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03x11 - The Ultimatum

Posted: 10/31/21 04:10
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four
elements and bring balance to the world.

Ba Sing Se has fallen!

After Zaheer and the Red Lotus
toppled the Earth Queen,

the city descended into chaos.

Meanwhile, Korra and Asami tried to escape
their captors but crashed in the desert.

After getting to safety, they met up
with Lord Zuko, Tonraq, and Beifong.

Back in Ba Sing Se, Zaheer
freed Mako and Bolin,

giving them a vital message
to deliver to Korra.

But will the brothers
find her in time?

I can't believe it. The
upper ring is in chaos.

Don't try to stop us. We're
taking back what's ours.

Stop you? I'm gonna join you.

I know where the good stuff is.

- Should we do something?
- This isn't our battle.

We have to deliver Zaheer's
message to Korra immediately.

Right. Okay. Find
Korra, deliver message.

Yeah, this should be easy.

We just gotta get out of the city and get
to the desert, then somehow find her

in the vast, expansive wasteland that goes
on for thousands and thousands of miles.

This isn't gonna be easy.

We need an airship.


Excuse me, may I have
your attention please?

I'm with the Republic
City police,

and I need to commandeer this
airship to help the Avatar.

Let me give it a shot.

Hey, the Queen's gold is on the
third floor of the palace!

Second door on the right!

You just gotta know how
to talk to them, bro.

They took everything.

I mean, who rips out a
transmission radio?

Some folks just do not have respect
for other people's property.

Now let's steal this airship!

You know how to fly this thing?

Technically speaking? No.

But, come on, how
hard can it be?

Up! Up!

I don't see any "up" button.
I see levers and switches.

Oh, there it is.

The whole city is
falling to pieces.

Mako, our family's down there.

- Move over.
- Ahh!

We're getting them out.

Oh, you think just because you dated Asami,
you know how to fly this better than me?


Bolin? What are you doing here?

I came to get you guys out.

This whole block is about
to go up in flames.

Come on, Mako and I have
an airship on the roof.

We can't. Grandma won't go.

This place is my whole world.
I will not leave.

Oh, but I'm so glad my little
Bolin has come back to visit.

Sit down. Would you
like some tea?

Grandma, we don't
have time for tea.

- Mom, please.
- No!

I can't abandon the place
where I raised my family.

It's my home.

Grandma, there's one thing
that Mako and I have learned

from all our years
on the street:

It doesn't matter where you go.

If you have your family with
you, you'll always be at home.

I'm not going.

Fine! You leave me no choice.

We're rolling out!


Okay, let's go.

Thanks for getting
us out of there.

I mean, I probably could
have handled it myself

if you guys didn't
show up, but thanks.

May she rest in peace.

This airship is nice.
Is it our new home?

No, grandma, I'm not sure
where we're gonna take you.

But right now, we
need to find Korra.

Did something happen
to the Avatar?

I'm afraid so.

Her airship went down
somewhere in the desert.

She was coming from a military
base near the Misty Palms Oasis

and heading to Ba Sing Se.

If we retrace her route back to the
base, we should find the wreckage.

Guys, it's the wreckage.
I found it.


That's a Ba Sing Se
airship, all right.

But where's the rest of it?

I don't know, but there
are some tracks.

See? I told you.
Landing is hard.


Okay, guys, we think Korra
found her way back here.

Now let's split off into
teams and scour the town.

Yes, we'll need your
help too, Pabu.

Now just give me
a second while I

Wait. Pabu?


Why is Bolin hugging
that big rat?

Ew. Now he's kissing it.

I'm never gonna
let you go again.

Guys, look out! Giant
dogbeast thingy!

Okay, all right, Naga.
It's good to see you too.

Ahh, stop. You're
licking my mouth.

Asami! Korra!

You guys are okay!

Sorry, I was just it's
so good to see you.

It's really good to see
you too, both of you.

Good. You guys aren't dead.

Don't get all mushy
on me, Chief.

Tonraq, Sir.

Oh, my gosh. It's Lord Zuko.

I can't believe it.

Uh, forgive my brother.

We're just really honored
to meet you, Sir.

It's a pleasure to
meet you as well.

You must be the Avatar.

Mako told me so much about you.

You are even more beautiful
than I imagined.

Uh, actually, that's Asami.
This is Avatar Korra.

Korra, this is my grandma, Yin.

You are very muscular
for a woman.

Um, thanks. You too?

What lovely young women.

Mako, why aren't you dating
any nice girls like them?

Uh, so what happened to you two?

Where have you been?

We were captured by Zaheer
and taken to Ba Sing Se.

We were there when the Earth
Queen was overthrown.

What? How did you escape?

Zaheer let us go.

Why would he do that?

Because he wanted us to find
you and deliver a message.

Zaheer is headed to the northern
air temple as we speak.

He said he's gonna wipe
out the new air nation

and everyone in it, unless you
turn yourself over to him.

Zaheer's threatening innocent
lives, just to get to me.

He could be bluffing.

He's already taken
out the Earth Queen.

I don't think he bluffs.

We need to radio Tenzin and warn
him that the Red Lotus is coming.

I agree. Unfortunately, we don't
have a radio on the airship.

There's a portable
radio in the jeep,

but the signal will never make
it to the northern air temple.

We need to get to a place that
has a strong radio transmitter.

