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02x10 - Liberty Down

Posted: 10/30/21 16:49
by bunniefuu
So I checked Waze, and it said it's,
like, 35 minutes to the airport.

That seems, like, super quick, right?

What's the matter? You okay?

I still feel a little shaken up
from that fight the other day.

I mean, it was a little weird, but...

I'm willing to move through it.
Move past it.

I just think it's... really hard,
'cause now you're going away.

Yeah, but it's only gonna be,
like, 24 days.

In the grand scheme of things,
that's not that long.

I just really don't deal well
with separation, Gus.


Uh... okay.

Little scary to hear before we separate
for a month, but...

I think what would help
is if we have a check-in plan.


Yeah, whatever you need.
What... what are you thinking?


Why don't you call me every day
when you're done with work?

That way we don't have to think about it.

Yeah, I guess I could call you,

- Let's say 9:00 for me.
- Okay.

Which would be, like, 6:00 for you.
That work?

Yeah, and if I write you,
write me back quickly.

- 'Cause I start to spin out.
- Sure.

Sure, sure. Yeah, that's great.

You take too long,
I'm gonna get on a plane to Atlanta.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'll miss you, too.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- I don't want you to be late.
- All right.

Thanks for the gift.



You think your daddy's gonna save you

just 'cause you're his little girl?

No, he's gonna save me

'cause he's the commander-in-chief
and I'm an American citizen.

An American citizen.

We know what America's all about.

And the president's forgotten.

You forgot something.

- What's that?
- You dropped this.



Cut, cut, cut.

Uh, great job, Arya.

Victor wants to move on to a quick insert
of your finger on the trigger of the g*n.

No, I'm done. I'm tired.


She's great.

Well, deep down,
she's a little sweetheart.

Hey, just a reminder, Tommy, that, uh...

after lunch she's only got, like,
two more hours left to film.

- Yeah.
- So...

I don't know
if you could let Victor know...

- for me. Cool. Thanks, yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Um, and it doesn't have to be,
like, right now,

but it's probably better
sooner than later.

Oh, no, no, I'm sorry. Yeah, I will.

It's just that I know he has, like,
12 things on his brain right now.

- Of course. Yeah.
- Yeah, you know.

- Definitely. Yeah.
- Yeah.

He's got a tough job.

- You, too.
- Oh.

I see you running around set.
You're wearing all these different hats.

- It's impressive. Respect.
- Yeah.

Well, I'm the president of development,
I guess. You know.

I mean, I'm his assistant, and his...

- translator, and his collaborator...
- Mmm-hmm.

therapist, at times.

- Life coach, I guess. Yeah.
- Wow.

Very cool.
How long have you guys known each other?

- About nine years. Yeah.
- Wow.

Yeah, before that I worked at the UN.

- United Nations. Yeah.
- Oh, sure.

I don't know. It's cool, I guess.

Yeah. No, I...

- I spent most of my life in South Dakota.
- Oh, really?

- I feel like a country mouse.
- Country mouse?

- That's...
- Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, hi.


- Oh.
- Gus.

- Victor. Victor.
- Victor.

Hey, I just wanted to tell you,
I'm a huge fan of The Sorting Fields.

I loved it. Action-packed.

It has a good script.
We worked hard on that one.

- A great script.
- Yeah.

Can you let Victor know that I liked...

I don't know how to say...

I loved the movie or I'm a big fan.


Believe it or not,
he thinks that movie sucks.


Yeah, he gets really upset
when I bring it up.

- The last time he punched a grip, so...
- Oh.

I mean, if you want me to,
I could tell him that...

- No, please.
- It's probably better.

- Keep that foot out of my mouth.
- You don't wanna see him mad.

Thanks for looking out for me.

I got you.


Thank you. Bye.

Aren't you tired?

Haven't you been up since, like,
6:30 in the morning?

Uh, I'm a little tired,
but I'm okay.

I'm, actually, uh...

- a little horny.
- Are you?

Should we do something about that?

Oh, my God, seriously?

That'd be awesome,
'cause I've never, uh...

