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04x09 - A Star Is Torn

Posted: 10/31/21 03:15
by bunniefuu

- Hi, Tommy! Right over here!
- Uh, maybe we can get

- ma shot of you over here?
- I mean, it's the greatest

directing of my entire career
and the role of a lifetime

for Tommy. Now, we're talking
award potential here.

- Oh, you must be stoked, Tommy.
- Yeah. It's a real Max Legrand

special, that's for sure.
It's right up there with my work

- on Tokyo Tango 1 and 2.
- Thanks for coming

- tonight, guys.
- Might be tough

- to compete with Ben.
- Yeah, well, we'll let

opening weekend decide that. OK?

Ben! Excuse me, Ben!

Hi. Four straight movies

at number one.
Is this number five?

It's hard to say.
I'll let you know

after the world-wide
premiere Saturday night.

Excuse me. As Ben's agent, I
can just say Ben's being modest.

The things he does
in Damage Control will

blow your mind.
No stunt doubles. No wires.

100% race. Want a photo with Ben?

- Yes, please!
- Yeah, Ben?

Do you mind if we do that again?

- Sure.
- Right...



Hey, guys! Another day,
another red carpet.

Am I the luckiest gal
on the planet or what?

And look who I get
to share it with again!

- Say hello, Matt.
- Hello, Matt.




- What a rush!

That was even better
than last night's gala premiere.

Yeah. We're only two days
into the festival.

So many parties!
And so many stars.

Ah, none of them have
what you have, Willow.

- What do I have?
- A k*ller script

about a kickass female PI,
all written for an actress

- who was born to play the part.
- Thanks, Shade.

I couldn't have done it without
you and Angie. Mainly Angie.

But you inspired me

in other equally important ways.

- To champagne dreams.
- Mm-hmm.

If I can get a director
and studio behind my movie,

that'll be me
on the red carpet next year.

Well, you know what they say,
anything can happen at TIFF.

- HEY!

- Hey, buddy!

Did we just get carjacked?

I don't know.

Whoa! Ah!


Hey! What the hell, buddy?

Hey, apologies
for the turbulence. I kind of

forgot stoplights were a thing.
It's been a while.

Ben Riggs is driving our limo?

- Are we being punked?
- Wait. Willow Maitland?

Hey, you may not remember,
but we worked together

back in the day on a show
where the coroner spoke

- to dead people.
- Morgue Whisperer!

I still have nightmares
about metal tables.

- You k*lled that role.
- I borrowed this bad boy

- to get to you, Shadow.
- My mind is going through

so many scenarios right now,
especially because you played

a highly-skilled assassin
in your last movie.

- This is personal.
- Also your tagline in that movie.

I need the Everett and Shade
agency to get a priceless item

back to me in the next 48 hours...

or my career is over.


♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show
to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes,
they're watching you ♪

♪ Watching you, watching you
watching you ♪



- Hey.
- Is he here,

- our client? You know...
- The movie star?

Right this way, fan girl.

- It's a vintage Hamilton.
- It's gorgeous,

but can't you just
buy another one?

Estimated at 3.2 million.

Oh. So why are you hiring Pis?
You should call the police.

A special friend gave it to me
in Monaco a few years back.

The kind of special friend
who doesn't wanna deal with any

- unnecessary publicity.
- Exactly.

The watch is one of a kind.
It was worn

by a highly-decorated
w*r hero. He flew 126

successful bombing missions
during the second World w*r.

Yeah. And he wore it for each one.

Said it brought him a lot
of luck. You know, my first

movie to hit number one was
his life story.

- So it brought you luck too.
- Worn it on the red carpet

for every film
that's hit number one.

And when is the premiere
for Damage Control?

- The day after tomorrow.
- And I'm on a red-eye

to Europe for another film
festival after the credits roll.

- So we have 48 hours.
- We'll get it back to you

- before you hit that red carpet.
- When was the last time

- you saw the watch?
- Um... I flew in late

from LA last night. I had it
on my wrist this morning

when I left my hotel room
and after that...

I don't remember. I mean,
the first day's been a big blur.

Alright. We'll retrace your steps.

Just have one of your assistants
send us your itinerary.

