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02x08 - Dig Two Graves...At Least

Posted: 10/30/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Ice...

You f*cked up.

years have gone by.
Not much has changed.

It will, N'Koulou.

Why did you k*ll him, Freddy?
Why did you k*ll Avi?

[REPORTER]: Hollywood's own Emily Duran

wore a necklace

that has since been verified
to contain blood diamonds.

[EMILY DURAN]: You f*cking bitch!

Let me help you.

Stay the f*ck away from me!

You robbed the wrong family, Alexi.

No, Dad. Please don't.


[g*nsh*t FIRES]

[FREDDY]: Angel?

Oh, my God. Angel? What the...?



Oh, f*ck.

f*ck, Freddy!

She shot herself! Go get help!

m*therf*cker! Somebody!

Somebody, help me! Call an ambulance!


Flight to Barcelona

is now boarding.

Please have your passports ready.

Flight to Barcelona is now boarding.

Here you go, hon'.

Are you sure?

Can I just be alone, Mom? Please?


I'll be at the ticket counter
with your dad, all right?

[AGENT]: When did you want to fly?

[JAKE]: Yeah, the last flight out,

: p.m., I believe.

And did you want to change

the reservations for both?

Yeah, for Jake and Freddy Green,

and this lady, she's going
to buy both of those tickets.

Sure. I'll need your passports.

How is she?

Oh, she was really
starting to like that boy.

You know, I am sure
that Alexi had this whole thing

planned out from the beginning.

Not gonna be able to breathe

until you guys are on that plane.

[AGENT]: These are
your tickets, Mr. Green,

and I'm working on yours now, Mrs. Green.

Thank you.

Right, so we have a shorter layover,

so we're only gonna be

a couple hours behind you guys.

Okay. We'll be fine.

I know...

I just gotta make sure I make it
to that conference on time.

Freddy did it?

We have the Anastasia.


But I haven't been able to get
ahold of him since he did.



So you found the body?

Uh, yeah, I was there, when she did it.

I'm gonna need you to come with me.



I'm so sorry for all of this.

No. Don't be sorry.

I have to go to Cape Town anyways,

and now I get to go

with my beautiful, beautiful daughter.

I believed everything he said.

It's easy to lie to someone
who wants to believe you.

No. I'm just... I'm stupid.

You're not stupid.

You're... trusting.

It's a big difference.

Dad, if I wasn't there, when you came in,

would you have...?

Let's not talk about that right now.

Okay. All set.

We need to get going.

All right.

I'm gonna believe you wouldn't have.

That's fair enough.

So I'm gonna run to the house.

I'll get you clothes...

Here's your receipt.

Who's Tessa Pryor?

A friend.


I'm gonna ask you again.

Who the f*ck are you working for?

The f*cking circus.

Now, it seems a shame to keep
f*cking up that pretty face.

Then let me try f*cking up
yours for a while.


You know, I bet I would've liked you...

in another world, of course.

Of course.

- Well...

...if you're not gonna tell me
what I wanna know...


I wouldn't do that if I were you.

You really think
I give a shit about dying?

If you do it,

you'll never find out
what you really want to know.

What do I really want to know?

Who strung up your son in your office.

You pop this bitch,
you'll never find out.



No f*cking way. Why would she?

Your son decapitated somebody
the day before he died.

Was that on your order?


Didn't think so.

There were actually two of 'em.

We found their heads
in the trunk of a car.

They were couriers.

I heard about it.
One of hers, one of mine.

It seems Malcolm
was stealing from both of you.

She got to him first.

I've got the decapitations on video,

if you wanna see them.

He wasn't exactly discreet.

f*cking slag!






The video that went viral yesterday

was a cancer

to the industry I love
and represent here today.

On behalf of Westhuizen,

on behalf of Africa,

on behalf of the entire diamond world...

I begin with an apology...

...with a promise,

and with a plan.

How come you know so much about my boy?

I've had operatives on both of you,

lock-down surveillance,
since the robbery.

What f*ckin' robbery?

Because I f*ckin' stole 'em.


My associate here

worked a very nice confession out of you.


- What, are you cops?
- Not even close.

You bounty-hunters?

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Oh, f*ck!

That's all right.
I'm off those diamonds anyway.


[REARDON]: There's another stone in play.

One that will make everything you stole

from G and G look like paste.

Seems your f*ck-up nephews
recently cut a diamond

that's worth hundreds
of millions of dollars.

You son of a bitch. You bugged me?

