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03x20 - Quiet Conversations

Posted: 10/29/21 16:42
by bunniefuu
[cell phone ringing]

Stone. [Silas] Victor, it's me.

How did you get this number?

[Silas] Does that matter? Does it matter?

[Silas] I didn't want to start the new year without my son in my life.

Meaning what I want doesn't count, right?

If I ask you a question, you don't answer.

If I beg you, beg you to come to a game, you don't show.

If I tell you I need space, you ignore my wishes.

[Silas] Victor! Goodbye, Dad.

Don't call back.


[Victor screaming]

[clicks tongue] Victor Stone?

Oh, Fred Bugg has been looking everywhere for...

Victor Stone.

[elevator bell dings] Help! Hive-drones!

Victor Stone needs help!

Fred, what is it?

[groans] I'm okay.

Not murderous or anything.

But I guess, [groans] I guess Fatherbox isn't done with me.

If it can't take my mind... [gasps]

It'll transform my whole body until I'm nothing but a walking, talking Fatherbox.

[theme music playing]

[Jace sighs] You seem stable for now, Victor.

Doesn't feel that way.

[device clanging] [Dreamer] It shouldn't.

Your condition is anything but stable.

Guys, this is Dreamer of the Forever People of New Genesis.

Figured we might need her help to figure Vic out.

[loud clang]

Motherbox has run a diagnostic.

She believes your only hope is to place you in the Mobius Chair of Metron.

The what of who?

The New God Metron.

He invented Motherboxes, Fatherboxes, and Boomtubes, among other things.

His Mobius Chair is the only thing with a powerful enough connection to the Source to purge Fatherbox's soul from the technology contaminating you.

[Tara] She is gone! [Forager] Violet Harper has left the building!

[Forager clicking tongue]

Stay. I'll see what this is.

What's going on?

[Forager] Oh, Violet Harper-slash-Halo is gone!

"Thank you. Sorry. Don't try to find me. V."

[Artemis sighs]

M'gann said something's been troubling Violet.

I tried to get her to talk to me, but she wouldn't open up.

We've talked, but never about her leaving us.

[Tara] It is our fault.

Violet confessed to us that Gabrielle accepted a bribe to allow our parents' K*llers into the palace.


[stammers] Even if that is true, that was Gabrielle, not Violet.

They're two different people.

I know. But I did not react well.

Neither of us did.

Okay, go back in. I'll find her.

I-- I'd like to come with you.

You're the doctor. Vic needs you here.

I'll bring Violet back.

I think I know how.

You both need to get ready for school.

No. Forager must stay with Victor Stone.

And I need to help you find Violet.

It is the least I can do.

Okay. Extraordinary circumstances.

[Dreamer] Do nothing.

Your resistance is low.

The slightest stress could allow Fatherbox's advance.

I will leave Motherbox with your friends, so that they may bring Metron to you.

You're not coming?

I must return to New Genesis.

Hold your ears, Earthlings.

[loud clang]

Also, Bear struck Metron last time we saw him.

The presence of the Forever People might not be helpful.

Motherbox will take you to Metron and return you upon your request.

Thank you. [portal closes]

Motherbox, please take us to Metron.

[loud clang]

Y'all giving me a headache.

No more Boomtubes in the house.

Please be careful.

I... need you.

Feeling's mutual.

Is Brion Markov coming?

[clicks tongue]

[Jefferson] Is that him?

I think so. Metron, stop!


[Forager gasps]

[grunts] My brother and I were roughhousing.


[sighs] Miss Megan, have you heard from Violet?

She isn't in school.

Violet's run away from home, Harper.

A lot of people are worried about her.

Do you know where she is?

No, I... I don't know. Honest.

Though, must be great to have a lot of people worried about you.

Sphere, can you help us find Violet?

I'll take that as a yes.

[knocking on door]


[speaking Arabic]

[in English] Gabrielle! Gabrielle!

[both speaking Arabic]

[muffled speech]

[Aquaman in English] I am sorry.

Since surface languages were not designed to be spoken underwater, I know being understood has been difficult.

And I imagine the last few weeks trapped in this t*nk have been worse than difficult.

[muffled] Still, are you certain you want to go?

[normal voice] You are very brave.

[computer] Recognized.

Unnamed Meta-Teen, A-Four-One, Aquaman, Two-Seven.

[chanting spell in other language]

[speaking English] Has it worked?

My translation magic is quite rusty.

Did you just speak Hindi?

Or [stammers] am I speaking English?

[chuckles] We are both speaking Atlantean.

But I do not speak Atlan--

Wait, I can talk!

And, and you can understand me!

[laughs] Thank you!

[computer] Recognized.

