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04x07 - Under Par-essure

Posted: 10/31/21 03:13
by bunniefuu
Shade, what a gorgeous day

for a celebrity tournament.

- So, why are you here, again?
- Ha ha, very funny.

A little warm-up
on the driving range. You good?

Oh, you bet. Hey, and Mia
says, thanks for the tickets.

She and I are hanging at the clubhouse.

We have mimosas!
We're gonna do just fine.


lookee here. Scott McGillivray.

Matt Shade, I was hoping you'd be here.

I'm looking forward
to competing against you again.

Well, that's big of you, Scott,

considering how the last
five tournaments have gone.

Yeah, well, the past is in
the past. I'm back for revenge.

Think you're gonna be disappointed.

Oh yeah? You care
to place a wager on that?

How about the loser donates $5000

to SickKids Hospital

in honour of today's event.

You're on.

- What's the rush, Scott?
- No rush.

Just might get in a few practice swings,
you know.

Yeah, me too.

- Good luck, McGillivray.
- Don't need it, Shade.

You know, I thought mimosas
before noon was decadent.

But mimosas before 8 AM...

even better.

Holy celebrity central.

It's Scott McGillivray
In the actual flesh!

If you're going for subtle,
you are failing supremely.

All you golfers, don't forget

to check in at the registration desk.

Press must wear press passes
at all times.

- Hey, Shadow.
- Hey, Mike.

Great to see another southpaw
at this event.

Yeah, man, us lefties gotta
represent. Michelle, how you feeling?

- Oh, I'm always feeling good.
Confidence is key.

- Mhmm.
- And don't worry.

- I'm still gonna bring the heat.
- Not too hot.

This ain't the Masters. You're
not gonna win another green jacket.

Oh, but I'm gonna play
just good enough to beat you.

See you.

Alright, see you out there, guys.

What's with the phone, Ang'?

I thought Shade got us
these special invites for...

what was the word? Fun.

I feel weird when I'm not working.

Which you always are.

- You need a hobby.
- What?

No, hobbies are for people
who don't like their jobs.

No... hobbies are for fun.

You should try something like,

um... pottery.

- No Swayze, no Everett.
- Cooking class?

And lose my five-star rating
on Chew Crew?

- No, thanks.
- Woodworking.

I think I see the actress

- from that lipstick show.
- Lipstick Law?

Willow Maitland's here?
Oh my God, gimme.


Just you and the ball, Shadow.

Just you and the ball.

It's adorable watching hockey stars

play the subtler sports.

All that testosterone.
It's so aggressive.

It's so... not golf.

Willow Maitland. Wow.

My daughter and I never miss your show.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah. I may be
a little aggressive, but...

I just drilled that ball 275 yards.

Alright, so you have
good follow-through.

But... I said subtle.

How's your putting?

It's... accurate.

How are you playing with today?

Hannah Whysner.

Two majors and she's
only getting started.

I can't wait.

Playing with her was on my vision board

and the universe delivered.

Well, the universe and my publicist.

That's funny. I'm playing
with Hannah today too

and I didn't need a publicist.

So, we're on a team together.

- Looks that way.
- Well, then.

We better get down to business

'cause there's a trophy and I want it.

Now who's being aggressive?


Hey, Nick Nurse! What's up, man?

- Hey man, how you doin'?
- I'm doing good, buddy.

Hey, I hope you're not planning

on winning another
championship out here,

this isn't a basketball court.

I hear Scott's the one to watch today

I'm just here to raise some
money for SickKids, have some fun,

and hopefully bump
into a celebrity or two.

- Do you know any?
- Ah, yeah,

I almost forgot how hilarious you are.

Can't help ribbing
my favourite hockey player.

- He's your favourite?
- Actually, it's Mitchy.


Do you mind if I grab a pic
for Insta with you?

I'm a huge Raptor fan.

Miss Maitland, I love your
show. Let's do it.

