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03x03 - Arya and Greg

Posted: 10/30/21 17:22
by bunniefuu
Hi, I'm Mickey.
Sex and love addict.

Hi, Mickey.

Things are going well right now.
I've got a good boyfriend, good job.

Now I'm just worried
that I'm gonna act out and ruin it all.

You know, I'm so used to self-sabotaging
that what if I start doing it,

and I don't even realize
that I'm doing it?

It feels like everything's not supposed
to go right at the same time.

I can't be happy at work
and in my relationship.

So, now I'm just waiting
for the other shoe to drop.

How am I gonna f*ck this up?

So far it's been great.

She's really happy. I'm really happy.
We're really happy together.

She's k*lling it at work.


I get worried 'cause it makes me wonder...

did I only like her
'cause she is messed up?

Do I feel the only reason
she could like me

is because she's messed up?

It's an interesting question, Maria.

And when I'm faced
with a decision like that, I ask myself,

"Five years from now, what decision
will make future me the most proud?"

That's always been my guide,
and it's worked well for me so far.

So, you know,
there's no crime in liking yourself.

And when I feel anxious,

I'm gonna breathe through it,
I'm gonna count to ten,

and I'm going to tell myself
that I f*cking deserve to be happy,

which I still don't believe.

I do not believe
that I deserve to be happy.

But one day I'm gonna get there.

I'm just gonna try not to ruin it today.

That's all I got.
"Try not to ruin it today."

Sometimes I feel like
I'm a bowl of mac and cheese.

You know?

The first few bites are really great,

then about halfway in,
you're kind of like...

"I think I've had enough mac and cheese."

By the last few bites, you're like,

"I am never eating mac and cheese again.
This is disgusting."

Sometimes I feel like I'm her bowl
of mac and cheese.

I don't want her to get sick of me.

You wanna know
how the universe works?

The universe challenges you to force you

to move to a higher level.

So, instead of saying,
"Screw you, universe,"

maybe you should say,
"Thank you, universe."

And with that, we'll be right back.

Look at my arm.
Do you see those scratch marks?

I'll be a Dark One by midnight.

Unless you take me out first.

Are you crazy?
I won't k*ll you.

You have no choice.
Once I'm a Dark One, I'll destroy you all.

- Wait a minute.
- She's getting half the words wrong.

Do we care about that?

She's also bad at acting.

We still have time to find the antiserum.

And I know just where to find it.
Let's go.

And... cut.

For f*ck's sake. Reset.


- Sorry.
- Not a good day to be super hungover.

Did you go to the MTV thing last night?

No, I had some friends from out of town.
We were out super late.

This thing is, like,
up my butt.

Why am I not in this scene?
This used to be my show.

I know. It sucks, I'm sorry.

Do they know how big my movie's gonna be?
I'm gonna be an action figure.

I know.
They should use you as much as possible.

My friends won't watch the scenes
I'm not in. They say they're shit.

My friends are the same.

It's this f*cking haircut.
Did I get ugly or something?

No, don't say that.

Let me talk to them.
I'll find out what's happening, okay?

Hold on. It'll be okay.

All I'm saying is, it's not real.
Gluten isn't a real thing.

Five years ago, we didn't know
what gluten was, and we were all living.

I agree, but the fear of gluten
is very f*cking real.

I need you to get some gluten-free shit,

or else I'm gonna have some crazy
batshit actresses refusing to work.

What about the teamsters?
They want donuts with gluten.

We can't piss off the teamsters.

- Just make it work.
- Excuse me.

Sorry, excuse me.
Just a quick teeny-tiny question.

Is there a reason Arya's not
in this scene?

I was talking to her,

and I think she's a little upset
she's not having a bigger part.

I'm sorry.
What are you, her agent?

- No, I'm her teacher...
- Yeah, her teacher.

So, why are you asking me?

Well, I was talking to her,

and she seemed kind of upset
that her part's getting smaller.

