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04x10 - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

Posted: 10/31/21 03:16
by bunniefuu
Everett, I'm at Charlie
Brower's jazz club with Becca.

Looks like a fire took
out the back office.

Got it. On my way.

Copy that!

Back up, guys!


Talent bookings are cancelled.

Unless you're referring to
my ability to run in heels,

which is impressive, I'm not talent.

Angie Everett, private investigator.

- And now there are two of you.
- Everett. Becca's upstairs.

- That's my cue.
- I'll be back. Do not go near my ignition site.

I would never.

Wow. New dress code
I should be aware of?

You wish you could pull this off.

Unfortunate choice of words.

- Date went well then.
- Did you know the owner of this place,

Charlie Brower, is a legend?

Some of the hottest names
in the business launched

- their careers on that stage.
- Yeah. Well, last night,

that stage almost went up in flames.

- Thanks for coming!
- Yeah.

Matt, Angie, this is Kelsey Brower.

- Hi.
- Her father, Charlie, owns the club.

I've been doing a documentary on him.

The super-secret
project. So what happened?

Around midnight, a fire
started in my dad's office.

Thankfully, no one was hurt.

- Someone spotted it early.
- And why isn't Mr. Brower

- the one telling us all this?
- Because he's missing.

He's not answering his phone.

We've already checked
his apartment, hospitals.

The thing is the fire
investigator is ruling it arson.

So now your dad is suspect number one.

Please, I just need you to find him.

Find him and prove he didn't do this.

Has your dad ever gone AWOL before?

No. He is obsessive about this club.

He never misses a day.
I've called all his friends.

No one knows where he is.

This footage is from yesterday.

When we wrapped up at
5:30, he seemed fine.

Is it true that Charlie
stopped writing and composing

- after his second album?
- Yes.

And before you ask, no,
he's never told me why.

Or anyone else for that matter.

Well, a little mystery adds
to the mystique, I guess.

This must have been an
interesting place to grow up.

Interesting and lonely.

When I was 18, I wanted to get away,

so I went to university in Vancouver

- and stayed with my mom.
- But you came back.

What's your relationship
like with your dad now?

He has never been more present.

And that's what has us so worried.

Charlie has Kelsey, the
club, the documentary.

He wouldn't just pick up and
leave without an explanation.

I gotta take this.

I'm calling in every favour I have

to keep this story out of the media.

As far as I can tell, Charlie
seemed genuinely happy and relaxed.

So what happened between 5:30 yesterday

and midnight when the fire started?

Dad keeps a diary of all his meetings

and club events. He's old school.

You should've seen Becca
convincing him to film himself

with one of her tiny cameras.

The fire was contained
to my dad's office.


Some of this stuff
must be irreplaceable.

I don't understand how
someone could do this.

According to this,
your dad had a meeting

with someone named Todd
last night at 7 o'clock.

Yeah. Todd Fenway.
He's a music producer.

He came to every open mic
night to spot new talent.

Dad used to promote his
artists on the main stage.

- Used to?
- Yeah.

A couple weeks ago,
they had an argument.

I thought Dad broke off the arrangement.

And yet, they were booked
for a meeting last night.

Todd Fenway might be the last person

to have seen your dad before the fire.


Charlie has a lot of
influence in the jazz world.

A guy like that makes enemies.

Maybe the fire was a threat
and now he's hiding out.

But if that was the case,
why wouldn't he warn Kelsey?

You know, we have to consider
the possibility he set the fire

himself to collect the insurance payout.

Yet, it could be. A place like
this would take up your whole life,

and Charlie's not getting any younger.

So he decides to set the fire,
then retire early in style?

Hey, you got a little something.

- Is it gone?!
- Hey.

Is that charcoal on your face?

- No.
- You crossed the tape.

Would you believe that I just
haven't mastered a smoky eye?

They're with me! Or I'm with them,

or whatever.

Zoe, what are you doing here?

Lachlan and I were at the
same conference last month,

and he's agreed to let me
shadow him while we investigate.

It's pretty cool, right?