Great. Later, hockey player.

- See you later.
- See ya, buddy.

Matt Shade. You probably don't
remember me, do you?

Donovan Crane.

You used to represent
some pretty good hockey players.

'til I tired of the 24/7 grind, I did.

- What are you up to now?
- Well, I'm Talent Manager

of Performance Sports Apparel,

number one ethically aware
apparel brand in North America.

Birdie Bodywear.

We organized this little tournament.

Hannah Whysner is your brand
ambassador, right?

Oh, yeah. Signed her myself
when we were both starting out.

Hey, look at that. See?
Birdie by Hannah.

That's just the beginning, too, right?

Bags, belts, shirts.
She won two majors this year,

popularity's through the roof,

so I convinced Performance Sports

to put everything they had
into her clothing line.

Wow. Hey,

I'm in Hannah's foursome today.
You got any pointers?

Why don't you come meet her
and ask her yourself?

Alright, I'll do that.

Heh, no.

Hannah's my number one golfer,
you're gonna love her.


What's the matter? What's wrong?

"If I can get you here,"

"I can get you anywhere".

Slow down.

They're watching you ♪

Hannah entered the trailer alone,

and that's where she found the note.

Written in lipstick,
on her mirror. That's personal.

Donovan, Hannah.

This is my partner, Angie Everett.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Thanks for coming so quickly.

Dr. Morris here was just about
to give us an update.

Yeah. Hannah's panic attack
activated her asthma,

I'm putting her on an oxygen regimen

just in case it acts up again.

Thank you very much, Doctor.

She tells Hannah she's got
to reduce her stress levels,

and then she pushes her to endorse her

sports clinic's new back brace.

Between that and the online trolls,

I have no idea how this girl's
supposed to stay calm.

This isn't the first time

Hannah's received a threat like this?

Every time she makes
a little gain on the tour,

we get a resurgence of online trolls.

Well, Hannah. It sounds
like you have a stalker,

and whoever it is,

knew where you were going
to be and how to get access.

- Well, we should call the police.
- No.

I've already had more
attention than I can handle, and

if the police are involved,

then the press find out
and my competition finds out,

I just...

It's OK.

Do you have any idea
who might want to hurt you?

No, no idea.

All I do is golf.

And she's an amazing role model.

Did you see anyone suspicious,

before you came into your trailer?

No, just the usual.

Players, handlers, greenskeepers.

I didn't think greenskeepers
had access to the VIP area.

I don't know, maybe there was like a

greens emergency or something.

Or maybe someone saw an opportunity.

OK, comin' through!

"I can get to you anywhere?"

That's a pretty vague message.

Do you think it's a crazed fan?

Superfans usually start with an ask,

this one went straight to a threat.


I'll get Zoe
to look into Hannah's online trolls

- Do you see that?
- Yeah.

What? I did the last dumpster.

That Jell-o ruined
a perfectly good pair of shoes.



That looks like the jacket
that the greenskeepers wear.

Let's go talk to the grounds manager,

maybe he can tell us who it belongs to.


Anybody here?

- Who's askin'?
- I'm Matt Shade, this is...

- The hockey player?
- Yes, sir.

Don't like celebrities.

They make divets in my course.


- Who's this?
- Oh,

I'm Angie Everett, not a celebrity.

We're private investigators.

Don't like them, neither.

We'll be fast, eh.

We found this uniform in the garbage.


Damn summer staff.

No work ethic, no respect!

Do you know who it belongs to?

It's not one of mine.

Ours have patches on the sleeves, see?

I don't know who that belongs to,

but they didn't get it here.

Is that it?
I have grounds to fertilize.

Thanks for your time.

If the stalker had to fake

a greenskeeper uniform...

...They weren't on staff.

Wow, they're really giving you
the star treatment here, Shade.

It's not the size of
your trailer that counts,

it's how you use it.

Oh, now I won't be able to
get that image out of my head.