- Smaller and smaller.
- You know what? Okay, I'll play.

I'll play. Yes.
Her part is getting smaller.

You know why?
I'm f*cking concerned about her.

Okay, I am too, so it's nice to hear that,

because I think she's really stressed out,
you know, with these new kids.

I think she feels threatened by them
and she's got a new movie coming out.

There's a lot pressure there.

Her parents are getting divorced...

I know.
I'm not concerned about any of that.

I am concerned that
she is costing me money. Okay?

- Okay.
- She's always late.

Last week, I lost five hours

because of her, because she was
too distracted to remember her lines,

and that's her only job.

She's going through a lot.
She's a kid, okay?

Hey, you remember what it was like
when we were kids?

Know what I wasn't doing when I was a kid?
Making $30,000 a week. Were you?

- No. I had a job at Dairy Queen.
- Mm-hmm.

Gus, I had an ovarian cyst the size
of a lemon removed last season,

and you never heard a peep out of me.

Last season, I found out
I had a 13-year-old son, okay?

Never met this kid
and I paid for his bar mitzvah.

I kept my mouth shut, never missed
a call time 'cause that's this business.

Yeah, I'm really thinking
about k*lling her off. This is a problem.

I love it.

While you're at it, k*ll off Xander.
He's been a B-word all season.

- Good idea.
- Right?

Whoa! Let's just pump the brakes.

We don't have to k*ll off anybody.
I can talk to Arya.

I'll fix this. I'm happy to.
She and I have a very good relationship.

Yeah, great relationship.

You know she does an imitation of you
everybody laughs at and you've never seen?

I've seen that imitation.

No, you have not. This is different.

She does an imitation of you
thinking you've seen the imitation.

- Know what I'm talking about?
- I've seen it.

- With the backpack?
- Yeah, I've seen that.

That's the best acting she's done
all season.

Well, you rib the ones you love,
and she's not ribbing anybody else.

No, no. This is mean. It's really funny.

I just need you to do your job.

Ten-four. I'll handle it.

- Fred. Come on, f*cking fix it.
- Okay.

So, she could rip out a heart,
or she could rip out a kidney.

- Kidney.
- Right. Kidney it is.

So, it would be really great
if Stella could promote the book signing.

- It's all about first-week sales.
- Of course.

Getting on that bestseller list.

If you don't get on that, they take
your book off shelves right away.

So it'd be really helpful if Stella
could tweet about it or mention it.

Why don't you tweet about the book?

I'm off Twitter.
I was getting a lot of trolls.

Well, a few trolls,
but many aggressive messages.

Lot of anti-semitism.
I don't know why that was happening.

I've never confirmed I'm Jewish, so...

I don't think Stella does marketing
on her Twitter.

It's not her thing. I'll tweet about it.

Thanks, thanks.

No offense, it's not the same, you know.

You've got, what, 50 followers?

- Stella's got 200,000? What is it?
- Closer to half a million now, but...

What? Half a million followers...
How does...

I have more than 50, also, but...

I can't force Stella to do anything.
She's an adult woman.

I gave her the book.
If she likes it, she'll tweet about it.

I'm talking about a favor.
Have you ever heard about a favor?

You know what?
Could you be a little more grateful?

Because Mickey here is
gonna be with you all day.

I'm giving you Mickey all day
to help you livestream your book event.

It's not my job.

You know what? I'm gonna get out of here.

I am going to prepare myself emotionally
and mentally to meet my fans.

You might remember them,

the thousands upon thousands of people
whose love of me built this station.

Why me?

It's important for the station
and you know how to deal with him.

Can't deal with him anymore.

Did you see who he dedicated his book to?

Nelson Mandela and Mitch McConnell.

Well, he's covering the bases there.
Jesus Christ.

Hey, lunch buddy!

What's up? What's all the hubbub, bub?
How's it going?

Bad. I'm trying to be normal
and eat with the crew,

but no one will sit with me.