I don't know, Zoe...

That is amazing. You're
gonna learn so much.

Thank you for, letting Zoe
assist me with this investigation.

You're lucky she likes you.

You know, now that I think about it,

whoever called 911 must have
spotted the fire immediately.

The timing is a little suspect.

I think I may know who made that call.

There's a man, Horatio.
He lives out of his car.

He's been parked in the lot
across the alley nearly every night

since I began interviewing Charlie.

- Maybe Becca and I should pay him a visit?
- All right. I'll go see Todd Fenway.

See if their last conversation
left Charlie hot under the collar.

You just can't give up on
trying to get this handsome mug

on the big screen, Becca?

The camera would love you. I know it.

Horatio, this is Angie Everett.

Horatio, I'm a private investigator.

I'm allowed to park here.

Listen, we just want
to know if it was you

who called in the fire last night.

Yeah, I did. But as
far as I'm concerned,

I did my part. Period. The end.

I don't have anything else to say.

You get hassled a lot?

Either I'm invisible or
I'm messing up the view.

That must be frustrating. I'm sorry.

Charlie arranged for me to park here.

He's a good man, Charlie. I
wish there were more like him.

Charlie's actually
the reason we're here.

He's missing, Horatio.

Like I said, I don't
want to get involved.

I'm working with his daughter,
Kelsey. Do you know her?


Look, we're just trying to
make sure that Charlie's OK.

Is there anything you saw

that you didn't report? Anything at all?

Some of the nights

Charlie opens the windows of the club

so I can hear the music.
He's generous that way.

He loves his club, the community.


The first thing was the smoke.

Got me out of the car real quick.

Then I see the back door
of the club fly open.

- And?
- I see Charlie.

The alley must have been dark.
How can you be sure it was him?

His hat. Light from the street lamp

caught the pin on the
side of his fedora.

He was running like the
Devil was at his heels.

Shall I call the cops?

Or did you bring marshmallows?

Sorry for trespassing.

Name's CJ. I'm looking for Todd Fenway.

CJ, no last name.

Let me guess, you're
in the music business.

Guilty as charged. I'm an agent.

- You are?
- Celine Fenway,

mistress of all this.

- Todd's my husband.
- He's also the most successful

jazz music producer in town.

- He's had some success, yes.
- I'll say.

I saw him the other night
at Charlie Brower's club.

Shame about the fire.

Lucky no one was hurt.

Todd is out on his boat today,

but I'll tell him you dropped by.

That'd be great.

Hey, um... I'm actually thinking
of doing a deal with Charlie myself.

I'd appreciate any inside info.

Charlie Brower's a drunk.

Completely unreliable when it
comes to honouring his contracts.

Todd actually ended his
relationship with him.

- He did?
- Charlie used to promote Todd's singers,

give him a headline slot at the club.

And then when Charlie was
introduced to Todd's latest star,

Ellie Danvers, he pulled the plug.

Todd tried to talk him out
of it last night, but

- he was already drunk.
- Last night! Did Todd see the fire?

No. He was home with me by then.

It wouldn't surprise me if they find

that Charlie started the fire himself.

- Everett, I just heard a very different tune...
- Sh! Sh! Sh!

What's he doing here?

Helping Zoe re-create tests
that identify the accelerant.

So every accelerant leaves an ILR.

- Ignitable liquid residue.
- Very good.

Now, different chemicals
have different burn rates.

They finding what was
used to start the fire?

Lachlan's lab's assembling a report.

What is it about firemen anyway?

Too many hose jokes to choose from.

Switching to a safer subject,

any hits on Charlie's credit card?

Not in the last 24 hours.

In fact, it seems the only
thing he uses it for is

- a pay-as-you-go cell phone.
- Which is untraceable.

- Yeah. Did you meet with Todd?
- Nah, he was indisposed.

But I did get some major
dish from his wife, Celine.

She claims that he was at home

- with her when the fire started.
- Well,

the 911 call came in at 12:11 a.m.

We are guessing the fire
started around midnight.

