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02x07 - Right and Wrong

Posted: 10/31/21 02:46
by bunniefuu
on "Berlin Station"...

Norway, land of the
midnight sun?

So we're here, looking for
some nefarious entity

- behind the PfD.
- And...?

And it's got American
fingerprints all over it.

Who tapped you to be
the cash conduit for the PfD?

Hanes brought me in.

Gerhardt and Ganz are in league

to swing the election by violent means.

I don't have to tell you
polls open in 18 hours.

Lena is our last chance
to connect Otto to Katerina.

You want me to get Hector
to give Lena up,

even without the bribe.

So, am I off the
interdiction list?

There's been a problem
on that front.

So what?
I'm stuck in f*cking Berlin?

Where is Lena Ganz?

I can't leave this city

without certain clearances in place.

You're my bargaining chip.

She f*cking betrayed him.

She should be dead, not him.

So what would you do
in Lena's shoes?

Once upon a time, I thought
the truth would set us free,

but in a post-truth world,

maybe a b*llet's a better bet.

They want to send me back
to Langley,

but I'm not going, so
technically, I resigned.

Guess we pulled that off.

I imagine Josef's calling the embassy

as we speak.

You and your deputy
put expl*sives

on the streets.

Go. Say your good-byes to Berlin.

And as soon as it's opened,

it'll turn on the harmonics.

Boom. Phone's a mic.

It'll track him, too.

So are you still planning
on doing it?


Help me. Help me do it.

Someone has to.

Help me. Help me do it.

Someone has to.

Somebody meaning you?


Hey. So, did it work?

Hector DeJean and Lena Ganz,

live and in concert.

Is that whose phone you took...

you installed the malware on?

f*ck, you targeted an American's phone!

Do you know how many laws we violat...

It won't matter how I found out

once the Station figures out
what Hector's been up to.

Lena Ganz wants revenge for Otto's death,

and I guess Hector's gonna
help her get it.

Get who, Gerhardt?

- Shit. Shit! This is...
- Huge.

No one has to know you helped me.

That's what you're afraid of.

Yeah, no, I'm cool with it

being a notch in your hero belt.

I don't know about that.

What's wrong?

How messed up is this?

For the last month, we've been trying

to take down Gerhardt,

and now it's up to us to save her life?

Are they planning something

Center stage.

Hopefully under the portico

where you won't get a shot.


I mean, if we're up over there...

No, no, no, no,
that's too obvious.

No, we want to... we
want to be over here.


Can get a side shot.


Send them looking in the wrong direction.


So... 12 hours from now.


Are you ready?

I look like a fool.

An algorithm picks your face
out of some CCTV footage,

you're finished.

Need some... some highlight

on... on the bridge of the nose.

That's always a giveaway. That's better.

Okay, no, I'm sick of stalling!

The longer we wait,

the more votes she gets.

Hey, hey.

You want my f*ckin' help,

we take the necessary precautions.

I'm not letting you go out half-cocked,

get yourself caught.

You want payback,
you want revenge.

Right? I get it.

I've been there.

And you'll be doing
the world a favor anyway.

Wach auf, Deutschland! Wach auf!

Today, as Germans
head to the polls,

many see this as a watershed moment

for the country, with the far-right PfD

likely to win their first-ever
seat in the Bundestag.

My whole life, I've been
ashamed of being German.

Made to feel guilty for the mistakes

of our grandparents.

Katerina Gerhardt is the first politician

to tell us, no, we should be proud

- to be German.
- But not everyone

sees this as a step forward,

with many linking the PfD's

hard-line stance on refugees

to a recent spike in hate crimes

across the country.

Those are some
nice-looking dogs

- you got there, Richard.
- Jesus.

The hell happened to you?

Robert and I had a little run-in

with your friend, Nick Fischer, so...

Believe me when I say
I had nothing to do with that.

Such bullshit.
He works for you.

And he went rogue,
operating outside of orders.

He went rogue?

Richard, you should've just told me.

Washington's funding the PfD.

Not exactly
lunchtime conversation.

You're gonna tell me

why you dragged me into all this.

Because I got enough
incriminating evidence

to bury you and Fischer

and anybody else who's got
their fingerprints on this.

Anybody else.

Let me get the dogs,

and then we'll go for a little drive.

