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02x01 - Game of Stones

Posted: 10/30/21 07:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ice...

Shit is piling up on Freddy,

and it is gonna bury him.

The way this is playing out right now,

he's going down.

So do you, so does Cam.

I did it.

I k*lled Avi.

You're gonna wear a wire.

Get close to Pieter, he's the target.

My name is Pieter Van de Bruin

I was an old friend of Isaac's.

"I additionally leave a family heirloom

that is of special significance to me."

[CAM ROSE]: Now, we need
to find this f*cking stone.

It's worth mill!

You know he left you something, Will.

[WILLOW]: My mom told me it was diamond,

but no one knows where it is.

[AVA]: The Holocaust Diamond...

Green & Green, and your family
are your father's legacy,

and you're destroying them both.

Who f*ckin' sent you, huh?

It was a tall guy, white beard.

[JAKE]: Did he want me dead
after you got what you came for?

- Yeah.
- You betrayed us.

You know I was gonna
bring you in at the right time.

What does he want?

The diamond mine in Venezuela.

You've got to make sure
that the title to that mine

is free and clear.

[g*nf*re RATTLING]

- Holy shit!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa...

I've found my daughter.

That's impossible.

Cam was kind enough
to tell me where to find her.

You people are crazy, okay?

This is all because of diamonds...

Shut the f*ck up, Freddy!

You all talk too much.


[CAM]: Rah, you k*lled Pieter.

- Jake?
- Shit's gonna hit the fan.

You go, I'll take care this.


Shit. Cam, call an ambulance!

[JAKE GREEN]: f*cking diamonds.


For some people,

diamonds are a way
to express undying love,

and for others, they are a commodity,

a way to make a living.

And for a select few,

they're a reason to sh**t each other.

But thanks to Freddy,

the b*llet from Pieter's g*n
only grazed my head,

but the concussion caused swelling
on my brain and a nice, long sleep.

k*lling Pieter Van de Bruin,

that threw his entire
organization up for grabs,

so naturally,
Rah did have to go into hiding.

Cam handled the police.

He, and the wire the Feds
illegally hid in our offices,

showed that Rah acted
out of self-defense.

Not needing him anymore,

the LAPD arrested Freddy
for Avi's m*rder.

Because I had brought
Pieter into Green & Green,

it opened up the entire company

to seizure by the government.

Everything was scheduled for auction,

but before that auction could happen...

My cousin bought a ring from these
Green & Green guys not long ago.

Is that right?

Only charged him ,

on a ring worth over five.

No kidding?

How does he know the real worth?

Did he get it appraised or something?

His fiancé broke it off...

A very pleasant
good evening to you, gentlemen.

Who the hell are you?

How'd you get in here?

Ah, now, that's two
very different questions,

neither the right one.

All right, turn around.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Keep your hands up where we can see them.

- Splash...



Now, you see,

now, the question you should have asked

is what was underneath my coat.



Now, that's a lovely sight, innit?

What do you think it's all worth?

Well, I reckon it's almost incalculable.



All right, look,

then we'll settle up, yeah?
you lot throw your g*ns in,

So, how much of "incalculable"

do you think is our end?


I think you'll be surprised.

[SILENCED g*nshots]




Don't touch, Jakey.

This bag is very special.

Anything important goes in here.

Do you understand, Jake?

Do you understand?

Special things always go in the bag...


So, how is Freddy?

He has that hearing tomorrow.

Yeah. No, I know, I...

That's the only reason I'm up.

He doesn't want you there.

Tough shit. I mean, that's my brother.

I'm not going to have
my brother go on trial

without me being there.

It's not a trial, it's a hearing

to see if there's enough
evidence to have a trial.

He confessed, right?

That's what I was told,

but all of this is coming
from his Public Defender.

Public Defender?

Ava, the company pays
for that kind of shit.

There is no company, Jake.



Ava, wait a second.

I might have a way to get it all back.

I know where it is.

