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03x07 - Original Airbenders

Posted: 10/31/21 04:07
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

The air nation is reborn!

Thanks to the energy shift
during harmonic convergence,

certain people have acquired
airbending abilities,

including Bumi, Kai, and Opal.

But although the new recruits
show a lot of promise,

they still have a lot to learn.

So while Korra remains
safe in Zaofu,

Tenzin has brought
the airbenders

to the northern air temple
to begin their training.

His pupils once again
pleaded with their master

to eat something,
but he refused,

just like he had each
day the entire summer.

Instead, he simply meditated,

getting his nourishment
from the universe.

So Monk Tang Xu
completed the 97th day

of his historic fast

on which island?

Ooh! Ooh, ooh!

Anyone besides otaku,

who already studied this
in his acolyte training...

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

And is answering every question?

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Whaletail island!

That is correct. Again.

Now, on day 98...

Greetings, air people.

I come seeking boring
stories to take

back to the spirit world.

That was incredible!

When do we get to fly around
on our own bison like that?

Only after many
years of practice

and intense training.

Besides, we don't have enough
bison here for all of you.

What about those? It's a
whole herd of bisons.

Actually, the plural
of "bison" is "bison."


- Cool!
- Wow, look at that.

- Can we ride those?
- No, that's a wild herd.

It would take many
years to tame them.

Now let's get back
to our lessons.


We brought you more airbenders!

Okay, everyone is dismissed.

We'll just pick this up...


How was everything in the city?

Well, we had a little scare,

but everything is okay.

Zaheer infiltrated
the air temple.

What? Is everyone all right?

Everyone's fine.

I fought with him,
but he got away.

And he stole some old necklace
that had something to do

with Guru Lak... Schmeer.

Guru Laghima.


You know, I can never keep
all those gurus straight.

There were, like, a
million of them.

Remember that long, boring
story about the guy

who never ate?

Yes, I remember.

Avatar Korra is calling
on the temple radio.

Are you all right?
Where are you?

With Beifong's sister in Zaofu.

We're totally safe,
unless we get caught

in another fight
between Su and Lin.

Lin willingly took
you to her sister?

Not exactly.

We got a call about
a new airbender,

and it turned out to be
Su's daughter, Opal.

She'll be headed your way soon.

Really? That's wonderful!

She is wonderful

and pretty and so smart!

And she smells like flowers.


Bolin out.

How's the training going?

Not so well, I'm afraid.

No one seems to be
interested in the hard work

required to become a
part of the air nation.

You need to give
yourself a break.

Let Jinora and the
kids help you out.

And what about Bumi? He
was a naval commander.

Maybe he has some ideas

about how to get
people motivated.

Bumi? He's my worst student!

Yeah, but he loves
to organize people.

If you ask him for help,
you can trick him

into taking more responsibility

by making him think the
whole thing was his idea.


That actually sounds
like a good plan.

You're turning into a pretty
wise Avatar after all.

Conflict resolution.
It's what I do.

We should go down there.

I want to fly one
of those bisons.

I don't know. We might
get in trouble.

Come on, let's have some fun.

We'll be back before anyone
realizes we're gone.

I guess it will be all right.

Look, baby bisons.

How come they're
all on the ground?

Air bison calves can't
fly for a week or two

after they're born,

so the entire herd will
stay near the ground

in the valley.

Let's go see the babies.

Be careful. The mothers
are very protective.

Aw, look how cute.

Kai, get out of there!


Wow, you really saved
me down there.

- Oh.
- You know,

you're an incredible airbender.

Well, I've been training
for a long time.

Then why don't you have tattoos

like an airbending master?

My dad says I'm
not a master yet.

You can do everything
your dad can,

plus you have all those
spirit-y powers.

If anyone's a master, you are.

So we bring the net down

on the head pirate, and
he looks around real sad

and says, "I knew I should
have followed my dreams"

and become a dentist."

How come you grew
up to be so cool,

while Tenzin became such
a stick in the mud?

Well, I guess "cool" is just
something you're born with.

Bumi, can I talk to you?

Let me guess... you want to
criticize me for something.

Actually, I need your help.

Oh, yeah? With what?

