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04x01 - Family Plot

Posted: 10/31/21 03:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Private Eyes.

Whoever you do end up with,
he's one lucky guy.

- Yes!
- Thank God for Don. Pretty much

saved us from the worst decision
of our lives. Am I right?

- So we should go celebrate.
- Really?

- Yeah, right away. Yeah.
- ♪♪

- I don't have to go back to Seattle.
- It's where you live.

- I'm gonna buy you a ticket.
- No, Tex, don't do that.

"Remember. One year.
Somebody special."

- (clinking)
- So,

- when are you going to Seattle?
- Not tonight.

- I'm looking for Matt Shade.
- Yeah, I'm Matt.

- I'm your daughter.
- ♪♪

25 years ago in Kirkland Lake,

- I was playing Junior A.
- Oh, I remember.

Seriously though, it seems like

private investigating
may run in our family.

- How did you track us down?
- Well, it wasn't easy.

My mom never wanted me
to know who my real father was.

Why not?

She said that we could
make it just the two of us,

we didn't need anybody else.

- Just do it on our own.
- And where's your mother now?

Uh, my mom died when I was 18.

- So sorry.
- I was actually going

through her old things recently,
and I found it...

very healing.

I found some letters
Matt wrote her,

and I checked the dates
and did a little sleuthing

of my own, and now here we are.

Dad, you wrote letters to a girl?

(chuckling): What did they say?

Uh, I have no idea,
it was 25 years ago.

- I read them.
- They were very, very sweet.

Oh, come on, give me the juice.

- No, please don't.
- Do you remember that heart-shaped

- birthmark behind her ear?
- Mm-hmm.

You said you put it there so
she would always remember you.

Awww, Dad! How romantic!

I think I just got a cavity.

You see what I have to deal with?

I'm so glad to finally have
a sister on my side.



Maybe. Then again maybe not.

Do you think
she's telling the truth?

Oh, you are asking me
to make an assumption

on my boss' former sex life
25 years ago.

- It's kind of inappropriate.
- I mean, the ages

and the dates, they add up,
but what if it's all a scam?

For what? Money? I've seen
how much you guys make,

- and how much you pay me.
- ♪♪

Maybe she's a celebrity stalker.

Yeah. Or maybe
she's telling the truth.

Or maybe she's a serial k*ller.

Not helping. The point is

Shade is too emotionally
wrapped up in this.

- I don't want to see him get hurt.
- But what do you...

- Sabrina's lipstick.
- Not...

- Couple of clear prints.
- You are.

- It's for Shade's own good.
- It's our secret, right?

- Why do you do this to me?
- You know that I can't lie.

You know that I'm weak.
You know I will crack.

- Zoe, breathe. Gonna be fine.
- (knocking)

- Aaaah!
- Hello!

Please, I don't know
where else to turn.

Then, you came to the right
place. What can we do for you?

I need you to stop a m*rder.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowing the lines
when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show
to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you ♪

♪ Watching you, watching you ♪

- So...
- Smells good.

Yeah. Bacon:
nature's perfect food.

(women chuckling)

So, you and Sabrina's mother?

Her name was Lauren.

Was it serious?

Serious as love can be
when you're 18.

- Well, so you got it bad.
- Uh, yeah.

And you never got back
in touch with her?

Yeah, I thought about it
from time to time,

but, you know, life happens.


Matt, are you sure

- about any of this?
- Timeline makes sense,

and Sabrina knows things
about Lauren

that only a daughter could.
But don't worry, Dad,

- I'll check it all out.
- When are you gonna tell Becca?

She's gonna be thrilled
to find out she has

a new ex-stepdaughter. I mean,
how does all that work?

When I figure it out,
I'll let you know.

- Yeah, would you do that?
- Thank you. Breakfast!

- Hey, Everett.
- Whoa, whoa, slow down.

- Who's been m*rder*d?
- m*rder?

Oh, yeah. No, don't worry,
this happens all the time.

So there hasn't been a m*rder,
but there might be.

Angie, just stop. I'm coming in.

- You have an amazing job.
- Haha, yeah.

- Also at times, inconvenient.
- You should go, Dad.

Fight crime or soon-to-be crime.

You're just interrupting
our girl talk anyways.

- Really?
- I will spend the day

getting to know
the rest of the family.

Maybe you can give me the
lowdown on the real Matt Shade.

- And we have stories.
- And that's my cue to leave.