Where what is?

The f*ckin' diamond,

the Holocaust Diamond.

I know.

You do?


Okay, so when I was out,

I had this one dream,

over and over,

and, all right, this is gonna
sound a little crazy,

but I'm telling you,
I know that it was my dad,

and he told me exactly
where that diamond is.

And that diamond,

that could turn it all around
for us, Ava.

We wouldn't have to sell it.

We will finance everything.

Leverage it, use it as collateral...

Wait, collateral?

Yeah. The liquidation,
that doesn't matter.

The robbery doesn't matter.

f*ck the government,

and f*ck Cam.

That diamond makes it all go away.

It puts Green & Green right back on top.

Green & Green?

Green & Green, yeah.


Even if you do find it,

it's not yours.

It's not Green & Green's.

It's Willow's.

Isaac left it to her, remember?

Feel better.

Hey, Green?


Time for your meeting.

Bob, I thought I told you
to hold my calls.

Get the f*ck up.

Open on .


I'm going to get you to laugh
one of these days.

Good meeting.

Your participation is encouraging.

How about somebody else
want to participate?

[MAN, GRUMBLING]: Oh, come on.

Except for you, Billy,
we just heard from you.

Maybe somebody else wants to share?

Somebody who hasn't participated?

At all.


How about this time, Mr. Green?

Rather not.

Well, doing things that you'd rather not

is kinda the point of it in here.

You know, for The Program to work,

you have to work The Program.

Yeah, I've seen that poster.

But you don't agree?

No, I got no problem with The Program.


it's a little too late is all I'm saying.

For what?

Yeah, you know,

at this point, you want to help us,

you should be handing out dope
at the door.

If there was ever a place
somebody needed to be high,

it's in here, am I right?

Would you really get high right now?

Why, you carrying?

Look, I'm just saying
it doesn't really matter

'cause I don't have a choice.

Dope costs money in here
just like it does out there,

and seeing that I'm broke,

and I passed on the offer

to blow the dealer
in my cell-block as payment,

I am officially in recovery,

whether I like it or not.

Well, it doesn't matter
how you get there,

as long as you stay clean once you do.

You are an ace
with the slogans, aren't you?

The only legal requirement
is that I'm here, right?

That's true.

So, with all due respect
to you gentlemen,

especially you, Billy,

you've been sharing the f*ck out of it.

That's good shit.

I just don't see
how telling you about the, uh,

the shit-show of a life that I live

is going to help anyone,

least of all me.





thank you for seeing me
on such short notice.

My pleasure.

You've been a customer here
for a long time.

What can I do for you today?

I have an asset,
an extremely valuable asset,

that I would like to borrow against,

use as collateral.

What type of asset?

It's a diamond.

It was willed to my minor
daughter by her grandfather,

and, as I said, it is extremely valuable.

Well, as you must know,

the precious gem market
is exceedingly unstable.

The value of an item like that

can vary widely from day to day,

let alone the length
of a loan repayment schedule.

Yes, but, I wouldn't be
asking for an amount

anywhere near its total worth.

There would be plenty of room for...

I'm sorry.

To lend you any amount of money,

we'd need a far more stable
form of collateral.

I see.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

My apologies.

I don't know how they
manage to make this stuff

taste burnt and cold at the same time.

Well, you should try
the stuff in the Mess Hall.

Believe me, I look forward to this shit.

So, hey, man, I wasn't, uh,

I wasn't trying
to be an assh*le over there,

I'm just, uh...

where I'm going,

I'm not trying to get in the habit

of publicly revealing my weaknesses.

That makes sense.

But I know you're just doing your job.

This isn't a job.

This is a plea agreement.

I got busted
with pain pills last year.

That's a lot of pills.

How'd you score 'em?

Now that's a question
only a fellow addict would ask.

[CHUCKLES] Probably.

I've got family money.

Lots of it.

Doing my best to burn through it, though.

Well, that's a coincidence.

