happen.

I didn't realize at the time,

But that moment created
a rift between us.

Kuvira turned my own
son against me.

And together they
plotted behind my back.

What do you think you're doing?

- We're doing what you
don't have the guts to do.

We're going to ba sing se
to help bring order back

To the earth kingdom.

- No. You will stay here.

- And who's going to stop me?

Your security force
was more than happy

To join my cause.

They're some of the best
fighters in the world,

And they are tired
of being treated

Like exotic birds in your cage.

- If you leave now, you will
never be welcomed back.

- When I choose to return,
it will be on my own terms.

- Kuvira and baatar left
that day with varrick,

My security force, and a few of
zaofu's wealthiest citizens.

After kuvira proved herself
by stabilizing ba sing se,

Raiko and the other
world leaders made her

The provisional head
of the earth kingdom.

Once she refused to step down,

I knew it was only
a matter of time

Until she made her
way back here.

- I want to fix this.
- You can.

Go into the avatar state
and demolish her army.

Remove kuvira from power
once and for all.

- Fighting is something
the old me would do,

But that always
made things worse.

Let me talk with kuvira.

Maybe I can reason with her.

- Kuvira doesn't
listen to reason.

- I can't believe kuvira
locked me in here

Like a prisoner.

I'm not feeling well.

I think I'm running out of air.

Zhu li, hold your breath.

- I'm not holding my breath.

- Great. Now we're
both gonna die.

- Varrick.


- Augh, and the head
voices are back.

Bolin, thank goodness
you're here.

Where did that hatch come from?
Forget the hatch.

There's something important
I've got to tell you.

- Well, there's
something important

I've got tell you too.

Both: Kuvira's crazy.

- How'd you find out?

- When I refused to build
her a super w*apon,

She threatened my life.

- She threatened me too, and
she's threatening zaofu.

And it turns out she's
been threatening villages

This whole time.

We've got to get out of here.

- I couldn't agree more, kid.

- We have an unexpected guest.

The avatar is here to see you.

- Korra, it's such an
honor to see you again.

The last I heard, you were still
healing in the south pole.

- Well, I'm feeling
much better now.

- That's wonderful news.

- I'm here to ask
you to back down.

Please, take your
army and leave.

- I think we both know
that's not going to happen.

- I can't let you take zaofu.

- Look, I was tasked
with bringing stability

To the earth kingdom.

Zaofu is the last holdout.

Why should I treat
it differently

Than any other state?

- What you're doing isn't right.

- I understand you're just
trying to do su a favor,

But you can't come to
me as I'm on the verge

Of reuniting my nation
and tell me to stop.

The world was descending into
chaos while you were gone.

In order to fix it, I had to
make some tough decisions.

- I know what that's like.

I've had plenty of
people mad at me

About decisions I've made.

- Exactly.

Korra, if you really
want to help,

Go back to su and try to
talk some sense into her.

Let's call a temporary truce.

I won't make any moves
until you talk to her

And get back to me.

- Maybe that will
be for the best.

- Have you seen bolin?

- He came by to see varrick,
but we turned him away.

- Open the door.

We have some fugitives to catch.

- Okay, I say we go up
and around the mountains

And sneak into zaofu
from the rear.

- We're not going to zaofu.

That place is doomed.

We've got to head
to republic city.

- What? No. No, no, no.
We've got to help here.

- We'll be helping
by warning the world

About kuvira's potential
super w*apon.

- Well, that is helping,

But it's a completely
different type of helping.

Hmm, let me think about this.


- Argh!

- Ahh!

- Argh!

Ahh! Ahh!

That's not the flamethrower.

What idiot designed
these things?

- You did, sir.

- Less lecturing,
more saving my life.

- Ugh!



- Oh!

- Argh!

- Ahh!





- Hey, I think I figured it out.

- Ahh!

Sir, you're making
this very difficult.


- Argh!


- Augh!

- Ahh!

- Argh!


- Augh!


- Ahh!



- Stop.

Turn yourself over or else.

- Thanks a lot, zhu li.

- You came back.

- When I first came here,

It was because I wanted
to tell you face-to-face

That I never wanted to see
or hear from you again.

I wanted my words to hurt you,

So that you would
know how you hurt me.

- I'm sorry.

- But when I saw you,
it wasn't anger I felt.

It was sadness.

You tainted our past and
destroyed our future together.

- I want to make amends.

- I'm not sure I'll ever
be able to forgive you,

But that doesn't mean
I shouldn't try.

I thought we could
play some pai sho,

Like we used to.

- Nothing would make me happier.


- Don't t*rture us.

- Send these three away
on the next train.

Bolin and zhu li will be going
to the reeducation camp

For our most severe dissenters.

And you will continue work
on the spirit energy project

Under close, armed supervision.

I want it weaponized

- Please, have mercy on me.

Don't send me away.
Take me back.

- Why would I?

- Because my only mistake was
being loyal to the wrong person.

I was blindly
devoted to varrick,

And I looked past all the
times he ridiculed me

Or ordered me around or made
me clean his disgusting feet,

Because I thought he possessed
the most brilliant mind

In the world, but
when I met you,

I realized I was wrong.

Compared to you,
varrick's a fool.

- Hey, come on. I'm right here.

- I believe in
everything you've done,

And I believe in your vision.

I want to devote my life to you.

I pledge my allegiance
to you, great uniter.

- You two could learn
something from her.

Rise, zhu li.

I'll give you another chance.

- Think about what you're doing.

We're partners.

We have history.

- I did everything you
ever asked of me,

And you never appreciated it.

Guards, do the thing.

- No, not the thing.

Zhu li.

- Where's su? I have
to talk to her.

- She's not here.

She took wing and wei.

They're going to sneak
into kuvira's camp

And put an end to this.

- No.