Hey, you know
that tech seminar last week?

Bought new lights
for the case board, and...

learned how to use Identitatem.

It's a cool, new program that allows me

to track Hannah's most vocal trolls.

It's a lot of knuckle-draggers

but none of them are dangerous.

There is one guy who believes
he's Hannah's avatar...

We're a little short
on time, here, Zoe.

Right. So,

the golf club set up the VIP area

especially for this tournament,

so there's no security cameras yet.

Zoe, I just sent you a picture

of the greenskeeper
jacket that we found.

Can you find out where someone
could get a jacket like that?

And that mirror you picked up?

See if you can grab
some prints off of it.

Oh, I am way ahead of you.


OK, uh... Shade and I
are gonna go canvass the VIP.

Uh, actually, you're gonna canvass.

I gotta go play golf, remember?

You don't tee off for half an hour.

I haven't warmed up my short game yet,

plus I gotta keep an eye on Hannah.


Good morning, and welcome

to our annual
celebrity golf tournament!

It's a shotgun start,

so you've got your starting holes,

best ball rules,
and remember to mark down

your closest-to-the-pin scores
on the 13th hole.

Players ready?

To your carts!

I gotta get my club.

I heard...

that Scott McGillivray
has got it out for you.


The guy just can't seem to get over it,

I've beat him at this tournament
the last few years.

The last five years, actually.

And then there
was this ridiculous online poll,

Best Celebrity Hair,
and I trounced him.

For some reason, guy just
can't seem to get past it.

That's the first thing you've
ever said about famous people

that makes sense to me.

Did you finish canvassing?

Yeah. No one saw any greens
keeper by the VIP trailers,

and now they've increased security.

That's why you're gonna need this.

Did you just put something...
floral on my head?

You're going undercover as a writer

for Driver's Edge,
it's a golf magazine.

And I need a gaudy hat for that?

It's a visor,
and all the reporters wear them.

I also got you these.

Press pass, and this.

"Why You Suck at Golf".

Oh. How're you gonna play without this?

Use it to brush up

on your golfisms when you talk
to Jenna Langdon.

Cool... Who's Jenna Langdon?

She's an up-and-coming golf star,
ranked second to Hannah.

They're the Crosby
and Ovechkin of golf.

Tonya and Nancy?

Britney and Christina.

Rivals! I get it.

OK. I'm gonna go check in
with Jenna. Good luck.

Luck's got nothing to do with it.

Get it in the hole!

Hi, uh... I'm Angie,

reporter with Driver's Edge.


I would love to ask you some questions.

- Why not.
- Security seems tight today.

Yeah, it's about time.

Oh, look at that!

Nice, Jenna!

- Nice, Jenna!
- And that's how it's done.

Alright, that's the best
we're gonna do.

Mark it down and let's get moving.

Girl sure loves to show boat.


Hey, I forgot to tell you how
much I admire your Birdie brand.

ethically made,
contributing to the local economy...

Thank you.
Yeah, it's a passion of mine.

I should probably go
glad hand the press a bit.

Oh and...

try to brush up on the golf know-how,

just to, you know, sell it.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

"Swing easy when breezy".

What does that even mean?


Oh, that makes sense.

Do you have a ball marker?

Yeah, I got one here somewhere.



That's a lipstick sample...

for my daughter.

- She's looking for a...
- A new summer shade?

- Yes.
- That's kind of sweet.

Well, she can't go wrong with this one.

Grand Slam Scarlet by Razzle-Dazzle.

I understood none of those words.

I've worn it
on my last three red carpets.

- Razzle-Dazzle sponsors Jenna.
- Really?

Mm-hmm. Her rivalry with Hannah

started years ago
when they were both up

to be sponsored by Performance Sports.

Obviously, Performance went with Hannah

and her and Jenna have
been at w*r ever since.

Right now,

Hannah's winning.

How do you know all this?