And this will give us a chance
to hear about you too.


The Leland Harrington?

- Of Harrington Worldwide.
- Ellen is his private nurse.

- Leland...
- I mean Mr. Harrington

suffers from
a degenerative nerve disease.

He has a few years left,
but after that,

well, the doctors aren't hopeful.

I'm sorry to hear that,
but where do we fit in?

Ellen says there's been
a string of "accidents" lately.

A piece of rug came loose,

and Mr. Harrington
fell down the stairs.

A few days later,
his bedside lamp overheated

causing an electrical fire.

And just yesterday, he went
into anaphylactic shock.

- Does he have a nut allergy?
- It had to be

in something he ate, but he's
had the same chef for years.

Luckily, I was there

to administer
an Epipen immediately.

And you think these accidents are

- anything but accidental?
- Taken on their own,

- they may not seem like much...
- But together, they could

- add up to attempted m*rder.
- Have you gone to the police?

I've tried, believe me,

but Mr. Harrington won't have it.

- He's a very proud man.
- You seem quite fond of him.

Leland may project
a gruff image to the world,

but I've gotten
to know the real man.

And I'll be damned
if somebody's going

to k*ll him on my watch.

This just in from Zoe.

"Harrington Worldwide:

"textiles, global distribution,"
yadda, yadda, yadda.

My God! These people are loaded!

Leland just had his third divorce.

So maybe a little less loaded now.

Son and daughter both work
for the company.

These kids are
all over the socials.

Yeah, dysfunctional family
runs multimillion-dollar empire;

sounds like a reality show.

- Speaking of family...
- I see what you did there.

- ♪♪
- I was just curious.

How are things going with Sabrina?

It's early days still, but

Jules seemed excited
to have a sister.

Sorry to hear
about Sabrina's mother.

Yeah, me too.

And at the same time to find out
I've got a grown-up daughter.

Look on the bright side:

Maybe you skipped
the awkward years.

I didn't just miss the awkward
years, I missed all the years.

Shade, are you
positive about this?

Because you know there is
a way to find out for sure.

There is? Haha!

Of course I'm gonna get
a paternity test.

- You are?
- Oh, good, I'm so glad!

I mean, it's none of
my business, but I just wanted

you to be sure
because emotionally speaking,

it's a game changer in many ways
for a lot of people

who care about you,
and I'm just gonna shut up now.

Look, I appreciate
that you're worried about me,

but I'm fine. Trust me.

(distinguished classical music)

(with British accent):
Shade, my good man,

I'll be dressing for tea.
Take my bags

to the upstairs maid
in the east wing.

And be quick about it, no dawdling

- with that scullery wench.
- But she likes to be dawdled.

- I see what you did there.
- Hahaha!


- Mr. Harrington, I presume.
- But you should get

- your rest!
- Oh, the hell with that!

I'm not an invalid.
At least not yet.

Now look,

I did not ask Ellen to hire

- private investigators.
- Mr. Harrington,

we understand there have
been several accidents.

So you've been
blabbing to strangers

- about my private affairs?
- Quiet, Leland,

- they'll be discreet.
- They'd better be!

Tomorrow, I'm hosting a party
for the board of directors

and all the top shareholders.
Now, if any of these accidents

turn out to be attempts
on my life,

the publicity could be disastrous.

I can't imagine being dead
would be great either.

I didn't get to where I am
by being afraid.

I'm a powerful man
with powerful enemies.

- Anyone in particular come to mind?
- You can take your pick:

half a dozen CEOs,
some politicians,

maybe three presidents
of foreign countries.

Any way to narrow that list down?

Nyah. That'd be Gloria.

Ex-wife number 3.
Third time was not a charm.

- Difficult divorce?
- Not for me.

Gloria is living
in the guest house now.

- I'm not a total monster.
- Hmm.


- g*dd*mn!
- Are you OK?

- Gearshift's in neutral.
- Dad!

- Are you OK?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Did you forget
to put it in park again?

I did not forget.

I told you to stop driving. That's why

- we have chauffeurs!
- Don't you dare

speak to me like I'm a child.
I'm the parent,

- remember that.
- You never let me forget it.

- Enough, you two.
- Come on, Leland,

- don't excite yourself.
- ♪♪

Please stay on the case.

You must be the Pls.

- Shade and Everett.
- He's a proud bastard.

Kills me to see him like this.

Do you think someone's
trying to k*ll him?