I'm kind of in between
assistants right now,

so I make my own schedule.

I will send it to you both
on one condition.

We keep this
right here between us.

I don't even want my agent

to know about this.
Harrison would lose it.

- You have our word.
- Alright.

Thank you for taking
my case. Alright.

You know, I've seen
Two Minutes Past Midnight

10 times. That fight scene
in the soba restaurant,

how did you pull that off
in one take?

Two very bruising months
of learning judo and jiu-jitsu.

And a little help
from Brooks Brothers.

I used my tie to deflect
a villain's claw hammer

- during the fight scene.
- It was totally badass.

It embedded itself in a fryer,
then he wrapped what was left

- of his tie around the guy's...
- OK, alright!

Yeah, time to go. Clock is
ticking. We'll be in touch.

- Alright.
- Oh! Don't worry.

It's definitely personal.


- Yeah. Bye-bye.

(ANGIE): I wonder who

- Ben's special friend is.
- Good luck figuring out

who she is. He's impossibly rich,

impossibly famous
and definitely gorgeous.

Ben Riggs has landed

a lot of fish,
but he likes to play the ocean.

- He seems so down-to-earth.
- So human he makes

- his own schedule.
- Behold. I give you

the last 12 hours
of Ben Riggs' life.

I already contacted
the most obvious places

he might have left the watch,
but nobody's seen it.

He gets up at 2:30 in the morning!

- Maybe the guy isn't human.
- Yeah. Makes me

almost regret the nap I took
in your office the other day.

OK. Well...

just today, there's 20 possible
locations where the watch

- could have been stolen.
- Stolen?

Yeah, a multi-million
dollar watch,

a mysterious special friend.

Ben didn't leave
the watch at Starbucks,

- so he was robbed.
- I bet he changes his clothes

- a dozen times a day.
- Yeah, but would he

take his watch off?
Gym, more gym, cryotherapy.

A suit fitting for the red carpet.

Zoe, we're gonna retrace Ben's
schedule while you go

undercover as his
personal assistant.

Don't forget to keep
an eye out for the thief.

- Zoe?
- Huh? Oh,

I'm way ahead of you.
Meet with holistic advisors.

Find 25 lily-scented candles.
Soak healing mushroom

in goat's milk. He needs me. Ta.


Oh, it's Willow.
She says she's slammed

with meetings but ready
for any undercover opportunities

we may have on the Riggs affair.

I may need her help.

In order to find Ben's watch,
we'll need a cover story.

- I could be your agent.
- Your face is too honest.

No one would believe you.

Willow Maitland?
I can't believe it's you.

You are the reason
I wear red lipstick

just like the lawyer
you play on Lipstick Law.

You set me free, Willow Maitland!

That's so sweet. I'm flattered.

I'm Celeste.

And you work at The Fitting Zone?

Yes! Whether it is
a studio meeting or a gala

or a party, we can
redo you in 20 minutes

or less and get you
back out on the track.

- Wanna try out some looks?
- Oh, heavens no.

I had Santiago Hernandez
fit me months ago.

We're here
for my bodyguard, Angelina.

I'm her bodyguard.

I think I can find
a free fitting room.

We don't want just any
old fitting room. We want

the same one Ben Riggs used.

Right this way.


Are you sure you
really need to do this?

I mean, you're kind of
perfect already.

Thank you, but there's
no such thing in Hollywood.

- I'll be done in 30 minutes.
- OK.


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Is it true?

- Is what true?
- You landed Ben Riggs.

Oh, well, we kind of landed

- on each other.
- I see.

No, that sounded bad.

How did it sound?

Like you'll be looking
for another job soon.

How long have you
been his assistant?

Four... days. Why?

- Enjoy your moment, girl.

His insane schedule crushes souls.

How do you know so much?

I'm with his number one rival,
Tommy Walker.

He used to be all that, now your
guy's the top action star.

Do you know what he's in for,
what procedure?

Oh, I would never tell.
We don't tell. Do we tell?

Obviously we do!
It's the only way to get by

- in this industry.
- OK.

He's in for hirudotherapy.

Oh, the leeches.

Good for getting rid of toxins.

Tommy pays off
Dr. Fahar to make sure

he's getting the same treatments.

