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03x16 - Illusion of Control

Posted: 10/29/21 16:38
by bunniefuu
[door opens]

[door closes]

[theme music playing]

Hey, looks like Gardita's in the house!

[Perdita chuckles] [chuckles]

Ow! Why didn't you tell me Tork was coming?

[Kid Flash] Hey, there! Hi, there! Ho there, Gardita! [Jaime] Hmm...

[Eduardo] Hola!

Hello, boys. It's so nice to see you again.

Garfield Logan. Queen Perdita.

Meet my girlfriend. Traci.

She's a big fan. I'm a big fan!

Hello, Traci. Lovely to meet you.

Hey, Traci.

[excited squealing] Ow!

Oh, and thanks, you guys, for keeping our arrival quiet.

What a relief not to have to deal with the paparazzi.

If you say so. [chuckles]

Yeah, I wouldn't know.

[Garfield] Now, let's get this party started!

Um, this was supposed to be a team building day, right?

'Cause I'm feeling a little like a, a [stutters] fifth, sixth, seventh wheel.

I mean, so where's the rest of the team?

Like, you know, Cassie?

Oh, she's in Gotham, trying to salvage things with Tim.

I gotta get a girlfriend.

[Paula and Lian singing] ♪ A-B-C-D-E-F-G ♪

♪ Yes, sir, yes, sir Three bags full ♪

♪ Q-R-S-T-U-V ♪

♪ Like a diamond in the sky ♪

♪ Blah, Blah, black sheep ♪ [Lian chuckles]

♪ Have you any wool? ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪

[Lian giggles] [all clapping]

Nice of Tara and Brion to join us.

Yes, but I thought they were going to Taos.

Oh, well, Brion said, [imitates Brion] "It's American Thanksgiving.

Violet and Tara are the two people I'm most thankful for."


[normal voice] Since you decided to spend the day with us, so did he.

And Tara? Well, [deep breath]

Tara's been through a lot.

You know she doesn't talk much.

But, she's here.

Crash, huh?

Yes. Very asterous.

Hello, everyone.

It's so nice of you to include me.

[indistinct chatter and laughing]

[frustrated groan] This car moves so slow!

Will someone please explain why this is even slightly crash?

My friend, sit back, relax and watch me terrorize the other drivers.

Well now, that does put a new spin on things.

Drive on, amigo!

[Garfield grunts]

Oh-ho, you'll pay for that, peasants! [laughs]

[Garfield laughs]


Burn! [chuckles] We got you good!


I gotta get a girlfriend. [Traci laughs]

[door opens]

[clicking] Forager has decided that Earth has all the best holidays.

Halloween has candy and Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving has everything! [clicking]

Forager asks Victor Stone if holidays here are always

"crushing that magic."

Sorry, Bugg. Ask someone else.

I'm not crushing anything right now.

[door opens]

[door closes] [clicking]

Ah, girl, Victor Stone is not crushing anything.

Victor Stone is being crushed.

Forager must help uncrush Victor Stone. [clicking]

[indistinct chatter]

What's wrong, Eduardo?

It's nothing, Your Highness.

No, no. Stop that right now.

Garfield and I have a rule.

There's no, "Your Highnesses" or "Your Majesties" or any of that among friends.

[conversing in Spanish]

Then we'll start over.

What is wrong, Eduardo?

You stare at that girl.

You are concerned for her?

I failed her.

She's a newly-minted meta-human, and I was helping her learn to control her powers.

And that didn't go well. No.

She convinced herself that she needed that Inhibitor Collar.

I suppose it gave her the illusion of control.

Once she put it on, something inside her just died.

And it breaks your heart.

Hi. I'm Perdita.

Oh, oh. I... I know who you are, Your Majesty.

Oh, I'm not anybody's Majesty tonight.

I love your hair.

Your girl, she's pretty great.

[both laugh]

Believe me. It's been noted.

Got you some cotton candy, amigo.

You sure about that?

Hey, it's a long way from the booth to here.

I got hungry.

So, how's it going with the meta-kids at the center?

Mixed bag.

Some are really having trouble.

I wish I could do more.

More? You set this whole party up!

Sure, but I wish there was some grand gesture I could make to truly inspire them.

[Garfield] That's the problem with the team.

The covert thing gets in the way of the inspiration thing.

It's-- it's just not what I wanted when I came back.

The TV star likes the spotlight.

[Traci grunts] Ow!

Not cool!

It's not about that.

It's-- it's about setting the right example.

Offering hope to meta-teens and kids.

Could've used some more of that when we went meta.

Exactly. And that's not all.

The game's rigged against us by the Lex Luthors of this world.

We need to change-- [groaning]

[groans] Okay...

