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03x13 - Venom of the Red Lotus

Posted: 10/31/21 04:11
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

The Red Lotus has
captured the Avatar.

Korra gave herself up in
exchange for the airbenders.

But Zaheer double-crossed her

while Ghazan trapped Team
Avatar in the temple.

All seemed lost until Bolin saved
their lives by lavabending.

But he's not the only
one with new skills.

Zaheer unlocked the ancient
airbending ability of flight.

Will Team Avatar save the air nation
and Korra before it's too late?

When I get out of here,
none of you will survive!

You won't get out.

Unless the metal clan taught
you a way to bend platinum.

Once we administer this poison,

your body will naturally react,

forcing you into
the Avatar state

in an effort to keep you alive.

Sadly for you,

you'll be entering it
for the last time.


The Avatar cycle...


When we dispatch you
in the Avatar state,

the cycle will end.

So we lucky few,

this band of brothers
and sisters in anarchy,

are witnessing the beginning
of an era of true freedom.

Together we will forge a world
without kings and queens,

without border or nations,

where a man's only
allegiance is to himself

and those he loves.

We will return

to the true balance
of natural order.

And though you will
never again be reborn,

your name will echo
throughout history.

Korra, the last Avatar.

Did you find any way to escape?

No, not yet.

But don't worry. We'll
find a way out soon.

They might not
make it that long.

Korra will come to
save us, right?

I think we're going to have
to do this on our own.

Administer the poison.

Get ready.

As soon as she's in
the Avatar state,

take her out.


Why isn't she staying
in the Avatar state?

Give it time.

She can't resist for long.

The place where I saw them
taking the airbenders

is around here.

That's gotta be where
they took Korra.

That's it!

Down there, lefty.

Find the airbenders

and my family.

Don't worry.

I'm not coming out
without our children

and the rest of your people.

It's working.

I told you, Korra.

The world doesn't
need you anymore.

The time of the Avatar
is over, Korra.

Give up.

You're too weak to resist

and I'm stronger than ever.

There's no use fighting.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

I'm thirsty.

I gotta go pee.

Me too.

Hey. Keep it down over there

or you're all going
to end up like them.

Sir, please. Could we
just have some water?

There are children
and a baby here.


Oh, so you just called
me over to attack me.

Fine. Now nobody gets any water.


I don't know how we ended
up here in day care

while everyone
else gets to watch

the Avatar being destroyed.

I can hold a bowl of poison.


What do you think you're doing?



Oh, honey, I'm so
glad you're safe.

Oh! Me too.

You're alive. I
can't believe it.


Just because I was
blown out of the sky

and fell hundreds of
feet down a cliff?

Don't you know it takes more
than that to get rid of me?

We have to get these
two out of here now.

They don't look so good.

What are you talking about?

I feel great.

You guys get everyone
out of here.

I'll search for Korra.

We're going with you.

You don't have to
search for her.

I know exactly where
she's being held.


Destroy the Avatar.


We have to help her!

Look out!

You help Korra. We got this.

- Daddy!

Oh, thank goodness
you're all right.

Honey, are you okay?

I'll be fine.

We have to help Korra.


What are you smiling about?

I was just remembering
the last time we fought.

Well, a lot has
changed since then.

So that's how you got
out of the temple.

Not bad.

Let's see what you've got.

You can't fight me
and the poison.

I can fly up on my
bison to help her.

You'd never be able to
keep up with Zaheer.

He's too powerful.

We have to do something.

How can he fly like that?

He's unlocked powers
of airbending

that haven't existed for
thousands of years.

There haven't been
this many airbenders

in one place for a
long time, either.

We have power together.

Hurry! Everyone form a circle.

Follow me.


You have no water.

It's over.

Not yet.

Now it's over!

Give up, Ghazan!

You can't win!

I'm never going back to prison.

If I'm going down today,

you're coming with me.

Mako, hang on.



The poison has done its work.

The Avatar cycle will
be over momentarily.

Korra, sweetheart,

it's me, dad.

Please hang on.

What are you laughing about?

You're too late!

The poison's been in
her system too long.

The red lotus has won.

You can save her.

The poison is metallic.


You're alive.

I'm here for you.

I'm never going to let you go.



You don't understand.

The revolution has
already begun.

Chaos is the natural order of

You see what I did there?

I put a sock in it.


Classic Bolin.

I do what I do.

There you go.

All fixed up for a formal
Avatar appearance.

Take a look.

It's great.


You know, nobody expects you
to bounce back right away.

It's only been two weeks.

You need time to heal.

I want you to know
that I'm here for you.

If you ever want to
talk, or anything.

But let's just try
to enjoy this today.

For Jinora.

You're right.


Let's go.

You look beautiful, sweetie.

You're looking stronger
every day, Korra.

I'd like to officially welcome
you back to Republic City.

I know that the last
time we saw each other

it didn't end on the best terms,

but I want to thank
you for taking down

those red lotus t*rrorists.

We should go inside.

I can help. I wanna
ride with Korra.

Jinora's already inside.

It smells like shoe trees.

Sandalwood, Meelo.

I got this.

Hang in there, kid.

She's not looking good.

Neither would you if you'd
gone through what she had.

She'll be fine.

She just needs time to heal.

The poison took a great toll.

Of course.

I'm just saying, with
the earth kingdom

in complete disarray since
the loss of the queen

and even with Zaheer
locked up again,

we still don't know how
many red lotus members

might be out there, hiding.


With the world getting
more and more dangerous,

we need the Avatar
now more than ever.

Who will protect us while
she's in a wheelchair?

Jinora, come forward.

Today we welcome the
first airbending master

in a generation,

and I couldn't be more
proud of my daughter.

When the existence of our
people was threatened,

when the Avatar's life
hung in the balance,

Jinora never gave up hope.

Thanks to her leadership, I
see a very bright future

for the air nation.

Of course, there would be no air
nation without Avatar Korra.

She opened the portals

and somehow the world
began anew for us.

And she was even willing
to lay down her own life

in order to protect ours.

There's no way we can ever
repay her for all she's done.

But we can follow her example
of service and sacrifice.

So while she recuperates,

the air nation will
reclaim its nomadic roots

and roam the earth.

But unlike our ancestors,

we will serve people
of all nations,

working wherever there is
corruption and discord,

to restore balance and peace.

Avatar Korra,

I vow that we will do
everything in our power

to follow in your footsteps

and bring harmony to the world.

Now, let us anoint the master

who will help lead
us in our new path.