The metal clan will have one.

Let's go. We'll radio
Su on the way.

Hopefully she can get a hold
of Tenzin at the air temple

by the time we get to Zaofu.

Did you have any luck
getting through to Tenzin?

No one's answering. What if
Zaheer is already up there?

- I should never have let Opal go.
- It's going to be okay, Su.

I hope so.

We have a strong signal,
but no one's answering.

I can't just sit around here while a madman
is on his way to the northern air temple.

- We have to do something.
- I'll ready my airship.

With the full force of the metal clan
security backing us, we can take them.

We'll never make it up
there before Zaheer.

There might be another
way to stop him.

It's a long shot, but Zaheer is always
meditating into the Spirit World,

and I know exactly where
he goes: Xai Bau's grove.

If I could find him there, maybe
I could somehow trap him.

We can't protect you in there.
I don't like it.

- I'll be fine. I have to try.
- I'll watch over her as she meditates.

I guess in the meantime,
Mako and I will stay here

and try to get through
to the temple.

We'll help Su ready the airship.

I'm going to take a nap.

Zaheer, come out! Face me!

Leave the airbenders
out of this.

There you are.

Please don't hurt me, Korra.

I'm just an old man.

Iroh? What are you doing here?

I was just out searching
for a new teapot

to add to my collection,
but instead I found you.

In the Spirit World, you
always seem to find something

you didn't know you
were looking for.

You look troubled.

- I am.
- Sit.

What is on your mind?

There's a maniac on the loose,

and he's threatening to
destroy the new Air Nation.

I don't know what to do.

Just because you are the Avatar doesn't
mean you will have all the answers.

I know many avatars
have needed guidance,

but I'm the only one
since Avatar Wan

that can't get help
from my past lives.

I wish I could talk to Aang.

You know, Zuko and Aang
were close friends.

- Lord Zuko, of course.
- Yes, my nephew.

Their relationship started
off a little rocky,

but they grew to become
lifelong friends.

Best friends.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

You're right about
the Spirit World.

I came here looking for someone
else, but I'm glad I found you.

- Did you find Zaheer?
- No, he wasn't there.

But there's someone
I need to talk to.

You're leaving?

Aren't you coming to the
air temple with us?

I'm sorry, but I can't.

I'm going back to
the Fire Nation.

If it's true that the
Red Lotus is targeting

the nation's leaders, I need
to protect my daughter.

I understand, you have to
keep the Fire Lord safe.

But before you leave,

I was wondering if you could
help me with something.

I was often Aang's council,
and I'd love to be yours.

That's just it, you knew
Aang better than anyone.

I was wondering if you knew what he
might do if he were in my situation.

Hmm, rebuilding the Air Nation
was Aang's biggest dream.

He would be beside himself with
joy with what you've done,

and if he accomplished
that goal,

he might have sacrificed
anything to protect it.

So he would give himself
up to save the Air Nation?

I don't know for sure.

The airbenders might have
been closest to Aang's heart,

but as the Avatar, he was concerned
with people of all nations.

No one knew better than Aang
that in times of turmoil

the world needs its
Avatar the most.

Thanks. Your Uncle was right.

It was helpful talking to you.

Wait, you spoke with my Uncle?

Yes, in the Spirit World.

A couple of times actually.

Guys, we got through
to the air temple.

Who is this?

I told you, it's Bolin!

Bolin's not here right
now, can I take a message?

No, I'm not looking for
Bolin, I am Bolin!

Ahh, look, I need you
to find your dad.

He's outside with the bison.

Did you know we found a whole
herd full of baby bison?

No. A whole herd, really?

Meelo, this is your
commanding officer.

Go get your dad, now.

Yes, Sir.

Come on. Come on.

Hello, this is Tenzin.

Tenzin, listen to me carefully.

Zaheer is on his
way to the temple.

He's coming for the airbenders.

You have to get everyone
out of there immediately.

Drop everything. Leave now!

- Oh, no.
- What? What is it?

Tenzin! Tenzin,
what's happening?

It's too late.

He's here.

What is it, daddy?

We need to get
everyone out of here.

Stay close to me.

What's going on, Tenzin?

It's Zaheer. Round everyone up.

We need to get to the bison
and evacuate immediately.

Guys, we got an emergency.

We're evacuating the temple.
Come on.

Look out!

It's Zaheer. We have to leave.

No one's going anywhere,
or she gets it.

Good, the entire family is here.

It's a pleasure to finally
meet a true airbending master.

What is it you want from us?

Nothing at all.

In fact, if everyone cooperates,

you will all walk out of
this situation unharmed.

Then what are you doing here?

I want Korra, and I'm
tired of chasing her.

- You're using us as leverage?
- Yes.

I will never let
you get to Korra.

Unfortunately, you
don't have a choice.

Yes, I do.

Jinora, get everyone
out of here.

Bumi, Kya, help
me hold them off.

And stay out of her line of sight.
Go. Go!

It's too dangerous we'll never make
it to the stables with her up there.



I see you're having
as much fun as I am.

- I can't wait any longer.
- Wait, what are you doing?

Whatever I can.

Get to the bison!
Get out of here!

Kai! No.

I got you.

Bumi, let go.

But we could die.

We're gonna die if we hang on.


Give up. It's over.

As long as I'm breathing,
it's not over.


Thanks, buddy.

Yip yip.