Silas Stone, A-Four-Two.

Did I just hear-- [groans]

Victor, please.

You must remain still and more importantly--

I knew it!

You wouldn't talk to me, so I asked Doctor Irons for a favor.

Please, Victor, you are my son.

I had to see you, had to help you.

[Victor] But not listen to me.

Victor, what happened?

The Fatherbox-Tech has spread.

Oh, you noticed!

Happened right after I talked to you!

So once again, you're to bl-- [screaming]

Victor! [groaning]


Oh, Forager's heard stories of the Old Promethean Gods, but Forager never thought Forager would actually stand on the face of Gog! [clicking tongue]

We're standing on a God!?

And we were in his nose? Ugh!

There's Metron!

[Forager] Oh, too late.

Motherbox, follow Metron. [loud clang]

Now where are we?

[Jefferson] In the thick of it! Take cover!

[Parademons growling]

Who are Parademons sh**ting at?

[Superman grunting]

My brother.

Your emotions are clearly affecting your condition.

Don't you think I know that?

We need to slow this down.

His best option is a medically induced coma.

That's your solution? Putting me in a coma?

It's temporary. And while you're under, you'll lose no more ground against the Fatherbox.

Please, Victor, you must trust me.


No, I should do it.

No one else should be responsible for this.

For him.

I will bring you back, son. I promise.


[sighs] [cell phone rings]

Uh, excuse me.

This could be important, and I know Victor's in good hands.




[Parademon grunting]


Hey, Kal. [Parademon screams]

[chuckles] What are you doing here?

I mean, I'm glad to see you, but--

It's a long story. What about you?

Well, uh, Apokoliptan forces staged a raid here.

The Parademons att*cked local miners and, while we were saving them, the Furies boomtubed away with stolen minerals.

It's disappointing, but we'll get 'em next time.

[Metron] There will be no next time.

The mineral taken here was the final element Desaad and Granny required for their Device.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Granny?

Granny Goodness?

Hey, I know this is a weird time to ask, but would you be my best man?

Of course. Wait, what?

Hmm. One-point-five Kryptonians.


New God Metron must come back with Forager to help Forager's friend Victor Stone.

That is not my function.

Okay, that's great.

But we have a friend back on Earth.

A human, who's being eaten alive by Fatherbox-Tech.

I see, yes.

I must return with you.

Uh, great! Home, please, Motherbox.

[loud clang]

Hey, we'll talk later!

I swear no one makes my head spin like that kid.

No one.

I saw your brother this morning.

He had a black eye.

[sighs] I told you.

Cullen and I were roughhousing.

Look, I know the drill.

If I say anything, you have to tell the authorities.

Cullen and I could wind up in Foster Care and separated.

So... roughhousing.

[all conversing in Arabic]

King Orin of Atlantis, allow me to introduce you to...

You never did tell us your name. No.

And I will not now.

It is all right, child.

You begin a new life in Atlantis.

You may choose a new name when the time is right.

[sighs] Thank you.

Um, Your Majesty?

If I might ask, why did you stop being Aquaman?

Ruling Atlantis is more than enough responsibility for any one person.

It was always my intent for Kaldur'ahm to become the Aquaman when he was ready.

And he most certainly is ready.

You honor me, my King.

Your work with the Justice League honors all of Atlantis.

News of your Outsiders has reached us here in Poseidonis.

The Queen and I were very impressed, particularly with their defeat of Professor Ivo.

Yes, they did admirable work under difficult circumstances.

But apologies, my King.

I must take our new friend to a promised rendezvous.

Of course.

Godspeed, Kaldur'ahm.

[Jace] Yes, I understand.

There's not much you can do if we don't find her before it's too late.


I can't help noticing you haven't said anything about Halo's flight.

I understand that the truth about Gabrielle and your parents must have been difficult to process.

But you should know that the King and Queen would be so proud of you now.

You found your sister.

And the work the two of you have done together as heroes...

Well, it goes without saying you are living up to everything your mother and father hoped you both would be.

More than that, the leadership you've shown with the Outsiders is having its effect back in Markovia.

Your people are remembering their love for you, and you're doing your country proud.

[portal opens]

Who are you?

Silas Stone is Victor's father.

Forager has seen Victor looking at pictures of Victor and Silas Stone.

[Forager clicks tongue]

Is this the... Can he...

This is Metron. He can save Vic.

There has been a misunderstanding.

I am not here to save this "Vic."

I am here to watch him die.

I have never seen a Fatherbox completely override an organic system.

Such a thing is worthy of study.

Study it? You need to stop it!

My son is dying!

Death is commonplace.

You know, according to Dreamer, we don't actually need Metron.

Just his Chair.