Well, never mind.

You've never had phone sex?


Well, now we have to.

Yeah? All right.

Okay, sure. Yeah.

I'm down.


- Get your d*ck out.
- Okay.

Oh, um...

Can you give me, like, one minute?
I just need total privacy.

You're in a hotel room.
Don't you already have that?

Yeah, but, uh, there's other people
who are here from the movie

who are staying at the hotel,
and I don't want them to...

Just... Sorry, one moment.

Hang that up here...

Set the mood...

Okay. All right.

All right. Now I'm ready.

Are you hard?


- What?
- I think I put the wrong tag on.

All right. Just hurry, okay?

This train's leaving the station.

I did.

Good thing I checked.


All right.

Where were we?

Suck on my tits.

I miss you so much, Mickey.

I wish I was there right now f*cking you.

She pulls in over 200,000 listeners
per week on this podcast

where she talks about sex, from her bed.

She gets huge stars, like, A-list.
She does one with Gwyneth Paltrow

where Gwyneth talks about
giving a blow job for the first time.

I actually went and bought her cookbooks.
I eat quinoa now.

If we could pull
someone like that in,

I think the Subzero guys would really,
really love that.

Stella, hi!
We were just talking about you.

- I'm Erika. Nice to meet you.
- Hey.

Oop! Red rover. Here I come.

Next week, Nicki Minaj is gonna be on,
and I'm just like, "What is happening?"

I've been obsessed
with her boobs since I was 15.

Stella, it's pretty simple.

I mean, everybody at Gravity
just loves this podcast,

and, yeah, we wanna help you
take this to the next level.

Well, I'm kinda happy
with the level I'm at.

You know,
I like talking about whatever I want.

You know?
I wanna be able to talk about

how I texted a picture of my assh*le
to a guy after our first date once.

You can talk about that here.

You should talk about why they call
female orgasms "coming."

Because it makes women feel
like they should just be squirting

streams of vaginal fluid
every time they f*ck.

Wait, can I use that?


Yeah, I had made
that observation before.

That's an observation I've made before.

Hey, uh, Mickey, why don't you take
Stella on, like, a tour of the station?

- Sure. Yeah, I can do that.
- Sweet.

- Thanks.
- Great.

- Bye, guys.
- Miss you guys.

Bye, have fun!

You guys know
what your next movie is yet?

We're thinking about this project
about Arctic explorers.

But the script isn't there yet.

- Nice.
- It's pretty cool.


That sounds cool.

- Did you say Arctic explorers?
- Yeah.

Did you read that article
about this island up north that's, like,

basically where World w*r III
is gonna start?

- Let's assume we haven't.
- Oh!

Oh, my God.

It's amazing, 'cause the...

Well, you know,
the polar ice caps are melting,

so now these, like, new islands are
kind of forming up in the North Pole.

So there's this island
and everybody's fighting over,

like, whose island is it, you know?

So you got, like,
people from China on the island...

America, Russia, everybody.
Everybody's just up there.

And they're...

saying it's their island.

So you got, like, 60 people up there...

half are scientists, half are soldiers,
which is...

I'm sorry, I don't... What?

- He said 30 and 30.
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Half are soldiers, half are scientists.
Thirty-thirty. Yeah.

And there's this one guy there, Jassanik.

He's, like, the American guy up there.

And if you looked at him,
he looks exactly like Jason Statham.

- Jason Statham.
- Yeah.

It's like a spitting image of him.

- It's crazy, this guy Jassanik.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- Oh, yeah. You're welcome.

- Hey, got a sec?
- Sure. What's up?

I don't think this is really the place
to try and pitch Victor your movie.

Oh, I wasn't pitching, I...
I was talking about an article I liked.

- Yeah, I know, but, uh...
- He seemed kind of interested. I don't...

Well... yeah.
He fakes interest to be polite.

And I try to keep people away
so he doesn't have to be a jerk.

- Oh.
- So...

I mean, if it's cool,
just stay in your lane.

You know, teach the kid her ABC's,
if that's cool.

