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02x04 - Singing

Posted: 10/30/21 08:13
by bunniefuu
We can survive now,
Bec. She was never...

Don't call me Bec.

Only Danny calls me that.

Oh, my God.

She's not breathing.

- Oskar!
- Nina...

Do something. She's going to die.

- Nina. Nina!
- Oskar!

She's gone.

What happened?

I suppose her organs just... given up.

Burns like that would have
given her terrible infections.

No medical help.

She didn't stand a chance.

- We have to bury her.
- We can't.

We have to move right now.

- Where?
- We have to continue.

The top of that ridge is our
safest place and we need water.

And Steve and Kelly?

They know where we're
going. They'll meet us there.

- We can't just leave her here.
- We have no choice.

We can't dig a grave here,
the ground's rock-hard,

and we can't take her
back to the riverbed.

So you would just leave her
here for the... the animals?

We can't keep doing this!

My beautiful girl.

That young boy.


Don't any of them deserve
some dignity at least?

It's terrible.

We all agree with you.

But there is nothing we can do.
And I know that you're hurting.


My daughter has been m*rder*d.

- Nina, please.
- What is wrong with you people?

Alright, let's just calm down.

I know it's a nightmare. We all do.

But if we make the right
decisions now, we survive.

It's that simple.

What is the point of surviving
if we lose our humanity?

Let's get some rocks to weigh it down.

Make it hard for anything to get at her.

You sure you want to leave that here?

Can we just... can we just
do the best we can, please?

Reckon he's dead?

If he is, we should keep
going. Got work to do.

Oh, we'll catch up to the beef later.

Better check on this fella first.


Wat... wat...

Why you out here, brother?

I'm really sorry, guys.

We can't afford to
get caught in the open.

We have to move now.

Let's go.

We tried to get help, me and Kel, but...

Wait. Where's...

- Where's Kelly?
- Hey, hey.

Hey, relax, brother. Relax.

Johnny. Where...

Where's Johnny?

What do you reckon?
Crazy talk? Too much sun?

We gotta find Kelly.

And the others.

So who's this fella, then?

The one who drugged youse all.

I don't know. He, uh...

He calls himself Mick.

He's an old bloke,
with... with sideburns.

- Spirit man.
- Ain't no spirit man, Dino.

I betcha. That's him, the
one we keep hearing about.

We gotta find Kelly.

Bad things happen
wherever that bastard goes.

We'll find your friends.

Which way, brother?

How far is it to the nearest town?

500 k's.

Jesus Christ.

She a clever one, your friend?

- Girl?
- I don't know. She...

She's Canadian.

Whoa. Whoa. Stop.

Tracks. Headed east.

How the hell could he
see that from there?

Well, you fellas are good
at maths. We do this shit.

I suck at maths.

What do you reckon?

Small shoe.

Probably a woman.

Is it Kelly?

She was in a hurry.

Should we follow them?

We can follow her.

But not from the truck.

You mob wait here.

I'll be back.

You want to find her?

Let him find her.

I dreamt about this ridge last night.

I was walking towards it,
just like we are now...

... only it was so far away.

I walked and I walked and then I ran.

Did it get any closer?

Well, dreams never really
work out too well for me.

You know, if we get to the
top and there's no water...

How about before we
try and solve a problem,

let's just see if we have one?

There might not be anything,
not for hundreds of miles.

There might be, and
if there isn't, then...

... we'll walk for hundreds of miles,

because I'm not gonna die out here.


Grab the other r*fle.

She's got a good stride, your friend.

Then I saw another track. Someone else.

He found her too. He's on her tail.

He's a big fella,

with a wide and heavy step.

He stopped a couple of times,
leant on the butt of a r*fle.

- Made an indent in the ground.
- Spirit man.

It's the driver, Mick.

Could be.

There's something not
right about this place.

Keep that close. Go
ride lookout, brother.

Wait. We're... we're leaving?

We should never have come this
far for three head of cattle.

This Mick, we heard stories about him.

You know him?

I know he does a lot of bad shit
and carries a lot of weapons.

The two of us... we can't take him.

We need more mob.

Please, get in.



Shit. Get down!


Stay down.


- Dino!
- On the ridge!