I'm kind of an expert
on blowing an inheritance,

so if you need any tips,
you just left me know.

I think I got it covered.

Yeah, sounds like it.

You know, this is my last
court-ordered session,

but I really believe in this Program,

so, you know, if you ever do get out,

I can be your sponsor.

Well, it's gonna be a very long time,

so I wouldn't count on me
taking you up on that.

Offer stands.

Oh, and if you do decide
to blow a dealer,

I'd stay away from that Russo.

I don't think he showers much.




Can we get some grapes?

Purple or green?




But they're good.

Fine, you're gonna make
the world's biggest fruit salad

when we get back.

With sprinkles and chocolate?

Mm... sprinkles yes, no more chocolate.

Why not chocolate?

You've had enough chocolate.

Good afternoon, ma'am.

Did you find everything you need?

Mama, look, peaches!

Mm-hmm, yeah, we found
everything fine, thanks.

There's a big sale on those peaches.

No, I think we're good on the peaches.

They're really sweet this season.

We're fine with the peaches.

Okay, total is . .

Will you take American cash?

Uh, well, the rate won't be favorable.

I'll make it work.

Okay, uh, I'll need to go get my manager.




I told you not to leave my side!

I only wanted...

No! No! You don't ever do that again!

But it's a Bird of Paradise.

Sister Judith told me

that they were your favorite.

Come here.

Come on.




Two bottles of Davrun Brut?


Who the hell's paying for that?

What have you c**ts done to this caff?

I don't f*ckin' recognize it.

Ah, f*ck it, Cam,

we're just trying to be
proper wankers like you.

Come here, you c**t!


Good to see you, mate.

- Good to see you, too, Tommy.
- Look at you.

I put on a bit of a suit.

Ah, good look, mate, good look.

Come on, have a seat.

Get up, get up.

Excuse me.

Hey, sweetheart,

keep the bubbly flowing.

We're gonna get proper f*cked up here.

So, what the hell
are we celebrating then?

I dunno, um...

Let's start with old friends,

and then we'll just take it from there.

All right, let's have a drink.


To absent friends.

Absent friends.

There we are.


Upstairs, baby.

I'm hungry.

Yeah, I'm almost finished.

What are you doing?

On a boat, there is
always something to fix.

How'd you learn to do that?

Because when I was a little girl,

younger than you,

I had a lot of jobs.

I learned a lot of different things,

like this.

In the diamond mines?

What do you know about the diamond mines?

Only what the sisters told us.

They were bad to work in.


Well, you forget about them
completely, okay?

Yes, Mama.

May I ask you something?


Where did the scars come from?

There are bad people in this world,

people who hurt other people.


Because they want to be stronger,

they want to be more powerful.

But there's a secret.

They are the weak ones.

Every one of them are weak losers.


Did it hurt?

When they did it? Yes.

But now, because of them, I am stronger.

I'm stronger because
I know I survived it.

Do you think I could survive it, too?

Nothing like that
will ever happen to you.

Because you and me together,
we'll make sure of it.



Triple promise.

- Come on.

Now you've made me hungry.

Come on.

I'm gonna eat you for lunch!


I hope I'm not shark bait!

Ah, it's been far too long, mate.

It has at that.

- You've done well, Tommy.
- Yeah, haven't I?

Look, um, we need to talk.

Finally, we get to it, eh?

Isaac Green...

he's dead.


I never did like that f*cking tosser.

I did.

Is what it is.


Listen, um...

I'm starting a new business.

We've been there before, mate.

No, no, not like that.

This is, uh...

this is different.


I'm gonna show them c**ts in L.A.

how diamonds should be done.

The way Green & Green
should have always been run.

Let me get this straight.

Are we talking about
all the product we can send you,

no matter its geographical history?

Look, I don't give a f*ck

if the stones are covered in blood.


we can handle that.

Can you?

Oh, come on.

Now, you know we don't
deal on credit, right?

Even for an old mate.