He'd do anything
for the Ben Riggs mojo.

Oh, that's why you're here.

Does Tommy have
a film in the festival?

Directed by Max Ledouche.

There aren't enough leeches
for that man-child.

Will you excuse me?

I gotta source a Korean face mask.

The one
with nightingale excrement.

Victoria Beckham uses it.

I hear it's great for stress acne.

Yeah... that's the one.


It's like the ice baths
you used to do when you were

- a professional hockey player.
- Yeah, they weren't

minus 100 degrees.

It's only three minutes.
They'll give you a major boost.

Yeah, maybe next time.
But just out of curiosity,

who else does it
besides Ben Riggs?

I can't give out
that kind of information.

But in my case,
you'll make an exception?


I guess... I guess I could.

Hmm... Tommy Walker

was my second appointment
this morning, right after Ben.

In fact, he's in there now.

Twice in one day?

I don't know. He seems
pretty desperate to get

as much cryo-time in as possible.

What about you?

I'm gonna think about it
and get back to you...

- Phoebe.
- Phoebe.



You know what? If it's good
enough for two action heroes...

- I'll get you checked in.
- Any advice for a first-timer?

Remember to keep your shorts on.

Having a bodyguard is so smart.

At this point in my career,
it's critical.

I, uh...

I might need to be
air-lifted out of this thing.

I'll book it for you
right now, Ms. Maitland.

Hold on. Um...

Say we wanted
to do a quick change,

you know, into something more
formal after a gym session,

would you take care
of that personally?

For a star like Willow? For sure.

And what about Ben Riggs?

Let's just say he got
all my attention this morning.

- Was he here alone?
- That I know of.

- Excuse me. I have to deal

with a tire fire. This is

a private fitting room, Olivia.
And that dress was supposed

- to be back here four hours ago.
- You know how she is.

Hollywood royalty wore it
for five minutes

and Kat didn't want
to take it off.

Sorry, Celeste. Just wanted
to make sure you got it.

- Kat Kelsey, the studio head?
- The one and only.

I would love to get
my script in front of her

- or... five minutes to pitch it.
- Did she

- choose this dress herself?
- Her and Ben

were in the main room
at the same time. They didn't

- even look at each other.
- He used to be her golden boy.

- Now they're total strangers.
- What happened?

He left over creative differences.

- Oh.
- (WHISPERS): They were married.

- Oh!
- And nobody leaves

Kat Kelsey. Excuse me.

Kat's catnip is
Golden Age Hollywood.

She owns everything
from a negligee worn

in Gone with the Wind
to a James Dean switchblade

- from Rebel Without a Cause.
- And now that

a certain legendary watch has
Hollywood history,

maybe it was too much to resist.



Why is Ben Riggs getting
all the press?

It's just bad luck.

Tommy, babe,

you're magnificent
in our movie, OK?

Now, you know I don't
care about awards at all,

but we're gonna
win them all for this role.

We need more press
and a bigger opening weekend

- than Riggs.
- I'm the director. OK?

You let me take care of it.
Yeah, hey. Get him on the phone.

You know my favourite saying?
Trust no one.

- The Devil was an angel once.

- Is it safe in these things?
- It's my second session today.

Don't worry. It's like
the fountain of youth.

- You won't regret it.
- Matt Shade.

- Tommy Walker.
- Don't mean to pry but, uh...

this is your first big
action movie in a while.

I'm still big. It's the
pictures that got small.

Gloria Swanson,
Sunset Boulevard. Great movie.

Matt Shade.
You're that hockey guy.

- Yeah, I used to be.
- What are you, a producer now?

Yeah. Yeah, actually.

I'm producing
the new Willow Maitland project.

I'm always up for a good
pitch. 30 seconds or less.

Go. - OK. Uh...

Female PI takes
an infidelity case.

She gets dragged into a web
of international espionage

which almost triggers
a China-US world w*r.

I like it. It's timely.


Speaking of which, what time was
your session this morning?

I'm just trying to figure out
how long I need to leave myself

- between treatments.
- 5 a.m.

It gets easier though.

But you should probably

- protect the brass clankers.
- So I've been told.

5 a.m., you must've had
this place all to yourself.

