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03x03 - The Old Lie

Posted: 10/31/21 02:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Berlin Station"...

- You want to sit down?
- Do you see that?

- Henrik?
- Halos.


Henrik Viiding passed
of cardiac arrest.

The Russians are
already making a move.

Little green men in Estonia.

Spetsnaz. No doubt.

The Russians are already here.

Daniel reported
that he saw a train full of men

on a defunct line, no markings.

No uniforms,
no fingerprints, either.

Tallinn's infested
with Spetsnaz.

You don't really think
someone was trying to
break into your apartment.

Yeah, of course I do.

What, trying to get
the hair sample?

Which I had already dropped off
at the lab.

Um, Maret Yankova?

Did I say that right?


Need some quotes for a tribute
piece on Henrik Viiding.

I heard you were
his favorite waitress.

What the hell?!

Rafael Torres.
I'm here to look after you.

I warned them.

Tonight was just
the starting g*n.

I got a solid lead.

Some kid who's been
huffing rocket fuel

from the silo complex
showed me a way in.

Give me 12 hours in the dark,

and I'll call you
by 10:00 a.m. SOP.

Next flight out
lays over in Oslo.

You'll be in Berlin soon.

Why would I go to Berlin?

Call "Aaron" when you land.

He's the first number
on your phone.

Someone will meet you there.

Am I still in danger?

Last night,
you said I wasn't the target.

You weren't.

But fake news stirred things up.

They could take you out and just
blame it on an angry citizen.

I'm not the sort
to run and hide.

You're a digital nomad,
aren't you?

You can fight from anywhere.


Tell me
you've heard from him.

- No, I haven't.
- You're not worried?

Hey, Daniel knows how to
handle himself in the field,

and he told me
he was going dark.

So you haven't
tried to call him?

I picked up the phone
to call him a dozen times,

but it's against
f*cking protocol,

so we're just gonna have to
sit and wait.

I'll see you in a minute.

How's it going?

It's going well.

Um, just trying to get through
to my apartment.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You new to the building?

Yes, I'm new.

Oh, welcome.
I'm Robert.

Hi, Robert.
Nice to meet you.

I'm Nina.

Nice to meet you, too.

Hey, did you get Sofia out?

Valerie wants her as
a counter measure.

She's about to board.

Did you get my sitrep
on the sh**ting?

Yeah, I got it.

It makes no f*cking sense.

Why'd your sn*per miss?
- He meant to.

Those rounds hit
exactly where he intended.

Well, that clears it up.
Come on, Torres.

Even after you took Sofia
off the board,

he had tons of targets.

I know this guy.

He uses the new Russian rig,
the ORSIS T-5000.

It's his f*cking girlfriend.

From 500 yards,
he can pick which eye.

Centennial crowd was at 550.

This wasn't a k*ll shot.

This was a starter's g*n
to a civil w*r.

Easy, hotshot.

I'll be the analyst.
You be the action figure.

So you probably don't want to
hear what I thought about

your sitrep on foxglove
and Henrik's death?

He was poisoned.
What of it?

I saw some pretty purple flowers
at the waitress's apartment.

Yeah, made her real nervous
when I saw them.

Shit, I f*cking knew it.

She was steeping it in his tea.


Wait a minute.

How'd you know
what foxglove looks like?

I got my sources.

Just because I can't
out-fight you

does not mean
I can't out-think you.

Oh, you really are some kind of
an assh*le, aren't you?

I'll follow up
with the waitress.

If we can tie her
to Henrik's death,

find out
who she was working for,

Russia's showing her hand.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

Torres, have you heard
from Daniel?

Why would I?

No, nothing.
Never mind.

Uh, I got to go.
We'll talk later.

Romy, your mother would be
so proud.

Let's try it together.


All right, darling.
Come on. Let's go home.

Excuse me.

Let's ask before we rummage
through the fridge.

It's fine, Romy.

- Mom.
- Yes?

Why didn't you tell me
Auntie Val knows ballet?

What doesn't Auntie Val know?

She's been painfully
multi-talented from birth.

Well, that's interesting.

You've only known me
since college.

How do you know I wasn't
a hideously clumsy child?

Because you were not.

No, you're right.
I was f*cking adorable.

- Hey.
- Oh, whoops. Shit.

Romy, you didn't hear
any of that.

Come on.