You need huge stacks of cash
for something like that...

You let me take care of that.


we'll have two more of those.



What's going on?

You don't f*ck around with hello, do you?

I don't have time for hello, Cameron.

I need updates.

Well, it's not good.

See, k*lling Pieter,

it opened a lot more trouble
than we thought.

I just didn't think

that Antwerp would care
that much about Pieter.

Oh, well, Antwerp is not your problem.

It's your hired help, your bodyguards,

they're the ones hunting you.

Impossible. They wouldn't f*cking dare.

You remember Femi?

You know, the bastard who
robbed the boys up in Canada?


Yeah, f*cking Canada.

Femi knows you're there.

Not the smartest place to go, Rah.

Yeah, well, I didn't really
have a choice.

I needed to get off the grid.

Yeah, well, it's not
far enough off the grid.

This is so f*cked.

k*lling a c**t like Van de Bruin,

it causes chaos, okay,

until a new boss rises.

Now, I bet that, uh, Femi,

I bet he's not the only one you trusted

who wants you dead.

With weapons that I armed them with.

Well, isn't that always the way?

Now, Rah, just...

just keep your head down, you know?

When I go back to L.A.,
I'll straighten this all out.

Just you and me.

I'll take care of you.

Look, I'm not very good
at this, Cameron, but...

thank you for helping me
get my daughter back.

You know, it's...

it's my pleasure.

Off the bus.

Say goodbye. Let's move.

Get moving.



Because I'm not interested.

Look, if you need someone
to talk you off,

call a service.

Because I don't wear any.

Not in court.

I don't like the way

that it breaks up the lines of my suit.



Well, what do you know,

there are still a few
gentlemen in this world.


You sure this is my suit?

It was where you told me to look for it.

Perhaps you've lost some weight.

Well, they do have a wonderful
fitness program here.

So, you ready?

Are you sure about this?


Yeah, this whole pleading guilty thing?

I've already explained this to you.

Yeah, I know,

but it's my life and all, so...

Mr. Green,

you confessed to a m*rder,

on tape.

Now, sometimes, I can
talk it down to manslaughter,

but there was a g*n involved here.

The prosecution isn't
going to offer you a deal

because they've got you by the b...

Well, they've got you.

And all you've got is the
mercy of some judge.

This judge you think might be merciful,

or lenient in their sentencing?

After the plea, there's a
series of assessments,

and it's your job to convince them

that you're not going
to offend like this again.

Just make sure the judge
has plenty of assurances.

I mean, look, you're not
putting the State

through the time and trouble of a trial.

Not to mention the cost.

You know...

there's something to be said for that.

Look, I don't have another play,

Mr. Green.

You good?



I'm good.

So, you're going to say...

I'm going to say, "f*ck it," Eugene,

"f*ck it all,

and please don't throw away the key."

Uh, but you're not gonna...

say it that way, right?

[MUTTERING] Come on...

come on.

I've never seen anyone so
impatient to go to prison.

I just want to get this over with.



Uh, no, it's my brother.


You don't want to see him?

Would you want your family watching this?

[BAILIFF]: All rise.

Court is now in session,

the honorable Judge Herman presiding.

[JUDGE HERMAN]: Sit, sit, sit.

You're my last case before my vacation,

and I understand there's a blessed plea?

Yes, there is, Your Honor.

The State agrees to the terms?

It's a simple guilty plea

with no further guarantees.

No sentencing agreement?


And your client is okay with this?

Pleading guilty and letting me
decide his sentence?

It's what he wants, Your Honor.

Is that true?

Is this

what you want, Mr. Green?

[WOMAN]: No.

It isn't.

Tessa Pryor on behalf of my client,

Frederick Green.

[MUTTERS QUIETLY] Who the f*ck is this?

You don't know her?

I don't think so.

Your honor,

may the defense have a moment to confer?

I'm sorry, who are you?

You're fired.

Excuse me?

I'm not sure I can say it
any plainer, Eugene.