I'll explain everything.

Come on, girls!

Come on!





I... I made more coffee,

and there is eggs in the fridge

if you want them.


It's strange enough,
waking up in your bed,

and now you're gonna make me breakfast?

You must still be dreaming

if you think I'm cooking for you,

Daniel Miller.

It's a big day for change.

What does tomorrow look like?

For us or for Germany?

Maybe both.

Are we really doing this again?
We know how it ends.

Is it such a bad thing
to know exactly where we stand?


So no more judgments,

no secrets.
We just agree to be who we are.


But for me and Germany,

the prognosis is not as good.

What do you mean?

Every day, the number
of PfD sympathizers

in my department grows,
and they're looking

for any opportunity to replace me

and prove their worth
to Katerina Gerhardt.

So what are you gonna do?

What can I do?

Clean up as many loose ends as I can

before they find one to pull

and everything unravels.

And Hector is one of those loose ends.

As long as he's in Berlin,

he's a liability for me.

Hector's not going anywhere
until he gets

what he thinks he's owed.
I am working on it,

but the State Department burned us.

Yes, but maybe I can do
something to help.

I can't clear his name,
but I can make sure

that he gets out of Germany

without interference from our side.

After that, he's on his own.

What about Lena?

No. I can't do this.

She's... she's dangerous.

She's a terror suspect.

I know her. She's not
her father's daughter.

Esther, she's been through enough.

Come on.
The girl is a neo-n*zi,

not a charity case.

You want Hector gone,
I can help with that.

This is what I'm asking for it.


The girl is free to go

as long as she goes quietly.

Thank you.

And you contact Hector

and I see what I can do.



Better not be
one of those Chinese knock-offs

that sh**t an inch to the left.

Swiss Arms precision r*fle.


Rotating bolt action.

20-round magazine.

Top it all off with a ballistic computer

and IR rangefinder.

This is top-of-the-line.

- Yeah.
- Built like a Swiss watch.

Costs the same, too, right?

You ever sh**t anything of this caliber?

Old Mauser
my dad used for hunting,

then he taught me to use an M4.

An M4 is a Humvee.
This is a Porsche.

Nail g*n at a thousand yards.

Very nice.

Okay, you have a deal.

Fischer and I were only conduits

for the administration.

You of all people must have realized

Does that even matter?

Come on, Steven.

Do you really think we would condone

a t*rror1st attack
against innocent civilians?

You know, honestly,
I couldn't tell you anymore.

We're not monsters.
We're only trying to

protect our interests in Europe.

Katerina engineered that attack

without our consent or our knowledge.

You tipped her off.

BB Yates didn't leave me
much choice.

If she had been up-front
with me from the start,

maybe things would have gone differently,

but I had to play the hand I was dealt.

Okay, now what?

You turn a blind eye

while that woman carves a
foothold in the Bundestag,

knowing full well what she's capable of?

Turn here.

So what is this place?

It was a German newspaper plant.

But the paper fell
during the Euro crisis.

US government bought it a few years ago

to give us a better foothold in Berlin.

Foothold for what?

This is what I've been
waiting to show you, Steven.

So what the hell
am I looking at?

The nation's stage of a

massive cyber-surveillance network,

waiting to be fully activated
after the election.

So that's what this
is all about?

The PfD's pro-national,

pro-security agenda is the perfect ally

for the new administration's

Homeland Security initiative.

And, as a nice bonus,

it'll provide lucrative contracts...

for American companies.

Well, I mean,

I can't imagine Esther Krug
allowing this.

She'll be gone

once the PfD clears 15%
and forms a ruling coalition.

Then, we're going to need someone here

to run things on the ground,

which is where
you were supposed to fit in.

This is it?

This is the parallel intelligence outfit?

I'm sorry for the subterfuge,
Steven, I really am.

But once you became a civilian,

we needed to know you were still loyal.

The Russians and the Chinese
are dying to know

what we're up to.

Listen, if I was going to turn,

I'd have done it years ago.

No one ever wanted
to see you leave, Steven.

This is your chance

to be brought back into the fold.

Come on. There's more to see.



Splinter bread.

A girl after my own heart.

Thought you deserved a treat

before your pre-election gauntlet.

Don't remind me.

So where are you off to first?