Sorry. I'm not used to
being around kids.

Thank you so much
for letting us stay here.

Of course.
Save your Euros.

You're always welcome here.
You know that.
Thank you.

...demonstrations are already
underway here in Tallinn,

and local authorities
are struggling...

Then they detonated Sama Kaart

and fake newsed it
to blame Sofia,

saying she's trying to f*ck
the ethnic Russian population.

And they blamed
the ethnic Russians

for sh**ting up Centennial.

Look, I know that
they're on the playbook,

but unlike Ukraine,

Estonia is a member of NATO

with a tripwire-force

So if civil unrest gives Russia
any reason to invade, they will.

They absolutely will
spill NATO blood,

and that's very risky.

They're already imposing
martial law and curfews,

cranking that burner up to high.

I'm telling you,
civil w*r may be inevitable

no matter what we...
- Something's wrong.

10:00 a.m., no Daniel.

Maybe he's just running late.

No, he's never late
for a check-in.

I have the last known

He is now officially
out of contact

and he's officially missing,

failsafe in two hours.

We don't have two hours.

Protocol is there for a reason,

Operatives go dark in hostile
territory all the time.

You know that.
This isn't just hostile
territory, Valerie.

It's a f*cking hybrid w*r,
I'm telling you.

Trust me, I've seen these guys.

Please, let's take this
to Langley now.

With what exactly?

Because all we have right now
is raw intel.

We need analysis.

There is no room
to misread Russia here.

None at all.

I'm Daniel's handler.

I've been with him,
tracking his mission,

his check-ins,
how he sounds and feels,

and ever since we got off
the phone yesterday,

I've had a voice telling me
that something's wrong.

There. That.
You hear that?

Reasoned intuition, Valerie.

Don't they teach us
to listen to that voice?

Yes, they do.

And I am.

All right, failsafe in one hour.

April, do everything you can.

Look into every option
as far as getting Daniel home.

Got it.
By the way,

Dove and I are going to
his father's lab tonight.

Adeyemi likes me, but, uh,

tonight we'll see
if he trusts me.

Okay, what's going on with Dove?

We were at the cafe
the other day

and there was a guy
that kept staring at us.

Dove said he didn't know
who he was,

but he did seem scared,
and he doesn't scare easy.

Okay, well, we always knew that

there might be other
interested parties.

Do a threat assessment
and just stay on top of it.


On the list?

Kirsch. Robert Kirsch,
with a "K."


Jesus, you finally made it.

What do you mean finally?
I see you once a week.

How is it, though?
How are you?

How's Chateau de Steven?

It's haunted.

- What?
- I'm... I'm serious.

It's haunted.
I hear noises, I hear footsteps.

No, no, no, no.

That's for the hoi polloi.
- I'm thirsty.

Come on.
Come on.

German for "frost."

I bought the vineyard next door.

What are you talking about?

Come here, come here.

So this is all you?
Steven, Jesus.

Look, okay.

Germany's second-largest
energy company is about to

offer me a job to vet
one of their Russian partners.

They're gonna put me in charge
of their global portfolio.



Six months ago, you f*cking
despised the private sector.

I had to find my place,
and now I got "f*ck you" money.

And believe me, there's a lot
more where that came from.

Oh, here comes the sales pitch.

No, listen.
My... My...

- No.
- My offer is still on the ta...

- Come on.
- No.

Robert, join me.

Let's get the band
back together.

You know the best part?

You don't have to run anything
up a flagpole either.

I don't have to beg for
resources or kowtow to D.C.

My intel gets things done.

Well, I could get used to that.

Times have changed.

It's not about nations anymore.

So, what's your take on Estonia?

Why ask me?

I heard you and Daniel
were just there.

- Oh, really?
- Mm-hmm.

Who the f*ck told you that?

How come you didn't
bring him with you?

I thought you might.

No, he's still there.

He's dealing with something.

Okay, Estonia.

That's the Kremlin's
favorite dog whistle.

How so?

Economy's flat,
sanctions are hurting,

natives are restless,
so what better time?

Let's resurrect
the Soviet Empire.

So, Kremlin stirs the pot
in Estonia.

The West does its usual
headless chicken thing

with chest thumping
and empty threats

and uniting the Russian people
against the evil foreigner.

And in the meantime,

the oligarchs
buy out the government

and they r*pe the economy.