- Yeah. No, of course. I get it.
- Yeah. Yeah, okay.

What do you wanna see first?

The recording booth or our intern Mason
who wears a bow tie every day?

- Mason, please.
- Mmm-hmm. Obviously.

Hey. Hello.
What's happening?

Who's the stranger?

Stella, this is Dr. Greg.
He has a show called Heart Work.

Dr. Greg, this is Stella.

She has an amazing podcast
about sex and relationships.

And we're trying to get her
over here to Gravity.

Stella. Terrific.

A show about sex and relationships, huh?

I would so welcome another person

coming here and doing the work
I've been doing,

because there's so much
that needs to be done.

- Mmm.
- So many people that need our help.

Are you familiar with my show?

No, I only listen to podcasts.

Where'd you study broadcasting?

I don't know... YouTube.

- Whoa, he's terrifying!
- No.

He's a giant baby with coffee breath.

- I f*cked him.
- Ugh.

But it was a power move,
so it doesn't count.

I guess.

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Huh?


Just throwing rocks,
trying to get it in that window there.

I'm not doing a great job.

- Why, are you bored?
- Yeah.

Oh, super bored.

Ugh, just tell me about it. Atlanta, man.

It's the worst.

And we're on the outskirts,
which is even rougher.

Yeah, I think I'm really running out
of things to do here in this town.

It's weird.

If one more person tells me to go
to the World of Coca-Cola,

- I'll blow my brains out.
- Yeah.

I went there Sunday.

I mean, I tried to,
but it was closed for renovations.

So I just, like,
looked through the window.

And it looked cool.
Some, like, cool memorabilia and stuff.

Uh, what are you...
What are you up to tonight?

'Cause I got some reservations
for this restaurant that I heard is good

- called Oak and Hawk.
- Oh.

- Could maybe bump it up from one to two.
- Think they could do that?

Think they could move some things around?

Uh, tonight's no good.

That does sound fun, but I think
I just gotta chill, because I got...

Sort of backloaded my day.
It's all tonight.

I just figured, you know, you said
you're kind of bored and restless here.

I'm bored and restless here,
so I thought...

- Let's throw some more rocks.
- Okay.

- Let's see what you got, Koufax.
- All right.

Is that the arm you throw with?
Try your right arm.

- No, I'm left-handed.
- Okay.

- Hey, there.
- Hey.

I was just reading that part

where they were making fun
of the Robert Cohn character.

I had no idea how anti-Semitic
this book was.


Oh... yeah.

I'm, like, ten pages in
and I really like it,

but, um, I just haven't
had a chance to read a lot.

- Sorry.
- Oh.

Um... that's cool.

- Are you mad at me?
- No. No, I think I just, uh...

I don't know, the...

distance here is starting to get to me,
I think, you know?

I feel a little, uh...

I don't know, homesick.

- Is that really lame to say?
- No.

I mean, look, you're living out
of a suitcase in a hotel room in Atlanta.

I get it.

But I'm not sure I can have
phone sex with you

after you said the word "homesick."

Mmm, that's fair.

So, uh...

- how you doing?
- Really good!

Work has been surprisingly tolerable.

I even left my phone in the car
the other day

for like an hour and I didn't freak out.

- Wow, that's huge.
- Cleaned up the bathroom.

Threw out eye shadow from the '90s.
Shit is getting done!

Good. Good. Good for you.

Okay, then.

Well, I guess I'll let you get back
to what you were doing.

And, uh...

I miss ya.

Yeah, I miss you, too.


- Night.
- Bye.

Hi, I'm Mickey. Alcoholic.

Hi, Mickey.

I had a really tough visit with my dad,

but I'm grateful to be here.

And I've been coming more often

and I'm feeling good about being
in these rooms,

and I'm just thankful that I'm here today.

Hey, it's Mickey.
Leave a message.

Hi. Yeah, can I get some, uh,
chicken fingers and vanilla ice cream?

Yeah, it's Gus.

Oh, f*ck.


- Hmm?
- I just got off the phone with Stella.

She's not feeling the vibe around here.