Celebrities are the sharks
with whom I swim.

- Sounds dangerous.
- You've no idea.

Would you excuse me?
I've gotta check in with work.

Hey. Ang'.

You're not gonna believe this.

The lipstick on the mirror?
That's Jenna's brand.

Huh. Well, maybe Jenna's
trying to get into Hannah's head.

You mess with a player's head,
you mess with their game.

And if Hannah doesn't perform well...

...Jenna becomes
the number one superstar.

Maybe she picks up her endorsements.

Hey, reporter!

No phones on the course!

Dude, you just got me in trouble.

Hey, Shadow. Come on.

Seems like I'm getting myself
in trouble, too.

OK, I'm gonna go see
what I can get from Jenna.

Alright, let's see what you got.

You ready for this?

Woo-hoo, yeah!


Hannah really makes golf
look effortless.

It must be hard trying
to beat that all the time.

Oh my God,
enough with the amateur theatre.

You know, it doesn't take an
idiot to do an Internet search?

- You're no golf reporter.
- Sure I am.

- Swing easy when breezy.
- You're a P.I.

And I suppose you want to ask me
about Hannah's psycho mirror stalker?


You two do have quite
the public and heated rivalry.

Made hotter by journalists

who never want to write
about accomplishments,

only catfights.

Is that why you wrote
the message on the mirror,

stir up press, or were you
just trying to scare her?

Why would I want to scare her?

You've got a lot to gain
if she's out of the game.

Look, I'm not exactly lacking
in championships.

Plus, if I'm gonna be the best,

it's because I'm gonna beat the best.


The message was written...

in your signature lipstick,

Grand Slam Scarlet.

One of the many brands
sponsoring this event.


Now you're a suspect.

Cute, thank you.

I assume...

that you have an alibi
for this morning.

I do.

I was teaching accountants how to putt,

which is a little like teaching a
Chihuahua how to play the piano...

adorable, but useless.

- That was a nice putt!
- It was!


It's a beautiful day out there,

don't forget to stay hydrated.

Here you go.

- I'll take... - Water?
- Yeah.

Hey, Everett.

Get your face out of that book.

I'm gonna be the best golf
reporter this side of...

I don't know. Wherever they play
a lot of golf. Oh!

Jenna has an alibi but also
a boatload of resentment.

Alright, I'll talk to my foursome,
see if anyone's heard anything.

And I will see if anyone wants
to dish to the press.

I have a gentle approach to interviews,

it really puts my subjects at ease.


Yeah, I'll take a beer, man.


- Hey...
- Ohw.

I am so sorry!

First, you criticize my putting
and now, you spill my beer.

Did I offend you in a previous life?

And this is why I have a stunt double.

- Let me buy you another beer.
- Be my guest.


You write for Driver's Edge, right?

- Yes...
- Gotta give me some pointers.

Yeah... uh, totally.

Why don't you... show me your swing?

- Sure.
- Thanks.

Oh, I think I see the problem.

You need to... choke down on your club.

- Really?
- Yes? Yes. Yeah.

Yeah, uh...

"If you don't choke down,
you go to the ground".

Never heard that one before. Thanks.

Anytime, Scott McGillivray.

Thank you all for
a wonderful round this morning.

Please help yourself to a drink

and check out the spectacular
items for bidding

at the silent auction table.

- Ooh, what are you bidding on?
- Oh!

That is a device

- that measures wind.
- OK.

I have questions. Why... and why?

I didn't realize
that golf was so interesting.

I mean, it's more than just a game.

It's physics meets nature...

and if you don't know that,
you can end up ballooning.

- Right?
- Sure.

You do know you're not
actually a golf reporter?

- I could be a golf reporter.
- But you're not.

OK. Well...

You're the one that was
pushing me to get a hobby.

I was pushing more for fun.

Well, I'm having fun.


