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03x19 - Elder Wisdom

Posted: 10/29/21 16:41
by bunniefuu
No, G. Gordon, we're not holding the United Nation's Climate Conference in Bwundasa simply because my company owns this hotel.

I own hotels in many cities, many cities.

Then why Bwunda, Lex?

What's wrong with bringing good ol' boondoggle bucks to the good ol' U.S.A.?

Because Bwunda's leader-in-perpetuity, General Simon M'Barra, invited us.

Global warming affects us all.

And with the new year comes a new chance to set the world right.

Now, let's get that photo op.

[Troia] You have been away a long time, Diana.

Cassie will not say it, but she misses her mentor.

And do not get me started on Mother.

[Wonder Woman on speakers] I know, Troia.

But I'm needed out here.

Please tell them both I'm thinking of them. Always.

[chuckles] Of course, sister.

[Wonder Woman] Do you need to get back to the conference?

Talks do not start until this afternoon.

And I'm happy to skip another photo op with Luthor.

[Lex] Smiles, everyone, smiles!

[speaking foreign language]



[grunts and groans]



Troia? Sister, are you all right?

Troia, answer me!

[theme music playing]



[Cassandra through helmet] We speak for the Bwundan Independence Front!

The United Nations and Lex Luthor legitimize the tyrant M'Barra by holding these talks in Bwunda!

In consequence, you Ambassadors are now a... [Beast Boy] Outsiders, we're up.

Everyone, get down! [speaks foreign language]

[Cassandra] Get him! [grunts]

General M'Barra, do I have your permission? Yes!

[Cassandra] The B.I.F. will not be denied!

B.I.F.? Bif?

Bif! Bif! Bif! [men grunting]

You guys are your own sound effects!

Thanks for the lift, Ed.

That's "El Dorado." The Golden One!

Right, right! Thanks, E.D.

[B.I.F. agent grunts] [Wonder Girl grunts]

[grunts] [B.I.F. agent grunts]

Troia! Troia! What's going on?

Do not worry, Wonder Woman.

The Team will protect your sister!

[grunts] [gasps]

Terra! Look out!




[coughing and choking]

[B.I.F. agent groans]

[groans and gasps]



[groans] Gone. [Wonder Woman] Troia?

I am fine, Diana. Just angry.

[Wonder Girl grunts]

[groans] Huh?

[B.I.F. agent grunts]

[Kid Flash] Zoop!

[laughs] Now, now, now, no more skewering-- [yells]


[both grunt]

[groans] You okay?

Feeling a little moded.

[groans] But with my accelerated healing, I'll be fine.

Careful, Mr. Godfrey.

We don't wanna spoil those telegenic good looks!

No, indeed, we do not.

[B.I.F. agents grunting]

[Flash] You okay, Kid?

I'll be fine.

Flash to Watchtower. The Bwundan crisis is over.

No need to send reinforcements.

I got an assist from the Outsiders.

Excuse me? Who assisted who, here?

This isn't about who gets credit.


But Flash, I thought the League was barred from Bwunda.

I called in the Justice League, Ambassador.

You? [Lex] Of course.

I requested permission from General M'Barra, and a Leaguer was here in minutes.

The system worked.

These amateurs who clearly entered this country illegally were not required.

As a result, a child was badly hurt.

[Kid Flash] I'll be fine!

[Lex] I'd like to thank the real hero here.

The Flash.

The Justice League is always happy to help.

But I'm not gonna be a part of your dog-and-pony show.

[M'gann via telepathy] That's our cue, too.

Outsiders, rendezvous with the Team at the Bio-Ship.

[Garfield via telepathy] And let Lex have the last word?

[M'gann] This isn't your arena. It's his.

[Garfield] Not for long.

[Lia] I didn't want to do it.

But I had no control over my actions, over my own mind.

We know. It's okay, Lia.

You're among friends.

Will you let us help you?

M'gann's intel warned about a B.I.F. attack on the entire delegation, but I'm pretty sure Garth was targeted.

