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03x02 - Rebirth

Posted: 10/31/21 04:01
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

Did someone order a fully equipped
Future Industries airship?

It's perfect! Thanks Asami.

I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se to search
for airbenders, we should do it in style.

Yay, airship!

I wanna see!

C'mon, Poki.

While you guys are gone, Pema
and I will hold down the fort.

Who's excited to spend some
time with your Auntie Kya?


Aw, he likes you.

Mako, I'm so glad you're here.

Of course, Korra. Avatar.
Avatar Korra.

Once I received your message I
proceeded to contact various locations

within the Earth Kingdom as
ordered by you, the Avatar.

Right, the Avatar thanks you for your loyal
service. Did you find any more leads?

There are reports of airbenders popping
up all over the Earth Kingdom.

I marked the villages on this map.
You guys can take it with you.

Actually, I was kind of
hoping you could come, too.

Really? Uh, it's probably
better if I sit this one out.

I know things have been weird
between us since we broke up,

but you're a part of Team Avatar,
and we can't do this without you.

I'm sorry, I can't.

I'll miss you, sweetie.

I'll miss you too.

Once we find the airbenders,
I'll send word.

You can join us at the
Northern Air Temple then.

Hey! How come Jinora gets to go with
you but we don't? That's so not fair!

Yeah! What this girl said!
Not fair!

Because if airbenders show up here, they're
gonna need some guidance from the two of you.

It's a very important job.

Really? Me, a teacher? Yay!

Those maggots will bow to me!

Go easy on them, son.

Mako, wait a sec.

Korra already asked, bro. I can't just leave
Republic City. I have a life here, and a job.

A life? You sleep
under your desk.

And what's a more important job than helping
the Avatar rebuild an entire civilization?

It's not just that. I feel like I've
been drifting apart from everyone.

Well, drift back, we need you! C'mon Mako, we're
going to Ba Sing Se, where Dad grew up. What if

I meet our grandma for the very first time, and
she asks me "Where's your sweet brother?" and I

have to say "I'm sorry, Grandma, he had some
really important police paperwork to file" and she

starts to cry those grandma tears and is like "Mako,
why? Why? I can't go on, I ca-" and she dies.

Okay, all right,
I'll come with you.

I guess I gotta call Beifong.
She's not going to be happy.

Bye! We'll miss you!

As of now, these are the towns where
we've gotten reports about airbenders.

It looks like we can hit up most of
them before we get to Ba Sing Se.

We're going to bring the Air Nation back from the
brink of extinction after nearly two hundred years.

And it's all because
of you, Korra.

Finally. Our shift
change is here.

Hey! Where are the other guards?


It's nice to see
you again, Ghazan.

Thanks for busting me out. Where
did you pick up the new skills?

I have Harmonic Convergence to thank
for that. I was given a gift.

I believe it's a sign that
our path is a righteous one.

Avatar Korra! Oh it's such an honor to
have you come to our humble village.


I hate to get down to business,
but is the airbender here now?

Kuon and his family will be joining us shortly
for a special dinner. Please, right this way.

Kuon has been the talk of the town ever since
he's got airbending; He's like a local celebrity.

I just want to say it's an honor
to meet a fellow airbender.

Oh, I still think of myself as a
simple farmer. Who can airbend!

Oh, I'm so sorry! I still
don't have any control.

No worries! I love pie.
And so does Pabu.

Well, you're so much more than just a farmer
now. Harmonic Convergence changed everything.

You represent the future of a culture that is being
reborn. You're going to help us rebuild the Air Nation.

I'm gonna do what now?

The only thing I'm planning
to rebuild is my barn.

But you must come with us
to the Northern Air Temple.

Well, I can't do that. I
have a family and a farm.

Of course you can come. This is of the utmost
importance. Your wife will understand.

Wait, what? No, I
do not understand.

Daddy, where are you going? Why does
the bald man want to take you away?

No one's going to take
Daddy away, sweetheart.

Actually, this bald man does want to take
him, but it's for an important cause.

Your dad is an airbender, and he
should learn about his culture.

I think there's been some sort of
misunderstanding. I'm not going with you.

I might be able to airbend, but
I'm no Air Nomad, I'm no monk.

Okay, maybe we should just have some
dessert huh? Who's up for dessert?

