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04x02 - Korra Alone

Posted: 10/31/21 04:13
by bunniefuu
- Earth. Fire.

Air. Water.

Only the avatar can
master all four elements

And bring balance to the world.

- The avatar has gone missing!

Three years ago,
zaheer poisoned korra,

Severely injuring her.

While her friends moved
on with their lives,

Korra remained in
the south pole.

Everyone thought she was
still recuperating,

But six months ago, korra left
home and hasn't been seen since.

Even chief tonraq was
shocked to learn

That his daughter's
whereabouts are unknown.

What has become of the avatar
and when will she return?

Hurry up in there!

Come on, I got an
emergency situation!

- Knock yourself out.


You again.

Leave me alone!

- What's wrong with her?

- Young lady, are you all right?

Can I take you to a doctor?

- No, I don't need any help.

- Now don't take
this the wrong way,

But I can't wait
for you to leave.

- How else is she supposed to
take that but the wrong way?

- I mean because I've never
had a pen pal before.

I'm going to write
you so many letters,

And just to get
the ball rolling,

Here. Spoiler alert.

Pabu and I already miss you.

- Thanks, that's sweet.
- Are you sure you don't want

Some company in the
southern water tribe?

I'm happy to come with you.
- No, I appreciate it,

But I'll only be
gone a couple weeks.

A little time alone
will be good for me.

- Now I don't want you to worry
about a thing while you're gone.

Your recovery should be
your number one concern.

Jinora, the airbenders and I
have everything under control.

- Bye, korra!
- Get better soon!

- Don't forget to write!

♪ ♪


- Can't sleep again?

Honey, your father and I
have tried to give you

As much space as you've
needed, but we're worried.

You're not sleeping.
You're barely eating.

We don't want to push you,
but it's been three weeks.

Will you please go see katara?

- All right. I'll go.

- You're going to
get through this.

Oh, I love you so much.

- The poison did a lot
of internal damage.

- Can you fix it?

- I can help guide
your healing process,

But whether you get better
or not is up to you.

I know what it's like to go
through a traumatic experience,

And I promise you,

If you dedicate yourself
to getting better,

You'll recover
stronger than ever.

- That's what I want,
more than anything.

- Then try something for me.

Concentrate on your big toe.

Visualize it moving.


Did you see that?

It worked!

- The mind can be
a powerful ally

Or your greatest enemy.

Now, I want you to
try taking a step.



- You're okay.

Your body thinks it's
still in danger,

But you're safe here.

Use your mind to
overcome the pain.

- Try again.
- I'm done for today.

- "Dear korra, I miss you.

"It's not the same in
republic city without you.

"How are you feeling?
Things are going well here.

"I just got a big contract

"to help redesign the
city's infrastructure,

So I'll be keeping
pretty busy for awhile."

- "hey, korra.

"So, I'm not very good
at writing letters.

"It's 2:15 in the afternoon.
Weather is fair.

"Chance of snow
showers later today.

"But enough joking around.
I hope you're doing well.

"Me? I'm back on the beat.

"Beifong has me staking out
the red monsoon hideout,

You won't believe
what's going down."

- "my dearest, avatar korra.

"Though several fortnights have
passed since your departure,

"to convalesce in the
homeland of your tribesmen,

"I feel our friendship knows
neither time nor distance.

"You will be most
pleased to learn

"that I found gainful employment

"with sir varrick and
the lady kuvira.

"I set off on the morrow
with some trepidation,

"but I am eager to
offer any aid I can

In stabilizing the
earth kingdom."

- Whenever you're ready.
- What's the point?

We've been at this for
almost six months

And I can barely take a couple
of steps without collapsing.

- I know you're
frustrated, but...

- Of course I'm frustrated!
A crazy man poisoned me,

And now I can't dress
myself or cook for myself

Or do anything for myself,
and this whole time

My friends have been
off helping the world

While I'm stuck with you,
and you can't even heal me!

That came out wrong.

- It's all right.

Let your anger and
frustration flow like water.

- I am trying to understand
why this happened to me.

But nothing makes any sense.

I'm tired, katara. I'm so tired.

- Korra, I know you
feel alone right now,

But you're not the first avatar

Who's had to overcome
great suffering.

Can you imagine how much pain
aang felt when he learned

That his entire culture
was taken from him?

- That must have been so awful.

- But he never let it
destroy his spirit.

He chose to find meaning
in his suffering,

And eventually found peace.

- And what am I gonna find
if I get through this?

- I don't know, but won't it
be interesting to find out?

Close your eyes.

Visualize yourself
walking over to naga.

- Can you see it?
- Yes.

- Now, take that first step.

- Where'd you come
from, little cutie?

- You can see her, too?

- If you can see her, too,
maybe I'm not going crazy.

- How'd you do that?

- You want me to follow you?

- All right, let's
see what I find.