Although I hear
Ben Riggs is an early riser.

(GRUNTS) I'm the early bird

who wrote the book
on how to catch the worm.

Ben stole that book
and put his name on it.

Stay frosty, my friend.



I don't know how I'm gonna
fit in this enzyme peel,

the LED light treatment
and the critic

from the New York Times.
This is like ninja-level Sudoku.

You know you're not really
Ben's assistant, right?

Yeah. Of course I know that.

- I should cancel the peel.
- Oh, hey. There's Harrison,

his agent. Let's find out
if he had a reason

to steal from his client.

Harrison! Zoe Chow.

I'm Ben's new assistant.
He must have talked about me.

No, definitely not. But if
you're Ben's new assistant,

you know where he is right now.
He's not answering my texts.

- I've been sworn to secrecy.
- Sure.

Even about the leeches.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm Angelina,

- Willow Maitland's bodyguard.
- OK.

Yeah, mum's the word on
the leeches. Anyhow, I tracked

Zoe down because Willow would
like to pitch her latest

- movie to Ben Riggs.
- OK, look. Ben is booked solid

for the next five years.
Early tracking

on Damage Control has it
as his biggest opening ever.

Oh. I guess that means
there'll be a sequel too.

Sorry. Bad timing.
It's the studio. Gotta take it.

Hey, Ben's new assistant, tell
him to drop the enzyme peel.

He needs to schmooze
with the critic from The Times.

- Done. God, I'm good.

- What now?

- Shh! My boss is coming.

(BEN): Hey.


- Thank you.
- Over here!

- Sorry, excuse me. Are you OK?!
- Yeah.

It's OK. That's why I travel
with a dozen suits.

- That was normal?!
- Comes with the territory.

- Hey, guys.
- What I don't like...

is being robbed.
Do we have any suspects?

We're working our way through
your schedule, but we do

- have some leads.
- Let's start with Tommy Walker.

I can't imagine you
guys are too friendly.

He's a long time between hits.

And you are in the middle
of a hot streak.

I think he knows the Hamilton
is your good luck charm.

He might have taken it
to mess with your mojo.

He was at cryotherapy and his
assistant was stalking me

at the, you know, other location.

And I would've
taken it off at cryo.

But Tommy isn't our
only suspect. Kat Kelsey isn't

- your biggest fan either.
- We had a huge falling out.

You left her studio after
your divorce two years ago.

She was at The Fitting Zone
the same time as you, and she

- likes Hollywood memorabilia.
- And she knows how much

that watch means to me. Guys,
listen. I need to get that watch

- back before this premiere.
- We're gonna be late

for The New York Times.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You have

- my schedule memorized?
- Obvi. It's my job.

I'll get this to a tailor.
Whoa. Hey, what is that?

Don't move!


"TIFF Bell Lightbox 6 p.m.

"Put 500K by the palm

"in the lobby.
Watch will be in a black bag

- Come alone."
- Someone must have slipped that

in your pocket
when you were mobbed.

Easy to disappear in a crowd.

- We have less than an hour.
- I have the money. I can pay.

Alright. Let's do it like the
money drop from Revenge in Reno.

I have no idea
what that means, but I'm in.


I just saw a couple
sprinting to the buffet.

They were naked.


- Red One in position.
- Red Two in position.

Red Three in position.

Eagle One has almost
reached the nest.

I think I see the thief.
He's dressed as a volunteer.

- Red Three, do you have eyes?
- Hard to tell.

There is one with a baseball cap
and a black bag.

Shade, he's headed
towards the palm.

(MAN): Willow!

- Willow!

Willow's here
and she's headed right for you.

- I see her.
- Matt! You won't believe

- what just happened.
- Get her out of there!

- She's spooking him!
- An A-list director,

to be revealed soon,
is attached to my movie!

- That's not good.
- What?

- Shade!
- I lost him. Zoe?

- He's headed for the entrance.
- I'll try to cut him off.

Of course, this means
I probably won't

do any more TV work.

I got nothing.

Oh, you're... talking
through the earbud.

(SIGHS) Sorry, guys. He's gone.

(ANGIE): It's empty. No watch.

Shade, I'm so sorry. I had

- no idea you were on the case.
- It's OK.