She feels like it's too corporate,
and... it's not her speed.

That sucks, I'm sorry.

I think we can all agree
that I should've led the tour.

Don't worry, I'll move on.

I guess we should try
to figure out someone else.

I mean, there's that Johann X guy.

He gets celebrities to talk about
their favorite conspiracy theories.

- Maybe?
- Yeah, those guys are pretty cool.

They did an episode with Anthony Anderson

where they talk about dead alien bodies
at Fort Knox.

What if I talk to Stella?

I think I could get her over here
if it was just me and her,

after hours, nobody else around.

Yes, do that. Try, okay?

That would be so huge.

Mickey, seriously,

if you bring her in, that show is yours
to produce from the ground up.

I'm gonna get you her e-mail.

Okay, it's something filthy.
I just know that.

It's like "vag of honor..."

"total cuntfidence" or something.

I can't remember it.

Hey, Cruikshank.

- What the f*ck are you doing under here?
- Oh.


I don't know, I...

They put a router in the cabin,

so I can get good Wi-Fi if I sit
under here and don't bother anybody.

Whatever, I don't care.

Listen, uh, I need to talk to you.
Victor had a dream.

- Victor had a dream?
- Shut up.

Victor had a dream
about your movie in the Arctic,

and he thinks it's a really cool idea,

and he was wondering
if you wanted to come to New York

and work on it with him.

Uh, and me, obviously.

Well, this is cool news.

- It's very exciting.
- Yeah.

You're not f*cking with me, are you?

- This isn't a joke or...
- It's not a joke.

'Cause this is a big opportunity for me.

No shit.

So, uh, I'll work
on the details with him and...

- Okay. Yeah.
- e-mail you or whatever.

Hey, thanks, Tommy.

Big time.

All right.

- Hi, I'm Nate. Alcoholic.
- Hi, Nate.

Uh, any newcomers?

Anybody celebrating anything today?

Anyone with 30 days?

I have 30 days.

Come on up.

- Hi. Mickey. Alcoholic.
- Hi, Mickey.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Good job.
- Thanks.

All right.

All righty.

Congratulations. Not an easy thing to do.

Thank you.

Ninety days.
Anyone with ninety days?

The last time I got one of these,
I celebrated with a handle of vodka.

But I'm feeling good about this time.

Well, um, you know, easy does it.

You know, my sponsor used to say that
anytime you think you can go on autopilot,

then your addiction starts doing push-ups.

So... I know. I know.

- Just stay strong.
- Yeah.

Hi, Mark.

You can do it.

Congratulations. Good work.

You know what? You're right.

I need to actually work the steps
for real.

Eight months?

Would you be my sponsor?


Yeah, anytime. Yeah.


Anyone with a year and a half?

Uh, anyone with two years?

Thank you, everybody, for coming tonight.

And thanks for coming to the meeting.
It works.

Come back. It works. All that good stuff.

Good job.


Oh, hey, you're here.
Did you see what Gus sent?

Oh, no.

I thought maybe they were from Randy,
but they're not.

- They're from Gus.
- Oh.


That's a shit ton of flowers.

Yeah. There's a card, too,
if you wanna read it.


"Thirty roses for 30 days of sobriety.

Here's to 30 more."

Aw, that's so sweet.

Well, congratulations, Mickey.
That's really great.

"Here's to 30 more"?
Why does that sound vaguely threatening?

I'm sure he meant well.

You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just tired.
I'm gonna go lay down.


Guess I'll just, uh...

find somewhere to put these.

It just makes things smoother.

He has so much on his mind, it just...

it will help the process, okay?

- As far as the scripts are concerned...
- Hey, Tommy.

Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt.
Can I talk to you for a sec?

- Yeah.
- Oh, okay.

- Uh, what's up?
- Hey, um...

Just between you and me...

I'm in this new relationship

and it's just been
really tough being here...

- away from her.
- Yeah.

And I wanna work with Victor,
I totally do.

It's just... It's hard for me
to get my mind around

being in New York for a few weeks,
away from LA.

It just doesn't sound
like an ideal situation.

