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03x07 - Evolution

Posted: 10/29/21 16:29
by bunniefuu
[tablet beeps] Olympia, what is that--

You've come of age, Cassandra.

As the daughter of Vandal Savage, these are the things you should know.

"This is the story of man.

Of all mankind. Of one man.

The history of human evolution, traced with the light of truth through time immemorial, leads back to a time of darkness and to him.

[rumbling] Man has known him by many names.

But the truths in these pages will define him as the savior called..."

[Olympia] Vandal Savage.

We have a problem, sir, incoming from space.

A meteorite?

What? No.

[tablet beeping] An armada.

[theme music playing]

[on radio] Hey, Stompin' Steve Lombard coming at you on The Steve Lombard Sports Show, brought to you by Goode World Studios.

Get happy, sports fans.

Football season is once again upon us.

And I've got the names of some up-and-comers that are sure to be future first round draft picks.

My picks for this year's National High School All-Star Squadron.

Topping the list, from Henry Heywood High School in Detroit, Wide Receiver Victor Stone!

Trust me, this kid's a touchdown machine!

[radio turns off] Gather up.

Oh, someone's come bearing gifts.

I think I love gifts.

Yes, I do love gifts.


One for you, Violet.

[gasps] Sorry, supersuit. Sorry.

And one for you, Brion.

Thank you. As you have clothing for action, now I do, too.

And of course it is form-fitting.

As you super heroes seem to prefer.

[Connor] Uh, some of us.

Yours was specially designed by Fire of the Justice League so it won't burn up from your lava.

Now you won't be naked when training.

[chuckles nervously] Thank you.

Naked was, uh, not my style.

What is wrong with naked? Forager is naked now.

[Violet gasps]

Can I pretend I don't know that?

[sighs] Fine.

Now Forager is not naked. [clicking tongue]

Wait. Did you say training?

[Cassandra] "The fire from the sky had touched the ground not far away.

It seemed to call to him, and he was compelled to follow that call.

But an old nemesis found him first.


The Cave Bear was twice his size, with claws and teeth evolved to shred flesh and bone.

And the bear set upon Vandal...

[Vandal screams] eat him alive."

[bear growls]

Connection established. Cycling encryption protocols and patching through our private satellites.

[system chimes]

You learn fast. Good.

Hello, old friend.

To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?

[Vandal] It appears we have uninvited guests on the way.

Hmm. Anyone we know?


An armada of warships is currently beyond the Kuiper Belt on a course toward Earth.

[whispers] Cassandra. Have you read the part about the bear yet?

Uh, yes. Yes, Olympia.

Ooh! That was my favorite part to write.

Can you alert the Justice League to this threat?

[Lex] Well, half the League resigned, thanks to the restrictions I persuaded member nations to impose.

And the other half don't have the firepower to stop an armada.

What about the Leaguers deployed on their galactic goodwill tour?

I'm keeping most of them busy on Appellaxia.

[Lex] The Green Lantern Corps?

Half the Corps is battling the Reach, thanks to us.

The other half's occupied fighting our partner.

What about Klarion?

[sighs] Project... [Lex] Rutabaga.

[chuckles] Yes, I'd forgotten.

Well, we've done too good a job, old friend.


I'll protect our interests myself. [beeps]

[Cassandra] "In the game of life and death, fear makes one weak.

But when fueled by purpose beyond survival, man can become powerful.

Vandal's quest for the sky fire gave him the power to defeat the bear.

And standing victorious over the dead creature that once haunted his dreams, Vandal felt...

[yelling] a God!

Baptized by the blood of his adversary, the spearhead of human evolution had been forged."

[cell phone chimes]


You're quick, but mind the line.

This will teach you to be aware of your surroundings in combat.

Hmm. Forager understands. Forager will try again.


[yelps, groans]

d*ck Grayson is quick, but mind the short arms.

This will teach d*ck Grayson that Forager fights dirty. [clicks tongue]

[Violet grunts]

[Violet grunts]


[stammers] But I missed. And I fell.

Aim takes time to learn, and falling is part of the game.

But you just demonstrated more control over your auras than ever before.

And I call that a win.


[Conner] Good lava control.

Now you just have to hit me.


Perhaps I only hit you by accident.

But at least I'm not naked this time.

You should get one of these.

[clears throat] Got you covered, C.K. As usual.

Guys, real improvement today.

You're ready for the next step.

[Vandal] I am Vandal Savage of Earth.

And my home world is off-limits to all incursion or invasion.

Leave now, or suffer the Warworld.


[whispers] Olympia.

[beeping continues]

[gasps] Vandal, the armada is--


So strange.

To risk attack by the Warworld is to court certain death.

Cassandra, have you read the part about the bear yet?

Wait, what? Yes, Olympia.