I don't think I'm
doing very well

with the new airbenders,

and everyone knows
you're a natural leader.

True, I did win the Admiral Tung

natural leadership award twice.

What would you do if
you were in charge?

Help me be more like you.

I'd love to.

You've gotta use
military discipline

to whip these troops into shape.

The only way to deal
with new recruits

is to break them down, so
you can build them back up.

Rule with an iron fist.

Show them who the master is.

- Thanks for the insight.
- My pleasure.

Dawn patrol! Everyone up!

Ugh. What are you doing?

It's barely light out.

I'm taking your advice.

I'm going to break you down
and build you back up.

Now get moving, recruit!

Nothing like a 10-mile hike
first thing in the morning.

Don't these robes come in a
warm, bison fur version?

No, of course not!


If it weren't so cold,

I'd go right back to sleep.

Then this is the perfect
time to learn meditation

and proper breathing technique.

Airbenders are able
to warm themselves

with only their breathing.

Everyone get into
the lotus position.

Ah, this is so much more
refreshing than sleeping.

You know, when I said that
thing about an iron fist...

hush. Meditation time.


Can we go back to bed now?

Now that we're
refreshed and loose

from our hike and meditation,

it's time for a
balancing exercise.

The key is to maintain your
heaven and earth connection.

Now you try.

Back on the posts!

It's not hard if
you concentrate!

- Whoa.
- Ugh.


Get back up!

What's the matter? You
can't handle it, soldier?

Don't you think you're being
a little hard on them?

Don't worry. They can take it.

You'll see.

Ignore the lemurs
digging in your ears.

Concentrate on your breathing,

and you won't even
know they're there.

Whoa, uh, ugh, oh!

When the head is shaved,
an airbender is able

to feel the wind around him.

It is both humbling and freeing.

Hey, you wanna sneak away

and go check on the baby bisons?

Shh. You should be
paying attention.

All right, who's next?

I'm not sure I want
to shave my head.

That's fine.

Shaving your head is
a personal choice.

- Wait, what?
- Anyone else?

Fine, then we can get right to
our next training exercise...

obstacle course!

You're pushing too hard.

Maybe we should
give them a break.

Jinora, I have this
under control.


Remember, airbenders
move like the wind.



Stay light on your feet,
and you'll never feel

the stinging rash-cactus.


Everyone is waiting
for you, Bumi.

If you don't make it over
in the next 30 seconds,

they'll all have to run
through the course again.

- You can do it, Bumi!
- Come on!


Get back on that wall, recruit!

You're letting your
fellow airbenders down.

I'm finished!

I never wanted to
be an airbender,

and I'm too old to be
back in boot camp!

Count me out.

Fine, quit!

We don't need your attitude
in the new air nation.

Master Tenzin?

When do we get to go home
and visit our families?

Go home? You just got here.

When's dinner? I'm starving.

Can I change out of my robe now?

It's itchy.

This is just as bad as the
earth queen's prison.

I'm tired of all
this complaining.

Jinora, take over.

Does this mean I'm
the master now?

Yes. Just lead them through
some basic exercises.

Well, since I'm a master,

when do you think I
can get my tattoos?

- What brought this on?
- I was just talking to Kai,

and he was asking me, so...

Kai! What does he
know about when

you should get tattoos?

The answer is no! You're
just a little girl.

I'm not a little girl anymore!

I can airbend just
as well as you.

I know everything about
our culture and history,

and I have a stronger
connection with the spirits

than you ever will.

Lead your own class!

Ikki, Meelo, you're up.

Just lead them through
the Bagua circle.

Look to your left!
Look to your right!

One of those people will not
make it out of here alive.

Sorry if what I said
got you in trouble

with your dad.

It's not your fault.

He just can't believe
that I'm grown up now

and I don't need him
telling me what to do

like one of his recruits.

I know something
that'll cheer you up.

Where did all the spirits go?

Where are the babies?


What are these kids
doing in my camp?

We caught them sneaking around.

We thought they might
tell someone we're here.

They're those new airbenders.

Must be living up at the temple.

Hurry up and gather
the rest of the g*ng,

and let's get out of here

before someone comes
looking for these kids.