How can you possibly be surprised

after you wouldn't tell me
what he asked you to do?

You want to steal their f*ckin' diamond?

I'm gonna let them
take it down to South Africa,

get their price at the Expo,

and then I'll confiscate it.

So what do I got to do
with a massive diamond?

If I can't get it back legally,

then I'm gonna need you
to get it back your way.

If I say no?

I promise you, you'll die in a jail cell.

So I got to go to South Africa, too?

But there's a bonus.

Lady Rah's there?

We have a winner.

Okay, yeah.

But I got to stop off
somewhere on the way.

All right.

Call this number.

I'll have one of my jets ready.


Diamond recovery has its perks.

We will be watching you, Cameron.

Count on it.


I'll see you there.

"Diamond Expo "
is a celebration of diamonds

attended by professionals

from nearly every country in the world.

Now, we propose to use this event

to recertify

the world's most expensive diamonds

as conflict-free.

[REPORTER]: How's this different
from the old process?

Thank you for your question.

The recertification process
will be very thorough,

very rigorous,

and it will be something
that the diamond industry

is not commonly known for...

...very public.


Yes. That's right, ladies and gentlemen.

There will be cameras in the room...

so the public, no, everybody,

will be able to witness
the rigorous scrutiny

that the world's diamonds undergo.

And, in the end,

you will get to decide for yourselves

if you believe

that the process,

and most importantly...

our diamonds

are worthy of your trust.

Where the f*ck are you, Freddy?

Call me back.

How long

were you out there standing
in my hallway, listening?

He confessed to the robbery

before he beat the shit out of me.

I wanted to see what else
you could get out of him.

So, I was interrogating him with my face?

Look, I didn't tell you
to f*ck the first guy

and I didn't tell you to go
after the other guy on your own.

That's on you!

How did you know that I went after him?

Do you think
I would let you into my system

without watching what you do?

I'm starting to think you're not
as smart as advertised.


What is it?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

All right, I'll be right there.

Now, I know your first instinct

is going to be to call Romeo

and warn him that I'm after
his new diamond,

but since I've got
both of your phones tapped,

I'll know.

Look, I'll make you a deal.

Stand down. All right?
This one time. Walk away.

Don't do anything.

And we'll be square.

How? How are we square?

I get that Anastasia,
I'll burn your father's file.

Everything I have
on Judge Pryor goes bye-bye.

You'll both be free of me forever.

You want to get some ice on that.


You got a passport, right?

We going, uh... overseas, boss?

To Cape Town.

That's in South Africa.

Long trip.

Yeah, well, you ain't
gotta f*ckin' walk it,

but I gotta stop in London on the way.

That's in England.

I gotta see Malcolm's mother.

That's gonna be a hard visit, boss.


Look, uh...

when you first get to Cape Town,

I need you to put a crew together.

What kind of job we talkin'?

Number one, robbery.

Easy. What's number two?

Insurance mercenary. Lights out.

You see, I know Rah m*rder*d Malcolm.

And bingo, she's also in Cape Town.

That woman's as good as dead.

No. Nobody touches her. You understand?

Nobody. This is f*ckin' personal.

The little girl I knew

couldn't have done this press conference.

We were always capable of
whatever needed to be done.

Both of us.

Everything else is ready.

How soon can we leave?

The pilot needs about minutes' notice.

Then tell them we're on our way.


Ah. Thanks.


It's Freddy. I'm not answering my phone,

so I must be doing something
better than talking to you.

Leave me a message.

Goddamnit. Come on, Freddy.
Do not f*ck this up now, man.



Yeah. Yeah. I told you.

Well, yeah, you told me you had a record,

you, uh... you didn't mention homicide.

Want to sit down, please?

Yeah, well, you know, I wasn't convicted.

The judge let me go before, uh,
before there was a trial.

And why's that?

Wasn't enough evidence.

Okay, so what can you tell me
about this morning?

Shouldn't you read me my rights?

I thought you said

you just witnessed the su1c1de.

I only need to read you your rights

if you're a suspect.

I mean, unless you, uh...

Unless I k*lled her?

That's debatable, I guess.

Debatable? How?

Just read me my rights.

And, uh, make sure you record it,

because I have real good lawyers.

My name is Jake Green.

He's been expecting you, Mr. Green.


You're the spitting image
of him, you know that?

Saul, how you doing?

Better, now I see you.

Come in!

You understand your rights

as I've read them to you?


Yes, you understand?

Yeah, I understand.

