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01x06 - This is Not a Love Letter

Posted: 10/30/21 16:21
by bunniefuu

♪ And is it the carnival? ♪

♪ I can't hear, it's too far away ♪

♪ But, love, with me, you always stay ♪

♪ No matter which
street you walk upon ♪

♪ It's the same sun on us shining ♪

♪ But see how mine is cold and pining ♪

♪ For the heat that you bring ♪

♪ When you take me in your arms ♪

♪ Oh, love, come dance
a simple step with me ♪

♪ Oh, love, let's move in time ♪

♪ Feel the , , ♪

♪ Oh, love, can you hear
the ocean's heart is mine ♪

♪ How it swells inside ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ I'm crossing over ♪

♪ Not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ I'm adaptable and
I like my new role ♪

♪ I'm getting better and better ♪

♪ I have a new goal ♪

♪ I'm changing my ways
where money applies ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

Take it outside, man.

♪ And I like my new role ♪

Yo. You guys have to come see this.

♪ I have a new goal ♪

♪ I'm changing my ways
where money applies ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪


♪ This is not a love song ♪

♪ Happiness and sunshine ♪

♪ This is not a love song ♪

Thanks, darlin'

- [sighs]
- Oh, good Lord.

You two... [chuckles]
you made quite the splash.

Well, you know, it's
really more her solo show.

- Are you sh1tting me?
- I shit you not.

d*ck does not care to be
made a spectacle of.

You better watch your back, hon.


Hi. I, uh...

[clears throat] I... I don't
have a reservation or anything.

I was wondering if you have
any, uh, availability for one?

Uh, yeah, we have a couple rooms.

Okay, well, I just... I just need one.

Quiet. Just real quiet.

It's, uh... I have, um...


Okay, this... It's under my
husband's name. I hope that's okay.

I don't care.


Shit. You know what? Give me a sec,

I gotta find the credit card thingy.


Real talk, I just started my shift,

and I'm high as f*ck right now.

You work at that taco place?

Yeah. Marfa hustle.

I got, like, three jobs. I'm always on.


Don't you have a home?

Yeah, just kind of... taking some space.

You know what? We are good to go.

- Got complimentary waters.
- Great.

It's gonna be room nine.





I am fully prepared to
accept the consequences.


♪ Dusk gets red, and red dust plays ♪

♪ On the wind near Daniel's place ♪

♪ Danny's sick and smaller boy's ♪

♪ Rhythm lingers on and on ♪

♪ On and on ♪

♪ On and on ♪






Watch it there, Picasso.

Man: There he is, "The Scarlet Letter."

- Oh, hey.
- Howdy.

Uh, tequila on the rocks for my friend.



Can't stay out of the news, can you?

- Whole town's clackin'.
- There you go, hon.

Girl trouble, huh?

[chuckles] Sorry.

I've lived with three wives
and two daughters.

Ain't none of 'em ever pulled
a stunt crazy as that.

Could I bum one of those smokes?

"Dear d*ck, can't stop
thinkin' about your face."

- [grunting]
- Woman: Hey. Hey! Hey!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Get the hell outta here, man.

Get outta here.

[overlapping dialog]

Goddamnit! What's the matter with you?

Devon: All right, f*ckers.
Welcome to my new space.

Aren't there snakes inside?

- I de-snaked it.
- What?

Woo! [chuckles]

- This is sweet.
- Yeah.

- What is this place?
- This is so cool.

- That could be our green room.
- Oh, my gosh.

This is our new home for rehearsals.

- How'd you find this place?
- Just a quick question.

Anybody else wondering

what prompted this maelstrom
of letter posting?

Dude, she's like a f*cking ninja.

There were letters
practically shoved up my ass.

Okay, guys, let's do this. Gather up.

Hey, pull out those letters,

and just shout out
whatever hits you in the gut.

- Geoff.
- "Dear d*ck...

- Uh-huh.
- "I am on a mission to obliterate

"the walls around my desire."

That's it. Guys.

Okay, come on, Marco. Let it go.

"Is this the dumb c**t
exegesis you were expecting?"

- Uh-huh.
- What?

Come on. Hit me, Sue. Come on.

"Dear d*ck, I will not be muzzled."

- Uh-huh.
- "I got up from the table,

- and I thought you were following me."
- "Stalking your prey."

You're not gonna be muzzled.

"The closest I can
come to touching you,

and I still want to, is to take a
photo of the barn in your town."

- Stalking your prey.
- Dumb c**t exegesis.

Dear d*ck, I thought when
I got up from the table...

- Sorry, I couldn't hear you.
- I will not be muzzled!

- Stalking your prey.
- No!

- [cell phone chimes]
- [overlapping dialog]

Your actions demand attention.

Oh, wowie.

- What?
- Um, you might want to come on over,

and see this for yourself.

Toby: Art.

- Art is a promise.
- All right, what is it?