No one will sit with you?
What about this guy?

He's sitting with ya, right?
How's the script?

It's really not very good.
There's a kissing scene.

Yeah, the kissing scene. That's with...

- It's with Jayke.
- With Jayke?

Jayke... You know, the actor, Jayke,
the new one.

- Yeah. I know Jayke. Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Have you ever kissed a boy before?

Gus, I've had, like, five boyfriends.

All right.
So, you're not nervous about this?

God, no.

I'm not Drew Barrymore, but I've lived.

Okay. If you were nervous,
we could talk about it.

I better go run my lines. Excuse me.

- You go run your lines. All right.
- You're distracting me.

Wait. This isn't gonna work.

Find out if there's a back entrance.
I'm gonna get mobbed in here.

How many people are you expecting?

I don't know. I mean, with social media,
sky's the limit.

Just... Let's make sure
everybody knows where the fire exits are.

Yeah, I should probably call
a fire marshal.

Yeah. Good idea.

- What have you got there?
- What?

What's that?

It's makeup. For glare.

What? Men can't look beautiful, too?
Only women? Huh?

- No, no.
- All right. Thank you.

f*ck. See, that's the thing.

Once the glare's gone,
the top gets f*cking wispy.


- Hey. Hi.
- Hi, there.

Hi, I'm from Gravity with Dr. Greg.

I'm Todd. We talked?

- Yes, Todd. Hi. Um...
- Yeah.

What do you think the turnout is gonna be?

This is gonna be it.

- This is it?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Should we cancel?
- No, no, no. We don't cancel.

The event? I just set these...
We're ready. We're good to go.

Dr. Greg is very sensitive.
He won't like these optics.

We had two people for Barefoot Contessa.
We had a blast. It was incredible.

Do you ever go door-to-door,
nearby businesses, pull people in for...

- I can't. I can't leave the premises.
- Really?

Can we offer them money?
Could we offer people on the street money?

- I can't do that.
- You can't.

What else can I do?

We really shouldn't cancel?
Isn't this bad?

This is double Barefoot Contessa.

Why don't you take out some chairs?

- I can do that.
- All right.

The optics will be much better.
These people are psyched.

- This worked for Kelsey Grammer.
- Right.

This'll work.

It's a charity event
benefiting the homeless.

I'm getting an award.

You can write a couple jokes
about the homeless.

How much?

It's a charity event.

I already give money to the Palestinians.
I'm stretched too thin as it is.

You make jokes about the homeless
all the time.

- Just give me one.
- I don't feel comfortable about this.

- It's not like they'll be there.
- Hey.

- Denise, could I talk to you?
- Sure, how's my girl doing?

- Hanging tough, right?
- She's doing well.

I think she's nervous about
this kissing scene with Jayke, you know?

I was thinking maybe there's something
we can do to help her.

Maybe get some mom advice?

Uh... No. No. I mean, she's 14,
and she is batshit crazy,

and she doesn't talk to me anymore,
so, I can't.

No. You gotta step away,
let her ride it out.

Okay. I just wanted to make sure
Arya felt good about the scene.

You know what? She's gonna be fine.

- I have to take this, okay?
- Okay.

Hey, Jen.
Are you going to SoulCycle tonight?

Concerned about your daughter.
That's all.

Is the bread gluten-free?

No. It's bread. Normal bread.
Bread-bread. There's gluten in the bread.

Do you have Ezekiel bread?

- "Ezekiel bread"?
- Yeah.

There's two types of bread, white bread
and brown bread. Pick a side.

You know what, are these berries organic?

Dude, organic is a lie.
That's corporate interest, man.

It's fine. The carrots will work.

Bugs Bunny, eat the Twizzlers.

- I don't like Twizzlers.
- Eat. Hey!

Hey, what's up, Mr. C?

Mr. C? I like that, that's very cool.

I just wanted to ask you
for a little favor.