First, I go vote.

Then, our last campaign event at the PFD.

How do I look?


Mute this, will you?

It's like I'm trapped
in a loveless marriage

and forced to maintain the spectacle

for the sake of a reality TV show.

Well, if the polls are correct,

you'll be playing that role
for quite some time.

You have any idea
what she would do

if she found out?

Josef, if you win this election,

you'll have done it without
any innocent lives being lost.

And I'd say that's a successful strategy.

Apart from Katerina
being rewarded

for enabling a psychopath extremist.

That's not your fault.

I do hope you come tonight.

The words in her speech are the one thing

I still have a say in,

and the only thing I can be proud of.

I'll be there, cheering you on.

Thank you.

But for you,
not for your politics.


Going to be late. Go, go, go.

- Okay. See you. Bye.
- Go, go, go.

Good luck.

Give us a minute.

Think of it this way:

unfettered access

to any data collected in Europe.

We can monitor the flow of refugees,

weed out potential t*rrorists.

With a keystroke, we
have access to their

social media impressions,
search history.

We see it all.

Not only can we watch for radicalization,

we can pinpoint

anyone's political beliefs.

So you didn't just
give money to Katerina,

now did you, Richard?

- Analytics are the future.
- Yeah.

We used big data to
tailor her campaign

and target supporters.

Same technology used in

the 2016 presidential campaign

and the Brexit referendum.

I know. I read the articles.

You know, why...
why bother to poll people?

You just, build an algorithm.

It's invasive and manipulative and...

And pretty damn effective,
wouldn't you say?


None of that changes the fact
that this... this...

This is a total minefield.

Just ripe to be exploited.

All the more reason

to have someone like you as the arbiter

of how we manage this treasure trove.


Your turn.

So this scope's got the brains

of a dozen iPhones.

Measures distance, trajectory,

compensates for wind resistance.


Crosshairs on the target.

Steady your breath...

Mash the trigger.

Good shot.


It's too easy.

Yeah, well,
that's kinda the idea.

You want sport, go hunting.

Okay, again.

We're not leaving till you can sh**t

like Annie Oakley.

You're gonna get one shot at this.

It's gotta be perfect.

Crosshairs... We need to talk.



Robert Kirsch just put in a ticket

for our team to analyze
traffic cams, CCTV footage,

looking for any sign of DeJean and Ganz.


it didn't have the sort of urgency

that, say, averting
an assassination might.

I haven't told them yet.

Are you serious?

What if stopping them

isn't the right thing to do?

I don't agree with PfD politics

any more than you do, but...

we're talking about a woman's life.

If you could go back,

k*ll baby Hitler, you wouldn't do it?

Katerina Gerhardt is not Hitler.

Neither was Hitler in '33,

but we see where that led.

I... I can't believe

we're having this conversation.

Go read the transcripts

to one of Katerina Gerhardt's speeches.

The pro-German rhetoric,

the thinly-veiled demonizing
of the Other,

tell me if I'm wrong.

You've seen what this kind of talk

has done back home.

The country is tearing itself apart.

Look, I'm not saying

I'm going to let them get away with it.

I'm just saying I need more time.

Time for what?

To explore all the options.

April, you're...

You're playing with fire.

I need you to trust me.

Okay... You want me to
keep my mouth shut,

I will.

But after this, that's it.

This blows up in your face...

You're not taking me down
with you.

Where are we on Hector's papers?

He kidnapped Lena Ganz.

It's not f*cking happening, Daniel.

What's up, April?

- Where's BB?
- She's in a plane,

back to Langley.

As of 0900, I am the acting
chief of Berlin Station.

I have a distinct sense
of d??j?? vu.

Yes, and I have
f*cking whiplash.

What... she didn't even
say good-bye?

No, April, she didn't.

What happened in Norway?

My fishing expedition
with Steven Frost

wasn't a complete bust.

We were able to ID the source

of the PfD's mysterious cash flow.


Don't get your hopes up.

The money originated

back home. State Department.


You f*cking kidding me?

Money that Otto Ganz used to purchase

an entire truckload of Semtex

which almost blew up the Messe?


What about Katerina Gerhardt?

What about her?

Hanes is the middleman.

He's acting on orders.

So, we got to Langley,

we're shitcanned before the polls close.

