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04x03 - Volatile

Posted: 10/29/21 17:11
by bunniefuu
[Kobra cultist] Defend the tower
and Lord Naga-Naga!



Gotta take down Kobra,
or his transmissions

will brainwash the world
into loyal Kobra Cultists.

Outsiders, go!

[Beast Boy] Stargirl! Behind you!

- Got her covered, boss!
- [Kobra cultist grunts]

[Windfall] Seems that Cosmic Staff

does everything but watch your bum.

- [grunts]
- [Beast Boy] Good save, Windfall.

Robin's got the last of the cultists...

So I'll take down Kobra myself!

[eagle cries]


Crushed that magic,
just in the nick of time!

Score another win for the Outsiders!

[celebratory hoots and laughter]

[Beast Boy] Hey! When are comms
with Earth gonna be reestablished?

I need to check in with my Outsiders!

[M'gann] We've talked about this, Gar.

Restoring communications
is going to take time...

And besides, Cassie's got
the Outsiders covered, right?

Right, right. Course, she does.

[Superboy] We're reviewing
evidence from the cave-in,

the destruction of
the communications satellite,

the expl*si*n at the Science Center

and the king's homicide. It's a lot,

so we could use a hand or, uh, a brain.

Gar, did you get any sleep last night?

[Beast Boy] Yeah, enough. I'm fine.

Forget it.

[groans softly]

[theme music playing]

[M'aatt] Prince J'emm J'axx.

You honor our family
with your visit to our home.

[J'emm] I came as soon as I heard about

the cave-in that injured Superboy.

[Superboy] Thank you, Prince J'emm.
But please, call me Conner.

And there's really no need for concern.

[Beast Boy] No concern, my green butt!

Someone nearly m*rder*d you yesterday!

[J'emm] Do you think
it's because this "someone"

learned you are investigating
my father's death?

- [Beast Boy] Well, duh!
- [Superboy] It's possible.

We've been going through
the intel you gave us

on King S'turnn's m*rder,
but there's a lot to process.

How many people know
we've been looking into it?

[J'emm] Consul-General E'dda,
and the Queen.

And the J'onzz family, of course.

[Superboy] Are we sure that's it?

Well, no.

I cannot be sure.

Psychic information travels quickly.

That's how I learned about
the incident at the river.

[Beast Boy]
You mean the attempted m*rder!

[M'gann] Gar, please, I'll get to that.

If you would allow me to link us all...

We searched the river bank to
find the source of the cave-in.

We found evidence of twin burn marks.

Conner's micro-vision confirmed a match

to the two points of impact

that caused the Zeta-Tube expl*si*n.

I also briefly sensed a psychic
presence near the river

that I... I couldn't locate or identify.

So whomever blew up the Zeta-Tube

and probably the M'arzz-Earth
Communications Satellite

is most likely behind the
attempt on your lives, as well.

[Superboy] Probably. But that
doesn't necessarily mean

any of this is connected
to the death of the king.

[M'gann] Oh. Eh, Prince J'emm,

please allow me to introduce you

to Sorcerer-Priestess S'yraa S'mitt.

[J'emm] Yes. We have... met before.

Superboy... Um, Conner.

I am impressed with
your investigative skills.

I would like to show you where my
father's body was found in the palace.

Perhaps you will find additional
evidence our guards missed.

[M'aatt] Respectfully, my Prince,

I must remind Conner of his sacred duty

to help build the Ceremonial Altar

for his upcoming wedding to my daughter.

And before that,

we must meet his friend
B'arzz at the depot.

I'm, uh, eager to perform
my sacred duty.

But, M'aatt,

maybe you wouldn't mind
meeting B'arzz's transport

while Gar and I go to
the Palace with Prince J'emm?

Then we can meet up with you after?

An acceptable solution.

[J'ann] M'gann, now that S'yraa is here,

your sister and I need to steal you away

to begin our sacred ritual

of building the ceremonial canopy.