We'll take them to Ba Sing Se

with the rest of the fresh meat.

Tattoos. How can she think...



Bumi ruins everything.



Taking a little break
from teaching?

I failed.

Bumi quit, and the
rest of the airbenders

want to go home.

Can't they see that I'm trying

to rebuild an entire culture?

You know, just because
these people can airbend,

it doesn't automatically
make them air nomads.

Tell me about it.

I remember when I moved
out of my parents' house

to become an air acolyte.

That first night, I was
so scared and lonely,

and the bed was so hard.

It's actually better
for your back.


The point is,

I really wanted to be there,

but it still took
time for me to adjust

and feel like I was
a part of it all.

These people are probably
feeling the same way.

You have to be patient.

Now I know how Korra feels
when I'm talking to her.

Thank you, Pema.

Bumi, I want to apologize
for losing my patience.

I'm not talking to you.

Hey, get back here!

Where's Jinora?

I saw her fly off on her glider

with her boyfriend.

What? Her boyfriend?


How can you steal these bison?

They're endangered.

That's why they're
worth so much.

The earth queen and
her fancy friends

pay big money for bison
steaks and other weird meat.

I even heard she ate
her dad's pet bear.

You're disgusting.

Hey, do that spirit beaming
thing you did to find me.

Go to the temple for help.

I can't. I'm all
cramped in here,

and I need quiet
and time to focus.

But maybe I can send a message.

Spirits, I need your help.

Go find Bum-Ju. Tell
him we're in trouble.

No, I don't think

I should apologize.

Tenzin just wants to
boss everybody around.

I'm too old for that.

Well, let's face it.

I'm just not cut out
to be an airbender.

Well, that's your opinion.

Wait, did Jinora
send this spirit?

Is she in trouble?

Jinora's in trouble!

We have to go get her.

How do you know?

Bum-Ju's friend told me.

You are able to communicate
with the spirits?

More or less. I get the gist.
Let's go!

Shouldn't master Tenzin
be dealing with this?

I don't want to
get into trouble.

Master Tenzin isn't here.
It's up to us.

Ikki and Meelo, grab some bison.

Airbenders, move out!

Bison rustlers.

They've got Kai and
Jinora locked in crates.

Looks like they're
getting ready to leave.

We'll have to move fast.

I don't know if I'm
ready to get in a fight

with some bison rustlers.

I can tell without the telescope

that they're mean-looking.

Listen, this is what
we've been training for.

We haven't been
training that long.

That's not important now.

Remember how we persevered
together on the obstacle course?

You actually quit.

Well, I'm not quitting now.

I know we've had a tough time...
me more than anyone...

but we're airbenders, and
there aren't many of us,

so we've got to stick together.

They've got two of our
own in cages out there,

and we're not leaving
until we bring them home.

Leave no airbender behind!

In, down, and...


Free the bison first.

Hey, what are you doing out?

Oof! Ugh!



What's going on down there?

Kai, help!

I'm coming, Jinora.

What the...

You got me.

I give up.

You think you can kidnap Jinora

and all these baby bisons?

Kai! That's enough.

An airbender never att*cks
a defenseless opponent.

But that was very
good technique.

Maybe you boys haven't heard,

but there's some new
airbenders around these parts.

And you never mess with
an airbender's bison.

Without my shaved head,

I never could have
dodged that net.

I really felt it coming at me.

You guys should
totally get shaved.

I'm proud of you.

Your connection with the spirits
and natural leadership...

you remind me of dad.

I'm sorry I've been causing
you so much trouble.

I guess I was just
scared of not being able

to measure up as an airbender.

You know, even though
I'm Aang's son,

I never really felt like I was
part of the air nation before.

You are now.

They're so friendly now.

The bison are the
original airbenders.

They recognize their own kind.

I'm sorry for running off.

We're just lucky
no one was hurt.

- I know.
- Well, I also realize,

that I was too harsh with you.

Does that mean I can get
my airbender tattoos?

It's hard for me to believe that
my little girl has grown up

enough to have her tattoos.

But I promise I'll
think about it.

- Fair enough?
- Yeah.

Jinora, look! They're flying!

I guess everyone is growing up.