If we play our cards right,

at least we live to fight another day.

There's gotta be
something we can do.

Like what? Go public with it?
Leak this shit?

Expose the United States government

for meddling in a foreign election?

And look as bad as the Russians.

Even if we are,

I... I don't think we want that

to be the lead headline
in tomorrow's news.

So we do nothing?
We just...

roll over and let Katerina Gerhardt win?

Robert's right. If we...

If we gamble this and it backfires,

then we lose any chance

of taking Gerhardt down in the future.

- This is bullshit.
- Yes, it is.

Katerina Gerhardt
was willing to k*ll

innocent people to win an election.

- April...
- A t*rror1st

will be the first right-wing member

of German Parliament since the '40s.

And we might as well
have helped her do it.

And I'm not ready to jump ship.

Don't worry. However,

it is time to face facts.
Today is election day.

Nothing is gonna stop

Katerina Gerhardt from winning,
short of...

What? Someone taking her out?

Wouldn't be the first time
the CIA got their hands dirty.

No, exploding cigars
went out of vogue

before you were born, April.


That's all I got.

Unless you have some other bright idea.



- It's too far.
- No, it's not.

It's the same distance
you practiced with.

You sure you're up for this?

Of course.

If you're having
second thoughts,

now's the time to tell me.

I'm fine.

I need you and Lena
out of Berlin, tonight.

Not until
I get what I'm owed, Daniel.

I may have found
a temporary solution.

What could you do
that Robert couldn't?

Very little, but Esther
Krug has a plan.

What? Trusting the Germans,
come on.

Okay, I'm not asking you
to trust Esther.

I'm asking you to trust me.

She doesn't want you in Berlin

any more than you wanna be here.

So she's willing to play ball.

Safe passage for you
and Lena Ganz out of Germany.

I suggest you take it.

Just bring me what I'm owed,

Hauptbahnhof, 30 minutes.

I'll even pay for the ticket.

What was that about?

Our exit strategy.

I'll be back. You sit tight.

This is Valerie Edwards.

I am not available.

Please leave a message
and I'll get back to you.

Hey. I know the last thing

you want to talk about right now is work,

but I need some advice.

Please call me back.

You have reached Robert Kirsch.

Please leave a message.

Robert, we need to talk.

Here we go.

Didn't know
we needed a chaperone.


Fake German passports?

A teenager with Photoshop
and a holographic stamper

could've done this.

I want my f*cking name cleared, Daniel.

It takes time.

I gave Robert plenty.

This is the best I can do.

The rest is up to your Homeland Security.

What about my bank accounts?

A correction will be filed
with the Treasury.

Robert will try to expedite.

- Where's Lena Ganz?
- So that's it.

- Wait.
- Is that what this is about?

- What are you doing?
- f*ckin' Germans.

Come on, where's the girl?

She's f*cking safe,
far away from you.

Esther. We had a deal.

Well now you don't, so f*ck off.


What the f*ck are you doing here?








Two by the north entrance.

Third by the timetable.

Excuse me.
Excuse me.



You said that
Lena could go free.

Just when I started to trust you again...


Wrong way.

Who the hell are you?

Hector sent me.



You know the worst part?

I felt bad for you.

Please. I mean...

We both agreed to be true to ourselves,

and this is who we are.

Tell me if you were in my shoes,

you wouldn't have done the same.


Who the f*ck are you?

We need to keep moving,

unless you want the BfV
to catch you this time.


They used Hector to get to me?

Something like that.

Why the f*ck should I trust you?

I risked my career

so you could have another shot
at Katerina Gerhardt.

Okay, you want her dead, too?

She doesn't like your kind?

I don't like your kind either.

The feeling's mutual.

Let's go.

- Eggs? For dinner?
- Yeah.

Eggs for dinner.

Didn't have time to go shopping, did I?

Well, if we're
gonna have breakfast,

- I'll just have cereal.
- No. You'll have eggs.

That's what I'm making.

That's what you're having.


See your cooking skills
have improved.

What's supposed to mean?
You used to love it

when I made you eggs for dinner.


What? It's Europe.

No. No. In this house,
it's America.

Technically, it's not a house.

It's a flat.

Yeah. Technically,

you're being a little smart-ass.