You're an ace at being a P.I.,
I mean, top-notch,

but you don't have
to be the best at everything.

Well, I'm not trying to be the...

...Oh my God.
I don't know how to have fun.

OK, we need to find something
that is straight up nothing but fun.

And I'm gonna make it my mission to...

It's him.

Saint Nick.

Nick Nurse.


- Have fun.
- OK.

I can't believe you poured

sriracha down your director's pants.

It might've been a tad overkill.

But I decided it was time
I stood up for myself

and honestly, I was willing to risk

my reputation if it meant
doing the right thing.

And trust me, that guy deserved it.

Remind me not to get on your bad side.

Why'd you wanna play with Hannah today?

I relate to her.

I don't have much of a family.

I always had to take care of myself.

Right. She has a brother, doesn't she?

Colin. Real deadbeat.

How so?

Their parents put everything
into Hannah's golf career,

and he got left out in the cold.

After they passed, he blew
through his inheritance,

tried and failed at a few businesses.

Now, Hannah basically funds his life.

If Hannah's brother
really is the stalker,

he could be here now.

The thing is, why thr*aten her

when she's bankrolling his life?

Famous sister gives allowance
to screwed-up brother?

Can't make a guy feel good.

She's his only living relative, and,

the only one with money, I mean,

if something happened to her,
chances are

- he'd inherit that money.
- Exactly.

Her game has been
all over the place lately.

- Oh no.
- What's wrong?

It's a tweet, directed at Hannah.

"Watch Golf Good Girl,

Hannah Whysner, Go Rogue"

Hannah, is your
good girl image just an act?

What brought on the hissy fit?

- What's going on?
- We gonna get her out of here.

Looks like your stalker's trying
to destroy your career.

- Hannah, over here!
- What's happening?

Hannah, over here!

Just stop, stop.

What is this?

Can somebody tell me what this is?

I'm not wearing this!
I never approved of it.


You know what,
everybody stay away from me!

I need my space.

That set was supposed to be

a closed photo sh**t. I...

I don't know what to say.
I just... I snapped.

I'm so embarrassed.

Your brand is about kindness
and integrity!

Do you have any idea
who took that video?

That photo sh**t was last week.

I barely even remember who was there.

Stop protecting your brother, Hannah.

- I'm not protecting him!
- You are!

Wait, Colin was at the sh**t?

Yes! He's legit
just a good photographer.

He's just never had a break.
I knew that if I hired him,

at least he could get
his foot in the door.

- He can't be trusted though!
- How can you even say that?

Alright, Donovan!

Why don't you step outside
and get some air?

We know you support him financially.

So? He needs money, I have it.

I thought you two weren't close?

Close or not,
we're the only family we have.

Colin didn't do this! Please...

stay away from him.


I think it's time we talk to Colin.

Do you mind taking this one, partner?

My absence from the game
is getting conspicuous.

If I'm away too long, they're
gonna think I'm off getting boozy.

Wow, nice studio.

Bet it wasn't easy,

growing up with a superstar
for a sister,

always getting all the attention,

lessons... trainers...

So you've read
the many profiles on my sister

that talk about how invisible
I was to our parents,

how much I resented her success...

how tragically unfocused I am.

Yeah, not to mention
all the failed businesses.

Your point?

You took the video
of Hannah's meltdown.


As much as it annoys the hell out of me

to have a famous little sister,

I wouldn't publicly humiliate her.

And yet, the video came
from your camera.

No, it didn't.

If you're gonna lie,
you should probably clear your metadata,

the pesky little file,

holding all of the information
about your video like,

where it was taken,
what it was taken with...

your exact make
and model of camera, actually.

I know because our assistant found it.

Metadata's wrong.

Metadata doesn't lie.

People do.

Look, she was being a diva,

so I went outside for a cigarette.

Someone must've
picked up the camera and

taken the video because when I got back,
the SD card was gone.

- Convenient.
- Not really.

I had to get another one.