You know my name?

Oh, I know everything about you.

Your record is embarrassment
enough to our profession,

but what you're doing here

to Mr. Green

isn't just ineffective counsel,

it may be criminal.

But I'm... Wait, what?




[SCOFFS] You can't, I work for Mr. Green.

I'm his attorney...

Tell him he's fired.

I don't know what the f*ck's going on.

Mr. Green, listen to me.

I know you feel like an assh*le,

and you just want this to be over,

but I can have you home by tonight.



Sorry, dude.

Well, this is...

this is extremely improper.

[FREDDY]: Yep. That's true.

I feel kinda bad for him.


His kind just slithers on
to the next reprobate

they can attach themselves to.

You mean a degenerate like me?

Exactly, yeah.

Well, we've established I belong.

Now, what the hell are you doing here?

Let's just say you have
a friend, Mr. Green.

[JUDGE]: Can we proceed?

Since when?

Your Honor, may I approach?

Why not?

...You just look tired, man,

the kind of tired that
comes from burying the truth

from lying to everybody around you.

I mean, Jesus, Freddy,
do you think this is what

Isaac would have wanted for you?

[FREDDY]: Just give me
a f*cking second, all right?

[CARLOS]: I already know what happened.

You just need to let it out.

[FREDDY]: I did it.

I k*lled Avi.

Stop it there.

I'm not sure why you wanted me
to hear that, Ms. Pryor.

It certainly doesn't help your client...

Well, the prosecution

didn't quite play it from the beginning.

I'm sorry?

All the way at the beginning.

I don't understand.

Before all of that heartfelt
"I'm your friend,

I can help you," bullshit?

To be more precise,

to when the officer reads my client

his Miranda Warnings?



I assume the stammering means
that you don't have that?

The detective wasn't interrogating him,

Your Honor.

It was just a conversation.

Which was coincidentally being recorded.

Mr. Green was well aware
of the recording.

Uh, I-I...

Actually, I-I wasn't. Sir.

I wasn't aware.

And the, "I know what you did, Freddy."

"Just say it, get it out."

Sounds a hell of a lot like an
interrogation to me, Your Honor.

You can listen to that entire tape.

What you won't hear

is that Los Angeles Detective
advise my client

that he has the right
to an attorney with him

while his friend tries
to throw him in prison

for the rest of his life.

Did he advise him of his rights
or not, Ms. Morrison?

He did not.

You know the confession
gets tossed, right?

Your Honor...

Do you have anything else?

Without the confession,
do you have a case?

Ms. Morrison?

Not yet, sir.

Then I'm letting this man out

on his own recognizance

until you can find one.

Now, let's get out there and fix this

while you still have a job,

and I still have a chance
at catching some trout.


Well, look at you, in a suit.

What the f*ck are you doing here?

Giving you a ride home, apparently.



- I'm Jake. Freddy's brother.
- Yeah.

Tessa Pryor.

The world seems to be
getting smaller every day.

Yes, it does.

Okay, so... so this is you.

You hired her.

Oh, dear god, no.

I have no money to pay for her, Freddy.

That's what I thought.

So, who the hell are you?

I think actually what my
brother means to say is

thank you, Ms. Pryor.

You're entirely welcome.

And it's "Miss."

- Okay.
- I'm going to have to leave you two.

I'm defending a rich guy's assh*le son

in a half hour.

Well, that's funny,
I'm a rich guy's assh*le son.

Yeah. Yeah, I have a type.

This one's a quarterback

that likes to send unwanted
d*ck-picks to cheerleaders.

Oh, well, every d*ck-pick
I ever sent was coveted.

[WRYLY] Mm-hmm, I'm sure it was.

News flash, they're not very photogenic.

Uh, could I, um...

could I get your card?


I was starting to think
you weren't going to man up.

This one has my cell.

It really was a pleasure
meeting you boys.

Yeah, uh, is there any chance

you could tell me
who my mystery friend is?