- I screwed up the drop.
- No, it wasn't your fault.

- I wanted to share my news.
- And I'm happy for you.

Tommy Walker loves
your movie, by the way.

- What? He does?
- Yeah.

- How?
- We were naked.

He pulled out a cigar.
Next thing I knew,

I was a producer and he wants
to read your script.

- Wait. He... he said that?
- Yes.

It's all coming together.

Oh, how's Ben?

I'm gonna have to do
some damage control. You know

how high-maintenance
these action stars can be.


I still need a plus one
for the party tonight.

It'd just be for an hour,
speaking of high maintenance.


If this had happened
in one of my movies,

I would've ripped your heads off.

Glad we're dealing with real life.

(ZOE): We have less than
40 hours before Ben's premiere.

- We'll find the watch.
- How?

You don't even know
what this person looks like.

We'll keep trying to find
an image on the CCTV footage.

There were 100 orange t-shirts
that anybody can get!

This person's invisible!

- I'm out of here.
- Where are you going, boss?

Business dinner with Harrison.

Unscheduled. But you have that
big industry party tonight.

I'll head over after the dinner.

Harrison helps me
put things in perspective.

It's a good time for that.
In the meantime, we'll try

and source the black bag.

It's a black bag that could've
come from a dozen events!

It's a needle in a haystack.

If Zoe follows me
to the elevator, I'll give her

a couple names
off the top of my head.


Find my watch.

Should we be worried about him?

That the thief might
circle back for the money?

I'm Willow's plus one
at the same party

Ben's gonna be at tonight.
And I'll keep on him.

♪ Do what you do, what you do ♪

- ♪ What you do ♪
- Oh

♪ Nothing's for nothing,
still go after something ♪

♪ Do what you do ♪


It's part thriller,
part action movie.

The hero is a PI... me, actually.

Double agents
and international thieves.

I get drawn into a web of spies.

And they all want what she has...

the secret to end
or start a global conflict

that could destroy us all.
And I have to get this secret

- 1000 miles...
- Through enemy territory

and into the right hands
before everything goes...

- AH! OK!

Thanks for listening.
If you need a flat surface

to cut a $50 million cheque,
you can find us at the bar.

Safe to say everyone at TIFF knows

- about your movie now.
- You're a natural producer,

Shade. We make a pretty good team.

There's Kat Kelsey.

Let's find out what she finds
so fascinating about Ben Riggs.

Excuse me, Ms. Kelsey?

- I'm Willow Maitland.
- And I'm busy right now.





(ZOE): Do you know how much

free stuff there is at TIFF?

They have gifting suites
and swag lounges.

I'm gonna need more time
to find that black bag.

- What about the postcard?
- Clean. No fingerprints.

- He was wearing gloves.
- OK. Let's look into these

cut-out letters. Maybe we can
figure out where they came from.

Already halfway through
the alphabet.

- Hey.
- Look what the cat dragged in.

Does Willow look
as perky as you this morning?

Yeah, we may have hit an after
party or two last night.

Or... five?

According to Willow's Insta,
you were everywhere.

- Props.
- Yeah, it may look like

free caviar and champagne,
but I was working.

- Oh, I can see that.
- Mm. What did you find out

- about Kat Kelsey?
- Well, apparently,

Hollywood memorabilia isn't
the only thing she collects.

Besides Ben, she's on the hook
for three deadbeat exes.

Triple alimony?
That's a rare feat.

Before you suggest anything,
I need more caffeine.

Keep your coat on.
We got you a meeting.

You and Willow have a movie
and Kat's the head of a studio.

It's time to see how good an
ex-hockey star does at pitching.

So you admit I was a star.


Cool. I remember this movie.

That's the original.
It's worth about... 50K now.

So I should just put it back

- on the table, shouldn't I?
- Good idea. OK. I'm on

- the metre, kids. Let's go.
- I believe

this is my breakout role.
I play a PI.

Who gets drawn into a web
of international espionage.

Many a star of the small screen

have tried to make
that leap into movies.

Only a few have stuck the landing.

Is there a love interest?

Of course there is.
We were thinking... Ben Riggs.

He's the sexy spy
who takes me under his wing.

We're both a little bored
with our lives.