Yeah. Yeah. No. No. I totally get it.

I'm going through the same shit, you know?
I'm away from my family. It's not easy.

My wife is always like, "Victor is
the person you're in a relationship with."

And it sucks, 'cause it's true, you know?

- Yeah. So you understand.
- Yeah.

- Oh, totally. Totally.
- You get it. Yeah.

I don't wanna say no to Victor...

- but it's, I mean...
- Yeah. Yeah.

You know him, is there any way
I can get through this?

Yeah, okay. Well, how about this?

Just tell Victor
that you're really into the project.

- Mmm-hmm.
- And that you wanna do it by Skype.

- It's like a no-brainer.
- Yeah?


My only worry is that he'll take that
as a sign that I'm not interested at all.

- And I don't want that, 'cause I am.
- No. Yeah.

No, totally not weird.

He has family in Korea,
he Skypes all the time.

Even if you went to New York,

you'd most likely just be e-mailing stuff
back and forth anyway, so...

- Right? Right.
- Yeah.

How about this?
I'll help you smooth it out.

Okay? I'll meet you
at Victor's trailer at lunch.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- We'll do it.

Yeah. Gotcha.

I can smoke weed.
That's not the problem.

It's just that I get paranoid
and I don't wanna touch the guy.

Sex and bong hits,
do these two activities go together?

Tweet at me.



Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?


Yeah. Um...

Tommy told me to come here.


- Do you know where Tommy is?
- Ah, Tommy.

Yeah, Tommy, you, me,
we were gonna all talk.



Sorry to wake you up.

Tommy told me to swing by so we could
talk about the Arctic movie.

Arctic movie?

Yeah, and I just...

I just wanted to go over
some scheduling stuff with you.

Just real easy stuff.


I thought Tommy was gonna be here. Um...

Hey, I got an idea.

Do you know, um...

Just do a little Google Translate here.

I think that might help.

I would like to write the movie...

I know. I know. I'm sorry.

I just wish Tommy was here
to do this but, um...

Is this, um...

- Is that...
- Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Yes? Is that cool?



No Los Angeles.

No Los Angeles.

I don't think we should work together.

Oh, shit, uh...


Did you wake him? I am so sorry, I...

He told me
that he was gonna be taking a nap.

I completely forgot to tell you.
I feel like an assh*le.

- Oh, gosh.
- Are you serious?

Tommy, come on.


I can't help but think
you maybe set me up here.

No, man. I like you, man.
I would never do that.

- You didn't mean to set me up?
- No.

I feel sick to my stomach right now,
'cause I made a horrible mistake.

- I'm so sorry.
- Let's talk about it later.

- Sure. Sure.
- Victor, I'm so sorry.

Can we hash this out some other time?

- I... No...
- Gus, you should probably...

- Yeah, he's gonna finish his nap.
- What?

He hates when people wake him up.

Um, Tommy, I'm just wondering,
how do you say "f*ck you" in Korean?

f*ck you.

No, I meant, just...


Why do you even want me so bad?

I just like things the way they are.

It could just be you and me.

That's why I wanted you to come in
after work hours.

We can record whenever you want.

We can do whatever we want.

Nobody gives a f*ck.

I just wanna do my show in my pajamas.

I wanna do everything in my pajamas,
but it's gonna get old.

Do you wanna be 40 and talking about
how you blew the Postmates guy?

I don't wanna be 40.

I listened to you talk for 30 minutes

about how you texted a guy
a picture of your butthole.

And it was super funny,
but what's that about? Like...

What's behind the butthole?

- Ew.
- Seriously, though.

You have to think about that
at some point, right?

Why you're doing this shit is
as interesting as the shit you're doing.

Okay, take me for a messed-up example.

This guy I'm seeing, he's in Atlanta
right now, so we're having phone sex.

And that's fun.
People love hearing about phone sex.

But here's what's actually interesting.

I make him call me every night
at 6:00 p.m. sharp

and he has to text me back
within 30 minutes.

Oh, so you're a crazy person.