Okay. You wanted to talk.

Is there something you want to tell me

about the su1c1de this morning
at Venice Beach?

I do. Um...

Yeah, so, her name was Angel.

Well, her name was actually
Angela Leonard,

but we called her Angel, and, um...

I mean, she was great.


And she could f*cking party.

But I guess that was kind of our fault.



You said "our fault".

I know why she did it.

I know why she shot herself.


It was because of me.

- Because I...

What are you doing, Freddy?


- I got this from here.
- Sure.

I'll keep him out of your hair.

Guy's got some issues.

Don't I know it. Thanks again, Robert.

All right. No problem.

"Robert"? How... Y...

You know him?

What are you doing, Freddy?

You're not trying to do
something stupid here, are you?

The f*ck are you talking about?

What are you... How are you...
Why are you here?

Come on. Come with me.

I'll tell you whatever you want to know.

Come on.




Vivid blue.

Ecron cut.


you know what you've got here, right?

Wouldn't be here if I didn't.

And all this time,

I was thinking it was make-believe.

You know, your father brought
the Holocaust Diamond here

in .

He wasn't gonna sell it, of course,

but then, when you and Freddy were born,

he decided he should take stock,

you know, what did he call it?

To take precautions.

We ate egg salad sandwiches
seven days a week

until I was nine

because of those "precautions".

[CHUCKLING] That was your father.

Humility above all else.

That's the first time I've heard
"cheap" be called humility.

You know, when the word got out

Isaac was sitting on that stone,

it brought business to Green and Green

like you won't believe.

Changed everything for him.

Thanks for bringing this here, Jake.

I'm honored.

So you'll handle
the auction in Cape Town?

I wouldn't dare let anyone else near it.

I'm on the first flight tomorrow morning.


Can you give me a prediction?

When the buyers find out
it's the Anastasia,

you're gonna need a restraining order

to keep them away.

It is, isn't it, Jake?

It is the Anastasia?

Look, I know you guys

have had a run of real bad luck lately...

- Saul.
- Don't worry about me.

I'll handle it for you no matter what.

I just want to know

if there's something else
I should maybe know about it.

Saul... it's real.


So, can you just give me a guess?

A stone like this, with a story?


It's generational money, kid.


Two, at least.


How long for the report?

Uh, hours, typically,

but, for you, end of business today.

Ah! You're a prince, Saul.

Do you mind if I invite
some local high-end buyers,

just for a preview?

It'll blow their kippots
all the way back to Tel Aviv.

No problem.

Hey, I'll pick it up on the way back,

or on the way to the airport.

Drop by after : .

We'll do some celebrating, hmm?

Uh, Jake, there is one last thing, hmm?

Ah, just between us girls.

The Anastasia has been missing
for years, Jake.

Where do I tell them you found it?

Tell them I had a dream about my father,

and he told me where to look.

So you're a f*cking cop?


Remember I said I got popped
with all those pills?

What I didn't tell you
was I stole them off a dealer,

who was under the protection

of the D.E.A.

Oh. Yeah.

That's why you got community service

instead of jail time?

There's an awful lot of guys
I put in the joint

that would love a shot at me.

Anyways, I used to work in this division,

so I gave them your name

and I asked them to let me know
when you hit the system,

like this morning.

Why... Why are you so invested in me?

When I had my community service,

I took the cure,

and part of it is pay it forward.

You seem like a guy
who could use a break.

You were a cop, huh?

Can I ask you a question?

You ever sh**t anyone?


- You ever shot anybody?
- I heard you.

Why are you asking?

You ever stop seeing the...

the surprise...

the pain and the... the...

...the fear,
when they know, they know that...

...their life is over?

Do you ever stop seeing their eyes?

No. Never.


But the thing is, Freddy,

going to jail isn't
gonna make it go away either.

Your conscience
is never going to be clear.

That ship f*cking sailed
when you pulled the trigger.

So whether you're out here or inside...

...what you did

is gonna be right here.

All you got a shot at is redemption.


I don't think there's
anything more I can for you.

You know, you're gonna have
to figure it out for yourself.

I've never won that battle.

You gotta try.

Good luck in South Africa.

How do you know about that?

Your Anastasia's all over the news.


Where the hell have you been?

[FREDDY]: The diamond's on the news?

Yeah, of course it is.


How else are we gonna sell it? Hmm?

People have to know that it's been found,

and that it's available.

Trust me, Freddy.

This is my part of the business.

Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Okay. Where are you?

We got an : flight to catch.

I'm near the police station in Venice.

Were you arrested?

No. I was here as a witness.

All right.

You can explain it to me in the car.

I'm on my way.

f*cking Cape Town.



Never thought I'd see this place again.

Seems smaller.


So were we.

The school is that way.

You know, memory can
be a gift and a curse.

For me, I think it's
what I've been through

that drives me to continue living.

It's the pain I'm yet to cause

that drives me.

The men who took you,
what did they look like?


They looked like us.

Don't move.

You're not welcome here.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Soldiers don't belong in this village.

We're not soldiers.

We're old friends.


Take it.


You should be studying.

[AMINA]: Hey. It's all right.

Thank you.

Come on. Go and study.

She reminds me of someone.

Oh. Welcome home, Rahwia, welcome home.

- "Home."
- [LAUGHS] Look at you. Hey! Come on in.

Come on.

Your donations

have helped provide
clothing, food, shelter, oh...

helped us through many difficult years.

I am truly, truly grateful
to you for that.

I wish I could've done more.

You're an inspiration, Amina.

I just know my mission.

And tell me about yours.

N'Koulou said you needed
something from me.

Yeah. I need to speak to the Governor.

That's a very big ask, Rahwia.

It's business.

I've seen you on the news...

Terrible things those people are doing.

Why are you involved with them?

It's a long story, Amina, but just know

that I'm back in Angola
to make things right.

To try to make a difference

to the village, to the mines...

and I need your cousin's signature.

Look, we haven't been close lately,

at least not since he's become governor.

It's complicated.


This is important, Amina.

This is probably the most important thing

I've ever done in my life.

I wouldn't ask

if it wasn't something I needed.

I'm sorry. I can't.

I... I cannot help you.

Do you remember when you would take

walks in the village with my mother?

Of course.

And you and I would
dream of a better Angola,

a more just Angola,

and you would look me in the eyes

and you... you told me
things would be different

when I grew up.

Well, they're not.

I think of your mother quite often.

In fact, if I didn't know better...

I'd say I was having
a conversation with her

right now.

I will do what I can.

That's all I can ask.

Thank you.



What were you doing with the cops?

I was gonna confess again.

- Actually.
- What?


I'm not sure I can stay clean

if I'm not locked up.


Freddy, look.

The dr*gs,

that was not you.

Okay? That was my f*cking fault.

That was me.

I didn't have to take 'em.

I'm gonna do everything
I can to help, okay?

We will get you clean,

and you'll f*cking stay clean, okay?


[RAH]: No one lives better
than a politician, N'Koulou.

And on a public servant's salary.

Here's the gift.

Any advice?

He's been known to be quite handsy.

Not with me.

I'm certain, not with you.

How do I look?


I'll be right here.

This way, Madame.

Governor Courtois is waiting for you.


Good evening, Governor Courtois.

Thank you for seeing me
on such short notice, sir.

My cousin doesn't ask for much.

You mean a great deal to her.

And her to me.

Were you a student of hers?

In a manner of speaking, yes.

She taught me a great deal
when I was younger.

Well, then I'm glad to help.

I understand you need
my signature on something?

Yes. It would benefit

a lot of people.

Then, by all means, do come in.


the front of the house
is a complete f*cking mess.

Ava's remodeling.

Well, it was more about
the blood and the b*llet holes.

Who are you?

It was an incident.

News said it was attempted robbery

with as*ault weapons?

Well, then you didn't
need to ask, did you?

Jake, who is this person?

Diane Pierce. Ava's mother.

This is Freddy.

Yeah, your cokehead brother.

Uh, what the f*ck did you just call me?

Oh, I'm sorry, is there another brother?

You don't know me.

Babydoll, I know you f*ckin'
better than you know yourself.

She's speaking figuratively, Freddy.

Diane here is a major meth supplier

around Salton Sea.

That's right. You're a drug dealer.

[CHUCKLES] Well, maybe
you have heard of me.

Ava says you remind her of her brother.

A f*ckin' failure.

Ava said that?

Thank you for checking in on us.

I'm not checking on you.

Is Willow safe?

- She's fine.
- Where?

Out of here.

These guys
who came with the as*ault r*fles

are the Russians.

I know. That's why I called.

I can make sure that these guys
never bother you again.


Here you are.

Thank you, sir.

My pleasure.

Now, may I offer you a drink?

I really need
to get going back to Cape Town.

But we haven't gotten
to know each other at all.