They drugged him so he couldn't use his powers, then moved in for the k*ll.

Ambassador Troia was also targeted.

[Garfield] And Lex is good, but he seemed almost prepped and ready to call in the League and slam the Outsiders.

It felt like we were set up.

Oh, you were totally set up.

Channel encrypted and secure. [computer beeps]

Yes, Ms. Savage? You had questions?

Perhaps, it's not my place.

[Lex] How will you learn if you don't ask?

All right. The Atlantean and Themysciran survived. Did we fail?

Well, it would've been nice to eliminate my main U.N. adversaries.

But defaming the Outsiders was Job One.

That's why the Light planted seeds on the Dark Net, suggesting a B.I.F. attack was imminent.

We wanted the Outsiders to show up, and they did.

So, mission accomplished.

The Outsiders are still trending positive.

Trust me. They're playing right into our hands.

They captured Briggs.

She'll tell them it was a set-up.

She cannot confirm my involvement.

Respectfully, sir, they'll know you were involved.

My dear, knowing and proving are two very different things.

It'll be all right, Lia. They can help you here.

[sighs] Halo.

I understand you att*cked without a shield.

Racing in, taking crazy chances.

I heal.

You were nearly beheaded.

I doubt you could heal from that.

Besides, you still haven't said a word about your arrest.

You can talk to me. You can talk to Artemis. You can talk to Helga.

But you have to talk to someone.

Until you do and until I know what's going on with you, you're benched from the Team.

I saw you on television, hijo, making headline news, causing an international incident.

We saved lives. We did good.

What did you think we were going to do?

That's the problem.

I understood intellectually, but seeing it live was very different.

Your friend was injured.

[Kid Flash] I'll be fine!

He has a meta-metabolism. He heals fast.

You don't! What if you're hurt?

You can't walk away so easily!

Watch me.

You didn't even have to be there!

The League was called in!

[El Dorado] By Luthor! He set it all up to target us!

The most powerful man in the world has made you his target?!

Do you even hear yourself?

Let's remain calm. Maybe take this inside?

You already gave permission for me to join the Outsiders.

It's too late to object!

It's not too late for me to rescind my permission!

I've spoken with some of the other parents.

Behind my back?

[groans] I can't even talk to you now!

Halo, get us out of here!

Eduardo, espera!

Solidarity, you know?

Happy New Year! Everyone ready for training?

[laughs] Almost.

These guys are already doomed.

[scoffs] They just don't know it.

Where're Violet and Fred?

Violet's upstairs, and Fred went out to look for Vic.

Gosh, I forgot about Vic.

Even when I'm here, I never see him.

[Garfield] I live here, and I never see him.


I just ended another call with my mentor.

I'm afraid we've still found no cure for this, "cell-death" that's--

k*lling me. Yes, I see.

We're not giving up.

Thank you.

Doctor Jace, if you would give us a moment?

Of course.

Violet, please. You've been different.


Won't you tell me what's going on?

[Henchy laughs]

I'm sorry, Violet, but you're dying.

[Violet] I have a boyfriend.

Maybe I'm not a very good girlfriend.

Violet does have her issues.

Still, this is your first serious relationship.

And her first relationship, period.

First loves are very sweet.

But the truth is, they rarely last.

[Garfield] Ha! See? Doomed.

Uh, training?

Just a sec.

[cell phone beeps] So crash!

#WeAreAllOutsiders is still trending.

[Helena clears throat]

Mom? I just left you in D.C.

[stutters] How'd you get here?

Mi padre is how.

He used to work for the Erdel Initiative on the Justice League's Zeta-Tubes.

He hacked their access, and they zeta'd to the L.A. Wayne Tech tube.

We did.

Because the three of us compared notes and agreed we needed to talk to the Outsiders.

Guys, look!

One of Professor Ivo's robot M.O.N.Q.I.s. and this girl, she's reaching out to us for help!

It's exactly what I hoped would happen!

Check her profile.