I know Ellen's worried,

but I think she's getting
too personally involved.

All these incidents
can be explained away.

What about
the fall down the stairs?

You saw him yourself;

he's losing motor function.
Yeah, he said

the carpet was pulled up,
but it looked fine to me.

- And the fire in the bedside lamp?
- I checked that out, too.

Seems Dad put a 100-watt bulb

into an old lamp.
Wiring just overheated.

And the nuts that got
into his food yesterday?

He's an insomniac. He's always
getting up in the middle

of the night to grab a snack;
who knows what he ate?

And this has happened before?

- Yeah.
- ♪♪

Dad's in denial about his health,

but looks like
his physical condition might be

affecting his mind.

Sometimes, I think
this family is cursed.


(woman): To tell you
the truth, the only thing

I miss by not living
in the main house

- is my walk-in closets.
- For somebody who used to be

Daddy's masseuse,
you've done quite well.

(Matt): So why not just move away?

Mostly just to piss
Leland off, but also

because I still have access
to certain luxuries:

private chef, personal driver,

- saltwater pool.
- The gardener.

His name is Stefan,

and nobody trims
my hedges like he does.

- He's younger than I am.
- Are you jealous?

Of what? I'm VP
of sales and marketing

for a half-billion dollar company.

Have I told you that you're
my favourite stepdaughter?

Just look at us,

- we could be sisters.
- Mm-hmm.

These are
for our 1920s' theme party.

Beautiful. Very Gatsby.

And these...

custom made in Milan

- with my monogram.
- Definitely not off the rack.

Not another pair made
like them in the world.

What do you two think about

- the recent string of accidents?
- Ellen's just overreacting.

If you ask me, she's campaigning
to be wife number 4.

So, you're not worried
about Leland?

Leland and I lead separate lives.

To save my sanity,
I gave up caring year ago.

Spoken like a true stepmother.

Leland didn't want a wife;
he wanted a social coordinator.

The only thing
that man cares about

- is the Harrington bottom line.
- It isn't easy

running an empire.
Hard work takes sacrifice.

- Even if it's your own family?
- Uh, we checked

the security cameras.
We couldn't tell

- where the car originated from.
- Were either of you two

near the main house at the time
of the recent accident?

No. I'd just gotten back
from the hairdresser's.

And I've been
at dress fittings all morning.

(Angie): OK. Thanks.

By the way, um, we couldn't help

but notice tension
between Leland and Gabe.

- I'm not surprised.
- Leland kicked him off the board.

Everyone's a disappointment
to that man.

Even his own son.


- So, those two...
- Yeah.

Must make for some interesting
Mother's Day brunches.

You know, I used
to envy people with money;

now, not so much.

But it makes you appreciate
the people you have

- in your life, doesn't it?
- (g*nsh*t)

(dramatic music)


Seems like a good way
to work out your frustration.

What makes you
think I'm frustrated?

Why did your father remove you
from the board at Harrington?

I've been in and out of rehab
for the past few years.

- dr*gs? Alcohol?
- Yeah.

It was coke that did me in.

Look, I'm not proud of it, but I'm
working hard staying clean, so...

And that hasn't changed
your father's opinion?

Ha! He doesn't even want me
at the shareholder party.

Father dear has no tolerance
for human frailty.

And now that his own body
is failing him...

well, it's like I said before,
I think it's making him crazy.

You were on the grounds
for this incident with the car?

Yeah. I was in my room in the south
wing. I heard a crash, I came running.

Where were you
during the other accidents?

- Why? Am I a suspect now?
- Well, not if there's no crime.

I mean, if this is all just
a figment of your father's

imagination, then you've got
nothing to worry about.

Look, offhand, I can't recall

where I was
every single time, so...

So, why don't you check
your calendar, get back to us.


(Matt): So, what do you think?

I think I owe
my mother an apology.

Compared to that g*ng,
I had a perfect childhood.

I'm sure Gloria would love to get
out from under Harrington's thumb,

and Megan stands
to inherit everything.

Gabe resents being
tossed off the board by Daddy.

I mean, all three of them
had motives. And we're talking

about a company worth
hundreds of millions.

All the accidents occurred
at the mansion,

but with all the security there,
it has to be someone

with unlimited access
to the house and grounds.

- A lot of staff to interview.
- Gotta get home, it's our first

- family dinner with Sabrina.
- Well, you should go.