Arya's stressing out about the scene
you're sh**ting later today.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.

I was thinking maybe the two of you
could get together, rehearse.

It might help her out.

Plus, you haven't
spent much time together.

Yeah, yeah. I know.

I've been busy with the show and my music.

I also spend ten hours a week
on my self-care.

Wow. Ten hours. That's a lot.

- Uh... So, could you?
- Yeah. I'll rehearse with her.

- For sure.
- All right.

Hey, look at that 1,000-kilowatt smile
on that guy.


As your friend, I got to let you know
you sound like a pedophile sometimes.

I know. I realized
as it was coming out of my mouth.

His smile? Way too specific.
It's like you've been studying his mouth.

Get out his face. He's a preteen.

- His nuts haven't dropped yet.
- Right.

I got your note, Kev. Thank you.

I don't know how to tell you this,
so I'm gonna come out with it.

There aren't a lot of people.

What do you mean?
Give me a ballpark.

If there was a ballpark that held
four people, it would be sold out.

f*cking shit! Four people?
There's four f*cking people in there?

You always said if you could reach
just one person then...

I didn't literally just mean
one person, okay?

I'm not going in.

I hope you have a plan to fix this,
considering it is your fault.

- My fault?
- Yes.

If you weren't spending
so much time with Stella,

you could've promoted this.

Why don't we call it off?
We can go home.

You're telling me,
in a city of millions of people,

you can't find 40 that need help?

How will I find 40 people
in the next half hour

to come into this thing?

I don't know, but you better do it.
Fill it up! Fill it up, Mickey!

All right. I will!

All right. Fill it up!

Hi! Could I interest you in coming in here
and listening to...

I have an appointment.

Hey, I don't really need to hear all
of the rejections.

- Okay.
- Maybe take it down there, huh?

All right. I'm gonna figure this out.

"Now we've got nine dead
on our side, because I wasn't there."

"Fine. You want the real answer?"

"We don't have time for anything else."

"I'd rather lose nine of them
than one of you. Okay?"

"What did you say?"

"I can live without them,
but I can't live without you."

- And then we kiss. Cool! All right.
- Yep.

Sorry, I'm not the best actor

- Shut up. You're amazing.
- for you to do this with.

You've got it.

You're amazing, and then...
I don't know.

You're the best in the new cast.

Thanks. You don't have to say that.
It's not a competition.

- A little bit.
- Yeah.

- I heard you do music.
- Really? How'd you know that?

I mean, there's a giant organ
right behind you!

Okay. Yeah, I bring it with me,
wherever I can.

Hey, do you actually have time
to hear a song that I wrote?


I never play it for anyone. I wrote it.

It's about how the people you love
the most can exploit you the most.

That's my life story,
so I'm sure I'll love it.

Okay, I've never played it
for anyone, so...

- I'm ready.
- All right.

This one... Hold on, let me find it...

This is called "I Am Not Only Yours."

♪ I'm not only yours ♪

- Oh! Hear that beat? That beat?
- Yes.

♪ What I have is what I earned ♪

♪ I'll share it with you, ooh-ooh ♪


♪ If you share you with me, too ♪

Wait, this chorus... Wait for it.
It's about to drop.

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

Come on, sing it. No, no, no, no.

♪ Who are we? ♪

There we go. There we go.

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

♪ Who we are ♪

It's very good.

- Thank you.
- It's so original.

- I've never heard anything like that.
- Wow. Thanks.

- Who helped you make that? It's amazing.
- Justin Bieber's engineer's friend.

Well, I mean, that's still
pretty close to Justin Bieber.

- I mean, it's amazing.
- Oh, I know.

I was stoked
whenever I got to work with him.

That's crazy. I loved it.

Thank you.
Hey, we should take a trailer pic.

- Yeah.
- And post it. Let's see.

Come on. Do, like, a gangster sign.


Oh, God. Please don't post that
without a filter.