- [Em'ree] Oh, joy.
- Yes. Of course, Mother.

And since both our groups
will need transportation,

let's step outside...

- [Beast Boy] Whoa! Bio-Ship found a friend!
- [Bio-Ship calls]

[M'gann] Not a friend...

[Baby trills]

This is her offspring.

[Beast Boy] Double whoa!
Who's the daddy?

[M'gann] Kinda her whole tribe.

But her species doesn't really
procreate the way we do.

It's more like cell division.

"Baby" has all of Bio-Ship's memories,

but she's a whole new girl.

Why don't you guys get to know her?

[Beast Boy gasps]

[Baby trills]

[Beast Boy laughs]

[Superboy] Ah!

I think she's... ticklish.

[Beast Boy] This is so crash!

[Beast Boy laughing]

The Premiere Building's
got nothin' on this place!

[J'emm] The Grand Hall
is not accustomed to...

audible displays of admiration.

[Beast Boy] Noted.

Jeez, you'd think they'd never
heard the spoken word before.

[Superboy] Gar...

[J'emm] Perhaps you should begin
your investigation near this Fountain.

Where my father's body was found.

[Superboy] The crime scene memories
you shared with us are very helpful.

And we appreciate you revisiting
what must be a painful scene.

But you need to know
finding new evidence

after this much time
is a real long shot.

[J'emm] My father believed

peace between M'arzz's
troubled races to be a...

"long shot." Still he tried.

Solving his m*rder may be the
first step in achieving that peace.

[Superboy] We can hope so.

I'll use my infrared and microscopic
vision to analyze the area.

[Beast Boy] I'm tasting
a lot of different Martians.

[J'emm] What color Martians?

A'ashenn? G'arrunn? B'lahdenn?

[Beast Boy] Every Martian
has a unique signature taste.

But there's no A'ashenn taste
or G'arrunn taste.

All you Martians basically
taste the same,

and yet you're all different.

- Fancy that.
- [Superboy] Whoa.

- [J'emm] What is it?
- [Beast Boy] Let me guess.

You found traces of
another double laser strike,

like at the Zeta-Tube and the cave-in!

[Superboy] No, nothing like that.

It's something else. Something familiar.

I just can't place it.

[Superboy sighs]

I think we've learned all we can here.

But we'll continue reviewing
the other evidence you provided

and try to dig something up.

[J'emm] I hope you will
permit me to express

my gratitude for your efforts.

I was thinking,

perhaps I could join you in building

the sacred Altar for
your wedding ceremony,

a truly historic event for our people.

[Superboy] Oh that's... too much to ask.

I understand the ritual is very taxing,

and, well, we have enough...

[J'emm] You know,
I was nearly married once.

It, uh... didn't work out.

Building the Altar is
an important tradition.

And you don't seem to know
many Martian males.

[chuckles] Well, how can we say no?

Thank you, Prince J'emm.

[J'emm] Excellent!

[Bio-Ship hums]

[M'gann] Really?

I... I... I understand.

I understand, girl. I... I... I do.

[J'ann] What is it, M'gann?

[M'gann] It's Bio-Ship.

She's retiring.

Baby will take us back to Earth

so that Bio-Ship can live out
her final years here on Mars.

[J'ann] She has been a part of
your life a long time.

[S'yraa] How did you bond with her?

[Em'ree sighs] Oh, not this story again.

[M'gann] Well, I was a bit of
a sneak, actually.

Bio-Ship had been pledged
to my Uncle J'onn,

but I secretly bonded
with her before he could.

So that when she flew J'onn to Earth

she'd, uh... let me stow away.

[J'ann] I'm still sorry
you felt you had to do that,

but I know life was
very hard for you here.

I know you will miss each other,

but you can both take heart
in the extraordinary gifts

you have given one another

and the extraordinary
adventures you have shared.

[S'yraa] A lovely sentiment.