At 5 p.m., Kelsey
said goodbye to her dad

and then half an hour later,
Becca wraps up the interview.

7 o'clock, Todd Fenway arrives.

He and Charlie have a fight about

an up-and-coming artist, Ellie Danvers.

Charlie was all set to promote
her but then, for some reason,

- changed his mind.
- Hold on.

OK, yeah. We gotta run
the test on that one.

Becca sent over some of her doc footage.

It's actually quite genius.
When she wasn't there filming,

she had Charlie recording
his day on a mini body camera.

The music is magic.

This clip is from last
month. There's Todd and

that must be Ellie Danvers.


- She is good.
- Very good.

The kind of talent that
brings people into the club.

According to Celine,
Charlie was drunk last night.

She thinks he started the fire himself.

Well, our intel doesn't
eliminate that theory.

Becca was right. Horatio was parked

in his usual spot last night,
and he saw Charlie booking it

down the alley just
after the fire started.

Well, it looks like our arsonist
soaked a stack of Charlie's records

- and used them as kindling.
- And the accelerant?

Not one of the usual suspects
like gasoline or lighter fluid.

That's all I can tell you at this point.

Liquid courage.

Lachlan is so smart, you guys.

And cute. And so smart.

If I was gonna burn down the club,

I wouldn't start in Charlie's office.

I'd probably start it near
the bar, get the liquor going.

Unless Charlie's office was the target.

Zoe, do you think you can
distract Lachlan while we totally

- don't break into his ignition site?
- Got any more wine?

Charlie didn't use computers,

so all his financial documents,

contracts, everything,
would have been on paper.

It's a great way to
hit delete permanently.

Does that sound right to you?


I think we broke the sofa.

Strangely not the first
time I've heard that.


This must have been a speakeasy.

Looks like we found Charlie.


Nah, this thing ain't budging.

I'm calling Zoe.

Yeah, Carson's on her way. We're
trapped down here until she arrives.

I'll call you back. Shade, look at this.

Looks like he was gonna
try to pry that door open

and the smoke overtook him.

The question is did they know he was
down here or was this an accident?

Let's not contaminate the
scene any more than we have,

but we need to figure
out who started the fire.

That's a funny-looking record player.

There's a... green plastic key.

I think Charlie was
composing music down here.

Using the speakeasy
as his music man cave?

Wait. Your witness, Horatio,

didn't he say he saw Charlie

running away from the club last night?

Yeah, but he only thought it was
Charlie because of his fedora.

Wait. That's not here.

What if whoever set the fire took it?

To make it look like
Charlie got out alive?


- Where are you guys?
- Carson!

Lachlan warned me you and Detective
Hockey were up to something.

OK. It's a closet.

Prohibition made people creative.

Hang on.

- You two OK?
- Yeah.

- Charlie, not so much.
- Thanks.

Yeah. Wedged in the door handle.

So this wasn't an accident.

It's now a homicide investigation.

Dad tried to teach me, but I,

but I never wanted to practice.

20 minutes a day, Kelsey.

The things you wish you
could tell your kid self.

We're so sorry for your loss.

I just don't understand

how someone would want to k*ll him.

He was a good man.

Are you sure it was intentional?

The k*ller used a wooden
broomstick to jam the exit.

If the fire had done
what it was supposed to,

the evidence would be ash.

Did you know about the speakeasy?

Are you serious?

No! I would've said something.

That's... a pretty big secret to keep.

My dad was private.

He would work on a song for months.

Play it for no one.

I think that's why he quit writing.

It was just... it was too personal.

But he wanted to change.

That's why he agreed
to do the documentary.

He wanted to open up his life.

And I'm gonna need a copy of
that footage now, Ms. D'Orsay.

Yeah, anything to help.


I'd like to keep the club open

with the regular scheduled gigs.

It's what Dad would have wanted.

The club is clear, but

I am gonna wanna talk to you later.


The argument between your dad and Todd,

it was because he broke
an agreement to promote

one of Todd's artists, Ellie Danvers.