Perhaps another time.

But, before I go, I brought you a gift.

To thank you...

for everything that you have done.

A gift? There was no need.

I assure you...

there was.


It's beautiful.

Handcrafted by a dear
Krio friend of mine.

Each of the six diamonds

come from a mine not far from here,

five carats each.

They are absolutely perfect diamonds.


for every year that I was a sl*ve.


It's called digitalis.

Virtually undetectable,

and the cause of the fatal heart attack

that you are now experiencing.


We children in the mines

would call our master "Bwana Kifo."

"Master Death."

He was a brutal man.

And every day,

when I came up short,

he would lash me.

And in those six years,

I was lashed

over times!

Do you recognize me, Governor?

Don't I look familiar to you?

Not even a little bit?





[SCREAMS]: Help!


The governor's having a heart attack!



Go! Just go!




Just Jake.

But I would love
to give you a ride somewhere.

Jake, what are you doing here?
I thought you were leaving.

No, we transferred our flight to, um...

Can I just come up, talk about it?

Um... now's not really a good time.

Well, I'm about to go
halfway across the world.

I need a proper goodbye.



- Hello?

No matter what I do,

I can't seem to keep
these damned orchids alive.

Well, I've got some good news.



One of the reasons that I had to stay

was, uh... for the diamond appraisal,

and it went really well.

That's great.

To the tune of $ million.

I'm really happy for you.

That's great.

What are you doing?



It's just this...

damn orchid. You know?


I get a $ million diamond appraisal

and you give me
a complaint about an orchid?

How about... a kiss?

Come here.

- My God.
- It's nothing.

That is not nothing, Tessa.

A client hit me

when I told him
that the best I could get him

was in San Quentin.

A client?


You wouldn't be so concerned

if you saw the other guy.

Besides, in my line of work,

I'm lucky I've gone this long
without a scratch.

Why the f*ck didn't you call me?

Because it's not a big deal.

No. This is a big deal.

It's a big deal. Come here.


You need to understand...

I have to leave.

- What?
- I wanted to just be gone

when you got back from Africa,

but you showed up.

What are you trying to say here, Tessa?

I can't do this anymore.

Okay, what the f*ck does that mean?

I need to end this.

I'm sorry.

"This," like us?

You need to end us?

I told you at the beginning,

that I wasn't good at relationships.

Then let's talk about it.

Goddamnit, Jake! It's over, okay?

Why can't you just accept that?

Wow. Okay.




Hey. That was quick.

- Uh-huh.
- How'd it go?

It was fine.

You all right?


How could I not be?

I'm about to be filthy rich.







He's dead?

Come in.

There's a bottle over there.



Go on then.


He was m*rder*d, Bella.

For something he did?

Or you?

Probably a bit of both.

Now he's at Pine Lawn in Los Angeles.

Plot , row B.

Now, if you ever want to visit...

Don't think I will.

I want you to tell you how sorry I am.

Oh, pull yourself together, Cam.

Mournful doesn't wear well on you.

Well, I wasn't always
a saint to you, Bella,

and for that I must apologize,

but I like to think
I was a decent father.

That should account for something.

You're not serious?


f*ckin' father of the year, were you?

I did what I could.

Then I'm embarrassed for you.

I f*cking loved Malcolm!

Yeah, so much so, you got him k*lled.

That's not fair.

He'd still be alive

if you'd kept your muddy paws off him...

That's not fair.

If you'd let him stay here in London,

where he knew the streets
and the rules of the game.

All I wanted was someone
I could leave it all to,

you know, like a legacy.

A legacy?

Christ's sake!

You're a bloody parasite.


You suck the life

out of everything
that comes close to you.

I f*cking tried!

Don't do this, Bella!

Don't f*cking do this!

Now, I... I just need you

to tell me I did right by Malcolm,

I just need you to tell me
I did right by our son.

That's all.


came here

for absolution?

Oh, yeah.

Sorry, love, you knocked
on the wrong f*cking door.

Thanks for the lilies, though.
They're beautiful.


now, for me...

f*ck off and die.





This is Jake.

They're all in there?

Every one of them?

Okay, do it.


[expl*si*n ROARS]

Not yet.



Take me home.


- Hi. How are you?
- Hello. Good, and yourself?


- Can I take that?
- Oh, no, I'll keep that with me.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

I could sleep for a week.

I'm going to settle the parking.


How are you feeling?





What's going on, Mom?

Oh, Christ...



f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!