Wait-- [Garfield] Got it.

She lives in Dublin, Ireland.

And I'd hit the Troub-Alert, but we're all geared up and ready.

So, the Outsiders are outta here!

No. None of you kids are going anywhere.

Not 'til we hash this thing out.

Um, see, Jay, I really respect you.

But the fact is I'm an emancipated minor, and Jaime and Virgil are both 18.

But Eduardo, Cassandra, and Bartholomew do not have our permission to go.

[Kid Flash] Jay! Mom!

Sorry, guys. Hope you can work this out.

Brion, you coming?

[sighs] You had better go without me.

[knocking on door]

[Garfield] I think this is the Little Match Girl's father's store.

From her posts, I'm pretty sure she lives upstairs.

We're closed, ya-- [gasps]

You're the Outsiders! You're all me daughter talks about!

Actually, we came to see her.

But she's gone!

I've called all her muckers, and no one's seen her!

Did you call the police?

Aye. But I bollocksed it up by telling them about the bloody monkeys.

They wouldn't believe me!

We will.

[Helena] All this showboating!

Can't you find other ways to get attention?

We aren't doing this for ourselves.

The meta-teens at the Youth Center need role models!

So, that's how you help them?

By encouraging these children to place themselves in danger?

Brion? I'm sorry, Violet.

I don't know what's wrong.

I don't know if I did something.

No! Then talk to me.

I can't just give up on what we have, what we mean to each other.

Not without a fight.

It's not you.

Please don't say, "It's not you, it's me."

But it is me.


I kissed a girl at school.

Well, she kissed me. But I didn't stop her.

Do you have feelings for this girl?

She's just a friend.

[sighs] All right.

Then I forgive you.

And we can get past all this.

[Wonder Girl] I thought we were past all this.

Now suddenly you're upset about me being a hero?

I've been on the Team for two years!

It was one thing for you to be part of a covert unit!

But now you've put a target on your chest that rightfully belongs to Wonder Woman.

You're in the crosshairs for all of her enemies.

If not all of the League's!

Damn it, you'd think you kids had never been to the Watchtower's Grotto.

Most of the memorials are to kids like you, who never got the chance to grow up, marry or have children of their own.

Wally was like a grandson to me.

And I don't want any more holograms.

[Kid Flash] Aw, Jay, that's not fair. None of us want that.


There's something I need you and your brother to hear.

I've seen these before.

They're Lex Luthor's SpiderBots.

[M.O.N.Q.I.S laughing]

And these are Anthony Ivo's M.O.N.Q.I.s...

[Professor Ivo clears throat]

Help me! Please! I wanna go home!

[M.O.N.Q.I.S laughing]

All right, we're both here. What do you need to tell us?

[Violet] It's about Gabrielle, and who she really was.

[Geo-Force] Gabrielle Daou was a Quraci refugee, a servant at the Royal Palace.

Bedlam abducted and m*rder*d her.

You inhabit her former body. We know all this.

But you don't know the reason she was abducted.

You see, she knew too much after taking Bedlam's bribe.


To turn off the security system and open a door, allowing Bedlam's assassin to enter and k*ll the king and queen.

Your parents.

How long have you known?

Long enough.

[breathing shakily]

[heart thumping]


This work, this life, it's too dangerous.

The League never should've sanctioned it.

As your legal guardian, I never should've sanctioned it.

I will not let you--

Jay. This isn't about me.

It's not even about Wally.

This is about Joan.

You're in mourning.

Lost and alone. But I'm not going anywhere.

And there are meta-teens out there who are also lost and alone.

Someone needs to be there for these kids.

If not us, then who?

Mom, you're right.

Now that we're in the open, we're targets.

But, really, that's nothing new.

Meta-teens feel like they're in the crosshairs all the time.

Someone has to empower them.

If not us, then who? [Professor Ivo yells]

You and I have had tough times, but we always find our way.

I want nothing more than for us to be a family.

You know families of meta-teens are being torn apart every day.