- Do you know her?
- Ellie... Yeah, she

used to work at a greenhouse,

and then she came to
one of our open mics.

Todd Fenway took her under his wing.

Dad was gonna give her a headline spot.

You know, it's a career-making shot.

But the next thing I know,
she's on the no fly list.

If people find out about
that, her reputation'll be

down the toilet.

- Kels?
- Ace?


Yeah, it's me.

I know.

Sometimes I hardly recognize myself.

Is it true?

- They found Charlie?
- I don't want you here.

Just get out. Get out.

You just called him Ace?

Ace Evans.

He was my dad's music partner
until he became an addict.

I haven't seen him in 20 years,

since the night my dad threw him out.

He could've been lying when he said

that he saw someone
running from the fire.

Just covering his tracks. Bad
blood between former partners.

Sounds like a motive for m*rder.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Did you have any luck
confirming Mr. Fenway's alibi?

Well, I left him three messages as CJ.

No return call. That's Horatio?

- Aka Ace.
- Quite the transformation.

I've called soup kitchens,
shelters. There's no sign of him.

If he was Charlie's
writing partner,

he must have known about the speakeasy.

Yeah. But if he started
the fire, why stick around?

He made it months without
being recognized, even by Becca.

Pest professionals.

They make an industrial-grade pesticide.

It's très expensive
and très flammable.

And it's the only pesticide that
matches our ILR at the scene.

Please tell me that
industrial grade means

- it's not sold in every supermarket?
- Only 15 suppliers in the city.

Didn't Kelsey say that
Ellie worked at a greenhouse?


I'm here to audition.

Ellie Danvers! So glad you were free.

Hey. I, sing for my supper.

- You want me to hit it a cappella?
- I want you to tell me

what happened between
you and Charlie Brower.

I don't know what you're talking about.

He banned you from his club. Why?

Are you guys narcs?! You have
to tell me if you are, right?

- Like, if you're a cop?
- We're not cops.

But we could introduce you to some
if you don't answer our questions.

Charlie Brower is dead, Ellie.

What?! No.

He was m*rder*d. Somebody
set his club on fire

- and trapped him inside.
- What, and now I'm a suspect?

You had motive. Charlie
k*lled your career.

A month ago, you were on
your way to a record deal.

- 'Til Charlie shut you down.
- You work in a greenhouse, right?

With access to flammable pesticides
at a nice employee discount.

OK. Obvi I'm pissed I'm
back at a greenhouse.

I didn't k*ll Charlie though.

Then why'd he ban you from his club?

Because Charlie was a square.
He found out I like to party.

Said I had to kick the
habit or get off his stage.

I... I chose door number two.

And what about Todd? He doesn't care?

Todd just wants to go to the GRAMMYs.

Charlie was in it for the
music, but he had no money.

Charlie's is the most
famous club in the city.

It's also been bleeding money for years.

Anyway, I have an alibi. I was
wired into Elven Effect all night.

Go ahead and check.

It's an online VR game.

Flank him! Flank him!

He's headed for the
Crown of the Pinnacle!

Ready! Aim!


I think I have a lead.


I see why some people never
leave their mothers' basements.

Two, Jadeheart the
Brave, aka Ellie Danvers,

was storming the Vale all night

- 'til she got k*lled by a troll.
- Meaning?

Our number one suspect has an alibi.

She was playing videogames.

I found something on this footage

that Charlie uploaded from the bodycam.

He was talking about how he
was worth more dead than alive,

- so that got me thinking.
- Charlie has a life insurance policy.

A big one taken out
two weeks ago by Kelsey.

OK. Well, maybe their relationship

isn't as harmonious as we thought.

- Carson has that same footage.
- We can take my car.

Becca, I think we should
talk to her by ourselves.

Matthew Shade, I have
been working on this story

for months! I know Kelsey!

Which means you're too
close to a potential suspect.

We'll take it from here.

Why didn't you tell us about the
life insurance policy, Kelsey?

- What?
- Or that the club was drowning in debt?

Dad refused to sell. He
kept hoping he could save it.