When we meet, the sparks fly.

Along with b*ll*ts,
cars and missiles.

Ben Riggs is
out of my price range.

- Your lunch is confirmed,

- Ms. Kelsey.
- On my way. Yeah.

I like your pitch. So just

give your details to Olivia

and uh... yeah, we'll... blah,

- blah, blah... and OK?
- OK.

Uh, oh gosh. OK.


Here's my email address.
Send the script directly to me.

Thanks. Make sure you keep
an eye out for it. It's called

Dark Agenda. Ooh. Love the title.

Enough to give us
one of those bags?

I can't. Kat literally hand picks

what goes into each bag
based on who she's giving it to.

That list must be
pretty exclusive.

- It only has 25 names on it.
- Sounds like a lot of pressure.

- What do you mean?
- To make sure they all get

- to the right people.
- I hand-deliver them.

- It's Kat. I have to go, sorry.

We can let ourselves out.

- I gotta get that list.
- I'll watch the door.


Wow. This list is like

a who's who of Hollywood royalty.

You think a 21-time

Oscar nominee stole my watch?

Actually, she has an alibi.

- She just got here today.
- We know it's a long shot,

but we need to figure out who's
missing their black swag bag.

The premiere is tomorrow.
I'm running out of time.

- You expecting someone?


Thank you.

I know what this is.

And I'd recognize
that sound anywhere.


The back is missing.

There's another creepy postcard.

"One million for the backing.
No tricks or it doubles."

- (BEN): That's why I hired...
- Oh, this is insane.

"That's why I hired them?"
Do you listen to yourself

- right now? That's why?
- They're professionals.

Oh, they're professionals!
I see, they're professionals.

This is a nightmare, Ben! This
is a complete nightmare!

- They're going to get it back!
- I don't care who they are.

- I'm gonna k*ll them.
- What? Why are you so angry?

I swear to God,
I'm gonna k*ll whoever took it!

- What?! Oh, my God.
- Now that we have two notes,

- we can compare them both...
- Give me the postcard.

- We have a plan.
- So have I.

- And it doesn't involve you.
- Meaning what?

Meaning you're fired!

So much for
the Hollywood treatment.

I think that was
the Hollywood treatment.

Did you see the look on Ben's
face when he saw that watch?

Yeah, Harrison wasn't
too happy either.

Without the back, he can't
verify its authenticity.

The thing's basically
worthless now.

I get it, but I think
there's more to this

- than a lucky watch.
- And you think

we owe it to Ben
to find out how much more.

Yes, which is why I snuck a photo

- of the newest ransom note.
- Well played, Everett.

Who's fired now?

Technically still us.


This is Ben's festival guide.
Only attendees get one.


recognize anything?

Yeah, the "tiff Bell Lightbox"

on the first note was cut
directly from here.

The second note has umlauts.
You know, the two dots

over the vowels. Maybe someone

cut these words from a European
film festival guide.

Tommy Walker was on Kat's
list, right? Where's his bag?

I went through my celeb
assistants' network.

He gives his swag away
to different charities.

That's a nice gesture.

What if he kept the bag,
though? Used it for the drop?

He could be messing
with Ben's head,

throwing him off before
his movie premiere tomorrow.

How bad does he want
the throne back?

You've already had a go
at him. Let me take this one.



- Tommy Walker.
- Have we met?

I'm Angie Everett.

I'm doing some work
with Willow Maitland.

I heard her movie got an
A-list director attached to it.

Word travels fast.

Can't avoid her. Her
socials are blowing up.

Well, if you're following
Willow, you'd know that

- Ben Riggs is joining her movie.
- Excuse me?

That guy doesn't get out of his
silk sheets in the morning

for a project with a budget
under 100 million.

That's not jealousy I hear, is it?

- Me?
- I heard Ben's movie got

closing night at the Elgin,
and your movie

with Mad Max got the midnight slot

at the college campus auditorium.

What is it exactly
you do for Ms. Maitland?

Yeah. Let's just cut
to the chase, shall we? I know

you used the black swag bag
you got from Kat to do the drop.

Drop? What the hell
are you talking about?

You stole Ben's watch before
his movie premiere hoping he'd

have a public meltdown
and sabotage his career.

