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02x02 - Faspa

Posted: 10/30/21 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pure...

Gentlemen! You will act

as my personal Mennonite consultants.

Voda drives away the devil that they
created, and they tell us to go to hell?

It has been a year
since we were excommunicated.

I offer no excuse for our wickedness.

We did it not for the money
but because we felt

like we had no other choice.

Don't tell Anna you found me.

She needs to believe I am dead.

This is the only way she will
make a new life for herself.


- Drop your w*apon!
- You're here to do

a proceeds of crime inventory,

not investigate a homicide,
which this was not.

It's just a drug dealer
that partied way too hard

before they hauled
his ass off to prison.

OK. If there's more to this,
I'd like to help.

Give me what you've got
on the dead Mennonite.

I'll dig in, follow the money.

Excuse me! I think I might be lost.

I have been alive, truly alive.
Thanks be to God.

The same God that gave me
a mission: to save your skin.

Just like you saved mine.

Isaak and Tina can come back

to my Bible studies class at my house.

They will be welcome back.

But not my mother?

Noah Funk? Detective Krochak.

I am Hector Estrada.

From what I hear, nobody run
this end of the business

more profitably than you do.

You have two children.

I will take one as insurance.

And when your work is done,

I will give you your child back.

Either one.

You can choose.

Hey! Hey!

Come here!

I am Anna Funk.

I am in charge now.

Who is the foreman here?

There is no "angel's share"

and there is no side business.

There is just your job.

You will get paid fairly,

but I demand
absolute accuracy and loyalty

or I will turn you over to the cartel.

Does anyone need to be reminded

what happens to those
who steal from the cartel?

Get to work.

Why are we here? What is this place?

The single V stood for Voss, right?

I'm going to guess
that the double V stands

for Voss's nephews.

Which means that the pipeline
that you helped bring down

is now back up and running.

I need you to find out how the
dr*gs are coming into the country,

who's distributing them
and who's running the show.

Sounds like a job
for your people, not for us.

It's a job for us all.
We need somebody on the inside

- to bring it down.
- Nay. I won't do it.

Do you know Detective Jay Gates?

Bronco Novak's friend
who was trying to find you?

He knocked on the wrong Mennonite's door

and now he's dead.

Whose house is this?

I think you know.

You can't tell her I'm here.


What are you gonna do for me?

It's your choice.

She was... pretty deep
in the business herself

back in the day, right?

In fact, I found

a box of evidence gathered
by your friend Bronco Novak.

More than enough to put you both away.

Someone is gonna help me. You or her?

Isaak is gone.

What do you mean, gone? Gone where?

He went with some men
to look for your father.

Some of the back and forthers
might have seen him in Texas.


But you said he might be in Belize.

No one is sure.
And now maybe Texas, so...

And you just let him go?

- Just like that?
- I had to.

With what men? Who are these men?


They're going for the pecan crop.

So yes, I let him go.

But you don't even let Isaak
go to the feed store

- by himself. Since when are we...
- It's different for a boy.

Sooner or later,
he needs to see for himself

what it means
to live in the world of men.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Mrs. Bergen has some cider

and some coffee in the kitchen for you.

- Isaak couldn't make it?
- Uh...

He went for the pecan harvest in Texas.

Is she really taking in others' laundry?

The police confiscated
everything she and Gerry had.

Relatives took in her boys.

If we didn't let her sleep
in the spare room,

she'd have nowhere to go.

Come inside.

I will. In a minute.

I do not need any help from a Funk.

We are all fallen and alone now

in one way or another.

This is the address she gave us.


From now on, I am Klaas
and you are my brother.

Cornelius. I always liked that name.

- God help us.
- Yeah, He will.

With a little help from us.

You... You have a place for rent

- and we're looking for a room.
- We can pay.

But... you know, if we can do

a little help around the place...

maybe you could give us
a little break on the rent?

- Yeah, I don't know about that.
- Klaas is an excellent cabinet maker.

- And I am a buakfeahra.
- Uh, what?



Not really, no. Not anymore.


We left a few years ago.

Daddy issues.

- Why'd you two leave?
- Uh...

Not so easy for you two either,

I'm guessing. With your lifestyle...

Uh... No. Klaas and I are brothers.

Sure. Whatever.

It's pretty basic, but...

Yeah. Have a look.



Not so bad, yeah?

Abel, you are not a book keeper.
Why would you say that?

And you are not
an undercover agent, but...

we can learn. Why not?

Detective Krochak.

It's Klaas.

- We rented the apartment.
- Good. Look,

I want you to record
anybody coming or going.

And get to know the landlord.
I'll be in touch.

What's that?

Detective Bronco Novak's
archive on the Eli Voss case.

How exactly did you get that?

By following up
on the very suspicious death

of a fellow officer
and finding it in his office.

- The cop who died...
- Detective Jay Gates.

He was working
on the Menno mob case too.

And then suddenly, he keels over
from a heart attack?

Come on! I think that he got
too close to something

or somebody and they took care of him.

And you can prove that?