You know, it's time for you to go.


A professional photographer
leaves his expensive camera alone?

- We don't buy it.
- I hear that,

but it's gonna take me
a while to track down

the location of the
device that sent the video.



Listen to this. About three months ago,

Hannah filed a complaint

against Performance Sports Apparel

with the International
Better Business Standard.

Thing is, just days after
she lodged the complaint,

it was retracted.

Hannah's meltdown is everywhere.

It even got picked up by the
online gossip blog, Viral Buzz.

- Never heard of it.
- Think TMZ on steroids.

You got any leads?

We need you to tell
us about the complaint

Hannah filed with the IBBS.

First time hearing of it.

She retracted it and now it's sealed.

What would she have to complain about?


and if she did have
something to say about

Performance Sports Apparel,
she would've said it to me first.

Could someone have issued
the complaint in her name?

Sure, yeah. That's possible.

- Alright. We'll look into it.
- Good,

'cause right now,
all eyes are on Hannah.

Even one more misstep
and we're both finished.

Hey, hey.

I've played in my share of big games,

I get how pressure is,
but you got to let this go.

Yeah, a little pressure I can handle,

but now everyone, including
Performance Sports, knows

I can't handle the pressure!

What if they drop...

What if they drop me?

They're not gonna drop you,
you're their rising star.

What about my brother,
what's gonna happen to Colin...

I've only ever trained for golf,
that's all I know...

OK, I'm gonna get
you some oxygen. Come on.

So Dr. Morris has got
her set up on oxygen,

she's gonna be good
to go in 10 minutes, right?

She can take all the time...




"You're beautiful when you sleep"...

Looks like our stalker
just upped his game.

Follow my finger.

Hannah, what happened?

I was breathing in the oxygen
and then I passed out.

This isn't oxygen.

- It smells sweet.
- What?

That's nitrous oxide.

Somebody switched it out.

I checked it before she teed off.



You're lucky you were just knocked out.

If that t*nk had been full,
you could've had a seizure,

stopped breathing... or worse.

So that could've k*lled her...


None of this would be
happening if you guys

- were doing your job.
- We're doing our job.

You know how many millions
we've got invested in Birdie Bodywear?

Are you more worried about Hannah,

or the money she makes you?

Of course. I'm sorry, you're right.

It's just that we've got deals
in place, we've got contracts

if she's not out there,
playing like a winner,

the whole line is gonna t*nk.

He's right.

I'll play.

Plus, I made a promise to
SickKids that I intend to keep.

This is all I have right now.

Hannah, I'm gonna stay
right by your side.


The serial number had been
filed off of that t*nk, Doc.

Where would someone
get a t*nk like that?

Licensed medical facility,

I can get you a list
of places to check.

You just prescribed her
the oxygen therapy.

Who else knew?

- Hannah, Donovan, you guys.
- And you.

I put my athletes before everyone.

And Hannah, I've known her
since she was eight.

When her parents died, I promised

I would keep an eye on her and Colin.

Do you really think I would harm her?

Hey, Zoe. What's up?

Don't tell Shade, I'm using
his office putting green.

Uh... I can hear you, Zoe.

I really need to remember
speakerphone exists.

OK. I got good news and bad news.

Hit us with the good news.

You remember
those greenskeeper outfits?

They could've been bought by anyone.

And how is that good news?

Oh wait, that's the bad news.

So, is there good news?

I managed to trace
the location of the person

who uploaded Hannah's rant,

and you'll never guess where it is.


Jenna Langdon's trailer.

- Shade!
- Thanks, Zoe.

I'm gonna check Jenna's trailer
for the SD card.


I finally figured out
why they call you Shadow.

From the way you putt,

you are completely in the dark.

That's cute.

So you've been spending a lot of
time thinking about me, have you?

More like thinking
about going one-on-one with you.

Why, Miss Maitland,
are you flirting with me?