Who the hell do you think
you're talking to?

- We're done here.
- I don't think so.

It's all about
the pressure points, Tommy.

Yes, it is.
This one brings me back.

You used it on a Russian b*mb
maker in Passport to Siberia.

Yeah. Well, we strive
for authenticity.

I know! You even had a former
KGB agent as a consultant.

- Yeah.
- Sorry. I'm a bit of a...

- action movie nerd.
- Yeah, I can tell.

Sorry I lost my cool. It's just...

I didn't steal Ben's watch.

I'm not jealous of him. In fact,
I'm on top of the world.

- Why is that?
- Because my director Max says

foreign distributors
love our movie.

He's working on the deal
as we speak.

This time next year,
I'll be accepting my BAFTA.

And sailing with it to my
beachfront property in Malta.

- Bye-bye, America.
- Hmm.

- [How'd it go with Tommy?]
- Oh, he talks

a good game, but so does
everyone from Hollywood.

What'd you find out
about Ben's watch?

[We already knew
it was worth $3.2 million, ]

but what we didn't know
is that it was bought

- at a private auction.
- That's not surprising.

Ben travels in some
pretty exclusive circles.

No, Ben wasn't
the one who bought it.

It was Harrison.

That's pretty expensive
for a client.

Good job, Zoe.
We'll catch up with you later.

Well, that explains
why Harrison was so pissed.

It was his money. Or...

- Or what?
- My gut tells me

- this is about more than money.
- That's good enough for me.

Oh, it's a text from Ben.

He says Harrison's gone
to handle the exchange himself.

Well, that's not good.
A million-dollar payout

can attract
some pretty desperate people.

- It gets worse.
- How so?

- Harrison took a g*n.
- With his temper,

that could get him k*lled.


- (ANGIE): There he is!
- (MATT): I'll go around.


Don't throw it! Harrison, stop!

- Get out of here!

I said you're fired!
This'll just make it worse!




- Shade?
- Yeah, I'm here.

What do you see?

Your instinct was right, Ange.

This isn't just about money.

It's about blackmail.


- It's only a prop g*n.
- That could've gotten

you k*lled if the blackmailer
had a real g*n.

In a way, I'm relieved
that someone knows.

Yeah, well, that someone
now has total control

over our lives, Ben.

The thief must've
taken the back off

- the watch to authenticate it.
- And found your secret.

This was only a test
to see if you would pay.

And you did.

Now that they have the watch
backing and the original photo,

they'll keep the Riggs money
machine rolling indefinitely

Unless we stop it.


You might as well
know the whole story.

We've been together for two years.

You bought him the watch
when you were

- both sh**ting in Monaco?
- It was my first big movie.

And my first real relationship.

That's quite the present.

And the icing on the cake is

the movie went number one.

Why keep your relationship
a secret?

Times have changed, haven't they?

- In some ways.
- In other ways, not so much.

Did you ever see an action film
where the guy gets

- the guy instead of the girl?
- Right.

- Point taken.
- If word got out,

Ben's career would be over.
And I would be blamed

for ruining it.

This photo was the real
good luck charm, wasn't it?

Yeah, I kept it in the watch
like a locket.

Look, the photo is
incriminating but it's also

about what was written
on the back of it as well.

"We have all the time
in the world"

with our initials on it.


You know, we haven't
run out of time just yet.

All the evidence points
to Tommy Walker,

so why does it feel
like he didn't do it?

Right? He would've known it
would be tracked back to him.

What about the notes? We know that

some of the words in the first
ransom note came from

this year's TIFF festival guide.
But the others came

from last year's festivals
in Venice and Locarno.

There's hundreds of movies
at those festivals.

Didn't you say that Tommy
hasn't done an action film

- in a few years?
- He hasn't made any movies.

And only attendees get
the festival guide.

Did Ben have a movie
at those festivals?

- Sure did.
- I'm betting someone else

we know did as well. - Who did?

There's another person close
to Tommy Walker.


He was at cryo that day too.

It would've been easy for him
to take Tommy's black bag

- to use at the drop.
- Oh, please let me say it.

His director, Max Legrand.

He had a movie at the festival
the same time as Ben Riggs.