Uh, they said
I wouldn't get paid if I did,


not a chance in hell.

Okay, but...

it's definitely a friend, right?

Trust me.

I trust her.

When did you wake up?

Uh, yesterday.

Wow, look at that.


Well, it gives your face
some well-needed character.

Hey, now.

Come on, let's go.

Where are we going?

Uh, Dad's house.

Dad's house?

I gotta say I'm not real
comfortable being in the house

with Ava not here.

She won't care.


I don't know, Ava's a lot of things,

but I wouldn't call her laid back.

Wow, it's been years
since I've been down here.


The cutting wheel...

Hey, what was the name of that cutter

that Dad brought over from Tel Aviv?

The really old guy, with,
uh, thick glasses...

That smelled like menthol?

Right, smelled like...


Boaz... that's it.

Remember that time...

what, he had a heart attack or something,

and Dad needed me to cut that rough?

It was a great big blue.

years old,

working a real stone,

on a foot wheel, with wooden tools.

If I f*cked up,

the company would have lost
millions of dollars.

You know how I know that?

Because Dad f*ckin' told me,

over and over again,

like it was a f*ckin' dare.

Ah, here it is!

God, he would always say,

"If it's important it is in this bag."

"Keep an eye on that bag, Jakey."

"If it had any value,
it would be in this bag."

Do you remember him saying that? Come on.

Not really, no.

Well, trust me, it's in here.

Ha, ha, ha, look at that.

It has to be in here.

The old tools...

Where are you?

Gonna tell me what you're looking for?

What have we been looking
for since Dad died, huh?


Wait, you're talking about the...

the Holocaust Diamond?

It's gonna put us right back on top.

I'm telling you, it's just...

Didn't he leave it to Willow?


It's not in there.

f*ck, Dad...

It's not in there.


Ava... Good to see you.

And you.

You look amazing.

[CHUCKLES] Please.

I was up all night

entertaining buyers from Australia.

They believe they can drink.



You have an unusual job.

This is an unusual bank.

Which is why I'm here.


I know you to be extremely discreet,

but what I'm about to discuss...

I'm hoping I can count on
your absolute confidence.

Of course.

I'm assuming you've heard of
the Holocaust Diamond.

Everyone has heard
of the Holocaust Diamond.

It's supposed to have been
lost to the Nazis.

Turns out, it's been in the Green family

for years.

Isaac Green willed it to my daughter,

and I would like to entrust it to you.


I need a loan,

$ , , ,

using the diamond as collateral.

I'm afraid we don't give loans.

I know what kind of money
you deal in every day.

# , , is petty cash.


Here's what I can do...

Assuming that

this Holocaust Diamond
that you talk about

is authentic,

I can buy the diamond from you

at a discount.

% of its worth.

It's a small fortune.

It's not for sale.

I can transfer the money
into your account

by the end of the day.

It's not mine to sell.

But you said it was left to you.

To keep,

for my family.

Thank you for your time.

Well, I'll be here

if you should reconsider.

If you see Freddy,

tell him I said good luck.

I can't be that guy, man.

What guy?

The guy that loses
everything his dad left

in six months.

Well, that's on both of us, bro.

It's too bad f*cking up your legacy

isn't an Olympic sport.

We'd be the tag team
record holders, right?

I was so sure it'd be in there.

Yeah, it was a good guess.

It wasn't a f*cking guess, Freddy.

All right.

I didn't mean anything by it.

It's just, it wasn't a f*cking...

It wasn't a guess, man.

What do you mean?

Nothing. f*ck it.

No, you know what, we've
been talking past each other

our whole lives. Tell me
what the f*ck you mean.

I don't know,

I realized pretty early on

that it wasn't just these tools

that Dad valued so much.

It was you.

Your gift.

I thought that,

if that diamond was in there,

that meant that he thought
I was capable of more

than just looking out for you.

It wasn't a guess,

got it.

I will never forget what you did for me.