I have.

[Cassandra] "Death was nothing new to Vandal Savage.

So, he could sense when something was different about it.

The corpses lining the path to the sky fire warned him away.

But his quest urged him forward.

To the source of the sky fire.

A rock from out of the darkness.

Yet alive with light.

Heart racing, he reached out to touch this gift from the stars.

But was halted by intense pain.

[Vandal screaming]

And as blood and spirit drained away, the last thing Vandal saw before surrendering was the shadowy but unmistakable form of man."

[powering up]

[tablet beeping] [Olympia] Mmm, interesting.

What is it?

[beeping continues]

Father, more armada ships are heading toward Earth.

From the other side of the solar system.

Someone's making a move on my planet.

Someone who knows Warworld can't be in two places at once.

I must rectify this or many ignorant humans will die.

[Brion] It's hard to believe I'm here.

Training with heroes.

As children, my sister, brother and I would pretend to be Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman in our playroom.

I used to say Superman could beat anyone because of his powers.

Gregor argued Batman could beat Superman by outsmarting him.

[Conner] That's stupid.

Why would they ever fight?

Hmm, if they were being controlled by bad guys?

Nah, that could never happen.

It was just fun to think about.

Man versus Superman. Who would win?

In Forager's hive, there is a similar question.

Bugs versus New Gods. Who would win?

[d*ck] Man and Superman. Bugs and New Gods.

Balance is key for both species to coexist.

But when balance is lost, when one species grows stronger than another, it rarely works out well for the weaker group.

Fifty thousand years ago, humans shared the world with another species.

The Neanderthal.

Humans must've had a genetic advantage over them.

They thrived and outgrew Neanderthals in number.

[Vandal grunts]


[d*ck] While the details are unclear, h*m* neanderthalensis was driven to extinction, while h*m* sapiens survived.

Then, whether through random mutation, evolution, or something else entirely, a new species of human emerged.

The first meta-human.

Now humans share the world with metas.

And we find ourselves grappling with the big question.

Can we all achieve balance?

Greetings, Darkseid.

[Darkseid] Greetings, Savage. What news?

[Vandal] Our plan progresses.

But an outside player threatens Earth.

To protect our investment, I require resources.

Our arrangement grants you this privilege.

The might of Apokolips is yours to unleash.

Send your request.

[Vandal] Our partnership is strengthened by your benevolence and wisdom, Darkseid.

Indeed, Savage. Indeed.

Sending the requisite details.

[Cassandra] "In his 50,000 years, Vandal's ambitions have touched all of human civilization.

But in a single day, the quest of another would change his purpose forever.

His name was Darkseid.

In our history's 13th century, he came from the planet Apokolips, to claim the Earth for his empire.

[men screaming]

But Vandal, known in this era as Genghis Khan, ruler of the largest empire in human history, had his own plans for his world.

[lasers firing] [horse neighing]

Backed by two of his gifted sons, the Great Khan waged w*r against Darkseid's superior forces.

And were easily defeated.


But not before impressing Darkseid with their unique genetic gifts."

[DeSaad] Sire, sturdy stock for the Anti-Life Equation.

[Cassandra] "Eyes opened by his opponent's power, and the fact of his existence, Vandal seized a moment and made a proposition.

Together, Savage and Darkseid would conquer the galaxy.

Intrigued by this brazen human, and the gifted armies he might raise, Darkseid agreed.

Both men knowing that when the galaxy fell, Earth and Apokolips would wage a final battle.

Winner take all."

[Jace laughing] Then he said, "Your experience in Markovia's genetics program casts a questionable light on your resumé, ma'am."

[laughs, snorts]


I'm only 34. Is that when you become a "ma'am"?

Oh, I am not touching that one.

Kids today.

How are they doing, Jeff?

Getting more comfortable with their abilities every day.

Helga, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get you more time with them.

It's just-- Jeff, please.

It's all right.

I understand your friends' point of view.

You people have more experience training meta-kinders than I do.

You were kind to even try to keep me in Brion and Halo's lives.


Who says we're done trying?

[d*ck] The Art of w*r says, "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

Through you we learn to be invisible."

Tonight, you'll choose a word that will help you become invisible to our enemies.

Tonight, you choose your cryptonym.

Your nom de guerre.

Yeah, those are d*ck's fancy words for code-name.

[laughs] Ah, yes, our superhero names.

It sounds a little silly, but you need one for our field comms, to keep your identity secret from the bad guys.

I'm Halo. It was the first name you gave me, and I like it.

I'm Violet at home. I'm Halo during a mission. Halo.

Halo is a beautiful name and describes your powers well.

I will take a name that describes my powers, too.

From now on, call me...

Hot Lava.

[all laughing]

What? In my new formfitting supersuit, I bring the hotness, do I not? [laughs]

Hot Lava!