I'll just split
the interviews with Zoe.

Alright. Best partner ever.

- Just drop me at the cop shop.
- Zoe's there seeing

if Danica could find
anything on the Harringtons.


OK, again, this is not happening.

- We're not even here.
- And I definitely did not

drop off Sabrina's glass
for testing.

- But if this were happening...
- I would tell you first the good news:

we found a clear set
of latent prints on the glass.

- (Angie): What's the bad news?
- They're in the system.

Sabrina was arrested
for shoplifting at 19.

That's after her mother
had passed.

Is there a next of kin
listed on her record?

(typing quickly)

Yeah, a woman by the
name of Lauren Campbell.

- Wait, what? That's...
- that's Sabrina's mother.

- But I thought she was dead.
- Let me check.

Well, she got a speeding ticket
in Barrie last month.

Pretty neat trick
for a dead woman.

Hey, guys.

What's up? You know I was having
dinner with my family.

- Sorry, boss.
- We didn't think this could wait.

Hi, Matt.


I thought you were...

I know. I am so sorry.

- I can explain.
- We were just trying to help.


Uh, can... can we talk?


Yeah, of course. Yeah.


Sabrina told me you were dead.

- Yeah.
- Why would she lie

about something like that?

Are you even her real mother?

Yes, Matt. I promise,
I am her mother.

And am I her father?

- I think you may be.
- But you're not sure?

- OK, look.
- Back in Kirkland Lake,

another lifetime ago,
I was dating this guy,

Carl Jenkins, and then...

and then you came
to town and we...

Yeah. I remember.

We had an amazing summer.

But then you got
traded out of town.

And shortly after,
I realized that I was pregnant.

- But you never told me.
- I know.

But I just...

I didn't want to guilt you

into something
that you would regret.


They're hugging.

They're old friends, why
shouldn't they be hugging?

She looks too young to have
a daughter Sabrina's age.

- Yep, she's beautiful.
- Shiny hair.


- I wonder what they're saying.
- God, I wish I could read lips.

- Read mine.
- Let's get back to work.

We have a case to solve!

Dig up anything yet?

Well, Megan Harrington
is a selfie machine.

I know all about her lunch -
what is it with quinoa? -

and her wardrobe,
and her love life, including

- her most recent breakup.
- "Megan Harrington

breaks off engagement."
Rumour has it

it wasn't exactly her idea.

- Daddy didn't approve.
- Hmm!

I wonder how Megan feels
about that.

- Someone should find out.
- Yes, someone should.

I'll stay here, text updates.

Not that I'm condoning

- Heavens no.
- But leave nothing out.

(indistinct conversation)

(Zoe clearing her throat)

- (crickets chirping)
- I want the swing band

here, and the croquet,
bocce ball and badminton

here, here and here. And hire me
five more champagne servers.

Wow! You throw a party.

Dad wants to impress
the board members tomorrow.

They're voting
on the chairman appointment.

Is there any doubt
he'll be re-elected?

There have been
rumblings this year.

I think Gabe's been
spreading rumours

- about Dad becoming incompetent.
- Really?

He seemed so genuinely
concerned about your father.

Then maybe you're not
a good judge of men.

Well, according to
your father, neither are you.

- ♪♪
- My ex-fiancé.

- That's none of your business.
- Actually, while I'm

on this case, anyone with
a grudge against your father

is my business.

Dad has standards, and...

Bryce just didn't measure up.
It's that simple.

Don't you have a say
in the matter?

Of course.

But I've worked hard
to get to vice-president;

I don't want anything
to jeopardize that.

- (man coughing)
- (thump and clattering)

(Matt): Becca and I got
divorced a few years ago.

- (Lauren): Sorry to hear that.
- Ah, it's all good.

We're still friends.
So now, it's just

me and my dad and Jules
living here.

How old is Jules now?

18 going on 30.

(Matt chuckling)
I remember those years.

(both laughing)

- Ah, that must be them.
- (door closing)

- I know. I know.
- I can't believe that.

- That is hilarious.
- I know, I know. Haha!

- What is it?
- Mom.

- Hello, Sabrina.
- What?

But I thought
that you said that she...

- Honey, it's complicated.
- Yeah, I can hear that.

Why don't I just go up to my room.

I barely hear from you
in a year, and now this?

- I can explain.
- You owe us at least that.