A thousand percent, but isn't he crazy,
too, for going along with it?

- I don't know, maybe he loves you.
- Well, he shouldn't.

I mean, that's messed up, too.

Listen, I can make your show
f*cking awesome.

Just come work with me.

Let's do this shit.

- Okay, f*ck it. I'm in.
- Great.

- Let's make it good.
- Okay.

So what did the guy write back when
you sent him the picture of your butthole?

Oh, nothing.

I got nothing for two weeks.

And then he sent me
a cringe face that said,

"Hey, I'm gonna pass."

Poll time.
Sucking on a woman's tits.

Is it for guy's pleasure?
Or is it for the woman?

I think both,

but tweet at me
with your thoughts and feelings.

Also, I'm not getting nearly
enough stories from you guys

about hooking up in Ubers,
and I'm really disappointed.

Come on. Anything will do.

Did you fall for your UberX driver
and invite him up?

An orgy in an Uber pool
would be awesome to hear about.

Whatever you got, tweet at me.

Quick announcement.

If you insist on wearing a cross necklace,
little weird,

but whatever, take it off
before you get on top of me,

so I don't have a crucifix dangling
in my mouth while we're f*cking.

- Hey, there you are.
- Hi.

Yeah, sorry, I've been tired
and stressed and...

- I don't know.
- Oh, that's okay.

I'm just happy to see your face.

You, uh... you check your e-mail?

- No, what was it?
- You see it?

I got you a plane ticket.

- For this weekend.
- Oh.

Figured since you didn't have plans,

- maybe you could come out and see me.
- "Connecting through Houston."


why did you do that?

I don't know.
'Cause I thought it'd be fun.

You know, I got this hotel room.
I could show you around town.

That's nice, but...

you didn't even ask me if I could come.

I mean, I've got work. I'm busy.

We signed this podcaster.
I've got stuff to do.

Think there's any way you could
maybe move stuff around?

Make it work? You know, 'cause I'm...

I'm just trying to prioritize
you and me stuff

over work stuff here, so...

Well, guess what?
I didn't ask you to do that.

It's no big deal,
but this director on this movie

asked me if I wanted to come to New York
and work with him and...

I said no, because I thought
we'd wanna spend time together.

What? Dude, that's amazing!

- Why would I ever tell you not to go?
- I know.

I'm just saying, I'm making sacrifices
to make this work.

No. No, you don't get points...

for something you decided
was a sacrifice in your head

that I never would have asked you to do.

Okay. Whatever.

If you can't make it, don't come.
It's fine.

I don't even know if I wanna come, Gus.


Whatever happened to, uh, "Hey, Gus,
I don't do well with separation"?

'Cause right now it sounds like you're
doing pretty f*cking well without me.

Now you're mad that I'm doing well?

I told you I wanted to take
a year off of dating, remember?

You're supposed to be happy for me.

Do you want me to be just f*cked up
'cause you're gone?

God, I'm so sorry for being encouraging.

I never dated anybody in the program,
all right?

So I don't know what the f*ck I'm doing.

Then f*cking go to an Al-Anon meeting,

We've both got issues.

I'm just the one
who's not afraid to admit it.

Yes, Mickey, you're right.

I am a huge assh*le,
because I care about you.

Whatever. f*ck this.

Yeah, you're right, dude.
f*ck all of this.

And I didn't read any of that
stupid f*cking book anyway,

because I'm 32 and I don't want
any f*cking homework assignment.

It's your loss, 'cause it's...

an amazing f*cking book.

- What?
- I said it's your loss!

Jesus f*cking Christ!

f*ck you!

Yeah, maybe we shouldn't be so, uh...

rigid about this schedule,

because talking every day
isn't working for me anymore.

No, it's not. You're right. Obviously.

- Well, I'm gonna go, because...
- Uh-huh. Okay. Whatever.

Fine. Bye.




You, uh... remember Buster?


Hi, Bust.

- He's happy to see you.
- Oh...

Well, he just remembers all the treats
I used to sneak him.

Still like my original name better.

You can't name a dog Tom Skerritt.