Someone needs to show them families can survive and stay together.

If not you and me, then who?


Get back! That Ivo-Bot's about to blow!

[G. Gordon] And there you have it, faithful viewers.

The latest expl*sive exploits of every punk's favorite heroes, the Out-rageous Out-siders.

We're here with U.N. Secretary General Lex Luthor.

Mr. Secretary, thoughts?

It's wonderful the girl was rescued, of course.

But frankly, the local constabulary could have managed that.

Instead, these irresponsible super-children rush in, and the predictable result, an expl*si*n.

Massive property damage. Sad.

Isolated incident or pattern?

The latter, I'm afraid.

Take Bwunda, where I personally witnessed the near-death of Kid Flash.

He and Wonder Girl and Beast Boy show all the maturity of kids putting on a show in their backyards.

It's appalling Flash, Wonder Woman, and the League allow it.

I happen to know that the parents and guardians of these teenage Outsiders are not on board with their antics.

That's why I call upon the nations of the world to authorize a new Hero Registry, to catalog, unmask and regulate all vigilantes, cracking down on them and holding them accountable, even for the actions of their wayward protégée.

Something like what we had in the U.S. in the 1950s.

[yawns] You make some interesting points.

I'd call, "interesting" an understatement, G. Gordon--

Perhaps, "inaccurate" would better suit?

Based on recent social media, it seems the Outsiders' parents are one hundred percent, "on board."

The original Flash, Jay Garrick, even started a brand-new media account to post this video.

No one could've stopped me from being a hero when I was young! So, I say...

[all] We are all Outsiders!

Oh, and look! Mr. Garrick must watch our show!

Because he just posted this in response to your comments.

"Fascist Hero Registry didn't work in 1950s.

Won't work now. #WeAreAllOutsiders."

And there's more!

[Jace] We are all Outsiders!

[Troia] We are all Outsiders!

[Moira] We are all Outsiders!

[Matthew] We are all Outsiders!

[Lia] We are all Outsiders! [Wendy] We are all Outsiders!

[G. Gordon] It appears you're on the wrong side of, well, everyone on this, Lex.

That wasn't in the script.

The script needed changing, and you needed a wake-up call.

You took the wrong approach, my friend, allowing a personal vendetta to cloud your judgment.

Personal vendetta?

[G. Gordon] Please, we know Ivo's factory actually belonged to you.

We know you lost a fortune in SpiderBots.

But your campaign against the Outsiders was backfiring. Badly.

Your att*cks only increased their popularity.

So, don't attack. Embrace. Embrace and co-opt.

[M'gann] Someone should get Superman a print of that.

[chuckles] He'll want to frame it.

A publicly annoyed Lex Luthor is a minor miracle.

How was it achieved?

It began with Oracle, who sorted her way through Lexcorp shell companies to find the Dublin factory.

Nightwing, Aquaman, and I checked it out and discovered Lex was using it to store his weaponized SpiderBots.

So, the six of us devised a plan.

Oracle posted the blurred M.O.N.Q.I. image on the Outsiders' feed.

I posed as the distraught Matthew Malone.

[M'gann] While I morphed into his missing daughter, Moira.

The Ivo drone and the M.O.N.Q.I.s.?

Those were damaged bots, salvaged from Ivo's last base by Robin, who repaired, reprogrammed, and operated them via remote control.

To fool the Outsiders?

[Batman] Among others.

But not Lex Luthor.

No. Lex will know this was a setup.

But knowing and proving are two different things.

Is that your excuse?

Don't any of you see how truly compromising this is?

This is a w*r, Diana.

[Wonder Woman] And which side are we on?

We're not simply hiding things anymore.

We have gone beyond lying to our comrades and the public.

Now, we're staging false events?

Creating fake news?

Merely to make our opponents look bad?

Or the Outsiders and by extension the rest of us look good?

Even with the best of intentions, that is crossing a line. You must see that.

You must.


[theme music playing]

[siren blaring]

[Bio-Ship whirring]