I mean, you saved my life.

Come on, man,

we wouldn't have been in that situation

if it wasn't for me...

Just stop, stop.

For once in your life,
just accept a thank you.

Yeah, I'm not great at that, I guess.

It's Elsa or the Little Mermaid.

Elsa's in Frozen, they're the same thing.

No, no, I said the Little Mermaid!

No, you said Elsa...

Okay, fine, you are gonna
do all your reading,

and you're not gonna get to...


The-the door.

I closed it.

- Remember? You watched me?
- I remember.

You wait right here.

Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Right here.

Right here.

You don't come on that boat
unless I call for you.

You don't come on that boat
unless I call for you.

You understand?

You understand?









f*ckin' die!

f*ckin' die!







It'll take more than that, m*therf*cker!

It'll take more than that, m*therf*cker!



Come get your things!

Come get your things!

You take that g*n off my daughter.

You take that g*n off my daughter.

Easy, whoa...

Easy, whoa...

You no longer give the orders.

You no longer give the orders.

I'm scared, Mama.

I'm scared, Mama.

It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

That's right, little one.

That's right, little one.

As long as your mother
does what I tell her to do,

As long as your mother
does what I tell her to do,

nothing will happen to you.

nothing will happen to you.

Your g*n.

Your g*n.

When you stole my diamonds
from the Greens,

When you stole my diamonds
from the Greens,

I didn't come after you, Femi.

I didn't come after you, Femi.

I left you alone.

I left you alone.

Only because you couldn't find me.

Only because you couldn't find me.

I didn't look for you!

I didn't look for you!

Then what the f*ck are you doing

Then what the f*ck are you doing

up here in Canada?

up here in Canada?

It's where the f*cking boat is, Femi!

It's where the f*cking boat is, Femi!

I came here to hide out!

I came here to hide out!

I came here to lie low!

I came here to lie low!



All of you,

All of you,

listen to me,

listen to me,

this is your one chance to end this now,

this is your one chance to end this now,

without judgment, and without punishment.

without judgment, and without punishment.

Any of you who join me now

Any of you who join me now

and k*ll this traitor,
this piece of shit,

and k*ll this traitor,
this piece of shit,

I will reward.

I will reward.

Any of you that don't will die.

Any of you that don't will die.

I promise you that.

I promise you that.



I guess I made a better offer.

I guess I made a better offer.

You'll pay for this.

You'll pay for this.



But not today.

But not today.

Get back on the boat.

Get back on the boat.





Come on.

Come on.

At least he taught you something.

At least he taught you something.

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

He taught you to be The Man.

He taught you to be The Man.

I was gonna be the guy in the back,

I was gonna be the guy in the back,

and you were gonna be
the shiny thing out front,

and you were gonna be
the shiny thing out front,

holding it all down.

holding it all down.

Yeah, but he never trusted me,

Yeah, but he never trusted me,

not really.

not really.

What do you... how can you say that?

What do you... how can you say that?

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Take the will.

Take the will.

I mean, he gave equal shares to you, me,

I mean, he gave equal shares to you, me,

Sarah, and Willow.

Sarah, and Willow.



And then he makes Ava
the guardian of Willow's shares.

And then he makes Ava
the guardian of Willow's shares.

Well, like, you know,

Well, like, you know,

I think he was just trying
to look out for Willow,

I think he was just trying
to look out for Willow,

make sure she was taken care of...

make sure she was taken care of...

Why not me?

Why not me?

To make Ava the sole guardian
of her shares?

To make Ava the sole guardian
of her shares?

I mean, come on...

I mean, come on...

You're divorced,
he had to choose one of you...

You're divorced,
he had to choose one of you...

He wrote the f*ckin' will
seven years ago.

He wrote the f*ckin' will
seven years ago.

We've been divorced for two.

We've been divorced for two.

I mean, no, he knew I was gonna
f*ck up my marriage.

I mean, no, he knew I was gonna
f*ck up my marriage.



