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03x23 - Terminus

Posted: 10/29/21 16:44
by bunniefuu
Hal, John, now!

No Boomtubin' away this time, poozers.

[on comms] Your turn, Flongated Man.

That's Elongated Man, and I'm movin' in.

Wonder Woman, deploy your Squad.

But be careful.

They've initiated no counter-measures.

It's suspicious.

He's right. It makes you wonder who's trappin' who here.

I can see the kidnapped kids inside.

Our rescue mission's still--


The device has been activated. Brace yourselves!

[all grunting]

[pained grunting]

Keep going. Fight through it.

[chanting in alien language]

[pained grunting, sighing]

[both grunt]

[Granny Goodness laughing manically]

My, what a delightful test of the Anti-Life Equation.

The Justice League's biggest bullies enslaved in one fell swoop.

My dear little Motherbox, you've done quite well for your Granny.

Darkseid will be most pleased.

[theme music playing]

[birds calling in distance]

[Gretchen on TV] Goode World Studios is under attack.

Across the globe, our facilities have suffered a rash of break-ins.

Our security and privacy violated, or so forensics indicate, by meta-humans.

[tearfully] My heart has been shattered by these betrayals.

Especially after all my donations to the Meta-Human Youth Center.

These meta-hooligans working outside the law must be disciplined.

[TV turns off] [Garfield grunts]

She's just taunting us, Gar. Don't let her get in your head.

[clicks tongue] Forager wishes Forager could smell out Violet Harper as Forager once smelled out Victor Stone.

[Victor sniffing]

[Artemis] We all wish that.

But on the point Gretchen just jabbed us with, you know the Team already conducted covert raids on all Goode holdings to find Violet.

[sighs] And no luck.

Since neither Sphere, Motherbox, nor Victor can sense her, she is likely off-world by now.

[d*ck clears throat] We'll find her.

[Artemis] Uh, I thought you were confined to bed, Mr. Low-Grade Fever?

You can't keep a boy wonder down.

Uh, and please don't mention any fever to Barbara, okay?

It took forever to convince her I was over my Ghost Dimension sickness.

[inhales] She'd been at my bedside for two days straight.

I finally persuaded her to go home.

Hmm. Not until after I promised to watch over you.

[sighs] Figures.

[M'gann] You yelled at me before.

Since then, it's been the silent treatment.

Can't we just talk?

[Conner] Fine. Talk.

[M'gann] We were losing the w*r.

The Light changed the rules, cornered us into making a choice.

Protect our ideals or protect people.

As leaders, we chose to protect people, including our fellow heroes from the repercussions of our choice.

[Conner] Ask Jeff and Gar how protected they feel by your choice.

But okay, sacrificing principle to save people, I get why this "Anti-Light” was formed.

What I don't get is why you went along with it.

[M'gann] Why wouldn't I--

[Conner] Agree to secretly stage events?

Doesn't that sound a little too familiar, or have you really forgotten how Artemis' staged death led you to brain-fry Kaldur?

-[M'gann] No, I-- -[Conner] Every time you lie to the people you love, M'gann, you lose a little bit of your soul.

[M'gann] What we were doing, [stutters] it wasn't like that.

[Conner] I'm sorry, but you can't be trusted to decide what it is and isn't like.

Not when it was your lies that nearly ended us.

[M'gann] I thought you forgave me for that.

[Conner] Yeah, well, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting.

[M'gann sighs] You know how much I've regretted trying to alter your mind without you knowing.

But I didn't - I wouldn't - invade anyone's mind this time and I didn't hurt anybody.

[Conner] Lies alter minds, M'gann.

Lies hurt.

-[M'gann] I-- -[buzzer blares]

Yes, Doorman Kirby Jacobs? How can Fred Bugg assist you?

[Kirby] Hey, Fred. Uh, there's a... a gentleman here in the lobby to see you guys.

He says his name's Savage?

Should I send him up?

[Vandal] I believe you're shepherds who have lost a sheep.

Tell us where Halo is!

That is precisely why I'm here.

I know you have a Motherbox.

I'm here to offer coordinates, so you can boomtube to Ms. Harper's location.

What's the catch?

The catch, as you put it, is this.

You promise to tell her abductor exactly who sent you.

[M'gann] I can't reach Thirteen.

Last I heard, she was at the Tower of Fate, training with Zatanna.

We'll manage.

I know. But it's a team mission to recover one of our own.

And she's part of the Team.

[Nightwing] I'll sub in for her.

[Tigress] d*ck, you're still...

I'm traught, whelmed, and feelin' the aster.

I'm going.

I do not believe we could keep him here if we tried.

[Nightwing] You think?

Which is why I am going.

I promised Barbara I would watch over him.

And since you're going...

I am strictly back-up.