No. That's why I borrowed the box.

- How exactly does the box help?
- It doesn't. Not by itself.

But it did lead me to two Mennonites

who have agreed to work as informants.

You run a background check,
you discover that, as Mennonites,

they don't have a "background",
you go to your boss,

you convince him
to register them as informants,

- working for Narcotics.
- Why not go to your boss?

Because I am a forensic accountant

and you are a narcotics detective.

- Technical Surveillance Unit.
- I fix cameras and...

install new computer software
and go for donuts.

So this is our call up. Look, dr*gs,

money laundering, m*rder...

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Would you like a ride?

Thank you.

Hey! Hey!

I'm surprised anyone from
the colony will speak to me.

What did my father say
about your family?

God on one side,

Satan on the other

and all the sinners throwing stones.

- Na yo.
- And here you are,

like Job spat out of the whale...


Doing God's work.

I saw you.

Offering help to your family's
worst enemy, Justina Epp.





This is the last time
you deliver here to my house.

I do like I'm told.

And if you're smart,

you will too.

Which one do we send your mother?


...or a hand?

Your finger or your hand?

You decide.



Orff is a...


They have their own rules.

Put on your clothes.

Sorry about the cage,

but our business requires
a certain amount of theatre.

It's important to keep people motivated.

Who are you?

I'm Hector Estrada.

I work for the Norteño cartel.

Why am I here?

Welcome to the business.

This has nothing to do with me.

I can ask Orff to come back.

Don't forget your spoon.

You're back? Good.

- Who was that?
- No one. How was it?

Who was there? Tell me.

Sarah, Rebekah, Esther,
uh... Henry, James...

- Peter and Johan Fehr.
- Isn't Johan a little old?

He was painting the veranda and
then he gave me a ride into town.

So nice.

We have Markel's to clean
and the Nickel office too, yet.

I'm going to change clothes.
If that's alright?

Jo. Okay. But fast.

Are you alright?

You look...

I don't know...

I'm fine.

I'm worried about Isaak.

I know. God will protect him.


I handle fifty to sixty
real estate transactions a year

and then of course there is
the client privilege thing.

But how is it that you helped
so many migrant workers

to buy so many houses?

I mean, take these two for instance.

There's no way either one of them

would get approved
for a loan, but surprise!

I mean, there's no mortgage,
no holding company.

There's just a clear title.


If you were to ask them,

they'd probably tell you
they got the money

from a deceased rich uncle
or help from a family member.

They would tell you
something untraceable.

Drug money in, clean money out
when the house goes back

- on the market.
- Possible.

That's why the law society
has formed a committee

to scrutinize
these type of transactions.

- The vendor mortgage committee?
- Yeah. I'm the chair.

- You'll work with me on this?
- Any way I can. Believe me.

You know, I have a client

in five minutes so... There we go.

- Thank you for your time.
- It's my pleasure.

Another package coming by courier.

It's a business.
He needs hinges and door pulls...

Jo. Maybe.

- What are you doing?
- I am looking for a bookkeeping class.

Abel, you can't learn
book-keeping in an hour at some...

How do you know that? Have you tried?

No, you haven't, have you?

- What is that?
- It's life.

Enjoy it while you can.

- Oh!
- That noise...

Sorry. It's the washing machine.

I've asked Julius to fix it but...

- he's so busy with his work.
- I can do it.

Jo. Okay.

I'm Eva. Julius's cousin.


I had an uncle Klaas. And a cousin.

And another cousin.

I'm pleased to meet you, Klaas.



Hi, I'm Eugene Podborski again

and I'm here to share with you
my passion

for the most fundamental and majestic

of accounting practices:
double entry book-keeping.

What are you doing to Isaak?

The more you do for me,
the better it goes for him.

If you don't work hard enough
or try to cheat me,

- Isaak will pay the price.
- I want to speak to him.

He's busy.

Any problem with the shipment today?

No. But I can't take
anymore at my house.

- Why not?
- Because it is not safe.

So call me back with a better idea.

That's okay. Phones are allowed.

The only thing fe'beden here

are unpaid bills and unhappy workers.



Thank you.

And then Julius left
the colony not long after I did.

He was always getting into trouble.

It broke his heart
to leave his mother behind

but he's a smart boy

and he wanted a better life,

same as the rest of us.

What about you? Why did you leave?

I didn't want to wash sausage casings
for the rest of my life.

I wanted to try new things.

- Like electric dryers.
- Hmm-mm. How about you?

Why did you leave?


I no longer felt at home in that world.

Now, the vent is clogged,

the dryer will spin
but nothing will dry.

For a Mennonite,
you know a lot about dryers.

Jo. I worked in a...

men's shelter. We had a washer

and we had a dryer. We also had...

My wife and I had left the church
for complicated reasons.

After she died, I felt

the old pull for fellowship with God.

And I couldn't go back to our old church

but I found
the Mennonite Conference Church

- down on Springshire.
- I've driven past it, Jo.

It's a bit more liberal
than what you're used to,

I'm afraid.

