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03x04 - In Harm's Way

Posted: 10/31/21 04:03
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

Airbenders are mysteriously
disappearing in Ba Sing Se,

including Kai.

The Earth Queen denied any
knowledge of the events.

But Korra refused to
give up the search.

Meanwhile, Mako and Bolin met
their long lost grandmother

who told them that Dai Li agents
have been rounding up airbenders

for the Queen's army.

And other prison on the North,
Tonraq and Lord Zuko prepare

for Zaheer's imminent attack.

Did you see Zaheer?

The only thing I saw was a
snowstorm heading our way.

That's not a snowstorm.
That's him.

I put you away once, Zaheer,
and I'm going to do it again.


Let's get you out of here.

We could have just taken
the elevator, show-off.

I've waited 13 years
to feel this warm.

I thought I'd never
see you again.

I never doubted.

Really? Right now?

I got 'em!

These passports should get
you into the upper ring.

Awesome! Tu, you're the best
cousin a guy could have.

And my other cousins as well.

Yeah. Yeah, you're all the best.

Thanks. I know this wasn't easy.

It's such a shame you
two must leave so soon.

I wish we could stay.

But if it's true The Earth Queen

is forcing airbenders
into her army,

we have to do
something about it.

I love you both.
Come visit again.

We will, grandma.

I love you too, grandma.

And Chow and Tu

and Meng-Meng and Chow Jr.

And there he is, Big Tee and Little...
Little Tee,

and Medium Yu and... and...
and what was your name again?

I know that earth
queen is lying to me.

I can tell by that stupid
little queeny smirk of hers!

And I can't believe
I helped her.

I should have known
she was using me!

Whoa! Hey!

I think I could use a break.

You letting off steam
is starting to...

Hurt... A lot.


Mako! Bolin!

You're okay.

Where have you been?

We chased Kai...

Train... Slipped away...

Lower ring... Slept
in trash pile...

Met our family...

Grandma, tears... Mako scarf...

Earth queen lying.


Can you interpret that?

The Earth Queen's been
secretly taking airbenders

and forcing them into her army.

She was lying. I knew it!

I swear, the next
time I see her...

It's the queen.

Quick, Pabu, shirt!

I know. Sorry. Kinda sweaty.

Good, you're here. g*n,
tell her the news.

We've received word
from the Yang province.

There have been reports
of airbenders there.

Wonderful, isn't it?

It's the very thing
you've been looking for.

Thank you.

That is just the most
wonderful news, ever.


So I assume you and your...
Friends here

will be leaving immediately.

Ahhh, ah-choo!


Ahhhh, ah-choo!

Is there an animal
in my presence?

No, your majesty.

I would never allow
an animal near you.

Ah-choo! Ahh, ahh, ah-choo!

If I find one within 50
feet of me, it's your head!

Anyway, if you need any
assistance packing,

let g*n know.

He'll see to it that you are
on your way by evening.

Uh, this evening?

I'm not sure about
leaving so soon.

Because our airship is
having engine trouble.

It'll take me until tomorrow
to finish the repairs.

Ahh, ahh, ah-choo! Ah-choo!


Thanks for buying us some time.

I can't believe The Earth Queen

is conscripting airbenders.

Those people should not be
forced to join an army.

Well, technically,

The Earth Queen has a right
to conscript her citizens.

What? It's true.

Guys, what if Kai was
spotted airbending?

He might have been taken too.

Probably not.

He's surprisingly
difficult to catch.

Like a... like a little
greased hog-monkey.

But what if he was?

Don't worry, Jinora.
We'll find him.

We just need to figure
out where to look.

I bet they're under Lake Laogai.

What? I've been reading
some of Jinora's books.

The old Dai Li agents used
to have a secret fortress

beneath the lake.

Mako's right.

It's the perfect spot
to hide airbenders.

And I know how to check it
out without being caught.

I can project my spirit into it.

You mean that out-of-body
thing you did

to help giant spirity-Korra?

You can still do that?

It's not as powerful as it was
during harmonic convergence,

but if I can get close
enough, I think I can do it.

Let's go get Kai out.

Let's get all the
airbenders out.

You are the property
of the earth kingdom.

You will become the earth
queen's elite fighting force

and protect her at all cost.

It is your duty to
serve The Earth Queen.


Go easy on me.

I'm not that good.

Never show mercy!

Now attack your opponent,

and this time, like you mean it.


A soldier never
apologizes to his enemy.

I'm not a soldier.

You will be when I'm
through with you.

If anything goes wrong,
come back immediately.

I will.

What happened? What did you see?

The airbenders aren't there.
It's completely deserted.

They're not down there?

Jinora, you've read
all about Ba Sing Se.

Can you think of
any other places

the airbenders might be?

I guess they could
be in the catacombs

beneath the upper ring

or the ancient sewers
beneath the lower ring

or the maze of tunnels that
connects the rings together,

or they could be...

There are just too many places.

There has to be another
way to locate them.

Maybe there is.

How did you find me during
harmonic convergence?

I don't know.

I just kind of focused
on your energy.

I think our spiritual
connection led me to you.

Maybe you can find
Kai the same way.

I know you two
have a connection.

What do you mean a connection?

I don't know. Let me try.



Thanks. You again!