As you said, Halo is your teammate.

This is your team, your mission.

I know I'm an Outsider, but I'm going, too.

And no one can stop me.

No one's trying to stop you.

But we're headed into the unknown here.

I need to know you can keep your head on this mission, for Violet's sake.

[sighs] I can do that, for Violet's sake.

Not bad.

Soundin' pretty Big Blue, like a leader.

We both know that's not my role.

Hey, don't look at me. I hate being leader.

You keep sayin' that, but you already are a leader.

So maybe the real question is, what kind of leader do you want to be?

Motherbox has Savage's coordinates.

[M'gann] Psychic link established.

If Vandal's intel is correct, we'll have the element of surprise.

If not, this could be an ambush.

Be ready for anything.

[portal whooshes]

[Parademons yelping and grunting]

[Aquaman] All clear.

[Terra] Mother of goat, what are those things?

The stench.

[Forager] Parademons.

[Superboy] Don't let them spook you.

Remember your training and they'll fall like any other opponent.

[Geo-Force] But Violet, is she here?

[Superboy] Savage was being straight.

Motherbox is locked on Violet. She's here, and close.

[M'gann] That's odd.

I can't sense her psychically.

But I don't have to be psychic to know our boomtube will attract attention, and soon.

Beta Squad, you know the plan.

We provide the distraction, you find Violet.

[Superboy] Geo-Force, you're leading Beta.

If you get in real trouble, have Motherbox boomtube you home.

And remember--

[Geo-Force] Keep my head, do my homework, and be in bed by ten. Got it.

Seriously, I'll watch out for them, and we'll bring Violet home.

I'm honored you've put your trust in me.

Let's go.

[Tigress] They grow up so fast.

[Aquaman] Alpha, behind that ship, the Javelin.

Which means we are almost certainly aboard Granny Goodness' asteroid base.

The League was staging a raid here today to liberate dozens of kidnapped meta-teens.

Sending update to Beta.

[Superboy] Not hearin' a battle.

[M'gann] I've reached out psychically.

Meta-teens, the League, I can't sense any of them here, not even my uncle.

[Nightwing] We know from the Markovs that Granny can potentially use Violet's power to control anyone without a fight.

[Tigress sighs] Then we assume Granny's got 'em.

Then we'll just add the Justice League and several dozen meta-teens to the rescue list. [sighs] No big deal.

[Parademons screeching in distance]

[Superboy] Company's comin'.

[M'gann] Alpha Squad, take positions.

Keep base security focused on us, so Beta has a clear shot.

[Nightwing sighs]

[Nightwing] I'm fine.

[siren wailing in distance]

Motherbox, which way to Violet?

[Motherbox chimes]

[Forager] Forager smells someone-- no, several someones coming.

[distant hissing and screeching]

[Parademons growling and screeching]

[Forager] Mantis? Here?

[Geo-Force] Mantis is the bug who threatened Forager and forced him to come to Earth.

[Forager] Forager knew Mantis was angry, angry with all the New Gods.

But Forager never dreamed Mantis would leave the hive to fight for Apokolips.

[Terra] Anger can cloud one's judgement.

And we cannot always save people from themselves.

[Geo-Force] He has made his choice as we have made ours, for our hive, for our family.

Let's save Violet.

[Terra] Alpha Squad, you have incoming.

[Parademons screeching and snarling]

Please surrender now.



[Gilotina grunts]



[Superboy grunts]

[grunting] [Parademon shrieking]





[Nightwing] One entrance sealed.

I'll close another to keep them channeled from one direction.


[Nightwing yelps]


[snarls and screeches]

[Nightwing groans]

[Kid Flash] Dude!

Monkeys must love you 'cause you are bananas if you thought the Wall-man would stay back at the Cave and miss this.

[Robin] Kid Flash, you're here!

[Kid Flash] Well, duh.

[Kid Flash] A mission to fight space babes and giant space bugs, on a giant space station in space?

Try to keep me away.

Oh, hey, the new girl. I'm gonna keep my eye on her.

[Artemis] We heard that!

[Kid Flash] Oh, and you know my fantasy first date with Miss M, is us takin' down space baddies together.

[Robin] Well, then, KF, looks like today is the day.

After all, we didn't come for a playdate.


[blows landing] [Parademons screeching]

[Superboy whispers] Shh. Listen!

[Parademons screeching and snarling]

[Megan] Hello, Megan!

[Kid Flash] Check... this... out!

[Aqualad] Kid, wait!

[Kid Flash] Souvenir! I'm calling souvenir!

[Robin] KF, you're brilliant!

[Kid Flash] Uh, Rob?

Why did my souvenir just eject some thingies?

[Robin] To subject some space monsters to a little Team-style shock treatment.