- (cell phone ringing)
- If you'd only told me

- the truth all those years ago.
- (Matt stops the ringing)

- I was giving us a fresh start.
- No, you were ashamed of me

- because I was a mistake.
- What?!

Honey, you know that's not true.

How can I know that?
You never told me the truth.

I'm... That's why I lied to you.

Because I knew that if I called
her, she would have tried

- and stopped me.
- (cell phone ringing again)

(Matt sighing) I'm so sorry.

- Not now, Everett!
- I know this is lousy timing,

- but we've got a situation.
- What's happened?

Leland Harrington's been
att*cked again,

and this time,
the k*ller may have succeeded.

Can you hear me?

(Leland breathing laboriously)

- Your colour's coming back.
- Oh, no fuss.

No fuss. Honey, no... (coughing)


- Could you tell us what happened?
- Yeah.

The smell of gas
woke me up, and I went over

to the fireplace looking
for the key to turn it off,

and I could not find it.

Luckily, he was able
to crawl into the hallway

- before passing out.
- Dad!

- Where were you?
- I just...

I dozed off in my room
after dinner

and just, uh... just woke
up now with all the noise.

Really? I stopped by your
room, I didn't see you.

What's... what's going on?

I suppose you're gonna

- blame me for this.
- The gas was left on.

- Quiet now, Leland.
- Try and rest.

- We need to call the police.
- No.

- Cancel the party tomorrow.
- No! The board

votes directly afterwards,
and I want you to stick around

- and keep an eye out.
- But at least,

let me represent you.
You can stay in bed and rest.

- Why, you?!
- What do you want to do,

trying to worm your way back
into the company?

No, I know what you've been saying

behind my back,
blaming my leadership

for the downturn of the stock.

- Who told you that? What?
- I got a feeling

you were behind these att*cks.

- That is a damn lie!
- Stop it! Both of you.

I can't take your
constant bickering.

It's lucky for me

you're a miserable failure.

Both as a son and a k*ller.

- You son of a...
- Wait! Gabe, no!

You don't seriously think
that Gabe would...

- Don't you?
- ♪♪

(coughing) That's OK.

Can you keep security
posted around the clock?

I will. And I'll stay up
with him while he sleeps.

Did you see the way
she looked at him?

- Maybe Gloria was right.
- About Ellen becoming

- the next Mrs. Harrington?
- You know, it starts out

as a working relationship,
and sometimes...

- You should probably...
- I should probably get going.

Oh! And hey. So, I'm sorry
for dropping that Lauren b*mb

on you like that. I was just
trying to look out for you.

Yeah, there's a lot going on.

- Yeah, totally.
- (cell phone ringing)

- It's Tex.
- Yeah, right, yeah.

- Start fresh tomorrow?
- Yeah.

Cool! See you. Hey.


Then, long story short,

after you left town,
I rebounded with Carl

- and we got married.
- And Sabrina was born.

- We were a family.
- And at first, it was great,

but then we started
arguing. A lot.

- Do you think he suspected?
- Yes.

But he refused to talk about it,
and it drove a wedge

between us. We just started
drifting further apart.

- I'm sorry.
- It's alright. Sabrina and I

left town, I went back
to my maiden name,

and we started a new life.

♪ Would I ever find my way back ♪

Well, sometimes leaving

takes the most courage of all.

- (pouring drink)
- It still doesn't help

- with the guilt.
- No, don't.

Don't do that.

What's done is done.
You can't turn back time.

It's funny,

I give the same advice
to my patients.

- Are you a doctor?
- Don't sound so surprised.

I'm not surprised.

What kind of doctor?

- I am a psychiatrist.
- Really?


I know it's ironic given my
relationship with my daughter,

- but true nonetheless.
- ♪ Stay ♪

And you never got

a paternity test
to see if Carl was her father?

You know, I was young,
and I really wanted it

to work with Carl. I didn't want
anything to mess it up.

What about later,
after everything went south?

Well, by the time Sabrina
and I left town, I just...

You know, I guess I was afraid
to know the truth.

It's crazy, right? A grown woman
living in a fantasy world.

No. It's not crazy,
it's just human.

- Yeah.
- ♪ Tell me if I go too far ♪

The truth is I don't think I ever
had with Carl what I had with you.

♪ Would I ever find my way back ♪

Hey, do you remember this?


You said that you gave it to me,

so that I would always
remember you.

Haha! That's right.

It's pretty corny, right?

I thought it was romantic.