Maybe I did eat too much cotton candy.

Dizzy. [groans]

[groans] [groans]



It's Vertigo.

That's Count Vertigo to you, peasant.

[Perdita groaning]

No. [groans] Perdita!

My dear niece, I believe it's time for a family reunion.

[Perdita] Uncle.

[stutters] You cannot win the crown by k*lling me.

You have so little imagination, child.

Bring her.

Lead the way, "boss." [laughs]

[grunts] Ow!

Karabast, girl. That was pathetic.

[chopper door closes]

[grunts] Perdita!


[groans in frustration]

[comm beeps]

Guys, don't get too close.

Vertigo's power will have you feeling the mode!

Blue, can't your armor protect you or compensate or something?


Apparently not.

[groans] So what... What do we do?


[Static] We follow Beast Boy, keep that whirly-bird in sight, and wait for our moment!

We will get Perdita back safe.

[Forager shivering]

Victor Stone should come into the warm inside.

It's just "Vic," okay?

You don't have to say my whole name every time!

It makes you sound like my dad.

Ah... [stutters] Understood.

Now, will "Vic" come enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with Vic's hive?

I don't have a hive, Fred.

Vic does have a hive, with many drones who want to help Vic.

Don't you get it? I can't be helped!

Oh... [clicking]


Caterpillar-Vic cannot be helped.

But Butterfly-Vic can.

Uh, in any case... [shivers]

Drones must feed, and drones should feed with hive.


[stuttering] Where drones can be warm.

[sighs] Look, you like the hive so much, you go feed with it.

Victor Stone--

Go inside! Warm up.

No one likes a frozen bug. Okay?

[sighs] Vic speaks true.


[Blue Beetle] This is so frustrating.

We're so close. But we can't get any closer!

[Scarab] Scarab can stop the Count Vertigo, Jaime Reyes... by blowing his vehicle out of the sky.

Scarab, no! The goal is saving Perdita!

Not sending her to a fiery death!

[Scarab] It helps when you specify such things.

It's implied!

Scarab wanted to blow it up, didn't he?

How'd you guess?

You know, I think I can bring it down without injury.

That should do it.

They'll have to make a controlled landing now.

[Scarab] I could've taken out the fuel line with a precision attack.

Dude, you are the king of overkill.

You never suggest precision.

They're down! In the Pueblo!

It was my first time making it. [chuckles]

It's good, Artemis. Thank you. [chuckles]

[chuckles] It could use a little salt.

[Tara] Mm... [Brucely whimpers]

Oh, not on the-- [chewing]

[Tara] Mm...

Well, I must say, my first American Thanksgiving has been lovely.

I'm so "thankful" to have been included.

My daughter does set a nice table.

Something I'm sure she never learned from me. [chuckles]

[chuckles] I had a little help.

Or a lotta help, really.

I helped Aunty Mouse!

Yes, you did, baby girl! I'm not a baby.

[laughing] Oh, you must be so proud of Artemis.

It's not just the meal, of course.

Of course not.

It's the degree in Comparative Literature that makes me proud.

My daughter will be a college professor!

That's... wonderful.

But I was actually talking about the way she's mentored these young people.

Brought them onto the team, worked with them as Tigress.

[cutlery clatters] You're back with the team?

You're Tigress again?



[pants] Mom, wait!

What are you doing?

[scoffs] What I've always done!

Not always. You left the life behind.

Then came back to it, at a cost that nearly destroyed you! Don't...

Two years recovering, rebuilding.

And now you have a real chance at a normal life.

Soon, you'll have your Master's degree and then your Doctorate!

Which doesn't mean--

[Paula] Look at me, Artemis!

Look at your friend, Barbara.

Is this what you want for yourself?

What will it take to convince you?

Mom, I am helping people!

You don't have to fight crime to help people.

You can get out of the life once and for all! You and Will.

[whispers] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Me and Will nothing. He's my brother-in-law!

Oh, please. I've seen the way you two look at each other.

I wish things were different.

But the hard truth is your sister isn't coming back.

Even Will knows it.

And Lian needs a mother.

[all panting]

[speaks Spanish]

[stutters] I can't find them.

I've run up and down every walkway, every alley.

And every building in this moded place looks exactly like every other!

And I mean exactly! I'll get a Beetle's eye view.

[Scarab] This makes no sense, Jaime Reyes.

Gee, you think? Walls don't normally do that.

[Scarab] The walls are not at fault.

It is Jaime Reyes that makes no sense.

Why do you hover one meter off the ground?

What're you talking about? I'm like a hundred feet up.

[Scarab] Your visual input does not match with my sonic mapping of this area.