...potential sacred space.

This beautiful landscape,

pillaged by phalluses pumping oil.

Oil that spills into the soil,
ruining the crop.

Ruining water.

Yo, this isn't freaking you guys out?

- These are not passive...
- Oh, your girl's out of control, man.

My girl? I don't really know her.

This is a f*ckin' trap, dude.

- You gotta go talk to her.
- I gotta go talk to her?

You're the one who
f*ckin' drove her here.

- Watching, witnessing...
- Looks like some kind of art thing.

Eyes that won't look away.

I offer my body,

my visibility, my privilege.

I invite an open dialog.

Don't look away.

More importantly, look at yourselves.

Look at what you are doing.

Look at what you do
by not doing something.



- Hey.
- Oh.

Have you seen this? Huh?

Have you seen this?

Okay. Let me just...

The whole f*cking town has seen these.

Ugh, f*ck. Okay, look...

Every single street corner
is littered with my name.

Okay, I... Well, I don't even
know how she... she's very...

This is a serious
invasion of my privacy.

- Yeah.
- Where the f*ck is she?


Uh, we decided... to take some space.

Look, I know that Chris can be

a little impulsive,
but, I mean, this...

You can no longer continue at
the institute, that is clear.

Oh, no, whoa, whoa,
come on, no, please.

You and your wife need to
stay the hell away from me.


Okay, look.

I want you to know I had nothing
to do with writing those letters.

I don't give a shit what you do

in the privacy of your marriage

behind closed doors,

but I will not be dragged into this.

All right. No. What I'm saying is I...

All that... The stuff about her
and I fantasizing about you,

I don't... I don't...
I'm not... I don't...

I don't feel that way about you.

But, you know, I did
my living in the ' s,

- you know...
- I get it.

- I had a little d*ck now and then.
- I get it!


Jesus, I can't believe
this is happening.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

You got anything to drink?


My obsession with you,
or whatever it is,

has made it possible for me
to accept my failures.

My failure as a filmmaker,

and the failure of my marriage.

Look, uh,

I know a really good mental facility.

In Alpine. I can get you the number.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Just stop. Okay?

Just... She's not that kind of crazy.

She's harmful to herself and others.

No, look, she's
going through some shit,

and she is emotional.

And... And she's eccentric,
and... and she's intense.

- She needs help.
- But she is not mentally ill.

She's not some f*ckin' whack job.

All right, all right, easy.

You don't know shit about my wife.

I'm just trying to be
of assistance. Okay?

Ah. Well...

Just for the record,

she is far from the craziest
chick I ever went out with.

I mean, by a long way.

- Okay.
- One chick,

she burned every pair
of underwear I had.


And put it on the stoop of my building

for me when I got home.

The firemen putting out the underwear

that she had poured lighter fluid over.

All right, I dated this chick once,

gave me crabs,

when I got the, you know,
the poison, drug store...


- Dwell.
- Quell.

- Quell.
- Yeah.

When I told her that I had them removed,

she burst into tears, left me,

because she was a vegan.


Okay, that wins.

Hands down, that wins.

Hell yeah, it does.

Just... It... A crab genocide.


What's wrong with these women?

[chuckles] Yeah.


Although, I have to say,

your wife, man...

she wins points for creativity.


Well, I'll drink to that.


Man: Why she still here?

What the f*ck is she
doing here, anyway?

It's just such a stunning embodiment

of a new epoch where academia
and art and social media

create a... a post-modern bricolage

of high and low culture.

Very curious to see how it unfolds.

It's a real, uh, life becomes
art becomes life shit, huh?

Yes. Precisely.

Lookin' pretty pink there.

How long is this, uh...

treatise, lecture or
whatever thing gonna last?

I don't know.

I'm not really into it.

By the way.

Then that's your experience of it.

It seems to me like you're...

just real busy inflicting
all your privilege

on all these... big working class

mostly brown dudes

just so that somebody
out there, or you,

can see what might happen.

That's condescending.

It's an exercise in
the mutual debasement

of foreign bodies
invading foreign lands.

[scoffs] Foreign.
Toby, please, you're just...

You're using these guys
without their consent.

You do realize this is,
like, their livelihood?

You know? They're human beings,

they're not just your f*cking lab rats.

It's f*cking unethical.

Okay? And irresponsible,

and honestly, f*cking pedestrian, Toby,

- and you know it.
- Oh, please.

And you don't care because
every white feminist out there

is gonna come and congratulate you

with a big pat on the back
for being so brave,

and making art that's
still subversive for what,

the sake of being subversive?

That's so f*ckin' played out.

It's bullshit, Toby.

You're gonna criticize my expression?

What are you doing? Some
performance piece of found text.

- [scoffs]
- At least I'm using my own body.

Okay, Toby. Whatever.

f*ck. The truth is...

I just wish that you would come
and sleep in my bed with me.