And as your Bio-Ship is a reflection

of your life and love,

so, too, is the wedding canopy

a reflection of we
who share your life and love.

Together, we will work
to unite disparate pieces.

And together we will assemble a canopy

to shelter us from past discord

and shield us against future strife.

We build this canopy for new unions.

And re-unions as well.


[Geo-Force] It is over, Baron.

Nightwing, take all your
heroes out of my country.

- At once.
- [Superboy] Gar? Gar.

- [Beast Boy] I can't lose another brother.
- Gar!

[Beast Boy screams]
Hey, easy, "Snapper"!

- [Superboy] Who were you talking about?
- What?

[Superboy] Just now.
You were a million miles away.

- And murmuring about...
- [B'arzz] Your Highness.

[M'aatt] Prince J'emm,

allow me to introduce...

[J'emm] B'arzz O'oomm,
the former Green Beetle.

[B'arzz] I am ashamed of my actions

under the influence
of the Reach's Scarab.

- I apologize for...
- No apologies necessary.

Once freed from the Scarab,

you heroically helped
the Earthlings banish

the Reach from both Earth and M'arzz.

[B'arzz] Thank you. Conner.

Garfield. It is good to see you again.

[Superboy] Thanks for coming, B'arzz.

[Beast Boy] B'arzz O'oomm
is in the house!

Now we can get this
party started! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[M'aatt] Conner Kent, we have
gathered together for a trial.

Your mind, your body, your spirit,

and our bond will all be tested today.

When completed, the Altar will stand

as a monument to
your devotion to M'gann,

as our testament to your worthiness,

and as a symbol of your bond
with our entire family.

[J'emm] And the entire Martian race.

[Beast Boy] Yeah, no pressure there.

Listen, before all that,

we need to get Conner to
the surface for some sunlight.

He's gotta recharge his solar cells.

That can wait, Gar. There's no hurry.

[Beast Boy] No hurry? What if
someone takes a shot at us again?

[Superboy] See, Gar?
Baby's got us covered.

[S'yraa] View each crystal

as a reflection of us as individuals,

the canopy as a reflection
of our family, our people,

whether A'ashenn, G'arrunn,
B'lahdenn or Y'ellonn.

Let this joining of sacred elements

serve to strengthen
our joined hearts and minds.

[M'gann] S'yraa, if I may ask,

you said you only joined
the order recently.

Was that after your time
with Prince J'emm?

[S'yraa] You... You...
you invaded my mind?

[M'gann] No. No.
I've studied body language.

I could see you two had... a history.

[S'yraa] Our hearts were joined.

For a time.

But I was G'arrunn,
and he was the Prince.

[M'gann] Ah. I understand.

[all grunting]


[Superboy] You guys okay?

I know Martians and heat don't mix.

[B'arzz] We will endure this trial

to honor our sacred obligation.

Although Garfield's Ma'alefa'ak form

is unnerving to say the least.

[Superboy] Yeah, when Gar
took that form in town,

the crowd went nuts.

[Beast Boy grunts]

[Beast Boy panting]

- [Superboy] Gar? Gar?
- [Beast Boy grunts]

- You sure you're all right?
- [Beast Boy] Leave me alone!

I... I'm fine.

- It's just really hot.
- [Superboy] Okay...

- [M'aatt grunts]
- [Superboy] Wow!

M'aatt, your guidance and strength

through this ritual is an inspiration.

[M'aatt] Thank you, son.
I am truly honored

to partake in these rites
for you and my daughter.

[Superboy] Did you do this with
J'ann's family when you were married?

[M'aatt] Well... no.

J'ann's entire family disowned
her for marrying an A'ashenn.

Except for J'onn.

His time on Earth
changed him for the better.

[Superboy] Oh, I'm... so sorry.

But it's good to hear J'onn
learned racial tolerance

on Earth of all places.

It's not exactly something
humans are known for.