[Robin] Rejected! [laughs]


[Kid Flash] Dejected! [chuckles]

[Robin] Now, let's ject the rest!

[Kid Flash] All right, scoot over.

Make some room for player two.

[bell dings]

[male announcer] Miss Martian.

[Parademon grunts]

[Robin] Jected! [male announcer] Artemis.

[bell dings]

[Lashina groans] [Kid Flash] Jected! She owes me one.

[Artemis] You know I can still hear you.

[Kid Flash] Dang it!

[male announcer] Superboy, Aqualad.

[both groan]

[Robin and Kid Flash] Double-jected!

[all groaning]

[both cackling]


[laughter echoes]

[Aquaman] Nightwing hacked the Javelin.

[Nightwing panting]

[Nightwing] I hacked the Javelin.

[M'gann] Your fever dream also hacked into old memories, old feelings.

We all experienced it.

[Nightwing sighs] Yeah.

Um, sorry.

[Tigress] Don't be.

Wally's always fighting at our side, and always will be.

[Parademons grunting] [Aquaman] We have to move.

d*ck, if you are not one hundred percent in the game--

[Nightwing] You kidding? I haven't felt this good in years.


Let's go ject Granny.

[Jennifer imitating buzzing]

Ta-da! [grunting]

[Jennifer continues mimicking buzzing]

[Anissa continues grunting]


[all laughing]

[Motherbox chimes]

[Geo-Force] Violet. She's in there.

[Granny Goodness] First, the elders. Now the children.

[laughs] Motherbox, your friends certainly make things easier by coming to us.

Let Violet go!


[Granny Goodness] So the young prince arrives to rescue his princess.

In these last moments, before the entire galaxy falls to Apokolips, [inhales] your sad story moves even my cold heart.

Your parents m*rder*d by an uncle, your country lost to a brother, your trust betrayed by a confidant, and now you lead your sister and friends to an inescapable doom, ex*cuted by the she-thing closest to your heart.

[Geo-Force grunts in frustration]

[Forager] Geo-Force, Granny Goodness is--

[Geo-Force] Trying to distract me with anger while I distract her by pretending it's working.

I'm about to tell Motherbox to disable the device on Violet's forehead, so get ready to--

Manhunter! He cut the psychic link.


[all grunt]

[laughing maniacally]

[M'gann] My link with Beta's been severed.

For just a moment, I sensed my uncle's touch upon Geo-Force's consciousness.

But J'onn's mind was not his own.

[Superboy] Superman and the other Leaguers?

[M'gann] Nothing.

Nothing on any of them. Not even J'onn now.

[Tigress] No doubt they're all under Granny's control.

[Nightwing] Stay traught. Just need to level the playing field.

[Aquaman] Yes. M'gann, the moment we enter, brain blast everyone.

Render all unconscious, friend and foe alike.

[Superboy] That won't work on everyone, especially those under Granny's sway.

A puppet doesn't need a mind if someone else is pulling the strings.

[Aquaman] Your psychic strength may be the only way to tip the balance in our favor.

You must do to them what you once did to me.

[Superboy] You are not suggesting she brain-fry everyone.

Don't you know the effect it has on--

[Aquaman] Believe me, I understand the consequences to our friends, but--

[Superboy] But what about the consequences to M'gann?

[M'gann] Conner, what about the consequences to the Universe?

If Granny succeeds in using this Anti-Life Equation, then billions throughout the galaxy will be enslaved.

I'm prepared to sacrifice my soul to save theirs.

Are you prepared to stop me?

[Forager clicks tongue]

How is Beta Squad to fight the Justice League?

You're not fighting them, child, you're joining them.

So, too, the entire population of your world, well, the meta-population, who are the only ones that will survive.

Non-metas suffer from the process in a way that metas do not. [Elongated Man groaning]

You perhaps noticed a difference in the residual effect of the Ghost Dimension upon your Richard Grayson, as opposed to Jefferson Pierce or Kaldur'ahm?

Now, imagine every non-meta in the galaxy suffering that way, [gasps] before eventually dying.

It's truly glorious to contemplate.


[chuckles] Little Prince, take heart.

You'll spend plenty of time with your beloved Violet.

Together, you'll spread Anti-Life throughout the Universe, till death do you part.

Violet, please!

But enjoy this moment, because it's the last moment you'll be conscious of being together at all.

[grunts loudly]

[sizzling] [groans]

Overlord. Cube, please.

Excellent. Now.

[pained grunting]

[all grunting in pain]

[M'gann] Please. Hurry.

[Aquaman] There! Target that device!

[all grunting in pain]

[pained grunting]


[chanting in alien language]





Well, at long last.

Rise, children, and bear witness.

The Age of the Anti-Life Equation is finally upon us!

The Age of Darkseid begins!

[theme music playing] [snoring]