You fellas are a long
way from home, aren't ya?

- f*ck! f*ck! Oh, f*ck!
- Lookin' for cows?

You'd better find 'em and get home, eh?

Dino, get in the back
of the f*ckin' truck!

Close the f*ckin' door! Close it!

- Let's go! Go!
- f*ck!

Oh, f*ck!


You have to rip it like a bandaid.

Ow! Scheisse!

Will you shut up?!

Done. Oh, Oskar.

Let them breathe a while.

Please! Only a couple of minutes, guys.

We can't waste time here.

Almost out.

Not gonna make it far like that.

Let it go, Brian. We've
got what we've got.

Do you think we can make it? With them?

We have to, and, yeah,

we should have left
earlier, but we didn't.

And we all know why we didn't.

We've gotta reach that ridge,
because that was the deal.

- So let's go.
- It is too hot...

We have to get out of
the open and find water!

- He can barely walk!
- You know why we're in the heat!

This is the cost of being human, right?

So you can stay here and die

or we can get to that
ridge before we're shot

and hope to God we find a water source.

- Here.
- We have to go.

Arggh! Scheisse! Arggh!

Ah! Scheisse!

You need your boots.

When'd you run out of your medication?

This morning.


But, please, don't tell Nina.

She'll only worry.


- Are you bitten?
- Yes!

- What kind?
- I don't know!

Oh, for f*ck's sake!

See if you can see what it was.

- What if it was a king brown?
- We need to find out.

Just go! Quickly! OK.
Don't move. Don't move, OK?

Just breathe, Nina.
Please, try to stay calm.

Do you remember Davo's instructions?

We don't wash it. We must
apply a pressure bandage.

What do you mean? What are
we gonna wash it with... ?

He meant don't wipe it
off. They need the saliva.

- Who?
- To find the right antivenom.

Antivenom? What are we gonna
do, call a f*cking ambulance?

No, we cannot let the
poison move through her body.

- She must remain still.
- Let's just look, OK?

Brian, can you see what it was?

Shit! Jesus f*cking Christ!

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Sounded like a g*nsh*t.

- Found it.
- Who said to sh**t it?!

Anyone within 10 f*cking
miles would've heard that.

Well, next time, you
chase the f*cking snake!

- I nearly trod on it.
- Anyone know what it is?

- No.
- It's brownish.

- So it's a king brown?
- I don't know, Nina!

It's a brown snake.

Are there other kinds
here that might be brown?

- I'd imagine so, yes.
- Not venomous?

Why are you asking me?

I'm a psychiatrist, not
a f*cking herpetologist!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! He
could be sh**ting at my friends.

Brother, you can get out
and walk if you want to.

But I ain't driving back to
no gunfight without no help.

We can use her scarf.

Place it like this,
wrap it around and tie.

No, no, no. It needs to be pressurised.

- That won't do anything.
- Where to place the pressure?

That's like a tourniquet now.
Should we be doing a tourniquet?

Don't ask me. We don't
do snakebites in Surrey.

Until we get proper help.

At school, we learnt cut and suck.

- Suck out the venom?
- No, that's useless.

I'm sure I've read
that. That's folklore.

But if there's a chance it can help...

- It won't.
- We must try everything.

It doesn't do anything.

I'm not even sure this tourniquet works.

The tourniquet is stopping
the poison from spreading, yes?

- It makes sense.
- Yeah, sure, maybe.

- Yeah, if we got it in time.
- We have to think positive.

If it was a king brown,
according to Davo,

she'd be dead already,
or at least a lot worse.

If that f*cking psycho
heard your shot...

Foreigners generally don't
last too long out here, brah.

Especially if the spirit man around.

Hey, quit talking shit, Dino.

Seemed pretty real to me.

He's just a mad bastard, that's
all. Nothing special about...


Oh, Jesus! Oh, jeez!

f*ck! f*ck!

f*ck! Shit!

Go! Go, go, go! We gotta move.


Keep down.

Go. Come on.


Oh, man!

g*n. g*n.

Stay down.

Go. Come on.

Oh, f...

Thought I told you bastards
to piss off, didn't I, eh?

I got no argument with you pricks!

Hold on.


She's not doing so well.

She's so quiet.

It feels as though the
life is going out of her.

