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03x10 - Exceptional Human Beings

Posted: 10/29/21 16:32
by bunniefuu

[Oracle] Remote control link established.

I'll take her from here.

Approaching drop zone.

Remember, this a dark op. Keep radio chatter to a minimum.

That means you, Metamorpho.


[buzzing] [Oracle] Drop zone.


Good luck.

And welcome to the jungle.

[theme music playing]

[turrets whirring]

[thunder rumbling]

[cell phone ringing]

Stone. [Victor] Hey, Dad. It's Vic.

Hey is for horses, Son.

Human beings say hello.

[Victor] So why assume I'm human? Funny.

What do you need? Oh, well, you'd already left by the time my alarm went off, so, I figured I'd remind you about the game tonight.

Coach said a lot of college scouts are coming out to see me crush it, it'd really mean a lot if you could be there this time.

I'll be there. [Victor] Okay. Well, it's just...

That's what you said last time, and...

I'll be there, Victor.

Right now I've got another call. I'll see you tonight.

[Victor] Okay, Dad, yeah, see you t--

Dr. Irons, is this about the Fatherbox?

Dr. Stone, it is.

You've been placed in charge of examining an Apokoliptic Fatherbox for both S.T.A.R. Labs and the Justice League.

We don't know much about this thing.

Only that it's been observed repairing and/or healing both Apokoliptian tech and Apokoliptian Parademons.

I look forward to putting it through its paces.

[Steel] Tread lightly, Doctor.

From what we understand, Fatherboxes are pretty much pure evil.

Come now, John Henry. Technology is neither good nor evil.

Technology is neutral.

It's simply a matter of how one puts it to use.

[sighs] Just be careful, Silas.

I always am.

[soldier 1 sniffs] Oh, man. Warn me next time, all right?

[soldier 2] What are you talking about?

[sniffs] Oh, no, not me. I swear.

[soldier 1] Ugh. Talk about silent but deadly.

Not me!

[soldier 3 groans] I hate this jungle.

[soldier 4] You really should pay more attention to your surroundings.


[Megan] Conner, you up?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm up. You getting ready for work?

No appointments today. What about you?

Nothin'. Every bike in Rhode Island's runnin' smooth.

How about I get dressed and we do somethin'?

[Megan] I like the sound of that.

What are you gonna wear?

Uh, the usual. Why? What are you wearin'?

[Megan] Right now? My engagement ring.

[Megan laughs]

Don't you need to meet up with d*ck?

[Conner] d*ck can handle things just fine on his own.

All right. Go!

[Geo-Force grunting]

Sorry, only the real Forager counts.

[Halo grunts]

[Forager growling]


Nice try.

[Forager growling]

[Geo-Force groaning]

Geo-Force, did you see? I'm getting very good at not falling. [chuckles]

[chuckles] It's most exceptional. You are most exceptional.




Whoa! Timeout.

Is Halo all right? [Halo, groaning] Yes. I'm fine.

Except I believe I'm, um... embarrassed?

Yes, I'm definitely embarrassed.

So much for not falling.

I still think you are exceptional.

Speaking of falling...

Nightwing was lucky Halo fell, Forager had Nightwing.

Tag. Nightwing is Nightwing.


You're hot. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...

It's all right, Brion.

Forager smells barbecue.

See? Good as new.

As I said, exceptional.

Well, the kids certainly seem to be getting along.

Don't you mean your kids seem to be getting along?

Excuse me?

That's what you said when Lobo att*cked.

"Protect my kids."

[chuckles nervously] Did I?

Well, I can't deny I feel responsible for Brion and Violet.

They've become very dear to me. I only want what's best for them.

We all do.

All right. Let's run it again.

[Shiva] Be mindful of your strikes.

It is a fool who thinks anger will help in battle.

There's power to be drawn from grace, from serenity.

Be at peace with your w*apon, feel it extend your reach.

Let it become an extension of your arm, an extension of yourself.

[Oracle] Lady Shiva. Said to be the most dangerous woman alive.

Probably best to steer clear.

[helicopter whirring]


That's enough for today. Return to your quarters.

Except you.


[Oracle] Okay, forget steering clear.

Stay on Shiva, but be careful.

Whoa. That's new.

[Oracle] Wait. Katana, Metamorpho, stay put. Batman's already in.

[growling and grunting]

All right. That's enough for today.

Little more practice and you might even be able to tag me. [chuckles]

[softly] Mother of God.

[Nightwing] But overall, great work, everyone.

Hive five.

[Halo] I believe two hands make for a hive ten.

Except you only have four fingers on each hand, so, perhaps it's a hive eight.

It's a high... [chuckles] not hive.

Either way, Forager believes Geo-Force has left Forager hanging.


You have us playing games of tag when we should be in Santa Prisca saving my sister!

[Nightwing] Brion, we talked about this.

We don't know if she's in Santa Prisca.

And even if she is, you're not ready to go up against the League of Shadows.

Just be patient. [groans]

Will we follow up on the Santa Prisca lead or not?

What makes you think that lead isn't being followed up on as we speak?

Are you keeping me in the dark about what's being done to save my own sister?

I'm doing what's best for you and your sister.

Now, either you trust me or you don't.

Welcome back. Good to be back.

I trust all's run smoothly in my absence?

Training is well underway, a few recruits show great promise.

Others will be disciplined.

And have you been settling back in, my dear?

Yes, sir, I'm glad to again be amongst Shadows.

Although I couldn't help noticing the empty bunk in my dormitory.

If I might ask, what happened to Markov?


She washed out, but perhaps Granny can find some use for her.