- It's so good to see you.

- How have you been, korra.
You look great.

- I feel great. Come on.

I want to show you how
much better I'm doing.

Attack! I can take it.

- Ah! Ah!

- All right, the
sparring match is over.

- I thought I was ready.

- There is no shame in
taking the time you need

To make a full recovery.

Being the avatar can wait.

- But what about
the earth kingdom?

I hear it's still
a mess out there.

- The situation has
been stabilizing

Since kuvira took charge.

- But that should be me out
there fixing things, not her.

- I know you want to
help, but trust me,

Everyone has this under control.

I just think you need to...

- If you say, "be patient,"

I swear I'm gonna water-smack
you in the mouth.

- No, I was going to
say you need to...

Not worry about the future.

Be grateful for
where you are now

And the progress you've made.

- "Dear asami, I'm sorry I
haven't written to you sooner,

"but every time I've tried,
I never knew what to say.

"The past two years have
been the hardest of my life.

"Even though I can
get around fine now,

"I still can't go into
the avatar state.

"I keep having visions of zaheer
and what happened that day.

"Katara thinks a lot
of this is in my head,

"so I've been meditating a lot,

"but sometimes I worry
I'll never fully recover.

"Please don't tell
mako and bolin

"I wrote to you and not them.

"I don't want to
hurt their feelings,

"but it's easier to tell
you about this stuff.

I don't think
they'd understand."

- Everything all right, sweetie?

- There's something I
need to tell you both.

- What is it?

- I want to go back
to republic city.

- Are you sure?
- I know I'm not 100% yet,

But I feel like I've hit a wall.

I need to be where
the action is,

Where my friends are.

- I'll have the white
lotus prepare a boat

And they can take you
back to republic city

As soon as you're ready.

- No, I want to go alone.

And have some time
to clear my head.

It will be good for me.

- Two lobster crabs, please.

- Why, you're the
avatar, ain't ya?

- Yep, that's me.

- I can't believe it!

Mind if I take a picture
for my wall of avatars?

- I'm kind of in a hurry.

- It'll only take a second.

Avatar aang was a big fan of
my seaweed wraps, you know,

So I named them "aang rolls."
now they're my biggest seller.

And they ain't even
got fish in 'em.

Now smile.

- But if could have
met any avatar,

I'd have to pick kyoshi.

Taking down a shark
squid with one hand?

Now that's a lady I'd
like to get to know.

- Thieves! Get back here!

- Oh, don't worry. The
avatar's right here.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Go get 'em!

- Hand over the bags or else.

Ah! Ugh!

- You sure she's the avatar?

- Everyone, come here!
It's the avatar!

- You sure?

I don't sense any raava
energy around her.

Besides, she's not
dressed like the avatar.

Doesn't the avatar
have ponytails?

- Do you mind? I'm trying
to concentrate here.

And, yes, I am the avatar.

I'm just wearing
different clothes

And I cut my hair.

- See? I told you
guys it was her.

How come you've
been away so long?

- I was hurt pretty
bad awhile ago,

And lost touch with
my avatar spirit.

- No wonder I couldn't
feel raava's energy.

- I came to the tree of time
hoping to reconnect with raava

And turn on the
avatar state again.

But it's not working.

The last time I was here I
saw all sorts of visions.

Now I don't see anything.

- Maybe we can help
you get better.

- I'm sorry, but for years
people have been saying

They can help me get better.

Nothing's worked.

I need to figure
this out on my own.

"Dear mom and dad,

"I arrived in republic
city a couple weeks ago

"and couldn't be happier.

"It's nice to be
back at the temple,

"and it's great to see
my friends again.

"Don't worry, I'm
taking it easy,

"but hopefully I'll be
back in action soon.

"I miss you both very much.

"Please give naga
a big hug for me.

Love, korra."



I am ending this.

- Excuse me, who do I talk to
about getting in the ring?

Is that all you got?

- We have a winner!

- Hurry up in there!

- Why did you bring
me to the swamp?

- Wait, I met you at
the tree of time.

You should have told
me who you were.

- If I did, would you
have followed me?

- I get your point.

But why did you bring me here?

What am I gonna
find in the swamp?

- Not a what. A who.

- No, wait!

Come back!

You're just in my mind.

You're not real.

Ah! Ugh!




- Feeling better?

- Where am I? What happened?

- I was hoping you
could tell me.

I found you passed
out in the mud.

- How did you know
I was out there?

- I'm pretty tapped into
the goings-on around here.

What brings you to
the swamp, anyway?

- A spirit led me here

And told me I was
supposed to find someone.

- Is that you?
- Beats me.

But if your avatar
senses called you here,

You should probably
listen to them.

- Wait, you recognize me?
- In a manner of speaking.

We were good friends
in your previous life.

- I can't believe it.


- Nice to see you
again, twinkletoes.