Yeah, right. I'm gonna post it
when you leave to piss you off.

- Oh, God, no. Please don't.
- Yeah.

That one's cute, though. Oh, God. No!

- You look great in that one. Stop.
- I look so bad.

Hi. Sorry to interrupt.
Uh... How's this meeting?

It's good. It's good.
I mean, it just ended, but...

Oh, yeah. I don't live nearby,
so I've never been to it before.

But, um... I was wondering
if I could ask you guys for a favor.

I've got a friend
who's in distress right now.

- What's going on?
- Well...

Have you heard of this gentleman?

Yeah, I know him.
I listen to this.

You do?

Great. He's a radio psychologist,

and he's got this book event
happening across the street,

and not that many people showed up.

So, it'd be a real favor to me
and an act of service if you could come...

Like, talking about right now?

Like, 20 minutes.
You can finish your cigarette. Like...

- Um... I'm down. I'm good.
- Yeah, I can.

- I got nothing to do.
- Yeah.

From Witchita, it's Arya Hopkins.

With musical guest Blind Melon.

Jesus, Gus. Get some new material.

You're smiling. I see it.

You in a better mood? Take it
you had a good rehearsal with Jayke.

Yeah, it went well. He said
he would post a picture of us.

He did, huh? That's a big deal?

- Kinda.
- Yeah.

I noticed he never posts
any pictures of me.

A little messed up, right?
Just a little hurt.

What's that? Is that the picture?

♪ What I have is what I earn ♪

- Who's filming this?
- Looking so good.

Uh... Jayke. Maybe he's doing a selfie.

- Whose voice is that?
- So sick.

Is that Brooklyn?

Doesn't sound like her. I don't think so.

Who's filming?

- Could be his mom.
- Jesus!

Maybe it's his mom.

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

♪ Who we are ♪

Hey, Arya.

Saw the latest cuts of the show.
Strong, very strong.

Thank you so much. The writing
is great this year, right?

- Too modest. She won't take credit.
- Stop.

Won't take credit.

Oh, my God. Everybody, it's Arya Hopkins
from Witchita.

Guys, I got to go! I'm late to set.

Well, everybody wave to Arya.

Sing it with me. Sing it.

♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪


♪ Who are we? Who are we? ♪

♪ I'm not only yours ♪

"As the caller I knew only
as Fran from Irwindale,

stammered a thank you
between sobs of gratitude, I told her,

'Thank yourself. You did the hard work.

I only showed you the way.'

Three years later,
I learned they had a beautiful baby boy.

They named him Greg.

I never asked why."

That was powerful.

Now it's time for some questions.


- Will there be food?
- No, sir.

Hi. I have a question.

Great. What's your name?

Fran from Irwindale, from your book.

Yes. Yow...

It's great to see ya, uh... Fran.

What's your question?

Is the whole book bullshit
or just the part about me?

Gus! Gus! I've been looking
everywhere for you.

- What's up?
- Do you know what's going on?

No, I...

Arya is stuck in her trailer.
She locked herself in.

She won't come out.
She's having a meltdown on Instagram.

Are you serious?

Yeah. She's on Instagram,
posting all these sad photos.

- Look at this. Meltdown.
- Oh, my God.

- Meltdown.
- Oh, my God.

- Meltdown. It's bad, man. It is bad.
- f*ck.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

- Holy shit!
- Yeah.

No. I was just on her Instagram.
She wasn't doing this.

- This is her Finsta account.
- She lets you follow her Finsta?

Yeah. You don't?

I'm sure I do. I don't check.
I don't care about that stuff...

I don't have time
to deal with this, okay?

Just fix this. Go in there.
You can talk to her.

- What? Okay, let's go.
- Go. Go.

No. Get off.
You're not getting on here.

You got the cart, let's go.
We can get there faster.

I got the cart so I can get a doughnut.
You are walking to her trailer.

Okay, get your f*cking doughnut then, man.