Sir, you must understand, you're
an airbender now, and there are

thousands of years of culture you must
learn about, skills you must master.

You expect me to abandon my entire life?
My family? No!

No sir, I'm not going anywhere with you
and I think it's best that you leave.

In my head I saw that playing
out very differently.

Maybe we should have
stayed and tried harder

to convince him to join us.

Or we could've thrown
him into a potato sack

and forced him into the ship.

That's how they got me to
join the united forces.

No, we can't coerce people

or throw them in potato sacks.

They must come freely.

But not to worry,

there are plenty of other
airbenders out there

who will be happy
to come with us

once they find out what the
air nation's all about.

When your son becomes a master,

he'll get tattoos all over
his body, just like me.

There's nothing more nutritious
than our vegetarian diet.

I can tell that
you're going to love

wearing our ancient
airbender robes.

They're very breathable.

You'll never have to worry

about your worldly
possessions again

because you won't have any.

You'll get to shave your head!

Your best friend will
be a giant bison!

I really thought I
had that last guy.

Who doesn't want a bison
as their best friend?

It's okay, Tenzin.

I still want to be an airbender.

Okay, we've tried it your way,

and people just don't
seem to be responding.

It's time for a
little tough love.

Oh, are you the Avatar?

When my son got airbending,

my husband and I were so happy.

We thought this could open
a lot of doors for him.

And maybe he could finally
move out of the basement.

How old is he?

He's 22, and, you know,

still just figuring
his life out.

Well, I have a great
opportunity for him.

We're looking for
airbenders to join us

at the Northern Air Temple.

That sounds wonderful!
I'll get him.

Ryu, get up here!

Hi, I'm Korra.

So, you're like the Avatar or something?
Big deal.

Ah, I just wanted to talk to you

about an opportunity...

yeah, I heard you
talking to my mom,

and I'm not interested.

Well, you're gonna
be interested!

You're an airbender now, and
you have a responsibility

as a citizen of the world.


I didn't ask to become
an airbender, you know.

Well, I didn't ask
to be the Avatar,

but I am, and I'm
fulfilling my duties.

So? You don't have to.

Yes, I do have to.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

No, you don't.

Well, if I didn't
embrace my role,

then our entire world could
be thrown into chaos.

Think about that. Is
that what you want?

- Maybe.
- No, it's not!

So what? Who cares?

Everyone cares!

I don't care.

Yes, you do!

No, I don't.

Well, you're about to
care, you little slacker,

because you're coming with me!

Stop pulling on my collar,
you're stretching it out.

Mom, are you just gonna
just let her take me?

I think it's a
great opportunity.

Just try it for a week
and see how it goes.

No! Let me go!


That's it!

Korra, enough!

Let's get out of here.

So nice to meet you.
Good luck with your son.

We're under attack!

Look out!





I never thought I'd be so happy

to see your ugly mugs again.

Great to see you too, Ming-Hua.

I'm flattered, you busted me out

before that girlfriend of yours.

We're getting her next.

Well, I guess we should
just go to Ba Sing Se

and try our luck there.

I don't know what to do.

I just thought more
people would be excited

about coming with us.

Well, maybe you gotta do
more to get them excited.

You need to add a
little razzle dazzle.

Yeah, razzle dazzle.

We could put on some sort of
airbending street performance.

I was going to say we could
cover Tenzin's robe in sequins,

but that's even better.

It sounds ridiculous,
but it might work.

I'm willing to try
anything at this point.

Yes! That is the kind of
enthusiasm I like to hear.

Come one, come all and witness
the amazing airbenders!

An airbending show that will
leave you breathless with wind!

First up, the tattooed
master himself.

You know him as the
son of Avatar Aang.

He shaves every
hair on his head,

every single day.

It's the one, the only guy

with an arrow pointing
to his nose...


Now, now, ladies and gentlemen,

ladies and gentlemen,
please be quiet.

I have some serious news.

We've heard that an escaped
firebending convict

has been spotted near here.

Now, I don't want
to panic anyone,

but if you see a firebender
with a red scarf...

I see him. He's right there!

I am the escaped convict,

and you will all reap my fire.

Oh, no, who will help us?

I will!

With my airbending skills.

Whoa! Aah!