I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.

I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.





You know, he didn't have a heart attack.

You know, he didn't have a heart attack.

What? Who?

What? Who?



No, Dad traded him to Ira Goldschmidt

No, Dad traded him to Ira Goldschmidt

for that Caddy that he drove
all the time,

for that Caddy that he drove
all the time,

the gold one?

the gold one?

I remember this!

I remember this!

For the gold Caddy.

For the gold Caddy.

Aw, f*ck, he loved that car.

Aw, f*ck, he loved that car.

He also made a bet with Ira

He also made a bet with Ira

about you cutting that stone.

about you cutting that stone.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah?

[CHUCKLES] f*ck.

[CHUCKLES] f*ck.

I was years old, and he bet on it.

I was years old, and he bet on it.

I cut the shit out of it.
What did he win?

I cut the shit out of it.
What did he win?

He bet against me?

He bet against me?

Just like me and the will.

Just like me and the will.

It's like he always seemed
to bet against us, right?

It's like he always seemed
to bet against us, right?

Such an assh*le.

Such an assh*le.

But I f*ckin' miss him.

But I f*ckin' miss him.

Man, I...

Man, I...

It's f*cked up, but...

It's f*cked up, but...

It's not f*cked up.

It's not f*cked up.

It's like I want to f*ckin' hate him.

It's like I want to f*ckin' hate him.

I just can't.

I just can't.

I know.

I know.

I'm sorry I wasted your time.

I'm sorry I wasted your time.

Ah, come on, you don't waste my time.

Ah, come on, you don't waste my time.

Look, you know,

Look, you know,

we've got some very nifty weapons

we've got some very nifty weapons

if we ever get att*cked
by a village of Amish people.

if we ever get att*cked
by a village of Amish people.

I don't think they'll want
anything from us.

I don't think they'll want
anything from us.

Ah, you know, if we get cold,

Ah, you know, if we get cold,

we can start a nice fire...

we can start a nice fire...



What is this?

What is this?

Do we own a mine in Venezuela?

Do we own a mine in Venezuela?

Oh, my God, this is
what Pieter was after.

Oh, my God, this is
what Pieter was after.



It-it's still in our name?

It-it's still in our name?

I mean, this is the deed, so...

I mean, this is the deed, so...

Is it producing?

Is it producing?

We could go there and find out.

We could go there and find out.

Well, we've just established
we have no money,

Well, we've just established
we have no money,

so I'm not sure
how we're going to do that.

so I'm not sure
how we're going to do that.



You're going to sell the Audi?

You're going to sell the Audi?

This is worth some money.

This is worth some money.

What do you say?

What do you say?

You in?

You in?

You're making a big mistake, Femi.

You're making a big mistake, Femi.

I don't think so.

I don't think so.

Well, we'll see.

Well, we'll see.



I'll see.

I'll see.

Because you'll be dead,
and I'll be the Boss.

Because you'll be dead,
and I'll be the Boss.

You don't have the brains.

You don't have the brains.



You don't need them
when you have the g*ns.

You don't need them
when you have the g*ns.

Every man should know his limitations.

Every man should know his limitations.





Jump! Jump!

Jump! Jump!

[g*nf*re RATTLING]

[g*nf*re RATTLING]



Listen, you've spoiled me.

Listen, you've spoiled me.

After that flight,

After that flight,

I'm never gonna wanna travel
any other way.

I'm never gonna wanna travel
any other way.

Well, we get this right,
you won't have to.

Well, we get this right,
you won't have to.

You got it all?

You got it all?





Hello, my loves.

Hello, my loves.

- The crew?
- Bottom of the Pacific.

- The crew?
- Bottom of the Pacific.

They're shark food by now.

They're shark food by now.

You did well, son.

You did well, son.

Thanks, Dad.

Thanks, Dad.

Very well.

Very well.

Let's sell these f*cking stones.

Let's sell these f*cking stones.