The life insurance policy was
his idea to take care of me.

Two weeks before someone k*lled him?

- You called the police?
- No.

They didn't have to. Kelsey Brower,

I'm arresting you for the
m*rder of Charlie Brower.


No! Wait!

I didn't do this!

Why do I get the feeling this
key is the key to everything?

- What key?
- We found this

green plastic key at the crime
scene. It seemed out of place.

Does it have the initial V
and E on it by any chance?

You know, if you're psychic, Jules,

you might not have to worry
about university at all.

No, no, no. It's a meal key
for a restaurant, Vibrant Earth.

It's part of their Helping
the Homeless initiative.

The advice line partnered
with them last year.

You buy a key, give
it to someone in need,

and then they can
exchange it for a meal.

Horatio's been living
out of his car for months.

If it's his meal key,
then he wasn't just parked

- outside the club.
- And he sure took off

in a hurry once Kelsey identified him.

- How'd you find me?
- You left a souvenir in the speakeasy.

You guys are good.

And now you're here,
thinking I started the fire.

Well, I didn't.

We know about your history with Charlie.

Kelsey said your partnership
ended pretty badly.

20 years of resentment
is kind of a powder keg.

I don't resent Charlie.

I'd have taken him and
Kelsey, the club, all of it

down with me and still
been looking for a fix.

- How long you been clean?
- 23 months and change.

What was Charlie's reaction
to his old partner showing up?

He welcomed me with open arms.
He let me sleep in the speakeasy.

And yet Kelsey was surprised to see you.

We kept things to ourselves.

He didn't wanna tell Kelsey,

or your friend Becca,
until he was ready.

So two former partners
reunite on the down-low.

Were you two writing music again?

It was like we'd never been apart.

Charlie's secret plan was
to release a new album.

It'd probably sell like hot cakes.

I don't have an alibi.
All I can tell you is

that Charlie was my second chance.

The last thing I wanted
was to lose him again.

Why were you in your car Thursday night

if he was letting you
stay in the speakeasy?

Thursdays were the only nights
Charlie needed the place to himself.

He tell you why?

I don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

He was intoxicated that night.

Maybe he was upset by
something or someone?

No way. You got it all wrong.

- How's that?
- Charlie doesn't drink.

He never did. Not a drop.

We need to see that tox report.

- Yeah.
- Thank you, Horatio.

Sorry about your friend.
We're gonna do right by him.


- Everett and Shade.
- Hey, Zoe.

- Where are you going?
- Angie, hey! What's up, girlfriend?

You left a couple of messages?

- Carson sent the tox report?
- Yes, along with promises

to never do so again in three languages.

- Did you know she speaks Hungarian?
- Zoe?

Right, sorry. The
report came back clean.

Charlie didn't have any
alcohol in his blood?

- Not a drop.
- Horatio knew him well.

- Thanks, Zoe.
- Wait, wait, wait! You know

how Kelsey gave me access
to all of Charlie's banking?

- What'd you find?
- Well

until three weeks ago,
Charlie was receiving

regular payments from T.Fen Inc.

Todd Fenway.

We're talking thousands of
dollars a month for two years.

Todd Fenway was keeping Charlie afloat?

And if it was supposed to
be a loan, there's no way.

- Charlie could pay it back.
- That couldn't have made Mr. Fenway happy.

So either he lied to his wife
about Charlie being drunk,

or... she was trying to
cover for her husband?

Either way, we gotta
track this guy down.

Or... maybe we can
get him to come to us.

- Thanks, Zoe.
- OK, bye.

If I get asked to make anything

with more than three
ingredients, we are sunk.

- He's here.
- How you doing?

- I'm Todd Fenway.
- Hello, Todd.

We are go for Lady Eve. Go for Lady Eve.


That shaker's like
music to my ears, man.

Can I interest you in a martini, sir?

Yes, sir.

- Would you like to start a tab?
- Yeah.

- Knock yourself out.
- All right.


You like her? She's new. She
doesn't even have an agent yet.