[M'aatt] He did not simply
learn tolerance.

That is insufficient.

He learned acceptance, empathy.

[Superboy grunting]

[Geo-Force laughing maniacally]

You escaped the cave-in, Superboy.

But now you're truly vulnerable.

Now I can finally take my revenge

for the secrets you kept from me!

[B'arzz] Something is wrong.

[M'aatt] I cannot feel his mind.

- [Superboy] Uh, Gar?
- [Beat Boy gasps]

Burn in hell, Superboy.

[Beast Boy] Superboy! Look out!

I got ya, Conner.

- [J'emm] What is he doing?
- [Beast Boy] Gotcha covered.

Gonna get you outta here, SB.

Up to the sun to recharge!

- So Brion can't hurt you!
- [M'aatt] No, Garfield, stop!

[B'arzz] In his weakened state,

Conner cannot survive
the surface of M'arzz!

[S'yraa] Oh. Such a splendid
wedding canopy!

Such beauty you have all created.

[Em'ree] I didn't bother with a canopy

at either of my weddings, even.

[M'gann] "Even?"
What's that supposed to mean?

[Em'ree] Oh, come on, M'gann.

You're only doing this
to please Mom and Dad.

- [S'yraa grunts]
- [M'gann] That's not true.

Our traditions mean something to me.

- The beauty. The faith...
- [Em'ree] Oh.

Don't pretend you care about
Martian religious orthodoxy.

If you did, "Miss Martian"

wouldn't be marrying "Mister Earthling."

[J'ann] Daughters, please, now is not...

[M'gann] Okay, first off, Conner
identifies as half-Kryptonian.

Second. Don't you mean, "Miss A'ashenn"

wouldn't be marrying an Earthling?

[Em'ree] I am not a r*cist, M'gann.

- [S'yraa] We are out of synch. We must calm...
- [M'gann] No?

Is that why M'ree M'orzz
became Em'ree J'onzz?

Face it, you didn't switch
to Mom's name,

you switched to a G'arrunn name.

- [Em'ree] Because I'm a realist.
- [M'gann] Oh, please.

You've always been ashamed
of me, of M'comm, of Dad.

[Em'ree] I'm ashamed?

- Look at you!
- [M'gann] At me?

[Em'ree] I took this form to
make your friends feel comfortable.

[M'gann] No one asked you to do that!

But you're ashamed to even
be seen as a Martian!

[crystals shattering]

[M'gann] "This" is not me.

- Not who I am inside.
- [J'ann gasps]

And I'm done pretending
I'm something I'm not

just to make you more comfortable.

Em'ree, when we were kids,

you saw what was happening
to M'comm and I.

How we were bullied.

But you didn't want to risk your
popularity with the G'arrunns.

You were our big sister.

You should have protected us.

[Em'ree] I was just a kid, too.

I was a child, too.

[J'ann] When you were a child,

you would sometimes shift
your skin to G'arrunn,

trying to pass.

It never worked, of course.

Everyone knew you were A'ashenn.

But just now,

when you took your old form,

the form you were born to...

it felt just as psychically false.

This is your true form, M'gann.

I'm so sorry I never
understood that before.

[M'gann sobs]

[S'yraa] I know this has been difficult.

But just having these
conversations proves

you possess a strong family bond.

You are truly blessed.

Now... shall we start again?

- [Superboy groans]
- [Beast Boy panting]

I will k*ll you both for failing me!

[Beast Boy panting]

I'll boil the flesh from your bones!

[Beast Boy] No, no.

No! Where's the sun?

I can't fail him, too.

[Superboy grunts and groans]

Conner! I'll find the sun
and come back for you!

No! Gar, don't run off!

Not good.

[Beast Boy] No, no, no!

You will never escape me.


[B'arzz] To the right! I see Garfield.

He has reached the surface. Hurry!

[Superboy gasping]

[gasping] Gar...

gotta find...