[Cassandra] Pity. I rather liked her.

In this life, Cassandra, it pays not to get too attached to anyone.

Yes, sir, I have observed that.

Good. Now you're dismissed.

So, how is our young Miss Savage doing?

The girl shows a natural aptitude.

Hardly unexpected given her heritage.

I imagine it can't be easy training the boss' daughter.

Savage made it very clear not to give Cassandra any special treatment.


What a surprise. And how have you been holding up?

Juggling two jobs is no easy feat.

Don't insult me.

If you can lead the Shadows and be the newest member of the Light, surely I can be sensei to the Shadows and the new enforcer for the Light.

Of course. My apologies, Lady Shiva.

I meant no disrespect.

If I feel disrespect, you'll know.

Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me you wake up with superpowers, the first thing you do is ask out Wonder Woman?

Oh, yeah. Dude, you wouldn't stand a chance.

[teen 1] You don't know that.

[teen 2] Now what kind of powers are we talking about here?

The power to charm Wonder Woman, of course.

So lame. Whatever, man.

You're just jealous 'cause you didn't think of it first.

That's 'cause I'm all about Black Canary. What!

[teen 1] Canary? Over Wonder Woman?

[teen 2] You heard me. [teen 1] We need a tie-breaker.

Hey, Vic.

Who, I mean, what would you do if you woke up meta?

I'd focus on the game.

Oh, relax, man. We're gonna crush that magic.

Booyah! We got this in the bag.

I always liked Zatanna. She's who I'd ask out if I was a superhero.

[both laughing]

Cisco, a superhero?


Yeah! Some superhero.

Hey, Vic, can you believe this squib?

[Oracle] We got what we came for.

All operatives head for the rendezvous point.

You need to sneak aboard the boat ferrying the latest Venom shipment off-island before it departs.

[Bane] Buenas noches, Batman.

I've been expecting you.

No one gets on or off Santa Prisca without Bane knowing.

Except the Cult of the Kobra, Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, Rocket, Zatanna...


Okay. Violet, it is long past time we enrolled you in high school.

So, we are filling out the forms. Starting with name.

Oh, Violet. Right.

But you'll need a last name, too.



Ice Cream? Violet Ice Cream?

I don't think that'll fly.

What about Daou? I mean, after all it is...

No, Daou was Gabrielle's last name, not mine.

Halo, maybe? No, that's my mission name, it must stay secret.

Well, there's Crock. [groans]

Yeah, I always hated that name, too.

Okay. So, if Violet Crock is out, then, um...

Man, I'm stumped.

You can use Harper if you want.

Violet Harper. I like it.

Okay then.

Violet Harper, it is very nice to meet you.

It's very nice to be met.

Excuse me. Bathroom break.

It's a lot warmer inside.

Well, Red, you haven't lost your touch.

Or maybe I've just lost mine.

You haven't lost anything that truly matters.

Come inside, Jade. Will...

Come inside. Stay with us. Lian needs her mother.

And I need you, too.


You don't.

Neither of you do.

I couldn't cut it, remember? The soccer mom thing?

[scoffs] Not for me.

Lian doesn't even play soccer.

You know what I mean.

Lian is better off without me.

And you are, too.

No, you're wrong.

I mean, look at you, Jade. You're here...

Lurking. You wouldn't do that if you didn't--

I came to say goodbye, in my own way, in my own mind.

Face it, Red.

I'm not coming back.

It's time you moved on.

[both grunting]

No Venom? A crutch.

One I no longer require.

Without it, I have found my true strength.

[Bane laughs] [Metamorpho] Batman!

[Metamorpho groans]

[Deathstroke] Any preference? Katana.

[Deathstroke] As you wish.

I'm the better swordswoman.

But I'll admit your Soultaker is the superior blade.

It will be mine.

[Metamorpho groans]

Bulletproof. That's annoying.

Tip of the iceberg, Strokey.

Show me.

[Metamorpho yells]

[Deathstroke] Hurts, doesn't it?

Sure. Sure it hurts. But you want to know a secret?

I'm in near-constant pain, I've just learned to adapt.

[Deathstroke growls]

[both grunting]

[g*n clicks]

[Metamorpho chuckles]

[Oracle] Ready to go? [Batman] Mmm-hmm.

[Oracle] Well, since our cover's blown, we might as well go out with a bang.


[screaming] Oh, no, no! My g*ns!

[Oracle] Anyone need a lift? [Metamorpho] Looks like our ride's here.

[Deathstroke groans]


[Metamorpho whooping]

[all cheering] Booyah!

Dude, crushed that magic.

Thanks, man.

Let's hear it for our savior! To Vic.


[all] To Vic. Booyah!

Hey, team effort.

To the Heywood High Steelworkers. Booyah!

[all] To Steelworkers. Booyah!

[laughing] Great game, Ronnie.

[Ronnie] Thanks, Dad.

[sighs] Not even a text.

Victor Stone. [mimics crowd cheering]


Bash Bashford, Metropolis University.

Nice to meet you, sir. That was quite the game.

That final reception... Mmm! Exceptional.

Team effort, you know.

Oh, yeah, I know. I know you gotta say that.

And I love that you know to say it.

I gotta tell you, Vic, we like what we see.

You're the whole package. Big, fast, strong, great hands and good grades to boot.

I try. You try? [laughs] I love this kid.

Now, mark my words, son. You keep this up and I guarantee you'll score a four-year free ride to the college of your choice.

Now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that choice should be Met U.

That sounds good to me, sir. You bet it does. [laughs]

Trust me, kid. I see great things in your future.

[theme music playing] [chewing]