So there.

Do whatever you want
with that information.

[siren blaring]

You should probably put your clothes on.

It could be any number of charges.

Devon: Eh, don't worry about this guy.

I went to grade school with him.

He's nothing but a f*cking gnat.

All right, folks.

Show's over, let's wrap it up.

Looking good, man. You
don't look a day over .

All right, please just calm down.

Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to uh...
to cover that up, please.

She doesn't need to do anything, man.

She's not hurtin' anybody.

- I will f*ckin' arrest you.
- Oh, yeah?

- All she has to do...
- Oh, what, man, you want to arrest me?

[overlapping dialog]

Step back! Come on!

- For f*ck sake!
- Okay, here we go.

You want to mess around?
You wanna be funny?

That's it. You're under arrest.

Get your cuffs out, Del Campo.

Under Texas municipal code ,

you're both under arrest
for indecent exposure.

Such a f*ckin' hero.

All right, come on.

This is not ideal.

Nice f*ckin' job, cowboy.

Just... just get in.

So funny.

Devon: Party on, you guys!

Stop talking. Where are the keys at?


Is this supposed to be a quesadilla?

This tastes like shit.

You know, I don't think you have been

completely innocent in all of this.

You accusing me of something?

I just find it a little hard to believe

that she would make all this up

without some sort of, uh...

reciprocation from you.

Oh, shut the f*ck up.

No, I mean, subconscious or not,

I mean, you ride a horse into town.

You... You've got a cowboy hat
and that belt buckle. I mean...

wh... what's the effect you're
goin' for? Just tell me that.

I have acted nothing but
respectably towards your wife.

You know, you're seducing her.

I mean, by being so dismissive.

I mean, your...
This whole cowboy persona,

it just plays into the longing she has

to be rejected by
a quiet, desperate man.

Not my problem.

Isn't there a part of you just sort
of enjoying this a little bit?

[scoffs] Enjoying it.

She stole my name.

She has violated my privacy.

She's writing pornography,

and using me as the object.

Yeah, but the writing.
It's really good, right?

- I mean, it's f*ckin' good.
- So what?

Come on, you can't deny that.

So what? It's still f*cked up.

f*cked up.

Well, then it's only fair, 'cause...

you know,

men have been doing that
with women for centuries.

Using them as the source
of their creativity.

What's the matter,
you don't like being a muse?

Can I tell you the truth?

It's humiliating.


Love is humiliating.


You ever been married, you'd know that.

I was married.

For a year.

Ah, well, lucky you.
You got out of that.

She died.

I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm really... I'm sorry.

f*ck. God, I just can't...
I can't even imagine that.

I don't know how you...
get up in the morning.

Just time.

Time allows you...

to imagine...

other things.

I want to say something.


But it's gonna sound a little weird.

- Weirder than this?
- Much.

I think...

I think you should f*ck my wife.

You want me to f*ck your wife.

I don't want you to f*ck my wife.

I said I think you should f*ck my wife.


Oh, you don't...

Forget it. Forget it. Forget it.

Just forget I even said that.

I don't know what the f*ck
I'm talking about.


That's okay.

- I, uh...
- It's okay.

I just think that if you f*ck her,

once, and I mean once,

she will see you're mortal,

and... and that your skin is sagging,

and your breath is bad,
just like everybody else.

And that you walk like a cowboy
because you have plantar "fasciotus."

- Fasciitis.
- Fasciitis.

- [chuckles]
- What?

- [laughs] Okay.
- What?

I get it.

I know exactly what this is.

- Yeah, what is this?
- This is part of the game.

- Right?
- No.

Yeah, sure it is. Come on. Come on.

- You get me boozed up...
- It's not a game.

You get me to share some shit.

You put together a nice
juicy story waiting for her

- as soon as she gets home.
- There's no story.

This is real f*ckin' life.

This is real life.

I want you to f*ck my wife to end this.

Just to end it.

Just f*ck her.

I'm not attracted to her.

Yes, you are.

[door opens, closes]

♪ Father, Father, let me love you ♪

♪ Saw you wandering
in my dream last night ♪

♪ Singin' wonder, wonder
what you might do ♪

I'm not gonna be driven by
other people's voices,

especially yours.

♪ Whisper all your deepest fears ♪

♪ You can trust me... ♪

Dear d*ck,

this is not a love letter.

This is a manifesto.

♪ Father, Father, why you let me go ♪

♪ Father, please ♪



♪ Father, Father, why you let me go ♪

♪ Father ♪

Well, you got my attention.

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Let me love you ♪

♪ Don't try to fight, don't let me go ♪

♪ You've gone too far from what I know ♪

♪ I lost my heart in the dark with you ♪

♪ Father, Father, why you let me go ♪

♪ Father, please ♪

♪ Father, please don't let me go ♪

♪ Father, Father, why you let me go ♪

♪ Father, please ♪