Golf, Mr. Shade.

I propose we play a game. One-on-one.

Huh. I suppose I could find
time to beat an Emmy nominee

in a game of golf,
after we finish the tournament.

That's why you should
always lock your door.

Just stop, stop.

What is this?

- Hole in one.
- Can somebody tell me what this is?

I'm not wearing this!


What's going on here?

I would like to take this opportunity to

formally apologize to my fans

for the video
that's been circulating today.

It was a lapse in judgement...

We need to get Hannah out of here

- and get eyes on all our suspects.
- Why?

Jenna bought two
groundskeeper uniforms.

It's gonna be another attack.

I'm gonna get closer to Jenna.

Alright, I got eyes on Colin. excuse
for such childish behaviour,

but, enough about me,

let's get back to the real
reason why we're here today,

to raise money for such
an incredible charity,


I'm sorry, that's all
the time I have for today.

Hey, what happened?

He hit my back, it's my back!

You gotta stay with her.

- He hit my back!
- Just don't move.


We nearly had him!

He got to Hannah.

Nearly's not good enough.

Did you recognize who hit you?

No, happened so fast.

You were hit on your lumbar spine.

Your L2 and L3 are seriously injured.

We're looking at multiple surgeries.

How long will it take
for her to recover?

Best case scenario, including rehab,

12 months at least.

A year? No.

She's this close to becoming
the next big thing in golf.

You... you can fix this, Hannah.

Just hit rehab really hard, right?

After a year, I'll be fine, right?

I'll be as good as new.

Golf requires a lot of lower
body strength, as you know.

The weight bearing, the twisting...

with an injury like this,
even if it heals,

you're likely to re-injure it.

Are you saying
this could be career-ending?

Yes. Unfortunately, I am.

This is not happening.

This is not happening.

I just...

I just want to be alone right now.

Of course.


Something's not right here.

If Hannah really had a spinal
injury that severe,

she'd be in surgery already.

You sure about that, doctor?

You ever hurt your lower back?

No, but...

Dr. Morris would make sure

she's receiving the proper
treatment, wouldn't she?

Unless Dr. Morris is the stalker.

- No way.
- Think about it.

Remember her back brace?

Donovan said she wanted Hannah
to endorse it,

but she wouldn't.

So she's sabotaging

Hannah's career out of revenge?

It's possible.

You know, now that you mention it,

she never did get back to us
about the nitrous oxide,

Is it possible that Dr. Morris
and Jenna are working together?

Morris clubs Hannah, Jenna leaks video?

Yeah, but then
who switched out the oxygen

for the nitrous oxide?

Dr. Morris was with a patient
and I was with Jenna.


He was in our sight
when Hannah got hit.

Yeah, it's not adding up.

Each one of them conceivably

could've done one of the att*cks,

but none could've done them all.

None of them alone.

Dude, you want to tell us what's up?

We know your secret, dude.

The three of you are Hannah's stalker.

That's preposterous.

Actually, it's genius.

Each one of you played a role
in some of the att*cks,

and had an alibi for others,

that way,
no one person could be caught.

Colin, you shot the video of
Hannah at the photo sh**t,

then gave it to Jenna to put up online.

You also switched out the oxygen t*nk

in Hannah's trailer
for a canister of nitrous oxide,

provided by Dr. Morris.

Dr. Morris, you clubbed Hannah
at the golf course,

in a greenskeeper outfit,
provided by Jenna.

OK, this is stupid.

I hope this is important.

- Who is she?
- Oh, just a friend I called in

to confirm a suspicion.

It's definitely
an injured lumbar spine...

That's what I told you.

...But I'm also seeing
evidence of osteoporosis

and arthritis, so...

Unless Hannah's a 75-year-old woman,

this is the X-ray of someone else.

Cool. You can send the bill
to Dr. Morris.

Yes, I will!

You, lied about Hannah's injury.

Wait, Ang'...