Oh! Aah! Aah!

Hey! Let me go!

This is not what we rehearsed!


With the power of airbending,

even this beast can
float like a feather!

Look what can be done in only a
few short weeks of practice.

No, no, don't worry, folks,

she might be young,

but she is in full control.

Ladies and gentlemen,

if you or anyone you
know is an airbender,

please send them our way.

Master Tenzin and Avatar Korra
would love to teach them

all they know.

Hey. Hello.

If you're looking
for airbenders,

you just found one.

I want to join you guys.

Get outta town!

We got our first recruit.

Just to be totally clear,

we're going to be
heading to Ba Sing Se,

then the Northern air
temple to live as nomads

and rebuild the air nation.

All that sound good to you?

Yeah, Ba Sing Se,
rebuild the temple,

air nomad what do you do...
I'm in.

Let's go right now.

This is going to be so great.

You are gonna love it...
uh, ah...

real quick, what's your name?

Kai. So when do we hit the road?

Hang on a second, Kai.
Where are your parents?

We can't have you come with
us without their permission.

My parents are... Gone.

You're an orphan?

It happened about a year ago.

My hometown was
raided by outlaws,

but my parents fought
back against them.

I was so scared, but they
told me not to worry.

They would protect me.

And they did.

My parents saved me and
the entire village.

But they died in the fight.

Mom and pop meant
everything to me.

They were my whole life.

Ever since then,
I've been on my own

and on the run.

Those same outlaws
are still after me.

Well, you don't have to
be on the run anymore.

Right, guys? Tell him.

I'm so sorry about your parents.

I know we could
never replace them,

but we're here for you.

We'll keep you safe. Come on.

When you board this airship,

you're gonna leave
your old life behind

and start a new path.

That's some big brother advice.

Just think of me as
your big brother.

Guys, I think we got trouble.

Release the boy or we'll
take him by force.

The outlaws... they're after me.

Let's get out of here!

We're not running from anyone.

If you want Kai, you'll
have to go through me!

Your days of harassing an
innocent boy are over.

You outlaws are going to prison.


Innocent boy?

I'm a sheriff and these
are my deputies.

And this kid is a thief.

Whatever he told you is a lie.

We've been chasing
him for months.

Where's Kai?

Right here.

I found him slipping away.

I was going to the bathroom.

With your sack of gold?

I told you, I found
that on the road!

Enough with the lies, kid.
I want the truth.

The truth is, he's the outlaw.

He spent his entire
life as an orphan

until he got adopted
by a real nice family

about six months ago.

And how did he repay them?

By taking their
entire life savings.

We've been after him ever since.

Is that true?

The person who stole that
stuff was the old me.

Once I got airbending,
I changed.

I don't know how to explain it,

but I feel like airbending
chose me for a reason.

Like I'm a new person.

I'm sorry! Please!

You have to listen to me.

Are you taking him
back to the orphanage?

No. He's headed to jail.


You guys got the family's
life savings back.

Now let us take Kai.

Do you really want
our first new member

of the air nation to
be a liar and a thief?

He just needs some
guidance, Tenzin.

And who better to give
it to him than us?

Do you want this kid or not?

Yes. You can release the
boy into our custody.

Thank you.

Don't make me regret it.

Welcome to the
family, little bro.

I just want you to know,

I'm going to be
watching you, kid.

I know exactly what
you're all about

because I've been there before.

You don't have me fooled.

Whoa, hey, lighten up.

I'm turning over a new leaf.

Making a change.

Don't you worry about me.

Hi, I'm Jinora.

If you need any help
with airbending

I could show you what I know.

Thanks. That's real nice of you.

Jinora! We're leaving now.

They came out of nowhere.
I'm so sorry, Lord Zuko.

How could you let this happen?

They caught us by surprise.

And Zaheer is an airbender now.

No! This can't be.

Do you have any idea the power
these criminals possess?

Individually, they can
take down any bender.

Put them all together,

they could take down
the entire world.

And now you're telling me
their leader is an airbender?

We can track them...

We don't need to track them.

I know exactly where
they're going.

Notify the new chiefs of
the Northern watertribe

that an attack on their
prison is imminent.

And send word to Lin
Beifong in Republic City.

The Avatar must be protected.

Where are you going?

To stop them.