Is anyone listening to me?

Let me have a look.

She's got a strong pulse.

Surprising, considering
what she's been through.

She's a strong woman.

Listen, Oskar...


We can't keep stopping like this.

This is as much about her as
it is about the rest of us.

Do you know what total
dehydration looks like?

You'll vomit whatever's inside of you.

You won't be able to see straight.

You'll suffer acute renal failure.

Body swells up. You'll
be in so much pain.

I would rather die with
her than live without her.

I am not a coward.

Not like you. And her.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Yeah!

I know what you did to Michelle.

She wouldn't have survived another day.

And that justifies m*rder?

You are no better than him!

This is not the same situation.

I would have carried
Michelle to the very end!

Which would have been
until lunchtime, you idiot!

Have you not heard
those sh*ts out there?

That maniac is driving around
right now hunting us down.

You are not going near
her. Neither of you.

Don't be stupid.

You have already k*lled
one injured person

to save yourselves.

- Why not two?
- Oskar, we'd never do that.

Why not? As soon as she slows
you down, you will leave her.

Alright, do you know what, old man?

Why don't you just sit down?

This heat's obviously
cooked your f*cking brain!

Hey! Guys, stop!

What the f*ck? Stop it! Stop!

f*ck this.


Close your f*ckin' legs.


Patrick gone.

Cable ties are the duck's guts.

Great invention, mate.

They're cheap, easy
and very hard to break.

You know what I love most about 'em?

You can get 'em up real tight.

You can get 'em to cut to the bone.

- Arggh! f*ck!
- See that?

Hey, you know,

I've been tracking that...

... little butch sheila.

She knows a thing or two, that one.

Made it very interesting, yeah.

- Where's Johnny?
- Who?

My Johnny.

Your Johnny?

Where is he?


You know my favourite animal?

The wild boar, mate.

There's loads of 'em around here.

Now, there's nothin'
more crazy and angry

than a... a starving pig.

Hey, you should have seen
your poncy little mate scream

when that pig was
munching on his entrails.

You're full of shit.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I could
be tuggin' your tossle.

Or not.

Guess you'll never know, eh?

Oh, oh, oh.


Come on, me old china. Hey?

It's only a fork. Eh?

Just a fork!

Fork can't k*ll a man.

Then again, there's a thought.

Just f*cking k*ll me.

Just do it, you piss-weak f*ck.

Too gutless to take this
off and have a real go?

Yeah, the world's full of
f*ckin' losers like you.

Just do it. Come on.

Just f*cking k*ll me.

Oh, alright, then. Rightio.

Seeing you asked so nicely. Huh.

You want to die like lover boy?

Screaming your f*ckin' guts up?

Crying for your mummy?

Hey, you know what? Let's
see what I got in me toolbox.

Missed me.

This is not the first
time you've held a rif...

Stay where you are!

So, what do they sh**t
up there in Canada?

Geese? Ducks?

You can't k*ll a thousand-pound
moose with a f*cking slingshot.


k*lled and field-dressed

with a .284 Winchester
straight through the heart.

I don't often lose track.

Following yours wasn't that hard.

Fair enough.

So, what are we gonna do now, eh?

sh**ting a moose is one
thing. sh**ting a man, hm!

For a start,

a moose won't stand there
talking back to ya, will he?

- sh**t him in the legs!
- She can't sh**t me, dopey.

She hasn't cocked the r*fle.

- Need to rest.
- OK, OK. OK.

You know, despite our predicament,

I can't help thinking
how beautiful it is.

One of life's terrible ironies.

All those g*nshots.

You think he found Steve and Kel?

Don't know.

They be k*lling him here.

k*ll him.

Get up!

Show me.



Stop singing me, bastards!




Stop singing me!

This is blackfella country, brother!

Take our blood, we take yours.


Him dead, like kangaroo.

Oh, come on.


f*ckin' tourists.


Now, move over. Daddy's driving.

Danny is out there.

I can feel it.

And I'm gonna find him.

And then I'm gonna k*ll
that crazy f*cking assh*le.

Oh, my God. Can you see that? Guys.

Bloody hell.

Must be some kind of mine.

Come on.

Come on!

Well, here we are.

Home, sweet home.