You dare, mortal?

I am a New God.

To me, you are zero-point-five of nothing.


[groans] If you're really a God, then I guess you can handle this!


Put Vic in the Chair! Hurry!

[Aquaman] These are my parents, Sha'lain'a and Calvin Durham.

We are very pleased you will be staying with us, child.

And I think I can help you adjust.

I'm from the surface world myself.

San Diego, California.

Thank you.

But would you mind if I had a moment alone with your son?

Of course not. Take your time.

Are you unhappy with this arrangement?

No! No, I... I'm so grateful for their hospitality.

It is more than I ever received up there.

But, Aquaman...

Please, call me Kaldur'ahm.

Or simply Kaldur.

All right, Kaldur.

I think you are the one who is unhappy.

I know you lied to King Orin.

I-- I do not know what the lie was about or why it mattered.

And I am certain your King did not suspect.

You think lying makes you a bad man.

But I have known bad men, and bad men do not feel bad when they lie.

You are a good man, Kaldur'ahm.

[Megan] Let's talk about the g*n.

That was Violet's g*n. She was the one caught with it.

Let's say it was Violet's g*n.

Hypothetically, why do you think she had it?

Well, hypothetically, she may have wanted to get it out of the house, so that the alcoholic who lives there wouldn't hurt anyone with it.

Right. Because alcohol and firearms, not a good mix. [scoffs] Well, duh.

And yet you were caught using both.

Harper, you of all people should know better than to go down that path.

Okay, we're done. Fine.

You don't wanna talk about yourself?

Let's talk about your brother some more.

You know, I've seen plenty of bruises on you, but I've never seen any on Cullen before now.

Roughhousing, remember?


Or maybe you weren't there to protect him because you were in jail.

Up to this point, you've been the rock for Cullen to hide behind.

But you're a kid, too.

And the rock's cracking under this pressure.

Ask yourself whom your silence is shielding now.

Cullen or your father?

I know you're afraid of what comes next.

But I am going to be there to help you through it.

And I believe it can be better than what you and Cullen have now.

Our dad hits us.

[Gabrielle's family speaking Arabic]

[in English] None of that matters.

...I thought my disappearance might make you broken.

So I came here to fix you.

Why are you speaking in English?

And so oddly?

[Violet sighs] I... I don't want to upset you.

I just give you closure.

What happened to you in Markovia?

You... You don't even sound like my daughter.

I know Gabrielle would have wanted you to see her one last time.

Now you sound like you're not even Gabrielle!

[sighs] I'll tell you everything.

But you probably won't believe me, and you definitely won't like it.

[all grunt]

[Metron grunting]

Motherbox, tell the Chair to save Vic.

[loud clang]


[heart beating]

[Victor screaming]


Did you see that?

The soul of the Fatherbox has returned to the Source.

Something similar must have happened to Motherbox-Gabrielle- Halo-Violet.

[breathing heavily]

Careful, son. [groans]

Fatherbox has been purged.

Your "Vic" is all Mobius-Tech now.

A missed opportunity for study.

A waste.

I'm starting to see why Bear punched this guy.

Look, I know I'm not your favorite human right now, but you mentioned Granny earlier.

Is your Granny the same as our Gretchen Goode?

No. And yes.

You're stabilized. You'll be all right.

I can go now.

[grunts] [gasps]


[Samad speaking Arabic]

[in English] You k*lled our Gabrielle!

No! [stammers] The traffickers k*lled her and me.

I didn't take Gabrielle's body until after she was dead.

[sighs] And it's hazy, but, but I believe I was trying to fix her, when I got [deep breath] stuck.

"Stuck"? You possess her body, you unholy demon!

I do not understand much of what you have told us.

But I do understand you came here trying to give us a gift.

The only gift you could give.

Are you, you forgiving this thing?

[mother] Hush, Samad.

Everyone reacts differently to difficult times.

You lost your brother, and I lost my husband to Queen Bee's armies.

And now I know my daughter is gone, too.

I have anger to spare.

But before today, I did not know what had happened to my girl.

You have given me the closure you sought to give.

And for that, I thank you.

I hope you find peace among your family.

[portal opens]

[Tara] I received your message.

Yes, I know my report is late.

But that's because I've nothing to report.

It's been quiet here. Dull, even.

Of course, Slade. [siren wailing in distance]

I shall keep you posted. Terra out.

[theme music playing]

[door opens]

[people laughing]

[people shushing]

[footsteps approaching]

[indistinct chatter]


[people shushing]

[door opens] [bottles clink]

[man] Oh!

[objects clattering]

[door closes] [woman laughing]

[man shushing]

[glass shatters]

[man] Dang it. [woman laughs]