♪ I wonder if I stay ♪

Do you ever wonder
what would have happened

if I hadn't left Kirkland Lake?

Yes, I do.

But as a wise man once said,

"You can't turn back
the hands of time."

All we have is here and now.

♪ Lay my head ♪

So why not make the most of it?

♪ My heart remains ♪

♪ No matter where I lay ♪

♪ My head ♪

♪ You know, you know ♪

♪ You know, I wonder if I stay ♪

Please, just listen.

I just wanted a fresh start,
and I messed everything up,

and I'm just... I'm so sorry
because now Mom hates me,

- and you think I'm a lying liar...
- Stop apologizing.

We've all done
things we're not proud of.

- I know, but...
- It's never too late

to turn things around.

- Do you mean that?
- Absolutely.

Fresh start. Beginning now.

- ♪♪
- Thank you.

- Good morning.
- It is.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hi.

(car honking)

- Ah, you know what?
- I'm late. I gotta go.

- There's toast.
- OK.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Oh, hey, Matt.

Look, I'm sorry we didn't
get together last night.

- (honk)
- That's Ange, Dad. I gotta go.

I just want you to know
that I'm there for you

- if you want to talk.
- Yeah, I appreciate it, Dad.

- We'll talk later.
- (Don sighing)

Hey, Gramps, everything OK?

I wish I knew.


Yeah, we talked it out.

Sabrina apologized,
admitted she made a mistake.

- It was good to clear the air.
- Good.

I mean, as long as you're sure...

about everything.

I said I was gonna get
a paternity test,

and I will! We've been
a little busy lately

- in case you haven't noticed.
- No, I know. I know.

As soon as this case is closed,
we're both gonna take a break.

I'm gonna go to Seattle,
hang out with Tex.

You can take a few days
to focus on Sabrina and Lauren.

I mean, if that's
what you want to do,

if that is what makes you happy.

- Sounds good.
- Yep.

I'll get the test, I swear!

Actually, you already did.

- I submitted it for you.
- How?!

Your coffee mug and Sabrina's
wine glass at the agency.

The results should be in soon.

I know.

I'm so sorry.
Just... just let me have it.

Both barrels.


You're right.
That was a smart thing to do.

- Are you serious?
- You don't hate me?

You did lie to me,
go behind my back and stick

your nose into my personal life
where it doesn't belong.

Getting mixed signals here.

But you were just trying to help.

And if I'm honest,
I'm actually grateful

that you forced my hand. Thanks.

I swear to God, Matt Shade,
if you make me cry,

I'm gonna punch you
right in the face.

(Zoe): All the att*cks
happened at the estate,

but Harrington's
security is too tight,

so no one can break
through the perimeter.

(Matt): So, we're definitely
looking at an inside job.

Except all the staff
have confirmed alibis.

- Which leaves just the family.
- ♪♪

They're still going through
with the party this afternoon.

Crowds and confusion, perfect place
for the k*ller to strike again.

- Hey, look at the time.
- Shouldn't you two

be getting dressed by now?

(swing music playing)

- Thanks for coming.
- (indistinct conversations)

(man): Ravishing!


- Think we'll fit in?
- Madame?

- Hell yeah.
- You're the bee's knees.

- And you're the cat's pajamas.
- With gams like that,

we'll have these swells
eating out of our mitts

before you can say 23 skidoo.

(man): I think this is it.

Look who's up and around,
looking strong for the board.

- Look who's barely walking.
- Well, don't you two make

a lovely couple.

Gloria, you'll be happy
to hear your alibi checked out.

Hurrah! Well, that calls
for a drink.

- (Matt): You already have one.
- Not for long.

Excuse me. I think you have
something I may need.

I'll just take two, shall I?
They're frightfully small.

Have a lovely time.

It's always happy hour for Gloria.

- Mm-hmm.
- (swing music playing)

- (indistinct speaking)
- (Angie): There's Megan.

See you soon. Bye.

Mind if we ask you a question?

I know Gabe and Daddy
fight all the time,

but I can't believe
Gabe is behind these att*cks.

We actually wanted to talk
to you about your alibi.

You said you were at the dress
fitting. We checked. You lied.

With your father
out of the way, you step

into his position as chairman
of a half-billion dollar empire.

- It's not what you think.
- (Matt): So what is it?

- I was with Bryce.
- Your ex-fiancé?

We've been seeing each other
again in secret.