Meaning, Vertigo's using illusions to fool us!

[frustrated grunt] Hello, Megan!

I was running in circles.

Checking the same building over and over.

But Vertigo doesn't have illusion power.

So, how do we find Perdita if we can't trust what we see?

Let's see if we can trust what I smell.

Close your eyes and follow the sound of my roars.




Sorry, boys and girls. This is as far as you go.



[scoffs] Tickles.

[grunting] Ow!

What're you made of? [grunts]

Sugar and spice and everything nice.


Makes no sense.

It's just one guy. Scarab, we seeing this right?

[Scarab] I read one heat signature.



[Perdita groaning]


[Perdita groaning]

Be careful, my love.

This is for the m*rder of my father!

[both grunt]

[gasps] [grunts]





She was Devastation!

Well, that explains a lot! Let's go!

[grunts] [groaning]

Perdita-- I'm all right, really.

Psimon, of course.

The illusions, the nausea.

All telepathically induced.


Are you-- Come on!

I've gotta get a girlfriend.

Do we follow?

Wait! This makes no sense.

Psimon and Devastation are both part of Onslaught.

They're Queen Bee's enforcers, not Vertigo's.

Since when is Queen Bee interested in Vlatava or me?

Where's the rest of Onslaught?

Oh, I'm so stupid!

Wendy and a bunch of the other kids at the center were rescued from Onslaught in Bialya!

Then Perdita's kidnapping--

[Beast Boy] Was just a distraction.


Nice of the do-gooders here to collar these kids.

Makes 'em easier to control when they wake up.

[surprised grunt]

Wanna put a meta-human in a box?


Then start with yourselves.

Wait, [stutter] aren't you Holocaust?

One of Queen Bee's thralls? Why--

I'm no sl*ve. Ain't no chip on me!

Onslaught pays me top dollar! [grunts]



Huh? [muffled grunts]


[Tommy Terror grunts] [Leslie Willis groans]


[Tommy Terror grunts]

[gasps] [Beast Boy hissing]


[Kid Flash] Look out! [Eduardo grunts]

Don't wanna know where that would've landed us.

We need to deal with that Fatherbox, so they can't open any more boom tubes!

[Scarab] Preparing a precision attack to destroy the Fatherbox. No!

Superboy says Fatherboxes are living machines, like you.

We're the good guys, we don't k*ll.

[Scarab] There's just no pleasing you.

[Static laughs]



Hah! [collar powering up]

[grunts] [hissing]


[Tuppence Terror yells]

Knew these collars had to be good for something.

[Tommy Terror yells]

[collar powering up]


[all groaning]

Gas is starting to wear off.

[Wendy Jones groans] [bodyguard groans]

Everyone will be recovering soon.

And no way will we be able to keep the press away now.

Maybe you should sneak away.

We are supposed to be a covert team, right?

[Brucely whimpering] [Artemis chuckles]

[Will laughs] [panting]


That is the last bribe you get, puppy!

That dog should not be accepting bribes!

[door opens]

[door closes] Please. Leave it to me.

You know you can tell me anything.

It's... it's Gabrielle.

I've accessed more of her memories.

She took a bribe from Vertigo's man.

I don't think she knew what she was doing, but she's the one that let him into--

Let who in, dear?

The assassin.

The meta-human who k*lled Brion and Tara's parents.

[shudders] It's all her fault.

My fault.

Now, now, it's not all Gabrielle's fault.

In any case, you're not Gabrielle.

You're Violet. I'm sure Brion would understand.

[gasps] You can't tell him or Tara!

They'd never look at me the same way again.

All right. It's all right.

We'll keep this between ourselves.

Just go back inside, return to the table and try to act normal.

I've never been very good at normal.

Then they'll hardly notice, will they?

Go ahead. I'll be right there.

[Violet grunts]


[door closes]

[cell phone beeps]

Hello? Yes, it has been a long time, I know.

But I need your help.

It's not about the limelight.

I'm more of a lemon-light person, myself.

Look, we were here, so we helped.

[Beast Boy] The point is we have meta-abilities...

This is crazy.

And can use them to make... I mean, against the rules and crazy, right?

...the world a better place, a safer place, for humans... Your guy...

...and meta-humans alike. He's pretty great.

Believe me. It's been noted.

[Beast Boy] If people just give meta-humans a chance, they'll be amazed not just by what we can do, but by what we choose to do.

It's crazy.

Those hero-boys are pretty cool, man.

[stutters] Really?

Mm. And not just cool. Hot.

Well, you know, I'm a...

Uh, friend of theirs.

Sure you are.

Oh... [sighs]

You gotta get a girlfriend.

[theme music playing] [Forager chomping]