If Dr. Morris is lying
about the injury,

then Hannah's faking.

You guys aren't trying to hurt Hannah,

you're trying to help her.

Hannah just tweeted.

"The stalkers won, my career is over"

"better to burn out
than fade away. I'm sorry."

That sounds like a su1c1de note.

Come on, guys, the game is up.

This isn't us, I swear.

Dr. Morris clubbing her
was the last attack,

and Hannah wouldn't k*ll herself.

Then somebody else
is trying to k*ll her.

Hannah found out that Donovan
outsourced the manufacturing

of her clothing line to sweatshops.

That was the complaint
she made to the IBBS.

Her only option after that was
to t*nk her career.

That way, the clothing line would fail

and Donovan would pay.

So, she invented the stalker?

She's gone!

Her shoes are still here,
and her clothes.

She must still be in the hospital.

Donovan must've figured out
what she was up to,

he's the only one
with a reason to hurt her.

OK, Colin, call the cops.

Where would Donovan take her?

- I think up there.
- Up?

I don't like up.

You are going to go back
to playing golf,

you are going to
launch that clothing line...

- What are you talking about?
- We're gonna finish our contract,

- you're gonna win again!
- Let Go!

What is wrong with you?


Oh, I can't! It's too high.

- Go, just go!
- Help me!

Hey, Donovan. Don't do anything stupid.

Into her career,
she's trying to destroy it!

I'd rather watch my
career go up in flames,

than help you exploit child labour!

- What, that's crazy!
- No!

You stole the money you made

by sending my clothes overseas!

I put everything on the line for you.

- I made you!
- All you did is cheat.

Cops, firetrucks,

the whole cavalry's here, Donovan.

Guess there's no coming back
from this, is there?


It's over, Donovan.

It's over.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

Thank you all for a wonderful day

raising money for SickKids Hospital!

And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for,

the awards presentation!

The IBBS is looking into the sweatshop,

and Performance Sports Apparel
fired Donovan.

Please tell me they're
re-writing your contract.

I now have full control
over Birdie Bodywear,

and it will be produced ethically,
in a domestic facility.

Sort of a, sorry our Talent
Manager tried to k*ll you.

The winner of this year's
charity tournament...

Team Scott McGillivray!


How's it feel to be hustled, Shade?

I don't know if you can call

a five-year losing streak a hustle,

but I'll be a bigger man

and admit defeat.
You played well today.

Thanks, Shade.

Goodnight, Angie.

Your advice made me unbeatable!

You're my new favourite person.


You helped him beat me?

You gave me a floral fashion no-no,

and told me it's what
the reporters wear.

Yeah, that was a good one, wasn't it.

No, it wasn't.

Well, I don't want to stay
in the middle of this,

so... thank you, guys...

So much, for everything.

You know,

there is one thing we
never did figure out.

Everyone had an alibi
for the mirror message

so... who wrote it?

Turns out Grand Slam Scarlet...

is just my shade.

Alright, fine.

My putting could use a little help.

Here, let me.

Empty your mind.

Focus on one happy thought.

And remember...

it's all about the follow-through.




That must've been one happy thought.

What was it?

Well, if I tell you,
it won't come true.

- That's a birthday wish.
- Oh...

Tell me, what makes Matt Shade happy?


What do you say
we skip the rest of the game. and...

Get drinks in the club house?

Now that's what I call
a good follow-through.

Of all the things to bid on
at the silent auction,

remind me again why you chose this one?

Because the only goal here...
is to have fun.

You know I'm afraid of heights, right?

You'll be 1200 feet in the air.

You do this, and you won't
be able to say that anymore.

Come on Everett, I dare you.

Screw it.

Let's do this.

Hold on, you're not making me
do this on my own, are you?

Ah! What kind of friend would I be,

just let you up there,
by yourself? Please!

Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

Oh? I assume that's for me.

Come on, partner.

You can do this.