Go get your doughnut.

You changed the story of my life.

You lied about what happened to me.
That's all fake.

- Okay, hold on.
- There is no "baby Greg."

Okay, okay. I may have altered
a couple details. That's true.

You said my husband and I
got back together.

I made some adjustments,
both for clarity and brevity.

I had to make a certain page count here

and use it as a teaching tool.

- You're a fraud, Colter.
- Okay.

- Notice how I didn't call you "doctor"?
- Yeah, I did.

And I would appreciate it
if you did call me "doctor,"

because that's my legal stage name.
It has been for many years.

You rewrote my life! My life is over!

I'm divorced with children!
And my husband's f*cking other women!

Look, your husband
was not sexually satisfied,

and I told him he needed to explore that
if this relationship was going to work.

He is very satisfied!
I satisfy my husband!

He was... We were very happy
in the bedroom!

Well, satisfied husbands don't go
and f*ck whores in Thailand,

last time I checked!

No, don't go. Please stay! Don't leave!
Don't leave! Don't leave. Um...

- Are we on the air right now?
- Oh, yeah.

Shit. Okay.

For those who are listening at home,
there was a deranged woman.

We booted her crazy ass out of here.

And we are seeking the proper help
to assist her

in her... her... her...
her hopeful healing.

- Anybody else have any questions?
- Yeah, I have a question.

I really don't want to talk
about the book right now.

Yeah, I don't think anybody in here
wants to talk about the book.


My question is
what's hurting you right now, man?


Come on, man.

It's okay, man.

Hey, Arya.

Look, uh... I'm sorry.
I know how you feel.

You don't.

No, I do. I...

I know what it's like
to have my heart broken.

I know what it's like to kiss somebody
who doesn't want to kiss you back.

Well, I don't. I've never kissed anyone.

What are you talking about?
You said you had boyfriends.

Obviously, I lied.

I don't have any friends.
I don't go to school.

All the boys that know me,
they're scared of me,

'cause I made seven figures.

I'm sorry you're going through this.

I just don't understand
why it has to be like this.

Do you want to hear
an embarrassing story from my life

that might make you feel better?

Yeah, the first time I kissed a girl
was after I saw The Truman Show.

And I cried so hard...

that my date kissed me just
to make me feel better.

That's ridiculous.

She thought I was ridiculous, too.
The next day, she broke up with me.

I don't blame her.

That's not even a sad movie.

I wasn't crying 'cause it was sad.

I was crying about
the predicament Truman was in.

The predicament was bullshit.

There's cameras everywhere for 30 years
and he didn't see one.

I think his predicament was that

he spent his whole life on the set
of a TV show. I don't know if...

maybe you can empathize with that.

Well, now I can't do the scene.
I can't kiss someone that I hate.

It's my first kiss!

Arya, I'm not going to lie to you.
This situation sucks.

Okay? It sucks.

But you know what you can do
nobody else can?

You can take all that sadness
and all that anger,

and go out there and use it.

And make gold.

I don't even know.

Believe in yourself, Arya.

You got this.


When it comes down to it,
I'm this...

- lonely piece of shit...
- Mm-hmm.

sitting in a booth...

just spouting out ego over the airwaves,
every second of the day.

Just... "Listen to me! Listen to me!"

- Your boyfriend really can talk a lot.
- That's the whole thing.

He's not my boyfriend.
Why would you say that?

'Cause of the connection you have.

We're colleagues. This is work for me.

You're available?
Do you think we can be a couple?

No, I have a boyfriend.

That's clear. That is clear.

- You know what would help you?
- What?

Start getting really, really honest
with yourself.

I mean, really honest.

I lied. I lied in my book

because I didn't think
the truth was enough,

because I didn't think I was enough.

Even the blind kid story you told
that got partial vision back?

He's dead.

- Jesus Christ.
- Oh, wow.

When I called those people
to see how they were doing,

they were all significantly...

more f*cked up than they were...