It's Russia.

It's, uh, it's run by
a career KGB officer

whose motto is "deny, distract,
and counterattack."

I mean, there's always
a deeper game here.

What about SUPO?
- Mm.

- Huh?
- Mnh-mnh.

The Finns know the Russians
best. What do they say?

No, we're not exactly high on
their Christmas list this year.

I can't get
a f*cking call returned.

I'll return your calls.

- Oh.
- I will.

if we're in the same office.

I'll always return your calls.


Final answer.

We're currently
combing through intel.

Robert just got back yesterday.

We still have an operative
in the field.

Thanks for the update.

I can't say you provided any
particular insight

beyond a series
of unfortunate events

which may or may not
involve Russia.

Oh, I-I-I understand that,

But everything's moving
very quickly,

so I really just wanted to
keep you up to speed.

I have something else for you,

Unless Estonia's
all you can handle.

No, please.

What do you know
about Gilbert Dorn?

Gilbert Dorn?

Um, same as everyone.

Legend put out to pasture.

Saw and did it all
during the Cold w*r.

Cast a pretty long shadow
at Berlin Station.

He never left.
Retired in Berlin.

Did not know that.

Let me guess,
he's writing a book.

Worse... podcast.

Been at it a few months.

Last week, he went on about

a real story about
the fall of the wall.

Fiction, of course.

Really. He's embarrassing
himself more than anyone.

He's been drinking.

And the Agency is concerned
for his welfare, got it.

Um, wouldn't it just be cleaner

to give this to
a company lawyer?

We're way beyond lawyers.

But I've been told
40 years merits

at least a courtesy call.

I will be sure to
deliver that message.

Thank you, Jason.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Joshua Russell's "The Spear"...

A master work previously part of
the collection of King George V,

and I'm going to start the
bidding here at 480,000 Euros.

That's 480,000 Euros.


490,000 Euros.


500,000 Euros.

Well, this beats a brush pass
in a dark alley.

Thought you wouldn't mind
meeting here.

Someone's passing off fakes?

Or international
money laundering.

Those of you following online...

You know, we have a lot of
these transactions

flowing through
the U.S. bank system,

so if you ever need my help...

Thank you.

In exchange for what?

Have you been following Estonia?

We are aware of the situation,

Would you agree
that it's serious?

The level of seriousness
depends on the level of proof.

The unrest is growing and
of course Russia is involved.

I know for America,
this is all new and exciting,

but in Europe,
we're more used to it.

From what I've seen,
it's Article 5 serious.

An attack on Estonia
is an attack on America?

Are you speaking on behalf of
the United States government?

I realize that our policies have
been unpredictable at times.

More like backpfeifengesicht...

"A face in need of
a good punch."

Esther, we've been through
a lot together,

and we've certainly
had our differences,

but I have always
been straight with you,

and that's why
I'm coming to you,

because I really want to
line up support

for what might be coming
to Estonia.

Personally, I agree.

Russia should rise above

But you're not the only one
with noise above you.

Russia literally keeps
the lights on in Germany.

Half of our energy
comes from them.

I will do what I can to help,

but you will have to
take the lead.


Going three times.

Sold at 700,000 Euros.

Thank you, Yuki.

I'm glad the channels are open.

Let's keep talking.

How's Daniel?

He's fine. Last I heard,
he's out in the field.

Yeah, yesterday he left me
a voicemail.

He sounded distressed.

In what way?

It was personal, about his past.

What time was that?

No. No reason.

You have never in your life
spoken for no reason.

Talk soon.

...starts right now.

Wait, wait, wait.

I want it... I need to...

How do you f*cking
rewind this thing?

Go back.

Go back.
That part.

There. Stop.

That's the waitress
who poisoned Henrik.

No f*cking way it's an accident
she was there.

Russians got to her first.

Well, got to give them credit.

They're willing to
tear down their monuments

and k*ll their own people
in order to sell a story.

Yeah, plus the waitress makes

a very pretty m*rder
for the cause.

She also ties up a loose end.

Torres saw foxglove at her flat.

He was headed over there today

to try to connect her
to Henrik's m*rder.

They're moving fast.

By the time we get proof
of one thing,

they're blowing up
something else.

So the Russians have
stirred up the masses.

That does not mean they can
get past NATO tripwire for us.

I think it does.