If you have time to
help your friend,

maybe you're not getting
enough rocks for yourself.

I guess you're not as
good as you thought.

Throw him in the hole!

Jinora? It worked!

How are you here right now?

Shh, quiet.

It's a high-level
airbender move...

With a little spiritual
stuff thrown in.

For a second there, I
thought you were a ghost.

It's good to see you.

We've been looking for you
and the other airbenders.

We're going to get
you all out of here.

Where are we anyway?

Underground somewhere.

Other than that, I
don't have a clue.

I'll figure it out. Don't worry.

Jinora... Thanks.

The Earth Queen's temple.

I can't believe miss
queeny smugface

had them right under our
noses the whole time!

We have to get into
that compound tonight

and get those airbenders out.

All right, we go in under
the cover of darkness.

Two small insertion teams
and a third on the outside.

Then all we'll need is 12
tons of blasting jelly,

a medium-sized bulldozer and...

Does anyone have a badger-mole
that knows morse code?

Oh, great. Not the queen again.

Everyone act normal.
And, Bolin...

I'm on it!


Hey, I'm not sweaty this time.


Lin? What are you doing here?

We need to get Korra out
of here immediately.

Her life's in danger. What?

What's going on?

I just got word from
Lord Zuko and Tonraq.

Why is Lord Zuko with my dad?

Zaheer and the
others have escaped.

How is that possible?

Because Zaheer is
an airbender now.


All right, hold on.

Will you quit ignoring me and
tell me what's going on?

Who's Zaheer? Why is
my life in danger?

Shortly after we found
out you were the Avatar,

Zaheer and three others
attempted to kidnap you.

Luckily, your father, Lord
Zuko, Chief Sokka, and I

were there to stop them.

We apprehended the criminals and
locked them away in prisons

designed to impair
their abilities.

So that's why you and my
dad sheltered me away.

It was for your own safety.

Why were they trying
to kidnap Korra?

We spent 13 years
interrogating them,

but they never broke.

To this day, no one knows
what their motive was.

Now we need to get you
back to Republic City,

where I can protect you.

No, I'm not running.

Korra, you don't understand.

These criminals are like nothing
you've ever faced before.

Look, I'm not a
little kid anymore.

You don't need to protect me.

I came here for one thing...
to find airbenders...

and I'm not leaving
without them.

Fine, let's get 'em
and get out of here.

Where are they?

In a military compound,

and we're busting them out.

- Hi.
- Hey! What are you doing here?

Aw, it's just that
little airbender girl

who came with the Avatar.

You shouldn't be walking
around here all alone.

I'm not alone.

Bumi and Korra,

you two will come with me
to find the airbenders.

You three find Kai.

We'll meet on the
surface shortly.

Radio us if anything goes wrong.

What's going on? Who are you?

I'm the Avatar,

and I'm getting you
all out of here.

- We're leaving?
- Where are we going?

Everyone, please, you
must stay calm and quiet

if we want this to work.

What to work?

We're sneaking out?

Yes, and we must leave now.

We're going to get you
away from The Earth Queen

and out of the city.

There's an airbender
that's not here.

His name is Kai. We
need to get him.

We're already taking care of it.

Topside, this is papa bear.
The breezies are in the hold.

Cue the balloons.


- Are you in trouble?
- No!

We got the airbenders,
and we're headed out.

Bring the airships.

No one likes code names anymore.

Copy that. Asami and
I are on our way.

Come on, we're getting you out.




Tenzin's not going to
be happy about this.

Then don't tell him.

How can I not?
This is too juicy!

Thanks for coming to get me.

I'm really sorry about
stealing your wallets

and running away

and getting you stuck
on that train.

Oh, we can't stay mad at you!

Yes, we can.

I had a lot of money
in that wallet!

Guys, come on.

Deserting her majesty's
army is high treason,

punishable by death.

Come on, it's clear.

So you've discovered
my elite army.

I see their loyalty
still needs some work.

These airbenders shouldn't
be used as weapons.

They have a right to
choose their own paths.

These airbenders are
earth kingdom citizens,

and I am their queen.

Taking them will
constitute an act of w*r.

If you disobey me, I
will bear down on you

with the entire force
of my kingdom!

They're leaving with me.

No, they're not!

Come on!

I guess I am as
good as I thought.

Everyone's in. Let's go!


Take down those airships!

Where are the others?

We need help!

Everybody, hang on!

Whoa, that was awesome!

Bring me those airships now!

Ahh, ah-choo!

Oh, get it off me! Ah-choo!

Get this fur off... ahhh-choo!

I know that none of you
chose to become airbenders,

but now you do have a choice.

We can relocate you
somewhere safe,

or you can come with me to
the northern air temple

to live in peace and
train as air nomads.

You are no longer
anyone's property.

What path you decide
is up to you.

I want to go with you.

- Me too.
- Count me in.

- I wanna go too.
- I'll go too.

- Me too.
- Sounds like fun.

- I wanna go too.
- Ooh, I wanna go.

Good luck at the
northern air temple.

I'll send more airbenders
your way when I find them.

Be careful out there,
and stay safe.

I'll try.

It seems like wherever I
go, I make a new enemy.

But you made some
new friends too.

You did well, Korra.

This is only the beginning.