There it is. Let it come. Let it...

- There's the healing.
- Healing's in the feelings, man.

- There's your healing.
- Healing's in the feelings. Yeah.

- He's doing really good.
- Yeah, he is.

All right, Greg. So, if you stopped
giving advice altogether,

you just stop doing
what you're doing, completely...

who would you be?

Wait, don't tell him
to stop giving advice.

That's why I'm here.
I came down to ask my question.

Dr. Greg, first-time caller.

I got a question.
I have a hard time getting off.

Unless a stranger
just punches me in the face.

Is that wrong?

And with that, it is time for us
to get back to the office.

Come on, Dr. Greg.

Thank you so much, all of you.
What a wonderful audience.

And what a healing experience
this has proved to be.

Scene mark.

Okay, settle, settle, please.

And... action!

Listen, I didn't want to have to ask,
but I need your help.

They're not gonna stop coming
unless we close this hell mouth.

Unbelievable! You told me
to go home last night

when you knew they were gonna attack.

I wanted to protect you!

Good. Great! You protected me.
Now nine of us are dead.

Fine. Want to know the real reason?

We don't have time for anything else.

I'd rather lose nine of them
than one of you. Okay?

What did you say?

I can live without them,
but I can't live without you.

Well, I can live without you.

Was that okay?


f*ck... Cut!


Jesus Christ.

I'm so embarrassed.

Don't be.

Look, I'm no stranger to public meltdowns.

People heard that on their radios.

Yeah, but this is where
your low ratings actually serve you,

because not that many people heard it.

Bet you love this, don't you?

Seeing me shattered
with my guts on the floor?

Yeah, but just because it's made you
a little bit closer to a human being.

Hey, someone bought your book.

I appreciate it.

Well, I charged it to the station.

What are you gonna do with that?

I don't know.

Maybe Gus and I'll get jacked up
on caffeine and act out chapters.

Sounds like fun.

Oh, it will be.

- I'm gonna go to sleep.
- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hey. Hello.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Mmm. What's up?

Well, Bertie and Randy went
to dinner and a movie.

Oh! Which movie?


Ah. I see.

You know what?
We should f*ck in this room.

Let's f*ck in every room.

Oh, boy.

We had sex in Bertie's room.

I know. We're like two wolves,
marking their territory.

Like, "This is ours. Stay away!"

She's never gonna know.

- That's the best part.
- I know.

She'll never know.


How was it with Arya today?

It was good.
I mean, it got a little crazy there.

She wasn't coming out of her trailer.
Everybody was flipping out and...

I don't know.
I went in there, and we talked,

and then she went out and she k*lled it.

- Really?
- Yeah, she was awesome.

And not just like child actor good,

I mean, like, Jessica Chastain good.
Alicia Vikander good.

Well, I love Chastain.

She's the best.

I don't know, it was cool.
Like, I went in there...

and she was angry and sad.

I said, "Just go out there
and turn it into art."

Felt like I was directing.

Yeah, of course you did.
'Cause you're good.

- Mmm...
- You should just do it. Make your movie.

- What? Like the Rear Window thing?
- Yes!

Look, you saved money...

You've got friends that could help.

Just call in every favor
and make the thing.

That could be good.
I could do that. That'd be easy.

Yeah! Look at me.

I didn't think I could be a producer,
and I'm k*lling it.

Yeah, I have to say, "I'm a director,"
and then I'm a director, so...

- I'm a director. I can f*cking do this.
- You're a director!

Are you hard again?

I already came again.

Well, then, we're gonna f*ck!

♪ Baby, love is strange ♪

♪ Many, many people ♪

♪ They take it for a game ♪

♪ My sweet baby ♪

♪ Love is strange ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, many, many people ♪

♪ Take it for a game ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, love is strange ♪

♪ Love is strange ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, many, many people ♪

♪ Take it for a game ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, love is strange ♪

♪ Love is strange ♪