The tripwire activates
against foreign invaders.

NATO can't intervene on internal
politics, even v*olence.

Russia just keeps
yanking the chain

until the hate machine
runs all by itself.

The fire appears to
spontaneously ignite

from within.

At some point, the ethnic
Russians invite Russia in

to be the protector...

and the invaders
become the peacekeepers.

Goodbye, Estonia.

Okay, f*ck protocol.

Let's get Daniel back here.

April, let's hear the options.

Diplomatic channels.

Official notice to
Estonian government,

check local police
and hospitals.

Done and done.
Skip to night action.

Exfil hot extraction.

The FBI's hostage rescue team
is busy in Africa,

but JSOC can send a SEAL team

down on the ground in Estonia
in maybe 10 hours.

No, plus... plus two days

to clear it through Langley
and SOCOM.

Bureaucracy will be
a f*cking nightmare.

I can be there in four hours,

I need you here, Robert.

You'll point the search
for Daniel.

Let's get Torres into this.

Reach out,
and you'll be his handler.


Two GPS trackback markers.

Daniel sent the first
yesterday afternoon

when he reached the rail line
near Turba.

Second ping came 12 hours ago

as he was preparing to enter
a suspect tunnel complex.

Well, Torres' people,
Special Activities,

they live and breathe
"no man left behind."

They'll track Daniel down.

Where are you going?

Favor for Langley.

We're gonna need it.

Mine-sniffing dolphins
trained by DARPA.

Let's rewind just a bit,

maybe give some historic context
for the uninitiated.

Berlin Wall falls,
Iron Curtain rises.

Capitalism wins.

Except for those that risked
their lives to make that happen.

We're forgotten.

G.D., our resident retired

free-talking spook with
more nuggets too f*cking crazy

not to be true.

Go back to those dolphins.

So, we wanted to pump in
Michael Jackson,

Big Macs, and blue jeans,

hook the Soviets before
they changed their minds.

Bush Sr., he turns to the Agency
and we turned to Diver.

Full circle with Diver again.

Surely he's a composite of
characters from over the years.

As far as you know.

Anyway, long story short,

Diver trades a pod of

mine-sniffing dolphins

for the Russian
negotiating strategy

at the '89 Malta Summit.

And guess what... we lied.

We went and rolled out NATO

right up to Russia's
Baltic doorstep...

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.

Russia has a long memory,

and they're still
really pissed off about it.

Quite a story.

Boy, haven't heard that voice
in years.

It's gotten rougher.

And less discreet.

Agency says that
he's jeopardizing his pension.

That bad, huh?


Um, I suppose I could try.

He was your mentor?

And my boss.

Then we were friends.

Dorn was a swashbuckling,
um, le Carré type,

and I was a...
Well, you worked with me.

Well, the Agency would
consider it a favor.

Yeah, favor's still
the coin of the realm.

I'll do my best.

Speaking of which,

I hear Berlin Station got lucky
with their new COS.

Yeah, well-oiled machine.

I must confess to a bit of, uh,
paternal pride.

In me?

You are not old enough, sir.

Oh, yeah.

But there's one thing
I don't get.

You were always itching to
get out from behind the desk

and into the action.

Well, I guess that
placing my people

in with the right mission
is where I need to be.

- Okay.
- Yeah, speaking of my people,

I heard this rumor that
you were trying to poach him

before he settled on Tokyo.

You really think
I'd go behind your back?


What is it?



Haven't heard from him yet?

No, I haven't.

Okay, well, don't sweat it
till you have to.

This job's already hard enough.

Thank you for Dorn.

I'll let you know
how he takes it.

Okay. Bye.

Gilbert Dorn.

It's been a dog's age.

Um, it's my fault entirely.

And after all these years.

I'm glad it's you.




This is, uh, quite a trove
you have here.

The maid was a spy,
so I fired her.

Are you here to k*ll me?

Yeah, after I have my drink.

You always had an oblique
sense of humor, you.

Hey, I know that one.

Is that Ulaanbaatar?

What dog? What dog?

Oh, my God, you kept that?

That is impressive.

What else do you have?

Oh, now this... this looks way
too boring for the menagerie.

That is our proof
of WMDs in Iraq.

- That was you?
- Mm-hmm.

Cut it myself from
an old tennis-ball machine.

Oh, my God,
the stories, the stories.