There are days

when I long for the company
of the Jemeent.

So come.

Nay... I...

- I would not belong.
- But you would.

In my church, God's arms are big
enough to wrap around everyone.

Come to Faspa, bring your children.

Uh, my son is gone.

He is looking for work.

So it is...

It's just my daughter at home now.

So bring her.

You both will be more than welcome.

Where you been?

- All this time?
- Jo. I fixed her dryer.

Is that what they call it now?

I met someone too. On the computer.

Teaching me double-entry book-keeping.

- You? Using a computer?
- Yeah.

- That's not so hard to imagine.
- Abel, you are not a book-keeper.

And you don't fix dryers.

But you know what that makes us, broda?

Yeah. Liars.

Undercover informants.

♪ Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow ♪

♪ Praise Him, all creatures here below ♪

♪ Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ♪

♪ Praise Father, Son ♪

♪ And Holy Ghost ♪

Hymns my Ooma taught me. My favourites.

I like to write them

so I don't forget them.


- I looked at your books.
- So you think you can fix it?

I know it's bad but...

if you can keep helping,
I'll cover your rent.

If you can give Klaas a job,

you have a deal.

Back alley is a mess.

- Can you take care of that?
- Jo.

- He doesn't sign for it.
- Hmm?

He didn't sign for the package.

When you get a package,
you have to sign for it.

It's okay, it doesn't matter.

My brother and I were wondering...

if you and Kyle would like
to join us for faspa.


Jo. You grew up with it just like us.

- Might be nice. Around five?
- I don't know...

You could bring your cousin too.

Val! Val!

- You've been hacked.
- What?

An e-mail from you
to everyone in the detachment.

- And a photo.
- Krochak!

My office.

Yeah, that's me. On my honeymoon,

after way too many mojitos,
twelve years ago.

- Obviously, I didn't send this to you.
- Yeah, well, someone did.

Someone so angry at you

they decided to cook this up
knowing you'd be suspended

from your duties until
the Office of Police Complaints

completes its investigation.


Until we get this sorted out,

you're relieved of duty.

Check your w*apon on the way out.

Only a Mennonite smells heaven
in a handful of dirt.

- This would make a good garden.
- That's what I was thinking.

The beans along the fence there,
carrots, cabbage, potatoes here.

There's something about
putting a seed in the ground

- and watching it grow...
- Jo.

It's a miracle.
God's love made physical.


Excuse me, I have to go.

Well done, muchacho! Now what?

I think it's time to ask yourself,

"Why am I here?"

Come back inside, Isaak.

You and I need to talk.

I don't know anyone here!

So talk to someone.

Why do you have to fight me
about everything?

Mr. Nickel has made a gesture
of kindness by inviting us.

- It would be impolite to say no.
- Hello!

- Welcome!
- Uh, this is...

- This is my daughter Tina.
- I am very pleased to meet you.

There are young people here.
More your age.

Girls! Heidi, Kate, this is Tina.

I am so glad you came.
Yes, yes, this way.

Savory on this table,

- sweets are over here.
- Augie! Loving the fellowship.

- And the perishky.
- Anna, Herman Rhodes.

Much of my inventory
comes from the United States

and Herman is the man
who brings it across the border.

- Very pleased to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Rhodes.

Oh, please. Everyone calls me "Windy".

And that's the widow Geisbrecht.

Herman is not Mennonite

but he never misses a faspa. Coffee?

- Please.
- He leaves his rig

behind the church

and he disappears for the entire night.

- I'm sorry, am I shocking you?
- No, no, it's alright.

Living off the colony, there...
there are many new things

to get used to.

And I hope one of them
will be coming to faspa.

I've always been good at selling stuff.

And I saw Julius here selling
little handmade wooden stools

and what not at the market.

And I figured... furniture store, right?

I mean, it's better
than asking people if they want

"room for dairy" all day long.

Forgive me for saying,

but you're very young
to have such a business.

I'm sorry, we don't have
any sweet buns or perishky.

Klaas and I love

to eat them but we are
not so big on making them.

Oh! You should have said something,

I could have made some. There's good
rhubarb at the market these days.

It doesn't matter.

We appreciate the invite.

We get how hard it must
have been at the colony.

You guys being a couple and all.

What does he mean, "being a couple"?

Nothing. It's just,
you know, couple of...

a couple of guys, couple of...

Couple of brothers, that's all.

I want to meet.

- I have a proposal for you.
- Let's talk.

I know a way to get more milk
across the border faster.

There's a man I know

who moves farm equipment
from the northern states.

You sneak it in there,
I take it out here

- and he will never know.
- Hmm.

And for this, you want?

Isaak to be treated better.
No more cage.


Plus, I want the time that you
keep him to be cut in half.

Hmm-mmm. If something goes wrong

and my shipment gets lost,

things will get much worse for Isaak.

This will work. I will make it work.


Oh, by the way,

Isaak had a question for you.

He tried to escape

and I told him
that you will send him back.

He didn't believe me.

- Now I think he does.
- Isaak...