I think Max just shot to the top

- of our watch list.
- (DING)



Hey, Mad Max! Looks like you
found a replacement for Tommy's

black swag bag. What you got
in the spiffy silver case?

Bet you a million bucks
it's a million bucks.

- I don't have time for games.
- Why not check your Hamilton?

He would, but he's only
got the backing.

You took the watch,
hoping it would throw Ben off.

Then, he opened it
and realized he could use

Ben and Harrison's secret
against them.

What better way to get back
the money he invested

- in his own film?
- Hmm. A nice plot

for a movie of the week.
Too bad I can't stick around

- for the final act.
- It's kickass o'clock, Max.

Every action hero needs
a good tagline

and that was solid, Angie.


I'm gonna keep this short

because there was
too much talking already.

- You remember Tokyo Tango?
- Let's order up

- some room service.
- As I recall, you're not shy

about dropping the gloves,
are you there, Shadow?

Sometimes you need to stand up
for your teammates.

Alright, big guy.
Let's see what you got.

Come on. (GRUNTING)


- Ah!

- Ange!

We'll leave the money for
the police to return to Ben.

Thanks for all your help, Tommy.

No problem.
I'll stick around and make sure

the cops find
what's left of Max over here.

I'm guessing there's some dirt
on Ben and Harrison in there?

- You knew about them?
- For a while.

But a gentleman never tells.

- Stay frosty, Tommy.
- You too, my friend.


is gonna give you two

- the star treatment.
- So are you nervous

- for your red carpet tonight?
- Yeah. I'm actually shaking

more than I did
at my first HALO jump

- at 30 000 feet.
- Hey. Just keep your eyes

- on me.
- Oh, that won't be hard.

But waiting to kiss you?
That's another story.

Soon we'll have
all the time in the world.

You guys ready for this?


We've kept this secret
for far too long.

And we feel empowered now,

partially because of what you
two have done for us. Thank you.

- You ready?
- It's time.

See you on the red carpet.

And don't forget to look up.


- (MAN 1): Do you think he might

- be late or something?
- (WOMAN): Do you know when he's

- supposed to show up?
- (HOST): Hey, folks! I don't

know where he is. He should've
been here by now.

- Maybe he's not coming.

- (MAN 2): Look, it's Ben Riggs!
- (HOST): How is that possible?

- Is that him up there?




You know, you two make
a beautiful couple.

I can't believe Kat Kelsey
bought your movie.

And now Ben Riggs is
packing for a flight

to New Zealand to be in it.

It's crazy how it
all came together.

- Yeah. We did it.
- Yeah.

You actually make
quite a producer, Matthew.

And you make quite a movie star.


New Zealand. That's...

- Exciting?
- Uh...


It's on the other
side of the world.

But... we'd be together.

It's your time to shine, Willow.

Not mine.

We'll always have Toronto, kid.

I'll save you a seat
at next year's TIFF premiere.

I'll be there.

Hey. I didn't expect you
back here tonight. You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.
How you doing, champ?

- Where did she come from?
- Shh!

It's the TIFF Daily Gossip.

Action star Ben Riggs
and super-agent Harrison Kent

revealed more than their movie
at the premiere

of Damage Control today.
But I also have

an update on studio head
Kat Kelsey. She's stated

that she and Ben have rekindled
their working relationship

on Willow Maitland's new project.


I've got some hot gossip
from Tommy Walker.

We know that Ben is playing
a character modelled after

a certain dashing
PI partner of mine.

Don't tell me. Tommy's gonna...

- play his best friend.

- Or his irrepressible

but indispensable assistant!
It's the courier!

Thank you.

Hey... one's addressed to me!

I hope it's not another postcard.

No... (GASPS)

It's VIP passes
to the Hong Kong premiere...

with round-trip plane tickets.


there's a note.

"You're the one assistant
I would never fire. Love, Ben."

- ♪ Let the sun come out ♪
- ♪ Let the light shine ♪

There's an inscription on mine.

- Yeah, mine too.
- (BOTH): "For helping us

tell our story. B and H."

- ♪ Let the sun come out ♪
- ♪ Let the sun come out ♪

♪ Let the light shine in ♪

♪ Let your light shine ♪