So, I hear you've been dabbling
in new technologies.

I knew you didn't come for
the nickel tour.

They're just stories, Steven.

Gil, come on.

We both know that every third or
fourth yarn you spin is true.

Now, you knew the deal
when you signed up.

Is that what
they told you to tell me?

An honest bargain?

No, it's just me.

Guy who made the same bargain.

Except you sold out.

Just look at you.

Your fancy f*cking suit.

You and I are nothing alike.

I was 26 years old
when I made that bargain.

And you've done
incredible things.

You got to play a part
in history.

I am history, g*dd*mn it.

What did I get for it?

They won't even let you
keep the medal.

Now, that's just self-pity.


Well, I'm done keeping secrets.

I'm too old
and I don't give a damn.

Everything I did for my country,
nobody knew.

They didn't even bother
to thank me.


Um, Gil, thank you
for your service.

Uh, now shut the f*ck up.

Or what?

Okay, I'll... I'll put it in
a language you understand.

You shut up, or the next player
that comes for a drink,

he won't be so, uh, nostalgic
or interested in all this,

and he won't f*cking knock.

"If you could hear,
at every jolt, the blood,"

my friend, you would not tell
with such zest to children

"ardent for some desperate glory,
the old lie."

Come on, Gil.


Help me out here.

It's good to see you, Gil. we forgive those who
trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation.

But deliver us from evil,

for thine is the Kingdom and
the power and the glory forever.


Kirsch. Talk to me.

I found something.

Photo's on the way.

You might want to
brace yourself.


Oh, dear God.

What am I looking at?

Ground zero at Miller's
last known coordinates.

Teeth are too smashed
and broken for I.D.,

skin's too far gone
for any prints or scars,

but I found a passport.

You're on site.
What's your assessment?

That him?

- Yes and no.
- Jesus Christ.

It's classic Spetsnaz mindfuck.

There's evidence for and against
a positive I.D.

Messes with your f*cking head
either way.

Yeah. We waste days on I.D.
instead of countering.

We can't call the authorities.

Let Torres extract the body.

No. Without a positive I.D.
in the field, it's too risky,

and Torres is already
out on a limb.



Do not, I repeat,
do not move the body.

Just get out of there now.

Copy that.

I'll start the paperwork.

Right. Thank you.

f*ck that.

- Be nice.



We brought you dinner.

Hello, you two.

I bring good beer, good food,

and the company of
a beautiful woman.

I'm tempted greatly, but I'm
in the middle of something.

Dad, please don't embarrass me.

Let us in.
I'm sorry.
We shouldn't have come.

You know you're always welcome
in my home, April.

Maybe a rematch this weekend,

The board is set.

I'll think about it.

- f*ck him.
- Now, don't say that.

I don't mean it like that.
It's just I'm sick of his shit.

He tells people my mom
and sisters went to America

to be with relatives,
but the truth,

I think my mom just wanted
to be seen, listened to.

And when he gets in the zone
being Mr. f*cking Genius,

the whole world disappears.

Well, you can't see it,
but he cares about you.

It's why he's working so hard.

I shouldn't fault his focus.

What he's doing
is gonna be amazing.

Thought you said he was done.

He's mastered
the underlying tech,

but there are more applications,

For what?

You never wanted
to go to America,

be back with the rest
of your family?

We applied for visas.

Not happening.

There's no special category
for scientists?

Yeah, but there's
a more important category.

"sh*thole country."

Would you miss me?

Give me a minute.
I'll be back.

What the f*ck
are you doing here?

I'm here for something.

Hey! Hey!

Leave him alone!

Leave him alone!

You don't want to
get involved in this.

Try me.

Your time is running out.

Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.

Can you help me?


Dove, Dove, look at you.

What have you done?

I swear to God.
Are you okay?

- Yes, I'm fine.
- All right.

There's some tape under the...
Under the sink.

I've got you.

I've got you.

Look at you.

What happened?
- There was a guy.

They were talking, and then
he just started pounding him.

And he knew his name.

Trouble, it has a way
of finding my son.

They are like old friends.

It's okay, April, you go.
I'll take care of him.

- I'm fine.
- What?

- I'm fine.
- What have you done, hmm?


Thank you.

Uh, his middle name...
What's his middle name?

How the f*ck do I not know it?

It's Adam.