I hate to say it, but my father

may only have
a couple of years left.

After that, Bryce and I
will get married.

- But in the meantime...
- You stay on as VP

of the company and continue
to see him in secret.

Besides, Daddy's sick;

Gabe gives him enough grief
without me

adding to his troubles.

Brock, Tabitha, you look amazing!

(Megan laughing)

So much for the daughter.

That leaves us with the son, Gabe.

If he wants to dethrone
his father, what better time

to stage a coup than
right before the board's vote?

Uh... Ellen,
do you know where Gabe is?

- I don't know.
- Probably in the main house.

- Could you take us to him?
- Yeah.

(swing music playing)

(knocking on door)


Hello, Gab...

- Oh, my God!
- ♪♪

Looks like our number one
suspect is dead.

I'll call the police.

- Fell off the wagon again.
- ♪♪

Hey. I bet that's the missing key

from Leland's fireplace.

Hey, guys, where's the Vic?

- In there.
- OK. We got it from here.

I guess we were right about Gabe.

Now, we've got to tell Harrington.

(Don): Here you are.

You got a sec?

(Don sighing) Let me just say it.

We're not the perfect family

you may think that we are.

'Cause even though
we're not perfect,

there's one thing we never do,

and that's lie to each other.

I understand.

And that won't happen again.


- I'm glad we had this chat.
- I am too.


(footsteps receding)

Yeah. Well, I kind of thought
he might be back on the dr*gs.

It was Gabe setting you up

to appear forgetful, not
in control of your faculties.

He planned to win
the sympathy vote,

take over your seat on the board.

Our children are supposed
to be the best part of us.

I guess that doesn't say
much of me as a father, does it?

Excuse me, sir. You're gonna
have to come with us.

- What's going on?
- Leland Harrington,

you're under arrest
for the m*rder of your son.

So, it was the blue on the lips.

That was the tipoff.

- So Gabe was poisoned.
- We've arrested his dealer.

He was a regular customer.

And his phone has
several texts from Gabe,

all for coke,
except for the last one.

- "Fentanyl."
- Mm-hmm.

The last text didn't come
from Gabe's phone; it came

- from Mr. Harrington's phone.
- You think

that Leland ordered the fentanyl,

then laced Gabe's coke with it
to make it look like he OD'ed?

Yeah. Boy, what
a messed-up family, huh?

I mean, no family's perfect -
I hated my brother growing up,

he always used to put
plastic wrap over the toilet,

and he stole
all my tooth fairy money -

but even though sometimes
I wanted to k*ll him, I didn't.

- You're a good person.
- Hold on.

This whole thing
just doesn't make sense.

If Leland was plotting
to k*ll Gabe,

the last people he'd want around
are a couple of Pls.

- Why did he keep us on the case?
- And why pick now

during the shareholders' party
to k*ll him?

Because the vote was today,
so he'd ran out of time.

Well, don't look so glum.

It's not your fault
your client was a k*ller.


- (Matt): Here.
- (Danica): What's the matter?

- You see what I see?
- Yeah, I do.

- What?
- It all tracks.

Why, the little heel.

I... I don't...

What? I... Like, I want
to see it, but...

- Leland Harrington didn't k*ll Gabe.
- But we know who did.

I want to thank you for
your patience and your sympathy.

Obviously, we are in shock,

both as a family and as a company.

I promise you your fate in me

will be rewarded.

But right now,
I'm sure you'll excuse me.

- Of course.
- Our thoughts are with you.

They appointed you
chairman of Harrington.

After what's happened,
well, they pushed the vote

through early. They think
it's best for the company.

- Congratulations.
- (cell phone ringing)


- I need to take this.
- Of course.

- Who the hell is this?!
- MAN: [Gabe's dealer.]

- How did you get this number?
- [I know what you did.]

[I hid at the drop spot
to see who picked up.]

[And guess who I saw. You.]

[I saw you take the fent.
And now I hear Gabe's dead.]

[What if the cops found out
you k*lled your brother?]

- OK, alright.
- Damn you, I can pay.

But under one condition only:
no police.

Heard enough, Danica?

- I recorded it all.
- (Matt): And with that

- and the other evidence...
- What evidence?

See that indentation
in the powder?

That's the monogram
from the heel of your shoes.

- "Custom made," you said.
- "Not another pair in the world."

Forensics will probably find

traces of cocaine on those.

And that proves you were
in the room after Gabe died,

which is when you planted
the fireplace key.