- How long is this gonna take?
- Faster than you can say


Green Warehouse, the
professional pesticide suppliers.

Amazing. I have to meet her.

I think I can arrange that.


- Todd, your house is gorgeous!
- Thank you.

- Look! You have a boat.
- Yeah, it's a replica of my 40-footer.

Got it for a bargain too.

Here, this way.

- After you.
- Thank you.

Wait 'til you see my studio setup.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.


This is amazing.

I record a lot of talent here, you know.

So I understand you
don't have representation.

Where'd you hide the evidence, Todd?

That's a fancy-looking record player.

It's a vinyl recorder, actually.

- It records music?
- Nothing beats the quality of real vinyl.

Excuse me a second.

"Smoke damage."

Don't let me stop you.

I should probably rest my vocal cords.

You know, I do wish
that I had the chance

to perform for Charlie Bower.

Do you think Kelsey will honour
the deal you had with Charlie?

- What deal is that?
- You know,

you invested in the club, he
would promote your singers.

You were investing in the club, right?

I recently decided to go
in a different direction,

but don't worry, I can get
you gigs anywhere in town.

You know what I heard?
I heard he was m*rder*d,

that somebody set the
fire intentionally.

- How scary is that?
- My wife and I were there

a few hours before the
fire, but it was close.

- Both of you?
- Yeah.

Celine used to take music
lessons from Charlie every...


How do you know that?

I heard it through the grapevine.

You know you could almost
be a suspect, right?

I have an alibi. I was at
my wine club 'til 2 a.m.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Was Celine?
- Celine left early. She had a migraine.

But you're asking a lot
of questions about my wife.

I think what you're
actually interested in is me.

The chemistry is hard to deny.

And yet we'll just have to
try to keep it professional.

It is.

It's a new song.

I thought Charlie wasn't
going to write any new ones.

No, he hasn't written anything in years.

Something must have changed.

This was from last week.

With the fire and
everything, I just hadn't had

a chance to look at this footage yet.

Charlie was in love
with a married woman.


What if Todd found out?

Celine is in danger.

Todd was at his wine
club on Thursday night,

which means Celine lied about her alibi.

So she wasn't covering
up for her husband.

She was covering up for herself.

And I found a woman's
dress sent to the cleaners

for smoke damage, and
I'm sure she burned.

Charlie's fedora in her fire pit. Look.

It's the pin Charlie wore on his hat.

Yeah. But why would
Celine want Charlie dead?

She was taking voice lessons from him.

Maybe they were making
more than music together.

You think the fire was the
result of a lovers' quarrel?

She had to have planned
it, though. I mean,

she used her husband's credit
card to buy the pesticide.

She wouldn't just walk
around with that in her purse.

This has to be about the music.

Todd showed me a similar device

to the one we saw in
Charlie's speakeasy.

It's a vinyl record recorder.

How much would a new
Charlie Brower song be worth?

Let's go to the speakeasy
and see if we can find one.

No, Charlie! It can't be recorded!

No one can hear it ever!

It would ruin me!

This is weird. A
collection of show tunes?

Not what you'd expect
from a jazz genius.


Charlie put his affair
with Celine in a song.

Do you think Todd found
out about their affair?

Hey, Jules.

Dad, Dad. It's Mom.

She found out that Celine Fenway
was having an affair with Charlie

and went over to interview her.

But then I kept
listening to the footage.

Dad, I think Celine started the fire.

You wouldn't believe how
angry she was on the tapes.

Did your mom say where
she was going to meet her?


Thank you for meeting me.

- What is this about?
I have an appointment.

I didn't wanna say anything on
the phone in case you weren't safe.

I have reason to believe
that your husband, Todd,

started the fire that
k*lled Charlie Brower

and I'm afraid that you
may be in danger also.

What on earth makes you think that?

Because you were having an
affair with him, with Charlie.

You're mistaken.

I have proof,

footage of Charlie singing his new song,

the love song he wrote for you.

I think on the night of the
fire, Charlie told Todd...

Shut up.