I'm not calling you Hot Lava.


[chuckling] All right, all right.

Seriously, then.

Dr. Jace had a name for the powers in my bloodline.

She called it a Geo-Force.

Huh. Geo-Force.

That's a bit less of a stripper name.

Says the girl named Tigress.


Ow! [laughs]

Says the guy who took his name from an '80s mullet-rock band.

[laughs sheepishly] Not true.

Okay. Forager, what's your code name?

Um, Forager is...


If it ain't broke...

Great. Names chosen. Time for team maneuvers.

[Forager clicks tongue] Miss Halo...

Thank you, Mr. Geo-Force. [giggles]

[d*ck] Maneuver seven, people! Go!

[ground rumbling] [grunting]

[Cassandra] "Vandal once wrote, 'It is better to capture an army than to destroy it.'

He had learned that more can be gained controlling men in peace than in the chaos of w*r.

For w*r is death. Death is waste.

And life should not be wasted while it may yet be controlled to serve a greater purpose."

So, your arrows and spears don't work out here, eh, Savage? [laughs]

Kalibak. Darkseid honors us by sending his favorite son.

[growls] Watch as I prove why I am the only son who should concern you.

Kalibak has daddy issues.

[powering up]


[Olympia] Disgusting.

Vandal would never waste a life that might yet be...

[both] ...controlled to serve a greater purpose.

Both armadas suffer annihilation, and still do not respond to our hails.


I know how to end this.


The Warworld is yours to command.

Yes, Father.

The Control Diadem will make you one with the Warworld.

But your consciousness will be no more than a drop in an ocean of circuits and steel.

Do not try to move the ocean.

Focus on what must be done and the ocean will move for you.

I understand.

[high-pitched humming] [gasps]

[Cassandra] "Vandal, then known as the demigod hero, Marduk, led his children into battle against the Star Creature.

Its origin, unknown.

Its intent, to enslave all of Babylonia.

Marduk's Babylonia.

[soldiers yelling]

Amidst the carnage, Marduk's son, Nabu, fell to the scourge.

[swords clanging] [Nabu screaming]

But Marduk did not stop to mourn him.

Instead, he led his daughter, Ishtar, forward."

[Vandal] Daughter.


[gasps] I...

I am the Warworld.

As only a strong mind could be.

Check long-range sensors.

[Casandra] Yes. There is another ship.

In the darkness, holding out of range of our weapons.

That is where I must go.

[both laughing]

[both hushing]

[laughing] Oh, God.

Remind me never to take you on a covert mission.

[Jace] Ooh!

[both laughing]

[grunts] Ow! [laughs] You are bad at this.

Here. Let me help.

[beeps, unlocks]

[Star Creatures chittering]



[Cassandra] "Marduk the demigod, and Ishtar, his daughter, raged against the Star Creatures in a battle for all mankind that shook the walls of Babylon.



[Star Creatures screeching]

[Cassandra] The alliance between father and daughter defeated the Star Creatures.

And in defending Babylonia, in leading its people through the city's darkest hour, Marduk and Ishtar together would become known by all as... the Light."

[d*ck] All right, everyone. Excellent work.

You guys made real progress today.

Mastering your own abilities and working in concert with each other.

Plus the fact you've chosen to stay together, train together, fight the good fight at each other's sides and, well, I... I, uh...

[laughs] Careful. You almost sounded like Big Blue.

Now, I think it's time to celebrate with some more s'mores!

S'mores? I love s'mores!


Uh, that's new.

All right, everyone, uh...

We're starting over.

[Cassandra] Father, you will always be Earth's first, last and greatest hero.

To fight at your side, to fight for humanity, this has been the honor of my life.

Cassandra. Have you read the part about the bear yet?

Olympia, for the third time, yes.

That was my favorite story. Until today.

[laughs] I'll record this new chapter immediately while it's still fresh in my mind.

[Vandal] Olympia.

We've been over this before.

We... We have?

My story must not be recorded.

I have long-term plans.

Some millennia long.

They must never risk being revealed.

Tell me, why do you like the story of the bear so much?

It's the only story from before your encounter with the meteorite.

Before you became the savior Vandal Savage. [chuckles]

It defines who-- [neck snaps]

[stammering] It was a mercy, Father.

Olympia's mind has been deteriorating for some time.

But she died happily in your arms.

[voice quivering] I'll bring you her journal immediately.

And I will make the appropriate arrangements.

[Vandal] Please.

Any daughter of Vandal Savage deserves a funeral worthy of the gods.

Do right by your sister.

Of course, Father.

[Olympia] For w*r is death.

Death is waste.

Life should not be wasted while it may yet be controlled to serve a greater purpose.

[theme music playing] [snoring]