You used your father's phone
to order the fentanyl,

poisoned your brother with it,
and tried to frame your father.

An almost perfect plan,
except for one misstep.

The board was gonna reappoint
Dad for the next term.

Right. Meaning even after he dies,

there was no guarantee
they'd give the seat to you.

So I decided
to take control of my life.

- By destroying your own family.
- Just because we live

under the same roof
doesn't make us family.

- Get her out of here.
- ♪♪

(handcuffs clicking)

I'm so sorry, Leland.

Mm-hmm. Thanks.

(Leland sighing)

(Angie sighing)
Maybe wife number 4

- will actually work out.
- (cell phone ping)

"Paternity test."

Results are in.


- Hey.
- (Lauren): Hey.

- Dinner's almost ready.
- Uh...

you may want to set another place.


♪ It's hard to keep believing ♪

- Oh, my God. Carl.
- Hey, Laurie.

Who is this?

This is... your father.

Your real father,

- Carl Jenkins.
- But I thought that you were...

Paternity test says no.

All I've ever had is
a... baby picture of you.

- ♪ We'll stay the same ♪
- You're all grown up now,

but you've still got
your mom's eyes.

Where have you been
all these years?

Until today, I thought
that Matt was your dad.

It turns out you've got
a couple of half-sisters.

I'm sure they'd love to meet you.

This has been a surprise
to both of us.

You're probably disappointed.

I'm not famous,

and I don't have a fancy house
or a flashy job like you.

- I mean, I'm... I'm just me.
- ♪ We're bound together ♪

♪ We're bound together ♪

- ♪ We'll find a way home ♪
- You hungry, Carl?

Looks like you two
have a lot to catch up on.

- I guess I look like you. Haha!
- (Carl): Yeah.

(Lauren): Thank you.

Sabrina and I are off
to meet Carl's family.

I think that we could all use

- some time together, so...
- Of course.

Family comes first.

I can't believe that I'm saying

goodbye to you
for the second time in my life.

You know where I am.

Maybe when things settle down.

- I'd like that.
- Yeah, I think I would too.

♪ Shake off the night
and don't hide your face ♪

♪ The sun lights the world
with a single frame ♪

- Bye.
- (inaudible answer)

♪ I want you to see this ♪

♪ I want you to see this ♪

- All good?
- Yeah.

- I think they'll be alright.
- Oh! I was talking

- about you and Lauren.
- Ah... Haha!

Yeah, we really didn't get
a chance to find out.

Oh, I should probably be

- getting home to talk to Jules.
- OK.

Hey, um, I know these last
couple of days have been tough.

- Oh, I didn't notice.
- (Matt chuckling)

Just wanted to say thanks,
for everything.

It's good to know you got my back.

- What are partners for?
- (cell phone ringing)

Oh, hey, Tex.

More rain in Seattle?

I'm shocked!

- Me?
- ♪ I want you to see this ♪

Oh, just another day
at the office.

Yeah. Yeah, I've been thinking
about you too.

♪ I want you to see this ♪

(Matt): How does it feel
to not be a grandfather again?

Well, if I know the Shade genes -

and I think I do -
it's never too late.


Maybe you'll settle down
again one day, get married.

- Hahahaha!
- If only you could find

a woman in your life

who is, I don't know,
smart, adventurous,

- beautiful. Hmm?
- I think the ship

- sailed on that one, Dad.
- You think?

- Yeah.
- Hahaha!

Well, you can't blame
an old guy for trying, huh?

- Gotta go.
- (Matt chuckling)

- (Matt): Jules?
- Yeah. Hey!

- You got a minute?
- Yeah.

Look, Dad, um,

I know you're worried about me,

- and you have questions.
- I do?

Yeah, like, you know,

am I sorry I don't have
a sister? Of course.

Do I wish there was
another girl in the house

that I could talk to?
Yeah, you bet.

Uh... Will I miss having
an extended family?

Sure. But I'm fine,

I'll get over it, and, uh,

besides I'm kind of used
to our family the way it is.


- Me too.
- ♪ You'll see the world ♪

So... any more questions?


- I know when to shut up.
- Haha!


♪ Falling in love is a
strange work of art ♪

- ♪ Your battles will shape ♪
- Good talk.

- ♪ Who you are ♪
- Haha! Yeah. Good talk, honey.

♪ And know that your scars
are my favourite part ♪