Get in the car.

Zoe, we tried Becca's
phone but can't get through.

We called the cops.
They have a description

of both Becca and Celine's vehicles.

Todd said Celine left
their house an hour ago,

but the salon called to say
she missed her appointment.

Zoe, can you triangulate
Becca's phone if it's on?

I'm on it.

- Jules, hey.
- Zoe.

- Mom's in trouble.
- I know.

I'm gonna try and locate her.
It's just gonna take some time.

I just wish my fingers
would move faster.

Zoe, just take a breath.

OK. You've got this. I know you do.

Just take it one step at a time.

I should be the one trying to calm
you down, not the other way around.

Mom's gonna be OK.

Hey, guys?

Becca's uploading footage
directly to her computer.

- Footage from where?
- They're in her car.

- Celine has a g*n on her.
- What?!

Becca's filming live
from a hidden camera.

Can you see outside
the car? Get a location?

Zoe, just feed me landmarks,
OK? What do you see?

OK. We've got a lot of
brick and... a street car.

It looks like it's heading east!

- Good, so are we.
- She's probably so scared.

If anyone can talk their way
out of this, it's your mom.

She knows we're going after her, Jules.

Hang on. They're turning.
I see three stacks!

Like that water treatment
plant by the lake?

But why would anyone take Mom there?

The Fenways have a boat.

- I bet you she's taking Becca to a marina.
- Yeah, but which one?

Zoe, can you find out where the
Fenways keep their boat? And hurry.

By the time anyone
notices you're missing,

I'll be in Cuba and
your documentary will be

at the bottom of the lake. Turn in here.

And here I was thinking your
jealous husband lit the match.

Why'd you do it? Charlie
wanted to end the affair?

The opposite. He
wanted me to leave Todd.

He wanted to make it real.

And you wanted to stay with Todd.

Was that for love or money?

Todd has made millions over the years,

and I have been right by
his side the whole time.

But thanks to our
prenup, I lose everything

if I'm caught cheating
which is not happening.

That's enough chatting. Get out.

- Come around where I can see you.
- OK. Look.

Just think about this for a second.

OK? Right now, with a good lawyer,

you might get off with
second degree m*rder.

- Keep walking!
- But

if you sh**t me, you'll
be doing it on camera

in front of the world.
We've been broadcasting live.

- Excuse me?
- You'll also be doing it in front of my ex-husband.


Nobody else has to get
hurt today. We can fix this.

How exactly are we gonna fix this?

You let Becca go, I'll
give you her computer.

And this, "Celine's Song."

This is the only one.

Put the record on the
ground and walk away.

Charlie started writing
again because of you.

I liked being his muse.

He actually saw me for me.
I forgot what that felt like.

Then you found out he
recorded "Celine's Song."

He said it was the best
thing he'd ever written.

- Thought it could save the club.
- So you had to silence him.

Give me the record!

Wow. I'm already
dreading this case report.

I don't know, Carson.
It's a pretty good story.

Or you could just wait for the movie.

You have the right to remain
silent. Anything you say

can and will be used against
you in a court of law.

Let's go.

- Woo!
- Yeah.

Good evening, everyone.

Thank you so much for coming. It's
nice to see all the familiar faces.

It is with mixed emotions

happiness and a bit of stage fright,

that I announce the
re-opening of Charlie's.

Yes, thank you.


I will be continuing my dad's legacy.

I'd also like to thank Becca D'Orsay.

Her documentary captured
my father at his finest.

Thank you, Becca, for
keeping Charlie's song alive.

- Cheers.
- Here, here.

Hey, thanks. Hi.

Matt, Angie. I would've
thanked you on-stage

but I didn't wanna blow your cover.

We're just happy that we could help.

I really wish my
father could've met you.

Listen, if there's anything I can
do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Actually... there might be something.

But it's not really for us.

Horatio and your father were
making music together again.

It takes a lot of courage to
give someone a second chance.


Yeah, Kelsey!


You wouldn't give up
being a PI for all this?

Plus, you make a lousy bartender.