- [J'emm] He's out of air.
- Gar...

Restore his environment.
I'll be back with Garfield.

[B'arzz] Prince J'emm,
it's too dangerous.

- Let me search...
- [J'emm] Seal the hatch.

[Beast Boy] I... I... I failed Conner,

just... just like I failed you, Brion.

[Geo-Force] First, you!

Then Superboy.

[M'gann] Brion isn't here, Garfield.

He isn't real.

When you turned into a Ma'alefa'ak beast

during the riot, you scared the mob.

They lashed out at you
with multiple brain-blasts,

leaving you psychically "bruised."

[Beast Boy] No, I failed them.

I... I...

I failed them all.

[M'gann] You're the leader
of the Outsiders,

a family that you built.

You're afraid of losing that family

like you lost your mom
and Rita and Wally.

Brion was the first loss
of your new family.

So you feel responsible.

But no leader can control everything,

and Brion made his own choices.

To the extent he was
making choices at all.

Please, Gar, let me heal your mind.

I'm repairing the psychic damage.

But this is just a start.

The mental and emotional
trauma is still there

and requires treatment
which you must seek out.

[Superboy groans]

Where's Gar? Where's J'emm?

- Gar!
- [Beast Boy] Conner!

Man, for a minute,
I thought I'd lost you, too.

[Superboy] Brother, I'm not
going anywhere.

[Beast Boy] Uh. I'm so sorry.

I lost it. My...

My brain was ma'al moded.

But M'gann, she reached out
from wherever she is

and she fixed me.

[M'gann] Gar? I didn't do anything.

I feel horrible about it, but I...

I didn't even realize you were hurting.

[Beast Boy] But if... if you
didn't fix my head, then...

[M'gann] Checking.

Whoever it was did repair
the psychic damage

and left no nasty surprises
behind, either. [gasps]

- [Beast Boy] What?
- I recognize the mind-touch.

It's the same signature I
sensed at yesterday's cave-in.

[Beast Boy]
So whoever tried to k*ll us...

saved me?

[Saturn Girl] Nice work, Cham.

They might not have found
Superboy in time without you.

[Phantom Girl] And Beast Boy?

I thought we weren't supposed
to intervene on anything

except, you know, the one big thing.

[Saturn Girl] The history books don't
mention this incident one way or another.

Maybe we always intervened.


Garfield was hurting. I had to help.

Or else why do we do this?

[Beast Boy] You did great today, Baby!

Totally had us covered.

I'm happy you're part of our family now.

But I'm gonna miss you, girl.

I guess I'll just have to
learn how to accept it.

[sighs] Not sure how Forager's
gonna take it, though.

[M'gann chuckles]

[Superman] Conner will be okay, Lois.

I trust him and M'gann and Gar

to handle whatever comes their way.

Plus the Javelin will be here soon

- to take us to Mars to help.
- [indistinct speech over phone]

J'onn and I might even get
there in time for the wedding.

- [indistinct speech over phone]
- I miss you and Jonny, too.

- Looking down at you both right now, actually.
- [indistinct speech over phone]

No, I am not on the Watchtower
just to avoid diaper duty.

- [indistinct speech over phone]
- I...

Well, yeah, he's taking
his time potty training.

But Iris said that's perfectly normal.

- Especially for boys.
- [indistinct speech over phone]

Hmm? [chuckles]

He escaped his diaper again?

- [laughs]
- [indistinct speech over phone]

You found poop on the ceiling?

No, Kryptonian poop
does not defy gravity.

But if his powers are awakening,

- if he's learning to hover...
- [baby crying]

Wait, I heard crying. Is he crying?

Is he cranky?

Lois, his eyes... are they red?

Glowing red? No? Did you say no?

- [phone line crackling]
- Lois, you're breaking up.

Lois? Lois! Can you hear me?

Lois? Cyborg, I need a boom tube.


[boom tube booms]