Why are you such a stress case?

Because I had a...

really tough day at work, all right?

Is that where you
actually gashed your face?

can't talk about it.

Why are you talking to me
like this, all right?

What's wrong with you?

Where is all this mouth coming from?

Gee, I don't know.

Whatever. Tell me another lie.

Hey. Hey!
Come back here!

God damn it. Noah, you come back here

and clean this mess up!

Didn't I tell you to stay put?

I'm trying to help you

not spend the rest of your life

behind f*cking bars.

Help me?

Is that why you were meeting

with the BfV behind my back?

They weren't supposed
to be there.

Why did you tell her?

I didn't tell her. Did I?

How did she find out?

She put what's called
a "roving bug" in my phone.

A new Israeli technology,

since you've been out of the game.

- Aren't we impressive?
- No.

- Just a quick learner.
- That's right.

April Lewis.

Star pupil at Langley?

Top of the class.

You know what we were planning.

The minute you didn't
run into the station

and rat us out, you endorsed it.

What gives?

The State Department is the one

who's been funding Gerhardt,

and it was Hanes who warned her

and botched the whole op.

Jesus Christ.

You're f*cking joking me.

'Fraid not.

Wait a minute. You...

So you didn't catch Gerhardt

and now you want me to do the dirty work?

You asked me to help you.

- You wanted revenge, remember?
- No.

You don't care what I want.

This is bigger than Otto.

- You have to see that.
- No, not for me.

I'm doing this my way.

Not yours.



What now?

What exactly are you asking me?

I'm asking if you intend
to follow through with this,

with or without Lena Ganz.

And if I do, are you
gonna be the one to stop me?


Twice in 24 hours.

Shall I be flattered,
or are you just here

to chide me for my bad behavior?

I don't want to fight.

I opened a bottle of... Riesling.

I think you shouldn't drink.

May have impaired your judgment
last night.

I should go.

I don't even know why I came back here.

Please, stay.

You know, I was thinking
about what you said earlier.

Maybe it's true.

I might have done the same thing.

Does it help if I say I'm sorry?

Not if you're right.

The thing is, you and I...
we're very alike.

Yes. I think it's
a good thing.

I think it's a problem.

I think it's
the only chance we have.

Neither of us are perfect, but...

I wouldn't want us to be.


So, can we start again?





You were saying?

As far as Hanes' motives go,

we got those wrong.

What the f*ck
is that supposed to mean?

Well, he showed me

a surveillance network all set up.

I mean, it's all set up.

With Gerhardt's blessing.

It's unbelievable.

Got contracts to the US

and all the intelligence
you ever dreamed of.

It's just right there at your fingertips.



I think I'm gonna
take that job offer.

And I'm gonna run the place.

- You f*cking kidding me?
- No, come on, Robert, listen...

That guy has lied to you
from the get-go, Steven.

- No... Jesus.
- He f*cking sent BB packing.

- Listen...
- I get it.

Large-scale project puts you back in

good graces at the NSC.

No, no, that's not it.

If I don't work with Hanes,
somebody else is going to.

God knows who.

How friendly do you think he's
gonna be to Berlin Station?


And big data is going to be

an essential part of intelligence.

Already is.

We gotta get on the inside of this.



Here we go.









So what's going on?

I could ask you the same thing.

Was it because of Josef?

Or an operation failed?

Since when does preventing a
terror attack count as failure?

When the t*rror1st wins
the election two days later.

Well, I believe it was you

who was lauding Ms. Gerhardt

as some self-made woman,

some weird "icon" of feminism.

I can admire her work ethic.

Doesn't mean the same determination

isn't what scares the shit out of me.

I know everything seems like
the end of the world right now,

but you have a very long career
ahead of you.

And you will have worse nights.

I can guarantee it.

So we just sit back
and do nothing?

Our job is
to gather intelligence.

We are not the arbiters
of right and wrong.

You need to get the shit
that they filled your head with

at the Farm... you need to get it out.

The world is not that binary.
It is not pass or fail.

It is not black and white.

It is... it is... f*cking gray.

You never know if you're
headed in the right direction.

You just have to trust your gut,

trust your instinct.

And then you just hope

that the path you're on
is one that you can live with.

You know?


Where are you?

We can't do this.

We have to find another way.